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Everything posted by Monkeys_revenge

  1. Can somebody help me with some girlfriend problems? She keeps ignoring me and she won't even look at me! She has looked at me a couple times... But i'm just so confused to whats wrong??!! She won't communicate with me so how am I supposed to fix this?! I try walking up and talking to her. But i'm not that persistant. That maybe why... Anyone got any solutions? Man I love her sooo much :love: I would much appreciated if somebody would help me.:) THanks Something funny is that she looks like the girl on the new banner for Otaku Boards 2003
  2. Um, ok :). But at the top, it says, "click a smiley and copy the code". I thought that would be a sign of "OK TO TAKE". But your right, I should ask a mod. Thanks;)
  3. Hey modarators. Check out this website! [url]www.mysmilies.com[/url] Add some of these to OB if you wnat to. :) [IMG]http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/contrib/ruinkai/rainfro.gif[/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
  4. Can we add status? Like, Attack: 5 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 ???: 5 Up to however many points?
  5. Is this good? ********************************************** Name: Link Race: Wizard/Spellcaster Weapon: Magical Staff Description: A boy still in training of wizardry/spellcastry. Can get hyper at times, and always wants to be apart of some big battle or project. Thinks he's funny when he says stupid jokes. Application: He has blond hair, blue eyes, black cape, red pants, black hat, red shirt. ********************************************** I hope this is good! (I just wanted to do this: :fart: thanks)
  6. Keep doing that sword charge up and spin attack thingy?
  7. Ok, thank you very much. And no, I don't think your sig. is bad Jinzouningen17;)
  8. Excuse me but does anyone think my signature is inappropriate by any chance? I do not want it breaking the rules or anything. Thanks;)
  9. By the way, congrats on the marrage-ment!
  10. Yup! Sure does! Thank you very much. I appretiate it.:)
  11. Ok, thats it, I just can't figure it out... What the heck is this all about? The Adventure Arena and all those other arena's? Could somebody please explain? I would greatly appretiate it. Thanks:toothy: :excited: :D
  12. Wanna be buddy's maybe?? We both looove Nintedo! SO? Wanna?
  13. GOGO NINTENDO!!! I hope Nintendo lives on until I have kids so they can play it!! But thats a loooooong time from now! lol. Maybe Nintendo will live on until they have a space world up in space!!! lol! That would be AWSOME!!! I :love: :love: :love: NINTENDO!!!!! :blush: Nintedo is :cool:!! I could :tasty: and be one!!! but that would be a stupid sacrafice! :rolleyes: If Nintendo dies.... :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: I'd die myself!!! [COLOR=blue][SIZE=4]GOGO NINTENDO!!!!! LIVE ON NINTENDO!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. NO DOUBT!!!! I'm totaly getting the Game Cube!!!!!!! I ONLY BUY NINTENDO!!!! Game Boy, 64, Cube. So far so good! And I say, [COLOR=blue] GO[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]GO [/COLOR] NINTENDO!!! Keep it up Nintendo!!
  15. No woner the X-Box is soooo big, it has the best graphics ever!!!!!!! We all know that because Microsoft is so freeken rich! And they are alot more smarter on the graphics than probably everybody els! I saw a commercial on tv and it had SUPER GRAPHICS (thats what I call them). Almost perfactly round edges!
  16. The Game Cube is about 11½ inch's long and 9½ inch's wide I think. It's the tinyest thing in the world! I've play'd it in the store and it has a 3¼ (lol) more graphics than the 64 does PS2 has defantaly better graphics than the 64 and the PS1, may have better graphics then the Game Cube. The X-Box I havn't been able to play yet cause' they didn't have a game in it. I say the X-box is the best and most expenceist of them all. But personaly, I want the Game Cube the most. I :love: the Game Cube. And I'm a :butthead:! lol.
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