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Everything posted by Doublehex

  1. You know what I would do? Find a way to make her embarrass herself when she calls you stupid names. That way, she would never want to say them again.
  2. I got a 360 last week, so I am mixing between Halo 3 and Gears of War. I JUST beat Bioshock, and I'll never be the same again. Halo 3 is something of a mixed bag for me. I hated Halo 2, loved Halo 1, so I really didn't know what to think of the third installment. I still say its over hyped - Half-Life is still the best game I have ever played, but Halo 3 is the WoW of FPS. It mixes alot of stuff from alot of games, and implements them nicely. Its neither evolutionary or revolutionary, but it is a good game regardless. Now Gears of War is an amazing game. I love it, especially the focus on covers. If you don't use covers, you die. This is a really realistic view, and I am hoping more games follow this standard. The AI is really good at times, but at others its just downright dumb. But I bought it solely for the multiplayer aspect, so that's not a concern for me.
  3. [quote name='Chabichou'][COLOR="#004a6f"]Personally, I am getting sick of this growing mentality that people can do whatever they want as long as they're "not hurting anybody". It's really quite sad that our current society's idea of freedom is simply the lack of morals and dignity and respect. Prostitution (and drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and many other immoral acts), are all harmful, to the people performing these acts and to their entire society. Prostitution should remain illegal. It is a a disgusting, immoral act and harms the dignity of all parties involved. I will not sit here harping about the religious perspective of sex (like the idea that people should be married in order to have sex), but I will at least say that sex should only be done by those in a relationship who love each other. Simply using other people's bodies for pleasure (whether they are paid or not) is disrespectful and immoral. Why should we promote these kinds of ideas by making prostitution legal? Our laws should not only protect people from physical harm, but should protect dignity and morals.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] There are many problems with that statement. First off, laws are not meant to protect dignity and morals. Do you know why the very first laws were created - laws that involved cutting off of hands for stealing, or killing immediately for murders? It was because these family wars where someone would kill this guy's father because he killed his uncle who killed his father who killed his nephew who killed his second cousin. It had nothing to do with dignity, or morals. It was of physical safety. No other reason. Now, our laws differ, but they all share one common thread - they are there to protect. Stealing? Because it takes the victim's money away. Traffic laws? So we lovely pedestrians don't get run over. Prostitution only harms due to STD, and that is a risk upon the buyer (I suppose that's the correct term). But beyond that, it in no way, shape, or form brings harm. Now, I agree with you it is an immoral act, but it is not a physically harmful one, and thus, has little reason to be banned.
  4. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1] Maybe I was wrong about the Sharingan-malarky that I expected in the Sasuke-Itachi fight. Regardless, I have a question... do the characters in Naruto really have such vulgar speech with all the f-bombs and shizzles dropped thus far, or is that just the online-translators spicing things up themselves?[/color][/size][/QUOTE] My guess is the translators. You have to remember, Shounen is usually targeted for the 12-18 range, so, by American standards at least, curses would not be used as frequently as we have seen. But, since those who read it online are, by my guess, 16 and higher, I'd say that translators put in the swears to make Naruto sound/look cooler. But I have to say, that line worked. At least for me - I felt that line fit Sasuke alot.
  5. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Tombstone is right, Tobi can call himself every name under the sun, but until that mask of his comes off, and probably even after, there are going to be arguments about his identity.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Agreed, but the majority of people think he is Madara, and I have to agree with them. It just seems like everything is pointed towards Tobi being Madara.
  6. on Jiraiya: Farewell sweet prince. You were taken from us far too soon.
  7. I may be the only guy here who actually liked Twilight. One of my lady friends gave me the book, knowing how much of a vampire nut I am. So, I read it, and I have to say I loved it. It didn't have the psychological aspect of "Interview With a Vampire", but it gave a real, normal life aspect of vampirism. I never read the last two books, however. I really should rectify that ASAP. In regards to the casting, I love who they did for Bella. I saw her in "Speak", and she was a wonderfully casted actress. She was the main character - a young lady traumatized by rape - and she acted exactly as I pictured her. However, that was the only film I saw her in, so will she be able to portray Bella? Bella is somewhat, [I]somewhat[/I] related to "Speak", but not enough for them to be put into the same category. I'm certain she will be able to adapt to this role, however. And then we have who was cast as Edward. The actor does have a sense of arrogance with him, and he looks more like a Lestat than an Edward. But, he does have a hint of that noble dignity that we saw in Edward, so I still have high hopes for him.
  8. So, I decided for my Christmas I want to buy myself a gaming mouse. I bought everyone else in my family a gift, so why not? Thing is, I can't decide on what to get. I am contesting between two - the Razer DeathAdder and the Logitech G5. My brother keeps on saying I should get the G5 because of its ability to change DPI on the fly, but the DeathAdder is ten dollars cheaper and has pretty good DPI itself, although not the on the fly option like the G5 does. Amazon for Death Adder: [url]http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000MF67VO/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8&coliid=I2DEWAM01Q1SOJ&colid=140BOJF99K2JU[/url] Amazon for G5: [url]http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-NEW-G5-Laser-Mouse/dp/B000ODN7VM/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1197837091&sr=8-1[/url] Official DeathAdder Site: [url]http://www.razerzone.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=43[/url] Official G5 Site: [url]http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/mice_pointers/mice/devices/359&cl=us,en[/url] So, my decision rests on you, my fellow gaming associates. Should I go with the more sleek DeathAdder, or should I rely on the extra functionality of the G5?
  9. I am reading the second novel in the six part series [B]The War of the Spider Queen[/B] entitled [B]Insurrection[/B]. I have always been fascinated by the psychology of evil (which may explain why I am in love with Caligula's I am a god speech), and what better way to study evil than to read a series dedicated to cunning evil? God I love Drow.
  10. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']What's wrong with using a tag like this for a break? [hr=blue]100[/hr][hr=blue]100[/hr] [SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]Next Chapter Title Goes Here[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [hr=blue]100[/hr][hr=blue]100[/hr] I fail to see why that break has to come in the form of another post when there are so many things the author can do to grab the attention of the people reading it. If it's an issue of presentation, I'd suggest thinking out of the box instead of limiting yourself to the idea that the next chapter can only be done or grab people's attention if it's in a separate post.[/QUOTE] Because not everyone knows how to do that. Me included. You can't presume everyone wants to do something of that nature, either. Also, another post can work alot like FF.Net's Alert system - when people go to Anthology, they see said story is bolded. Oh, that means a new chapter is up! Reader go reads. But the thread never has any visual symbol whenever an edit is done. Thus, how can readers know when the story is updated?
  11. I have to disagree with the majority here in that I think the no double posting rule is actually limiting us writers in terms of what we can post. All of my stories have been long in nature, from Evangelion - Worlds in Conflict to Arcanum and even to Kazoku (which I am still writing, FYI). The double posting rule holds me back in that I have to wait for another person to post just so I can put up my next chapter! And the break between posts, I have found, actually helps the reader concentrate, or at least they give their eyes a much needed break. Merging all of the chapters into one post will more likely than not discourage the readers from reading further just because of how hard it is for their to be chapter after chapter with little to no visual rest. Now, I understand that the double posting rule was put up to prevent spam, but as far as I know, that has never been a problem at the Anthology.
  12. Doublehex


    I've always thought there was a difference between posting your opinions on something, and posting a [I]review[/I] of something. Thus, I thought we should have a thread for just that - reviews. I'll start things off with my review of the Beowulf soundtrack. Post a review of whatever you want, just as long as it is several paragraphs long, and it is well written. [center][B]BEOWULF SOUNDTRACK Composed and Conducted by Alan Silvestri; Warner Brothers Records [2007][/B][/center] Beowulf is the type of movie that just came out of nowhere, and just by its title alone, demanded attention. The poem, which the completely Computer Generated film is based off, had reached a sort of cult status among the populous. It wasn’t as popular Homer’s [I]Iliad[/I] or the [I]Odyssey[/I] , but people were fascinated enough about it for Hollywood to decide to turn it into several movies. Most of them were what you would call trash. Enter Zemeckis’ vision of Beowulf. With the screenplay co-written by Neil Gaiman of [I]Sandman[/I] fame, this film was either going to soar or plummet. With Beowulf, there is no other conclusion. Zemeckis had long collaborated with Alan Silvestri, and even if you don’t like the choice of [I]Beowulf [/I]going CG, you [I]will[/I] agree with the composer. This is a soundtrack that exhibits two things – hubris, and pure heroism, much like the tale. The soundtrack begins with a bang thanks to the main theme, which runs just a few seconds short of a minute. It begins with some sort of rock like musical, and it runs in the background for the remainder of the composition. But what garners your attention is the chorus. It is aggressive, takes you by the horns and tosses you around for a bit before letting you go. The male chorus is loud, and with nearly ever syllable a massive drum beat is sounded. A few female lines are heard in the end, with a different phrase than the males. It is an addicting song which you can play for several minutes and not tire of. The fourth song on the track, What We Need Is a Hero, expands on the main theme, and is another excellent song, adding more lines for the female chorus. For some reason or another, Silvestri placed in what could best described as lullaby songs. Sung by Robin Penn-Wright, they are very simple, yet at the same time, soothing songs. A string is usually found in the background, adding to the sense of peace. It gives a sense of a mother singing to her babe. It can be debated wherever these add or retract to the soundtrack. Whereas the soundtrack is full of pounding songs, with powerful drums and lyrics, here we have these very quiet songs. They stand out there, for better or for worse. They aren’t the type of songs you can listen to over and over – a few times, and you want to move on, but they will remain in the back of your mind. Beowulf is focused on the battle between the title character and two monsters – Grendel, and a dragon. What Silvestri gives us is some amazing battle tracks. I Did Not Win The Race and Beowulf Slays the Beast come to mind. Second Grendel Attack follows loosely behind. I admit I do not know much of Silvestri, but I am certain just by listening these are some of the best battle tracks he has written. Grendel’s mother also has two of her own themes – The Seduction, and The Final Seduction, which appropiatley enough, is the next to final track. Both songs just scream ‘corruption’ and ‘manipulation’, which is exactly what Grendel’s mother does to Beowulf. The album ends with a pop version of A Hero Comes Home, the seventh track. It is not the worst way to end the soundtrack, but it was not the best way either. It feels alot to desire for. After the epic magnitude of the previous sixteen tracks, we are left with [I]this[/I]. Its an enjoyable listen, but it doesn’t remain in your memory. Overall, Beowulf is exactly as you expect: proud, and manly, with alot of drums and horns and epic chorus. For those who like to sort of things, Beowulf is an excellent choice to fill you with adrenaline. For everyone else, it will leave you with some disappointments. It might provide you with an enjoyable listen, though. And with it just running for a mere 46 minutes, it’s not a very long soundtrack either. Four out of five stars – take off a star if you’re not much of a fan of ‘epic’ soundtracks.
  13. W00t! I made it! I don't remember the last time I made it into an RP. Oh, this is such a joyous day. Bring out the band! ...Oh, and the family diagram is also very nice. Clears up a few issues. Kinda scary how I have to call Gavin dad now. O.o He'll use that against me even after this RP is written in golden ink in the RP lore of OB, I'm sure.
  14. OR you could just not have sex. Kinda hard to get pregnant just by sharing oxygen.
  15. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]I just said there wasn't a set number. I assure you that every sign-up Sandy and I can agree upon will make it into the RPG. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] Now THAT makes sense. Sorry for the confusion. BTW, is there anything in particular you would like for me to change with my character? I'm really desperate to get into this RP, and will do whatever you request in order to do so.
  16. Why dose there even NEED to be cut? From what I can fathom, there is no real need for a set number of characters. If I was in one of your guys' shoes, I would just have any well designed character into the RP. [QUOTE]This post has been brought to you by DisneyQUEST, of Orlando, Florida. Buy lots of Mickey Mouse plushies at exaggerated prices![/QUOTE]
  17. [B]His name[/B]: Jacob Mason Almagest [B]His age[/B]: 34 [B]His position inside the Almagest family[/B]: He is a nephew of Leonhart Almagest. [B]His portrait[/B]: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/the_Victorian__DETAIL_by_mazzdad.jpg][Portrait][/url] [B]His occupation[/B]: Writer. Jacob is an established reporter for “The Chronicle”, being noted by many critics as one of the most intellectual minds in his field. He is also an avid fighter, knowing a little bit of a good deal of firearms. [B]His story[/B]: Jacob was born as a strong child to Bartholomew and Vanessa Almagest. Bartholomew may of have been related to Leonhart by blood, but he had little to say in the affairs of the Magitech Corporation. He was thought of someone who was just a little bit above a failure – a predecessor of Fauntleroy – due to his extreme political ambitions. Bartholomew would pour thousands upon thousands of money into his elections, with him barely able to gather even a fourth of the votes. Jacob, in comparison, would be far more successful in his endeavors. Early on, he was a creative individual – whereas most children would be far more intrigued in sword fights, he would spend hours making miniature clay models. His uncle saw this, and decided to hire an art teacher. Big mistake. Jacob was not into the arts as much as the written word. Instead of practicing the proper ways to proportion the human body, he would try to find new ways to describe the sun rising over the horizon. This became very evident when he attended the Czenoble High Academy of Sciences. He was an abysmal failure in the technical sciences, but when it came to creative writing, he was amongst the best in his class. Upon graduation at the age of twenty-one, he was unemployed for only a week. He was hired by the Chronicler. Ever since then, he has been hailed as amongst the best writer the country has ever created. His first novel, ‘Dark Hearts’, delved into the psychology of a group of individuals isolated on an island after an airship class. It got rave reviews – it earned a golden harp, one of the most prestigious rewards for a written work. A first time novelist getting such a reward was not unknown, but it was extremely rare. Jacob, after six years as reporter and feature writer, was offered the position of editor. He turned it down – he said he had “things left to do”.
  18. I have, and always will be, straight. The thought of being gay has not even once crossed my mind. I know a fair amount of gay people, and will support them as much as my Christian beliefs will allow me to, but I don't think I'll ever cross the line to bisexuality.
  19. [QUOTE] Actually, I did the math and there's no reason they shouldn't be able to get 26 HD quality episodes on one 50 GB disc. Given a 26 minute running length per episode, that's 26 x 26 = 676 minutes of video. 676 x 60 gets us 40,560 seconds. Now let's say episodes are encoded at, oh, 9,000 kbps. 40,560 x 9,000 = 365,040,000 kilobits. Divide that by 8 to get 45,630,000 kilobytes, then divide by 1,024 twice to get ~43.5 gigabytes?easily enough room for all 26 episodes.[/QUOTE] Since when was our Link obsessed admin a major in mathematics? In other news, I believe the Blu-Ray will come out in the end. Reason? More space. With just computers alone, people will be willing to push out a few extra bucks just to hold more stuff. There's also the fact that Blu-Ray is requiring all computer manufacturers to have the Blu-Ray drive be backwards compatible with DVDs - or at least that's what I read a while back.
  20. Oh come on, this is God's answer to anime fans asking for an awesome series. I mean it - this is God's answer to what good anime should be. Its [I]that[/I] good.
  21. My day was so-so. Work was hectic - and I'm being kind when explaining having only 3 people to grill hamburgers and put them together. We were severely understaffed tonight. However, in Guild Wars, my assassin managed to tank 5 yetis. That just about made my day. :)
  22. Its a nice change. It has a much more relaxed atmosphere than before, so I think its for the best. I think the new RP titles is actually quite fitting, considering the last time we had a Spar was when Hyper was around. xD
  23. I bought [B]Tales of Symphonia[/B] a week ago, and I must say I am ashamed for not getting it sooner, especially since I've had Gamecube since the Christmas the year it was released. The action gameplay is really addicting - I feel like its the type of style that FF XII was going for. The story was kinda meh until I reached the Tower of Salvation, and things have improved at a high rate. And then there is Zelos. =D Now, like the ninja fanboy that I am, I am absolutely loving Sheena. She was kinda bad at first, but now, she's awesome. She's great in combat - sorta like a Rogue in WoW. Keep her healthy, and she can do a great amount of damage. Zelos, on the other hand, is more of a replacement for [spoiler]Kratos[/spoiler] than anything. I kinda feel that the developers ran out of ideas on what role Zelos would play in combat. But hey, who dosen't love a War Mage? =)
  24. 1. Do you have anyone who you'd like to take your virginity? (not a name, obviously) Future wifey, or fiance just few weeks before the actual ceremony. I personally never see much of a difference. But we have to be real close to the wedding day before I will even highly, [I]highly[/I] consider doing it. 2. How or where would you like to loose your virginity? (for instance, I want to loose my virginity to L'via L'viaquez by the Mars Volta in my own room) I never really thought about this. xD I suppose I would want it to be a romantic setting. I mean, it would be a huge deal, so I guess it would be something I would want to remember. But, I never really thought about it, so I can't give that good of an answer. Sorry. :-/ 3. Are any conditions you consider that must be met for you to loose your virginity? (I.E. waiting for marriage, or waiting for "true love" or just looking for the first person willing?) Must be engaged, and just a few weeks (or days) before the ceremony. I guess that is my Christian conscience coming into play. 4. How does it feel being a virgin? Are you ever made fun of for it? It feels like a whole lot of normal. I don't feel special because I have yet to have sex, and I have yet to meet anyone corny enough to make fun of me for not having sex. I just don't really care THAT much. I mean, I can't wait for the moment, but I'm just trying to get through college! I don't need to add sex into the equation. xD And before I forget, DB, that was the best username change ever, if I do say so myself. :)
  25. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]This is an excellent point because it showcases a group of artists saying "Yes, you can do whatever". They aren't worried about their rights to the music in the respect of the thread's topic, or of ripping and burning, which is closely related. Other artists won't feel the same way, which is why we have these laws.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Actually, its more along the lines of rich people in expensive suites not feeling the same way. But, same thing for us normal folk, I suppose.
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