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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [QUOTE=Dagger] 5. Yuuko (xxxHOLiC) [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Magenta]I would have never thought of Yuuko. But now that I think of it she does seem like the best president.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Magenta]Top cat: "What are you guys looking at? Come on, move it. I can't see" Bottom Cat: "We're looking at what's for dinner"[/COLOR]
  3. Funny Girl


    [COLOR=Magenta]Tsubasa fought with all the power she had. She had slaughtered many of the angels and demons that came her way. She looked to see where everyone was and saw where they were. [I]Good. Most of them have come. Drakken, I'm very sorry about earlier. If only if didn't have to be this way then things would be different.[/I] Tsubasa saw that a demon was behind Sora and shouted, "Sora! Behind yo-" She was cut off to the fact that an angel had stabbed her in the side. She turned to the angel and the angel said with it's last words, "May the bringer of Grace die before all of us." The angel died and Tsubasa coughed up blood. She was still on her horse but barely hanging on. She remembered what the angel had said and it brought the rath that she had kept at bay for a long time to emerge. Soon, a bright light shone around Tsubasa. She was lifted off of her horse and her eyes looked as cold a ice. She then spread out her arms and a giant mass of light engulfed all that was around her. The angels and demons were killed and the Riders were safe. Tsubasa snapped back to reality to see what she had done and fell. She was high up and knew that impact with the ground would kill her. [I]Hehe, too bad Drakken. All you ever wanted to know was what I was to you. Guess you will and I won't be there when your memories are returned. I guess that it's good if I die. After all, my wish will finally be granted.[/I] Tsubasa closed her eyes and fell. Omi and Abaddon and Matthius and Sora all turned to look as the great angel fell without doing anything. They had all stopped what they were doing and watched as the mighty angel fell. Before she hit the ground, someone came and caught her. No one knew who it was. As Tsubasa opened her eyes barely, she saw Drakken holding her. Tsubasa smiled and closed her eyes as Drakken rode off.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Magenta]My theme song is [URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=YIuWEN8x7_Q]Chemicals React[/URL] by Aly and A.j. This song really hit a chord in my soul. This one is my all time theme song. It's always stuck in my head before I go to bed and before I leave home. My other one is [URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=5xqhkjG-4RM]Bad Boy[/URL] by Cascada. I really enjoy the dance music. ^^ :p [URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=JLkY3qyWNgA]Here[/URL] is one that I do enjoy at home and descibes me. I really am like this. Well these are my Theme Songs. ^^[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Magenta]Kredion_Akima you are accepted. I had also added the class to show me what you are like a Twin Blade or Heavy Blade or anything that you want to name yourself. It's mostly based on your weapon. So far I don't know what your weapon is so if you could describe it a little more then that would be great. Look back up at the sign ups and I described the Snippet part a little to make it easier. ^^ KW, you are not late to sign up and it would be great if you did. I could always use some more characters. ^^[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Magenta]1.Kyoya- Ouran High School Host Club 2.Hatori- Frutis Basket 3.Kaname- Vampire Knight 4.Kenshin- Rurounin Kenshin 5.Negi- Negima 6.Clow- Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa [/COLOR]
  7. Funny Girl


    [COLOR=Magenta]As the sun rose, Tsubasa felt her power coming back to her. She walked back to the camp when she noticed that someone was following her. Tsubasa turned around and saw no one. As she turned foward there was an angel in front of her. The angel said, "Rider Grace. You are to be defeated along with the other Riders that accompany you." "Hmph. Too bad. Angels from heaven have no right to step down on earth," replied Tsubasa as she sheathed her sword and sliced the angel. The angel fell to the ground and blood splattered into the air. The angel yelled and soon, other angels and came. Demons had heard the cry and followed it. Tsubasa then ran to the others before the lot of them came and said to them, "Angels and demons are coming. There is a lot of them! I need back up!" Matthius heard this and came running. Sora got on her horse and rode over to Tsubasa. Abbadon came too but there was no Omi or Drakken. [I]That's fine if they don't show. I can handle this with the ones that I have.[/I] Soon, the demons and angels came. The demons looked at the angels and the angels looked at the demons. They started to glare and yell at each other and soon looked at the few Riders that were in front of them. They all charged at them and the few Riders charged back killing as best as they could. Tsubasa couldn't get the fact at where Drakken and Omi where but that they were probably talking. She forgot all about Drakken while fighting except for the kiss that he gave her a while back.[/COLOR] OOC: Decided to get things moving by having us fight some angels and demons. I hope that this is okay Sazabi.
  8. [COLOR=Magenta]Coming from a girl like me, it seems like she wants some space. But what I want to know is whether she broke up with him or he broke up with her. If she broke up with him then that means she's over him and probably won't trust someone like him or any guy for that matter. If he broke up with her than that's a totally different story. It would mean that she still loves him and is still hoping that he will come back to her. It's hard to think about it the way some of us have but the truth is, she wants him back but can't figure out what she did wrong. It's better to let her have some space otherwise she might have to pretend that nothing has ever happened and be down when she's alone. Sometimes the best thing for you, if you love her and what not, to just be friendly but not creepy friendly. If she seems sad, go up to her and ask what's wrong. If you think love is complicated, it really is. I've been through a lot and at times like these, all girl really want to do is jump off from a building but they can't if there is someone who really is a good friend and that they trust them. Build up trust with her and you may never know, she might be a different person. ^^[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Magenta][B]Name:[/B] Sky [B]Age: [/B]24 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Fighters/cutegirl45.jpg]Sky[/URL] [B]Personality: [/B]Different than most. She has the happiness feel around her. People don't take her very serious unless you make fun of her about her chipperness then she will snap. Her anger is very mild and yet enough to cause war and kick her crew off the boat. [B]Post:[/B] Sky was sailing her ship around the great seas. Her dream was here and the air was nice. She had received notice about the meeting and sailed over there. Sky was accustomed to be late but wanted to get there a little early. They had docked at the port. Sky jumped down and shouted, "Men, I want you to stay here and man the ship. No one comes on. And no one leaves until I come back!" She turned her head to see Rin, the cocaptain, and said, "You are in charge of the boat while I am gone." Sky looked at her ship. The amazing [I]Alliance Crest[/I]. It was a dark green with a cross on the side. The triming was slightly bright orange and the sails a beautiful gold and red. She sighed as she had to leave her boat. Sky put the hood over her head and yelled, "When I come back, my ship better still be here otherwise you will all pay the consequences!" The men scurried and started to clean the ship. They had witnessed what had happened the last time her boat was stolen by her men. They all had an unexpenced paid trip to Davy Jones' locker. Sky walked through the town and saw the bar. She walked in and saw that there were others like her in cloaks. She walked up to them and waited for the others.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Magenta]Hmmm... songs I hate... I can't stand the Kamichama Karin theme song. It's really annoying and very high pitched. It hurts my ears. I also don't like the Naruto 6th opening theme. Something about the way the person sings it is so bad.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Magenta]I can't wait to see Live Free or Die Hard. It looked so good on the trailer that me and my friends want to go see it. Pirates of the Caribbean was awesome. I loved how hot Orlando Bloom was throughout the entire movie. Gonna go watch it again! ^^ *runs to the car*[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Magenta]I'd love to be [B]Tohru[/B] from Fruits Basket- she has a great personality and always smiles even when she's down. [B]Yuuki Cross[/B] from Vampire Knight- she has the hyper personality and is somewhat close to the way I act now. [B]Misha[/B] from Pita- Ten- hyperactive and very carefree. Gotta love the bunnies!! [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Magenta]"Hey Johnny! Move out of the way! I'm driving this baby!" Takes the wheel. "Mr. Snickers? Why are you driving?" "Shut up Johnny! I'm driving! The passenger must be quiet while the driver is driving! Got it?!" Johnny nods as they run over a person. "Stupid humans. They never listen to what's behind them."[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Magenta]I really only like one kind of pie and that's strawberry. There are so many strawberries and little crust that it's all good. I'm with Sazumechan on the whole cold pie things. I do like the ones that go in the fridge. They are much better tasting than having it warm.[/COLOR]
  15. [CENTER]4 Years Ago[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen]It was a game known quite well around the world. Many loved the game and played it endlessly. So many were involved until six people mysteriously fell unconscious while playing the game. During this time was when the Dot Hackers made their first appearence and when a girl name Aura was spotted. They had no enemy, and without a quest to solve, they started an adventure without question. Despite that they created their own adventure, they enjoyed playing on their own, willingly shared difficult scenarios, and revealed the door to the core. They truly were incredible players. This door to the core was sealed and no one could enter it. Aura stayed there. The place and code were called [B]Twilight[/B] [/COLOR]4 Years Later[COLOR=DarkOrange][CENTER]Welcome to The World[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange]Here you able to play the game just like the real world and level up as you defeat opponents and monsters. The avatars that you have chosen is what you look like to others. With the head display, you will be able to see, hear and chat to friends. You use the controller to move your character around and the keyboard to type so that you can talk and send messages. There are many events that you may participate in and get rare items. You may also battle others to a duel and you can win coins by defeating opponents. With the coins, you can get medicine and boosts to help you on your quest around the world. Remember, there are administraters that are watching you so don't do anything that will get you accound deleted. This game is fun and make is like The World it is supposed to be.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] *click* Basic instructions right? No, there is something about to make a huge hit on The World and it's almost like the incident 4 years ago. Only this time it's different. Make sure that you are ready and that your group is strong and armed. This time, The World will be different than 4 years ago. Are you ready to see what happens this time around? You never know, you may get deleted.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]You are one of the six new Dot Hackers. Though you have heard of the legends of them you are very different. You act different and you have a different name. You meet new friends to help you on your way to become the best of the best. You also run into a small little girl that has blonde hair, blue eyes and a white dress. She says that you are her mother. Your job is to help her find her real mother. But you come across obstacles with the admins and Colbalt Brigade. [/COLOR] [B]Admins[/B]- start events [B]Colbalt Brigade[/B]- deletes unwanted players that cheat their way into the game [B]Dot Hackers[/B]- Legendary players of The World that discovered a girl named Aura who lived in the core of The World. [COLOR=Magenta] Rules: 1.Posts have to have good quality. No one paragraph thing. 2.Enjoy it! ^^ Sign Ups: [B]Name[/B]- Not too hard but anything that we can remeber [B]Age[/B]- from 4 years old to old man [B]Gender[/B]- male or female [B]Personality[/B]- something so we know what your character acts like [B]Likes[/B]- [B]Dislikes[/B]- [B]Class-[/B] Like Twin Blade or Heavy Blade. It could be made up. But PM me first about the made up one. It has to be a really good one. [B]Appearance[/B]- picture or description. But this is a game so something like an animated character [B]Bio[/B]- who told you about the world. how your got hooked on it and how you met the team. At least one or two good paragraphs. [B]Occupation[/B]- Something that you do in The World. [B]Weapons[/B]- Anything even staffs with powers (but only one power for the staffs) [B]Snippet-[/B]write a little about yourself in The World Have fun with this. PM me if you have any quesitons. Sign Ups will be open until I am able to get 6 Dot Hackers.[/COLOR]
  16. Funny Girl


    [COLOR=Magenta]Tsubasa fell to her knees as she watched Drakken leave. She touched her fingers to her lips and smiled. When Drakken was out of her sight she said, "Seems like even a heart knows who they love and yet the mind is still confused. I'm sorry that it had to be this way." Tsubasa turned around, still on the ground, and watched the sun rise. The sun was creeping over the mountains and her power was returing. The night had almost ended and her strength was back. Tsubasa closed her eyes and saw Drakken's face without his helmet. She blushed and then it vanished. Tsubasa stood up and looked at the rising sun. "Your memories are gone but your heart remembers. A heart that had once loved someone is hard to have that feeling erased. It seems that both you and I are not meant for each other and will have to go on different paths like it was supposed to." Tsubasa walked back to the camp and saw that Sora and Matthias were talking. [I]Should have known that she would ask what happened earlier. After all, she does have the power to see in the past. But only what happened moments ago. Sora, you knew all along didn't you? So have I.[/I] Tsubasa smiled and walked over to them and said, "Seems like you two are finally getting along." Matthias blushed and Sora turned her head. "What makes you say that?" asked Sora. "Oh, nothing. Hehehe." Matthias then stood up and said, "I'm gonna go for a walk to clear my mind a little." "Alright, Matthias. But don't forget..." "Forget what, Tsubasa?" "Nothing. Just go on ahead." Matthias left and Tsubasa and Sora talked. "I see that you already know about what had happened," started Tsubasa. "Yes, milady and I also see that something happened a while ago. Though the vision isn't clear and it was some time ago," replied Sora. "You sure do know how to see things. But it's also a good thing that you can't see too far in the past. What happened earlier is something that I don't want others to know." "I get it. At least I'll be here and so will be Matthius to have your back. I'm gonna go get some water by the stream. Why don't you just rest here until I return." "Will do." Sora walked off and Tsubasa was alone. She looked around to see if anyone was around. When no one was there, Tsubasa started to cry. Tears fell from her eyes and she started to remember the times. She couldn't control her tears and was very sad.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Magenta]My sis stepped on a piece of sharp broken glass at a skate park, and her foot was bleeding and bleeding all over the place. It had looked like someone died and we decided to make a crime scene out of it. Since I'm out of school, I'll hang out at home, watch T.V., Volleyball camp, and many more of the lovely summer fun. ^^[/COLOR]
  18. Funny Girl


    OOC: This post is [B]not[/B] from my last post but a continuation of Silent_Sword's. Don't want it to make it confusing. [COLOR=Magenta] Tsubasa looked at Matthias. She had finally found out his true feelings and knew about it for a long time. She spoke softly to him, "I'm glad that you have finally confessed your feelings. There are times when the smallest emotion for another is hard to break and the biggest emotion is almost impossible. I do love you but not in the way you would expect. You and many others know of my deed with Drakken and not sure why I had done it." Matthias looked at her with surprise and wanted to know more. Tsubasa continued, "Even though his memories are erased, I could not erase the feeling he has for me in his heart. His heart is delicate and so are many others. The slightest pain, the slightest emotion for another is so hard to have it gone. Drakken does not know much of me except that I am Queen of the Angel Riders and that we fight to intervene the battle between heaven and hell. I still do have feelings for him but they are slowly fading. The man that he was before will never return. Nor will the same feelings return. The only thing is that we created a new relationship and a different one at that." Tsubasa looked up and said, "There are many more women out there. Don't see the world as if there is only me. There is someone out there that will return you feelings. All you have to do is find them. I am not saying that you are worthless or anything." Matthias looked away from Tsubasa and sighed, "What am I to you?" "You are the noblest angel that I have met and a good one at that. You are not worthless and you have many talents. Don't get depressed over this. Overcome this obstacle and you may be able to overcome many more," said Tsubasa. "Are you ever going to return his memories? No matter what we say to him about the past, he doesn't remember them nor does he believe us." "They will return when my wish is granted." Tsubasa stood up and was going to walk to a quiet place. "What is your wish and when what will happen?" shouted Matthias. "When the end for me is near and when I can finally return my true home. Bye" Tsubasa walked off to a place where the sun was still shining and watched the sun. She was very tired and her condition was poor. She could hardly keep her smile on her face while talking to Matthias. Her energy was drained and was going to soak up some of the light before it disappeared. She had reached the cliff and said, "There are many things that even I can't understand. I may never see anyone after this. I wish that my body will be able to withstand the last fight when it comes." Tears rolled down her face and recieved some power from the light. She wiped away the tears when she heard someone coming. "How long are you going to stand there, mighty Chaos, before you walk in here?" asked Tsubasa as she turned around and smiled. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Magenta]If only I saw this earlier. Oh well. 1. Rurouni Kenshin 2. Inuyasha... not sure just thought it was 3. Just giving it a shot- Tenjho Tenge 4. Karas- Not sure about this one... ^^[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Magenta]Well I'm still a kid *laughs knowing that I'm a teen*. As at a cabin in Tahoe with some of my friends when we decided to go down to the billiards room. We were playing billiards when this really awesome song came on. It was [I]Move Along[/I] by All- American Rejects. We decided that everytime the word [B]MOVE ALONG[/B] came on we would jump up and sit on the billiards table. I was of que and jumped on the table before the song and *smack* I hit the table and fell on the ground. It hurt really bad and my friends and I were laughing. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Magenta]OOC: OMG! It's back and this time I have another character to play. Ya!!! Name: Shia Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Shia is very hyper active and loves to play around. She's very optimistic and curious. She loves to smile and talk to other people and is very flirty. Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Koge%20Donbo/Pita%20Ten/largeAnimePaperscans_Pita-Ten_Kr-10.jpg"]Shia[/URL]is about 5'5" and weighs about 118lbs. Bio: Shia was born with no memory until she was four and was lost in the snow. She walked and then found a nice boy who took her someplace warm to stay. She didn't know what to say nor how to speak. Shia slowly began to understand things and began to talk. Sometimes she thinks about what her parents were like and why they would leave her in the snow like that. After a few years, she had gone to highschool and met a ton of new friends. She became more social and loved to be happy and enjoyed it too. Her foster father was very nice and looked after her. Shia met the smae boy who had rescued her from the snow and fell in love with him. Of course, he was older than her but she still had feelings for him. After he had graduated, she came up to him and told him. He broke her heart by saying that there was someone else she like. When spring came it was about time to go in the trip to the island and have fun so that she would forget all about him. Weapons: Shia found a pipe and later finds a magical staff with awesome powers. OOC: This is gonna be great sis! ^^ I hope that more people sign up for this. ^^[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Magenta]I really loved this movie and I saw it over the weekend. I loved the third movie and going to watch it again. ^^ Overall, I heard what the critics said about the movie and said that it wasn't as good as the first two. I was OMG! Orlando was super hot in this movie. I sad when[spoiler] he got killed by Davy Jones and then he stabbed Davy Jones' heart and become the captain. It made me sad when Jack Sparrow had to take Elizabeth away from the ship and the dad had to cut out Will's heart.[/spoiler] I cried but I loved the part [spoiler] after The Flying Dutchman sank and then rose up again with Will as a captain with his shirt open and everything. It was cool how the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman were on a head on collision when they turned at the same time and faced the Lord's ships. Then both ships were on both sides of the ship and started to fire at the ship. At the end when Jack stole the center of the map[/spoiler] they could make another movie. The end was so good [spoiler] when Will had to return to the boat and gave his heart to Elizabeth and a the way end when it said Ten Years Later. The kid was so cute and probably hadn't seen his dad, which was Will and see Will come back from the ocean.[/spoiler] This movie was the best and I'm gonna see it again with some more of my friends later. Yeah. ^^ [/COLOR]
  23. Funny Girl


    [COLOR=Magenta]Tsubasa knew what he was talking about and just showed a face that she didn't know and asked, "What is it that you want from me? If it seems that everyone else knows how come I can't get more to that question than that? I may have the power of light but I can't read minds. I'm not even good at guessing games." "You know what I'm talking about and I want you to tell me about what happened!" shouted Drakken getting angry. Tsubasa was scared of what would happen next and was afraid to tell him of what she did to his memories. Drakken then grabbed her wrist and pulled her over to a place where no one could see or hear them talking. "You know well enough what it is that I'm talking about and I want to know," said Drakken getting irratated. Tsubasa looked up at the clouds and said, "No one ever seems to realize about the precious things. Humans don't car about the precious ones around them. Why should the precious ones care about them?" "That's not the point! Fine! If you don't know what it is that I'm saying then how about this?! What happened at the final battle?" asked Drakken hoping to get a really good answer. "I'm sorry. I think that we are both tired and that we should get some rest. We need to be on guard in case if some enemies come to attack us," said Tsubasa happy and cheery. This got Drakken really pissed as he charged at her and slammed her against a tree. "Tell me about the last battle. I don't want to hurt you but if you won't tell me then I will have to use force," said Drakken very serious. Tsubasa looked into his eyes and pondered for a moment. She then said, "If you use force what good would that do? We are both equally matched and you can't harm me. Isn't that what your had said? There are things that are better left unsaid until the time has come. I am well aware of my postion right now and even if you were to use force you would kill me and nothing would become of it." Drakken got realized it and knew what he was going to do. He got close to Tsubasa's face and said, "But I still won't you go until I know everything." He smirked. Tsubasa was trapped. She then said, "Let's finish this tomorrow. I am very tired and want to be refreshed if some enemies come. Let us contin-" Tsubasa was cut off when Drakken kissed her. Tsubasa was very shocked and looked around. There was no one of course. She didn't want the same thing to happen twice.[/COLOR]
  24. Funny Girl


    [COLOR=Magenta]Tsubasa watched Omi talk to herself and then said, "Seems like even a rose with sharp thorns is also nice as well." Tsubasa giggled and Omi glared at her. "What do you mean by that?" asked Omi irratated. "You act bold and brave but when it comes down to it even you can have a nice and kind side." Tsubasa looked up and since she overheard what Omi said before she said as she looked at Omi, "Even if you are a follower and friend of his, he will never be the same. I took something from him during the last battle. But no matter how hard he were to remember or if someone were to tell him, he would not remember." "What did you take from him?! You are such a bitch! Tell me now!" "I did not take anything worth while. I only took the last of his memories." "What are the last of his memories?" Omi was now getting really annoyed at the way Tsubasa was answering her questions. "I took the memories of the last part of the last battle and from then on. He has no memories of what had asked me nor does he share the ones that both you and I hold in our hearts." Tsubasa got up and walked her horse back to the camp. Even talking about the past made her heart ache if she had to tell of what she had done to Chaos to loose all the memories of her.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Magenta]Tsubasa and Siniku were trying to get rid of this Toron and saw Snickerfox summon his fox. [I]Hehe, he never surprises me.[/I] Tsubasa did a few hand signs as well and summoned her Tenshi. "Looks like it's another go at this one Freya," said Tsubasa. [FONT=Century Gothic]"I've been waiting for a long time for a good fight. It seems that Ookami and I will have a great battle fighting this punk,"[/FONT] said Freya. Tsubasa was still very much aware of what would happen next if the battle continued. She needed to help her Genin with passing the test and so far he wasn't coming close. There were somethings that she had to do and she did some more hand signs to summon her kyawl and tied a message around its neck and sent towards Toru's way. The message was to tell him that his test had to be cancelled due to some interference with a battle. She didn't want Toru to come to where they were battling and wanted him to go where the other Genin were. She knew that he would be safe there since Keasora would protect them. "There's something about this Toron guy. He doesn't seem to have a very happy presence. What is that you need?" asked Tsubasa. [/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]Yuki and Gosa walked over to their Keasora and said, "So, what do you have to say about our fighting skills. Afterall, you were supposed to tell us when the timer went off." [/COLOR]
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