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Everything posted by Doublehex
Odin, in reference to your comments of separation of church and state, you should know that those words are [I]never[/I] found in the Constitution. The only time those words ever rose up was a letter that Tomas Jefferson wrote to the leader of a church, assuring him that the government would never interfere with the church. But, there is nothing preventing religion from interfering with the government. And this is a wise move, because religion [I]does[/I] in fact affect one's political beliefs. And if the separation of church and state was in the Constitution, then any religious individual would not be able to run for government. Which would be somewhat awkward, considering, to the extent of my knowledge, all of the founding fathers followed a religion. Now, to answer the questions... [QUOTE]Do you think it is appropriate for political candidates to talk about their religious beliefs as part of their political campaigns, or do you think this is not appropriate?[/QUOTE] Well, it depends. Is he using it as a selling point to get more voters? If that is the case, than I would not vote for him. His political beliefs should be enough to show his religious beliefs, and that should be more than enough to attract voters. But, if he just answers it in response to a question, well, can we really blame him? [QUOTE]Do you think it is appropriate for religious leaders to urge people to vote for or against a political candidate, or is that not appropriate?[/QUOTE] This would be a definite NO to me. Politics, much like religion, are a personal matter? Do you support abortion? Gay marriage? Should we get the troops our of Iraq, or keep them there to prevent a Civil War? Its really a personal choice, and I don't think its right for any religious leader to demand who his attendees vote for. [QUOTE]Thinking about your vote for president next year, how important is it that a candidate SHARES your religious beliefs?[/QUOTE] Not at all, because I believe a leader can be of any religion, and still be a capable leader. Of course, I have little backup to support my claims, considering we have yet to see an Atheist become President, and every President has been Christian. [QUOTE]How important is it for a candidate to have STRONG religious beliefs, regardless of whether those beliefs are the same as yours?[/QUOTE] Well, I think people need to sort some things about before they run for President. Their stance for religion is one of them. I would feel uneasy if if I voted for a man who couldn't decided if he believed in God or otherwise.
I suppose I might as well introduce myself, although I'm sure a fair amount of individuals know me. My name is Matt, although when I first signed up I was Doublehex. I'm originally from Boston...well, no, that's not really true. I actually came from [I]Norwood[/I], which is a half hour away from Boston. Anyways, I moved from Boston to North Carolina my Junior Year, and it was actually Kevin who got me into anime and, consequently, OtakuBoards. Despite the fact that, at the time, I wasn't into anime, I decided to join. Well, once I released [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=54539&highlight=Citius+Altius+Fortius"][B]Citius Altius Fortius[/B][/URL], its fair to say that I was here for good. I currently attending a community college so I can get my grades up high enough so I can attend a college with good journalism coursed. I have my eyes set on University of North Carolina Greensboro and Chapel Hill. As for my interests, I am an avid writer. I am working on a novel, inspired by Naruto, Japanese mythos, and western fantasy in particular. I'm also interested in psychology and religious mysticism, for some reason or another. I blame Neon Geneis Evangelion. For entertainment, I can usually be found playing video games, watching TV, or browsing the internet.
[quote name='Sandy'] I mean, I'd never ever pay 70? (99$) for a four hour game such as the Heavenly Sword![/QUOTE] Uh, Sandy, we only have to pay $60 for 360 and PS3 games...
Yes, that is right. But I have a feeling that will be a lot harder than how one would perceive it to be.
[font=arial][align=center]The Cast[/align] [align=center][b]The Empire of Dugolma[/b] [u]The Knights of Destiny[/u][/align] [align=center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DragonsWail/characters/dugolma/knights/sigurd.png]::[u]Sigurd Solverwind[/u]::[/url] [i]”I will cleanse the world of a vile disease. The Iaeselians will be no more…”[/i][/align] Sigurd is the head of the Knights of Destiny; thus, he is in charge of the military of the Empire. But, due to his brother, Caine, being consul of the Ministry, he is in effect ruler of the Empire. He hates the peace loving Iaeselians with a fiery passion, and if he had the power, he would wipe them off the face of the earth. [align=center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DragonsWail/characters/dugolma/knights/Talim.png]::[u]Talim Kruves[/u]::[/url] [i]”This Father Lord…he can forgive? All of my sins, every horrible thing in my life that I have committed…they can be forgiven?”[/i][/align] Talim is the co-commander of the Knights of Destiny, right along with Nashred. Unlike most of the Knights, Talim has no ill feelings against the Iaeselians…some would even say he is sympathetic to them. He is a man of great integrity and honor, and loyally serves Sigurd. He is also a capable swordsman, what some would say is the best swordsman in the whole Empire. [align=center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DragonsWail/characters/dugolma/knights/Nashred.png][u]::Nashred Stremn::[/u][/url][/align] [align=center][i]”You know old man, you truly are a waste of flesh and bone. Do you honestly think that the teachings of your Father Lord is any more important to me than the chamber pot I piss in after too many ales?”[/i][/align] A cruel and heartless man, Nashred leads the Knights of Destiny with an absolute vile vigor. He hates the Iaeselians and their Father Lord with every ounce of his being. [align=center][u]The Ministry[/u][/align] [align=center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DragonsWail/characters/dugolma/ministry/caine.png]::[u]Caine Solverwind[/u]::[/url][/align] [align=center][i]”He is the most important man in the world. Do not harm him.”[/i][/align] Caine is the leader of the Afrokrema, an group of elite soldiers within the Knights of Destiny. Additionally, he is the Consul within the Ministry; he has the power to veto all motions presented against him. He is an avid warrior, and the master of many spells of great power. He is not one to be trifled with. [align=center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DragonsWail/characters/dugolma/ministry/Sulavia.png]::[u]Sulavia Degethir[/u]::[/url][/align] [align=center][i]”I remember the good days…the old days. The days without politics or men. The days of isolation from everything that was cruel.”[/i][/align] [align=center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DragonsWail/characters/dugolma/ministry/dolmoe.png]::[u]Dolmoe Ukrates[/u]::[/url][/align] [align=center][i]”Don’t you understand? You have lost the Empire!”[/i][/align][/font]
[spoiler]Well, he [I]did[/I] say that he hit her from behind.[/spoiler]
[indent][b]Name[/b] Mathias [b]Age[/b] He does not know his current age, but he appears to be in his late twenties or early thirties [b]Archetype[/b] N/A [b]Weapon[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DragonsWail/weapons/dragon_blade1.jpg][u]Arcadian Great Sword[/u][/url] With its golden colored blade, it is no doubt that this sword is of privileged ancestry. It is a long, and sturdy weapon. However, beyond that, there is little hint of greater power at work. [b]Physical Description[/b] [url=http://dcs.ffproject.net/dragon/images/Mathias.jpg]Clicky[/url] [b]Combat Tactics[/b] As far as Mathias is aware, he has no formal training. However, he cannot deny his prowess in combat. He is a skilled swordsman, varied in his movements, but very precise when it comes to how he deals with each opponent. Whoever, he tends to allow his emotions to get the best of him. He will, more likely than not, jump in defense of his friends, even if he knows the odds are not in his favor. [b]Personality[/b] Despite the fact that Mathias has found himself in a land he is unfamiliar with, he has lost all of his memory, and he has found himself up against uncaring odds, Mathias has a very optimistic allure around him. He won?t go around jumping around to cheer his comrades up, but that?s not to say he?ll stay in a corner with a gray cloud hanging over his head. [b]How does your character view the way Dugolma treats Iaesel?[/b] Considering the fact that Mathias was protected by the Iaeselians, it goes without saying that he is on their side of the issue. He does think highly of the Empire at all ? he views them as the enemy of Iaesel, and thus, his enemy as well.[/indent]
[b][center]The Dragon’s Wail A Fantasy RP[/b][/center] [b]Of The Lady[/b] There is a tale, among philosophers and scribes, of the Lady of the Tree. It is said, in a place neither far nor close of our realm, there is a garden. And within that garden, is a tree, Tordrissil, that reaches as far as the sky. The one who tends to that tree is the Lady of the Tree. As she keeps Tordrissil’s bark pure, she sings. No other can equal the beauty of her voice. She sings to the sun; she sings to the gray clouds. For years eternal, she sings. And as she sings, she ages. As man in our realm battle, she sings. As people on the bloody fields die, she sings. She sings in the hope that people will turn from their dark ways. As her body dies, and as she is reborn again, she continues to hope that will people will repent. For when mankind has truly repented…for when there is no more war or greed, she will finally, and truly, die. [center][b]Of the Empire[/b][/center] Dugalma; that is the name of the Empire that has conquered nearly the entire world. But it has yet to learn on how to rule itself. The Knights of Destiny are its defenders and invaders. The Knights are led by Sigurd Solverwind, whose co-comanders are Talim Kruves and Narshed Stremn. The Ministry itself controls the Empire…but due to Sigurd’s brother, Caine, being in the Ministry, as well as holding the power of veto, Sigurd essentially operates the Empire. Under Sigurd’s rule, Dugalma has gone on a volley of invasions. Iasel was the latest to fall to Dugalma. On the surface, Iasel was conquered for its vast supplies of ore and lumber. In reality, Sigurd conquered them for his deep hatred of Iaselians and the Father Lord whom they worship. Iasel is now nothing. It is a ruined country, amongst the poorest in the entire realm. Its peoples are forced to wear rags to identify themselves as followers of the Father Lord. Guards are allowed to do as they please with any of them. Homes are burnt to the ground annually…just for the sake of it. Under these circumstances, groups of Iaselians have escaped from Iasel, and formed the city of Yeshova. It is there that The Dragon’s Wail will first be heard. [right][b]The Players of the Stage[/b][/right] [b]Malphris[/b] [Played by Me] Malphris woke up in Yeshova, with a large sword by his bedside. He does not remember how he got there, or even anything else of his past before that moment. However, he knows a great deal of the world, and is a capable swordsman. As he goes with the others, he hopes to find out just exactly who he is. [b]The Summoner[/b] The Summoner hails from Malrosin; the acclaimed Summoner Academy. The Summoner was with his master, Copernicus, but his master was killed by Caine Solverwind. Alone, the Summoner is forced to group with the others as they travel. The Summoner will direct them to the Arcane Tower, where the Summoner hopes to find out what Copernicus was searching for. [b]The Warden[/b] The Warden is in fact the head of the protective guard of Yeshova, The Wardens patrol the area surrounding Yeshova, to ensure no one bearing the mark of the Empire is approaching it. The Warden is their captain and trainer…but in reality, he does not have much influence as their captain. Seeing that he is not doing much good, he has decided to travel with the party. [b]The Thief[/b] The Thief hails from the capitol of Dugolma, Versitand. He once came across a merchant of magical goods, and being the thief that he was, he stole a specific item. The said item was a gauntlet. When he tried it on, he found that his strength in his right arm multiplied five fold. However, he also found out, he could not take the gauntlet off! He has since traveled in hopes of finding a way to get the gauntlet off of him. He is traveling with the party for this reason. And three free spots! Essentially, create any sort of archetype you wish, but everyone must be in Yeshova by the beginning of the RP, and must have a reason to travel with the party. [b]Character Sheet[/b] [b]Name[/b] [b]Age[/b] [b]Archetype[/b] Choose from above…if you are a Free Spot, list it as so. [b]Weapon[/b] What type of weapon does your character use? If its a simple weapon, just state it. But if it has unique properties, state so. [b]Physical Description[/b] Picture or words, or both. [b]Combat Tactics[/b] Explain how your character acts in battle. [b]Personality[/b] [b]How does your character view the way Dugolma treats Iaesel?[/b] The relationship between Dugolma and Iaesel plays a vital role in the story. Thus, give us a detailed description as to how your character views this relationship.
[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] And he gets the girl. [/font][/QUOTE] Kinda. BIG kinda.
[B]Name[/B] Kamina [B]Source[/B] Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann [B]Status[/B] One of the main characters for the first arc (in fact, I'd dare say the firrst arc should be named the Kamina Arc), Kamina is the only being that could put Chuck Norris' manliness to shame. [CENTER]~~[URL="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/04/Gurren-Lagann_-_Kamina.jpg"]LINK[/URL] to image~~[/CENTER] [LIST] [*]His loud mouth speeches [i]never[/i] gets old [*]His belief in Simon, who has little self confidence, is absolutely encouraging. Even in their final battle together, when the chances of survival are close to none, Kamina puts his complete faith in Simon. Its the kinda friendship everyone needs., and its really inspirational. [*]Him yelling at Simon "Clench your teeth" before hitting him in the face [/LIST]
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Oh and try actually following some of the links provided at the wiki article, they do go to pictures that would not be allowed here. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Ah, but then the debate leads to if providing a link to a page that doesn't have hentai images per say but has links leading to pages with such material is in violation of the rules!
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]^ Responses like that is why Google is your friend. As for the question: [INDENT][B]Hentai[/B] (変態 or へんたい) is a Japanese word that can be used to mean "metamorphosis" or "abnormality". In Japan "hentai" has a strong negative connotation, and is commonly used to mean "sexually perverted". The term is used as slang for sexually explicit or pornographic comics and animation, particularly Japanese anime, manga and computer games.[/INDENT] You want to know more, try Wikipedia, though you'll have to go there yourself since linking would indirectly link to adult pictures and that's a no no here. ;)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] What adult images? Last I checked, Wikipedia does not permit such images, and besides, the said article doesn't contain any adult images to begin with. Unless you count that old painting an adult image.
Student Assaulted and Tasered at John Kerry Q&A
Doublehex replied to Zen's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] If you're implying that Skull & Bones is an evil society that has infiltrated our government, stop there. Yes, it's a [i]secret[/i] society with very prestigious people who give favors to each other, but it's not like other societies don't.[/font][/QUOTE] All I said it was odd, and that no one else had stated it. That was the first thing that crossed my mind after the video, and was surprised no one had stated anything else about it. Or at all, actually. That's why I mentioned it. -
Student Assaulted and Tasered at John Kerry Q&A
Doublehex replied to Zen's topic in General Discussion
Well, what I have found curious is that the guy was arrested the moment he questioned Kerry about his involvement with Skull & Bones. Watch the video again, and you'll notice that within 5 seconds of him asking the question, the Police grab him. Don't you find that a bit odd? -
Woah... [spoiler]Nell is hot. And she kicks even more *** than Ichigo. [i]Interesting[/i].[/spoiler] And yet, somehow, I had a feeling Nell was more than she first appeared to be.
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Ogre Battle 64 is my favorite RPG of all time. It is for the N64. It has a lot of character development and used the whole lawful and chaotic idea long before it was made hugely popular. The game play is pretty unique, it is turn based real time rpg/rts. The Strategy is real time the rpg is turned based...you would kinda need to play it to understand fully. It has hundreds of hours of game play. There are thousands of items and things like that to obtain.[/QUOTE] I have the ROM for that. I really should give it a try one of these days...
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
Doublehex replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Kei'][color=darkblue][size=1]...Masashi Kishimoto is officially on crack.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] You just realized that now? And where the heck is 270? -
[quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Also, why does everyone hold Xenogears so high in regard? Everything about it felt cheap and boring. I bought it for $35 and sold it for double the price. :)[/font][/size][/QUOTE] I have to disagree immensely on that comment, but that will have to wait for another thread. Now, to answer your question Blitz, newer dosen't always mean better. Two of my most favorite RPGs are Xenogears and Xenosaga EP.I. Now, Final Fantasys are always fun to play, but my guess is that you already know that, so I won't go into detail there. I'll agree with Goodbye, Song: Shin Megami Tensei games are amazing. Most of these are very hard to find, since Atlus stops sending them out very quickly after release. But Persona 3 - which [I]is[/I] part of the Shin Megami Tensei license - got released a month ago, so you can probably find it at stores and online easily enough. On the other hand, Bioshock has some RPG influences - upgrading abilities and looting off enemy corpses - and its an amazing game regardless. Even if it is mostly a FPS, you'll find it has a little bit of RPG segments in it. Not enough to make it an FPS/RPH hybrid, mind you, but enough you'll get reminded of RPGs. Now, if you want a true FPS/RPG hyrbid, keep an eye out for Deus Ex. Their goal was to create a FPS/RPG, and from what I've heard and read, they nailed it. Its pretty old, so the graphics aren't that great, but you can download mods that will bring it up to 2005 graphics.
Well, if you want to go way back, it really started with Toonami. That was my very first encounter with anime. Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakuso (although I remember nothing of it), these are the ones I remember the most. And considering I am still a big fan of Outlaw Star and Gundam Wing, I have to saw Toonami had the biggest impact on me as well in regards to my anime fandom. Now, I didn't watch anime at all for my middle school years, and not at all my freshman and sophomore. My friend Kevin was the one to introduce me to what I term as adult anime. He showed me Elfen Lied, and I have to say, I was hooked right at the first episode. That may explain why I have watched the show three times, and it was my most favorite anime until I saw Neon Genesis Evangelion.
You don't need a tablet to draw stick figures. So, join anyway!
More good news for us PC Gamers - EA has just released Command & Conquer: The First Decade for free via Fileplanet. Its in ISO format, so you'll have to either get a program that will stock it on your hard drive so that you can install it from there, or burn it on a CD, but minus that its completely free. [url]http://www.fileplanet.com/180464/180000/fileinfo/Command-&-Conquer-The-First-Decade---Full-Game-(Complete[/url])
So, it won't matter which one I go with then? Might as well start with the shorter one - Macross - first.Thanks for the advice, Long.
I have been meaning to watch Macross for a while now, but after reading this thread, I have found out Macross is actually part of Robotech. I understand how Robotech pretty much combines 3 different but similar anime series into one. My question is, as a Macross/Robotech virgin, which should I watch first? Macross, or Robotech?
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"][url=http://www.geocities.jp/lledoece/nanaca-crash.html][B]Nanaka Crash[/B][/url] is a weird-*** addicting Japanese game of which every otaku must brag about their high scores, lol. Don't mind that the site is Japanese - the game is easy to figure out as it really only requires you to click the screen, but it is apparently a lot more complex than it first appears and many have developed intense strategies for winning. Me, I'm happy as long as I get to see a mangled guy get hit by a bike and beat by schoolgirls XD.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I've known about that game for a while, and shame on me for not hunting down a Google link and posting it before now. T_T
[quote name='Bombu'][color=darkred]Sorry friend but Lik-Sang are no more. lol[/color] [url]http://www.lik-sang.com/[/url][/QUOTE] Don't you mean Lik-Sang [I]is[/I] no more? ...Sorry, grammar nazi. :D [color=darkred][size=1]I thought Lik-Sang were like a team or something... either way they/it suck/s/ed. -- Bombu[/size][/color]