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Everything posted by Doublehex
[quote name='Bombu'][color=darkred]I know this isn't what Matt means, but I got Animal Crossing: Wild World for free. I ordered the American version off Lik-Sang when it was released over there because I didn't want to wait four months for the European release. Anyway, it took so long to come that I might as well have waited for the Euro release, so I demanded a refund and got it. One month later it arrived at my doorstep and I kept it as compensation for severe psychological damage.[/color][/QUOTE] ...That is amazing. I should order more games off of that site so that I can demand a refund, and thus, get a game for free! :D
That's true; I should of added PoP for those who didn't play it. Far Cry just occurred to me because it's a PC oriented game. But, I don't know anyone who would want to play Raving Rabbids on the PC - it was designed for the Wii, so I'm pretty sure the quality wouldn't even be near as close as the Wii version.
There are few sweeter words in the English language than the word 'free', and this especially applies to us gamers. With most games costing $60, any chance for us to play a game for absolutely nothing is a God send. So, I thought we'd have a thread where we tell others about free games we have played, either through download or online flash based games. To start, I found that Ubisoft is offering, through Fileplanet, an absolutely [U][URL="http://www.fileplanet.com/180410/180000/fileinfo/Far-Cry-Full-Game-%5BFree-Game---Ad-Supported%5D"]free[/URL][/U] FarCry. The only badside (minus it being hosted by Fileplanet) is that it is supported by in game ads. But I can't pass the chance to play this critically acclaimed game at no cost of me, so I will deal with it. And for your information, this offer is available only to US residents.
[quote name='YawnBoy'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"]I've got two different ideas that I thought would make good RPs and I was wondering if anybody else thought they were interesting. The first is one based off of the novel 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman (or 'Anansi Boys' which takes place in the same universe). Its an extremely good book and I think it'd make a really good RP where the players could play the gods or normal people who get drawn into it, but I'd be worried that not many people have read it so not too many people would be into it (and if you haven't read it, I really recommend it). The second one would be based off the TV series Heroes. Which, also, is a great show and I think a lot of people on this site would have seen it; plus, I think the show lends itself to an RPG fairly well. So, let me know what you guys think or if you'd be interested in something like this. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well, either of them are good ideas. I am a big fan of 'Mythology in Modern Settings', being the myth whore I am. As for the other one...well, I never watched Heroes, but I'd be damned if I'm not a Superheroes fan. So, I suggest you just role a [URL="http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm"][U]die[/U][/URL].
All of you guys make me jealous. I only have one pet - an effing cat! His name is Simba, and he does three things. He eats. He sleeps. And he poops. He doesn't cuddle up with you; he snarls at me if I try to pet him. And he's an old cat too. He's like in his teens. He reminds me alot of my great grandmother...
I haven't had hot chocolate since I was a little kid, but I remember whenever I would have it, I [B]demanded[/B] marshmallows with it. Not requested, mind you. It was a must, a necessity. I would accept nothing less than hot chocolate with marshmallows rising to the surface. Delicious.
I have four consoles: the [B]Playstation 2[/B] (which should be obvious: everyone and his mother has a PS2), an [B]Xbox[/B], and the ever lovable [B]Gamecube[/B]. I have around twenty or so games for the Gamecube and Xbox (each; not together), but only a dozen or so PS2. But I cherish my PS2 the most - I bought it, and every single game for it, myself. The next console I will get will be a 360. I do not have the money for a PS3, and the Wii, although the concept of the Wiimote looks fascinating, does not have any games that I wish to have right now. The 360, on the other hand, has [B]Bioshock[/B] and [B]Lost Odyssey[/B]....and of course, there is [B]Gears of War[/B], but the other two come before that. And before anyone says anything, yes, I know [B]Halo 3[/B] is on the horizon, but I can care less about it.
Gaming Has anyone heard of "Phantasy Star" ?
Doublehex replied to Tetra of sound's topic in Noosphere
Especially since they look more like they're just bumping into each other rather than embarking on a romantic journey. Yup, game characters just don't kiss like they used to... -
I have been a fan of this game ever since it came out. I bought it just months before its first expansion pack, Shadows of Undrentide, came out. I love all of the campaigns...but the only one I managed to finish was SoU, which is kinda depressing. I have to say, don't buy this game for the game itself. No, buy it for the modules that people have made for it! I can't begin to tell you what a professional, and such well done job, that people in their spare time have performed. My favorite modules are the [B][I]Lone Wolf[/I][/B] and [B][I]Adam Miller's module series[/I][/B], although [B][I]Rose of Eternity[/I][/B] is one of the greatest module series I have played.
I'm just curious, what did everyone name their character? I named mine Fuzake Mawaru [LIST] [*]In Japanese, the term 'fuzakemawaru' stands for foolish one [*]Which fits because the tarot card of the protaganist is the Fool. [*]Additionally, the Fool represents change, either good or bad. The fact that the Protagonist can have more than one persona is a big change from normal. [*]Plus, it just sounds like an awesome name :D[/LIST]
I have yet to meet anyone who shares the same birthday as I do. I have also yet to find any modern famous people who share the same birthday as I do. But I have the same birthday as a [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Komyo_of_Japan"][U]Japanese emperor[/U][/URL]. That has to count for something, right?
Finished! Huzzah! [INDENT]Name Arubito, Teisho // Teisho Arubito Age 13 Gender Male Physical Description Teisho is a silent man by nature; he has learned that it is best not to draw attention to himself, concerning the bad history of his nation of his birth. His clothing reflects this. He wears over his clothing a large, dark cloak. It is similar to a kimono in how it can be opened down to the chest. It is made of a dark material, most likely a leather of sorts. The cloak falls down to his shoes, but is cut from the bottom to where his pelvis would be, offering mobility. The cloak’s collar extends so far up that it would cover half of his face; it has a zipper, however, when he needs some room to breath. He is usually seen with his left hand sleeveless, his left hand tucked into his jacket, much like a ronin. His hand is kept in his right sleeve. When battle arises, he will throw the sleeve off of him, pushing it to the side, and off of his shoulder. He will then draw the Kurou Mizui. Beneath the coat he has on a sleeveless white shirt. It is undecorated; very simple and clean. This gives him added mobility, since he does not have sleeves to slow him down under his somewhat heavy coat. He has black leather gauntlets on. This is to prevent his sweaty palms (they [i]do[/i] sweat in battle) from losing grip of whatever they are holding. They also provide minor protection. He refuses to wear the standard sandal footwear that are so common, seeing them as nuisance. They also provide more protection that sandals ever could. [center]= = = [IMG]http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/7637/shinobihe3.jpg[/IMG] [© osy057@deviantart] [/CENTER] When you look upon the face of Teisho, you see someone who is unusually calm and serene for someone of his age. His face has the look of someone who cares not for the events that revolve around him, but rather the events that involve only him. One would not be too far from the truth with such a statement. One look into his eyes, and you can tell immediately that Teisho is a serious man. He is one not to express emotions in them; he prefers to use his facial features for that. There is many reasons for this, but they all connect at a single point: tactics. By looking into the eyes of an enemy, a fighter can predict their emotions, motives, and theories. By removing emotions from his eyes, Teisho has gained a tactical advantage in battle. It is also a psychological move – it is almost demon like, the way his eyes just stare into space, but at the same time, are so concentrated. After his face, one is quick to notice his unusual hairstyle – blue in the front, white in the back. This is a trait from the Arubito family; it is unknown exactly why the Arubitos are born with this strange look. All is known is that they have it, and that is enough for most people. After all, in a world of pink haired kunoichis, a blue-white haired shinobi is not that unusual. [B]Weapons[/B] [URL="http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9210/blackorchidv2259bafnd9.jpg"][U]Kurou Mizui//Black Water[/U][/URL] For a weapon as large as the Kurou Mizui, it has a very slender look to it. It begins as the hilt, with its bronze pummel, and the brown-colored grip, which intersects to the [i]chappe[/i]. The chappe does not end at just where the blade meets it, as is the norm; rather, it extends to the opposite end of it, acting as a guard for half of the blade’s length. The chappe ends at the end of the blade. As for the blade itself, it is even more fascinating, which one could most likely attribute to the Village of the Hidden Mist’s love for its blades. It is curved, much like a scimitar. Near the central ridge, the blade extends to a sharp edged tip, which was hollowed out. This reduced the weight of the weapon to an extent. As for the technical terms surrounding the weapon, it is 2 kg in weight, and 11 ½ in length of the entire weapon, starting from the hilt to the point. The Kurou Mizui was passed down the line of Arubito for the past three hundred years, and will not wielded by any hand that is not of Arubito blood or is not blessed by an Arubito. It is enchanted for this purpose; it will triple in weight if the person has not met the said requirements. On the other hand, it will decrease in weight ever slightly the more an Arubito has wielded it. Some people say the most exceptional of the Arubito line will see a spirit that guards the blade. Weapon History: The history of the blade dates back to the founding of Rosato [Lost Village], which predated even the founding of the Hidden Village of the Mist. The people of Rosato were exceptional swordsman, all of them ranking among the best in the world. All others, even those of the Mist, acknowledged their prowess. The Kurou Mizui was the village’s symbol, its golden eagle if you will. It defined everything that they were, and its sight alone on the battlefield would raise them up into a glorius fury for the valor of Rosato…and the Mist. When the idea for an Academy was first proposed to the Feudal Lord all those years ago, dozens of sites were proposed. Rosato was one of them, and many were certain that it would be the one. But, fate played a cruel turn, and Rosato was denied. From there, Rosato plunged into despair. The warriors lost hope; men gave in to drunkenness, women fell to carelessness. The village was doomed. Only one family still kept the Rosato spirit within: the Arubito. They alone would march on the battlefield; they alone would sing the ancient glory songs. They kept to the old ways. And so, the Kurou Mizui chose them as its wielder. It would allow no other hand to touch its hilt. Only those with Arubito blood in their veins could even feel it. As the saying goes, and the rest is history. [B]Personality[/B] [I know this wasn’t an original category, but I decided to add it anyways! :-p] Teisho is a calm, restrained, young man. Most people his age is quickly identifiable with a personality trait, but Teisho does not have these qualities. At one glance, one could say he doesn’t have a personality at all. This, however, is a misconception. Its not that Teisho does not have a personality; rather, it would be far more accurate to say that Teisho has kept his personality [i]restrained[/i]. He keeps it hidden, locked up, for no better reason than to gain another tactical prowess. He shows emotion from time to time, there is no doubt about that. He is just more lax in showing it than the Number One most Surprising Ninja of Konoha. The personality that Teisho has locked under jail and key is one of too many traits for Teisho to consider safe. For example, he has the most perverted sense of humor. If somebody makes a joke or comment about anything, his mind will find a way to twist it to involve as dirty sex as possible. Granted, he lets [i]no one[/i] know this, but this doesn’t stop the occasional laugh from emerging, much to his chagrin. Teisho also has an overwhelming anger. He is a very prejudice individual, almost always relying on stereotypes to decide how to judge someone. If someone dares to correct him, he will be sure to make him pay. In his hunt for the man who humiliated his family, Teisho has developed an alternate personality; a man known only as Oujou. ‘Oujou’ is a maniac; a mass murderer, rapist, tormenter, and absolutely psychotic. He is everything that Teisho is not. Whereas Teisho is reserved and quiet, Oujou is loud and absolutely bloodthirsty. He tears at his enemies with tooth and nail if he dosen’t have a weapon in his bloody hands. [B]Fighting Style[/B] Teisho is a swordsman first, a shinobi second, and a man last. His battle style reflects this: all of his maneuvers involve his blade. He does nothing concerning his fists. His path is that of the sword; and if prophet’s wisdoms are to be given any credit, he will die by the sword as well. The instant battle comes upon him, he throws his left sleeve off of him. It will fall to his side, giving him full maneuverability with his left arm. With his right arm he will have his blade in hand, holding it on his shoulders, using them as a platform for him to balance the weapon. He is a mix of defense and offense. He knows when to use his blade as a shield to block attacks, but if he knows he needs to lose some blood to get a finishing shot in, he will not hesitate to charge straight in battle. [B]Jutsu/Techniques [/B] [+]Eki-Sukin no Jutsu [Liquid Skin Technique] [b]Jutsu Type:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Description / Effects:[/b] The Eki-Sukin is a medium ranked ninjutsu. Unlike most ninjutsus, it is performed subconsciously, rather than through hand seals. This makes it more difficult than the norm to perform, but as much as chakra consumption is concerned, its medium level. What occurs is the user triggers in their mind to have their skin cells evolve [or devolve, depending on one’s opinion] into water cells, while still keeping a trace of their biological data. This results in the flesh of turning into water; the theory goes that on impact, the water flesh will splatter, but not to the harm to the user. The user will then trigger the cells to revert back to the original state, from water back to flesh. It is a dangerous jutsu, due to the fact that if one is not careful, they can become completely organic. [b]Chakra Consumption:[/b] Medium [+]Ken Mizu Suishin [Blade of Water Propulsion] [b]Jutsu Type:[/b] Ninjutsu, with a hint of Kenjutsu [b]Description / Effects:[/b] There is always the need for a fighter to get a few extra shots on a target. The shinobis developed such a jutsu for its blade bearers – the Ken Mizu Suishnin. The shinobi will gather water around their blade, and the rush towards the enemy. They will slash upwards. Normally, this will cut them down; but instead, the water will be released, and at such a velocity that it will send them a few feet in the air. In combination with the Hai Mizu Suishin, the shinobi can leap into the air as well, and slash the unmovable target to shreds. [b]Chakra Consumption:[/b] Low [B]Bio[/B] The life of Teisho Arubito is not one of peace; it is not one of serenity. It is not one of the upbringing of the warrior. It is simply the beginning. Teisho was born into the prestigious Arubito family, of the Rosato village in the Nation of the Mist. The Rosato family was known as the greatest swordsmen in not only the Mist, but the whole world as well. They had no bloodline ability; they had neither secret nor curse. It was all pure talent and will to become the best. But of all the families and villages in the village, the Arubitos were known to be the greatest amongst them. Thus, to say Teisho has large expectations to meet would be overly kind. The Arubitos, as one could surmise, had many rivals…but none were as great as themselves. The Arubitos were unofficially split into two branches, but unlike the Hyuugas of Konohagakure [Hidden Leaf], which were done to protect its secrets, the Arubito clan was split due to a dispute. Two hundred or so years ago, a woman from the Arubitos married outside of the family; before, they would marry cousins so distant that it wasn’t considered incest. The woman and her husband distanced themselves from the Arubitos, and for a good many years, their descendants were not even considered of the Arubito Clan. But then, the leader of the Arubito clan was attacked by assassins…and it was one of the woman’s descendants that saved the Clan Head, only to die moments later due to being poisoned. The Clan Head was moved so that he declared his rescuer’s relatives were to be inducted back into the Clan. But things were not to be peaceful. The two portions of the Clan agreed on almost nothing, and they butted heads many times. Eventually, two members of each branch were instructed to marry, in hopes that would unite the clan. The result of that union was Teisho’s uncle; Shojo. He was a clever warrior, a quick tactician, and an even more cunning politician. He knew how to get people to do what he needed, when to strike, and when to pull back. Being of mixed descent, Shojo struggled with how to unite the Clan. He eventually came to a conclusion: the next descendants in line for the throne from the ancestral branch would need to be declared as outcasts. That would be Teisho’s family. Over the course of a single night, he and his bribed elite performed a coup de tat against the ancestral branch. Teisho, his mother, and his father, the son of the Clan Head, were outlawed. Kohonagakure gave shelter to them, but that would never remove the rage from their hearts, nor the rage they instilled in Teisho as he grew up. Not even Shojo sending them the ancestral blade of their Clan as apologies could remove such a taint. [/INDENT]
One day, a family of three are having guests over. To prepare for the party, the father was shaving his face, and the mother was cutting the turkey. When their son entered the kitchen, the mother cut herself on the knife and said f-u-c-*. "Mom, what's f-u-c-*?" asked the son. "Its what I'm doing to the turkey", said the mother. When the boy entered his father's bathroom, his father cut himself on the face with his shaver, and said s-h-i-*." "Dad, what's s-h-i*?" "Its what I'm doing to my face," answered the father. Then the guests arrived. Since both parents were busy, the boy answered the door. "I'm sorry, but my mother is f***ing the turkey and my dad is s***ing his face. But they'll be done soon."
I'm not the type of guy to be picky over what type of soap or shampoo I use. If it smells good, I slather it on me. Simple as that.
[quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Wasn't ZOE2 taken off store shelves in America? I didn't have the money to buy it immediately so I rented it right when it came out, and by the time I returned the rental, I NEVER saw another copy of the game ever again.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] That would explain why I am unable to find the thing. Its predecessor, however, can be found very easily. The only way I imagine I'll be able to get it will be to buy it off of Amazon for $50+ dollars. But like James said, its doubtful there's a conspiracy going on. Chances are, the company's resources are just being used elsewhere and they don't have the capability to develop another title right now. But, I have heard from Gamespot that Kojima has ideas for ZOE 3, so there's a possibility that will be his next project..
I have three major games right now. The one that is taking up my time the most is Persona 3. Honestly, I have not played a game that has kept me up into 2 and 3 in the morning since Kingdom Hearts 2. I love nearly every aspect of it (the music and voice acting being the prime suspects here). The "realistic" cel shaded graphics are top notch, the story is intriguing, and me having to switch between a high school student and hero of humanity is unusually addicting. After that comes Xenogears. I have always valued videogames as the next future of story telling, and I don't know of any other game that hits that point home any better than Xenogears. This is a game that can't even be defined as a game! Its far more accurate to say its a story that you play on your Playstation. Xenogears tells a story first, and focuses on the gameplay second. Now, that's not to say the game isn't fun - the battle system in place is very addicting, and very deep. And then, there's Vagrant Story. Now, this may come from the people who made Final Fantasy XII, but it goes without saying that this is an amazing game. Right from the opening cinematic, you have the feeling this is an adventure of epic proportions. Essentially, this is SquareSoft's answer to Metal Gear Solid - the cinematics make you feel that you [I]are[/I] watching a movie, even if the graphics are extremlley dated. The game is a lot of fun as well - its somewhat of a cross between Real Time and Turn Based RPGS. You move around in free time, and there isn't any 'battle scenes'. Instead, the enemies go and attack you, and when you/they attack, the game stops, allowing the attacker to attack, the attacked to dodge/get hit/block, etc. Then the real time system goes into play. Additionally, you target body parts, and this has an effect. If you take out all of an arm's HP, they can't use that arm! Legs will reduce speed by 50%, etc. Of course, the same can happen to you if you don't heal...
I have been a fan of the Shin Megami Tensei series ever since Goodbye, Face introduced me to [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Devil_Saga"]Digital Devil Saga[/URL]. It was something of a love hate relationship. I loved the characters, the story, and the gameplay...but I hated that it was just one dungeon crawl after another. Now, I've been keeping tracking of anything even [I]remotely[/I] SMT related ever since. You can expect that I've been excited over this title for a while. Even though Kazuma Kaneko didn't design the characters, I still love how they were done. Don't ask me why. I just do. At first, I wasn't quite so sure if I was in love with the school life aspect. After four years of high school, I am not excited to go back into that environment. But, after reading up on it, I am warming up on the idea. Now, with the Invoker, that is the only part I am somewhat freaked out about. The fact that they point this gun into their heads, and pull the trigger to activate spells and summon personaes is somewhat disturbing to me. Overall though, I can't wait for it. I only hope EB Games ships it to me tomorrow. If not, well, I'll get to play it eventually.
After reading the thread, I decided to watch it. I have to say that it looks very interesting. I'm 3/4 Italian, and as a result have always been fascinated with the mafia. Despite the fact I have yet to see the Godfather, I have every intent to watch every 'famous' mafia movie out there. The way Baccano handles the mafia genre is interesting in that it blends the typical mafia storyline - mafia families fighting with each other - along with the typical supernatural aura most anime series seem to have. I was actually surprised how grotesque the show was, but I guess it was just to best depict the way of the mafia, and I think that was the best route. Mafia were brutal, and not depicting them as such would be an insult to history. I am split on wherever I like the idea of the immortals or not. In real life settings like this, I would much more prefer normal individuals. But I rarely judge a book by its cover; I'll just wait and see how the show progresses.
My life is about as interesting as a bag of half roasted peanuts.
I never liked [B]Tekken[/B] to begin with. It was just too slow, in my opinion, especially when compared to Soul Calibur and [B][URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Blade"]The Last Blade[/URL][/B]. Plus, everyone seemed to do far too much damage, and the cyborg character, once he got you in a his spine breaking move, as far as I know, there is no way you can get out until he either kills you or depletes you of almost all your health.
I have to agree with you guys on how they changed the characters so much between SC2 and SC3. Now, I am a casual player, but I played enough of each game to notice how the characters I loved just weren't the same anymore. In SC2, I was basically unbeatable with Nightmare, but in SC3, his moves just seemed to have such a drastic change. Case in point? My little brother could easily kick my butt with his custom character just by doing the same move over and over again. Even when I would force him to change, he would still be able to beat me with his custom character.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Doublehex replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
I suppose there is no better time for me to return to the forums than for me to post in the picture thread. I call this masterpiece...I must lick your face! [IMG]http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/6991/6a00c225261147549d00cdfsp7.jpg[/IMG] -
[color=white][CENTER][b]Name[/b] Markanis Flamewind [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/382/markanisrpui7.jpg][COLOR="SandyBrown"]Click[/COLOR][/url] For an elf, Markanis is unusually well built. He is a very muscular individual (although he is far from being what you would call a juggernaut), with a deeply tanned skin tone. He has a very sharp chin, with a finely trimmed goatee. [B]Society[/B] Mage Knight [B]Armor[/B] The way of the Dream Mage is the imagination; the very robe that Markanis wears would appear to be ripped right out of someone?s fantasy. It is stitched from light leather. Golden yellow and green spiral down the robe. His shoulders are padded with a dragon like symbol. [B]Weapon[/B] The weapon of the Dream Mage is not that of the blade, or even the crossbow. It is the user?s very own intellect and imagination. By tapping into their very own dreams, the mage is capable of creating the fantastic. Nightmares are re-imagined; fantasies are revealed. Additionally, the Dream Mage can tap into the dreams of their targets. Using this new found knowledge, the Dream Mage can use them as act of persuasion, torture, or even enslave the target. [B]Abilities[/B] Not a special skill in that others are incapable of acquiring it, Markanis is nonetheless a very persuasive character. May it be the tone of his voice, or how it may be that he has a way with words, he has been known to put an entire band of greedy bandits to ease.[/CENTER] [/color]
I have seen only one skit; it was 'The Killing Joke'. Its pretty much how Britian devised this joke that [I]literally[/I] killed whoever heard it. Then the Nazis tried to create their own version...but it just wasn't funny. Just goes to show you why Nazis lost WW2.
That was quite amusing Desbreko, even if I never saw the show (and probably never will, but meh). Give us more!