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Everything posted by Doublehex

  1. Well, its not like every fight doesn't have moments like this. Heck, even in the fights in my novel, I have a few moments of 'filler' content. So, I don't blame Kishimoto.
  2. Nothing much to say. Jariya grew two heads, and Paine, for some reason uses only summons. My bet is that its a part of the body - this body uses only summons.
  3. Well, that was, well, err, an interesting development. I never would of suspected that. Well, this is another thing for those radical Christians to bash Harry Potter with. *sigh*
  4. I think its about time that I actually entered this debate I started. Now, I download music, but not rock bands, pop, or anything 'American' because I have no taste for that type of music. The only music I enjoy are complete orchestral. Thus, my entrie Music folder is made up of movie, anime, and video game soundtracks. Now, of these, 80% are Anime soundtracks, and you can't get these in stores or online, or at least to my knowledge. The other 20% falls into video game soundtracks and movie soundtracks. Same rule I have for anime soundtracks apply to video game soundtracks, but I own all of my movie soundtracks. I just don't listen to the CD - I rip them as mp3s onto my computer. So far, the topic has been entirely on Western music. What of the East? Is that legal? And what of music you can't acquire in America? Is that acceptable? My mindset was yes, because if I can't acquire it through commercial means, that is no reason as to why I still can't listen to it. Would I love to give the composers their money's worth? Certainly. But am I able to? Unfortunately, not, or at least without a price much higher than given in Japan.
  5. Ah, now this is a subject that has been rocking the courts as of late. What aspect of downloading music, if any, is legal, and what parts aren't? As much as you would like to think, there are lawyers who are divided on the issue. Now, I can't remember said names, but I do remember that one person said that sending music online is like that of putting up the car radio. Now, that's a bit too far. It is a very different issue; yes, everyone can hear the music, but its not permanent. Unlike downloading music, which, yes everyone can listen to, but it is permanent, and thus, the artists and record company loses money. On the other hand, the IRAA has stated stuff like ripping CDs for personal use is illegal, you needing a CD for each CD player you have, etc. They're essentially saying you don't own the CD. You are just borrowing it; you just paid for it and you get to hold on to it for as long as you want. I believe that is going too far. Of course, there are loop holes. I heard one case where a man downloaded an album after he had paid for it. It was just gonna take a few weeks for it to arrive to his house. He was found innocent, and thus, it [I]could[/I] be argued that what he did was legal. There are those who say that it was illegal because he achieved the downloaded songs through 'illegal' means. The debate goes on. How do albums from other countries (Japan, Russia, places like that) apply into this? Most albums and anime soundtracks, as far as I know, are not available to us. Is it illegal then, to download music that is not available to Americans through commercial means? Is it legal for us to download foreign items that [I]are[/I] available through commercial means, because they most likely have not been licensed with an American company? Let's see what you guys have to say, because [I]everyone[/I] has some alternate idea on this issue.
  6. [QUOTE]I am seriously getting more and more disappointed with the way the story is turning, Pein was so cool for so long, and literally in the space of three chapters all his mystique has been destroyed.[/QUOTE] I know what you mean. Its just like the anime - ever since Naruto has gone through the time skip, its quality has gone down BIG time, and makes you wonder why you got into it in the first place. I want my Chounin exams back! :animecry: [QUOTE]I mean come on, making him a veritable emo who wants to destroy the world to prevent other people being hurt, along with his God-complex. Pass me a bucket, I'm going to hurl.[/QUOTE] Well, he does have this jutsu that makes even Jariya, one of the legendary ninjas, scared, so I can understand where he got the God complex. Its not like it just came out of nowhere. But, I was expecting better from Paine. I know his name is Paine, but still, I would of thought that he would be better than that. Maybe Koshimoto is saving the real villain to be Uchiha Madara? *coughTobicough* [QUOTE]Seriously, Kishi needs to move away from Pein and Jiraiya and focus on the other characters, because there is no way now that the J-Man's fight and possible death could equal Sarutobi's.[/QUOTE] Actually, that would be be a bad idea. I mean, he wold be starting a fight, getting us all excited over it, and so we wait a week eagerly to see what he has in mind. Then he goes and says 'Sorry guys, Jariya won't kick butt today!' Trust me, now that it has started, its for the best that he finishes it. [QUOTE]I swear, for every one question we get answered, it's generates three more.[/QUOTE] That, my friend, is what we call elements of a good story.
  7. You guys are all gods. This thread is pure win. But yes, in regards to masturbation, well, I have my techniques. ^^
  8. I actually found this episode to be quite dull. Its not because there was mostly talk - the first episode of Evangelion was just like that, but I always found it to be one of the better opening episodes of any anime. It actually got so bad at times that I would be looking down at the timer to see how much longer it would be. I was expecting better from Gundam, especially since alot of people are comparing 00 to Gundam Wing,which I consider to be [I]the[/I] pinnacle of the entire franchise. But, I shall remain hopeful. After all, the music was very nice, with the Latin-esque vocals in the background of some of the songs. And I guess the character designs were okay.
  9. Mathias awoke from his dreams in a quick and abrupt manner. The dream dispersed instantly, and he returned to reality. His eyes opened wide, and he felt his face lying on a bar stand. He blinked the sleepiness from his eyes, and raised his head. He squinted as he looked around his surroundings. It looked like a bar of some kind, albeit a somewhat empty one. Most of the benches were on their sides. Sawdust covered the floor. It looked like it was still a work in progress. Some portions of the floor didn?t eve have planks installed yet. Mathias shook his head. ?Wait, what?? His mind recollected what had occurred. ?Oh, yeah, those soldiers?? [CENTER]*[/CENTER] Caine drew his blade. It was of the two handed variety, the zweihänder, a favorite amongst the Dugolma shock troops. The shortest of these were near equal height of the average male, whereas the tallest were an additional two feet. It was a difficult blade to adjust to, and some would dare say neigh impossible to master. Its weight alone would be enough to tear away at the muscles of the unprepared. To swing with it could send the bones tearing through flesh. But if it hit, even tower shields would shake under the impact. Caine tightened his armored fists around the hilt. The blood demon, in turn, drew one of her blades. She allowed her one of her legs to slide, whereas the other stayed bent. She crouched, giving her the perfect position for a swift first strike. Her left hand, the one with the buckler, lay open, giving her the opportunity to push off the ground. Her right was in a fist, her blade held tightly within it. She leaped towards him, marking the first move of the battle. [CENTER]*[/CENTER] ?Those soldiers, they were attacking somebody?? Mathias? words were not meant for anyone in particular, excluding himself. No one was near him; two men, who both had dirty blonde hair, were bickering with each other over something. An elderly woman was brewing something in a large pot on the other side of the room. Mathias shook his head one last time to shake any dizziness out of it. ?Did he bring me here?? He sluggishly rose from the stool. He didn?t realize his boot had bumped into something. The blade fell to the floor with a slight sound emerging. Mathias looked down. ?There you are,? he said in a tone one would say to an old friend. As he bent down to pick it up, he heard someone approaching. It was one of the men. ?Good; you?re finally awake.? [CENTER]*[/CENTER] The Blood Demon raced for Caine at a startling speed. It was almost elf like in how she moved; not like the brutes he fought with in the war. It was odd, how just a change in gender marked such a huge difference in battle tactics, of any kind. She will likely leap towards him, and attempt to send that blade of hers through his armor. Caine would make things interesting. He slashed downward with zweihänder. Expectedly, the woman leapt. However, Caine did not expect for her to leap [I]over[/I] him. Regardless, it was too slow. He slashed upwards. She parried with her small sword; the sheer force shocked her very system. She plummeted to the ground. She curled up somewhat, and propelled herself far away from Caine with her left hand. Caine sheathed his sword. ?Too weak. Grow stronger, demon of the ancient trees.? He snapped his fingers, and particles emerged around him. They arranged themselves into an octagonal shape. Magical energy connected between them, creating a force shield like effect. An explosion of energy emerged within it, and when the dust dispersed, Caine was gone. [CENTER] *[/CENTER] ?How long was I asleep for?? ?Only an hour.? ?That?s not something to be worried about,? Mathias sighed. ?It is when your one of our first customers.? Mathias raised an eyebrow. ?One of? Who was the other?? ?It was that man in that half shirt. Odd fella.? The other man emerged behind him. ?I still say he?s queer.? The man slapped him on the head. ?What? He does! Brother, what did I say?? The man sighed. ?The name?s Maru. This is Relm, and the kind woman in the back is our mother, Rella.? Mathias didn?t want to give time for a conversation he didn?t care for, so he cut right to the chase. ?Where am I?? ?This is Yeshova, last free city of the Iaeselians.?
  10. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Nahh, Sasuke is the Ephialtes who'd end up betraying Konoha for his own benefit.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Itachi would most likely be dead by then, so I highly doubt that Sasuke will have a reason to betray Konoha. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Just out of curiousity, who do you guys see Sakura ending up with ?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I say Sasuke. It just seems the most likely to happen, if only because I am an avid NaruxHina fan boy, and the only option left for Sakura would be Naruto, thus making my pairing null and void.
  11. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]I've nicknamed it trance, after the ability in Final Fantasy IX, 'cause I'm a dork that way.[/color][/QUOTE] Yes, but you're the shining god of dorks, so we shall all come to forgive you. After you bake us some apple pie. :)
  12. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]If you are reading fanfiction there is already something wrong with your brain. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I have to disagree with that. Fanfiction is a way for us hopeful writers to take a bold step into the realm of writing. There are characters and a universe already established, leaving us with the task of crafting a story. Its a good way to practice your skills, and a good way to learn how to take criticism. The only bad part about fan fictions is, like what Calmsong said, most of them are bad. Really bad. You have to go on a search on par of Arthur's quest for the holy grail to find any stories that just reek with excellence.
  13. I don't know about that. I have the feeling Naruto and Sasuke are going to kill each other. It seems the most fitting to me. That, or there is a mini series, where the countries are at war again, or something threatens Konohagakure. All of the ninjas give it their all, but alot of them dies off. Naruto pulls off a Leonidas (Spartan King of 300) where he does something awesome that removes said threat, but dies. And then Sasuke cries like a little baby. :D
  14. The man in black stared from the trees. Behind his skull carved mask of iron, he saw the two. Master and apprentice they were, both summoners. As their titles suggested, Summoners were capable of calling forth creatures from the Elemental and Divine Planes to do their bidding. For decades they would study under their master, and even when they were given the benefit of complete freedom, there was always something else for them to learn. The man gripped his blade. He was Caine Solverwind, amongst the greatest swordsman of the Empire. There have been few that have ever escaped his blade. His head turned towards his associates. They were nameless soldiers. Thousands more of them existed. “Let us move,” he said calmly. The scarlet armor clad soldiers nodded. The ring of metal scrapping against their scabbards could be heard. Slowly, they approached their target. They did not surround the two summoners. The master was a bald man, with a slight beard growing from his chin. A mark was inscribed into his forehead. His student, who stood behind him, had short black hair. He wore a half cut short, giving Caine the sense he was queer. “You are Caine, of Dugolma.” It was a statement, not a question. The master knew he was being hunted. There was a slight look of surprise on the student’s face; it was obvious the elder man had kept some vital information. “Copernicus, your life ends here.” “I’m sure it does.” Copernicus dropped his staff, arcane energy already forming in his right hand. He released bolts of arcane at Caine, but the warrior had already surrounded himself with a shield that would propel said spells. His blade raised, he charged towards Copernicus. The master looked towards his student. “Live, Garviel.” He raised his hand towards the youth. At once, the student felt something push him away, further and further off of the beaten path. He saw his master cut down in a fatal stroke by Caine. The masked man looked in the direction the student was sent. “After him,” he ordered. The three soldiers raced in pursuit. Caine looked down at the still bleeding corpse. “A pity. He lived well.” Caine walked away. He had little to worry about the soldiers. They were well trained, and it wasn’t like the Empire didn’t have thousands more at their disposal. [CENTER]*[/CENTER] The hooded man walked through the woods, withered leaves cracking under his boot. A crimson blade was strapped to his back. Despite him not knowing where he was, Malphris had the sense of where he was going. It all seemed like an odd dream to him. As he touched the bark of a tree, he heard other footsteps. They were heavy, and out of place. He hid behind the tree, and saw they were soldiers of some kind. They had the mark of Dugolma stitched across their capes. Cautiously, he followed them. It did not take long for Malphris to find what the soldiers were seeking. The soldiers had surrounded a man, in a half clad shirt. It looked as if he was slammed at the core of a tree, considering the blunt mark on the bark. At his finger tips was an oddly shaped staff. He was unconscious. If Malphris had not slammed his blade into a nearby tree to alert the soldiers, the man would of have been cut down. The soldiers turned around, a look of confusion on their faces. They obviously did not expect anyone to follow them. “Move along,” said one of them, likely their leader. His voice was stern, but considerate. “Kind of hard to do that, when I know that once I turn away, that guy’s going to be cleaved into two.” “It’s for your own good, boy.” Malphris licked his lips. “Now, that was a mistake.” He raced towards them, blade in hand. The leader did not expect Malphris to move so suddenly and quickly. His guard was down. Malphris’ blade went through his gut. Blood gushed out as Malprhis pulled it out. One of them cried as he leaped towards Malphris. He parried the move, and with a gesture of force, pushed the man off of him. He quickly cleaved the man’s right arm off. As the man grabbed his arm, crying and sniveling, Malphris kicked him to the ground. The last, seeing the opponent was too much, ran off. Suddenly, Malprhis collapsed into the darkness. And Garviel woke up at that same moment. [B]OOC[/B] Okay, so here is the game plan. Engel, have Garviel drag Malphris to the Inn at Yeshova. Everyone else, just describe your character’s entry into Yeshova, or whatever you prefer. Just get your character into Yeshova! I'll get us moving from there.
  15. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Maybe, might tie into the Chuunin Exams. Still though it just ties in with what Jiraiya said about doing it because "it's the least I can do to make up for this". Seems to me their mission mightn't exactly have been friendly. Speaking of the Chuunin Exams, I wonder when Naruto is going to take them, it probably won't be the traditional exam, but I imagine he might be tested in some way.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I don't think there is much of point for Naruto to take them. He is technically a Chuunin, he just hasn't taken the tests yet. The fact that he has been grouped with Chuunins, and not Genins, confirms this. I don't think Koshimoto has any reason for Naruto to take the test.
  16. Guys, this has been a tough decision. I won't lie about it. Choosing between Lana's and Engel's entries for Summoner has been one of the toughest decisions in my history as an RPer. Both entries are well qualified, and each have their interesting quirks. However, only one can be the Summoner. In the end I chose Engel's. Lana, this is not because of your initial attempt. In the end, your entry was on par with Engel's. I just felt Engel was a better choice in the end. With this, the RP shall begin. All other entries have been accepted. This thread is now closed. If a mod could come along, that would be swell...
  17. So, I have the soundtrack, and I must say, this must be the first time that I have actually recited lines from a song as they were said. RAW RAW FIGHT THE POWER! So, if just the songs are this awesome, shouldn't it be said that the series itself will be God's answer to our need for an amazing anime? If you made it this far in the thread without coming to this conclusion, you must explode. Now. There is no alternative. Watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann or die! *cough* That is all.
  18. Not if your skin is made of [URL="http://www.thecomicfanatic.com/solicit%20images/thing01.jpg"][U][B]rock[/B][/U]![/URL]
  19. [IMG]http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/weaps/mk-46-torpedo.jpg[/IMG] Jaws can't beat a torpedo. Even if it eats the thing, it will go BOOM! Hopefully with lots of gore for the kiddies.
  20. Well, I PMed her, so lets wait for her reply. :) In the meantime, why don't you start work on the character sheet? That why, one way or another, we'll start this RP soon. [B]EDIT[/B] Lana/Angel said that she'll fix her character sheet, so that its more on par to her average skills. She said she'll get it in by tomorrow, so we'll start late Friday/early Saturday, thanks to my work schedule. Engel, I've got something special in mind for you. :) I'll PM it to you.
  21. I am still deciding what to do. After all, I kinda, sort of promised Angel a spot as a summoner...but at the same time, having Engel back would be great =D. I PMed Angel, so we'll see if its alright with her. I don't want to seem like a bad guy...
  22. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]Is it bad that when someone says Kevin, I think of RickHunter? What OB member are [b]you[/b] speaking of, with the name Kevin?[/color][/QUOTE] The Kevin that introduced himself back a page. I would of thought people would put two and two together.
  23. [quote name='Andrew'][size=1]Naturally I'm still interested. It's my god-given right (and divine pleasure) to read anything written by yourself.[/size][/QUOTE] I second that notion. Bring it on!
  24. [quote name='JCBaggee'][color=darkred][size=1]Tori -- I will personally jump out of a cake for you. In a G-String. A frilly, leopard print, G-String.
  25. [quote name='Fiacha'][SIZE="1"]You know something? I think that's the ONLY kind of thread we haven't had yet.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'm all for it, even though I don't half of you guys. :)
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