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I saw the trailer, and I have to say that I am quite intrigued. Now, I never liked the original Romeo and Juliet - between the difficult language and the boring story and poor characters, I never knew why it was such a classic. But this is an interesting way to put it - instead of giving us a boring historical Verona, give us the skies! Now, I do hope that they actually give the characters personalties, and that Rome's and Juliet's love isn't such a cliche as the original was. The music was very nice as well. Instant download when it gets released on Galbadia Hotel ;). But, my question is, who the fudge was Tybalt? I couldn't tell.
[color=royalblue][center]Thursday; The 34th of Estembre; 3:48 PM[/center] The book, [i]An Occurrence at Owl Creek[/i], dropped onto the bed sheet; Alex?s shaking hands unable to hold it for any longer. He stared at the pale man, his long black hair. Alex?s shivering teeth revealing the fear within him. ?What is your decision then, Alex?? ?I?m not weak.? ?What did you say?? ?I said I?m not weak.? ?What are you then? If you are strong, then shouldn?t you have been able to push Kristos off of you? Shouldn?t you have been able to defeat Syrus in a second with your speed and intelligence? If you were strong, those things were more than possible. But here?s the thing Alex; you?re not strong. So I will say it one more time; what do you say to my offer? Do you want to become strong?? Alex didn?t say anything. It wasn?t like he didn?t want to say anything; with all his heart, he wanted to leap to his bed, ignore the pain in his injured arms, and scream at the top of his lungs that he wanted that strength, to say that he wanted to be heard, to be recognized and loved, to have someone know he existed. He didn?t want people to pity him, like they were now. Monique?Lazarus?it was all out of pity. Because he was weak. Because he wasn?t strong. But he couldn?t. His fear kept him away from saying it. ?You [i]are[/i] weak. You can?t even say what you want.? With that, he pulled Alex out of his bed by his collar. ?I will [i]make[/i] you strong, even if I have to break you.? [center]*[/center] Lazarus opened the door to Alex. They both stepped into the chamber. Alex was dressed, albeit horridly and messy, but his bruises were still apparent from even beneath his bandages. ?Where are we?? ?This is the Oedipus Complex. It?s an old, abandoned, and forbidden part of the school. It was considered too dangerous?too many students died in it. Let me just say now I am not referring to just physical deaths.? Alex couldn?t see how a narrow passage way could help him with his training. ?How will this help me?? ?Like this.? He stabbed Alex in the neck, and ran off into the passageways. ?Find me if you can, Alex!? Alex didn?t hear him, however. He had descended to darkness long before he even hit the ground. But it was different from sleep. He was awake?he could still feel the rats crawling near him, their bristles tickling his flesh. He felt a worm as it slipped up his coat. But he didn?t feel like he was awake either. He felt like he was a ghost. [center]*[/center] Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tock. ?I see you?re finally awake.? ?Where am I?? ?Judging your surroundings, I would say you are in a comfortable room, sitting on a very relaxing couch, sipping a very satisfying glass of New Berry Wine that was first squeezed fifty years ago.? That doesn?t help me.? ?Oh yes it does. You can relax now; you?re in a safe place.? ?Is there such a thing?? ?Certainly. Isn?t a church safe?? ?I don?t know. I don?t remember ever going to church.? ?Yes you do. You went with your father and mother.? [i]No Not them[/i]. ?I missed you, you know. I always loved to see your smiling face whenever you came in, gripping your mother?s hand. It always brought a smile to my face. But, you don?t smile anymore, do you?? ?No.? ?You feel weak, like you are incompetent. You want to be strong, but you can?t find the strength. Alex, let me tell you something; everyone has a great strength within them. It?s locked away, but it is there. Most people are able to find the key, and open that lock. Others need help finding that key. Some never do, by isolating themselves from others, because they think they are being pitied.? [center]*[/center] Headmaster Enteri stared at the report handed to him by Instructor Shavers. The sparing instructor stood there in front of his desk, his arms crossed behind him. ?This is Alex?? ?Yes sir. He suffered several bruises. He?s fine physically?? ?But mentally the boy is a mess. The Second Generation won?t be happy.? ?Is that our intent to begin with?? ?No?, the headmaster chuckled, ?and God help us with that.? [center]*[/center] ?Why do you seek strength, Alex?? ?So I can be recognized.? ?Why do you want to be recognized?? ?Because I wasn?t loved.? ?Why do you want love?? ?To have an important person.? ?Good. That?s all you need, Alex. You have strong arms. A man should use those arms to protect what is important to him. That?s what a man does; he protects things. Use those hands to become strong, so you can be recognized, so you can be loved, so you have someone important to you. And yet, you already do. She came to visit you today.? ?Monique? Why her?? ?You two are more similar than you think.? The man snapped his fingers, and Alex found himself back in reality. But this time, he wasn?t in the Oedipus Complex. He was in a small arena?like the one Instructor Shavers frequently used. But it was older?almost ancient.? ?I see you finally decided to wake up.? ?What did you do to me?? ?That was the power of the Oedipus Complex; to psychologically test us. That drug activated its powers.? ?So, what now?? ?We fight.? [/color]
Lionheart, I'm afraid you will have to take out the part where Leon encounters Alex, due to Kitty's and Lazarus' posts.
Actually, I changed it before I posted the RP, so it technically wasn't before the RP started.
[color=royalblue][center]Thursday; The 34th of Estembre; 12:21 PM[/center] The Aku Soku Zan user stared into the eyes of his opponent; he did not exactly recognize him, but he was certain that he had seen him before. His light brown hair; the shoulder pads that were slightly visible from beneath his sparring outfit. He had a recognizable appearance, but Alex couldn?t put his finger on it. The opponent came in with a large swing from his broadsword. It would of have been slightly difficult for most fighting styles to avoid; but the Aku Soku Zan made it an easy task. A mere propulsion from the ground via his palms, and Alex was back on the ground, on the safe side of the broadsword. Seeing his chance, Alex closed in for the kill. He stabbed into the broadsword user?s arm. Alex?s opponent pulled away before any significant damage was done, but his arm was still bleeding enough for him to grab hold of it. ?Damn it?, he swore. Alex returned to his neutral position, his right foot leading. ?Whats your name?? Alex didn?t say anything. [i]?What does he need my name for? We?re just sparring. No real harm done??[/i] ?Your name damnit! What is your name?? ?Alex.? He chuckled. ?Syrus.? Alex licked his lips. ?You fight good?Alex.? He kneeled down to grab his broadsword. He swung it downward. ?That?s the Aku Soku Zan, right?? ?Yes?, Alex confirmed, if a bit nervously. ?That?s a really hard technique. I didn?t think any of the teachers taught it. In fact, they don?t. Where did you learn it?? By now, Syrus had gone into an official stance. ?I taught it myself.? ?You? Yeah, right. Where did you learn it? Seriously.? ?I read a lot.? Syrus raised an eyebrow. ?I see. Well, let?s see if your book copied Aku Soku Zan can deal with me.? Instantly, he charged, Syrus? two hands trailing behind him, the heavy Aludra dragging on the ground. He sliced upwards, dirt flying into the air as Alex barely dodged the attack. He brought the weapon downward, like a hammer. Alex blocked it with his blade, but the enormous weight brought him down to his knee. Syrus slashed at Alex two times; the third Alex rolled out of the way and slashed at Syrus? side. The teen turned and blocked the attack just in time, but he was now on the defensive. ?Alex!? The battle interrupted, both students turned to face Instructor Shavers. The bald man pushed back his rose colored glasses as he walked onto the arena. ?I have a request for you. Come with me.? Nodding, Alex sheathed his sword and followed, leaving Syrus confused and exhilarated. Alex was brought to a certain silvery haired man, waiting rather impatiently in the changing room. ?Alex, this is Kristos. He is looking for some practice. I want you to spar with him.? Alex nodded. ?Instructor, isn?t there someone else! I need your strongest student, not this kid who can barely lift his sword!? ?Kristos, shut up. Both of you, to the arena.? [center]---[/center] Dust filled the air as Alex got into position. His right foot pushed into the ground like a comet from the stars. Kristos slid his legs equally apart, his katana Zenjiba held in both hands like a two handed sword. Alex, personally, was surprised he could wrap all of his fingers around the hilt. They charged at once. At first, Kristos had the advantage, with a flurry of barbaric attacks. He moved so fast that Alex couldn?t tell if he was using an illusionary spell or not. His Sharigan told him no, but his weakness with the technique made him doubtful. Kristos made a foolish mistake; he attempted an overhead strike, like he wanted to cleave Alex in two. He flipped his Longsword onto his off-hand and came into contact with the katana. Sparks flew as the blades slid across each other. Alex flipped his blade back into its off-hand before continuing the battle. He sent a flurry of slashed Kristos? way, overpowering him the same way he overpowered Alex. Kristos rammed into Alex, the young man?s eyes going pale as he hit the ground. Scurrying on top of him, Kristos punched Alex in the face constantly; each hit harder than the rest. [i]?I?m an idiot, such an idiot! Its my fault that Cassandra got hurt! I?m the cause of everything. All those things that happen, its my fault! I can?t do anything; nothing! All I can do is beat up people, scare them shitless! I?m such an idiot!?[/i] ?Kristos!! Alex!!? At once, multiple students came to Alex?s aid, pulling Kristos off of him. ?Kristos, what the hell are you doing?? He just turned away. ?You?re coming with me, to the disciplinary committee!? The bulky instructor grabbed Kristos by his collar, dragging him off. Alex was left breathing uneasy. His nose was broken, and he felt an k-9 was lose. His eye vision was getting hazy. It got blurrier and blurrier. ?Hey, you?re okay?? ?That?s Alex, he?s never okay, what are you talking about? He?s such an idiot.? ?He flunks everything. No wonder he got his ass whooped.? ?Shut up!? He saw a girl with black hair. She had a really pretty face. ?Are you okay? Hey, come on, wake up?? Alex didn?t get a chance to. He fell into the darkness before he could ask the girl her name. He was too weak even to ask a girl a simple question. [/color]
[color=royalblue][center]Thursday, The 34th of Estembre; 8:20 AM[/center] The sounds of the instruments evolved into unison as Instructor Salina moved her hands in an elegant manner, directing them where they needed to be. Here, they were at peace; there was no war, no pressure of the Academy to succeed. Here, there was only themselves, and the instruments. An hour later, the bell rang, and the class flooded out. Within the next few minutes, Alex would find himself in Sparring class once again. The memories of yesterday?s humiliating defeat quickly came back into his mind. He wondered if he would meet that girl again. Maybe he could beat her, but she beat him the first time, why would today be any different? Alex sighed to himself. What was the point of worrying? If he loses, he loses. If he wins, then whoopee-doo. It would of have been by luck, anyways.[/color] Short post I know, but meh, I just can't think how much longer I can stretch it out for (especially since I have never been in Music class since 3rd grade >_
[color=royalblue][center]Wednesday, The 33rd of Estembre; 7:04 PM[/center] Alex looked at the black haired man with a doubtful face. Before, no one had paid any attention to him, even though he was constant times ridiculed. And now, this man who he just happened to stumble into wanted to have dinner with him at the café? Alex knew he was insecure of himself, but he sure as hell wasn?t dumb. With a slap, he pushed the stranger?s hands away, sheathed his longsword over his shoulder, and walked away, his hands in his pockets. ?Don?t?, was all Alex said. The stranger just sighed. [/color] Okay, a few rules. First of all, the date/month/time thing that I am using is now [B]mandatory![/B] The month can be an exception, but mostly, I want the format I have been using used in your posts. We need to stay consistent with the time, so we know just when is happening at what time. Secondly, we should slow down our posting a bit. I mean, it's awesome that we have reached the third page in three days, but at this rate, we will be so exhausted of this typing that CAF will die again. So, I want only two posts a day, in general, TOPS, including weekends.
That's what I've been saying!
[color=royalblue][center]Wednesday, The 33rd of Estembre; 6:21 PM[/center] With his blade in hand, Alex stared at the mess brought upon Isaac?s band. Most of them were either knocked out, or lying on the cafeteria tables, smothered in food, too beaten up to do anything. For a moment, Alex had a sense of joy come over him. But then, he looked down at the weapon he was holding, and he instantly remembered that he didn?t do a thing. After the black haired person retrieved the X-105 from Isaac, and gave it to him, Alex didn?t move fast enough in time to do anything. He couldn?t get his vengeance on Isaac. What a weakling he was. Ever slowly, he walked back to his dorm room, with no intent on coming out for the rest of the day. [/color] Okay, I am aware that everyone is saying that its currently Lunch, but lets just work with me and jump-start it to 7ish. You guys can have dinner in the cafeterias, right? Also, anyone can feel free to interact with Alex on his way to his dorm.
[color=royalblue][center]Wednesday, The 33rd of Estembre; 6:21 PM[/center] Stretching his arms, Alex woke up with a yawn. He flexed his fingers in a lazy manner, which was his custom, before rising to his feet. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before he took a look at the trunk to see where his weapon was. He saw to his horror that it was missing. The pride of every Risk Breaker was their weapon; they trained with it every day, and every night; it defined what they were, it was a part of them. For a Risk Breaker to lose his weapon was to lose something of them. Where could it have gone? Alex had left it right at the tree trunk, right beside him! He remembered it precisely. What could of have happened to it? Did someone steal it? No, of course someone took it. Swords don?t have legs! Where could it have gone? Where? Or was the question who? ?Looking for something?? came a taunting voice. Fearfully, Alex turned around to see a bunch of last years, one of them holding his precious X-105. ?That?s mine?, Alex barely whispered. ?What?? the leader said, the daunting figure approaching Alex. ?I didn?t hear a word what you bitchy ass voice said.? ?That is my sword. Its mine.? ?Hear that gentlemen?? he said, turning to his subordinates, all who chuckled lightly. ?He says its his. Ya know Alex, let me tell you something. You?re a big weak ass good for nothing, ya know that? You won?t achieve anything here. Why don?t you just kill yourself ? hang yourself on the branch of that precious tree of yours ? and leave the sword as a precious goodbye gift.? Alex just gritted his teeth. ?Hard of hearing? Then maybe we should teach you something. Jarek over there, he?s a fire magi expert. He can burn that sword up real nice, you know what I?m saying.? No. ?Jarek, if you will do the honors?? The teen laid his hands on the weapon, and Alex could feel like he was having the same burns on his weapon. ?STOP!!? the boy protested. They just laughed. ?Stop it?.? He was on his knees now, wrapping his arms around him as if he was freezing. ?Please?stop?? ?If you want us to, kiss my feet.? Alex nearly threw up. ?What, you don?t want your sword?? Alex shivered. ?Kiss em.? He did as he commanded, his dignity shattered into a thousand pieces. ?Good boy. Now, I?ll keep your weapon?in one piece that is.? ?What? But you said that?? ?I changed my mind.? ?Bastard.? ?What did you call me?? ?Nothing.? ?Good.? The bully nodded to his men, and they began to walk off with Alex?s precious weapon. And all he could do was watch, to weak to do anything. ?I?m nothing. I?m nothing?? [/color]
Well, Sandy told me that those two are essentially one character split into two, so in that sense, they are just one character.
Ah, okay I see now. *Notes to self to tell Sin its not good to invite Omega to sign up for RP...*
Hey, what happened to you leaving the boards, with your internet being taken away?
[quote name='Sandy']You can put my characters in a custom character sheet, as yours seemed quite nifty. ;D If you want me to add anything to their sign-ups, just PM me. I promise I won't argue back this time! X)[/quote] No, YOU have to write it! I did enough work for you guys, between the site and everything else! *shakes fist* [quote]Hmm, everybody's doing curriculums for the students, huh? For now I can only say for sure that Carrot and Circes both take classes of [B]Advance Summoning II[/B] and [B]Dancing[/B] (just because it seems like fun). Aside from those, Carrot obviously studies [B]White Magic[/B] and Circes [B]Black Magic[/B], but neither of them is much of a fighter type, so I don't know about [B]Sparring[/B]...[/quote] Well, everyone needs to take sparring, Remember, this is a military academy. Sparring to them is to us our ABC's...except tour lack of knowledge of the alphabet won't land us on the bad side of a bullet. [quote]Also, Circes could take an optional class of fashion designing, if there was one. XP[/quote] Ahem, MILITARY academy, anyone? [quote][B]PS.[/B] I really liked the idea in CAF that the students of healing magic would get [B]practical training at the infirmary[/B]. Would it be okay if that idea was transferred to this version as well?[/QUOTE] Sounds good to me. Makes a whole lot of sense as well.
[color=royalblue]Wednesday; The 33rd of Estembre; 5:32 PM [left]Alex didn?t know why, but whenever he felt as if the whole world was staring at him, observing his every move, he just went under his tree on one of the hills. There, he would lay his back against the tree, and just relax, allowing nature?s songs to put him to ease. Fall had already secured its grip on the island of Gabi; most of the trees? leaves had turned a dark shade of orange. Dozens of leaf piles could be seen from the hill; most of them were the result of the Academy?s much dreaded Behavior Improvement Program. Smiling faintly, sat beneath the shade of the tree, unhooking his cumbersome black shirt, allowing to it to fall to his feet. When he felt the wind across his face, he felt good. Alex quickly fell asleep. His dreams returned to the Sparring match a few hours before. Instructor Shavers had demanded a one on one battle between partners. The class scrambled as they attempted to find sparring partners. In a matter of moments, nearly every one found a partner and the sounds of scrapping metal and gunshots could be heard across the sparring field. Eventually, only Alex and another girl were left. The girl was obviously disappointed that some other boy hadn?t chosen her as his sparring partner, but the boy in question had been pulled away by another girl, despite his cursing complaints. Alex was sitting down in a depressing manner, with his legs brought up to his face with him holding his long sword between them, while Monique was just rocking her body back and forth in a hyperactive manner, humming some tune. She faced Alex, and with a sigh, approached him and kicked him lightly. ?Hey, you wanna do this?? ?Whatever? Alex remembered saying. He got up, lifting the X-105. Monique took out her rapier. Alex was actually surprised at the girl?s choice of weapons; she looked more like the type to wield a giant hammer, rather than a flimsy rapier. Already she was at a disadvantage; just by sheer weight, Alex?s long sword would overpower the thin blade. Alex got into his pose; his front knee bent forward, while his leg slid from his body. His left hand held his blade, near the hilt. His left shoulder was pushed back further than his right. His right hand slid across the flat edge of the blade, his fingers curled up into an incomplete fist. This was the Aku Soku Zan (Kill Evil Instantly) fighting style. Developed by the (in)famous Aruvasan soldier Demetri Rauvosof, it has been rumored capable of decapitating foes with incredible ease. That is, if it was used correctly. Alex remembered the way they charged into battle. Alex was in more of his careless sort of demeanor; he never showed much interest in anything, which was intentional. Monique, however, showed her overactive nature, with her constantly moving from left to right, and switching hands with her rapier. Despite her feminine nature, she showed that she was very versatile in combat. Monique thrusted forward, expecting Alex to move right into it. After all, at the speed was running at, that was to be expected. The Aku Soku Zan was far from being so concrete, however; it was extremely versatile, able to switch motions and position at incredible ease. Alex pushed his feet from the ground, sending him on the safe end of the rapier. Specifically, at Monique?s side. Monique cried in shock as she barely blocked Alex?s attack. They pushed back, and Alex resumed to his starting pose; right foot leading and taking most of the weight, left hand wielding the blade. Monique raised the rapier again, this time with her right hand, pointing it upwards in a very defensive position. Alex dreamt that he felt nothing in the second charge.[/left] [/color] Okay Kitty, I left it open for you to determine what will happen next. Remember that this is a dream, so it happaned in the past (the same time BK and KW are having lunch). It would probably be easiar if Monique is remembering the same thing. And yes, I am aware that it is the same fighting technique used by Saitou Hajime of Rurouni Kenshin, but I love the thought of a left handed technique so much I couldn't help it.
I agree with you guys that everyone should have exta curricular activities...to an extent. You have to remember that this is a military academy, that has been training these kids since they were five or six, to be living weapons that follow orders. This isn't no prep school. On another note, remember to check out the calander on the story page of the site, sine I'll be starting to put the day, month, and time at the top of my posts, like we used to do with 616 CAF. Anyways, here are Alex's current classes; Classes begin at 7:30 AM; the latest end before or by 5:30 1)Instrumental Instrutions - Inst. Salina Tu/Th 2)Adv/ Sparring II - Inst. Shavers M/W/Th/Fri 3)Elemental Magic - Lightning Advance - Inst. Harley M/Tu/Th/Fri 4)lue Magic Adv. I - Inst. Heatilly Tu/Th/Fri 5)History V - Inst. Morris M/Fri
Well, they sort of are separate universes, so don't use that too much of an extent. However, refrain from using any references to OUR world. These are separate worlds after all.
There's a reason I made a site, Tekka.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/CiAlFo_prologue.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [color=royalblue][i][left]The way of the warrior, is the path to battle. The gift of the warrior, is to descend higher than man. The spirit of the warrior, is to strike in a single moment, to leave no trace. The fate of the warrior, is that which his brothers have determined. When these are reduced to nothing, all that is left is the reckoning.[/left][/i] [right]- From the opening passage of The Art of War, By Gavin Terdomne[/right] [left]The moon reared over the clouds as the barbarians sprinted across the forest. Fast as lightning, silent as the rodents, they moved as one, without hesitation. Their hands gripped their spears, which rested on their shoulders. The forest heat was unbearable to most, but they knew the way the Loa worked their magics. The Loa were mighty, and they gave them their strength. They were blessed; the Loa made them forget the unbearable heat. The target came into sight; the village was their prey. The big man raised his hand; covered in the runes of the Loa, he ruled them. His subordinates followed the command, stopping in their tracks. All was silent as the big man waited for the Loa to tell him when to strike. First there was nothing. Nothing. Nothing. There! Now! Go! The barbarians descended on the village. The villagers were annihilated. The lights were turned on, and Instructor Morris? classroom returned from the primitive world depicted thousands of years ago to the Argo Arx Arcanum Academy. In the world of the now, Risk Breakers, mercenaries who were educated in the use of magic containing crystals known as the magi, were an essential factor of the political realm. The Argo Arx taught Risk Breakers. It was the last year class. Among the history class was Alex Gleason, a boy who was infamous for being extremely shy and overly critical of himself. The Instructors were certain the poor boy ? who had made no friends, or attempted to, ever since he first entered the Academy ? where certain he would commit suicide. He never did. Also in the class was Monique ? or Mo/Momo ? Guerrier Tyriest. The exact opposite of Alex, she talked a little bit too much, and was just as infamous for being clumsy as Alex seemed suicidal. ?Although overly dramatized by Hollywood, the ancient Ga?Tzu tribes were famous in military history for being extremely organized. They literally moved as one body. We never did find out if it was through sheer training, drugs taking before the raids, or some sort of spiritual connection with their Lao, but the results were very clear, as you just saw.? The Instructor went on about the importance of being united in a group, using the Ga?Tzu as visual imagery. Most of the kids were quickly day dreaming. They had heard similar lectures hundreds of times in the past twelve years ? they were not necessarily interested in hearing them again now. Soon, the bell rang. The students grabbed their belongings and left the room. Alex was among the crowd, although he was among the last to leave. Monique was one of the first, such in a hurry to get out she dropped two of her brightly colored pens. It was the month of Augista*, two months before the Final Exam and Trials the last year students had to take would occur. It was the most important event in the life of a student at the Academy ? succeed, and you will be part of the greatest military force in the world. Fail, and you will be nothing. Alex had been studying for the past few weeks? for the Exams, in both mind and body, but he still felt insufficient. He had failed in everything else ? he is barely capable of linking with the core of his Magi, and he can?t use the Sharigan technique (the basic building block of all Blue Magic users) ? why would this be any different. Depressed, he went outside, to rest under the trees.[/left][/color] [font=1]*Augista is the fourth (out of six) month in the calendar of the Neo CAF universe. It has 52 days. The final exam is in the month of Estembre, the month before the Neo CAF's equivalent to December, Celebri. ?A few weeks in the Neo CAF universe is relative to two months, since on average a month has 40 to 50 days.[/font]
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/CiAlFo_underground.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [center][URL=http://dcs.ffproject.net/CAF/index.html][b]The Site[/b][/URL][/center] Welcome fellowe adventurers, to the Underground for the Neo Universe of Citius Altius Fortius! This is where all the Risk Breakers taking part in the adventure can speak Out of Character to settle disputes, misconceptions, ask questions, or anything else that crosses your mind. Also, you will notice that several pages are uncompleted, most notably the Character page. You must tell me if you want a custom character sheet (like you see for mine, Alex) or if you want to use the sheet you provided for the sign ups. Also, for the nations, I need flags for the nations. I need 111x66 sized images. Just send me the image in a PM or IM, and tell me what nation it is for. As for memories, they will be a collection of essays written by veteran 616 CAF about the first run through. Email your essays at [email]doublehex@gmail.com[/email] or through IMs in .doc format please and thank you.
Attention! The following individuals have been accepted into the RP. [list] [*]Lionheart [*]Kitty [*]Lazarus [*]BKstyles [*]Sin [*]Sandy (As soon as you fix Carrot's weapon) [*]Tekkaman [*]Keyblade Wielder (When you give me a template and a weapon that is ON the list) [*]Engel [*]Blayze [*]Sakura[/list] For those who have applied and did not get in, my apologies. I will create the Underground and the actual RP thread simultaneously Monday or Tuesday. SIGN UP CLOSED
[b]Name[/b]: Alex Gleason [b]Age[/b]: 17, but his birthday is a month off [b]Student Template[/b]: The pained loner [b]Weapon[/b]: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/Switchblade_Sword_by_WH1PLA5H.jpg]Longsword[/url] [b]School of magic[/b]: Elemental Magic [i]-If necessary, which elemental - Lightning[/i] [b]Minored school of magic[/b] ? Blue magic [b]Abilities/Spells[/b] [list][*]Bolt - Charging up any of his lightning magi in his [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/magi_bracelet.jpg]bracelet[/url], Alex sends a bolt of electricity towards the enemy. [*] Initiate - Alex's longsword is the X-105, the latest model in the Vigilante line of swords. Thus, it has a unique ability of extending its length and attack power at the cost of the charge of magi currentley placed inside the blade. The amount the sword takes, as well as how long it lasts, depends on the magi. The less the charge of the magi, the shorter the time frame the sword can stay in this form. [/list] [b]Personality[/b] ? Alex was separated from his family at a young age, and as a result, has developed a fear of social interaction, or in a more technical sense, an [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant_personality_disorder][u]avoidant personality disorder[/u][/url]. He fears what people will judge him as a weak minded idiot who can?t do anything right. As much as he wants to be loved, he does not want to being hated for the chance of being loved. As a result, he is very shy, and will rarely speak his mind. He is, however, a violent person as well, his psyche acting like a tight bottle for his rage. Once or twice he got so angry with a fellow student that he proceeded to choking them. [b]Background[/b] - Alex was born into a family with no unusual heritage of the sort you would expect, since he is a student of the famed Argo Arx Arcanum Academy. His mother was a stay at home mom, and his father was a simple engineer. Their family wasn?t involved in any great wars (or if they were, it was not a big involvement?just another casualty statistic on a piece of paper), nor did they discover a new form of magic or technology or intelligent life (not that intelligent life has been discovered by now). They were just your simple average family living in everyday life. But even tragedies can come to good, average, folk. Alex?s mother died in a car crash when he was young, and when the Seekers came to suggest the Argo Arx Arcanum to Alex?s father, he practically gave Alex away. Ever since, Alex has been a loner, being shy and silent to pretty much everyone, not wanting to be hurt again. And yet, there is that longing deep inside of him that longs for someone to say ?I love you?. [b]Physical appearance[/b] ? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/3rd_generation/Alex_photo.jpg[/IMG] [b][url=http://hyung-taekim.org/albums/userpics/10001/hydelloon.jpg]Attire[/url][/b] - A long, gray coat over a shirt and pants. He prefers to have his left sleeve rolled up so he can use his Aku Soku Zan technique more effectively.
[right][b]A (not so) few words?[/right][/b] It?s been a long time coming. I remember the day fondly when I finally uploaded the first Citius Altius Fortius. It was the twenty sixth of July, and my days of summer were quickly coming to a close. In a few weeks, I was to board a plane back to my (new)home of North Carolina, and leave, perhaps forever, my old home, my first home, of Massachusetts. I was staying at my grandparents at the time, being the second, and last of my three brothers to visit them for a one month period. It was good; it was peaceful. It went too fast. I wanted to have something to remember those days by, minus finally seeing the superb ROME in all its ancient Roman glory. Something not so typical a teenager would remember his memories with. I was bored that morning. Memories of my first roleplaying experiences, of visiting message boards by the minute to see if anyone posted. I loved the experience I had then. I wanted to have it again. I quickly remembered Final Fantasy VIII, how seven months earlier I had bought a PS2 just to play FF. It was an awesome story ? maybe because it involved teens. All I do remember is that I loved the experience, and how I wished I could live it for myself. But I didn?t want it to be in such a predictable setting as FF VIII. Sure, it had [i]some[/i] interesting aspects, like how the gameplay was fused with the storyline. But it still had those predictable elements you would expect in a science fiction setting. For my RP, for my adventure, I wanted something that showed some elements of our age, but it had to be more than that. It had to show the possibility of our future as well; what the sins of man were easily capable of creating. And most important of all, it had to show what teenagers, [i]children[/i], were truly capable of. It had to show the so called children really weren?t children at all, but in reality, adults who didn?t know how to act what the world called proper. It had to show how children would view war, or murder that was decreed legal by the government. And so, Citius Altius Fortius was born. Immediately, I fired up WORD and started typing. I didn?t know exactly what I was doing first, but my rule of thumb as a writer is leap before you look. Probably not the best way to go about doing anything (especially writing!), but I always give anyone who questions my philosophies on life an F U anyways. I didn?t tell a soul what I was doing ? no one knew I was working on my first RP. I was gabbing with Keyblade Wielder on her first roleplay, Shadows of Fate, so she never suspected a thing (not that she would, with me having just befriended her a few days prior with my interest in SoF). Morning turned into afternoon, with me constantly taking breaks fro the ordeal (mostly with grilled cheese with milk, courteously of my ever spoiling grand mother). When a section was done, I fired up Photoshop, and created a banner for it. No real reason why I created banners for each and every section; I love PS, and I use any and every excuse I can get to do any graphic designing. I stayed past midnight, up until three in the morning working on the project. It was the longest I ever stayed up for, and it kind of shows what my priorities are (Get some needed sleep or Work on a RP no one will probably give a rat?s *** over? Hmmm?). Around 2, I was done, but I needed a name. A name can make or kill anything. It had to be something that would suit it. Then I remembered the Olympic motto: ?Better, Stronger, Faster. [i]Citius. Altius. Fortius[/i].? It was perfect. I created the banner for the header, saved it. I was done. 12 hours of work was finally done. I went to bed just as much satisfied as I was scared. Would it succeed? Or would the massive background material (its TEN pages in WORD without the images) turn off everyone that came across it? I had dozens of RPs fail, but never had I spent a whole day working on it. So, I was obviously frightened. I uploaded it that afternoon. I?m not exactly sure why I hesitated ? probably just a few last minute changes. I told everyone I knew was into RPing that I was on friendly terms with about it. I didn?t know why it happened, but by the end of the day, ten people had signed up for it. I was floored. This was impossible, I thought. TEN people want to be part of my story? It was absolutely incredible. I never felt so good about anything I had done in my life. A few days later, those who were to be accepted were accepted, and it began. It went on for an amazing month; from the 28th of July to the 7th of September, the beginning of my roleplaying career at Otaku Boards took an upscale climb for the best. I will never forgot Alex?s depression when Lazarus put him down; how Ayame bought him peanut butter ice cream to bring his spirits up. I have a hard time forgetting that epic battle with Instructor Mox and Alex, while Lazarus was summoning Agammemnon. It was all awesome memories. But it died as soon as it began. Too soon many said, and I was among them. I had so many plans for it; there was supposed to be a train robbery styled mission, and in the finals, we were to go up against totally Metal Gear ripped bio-organic enemies. A great conspiracy concerning a virus was supposed to be unveiled. But it never came. But I refused to accept that. I am stubborn by my God-given nature, especially when it comes to stories I fell in love with, and characters I fell are a part of me as they are mere words on a monitor. I missed them way too much. So, Citius Altius Fortius, which I was told countless times was the ?best RPing experience I had for the whole summer?, is back. It?s not set in a different universe, nor is it some different setting. It is still about teenage students of the most prestigious Risk Breaker academy in the world getting ready to become those legendary icons. There are almost no changes to it. I may be crazy, I?m probably an idiot, but I am essentially just coping and pasting the exact sign up sheet from the first CAF. Why would I re-write it when there was no need? I saw CAF as my prime achievement at OB, and I?d be damned if I ever alter what I am best remembered for. I don?t know why you want to join CAF. You might be like me, who wants to give that awesome RP another go. You might of have heard of it from someone, who was probably just as addicted to it as I was (and that is way over the limit, trust me), and feel like you want to be part of the action. Or perhaps you are just bored out of your mind, and want to try out CAF, for whatever reason. All I can say to you is this; CAF is a hell of a rollercoaster. There is nothing like fictionalized high school drama, especially in a school that is basically making you a weapon that can shoot out fireballs. I have to remember to thank myself back on that warm July day for giving a whole lot of fun then, and for making a bunch of good friends. I convinced Lazarus to join the RP, and his Lazarus McCloud added a darker atmosphere that made CAF all the better. I quickly befriended Kitty, and we have been following each other into RPs ever since, with a few exceptions. She?s a great friend too; if I am ever feeling in the dumps, I know an instant solution; fire up an AIM conversation with Kitty. Within five minutes, I?ll be feeling like a million bucks again. I have to remember to thank God for her one of these days. Maybe tomorrow or the day after that? I knew White moderately from SoF (he was an awesome Vivi!), but after I told him about CAF, he joined instantly, and our friendship went up, somewhat. Despite me bugging the hell out of him to actually post, we always had good debates on both the story and videogame related chatter, so I have to say thanks for that. But I am rambling on too much. I should be thanking Sandy, BK Styles, Sin, and all the others, but I am taking enough space as it is. So, whoever you are, wherever you are one of the originals, or someone that is totally alien to the CAF saga, welcome. It?s been a long time coming. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/CiAlFo_recruit.jpg[/IMG] The world has changed. There was time when magic was a taboo, a fabrication of fantasy; a way for heretics to dabble into the hells and writers to spin grand stories of a more adventurous age. But times have changed, and with it, the setting of the great play. Magic is now as common as gears of an automobile. Contained within crystals called the magi, magic can be used as something as simple as lighting a stove to inflicting a plague on an unsuspecting populous. The common man and woman have forgotten the warnings of the past. Now there is only the future. And in this future, countries are ruled by corporations, who in turn are commanded by their financers. And those who supply these corporations with their economic fuel are constantly black mailed by individuals who lust for power. This new setting, this new world, is a paradox to itself. Everyone and no one are ruled by everybody and nobody. Despite the easy access of magic, this source is still an enigma. So much power, so much potential lies in the magi. Thus, select academies have been formed to teach the secrets of the crystals. The academies have individuals known as the Seekers, and these men and women have been trained to seek out the youngest of children that have a natural affiliation with magic. With them being no older than six, these young boys and girls are separated from their parents, by order of the government, to become the greatest in soldiers and academics. There are nine such academies, the greatest among them being the Argo Arx Arcanum Academy. Situated between the east and western continent, on the island of Gabi, the Argo Arx Arcanum is owned by no country or corporation. It runs completely off of itself, and is loyal to no side, its students acting as mercenaries for their educator. This story is of twelve students from this academy, and they will be headed into a fantastic adventure that none of them had ever expected. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/politics_banner.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Geography[/b][/u] [b]The Eastern Continent[/b] ? Made up of mostly grasslands and plains, the Eastern Continent holds only two of the Corporations. A great deal of the countries strive for agricultural excellence, instead of political superiority. Notable items: * Valgrad - the home of the most powerful Corporation, MENRA. Located in the center of the continent, surrounded by a black swamp. Connected to the rest of the continent by the revolutionary Highway. Each and every town and city is connected to Valgrad. * Ruhig ? A fishing port north of Valgrad. * The Highway ? The largest interstate highway in the world, The Highway connects the entire Eastern continent. * Pheat ? A port city/fortress on the western side of the continent. It is home to the giant Makon Gun, a massive artillery cannon that can shoot up to a hundred yards away and decimate any large battleship with relative ease. [b]The Western Continent[/b] ? Desserts and mountains as well as dense forests dot the landscape of the Western Continent. Home to the vast majority of the Corporations, the Western Continent is more spiritual in nature. Many secrets and ancient treasures rest within this architectural wilderness. Notable Items: * Maravilliso Playa ? A popular, albeit expensive, beach resort off of the eastern coast. * Balimb ? A city that rests within the center of the continent. *The Tomb of the Lost Kings ? An ancient tomb full of monsters, spirits, but most important of all, treasure and a library that is said to hold the answers of all questions. Too bad it?s also said to have a team of minotaurs that slaughter anyone that enters. *New Well City ? The largest metropolis in the world, NW City is home to the vast majority of the Corporations. *Verkun City ? The capitol of the country of Archadia. *D-District Cell ? A desert district prison owned by Archadia that is infamous for its ruthlessness and political prisoners. * The Golden Rod Casino ? A famous that is infamous for its constant gambling-caused fights and gang skirmishes, but applauded for its other wise safe and enjoyable amusement park. [b][u]Nations[/b][/u] [b]The Eastern Continent[/b] Aruvasan? A country that has held the largest amount of land for ages, if only because it is a country of snow, where it is ?common? for the temperature to drop below 10° in the afternoon. It is ruled by their Fuhrer, Dmitry Agastov. Sarle ? A country known for its politicians and fighters of the peace. It is ruled by their president, Amane Sele. Imbecali ? A country known for its philosophers, artistic revolutionaries and proud armies in history?s past. It is led by their monarch, Liege Giuseppe Garibaldi. He is backed by a small parliament. Both the Liege and the parliament hold equal power. Dalim ? A small country south of Aruvasan that is also it?s rival. They are infamous for their sniper?s precision. A parliament that is reelected every other year runs this country. Tastavore ? A small country that was annexed by Imbecali some years ago. Dozens of minor rebel groups that usually number no less than ten or so members are crusading against Imbecali with poor results. Tastavore is a forest nation, famous for its finely crafted wooden furniture. [b]The Western Continent[/b] Archadia ? A country currently ruled by a dictator in name only, Alvose Stavan is extremely popular with the populous, and is famous for his actions of peace no matter the cost, on both the diplomatic table and on the field of war. He also refuses to participate in any ?dark activities? with the Corporations. Madaral?sol ? A small country located on the red plains, they are very spiritual in nature, believing in a river of spirits that powers the world. It would be more accurate to say that Madarl?sol is a large group of organized tribes than a single government. Amaracana ? One of the superpowers of the world, Amaracana is on friendly terms with most of the other nations. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/magicschools.jpg[/IMG] Magic is divided into five categories ? elemental, support magic, blue magic, summoning magic and black magic. Even though anyone can use the magi crystals ? the source of magic in the world ? only those educated on the crystals can truly unlock their full potential. For example, any housewife can use a water-elemental magi to sprinkle her flowers, but only an experienced caster can start a small flood. [b]Elemental Magic[/b] ? The main form of offensive magic, as well as magic that are often used in the house, the elements branch off into fire, ice, lighting, water, air, and earth. When someone specializes in Elemental Magic, they also usually specialize in a certain element. Elemental magic-wise, jacks of all trades don?t survive very long on the battle field. [b]Support Magic[/b] ? Any magic that is used to heal, cure, or other wise help someone in need without necessary using force. Doctors and medics usually specialize in this class of magic. [b]Blue Magic[/b] ? There are some magic spells that no human can ever learn on their own without outside aid. Those specializing in Blue Magic are nicknamed imposters ? they use magic to steal magic, and thus, learn magic that no human could otherwise learn. It is a dangerous magic school to follow, since most of these spells require the user get struck by that specified magic in order to attempt to steal it. Thus, as a precaution, most Blue Magic users minor in support magic. [b]Summoning Magic[/b] ? The most mysterious of the magics, the summoners deal into the spirits of the world, and summon them for aid through objects who sync with the ?spiritual realm?. The weakest ones are man made, while the greater summoning objects are usually ancient relics carved with runes that no one else can decipher. Summoners are useful on both the battlefield and at home, since the summoned spirits lend word of advice if they trust the summoner. [b]Black Magic[/b] ? Of all the classes of magic, Black Magic is the most dreaded. Delving into curses and hexes, all Black Magic casters must be registered and take specialized test in order to retrieve a license. Black Magic casters are the only type of casters that require such strict standards. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/students_banner.jpg[/IMG] From the list below, you must mix and match ONE weapon type with ONE student template. Once a student and the chosen weapon have been accepted, no one else can use that student template or weapon. [b]You are also free to create your own, unique, template. It will be evaluated along with your character.[/b](Note: The student templates are not gender specific. I just choose a gender to describe, but which one you want your character to be is entirely up to you.) [b]The Weapons[/b] [b][u] [center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/waffe1.jpg][strike]Katana[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/javelin.jpg][strike]Javelin[/strike][/url]? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/_41003632_gambling_chips_getty203b.jpg][strike]Enchanted gambling cards[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/90088.jpg][strike]Martial artist[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/strf_Sitar_.jpg]Summoning Instrument[/url] (limited to only carriable instruments, ex, flute) ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/5457.jpg][strike]Shotgun[/strike] (will also specialize in sniping)[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/chakrams.jpg]Chakrams[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/fn_hp_sasfs.jpg]Handguns x2[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/Gunblade-Hyperion.jpg][strike]Gunblade[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/tidus.jpg][strike]Longsword[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/Warhammer.jpg]Warhammer[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/rapier.jpg][strike]Rapier[/strike][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/34812.jpg][strike]Twin Short Swords[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/nunchaku_l.gif][strike]Nunchaku [/strike][/url](twin or alone is up to you) ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/.jpg]Mace[/url] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/lance.jpg][strike]Lance[/strike][/url] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/broadsword.jpg][strike]Broadsword[/strike][/url] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/throwing_knives.jpg]Throwing Knives[/url][/center] [/b][/u] [b]The Students[/b] [b]The cheerful naïve[/b] ? The cheerful naïve is always up for a fun time, always doing everything with a smile. Alas, she is somewhat naïve of the surroundings around her, saying things that you would not expect someone would say, but that is just her way. [b]The fiery red head[/b] ? The fiery red head sports a temper like no other! When she gets on her bad side, be sure to avoid her at all costs. She is an aggressive person as well, but deep inside that hot exterior there rests a longing for companionship. Since she was born using [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_insemination][u]artificial insemnination[/u][/url], she thinks both high and low of herself. [b]The noble bully[/b] ? The noble bully is an odd one ? he picks on everyone, and no one really likes his except his gang of other bullies. Yet, not even his friends understand him, since deep down he has a dream of becoming a hero like he would read in child?s fairy tales. [b]The aspiring adventurer[/b] ? Always getting into trouble, the aspiring adventurer wants nothing more than to get out of the academy and go on a grand adventure where he will be remembered for ages! He has a tendency to try to do the good things, but he is somewhat of a prankster as well, and is childish only to those he wants to think is childish. [b]The sarcastic[/b] ? Always cracking a joke, and constantly leaping before thinking, the sarcastic makes as many friends as he does enemies, with his tongue often getting him into trouble. [b]The loner[/b] ? The loner wants to be alone for the rest of his life. He suffered a great tragedy before he came, and he never wants to be hurt again. So, he has chosen not to become friends with anyone. After all, even the greatest of friends will die, so why accept the pain? He is an excellent fighter, and despite his cold attitude, is a cunning leader, although he makes mistakes under pressure. [b]The foolish courageous[/b] ? The foolish courageous has a heart of gold, the courage of the thousand man, the ability within himself to do great, remarkable things?but he lacks the motivation to do anything with his life. He is wasted energy, wasting his free time, not preparing nor caring for his future. [b]The young ambition[/b] ? The young ambition has the desire to do great and wondrous things, but the dream often overrides her common sense and she tends to leap before she starts thinking about any possible bad consequences. [b]The depressed worker[/b] ? The depressed is a hard worker. He constantly studies, constantly practices his talents, and is constantly praised by his fellow students and teachers constantly for his good work ethic. Alas, the depressed worker is never satisfied with anything that he accomplishes. Everything he succeeds at does not meet his high standards. [b]The over hyper man[/b] ? The over hyper man is exactly as his name says he is ? he moves way too much for his own good. If he isn?t talking at the speed of sound, he?s using thin air as a punching bag. He?s nice enough, but for those who don?t understand him (or isn?t used to him?), he gets on their nerves very quickly. [b]The playboy[/b] ? Always after the ladies, the playboy is just often jeered just as much as he is wooed by the opposite sex. Sporting the ?perfect body?, even those that hate him usually look at his arse at least once a week. Even though he drops girls like flies, deep down inside, he really, truthfully, would love to get married to a woman who understands him. [b]The pained loner[/b] ? Always being hurt by one series of events after another, the pained loner wants to keep to himself, so that he won?t risk being pained any longer. He will, however, accept friendship eagerly, which contrasts him from the loner, who will shove off friendship of any kind. [b]The intellegent prodigy[/b] - A strategic genius whose strongest weapons are his knowledge and skills for analysis. His mindset however often causes him to be arrogant as well as confident. He can be bossy and condecending at times, but never harbors any real ill will towards those he trusts and likes. Though his physical appearence is appealing to the opposite sex, his personality dosen't reflect that of a pretty boy or a "chick magnet". His main focuses are always on learning new things and seeing new places. [b][u][center]CONCERNING THE UNIVERSITY[/b][/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/lastscan.jpg]The uniforms[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/schoolsymbol.gif]The logo[/url] The curriculum -From age six to nine: standard education. -From age nine to twelve: basics to magic and weaponry. -From age twelve to thirteen: students begin advanced weapon training and at the end of the year select a weapon type to specialize in. -From age thirteen to thirteen and a half: students start advanced knowledge of magics. They also choose a magic school to major in as well as to minor in. From age thirteen and a half to sixteen: advanced knowledge of current events, politics and history as well as given access to the training grounds without the need of instructor supervision. -From age sixteen to eighteen: The last of what the academy can teach the students is taught, and they are prepared for their first mission, which is also their final exam, at the end of the year.[/center] [b][u][center]CHARACTER SHEET[/b][/u] Name - Age (seventeen to eighteen) - Student Template - Weapon - School of magic - -If necessary, which elemental? Minored school of magic - Abilities/Spells - Give your character up to two abilities or spells that he or she already knows. They will learn more at indicated periods. Personality - Physical appearance (picture wanted) - What does he/she look like without the uniform (use picture). Only the attire will be ?observed?. Background / character snippet(optional)[/center]
So, as of late, I have been reading Ultimate Spiderman, and Spidey has become my new obsession. But, I don't feel like having a Spider-Man themed sig/avatar. Instead, I wan a [I]Venom[/I] themed one. I would like the following pictures used: [list] [*][u][url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c9/ScorpionVenom.png]Scorpion Venom[/u][/url] [*][u][url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/9264723/?qo=1&q=Venom&qh=boost%3Apopular+age_sigma%3A24h+age_scale%3A5].:Venom:.[/u][/url] [*][u][url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/9339301/?qo=106&q=Venom&qh=boost%3Apopular+age_sigma%3A24h+age_scale%3A5]Venom-Ooze[/url][/u] [/list] Of course, if you can fidn better pictures, you are more than welcome to use those. As for the theme, make it sort dark, and venomish, I suppose. It being transparent would be an awesome feature as well. But if it is going to be transparent, can you make it so that it is alligned to the right, a la [url=http://otakuboards.com/member.php?userid=4718]Sakura's signature[/url]?
So we just do a bunch of one liners? @_@ Meh, whatever you saw, Master Sandy.