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Everything posted by Doublehex

  1. I've got a question; where do we put the background and personalties of each of our characters? Because I was writing mine when I realized that I had no idea where to put them.
  2. I have stalled this long enough. As one of the first of the 2006 generation of RPers, I should of posted in this a [I]loooong[/I] time ago. 1. What do you [as a member] want to see most in a RP? I want something epic. Well, not necessarily epic, because an RP I have in mind is not epic at all. I don't like mystery stories really, nor do I like comedies that much. I'm more of the action -y type of guy. I know, I should create at least [i]one[/i] RP that dose not involve somebody getting shot in the head, just so that I can develop my skills somewhat. 2. What RP rating do you [as a member] usually play in? M, because that has the least amount of restrictions. 3. Does humorous fun outweigh killing and gore or vice-versa? [Come on... be honest] I disagree - if you look at my posts in Pokemon: Legacies, you'll find that I have a good mix of both humor and action. I think that they compliment the two. It is very difficult to keep the reader's attention in ANY story, roleplay or otherwise, if it takes itself too seriously. There needs to be some light moments, or else all of the silliness will probably just make the viewer go away. 4. Do you post mainly for RP's whenever you enter the Boards? I try. I always look in the Arena first whenever I log onto the site (which is way more frequent than it should be). I'm not much of a talky person - that's why God made the people who invented AIM. No, I like to write plots, and thats what the Arena is for. I try to do some serious discussions sometime, but for the most part, my memories at OtakuBoards will probably remain in the Arena.
  3. ?So, I take it you?ll be facing the Gym leader.? ?No surprise there?, Matt sighed. Suddenly, the whole gym rumbled as the Onyx fell to the ground. Two trainers cheered ? one of them owning a pidgey, the other swinub. The man crossed his arms and sighed irritably. He signaled one of his assistants to hand two badges to the victors. He quickly returned his Onyx and Geodude to their pokeballs. The tanned man saw how Matt and Turbine were staring at him. Turbine was looking at him just for the sake of staring at something, but Matt had a different excuse. He stared at Brock?s face, to observe him, to study him. He remembered reading on old history books how ancient warriors could see how they fought just by watching each other. He knew that Brock fought in the Gizdotsou War, so he thought he could apply the same rule here. Except he couldn?t understand Brock at all. Either Matt was just being stupid, or Brock knew how to hide his feelings well. At first, Matt thought it was the former?but then Brock nodded. The man turned to another of his assistants. He said something, and instantly the man ran off. The assistant returned later with a belt, with a dozen pokeballs strapped to them. Brock observed for a moment, and chose one from the belt. He then handed the pokeball to the assistant. ?The girl?, the hard voice could be heard throughout the observing room. ?Come here. Your friend as well.? ?WE?RE NOT FRIENDS!!? the two screamed at the intercom, but obviously, Brock could not hear them. He did smile from his side, however. A piece of the wall slid away, allowing entrance onto the battle floor. The two obeyed the gym leader, and made their entrance on the rocky battlefield. ?The Girl will fight me,? Brock decided. ?Camien?s boy will be next.? ?How do you know my father?? Matt questioned. He had never met Brock before. Hell, he had never even left Pewter City before Oak sent him and a bunch of other kids on this craziness? Brock sighed. ?If you don?t know that, then I have to wonder just how much of his talents went to you?? ?Enough of this!? Turbine decided. ?Let?s just fight and get this over and done with.? ?Confidence can be a pretty ugly thing sometimes, girl,? Brock advised. ?Like I care.? She turned to the Murkrow. ?Kick ?is ass, Fu.? The black crow pokemon cawed in approval, and spread its wings onto the battlefield. ?Maxi,? Brock addressed the assistant. Brock stepped back, and Maxi entered the battlefield. ?What? I?m not fighting you?? ?Stop ya babying?, the man mocked. ?If Brock says I?m gonna fight ya, then I?m gonna fight you!? ?Whatever.? [center][url=http://doom.herograw.net/The%20Dark%20Side%20of%20Phobos/Disk%20One%20-%20Phobos/DSoP_01_Hangarmageddon(E1M1).mp3][b][-Turbine Battle Theme I-][/b][/url][/center] ?Begin the match!? Brock announced. ?This will be a one on one battle. The first pokemon that is knocked out, killed, or otherwise is unable to continue the battle will be the loser!? He stopped talking for a few moments. ?Begin?, he whispered. Maxi released his pokeball, and a [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/472.shtml][u]Glion[/u][/url] emerged. It screeched, almost as if it was kept in the ball for a very long time. Instantly, the Glion initiated an attack. It flew forward, its stinger leading the assault. It was easily avoided by the nimble Fusha. It flew upwards, and the insect-bat followed in hot pursuit. ?Fu!? Turbine commanded. ?Create a haze or something! Make sure it can?t see you!!? Obeying its trainer, Fusha released a black fog from its wings. Turbine, however, did not realize that Glions were able to see in the dark ? cavers were their natural habitat, after all. Fusha fell to the ground, her mist dispersing above her. The Glion hovered above her, its exoskeleton unscathed. ?Fu!? Turbine protested, although if it was at her precious Murkrow or the Glion was never verified. Maxi just snickered. ?Glion, finish off that oversized crow!? Obeying its mater?s order, the Glion charged downward, its stinger leading. In a matter of time, the stinger would penetrate Fu?s black feathers, and the poison would dig beneath her flesh. It would spread throughout her body, and she would undoubtedly die. That is, that would have occurred if Fusha hadn?t feigned death as an attempt to throw Glion off. She twirled to the side the very moment the Glion would have hit her. It slammed its head into the ground, hard, dazing it somewhat. Fusha took the opportunity to give it an even bigger headache by tackling it. The Glion was thrown into a giant rock. It squirmed for a few moments, but it eventually ceased to move. Maxi cursed under his breath as he threw his glove off and stomped on it in anger. Brock just chuckled. ?I don?t know who to award the badge to?the pokemon or the trainer?? Turbine glared at him. ?Just give me the damn badge.? ?Fine.? He dug into his pocket, revealing the Boulder Badge. He tossed it to her. ?It?s our turn, Matthew?, he said emotionlessly. Matt nodded to Scimnio, who followed him onto the battle floor. ?The same rules apply here as they did to your friend.? ?I prefer it that way.? ?Good.? He unclicked one of his pokeballs. From the flash of flight an Onyx emerged. Scars covered the rocky beast, Matt noticed, especially near his eyes. ?This is Amagrim.? ?Then who was the one who got its ass whipped by the other two trainers?? ?One of his many children.? ?Oh, so I get the daddy?, Matt grinned. ?David?s son deserves no better. Now enough small talk?this fight begins now!? Somewhere in the room, a bell rang. [center][b][url=http://apollo.bluelaguna.net/dirge-of-cerberus-ost-soundtrack//109%20Fight%20Tune%20''Arms%20of%20Shinra''.mp3][-First fight against the Titans-][/url][/b][/center] Amagrim crashed onto the floor, and Scimnio scurried along, the giant rock worm right behind him. In a wild attempt to avoid the speeding creature, the fire-monkey leaped from boulder to boulder. But after one jump, Scimnio found himself higher than he should be. Looking down, he realized that he was on the boulder?but the boulder was on the earth serpent?s head! Amagrim rose higher and higher, until it was at the point where if Scimnio fell, he would probably break every bone in his tiny body. And that was exactly what Amagrim had in mind. He rocked his head, and soon, both boulder and hikozaru were plummeting towards the ground. ?Scimnio! It?s vulnerable! Give him a fireball!!? Already planning on the same maneuver, energy rushed through the fire monkey?s body, and soon enough, his hands began to glow a scarlet red. Halfway towards the ground, Scimnio released an enormous fireball, and the resulting explosion rocked the Onyx?s head backwards. Scimnio landed on his feet on a boulder. He relaxed for a bit. But that was far too long. Scimnio felt the awesome power of an Onyx whipping its tail against his tiny body, and he was sent flying into a wall. Dust filled the room, and concrete went everywhere in the general area. Matt remained silent. No noise. ?Scimnio?? he asked weakly. No noise. ?SCIMNIO!!!?
  4. [QUOTE=Tekkaman][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=navy] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=navy]...Though, I really wish [color=darkred]Kitty[/color] would post.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] You and me both, Tekkaman. You and me both.
  5. Don't worry, I'll have a talk with her when she logs on. I mean, I'm sure she has a good reason for this. For all we know, someone in her family could of died, or [i]something[/i].
  6. Tekkaman, I would love to know where Kitty has dissapeared off to. But, she hasn't logged onto AIM since you posted. So, in recognition of this, I suggest we all PM/spam Kitty to make sure next she logs on she will have no excuse [I]not[/I] to post.
  7. [quote name='Sandy']First of all, like Idyllwyld, I really liked the way you mixed sci-fi with ancient mythologies here. Sure, it's been done before, but in this age and time, what wouldn't be? So the theme was quite interesting, to me. Also I loved how you replaced the "oh my lord"s and "for god's sake"s with references to the gods that the characters worship.[/quote] Well, that was one of my goals for the story - to give a sort of fantasy like feel to an already esatblished genre. We are all familiar with teh standard Star Trek, or Command & Conquer setting, where everything is based on the sciences of a very distant future. I wanted to present a future that was based on the [I]un[/I]believable, where the society worships instead of God, the once dead Zeus and Thor. This is a future where people cast real incantations. In this future, hyperspace engines are enscribed with runes blessed by [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_%28mythology%29][u]Mercury[/u][/url]. This is a future that is just as much fantasy as it is science. In short, its no Warhammer 40,000, but it sure isn't Star Wars. Its somewhere in the middle. [quote name='Sandy']Then the plot... Well, I think I saw a hint of the movie "The Species" in it.[/quote] Never saw it. Link please? [quote name='Sandy']Also, the virtual reality world in the beginning is quite a cliché as well, but I reckon you're intending to mix up a bunch of clichés to make something new (at least that's the impression I got).[/quote] Well, don't worry. It won't play a mahor plot device - its just a way for them to test Apera. After all, she is a multi-billion [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denarius]denarius[/url] project. Can't have her get broken after some mishap in the physical world, now can we? [quote name='Sandy']There's too many things going on, however, for a first chapter. You should definitely focus more on introducing the setting and the characters in the beginning, but I know how the story can just drag you along with it, so I wouldn't count it as a big mistake.[/quote] If you thought [i]this[/i] chapter was fast, you just wait until the next one. A new character will be introduced as well. And if you liked Alucard from Hellsing, you'll [i]love[/i] this guy! :D [quote name='Sandy']To me, it seemed that scene with the Michael-guy was really apart from everything else that went on in this chapter, and should be moved to a later point in my opinion.[/quote] I can understand waht you mean, with him being introduced 'differently', but I didnt know how to introduce him in the next chapter. So, it was like, introduce him now or not at all. [quote name='Sandy']You were also dropping some obscure names without really explaining what they meant (Vercian? Ausbusten?). [/quote] They will be revealed in the near future, most likely after the second chapter. [quote name='Sandy']Also, as an equal rights -person, I wasn't very fond on the idea that all you characters were male except for the mysterious (nude?) she-android. Women aren't mere sex objects, dammit![/quote] Well, I'm a guy, and its hard for me to write from a woman's POV. I do have a few other female characters coming later up, though.
  8. While we are on the topic of thread ratings, why is it that the 'teen' rating is PG? That makes no sense to me - when I see PG, I think kid stuff. I think something like Shrek. But when I tried to make my 'Summoners of the New Age' PG-13, I was told Ozymanndius Jones that PG was the teen rating. That makes no sense whatsoever. I want to ask why can't PG be replaced with PG-13?
  9. [RIGHT][B]CHAPTER ONE[/RIGHT][/B] The sounds of footsteps echoed into Samuel Jackson?s ears as he walked through the halls of the Aaufagen. With it being a battleship, Sam never truly expected the Aaufagen to be silent, but even after a year of practically living on it, he never did get used to the constant noise of machinery, or the drunken laughter of soldiers on their occasional break. Sam turned a corner, and slid his ID card through what must of have been the hundredth scanner. At first, the Federation?s security on the cruisers was frustrating on a scale he could barely describe, but Sam got used to it in due time. He was more than willing to adapt to achieve his objectives. The door slid open, and Samuel once again found himself in the research chamber that was essentially his second home. He couldn?t count on his fingers the times he chose to sleep in here rather than drag his body past all the security and twisting hallways to his own room. Its not that he was devoted to his work; after what happened a few years back, it took every force in him to not to go berserk whenever he set his eyes on the subject. He just wanted to get it out of the way ? to never have to work on it ever again, to never have to set his eyes on that monster ever again. He didn?t work for the good of the project, nor was it for the well being of his benefactors, Einzig Corporation (although he was certainly grateful to them for countless things). He worked for a simple goal ? the day the project was complete, His heart would be all the better for it when that day came. Samuel?s dozen or so staff members greeted him in the same way so many times, it had practically became robotic routine; a simple wave, or a swift pat on the back to get the sleepy morning attitude out of him. Each person did it in their own way, but it was always the same. Even their facial expressions would be identical to the way it was twisted the day before. Nothing truly changed here. Samuel cracked his knuckles after another associate asked him how he slept, to which Samuel replied, after rubbing his eyes from under his glasses ?Same as last night. Horrible?. The man would chuckle, as he did the day before and the one before that, and would get back to his work. That was when Andrew ? or Andy, depending on whom you asked ? made his entrance. Clad completely in a white shirt and pants and shoes, compared to the more professional gray and blue Einzig uniform of Samuel, the two didn?t appear even closely related. One would never suspect they were close brothers. Andrew rubbed at his eyes, the nearly completely black circles beneath them almost wiggling in response. ?I see that you?ve slept well enough.? Samuel chuckled softly at the intended irony. ?All right, what?s wrong?? The look on his younger brother?s face told him he didn?t understand. ?Whenever you even [i]look[/i] human, I know by Jupiter?s stone that something is up. Now spill it.? ?I?m telling you, its nothing. Now, boot the Erproben program. The Admiral?s been on my back about its slow state of things.? ?So, I take it you?ll be taking a dive then?? Samuel sighed. ?Once you boot it up I will.? ?Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me a minute.? He walked over to one of the consoles, the letters and images already floating above the keyboard. He typed in a few codes and executions, and a progress bar popped onto the screen. ?Give it an hour. Then you can spend as much time as you want in the Game.? An hour later, Samuel felt that same uneasiness he always felt as he slipped on the VR visor; he felt that same sickness as the world practically melted away, piece by piece, digit by digit. Worst of all was that all sense of dread of having to face the machine Einzig had him create. The Game finished its composition, and Samuel was once again in the World. He was in a forest, with the skeletons of a giant ling behind him. Giant worms, birds and other natural beast tripled in size moved about. Samuel rubbed his fingers, warming their nerves; a natural routine of his. He became tired waiting for the being. ?Come out?, he demanded. He did not need to say its name. Instantly, the being materialized in front of him. It?s was a beautiful female in appearance, with a body (if it was a human) that looked as if it was crafted by Venus. Her only indication to her true ancestry ? as a bioorganic android crafted by man ? was her ocean blue hair, but that too only added to her beautiful appearance. Samuel sighed out of embarrassment of his predecessor?s choice to make it appear so lustful. Samuel had little doubt that even Jupiter would swoop down as a goose and sleep with it. ?I have come, Samuel.? ?Yes, I see that.? He rolled up his sleeve to look at his watch. ?We are behind schedule?Andy?? ?Yeah brudda?? Andrew?s voice echoed into his ear. Whenever he talked like that ? which was a little bit too much for his liking ? Samuel knew that his older brother was in a good mood. ?Start the test.? ?What exactly do you have in mind?? Samuel thought for a moment. ?A thirty six should do the trick.? ?Ya sure about that? This will be its first trial of duty in a couple of weeks.? ?Just do it.? ?All right, all right!? Samuel could hear his older brother grumble from the speaker. ?You got ten seconds.? Even though he couldn?t see him, Andrew knew that his brother silently nodded. A multitude of digits formed in front of Apera, eventually taking shape into a replication of a monster. More and more followed until dozens of the creatures surrounded the machine. When Andrew told them to begin the test, the monster lunged themselves at their sole target. The huge, monstrous things that would allow not allow themselves to be slowed as they carved human flesh, the abominations that could cause chaos anywhere they were unleashed, were eradicated in mere minutes. After seeing the destruction it had unleashed, Samuel took off his visor. The Game world melted away, and he was back in the comforts of reality. ?Had a good trip?? Samuel only glared at him. He knew full well how much his younger brother hated that place. ?So, I take it was a success?? ?I saw only with my eyes. You tell me what you saw.? ?Well, if you want to really want to know what me, all these slave laborers under you, and the most high tech computers known man want to think, its that its ready for the real thing.? ?The Endless.? Just thinking of the name sent a shudder down his spine; every child for the past five hundred years were told of the monsters that threatened the whole Galaxy; the abominations who would enter their realm through a rip in the galaxy. They were demons from a world that no human could ever truly comprehend, and that made it all the more frightening. Those things called the Endless, that could actually physically ?rip? the galaxy away, like a blade against cloth, so that they could come and destroy, was a monstrous thought. How the unthinkable could come from a place that is impossible; that was true paranoia. None could become more fearful of an enemy if you couldn?t even understand the very place they came from. ?Yeah. It?s ready for them. That, and our Ausbusten Effect. They?re finally ready for the big time.? Suddenly, a phone rang. One of the researchers went to answer it. Samuel noticed that he nodded a few times through the silent conversation. ?Understood?, he answered, and hung up the phone. The man turned to acknowledge his superior. ?Samuel, the Admiral wants to see you on the bridge.? And without saying another word, Samuel left the research chamber for the bridge. [center]*[/center] For a brief moment in time, consider what it is like to be Lieutenant Aedo Ohimnim. You are hated by everyone on the Aaufagen, for being exactly what they are not. They are not cruel, at least to the point of them not showing affection openly or willingly. They, unlike you, have not been forced to bear the blunt of many sarcastic remarks behind their backs for their interests. Then again, you certainly do not give a damn what they think: you had served in countless battles against the Endless, whereas they are mere pups. [i]They[/i] have never seen corpses so mutilated and desecrated that it was impossible for anyone to tell that they were human to begin with. [i]They[/i] have never seen a living human have his flesh ripped apart, piece by piece, all for the lusts of a single demon. They were never abandoned by their comrades, by those that they would of have died for in an instant, on a dessert planet with no living human in sight, with their only comrade being the dead. They never had to eat those comrades ? their flesh, their eyeballs, their fingers, lips and tongues! They never had to become a monster to survive. After you have contemplated these thoughts, you notice off of the tip of your one good eye that everyone on the Aaufagen knows of, but does not necessarily care for, was striding through the halls, as if he was some grand important person. The name comes instantly to your mind; Samuel Jackson. Head of the two largest projects at the top of the Aaufagen?s priority list, even higher than the protection of civilians from the Endless, Samuel does not acknowledge anyone, nor does he truly give a sense of love for anyone, with his older brother Andrew being the sole exception to the rule. You lick your upper lip, most of which is just artificial flesh. As you do so, for whatever reason, you decide to take of your right glove to stare at the symbol of what you are. You know all too well the price of arrogance. [center]*[/center] While he was en route to the bridge, Samuel noticed that Lieutenant Ohimnim was starting at him. Although he was just as frightened of the prospect that the infamous man eater was looking at him, Samuel gave him no heed. It was better to move on, to forget about the man, than allow his mind to dwell on it, and create the Gods know what type of hellish nightmare in his sleep. In a few minutes, he would be standing on the bridge, his hands crossed behind his back in the respected manner that was expected of him. Admiral Mecai instantly addressed him on the progress of Apera. ?Project ARMAGEDDON, including the Vercian and Ausbusten Effect, is fully prepared for offensive maneuvers against the Endless, Lord Admiral.? Mecia smiled behind his beard. ?Ah good. I was given orders by the Federation to send Apera into combat wherever you deemed her worthy or not, so this is good news.? ?I was not aware that the Federation was intending on releasing my creation without my consent.? ?It never [i]was[/i] your creation, Samuel. Remember that it was Adam?s first. You just put the finishing touches on her.? ?I understand.? ?Good to see that you do. I don?t want you to have any bad feelings when a Thane comes to bless her.? Samuel almost lost himself when he heard that. But he remembered who he was talking to, and, by the grace of the gods, he managed to restrained himself. ?One of the Valhallians ? Odin?s worshippers ? is coming [i]here[/i]?? The Admiral sighed irritably. ?As much I hate to say it, the Federation is just as much part of the worshippers of Jupiter as it to that one-eyed Odin.? ?But it is a creation of the followers of Jupiter. What right does Odin have to it?? ?Because she will save both Olympian and Valhallian.? He paused for a moment, allowing the words to settle in. ?You are excused, Samuel.? [center]* * * * *[/center] Valgrad Bearathark pulled on his braided hair as his officers guided the Valhallian battle ship, the Iron Claw, through hyperspace. Being a hunter ? individuals who devoted their whole lives to annihilating the Endless, forsaking fellowship with all men, minus those on their ship ? he was surprised, to say the least, when a Valhallian governor contacted him concerning a certain Vercian. He was even more surprised when he learned that the Federation appointed him to give the blessing of Thor onto the Vercian. He was certainly curious as to why they chose a Hunter, who was often stereotyped as being reckless by even Valhallian standards, to bless the Vercian, even if he was known to be a devoted follower. Perhaps they wanted a warrior to bless a warrior. Only Odin knows. ?What?s the ETA on the Aaufagen?? One of the navigators, a burly man with a noticeable scar, but not deep enough to consider the man a brute, answered him. ?With the rate we?re going, and if no pirates or other Loki-blessed brutes decide to tempt fate by crossing us, we should be there in an hour.? ?Good. I?d prefer to get this over and done with.? ?Why you say that, Valgrad?? ?Because them Olympians are too clean for their own good!? Laughter filled the relatively small bridge. The six or so navigators and their captain and battlemaster were crammed into it. Somehow, Valgrad managed to keep his navigators in high spirits. ?Even their warriors hardly show a scar on their face.? ?Too high and mighty, right Valgrad?? ?Nah, I think they just like to stay clean for clean?s sake! Just like how get all bloody and gory for Tyr?s good health!? Laughter filled the chamber. ?Now, hurry it up. I want to get there before Ragnarok!? He lowered his seat to the point where he could jump off without hurting his feet. ?Where you going, battlemaster?? ?Got to get ready. I?m representing Thor, and his father and siblings, in front of a bunch of Olympians. Won?t do him much good if I look as messy as Eric the Red, right?? ?Indeed sir.? With that, the Thane left the bridge for his own quarters. Although he told the truth to his navigator - he had a great deal on his shoulders by blessing this Vercian ? he also wanted to meditate a bit on the Vercian herself. He didn?t understand why they chose a bioorganic robot for the savior of humanity. Why not just choose a volunteer with a good track record in battle to implement all the hardware and gears? It would be a whole lot safer, and surely more politically correct with the Vercians. ?[i]Maybe because the only good candidates for that would be us Valhallians. And nobody wants that[/i].? Valgrad chuckled to himself as he walked down the halls. [center]*[/center] ?A Valhallian? Are you freaking kidding me? The Federation is sending one of those screwballs this way? Gods be damned?? Samuel chuckled softly as he played with a piece of cloth. The two brothers were alone, in his bedroom. Samuel wanted to tell the news to his brother alone. He knew quite a few of his fellow researchers who would blow a top bigger than Mars if word spread too quickly. Then again, if the Thane came without them knowing? ?So, what are you going to do?? ?Do what? It?s not in our hands anymore.? ?So? It?s still OUR creation?? ?Adam?s?, he interrupted. The name alone kept the room silent. Finally, Andrew managed to gather up the strength to speak. ?But he passed it down to us.? ?No he didn?t.? ?What are you talking about? You were his second in command on that damned project! You ? ? ?He got killed before he could say a damn thing! We stole it from him. We took it when he died. Just because the higher ups gave that monster to us doesn?t mean a damn thing.? ?He would have given it to us and you know it.? ?It?s not the same. It?s not the same as a living, breathing Adam putting his hands on our shoulders, and saying ?I trust you guys. Take good of her, all right?? Taking things from the dead is not the same as being given to us by the living!? Andrew paused for saying anything. If he wasn?t careful, there was going to be quite a separation between the two of them, and that just can?t happen. After Adam?s death, his little brother relied on him to keep his sanity in check. Without him, only the Fates know what would happen to him. ?I take it I should get out of here then?? ?Maybe.? ?Before you end up killing me.? ?I might just do that.? ?If you did, you?d have to do a whole lot of praying to Adam before you get executed.? ?No more than you, for damning the gods like you did.? ?Probably.? With a wide grin on his face, Andrew left the room, leaving Samuel alone to remember how much he relied on that lazy brother of his. [center]*[/center] This is what it felt like to be Andrew Jackson, as he left the room of his brother: The door closes behind you, and instantly the world feels as if it is spinning around you. Your hand is dragged across the wall as you seem to trip over you feet again and again, tumbling over in an embarrassing stature. Your head ? that [i]stupid[/i], good for [i]nothing[/i] head of yours ? hits the floor hard. You feel a trickle of blood on your lip. Did you break a tooth? You lick your teeth, both to wash the blood off of them as it is to detect any pain from the would-be missing tooth. No pain. Damnit. You push yourself up, but with you feeling as that someone had hit you with a hammer. One of your hands slump to your side, whereas the next relies on the wall to keep yourself standing. Against every will in your body that says ?slump against the wall like every other weak willed man?, you tell your legs to move. ?Move and show Sam can rely on me. Let me be like a tower for him to rest against. I?m not going to fall again?? You fall. The Gods must hate you. And if the Gods hate you, then how much must Adam hate you? Have you failed Sam? Despite your efforts to remain alive, have you failed your brother? Your [i]one[/i], remaining brother in this dark reality? Fighting against your body, you struggle to our feet and move across the hall, toward your room. Maybe then, when you get there, you?ll manage to find some peace in a deep slumber. [center]* * * * *[/center] Aboard the [i]Iron Claw[/i], Michael was rustling in his bed. He was not having some mind corrupting dream. He was simply just ill. Although the fact that he became ill ever since the [i]Iron Claw[/i] departed for the Aaufagen was slightly curious, Michael thought nothing of it. The silver haired man knew that it would pass, as all natural illness do. The room was covered in darkness, as Michael felt that heat from the light would postpone his healing of the illness. That darkness dissipated, however, when the door opened and the [i]Iron Claw?s[/i] battle master was found standing in the doorway. Despite the fact that Michael was no Valhallian, or Hunter, Valgrad had found a great amount of respect for him. So much that instead of storming into the small room as, he opened the door only slightly so, so that the ill man would not be awakened from his slumbers. But then Michael stood on his knees. How he mastered the strength for that the Thane would guess later. Now he knew it was safe to enter. Even in his weakened state, Michael had a wide and disturbingly comfortable smile across his face. ?Good to see you again, Valgrad.? ?I know it is rude of me to disturb you, Michael.? ?Valgrad, please, don?t fall so beneath your station as to flatter yourself to a mere wanderer as I.? Valgrad didn?t know if it was an insult or praise. Knowing Michael, it was probably a little bit of both. ?What is it that you need?? By now, he had crawled to the end of the bed, with him hugging his knees. His bare toes were hugging the edge of the bed, and he was sucking on the bare end of his thumb. He always sat like that and surprisingly enough, he found it comfortable. ?I have a bad feeling about this.? ?Why is that?? ?I just can?t understand why the Federation would send a Hunter, who I certainly don?t need to remind you have a reputation for being brutal to just about anyone ?? ?Indeed you do not.? ?To give the blessing of Thor onto a Vercian that could be our only weapon against those damned Endless.? ?If you wish to know what I think, it is these things.? He opened his hands. ?There is a twenty percent chance that the Federation may honestly believe in your abilities as a Thane.? Two of his fingers went down. ?Sixty percent is that you are just a pawn in whatever power game they are playing.? Six more fingers closed into an incomplete fist. ?Fifteen percent says that your gods are intervening.? A finger went down. ?And the remaining five?? ?Something is going to happen, and they want you out.? Valgrad chuckled nervously. ?Would you rather I have had said something you wanted to hear, instead of something you needed to hear?? ?No.? ?Then I did all I can.? Shakily, he put a hand on the burly man?s shoulder. ?Believe that you are a Thane, and that twenty percent can become greater.? ?Thank you Michael.? ?That is my toll, no?? He licked his lips to get the dryness out of them. ?Now, I would appreciate if you would let me sleep.? ?Of course!? With that, he got up and left the room. ?Pleasant dreams, Valgrad. Sleep tight.? [center]* * * * *[/center] The [i]Iron Claw[/i] docked at the Aaufagen the next day. Admiral Mecia and his subordinate commanders were there to greet Valgrad and his fellow warriors. The Admiral and his commanders were dressed in their finest robes, of which were only succeeded by their ceremonial robes for religious events and occasions. The Valhallians on the other hand, were barely dressed at all. They wore only the necessaries ? pants and shoes. A shirt was the exception, not the rule. Doing his best not to blurt out any offendable words at the Valhallians, the Admiral gave out his hand. Valgrad shook it enthusiastically. Admiral sighed full of relief when he realized the man dressed in a sleeve-less jacket was the leader of those barbarians. Their commander deserved some credit: he had enough decency to decency towards Olympians of high standings. However, it didn?t help that if this wasn?t Mecia?s first time meeting a Valhallian, Mecia surely would of have thought that they were as brutish as the Endless, if not more so. ?Battlemaster-Thane Valgrad Bearathark, on behalf of the Galactic Navy, I welcome you to the Aaufagen.? ?And I?ll be the first to you, that it is good to be welcomed, Admiral Mecia.? Mercai raised an eyebrow. ?I was not aware that the Federation gave out the names of their Admirals so easily.? ?It is good to be aware of these types of things when you?re going against an enemy that seems to last for infinite.? ?That is true, although with the coming of Apera, that may all be a thing of the past.? ?Speaking of which, I would like to see Apera now.? ?Master Thane, it is a custom of ours to let our guests relax before they perform the duties the Federation had set upon them.? ?Well, it is a custom of [i]mine[/i] to see the person who is linked to my duties.? ?Very well then.? One of the Commanders swiped their keycard through the scanner a half hour later, and the door leading into the Research Chamber opened for the Admiral and the Battlemaster. The lights came on, almost dramatically, as they entered. Valgrad had a feeling this was intentional; the Admiral was playing mind games with him. It was subtle, but it was there. For a research chamber, it was incredibly roomy. The only thing that took up any real space was the monitors on the screen and the consoles that were linked to them. In the center of the room was what at first glanced appeared to be a black and red painted metal coffin. Upon further inspection, after seeing a series of buttons, as well as wires flowing from it into some of the consoles, it was easy to conclude that this was where Apera slept. ?In just one more day, that multi billion credit piece of machinery will be obsolete.? Confused, Valgrad turned to face the Admiral. ?Why is that, Admiral?? ?Because tomorrow, she wakes up.? ?As in, her personality and psychological code will be inserted?? ?Precisely. It will be like sleeping beauty waking up from her once eternal slumber.? ?The chief of the project must be very proud, to see his creation finally wake up.? Mecia sighed irritably. ?Battlemaster, can I be frank with you?? Valgrad shrugged in response. ?If you wish to stay in good standings with the Jackson brothers ? the ones who made Apera ? do not ask if they are proud of her?? ?Why should I do such a stupid thing?? ?Because they hate her. She killed someone very dear to both of them, and they will never forgive anyone who openly speaks highly of her. Even someone sent by the Federation.? ?But aren?t they like fathers to her?? ?If they are fathers, then they would be quicker to burn her at the stake than embrace her like a daughter.? [center]* * * * *[/center] Samuel arrived late at the Research Chamber the next day. It was expected that Andrew would be there, but he would tell the administration later that his brother was not well. When he opened that door to the chamber, he would find that his researchers from both shifts ? late and early ? would be there. Today was the big day for them after all: the day that they would finally see the fruits of their labors. Today, Apera would wake up from her eternal dream and become not just a being of melded flesh and machine, but a [i]human[/i]. The Jackson brothers, on the other hand, would enter an eternal nightmare and become the most brutal of demons. Samuel, almost as if he was devoid of life, walked towards the console that would make Apera ?human?. He found that it already had the prompt for the password was on the screen. Someone must of thought they were helping him by doing so. Idiot. Samuel entered the password; REMEMBER 05/11. And without a second thought, he left the room. He didn?t wait to see his and his brother?s ?daughter? open her eyes for the first time. Apera entered the world without a father by her side. [center]* * * * *[/center] Valgrad bit down on the cigarette offered to him by Mecia. It has been a few days since Apera has been awakened. She had been informed of the role she would play in humanity?s survival by one of the resident priests, and was guided to her room. No one has seen her since, although a few have said that they heard her saying some things from behind her closed doors. ?Did you like what you saw?? the Admiral asked humorously. Valgrad was one of the people among the crowd when Samuel entered the code that had her open her eyes. ?She?s a beauty?, he chuckled. The Admiral chuckled somewhat, but not as much as the Thane expected. ?It?s a dangerous time, Battlemaster. Humanity?s hope is laid in the hands of someone who has never even lived a month. The fact that she?s going mad, or Jupiter knows what, going behind those closed doors doesn?t help the Senate? Valgrad puffed out a smoke of nicotine. ?Explain something to me, Admiral; why is it that Senate, knowing how the Jackson brothers thought of Apera, didn?t intervene?? ?That is a very good question. But I am not one to answer. Nor is anyone else on the Aaufagen.? ?What are you saying, Admiral?? ?I am saying, that you should just do your duty as a Thane, and forget the matters regarding Apera. Things will be better that way.? Valgrad chose not to say anything. It was better to consider just why the Admiral was saying these things, rather than speak some stupidity and get in Odin knows what kind to trouble. ?When will you perform the ceremony?? ?When I have a chance to see her alone.? ?Alone?? ?It is a private event, between her, and Thor.? ??I see. Shall I force the door open?? ?No. She will come out eventually.? ?We don?t have time for an eventually.? ?Thor does, and considering he is the one who will determine if he grants the blessing or not, it would be a damned good idea to follow his lead.? ?The Senate wants her to be blessed by month?s end.? ?Senate is just a bunch of well dressed jackasses, Admiral. Thor is an immportal god who decides everything. HE is the storm. The Senate is just a mere leaf caught in that storm.? ?I believe we have nothing more than to discuss.? ?Damn straight.? He smiled, knowing he had won a battle in the war between himself and the admiral. And then, he left. [center]* * * * *[/center] Samuel looked up from the clipboard to stare at his brother. Immediately after Apera woke up, Einzig assigned them to a new project that was placed on the Aaufagen. The project, dubbed NEW DEUS, was based solely on the research of a strange coffin that the Aaufgen discovered only a few weeks back. At first, they took no heed of it ? after all, dumping of corpses on war ships into deep space was, and still is, a common practice. But when the warship?s sensors found that the coffin radiated chaos magic on a nearly impossible scale, it went without saying that they sent their scavenger frigates to pick it up. ?This is absolutely impossible. No corpse should be able to radiate so much energy, forget about chaotic ones.? ?You really think it?s a corpse?? ?What else [i]would[/i] it be? It?s the basic shape of one, albeit an overly decorated one.? ?Let?s put it this way Sam.? Andrew leaned on his brother?s shoulder very casually. Samuel didn?t mind it though, despite the fact that some of his subordinates were looking at him strangely. He was used to his older brother treating him like a brother everywhere, even when discussing top secret material. The only exception would be when in front of people who could fire their butts with a snap of their fingers. ?Last time I checked, corpses don?t radiate chaos energy. Period.? ?Well, until you are willing to violate Federal laws and vandalize a coffin, I suggest you just stay with the sensors.? ?Whatever?, Andrew sighed. ?You know what I don?t get Sam?? ?What?? ?Why the Feds send us to do all this research, when all of they?re laws keep us from doing any researching to begin with!? ?Maybe because they pay our bills?? ?Well, there?s that?? ?Mister Jackson!? Both of the brothers turned to face the researcher who was approaching them. ?I think you should read this.? He handed Samuel a clipboard. He skimmed through the report. Halfway through, he went pale. ?By Jupiter?? ?Hey, uh, Sam, what?s up?? Slowly, Sam turned to face his brother. ?According to this, whatever is in there?? He paused to get control of himself. ?Whatever is in that thing ? because I?m telling you right now that is [i]no[/i] coffin - is [i]alive[/i].?
  10. Pewter City was a city for known for its hard, steady people. Before the Vetus Government was formed roughly half a dozen hundred years ago, the citizens of Pewter City created this place to be a utopia ? a city separated from the rest of the sinful world. The people here still hold that resilience and steadfastness in themselves. The trio entered the Pokemon center. The girls had managed to get their pokemon into their pokeballs, but Scimnio downright refused. ?Come on ya big ass monkey! I need you in here so they can?? ?You know Matt, they can heal him eve without a pokeball?? Matt turned to the nature girl. ?It?s more expensive without a pokeball.? ?So, its all about the money?? It was obvious that she was more than a bit disgusted. ?It is when I?m on a budget. We?re not made of money you know.? He turned his attention to Scimnio. ?Come on. Get [i]in[/i].? The hikozaru pouted. [i]No way[/i]. ?Darn you!? He leaped for the pokemon, intending to force him into the pokeball, but he scurried off, landing on a table. ?Hey!? the patron roared. ?Get this damn thing off!? He swung at Scimnio, but the elusive monkey leaped off the table and landed on Matt?s shoulder. ?You?re going to lose more than a few bucks here and there if you don?t get him that healing.? Matt clenched his fists. ?Fine! I?m starting to wonder if you are worth all this trouble?? [center]* * * * *[/center] Matt awoke in his hotel room that early next morning. He did not feel like sleeping out in the wilds last night, so biting his lips, he went ahead and rented a hotel room. Surprisingly enough, Scimnio fell fast asleep. Matt had some trouble, but he eventually found a dream of his own to bring him through the night. They left early that next afternoon for the gym. He didn?t plan on facing the gym leader. He merely wanted to observe. He thought he saw one of the two girls, the one with the cherinbo, in the market streets, but he didn?t slow down long enough to really find out. He entered the gym through the observer?s entrance. What he saw through the glass window baffled him ? the entire gym seemed to be made out of earth, and large boulders protruded themselves from the ground. It looked more like a battlefield of war than a place for trainers to train. That was when he saw the gym master. The man must have been in his late thirties, forties at most. He had a plain muscle shirt on his already dark skin and hair. What caught Matt?s attention the most, however, was that he never seemed to open his eyes. It was a double battle ? the gym trainer?s two pokemon versus a single pokemon of two trainers. It was going to be interesting. He could learn a few things here. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. He turned to see the girl in the summer clothes enter with Fusha on her shoulders. ?Surprise, surprise?, she said in a very sarcastic tone. Matt just ignored her and continued to watch the battle.
  11. [quote name='Takuya']Okay, I've got another question about ,oves. I know that this RPG isn't using the actual moves like in the game, so are we limited to what the game has, or can we have Pokemon do things that don't happen in the games (example: in the games, Slash is a specific move, but in this RPG, it's simply the action f slashing at the opponent. So could a fire-type, for example, add fire to its slash, or an electric-type add electricity to a slash)? To me, it would make sense that we could have Pokemon do things that they can't in the games, but I'd like to be certain before I post anything.[/quote] As long as it makes sense, sure. Even though its based off the game (although even THAT is barely at all, considering the backstory I have...), theres no need for us to be so limited.
  12. [b]OOC[/b]: Seeing as I am tired of waiting to have enough free time in her life to post, I decided to do it myself. [center]-[/center] Even with Scimnio?s light, Viridian Forest was as dark as ever. Ayave and Fusha rested on their trainer?s shoulders respectively, but Scimnio was the one that led the pack. It was a known fact that fire by nature kept all but the most suicidal of bug pokemon away, so it was the best call on Matt?s part. The group climbed over a felled tree that covered the road. ?How much longer until we are out of this place?? It was obvious by Turbine?s voice that she was irritated. Matt just shrugged in response. They moved, not exactly aware that a horde of enemies were waiting among the trees. They have been very hungry as of late. It had been a long time since humans have wandered through the forest. They began to wonder if the ?disappearance? of humans had scared them away, but look! Two humans were walking side by side, totally naïve to the death that waited them from the trees. Such tender flesh, they thought in unison. Such wonders! Don?t wait, they decided. They would strike. Now, they would eat. Turbine and Matt turned in horror to the sounds of a dozens buzzes as what must of have been ten or twenty, perhaps even thirty, beedrills emerged from the trees. Their stingers dripped poison. In their eyes was the look of death. This was [i]not[/i] normal. Matt swallowed hard. ?Scimnio?? The hikozaru was already forming fire in his hands, which he launched at the swarm. The beedrills were moving at such high velocity that it was nearly impossible for some of them to not be burnt to a crisp. But defying all laws of physics, they avoided it. Their minds, one, united. They all moved with the same motion, the same desire. ?This is definitely not normal.? ?Run. Now!? Matt didn?t need to listen to her twice. He sprinted down the dirt path. Turbine was close behind. There was no time to slow down in this race. It was a race against death; Matt didn?t even have time to pick up Scimnio. Fusha had to grab the hikozaru in is talons. They ran faster than they believed they ever could. Matt?s feet were burning?Turbine wanted to fall down. But there was no time for the weak to be weak now. If you wanted to live, if you wanted to take another gasp of breathe, if you did not want to be consumed by the swarm, you [i]had[/i] to run. There was no other option. Survive, or be consumed. They sprinted around a corner, leaping over a fallen tree that covered another part of the road. Nearby, although not near enough to see the swarm, Miku and Sakura heard the buzzing of the swarm. ?What on earth could that be Sakura?? The cherinbo waddled off in the direction of the swarm. ?Hey Sakura, wait for me!? OOC: Okay, I left room for either Kitty or Satori to take take care of the situation. First a car chase, now a swarm of human devouring beedrills that are like a single mind (buggers from Ender's Game anyone?)! What could happen to our valiant heroes now?
  13. Spam is spam, no matter how it is from. Besides, your reasoning dosen't explain how the N. Korea debate thread turned into a discussion regarding the humane reasons of bombing Hiroshima.
  14. [quote name='Takuya']Okay, Gym question. It's been mentioned several times now that the Veridian City Gym is closed. Who's going to be the Gym Leader? Or do you even know? And if you don't want to tell us, then that's fine. Oh, and if you don't have any ideas, I hapen to have one. PM me if you want to learn more.[/quote] Its going to be closed for a bit. And yes, I know who its going to be. And no, it is not Giovanni or Gary / Blue.
  15. The car took a swift turn upon one of the bumpy roads, almost flipping it over. Route Two was in even worse shape than Route One ? tree trunks over rode most of the roads, and it was not uncommon for a tree log to block one all together. ?Me? Take the wheel? Are you out of your mind?? ?Just do it damnit!? Reluctantly, she agreed. The girl slowly crawled over from the passenger?s seat to the driver?s. Matt did his best to crawl over the seat to the back. Unfortunatley, he had to be so nervous with his hands that he touched her butt. ?You didn?t!? ?Did what?? He got kicked in the head for an answer. ?Damnit! What was?? The car took a wide turn?one wide enough that it almost made it flip over. ?Steer straight!? ?I?m trying damnit!? The mankey and machop leaped back onto their owner?s car. Matt looked in fear as one seemed to be bringing out a gun. ?Scimnio! Fire! Something! Anything!? Agreeing all too well, Scimnio allowed fire energy to flow into his hands. Waiting for just the right moment, it fired off a series of shots at an overlying branch. It fell off, right ontop of the engine of the car. ?Damnit!? Matt could hear some of the thugs curse. ?Looks like we got them?? ?Look out!? Turbine had nearly steered the car into a large tree. Wildly, she turned the wheel, hoping there was enough time to turn it and not crash. Too late. The car rolled over half a dozen times before its momentum finally ceased. The car was above them, its once shiny exterior not rubbish, but they were certainly not pinned down by it. Realizing the coming crash, Fusha had grabbed Scimnio and flew off with him. Turbine was the first to exit the rubble. ?Uh?? When Matt emerged, he found six of the thugs were surrounding them, some with weapons, others with pokeballs. ?Scimnio!? Upon his call, the hikozaru answered with a ball of fire towards the thugs. Like ants they dispersed for a moment. But they quickly regrouped. Scimnio climbed back up to Matt?s shoulders as Fusha landed on the girl?s. Matt had withdrawn the pokeball that held Ayave. He dropped it, and the mukkuru was released. ?Ready?? ?Only if I have to.? ?And I?d say that be right about now.? ?Perfect. I?ve been itching to kick someone?s ass. Preferably yours, but these idiots will do?? ?Ya know, I [i]should[/i] be insulted?? ?Shut up and fight already!? ?Fair enough! Scimnio, another fireball would be great. Ayave, distract them!? At once, they got to work. Scimnio leaped from Matt?s back onto the neighboring tree trunk, leaping from limb to limb in a successful effort to avoid the bullets. Ayave was swiping at the thugs like crazy, tackling into them at random and at such high speeds, the idiots didn?t know where to go or look next. Fusha was already at work as, per the girl?s orders, creating a mist that clouded the thug?s visions. Between the constant fireballs trying to make them as fired as flame licked hamburgers, the crazy bird hitting them from every direction, and the mist that made them as blind as a bat, things were not looking in their good fortune. ?Screw the car! Let?s get out of here!? ?Right behind you!? ?Vamos!? Like chickens missing their heads, they ran off into their cars, and after putting the pedal to the medal, they were off. Leaving Matt and the girl behind with the rubble. ?What now?? he asked. ?To Pewter City, I guess.? He shrugged. ?Whatever. Come on Scimnio! Ayave!? And so, they were off.
  16. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']and a fully animated HK-47 defies the awesomeness scale.[/SIZE][/quote] I couldn't agree with you more. "Can I please break his neck master? It always has been a longtime fantasy of mine..." Instant classic! :D
  17. Professor Oak gladly accepted the cup of coffee granted to him by one of his maids. His guest, a man in plain clothes, accepted the cup as well. ?You always were the one to be such a host, Sam.? ?No reason not to be.? ?Of course not.? He sipped on the cup some more. ?Sam, your end of the deal was to entrust Matthew Camien with a pokemon, and get him out of here. We never expected you to send ten other kids with him.? ?Your benefactors never said I couldn?t give the boy some company.? ?True, but they are failing to see the point of the matter. Needless to say, we are certainly getting more than a bit worried.? ?They have nothing to lose. Why on earth are they so worried?? ?Because they have nothing to lose, and that, Professor, is a dangerous situation.? ?That is true. Very true indeed.? ?You honestly believe that they can change the world?? ?Of course. If I didn?t why would I sent them.? ?Professor, we all know what the Vetus Government had you perform in the war, and what you did to those who thought they were pulling you by a leash. It?s needless to say that my benefactors have some reason to be concerned over you sending ten pokemon trainers to change the morality of this world. Even more so, why do you trust Lance so much?? ?What are you suggesting?? ?A Gifted has been sent to watch Matt.? ?A [i]what[/i]?? ?I did my best to persuade them Sam, but honestly, they didn?t have a choice. You forced their hand.? ??I suggest you leave for the time being.? ?I was about to do the same thing. Don?t think poorly of me Sam. I am just a messenger.? The man got up and walked to the door. ?What should I tell them?? ?That I acted within their boundaries.? ?Fair enough.? And then he left. [center]* * *[/center] After nearly twenty four hours of being on the road, Matt and Asera finally entered Viridian City at seven. Although certainly not the largest metropolis the Vetus Government had constructed (that title belongs to Saffron City), it was a major economic source of survival for the dozens or so suburbs that dotted the Notos Peninsula. ?We finally made it!? Asera announced. With that, she plopped onto the ground, obviously exhausted. ?Well, I?m off.? ?Where are [i]you[/i] going?? ?Places.? Before she could even get up to tackle him, Matt was gone without a sight. To Matt, who had never left Pallet Town before, the city with all of its lights and technology and traffic was a welcome change from home. He was lost in wonder at the marvel. It was like he had entered a world totally alien from him. He went from street corner, constantly getting lost, but never realizing it. Scimnio, on the other hand, was doing his best to keep his companion from getting into too much trouble, and moving him in [i]some[/i] sort of general direction. Eventually, Matt came to his sense and realized more than anything that he needed to get some sort of map from one of the stations, most likely the one near Route 2. So, avoiding whatever traffic he could, he made his way to the north end of town. The walk took him an hour. By then, Turbine was just waking up. She had been asleep since six that morning, and after the ordeal with that yellow rat the scientists called pikachu, she was exhausted. But now, she had awakened; she was refreshed, and more than ready to kick some major butt?somewhere. ?What are you squawking about?? she complained when Fu was flapping near her, yelping wildly. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she saw that one of the people from Oak?s overly epic meeting had just made his entrance. ?Aw great.? Then Matt saw that Turbine was looking at him. ?Oh great.? She was about to walk past him when Matt had to bump into a large man. Angered, the man ? and several others who were just as large, if not bigger ? turned to see him. ?What the hell were ya doing?? ?What are [i]you[/i] talking about?? ?You bumped into, on purpose I?m betting, you SOB!? ?Hey, I did nothing!? ?Oh, so you?re playing innocent, eh?? ?I?m not playing anything!? ?Yeah, maybe if you weren?t eying that girl there you wouldn?t cause trouble!? ?What??? ?You both should pay?Get them!? Matt took a glance at Turbine. Just one. But that is all that was needed. ?Run. Now!? They raced out of the building, with them jumping into the first car they saw. Matt just had to pick the driver?s seat. And even worse, the fool left their key in it. ?Do you even know how to drive?? ?I went to driver?s ed?? ?You failed it, didn?t you?? ?Shut up!? Suddenley, they heard the thugs exit the building. ?They?re in one of our cars!? ?Damnit!? ?Just drive!? And so, the [url=http://zeta.bluelaguna.net/ff7music//22%20-%20Crazy%20Motorcycle%20Chase.mp3][b]chase[/b][/url] began.
  18. I'd say loosen up on the 'leveling' of your Pokemon (even though there is no levels per se in this RP, we'll just use RPG terms to better define the maturing of our pokemon). Evolution should be a big deal, so hold up on Charmader becoming a Charmelion. Wait until Vermillion City at the very least. Thats the case I will be doing for Scimnio - it won't be until Lieutenant Surge at the least that he'll become a [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moukazaru][u]moukazaru[/u][/URL].
  19. Matt sighed at the girl?s proposition. He never liked to be with people. Minus Scimnio, he was planning on doing this alone. But by the looks of this girl, she was certainly not one to take no for an answer. ?Whatever. Make your camp. I?m tired enough to keep on talking.? So, he went in and closed the flap that was the tent?s entrance. ?Sheesh, what a grouch?, Asera noted to himself. By eleven, the three of them were on the road once. They were slowed down by a slight shower that muddied up the road, but it passed in a half hour, and they were making good time. By the time Matt?s watch read one twenty, the three of them were starving. Matt didn?t want to waste their already limited supplies, but his stomach was starting to overrule his judgment. Not to mention that Asera insisted they eat. Now. So, they took a quick bite to eat. Matt sat on an overturned tree trunk that was lying on one side of the road, whereas Scimnio sat on one of the tree branches. Asera lay on a slight hill, her legs crossed as she bit into her food. Matt bit into a piece of ration. He almost wanted to say a wise guy?s remark, but he was too sick to his stomach. Despite the grotesque taste of it, Matt knew that if he didn?t have at least one more, he would probably starve. Figthing his urge to throw the bag of rations into the woods, Matt plucked one from the bag, and ever slowly, brought it closer to his mouth? He bit down? And felt nothing but his thumb. ?What the?? He looked around, although he did not know exactly what he was looking for. He saw Scimnio screaming and tantruming over something. Matt turned to see a bird holding the ration he was about to eat. Not even giving it a chance to run away, Matt leaped for it. He missed. It flew off into the forest. ?Scimnio! After it!? The hikozaru was already on its way, jumping and swinging from tree limb to limb without a moment?s hesitation. Matt jumped to his feet, grabbed his ration bag and backpack in one full swoop, and joined his companion in the chase. ?What should I do?? ?Be quiet!? he ordered, as he ran into the distance. ?Aw, hell no!? Not even thinking about grabbing her supplies, Asera joined in the chase. It wasn?t long before he could see Scimnio?s fire amidst all the foliage. He also heard the screeching of the thieving bird. ?Hey Matt!? Asera cheered naively when she finnaly caught up with him. ?What the hell are you doing here?? ?What does it look like?? ?God! Oh, just stop talking and get that bird!? Eventually, they got the bird cornered against a stone cliff that was far too high for it to fly over, even if it didn?t have the ration. It was going to have to fight. At first, Matt never realized that thieving bird was indeed a pokemon ? or more specifically, a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukkuru][u]mukkuru[/u][/url]. ?Okay Scimnio, looks like we?ll have to fight to prove we deserve to eat. Get at it!? Scimnio couldn?t agree more. He lunged at the mukkuru, but it flew over the tackle. It didn?t expect Scimnio to land on the cliff, and jump right back towards it, as if he was a bouncy ball. The mukkuru went flying to the ground; it was dazed, and certainly hurt a bit, but it was certainly out for the count. It flapped its wings to gain back some momentum. Scimnio certainly was not going to let it get any chance at besting him, however. Drawing upon his energy within, Scimnio released a small fire ball. The mukkuru avoided the flame, but the resulting blast slammed it into a tree. Matt unclicked his pokeball from his belt. ?Time for some due payment, my little friend?, he sneered. He threw the pokeball at the mukkuru, and the bird was captured in a red light. The ball wiggled for a bit, but the mukkuru eventually signaled defeat. Matt picked up the pokeball. ?Bingo.? They suddenly heard a beeping sound. Matt looked everywhere, but he couldn?t tell where it was. Of course, it was Scimnio who, after going through his backpack, found a certain pokedex that Matt was blissfully unaware of. ?MUKKURU, a flying type pokemon. Unlike its cousin the PIDGEY, MUKKURUS have been known to steal items from humans that have no survival value to it whatsoever. Because of this, it has been known to make an excellent messenger bird, especially during the Gizdotsou War.? The words MALE appeared in bright blue letters a button press later. ?You didn?t even know you had a pokedex.? ?Shut up.? ?So, what are you gonna name him?? ?Ayave sounds good to me??
  20. [B]foxtu78[/B], can you put paragrah breaks between your characters talking? Its kind of hard to read...
  21. Most people would have waited before they began a journey as large as the one Oak presented onto Matt. But Matt was not like most people. There was no reason to wait. Nothing was going to stop him if he hesitated. Every muscle in his body said go, and Matt was all too quick to obey. It was around three thirty by the time Matt got even half way through Route One. The divider between Pallet Town and Viridian City was a half hour wide back in the days of the Vetus Government. But that government collapsed when the Gizdotsou War ended when he was three years old. Now, the once world connecting highways known as the ?Routes? were nothing more than overgrown concrete. Grass slipped between the numerous cracks, and it wasn?t uncommon for some of the tunnels to be full of Pidgey and Spearow nests. Rattatas raced across either side of the road, and a few Ekans could be seen in the forest. At the current state of things, it could take Matt a few hours to get to Viridian City?and a nice soft bed. ?Gawd, this just sucks.? Scimnio turned to face Matt. ?No, I wasn?t talking to?oh forget it.? Further down the road, the two decided they would take a route off of the beaten path. He reasoned that just because there was a chance of some feral pokemon attacking them for a chance of some extra meat doesn?t mean they couldn?t take a chance at cutting off a few hours. ?Besides, I got a fire breathing monkey with me.? Scimnio still had a bad feeling about it. Ignoring his companion?s feelings on the matter, the two took the shortcut. It would be several hours later they would emerge. Matt would have more than his fair of cuts from when he accidentally walked into a spearow?s nest, and Scimnio looked like he had taken a mud bath. ?Look you whining ape! Lights! I told you that we would?be right where we started?? Indeed, somewhere along the line, Matt lost his sense of direction, and so, they traveled in a very large circle for roughly two hours. Needless to say, Scimnio made a mental note that he?d ask the resident pokemon next time Matt decided to take a ?short cut?. ?Its too late to head there now?? Matt sighed. It was almost nine, and it wouldn?t take long to see that Matt was beyond exhausted. ?We?re camping?right under that tree over there. Come on apie, start a fire. I?ll get a tent?if I can find the directions in this thing?? And thus ended Matt?s first day as a pokemon master. It was not necessarily the best beginning to an adventure?
  22. It is said that we humans can never comprehend our fates, that no matter how observant we could claim to be, we would never be able to realize when our lives had changed forever. When we stepped through whatever door of destiny, we would think nothing of it. We thought it was another door, another path. We never knew it would define who we would be. Matt never truly realized when he stepped through that door. It might have been when he woke up that morning. Or perhaps it was when he first met Scimnio. Or, perhaps, it was when he first took a glance at Miku? All Matt knew was that when he took his first, deep look in Scimnio?s eyes, it clicked. He knew it. His life was never going to be ?normal? ever again. It was going to be anything but normal. It was going to be unreal. The rest of the group came into the living room soon after he came to realize this. He didn?t know if they came to the same conclusion as he did, or if they ever will. But to some, he looked different. Maybe it was just because his hand was shaking a little; or, maybe it because he gave no heed to Scimnio resting on his head. ?[i]Where will this take me? I?m going somewhere. I?m going on some sort of crazy, half assed adventure all right, but where will it bring me in the end? Will I be remembered in history books for the first trainer in generations to defeat the Elite Four? Will I end up dead? Will I be a nothing? Just where the hell am I going?[/i]? ?So, do you know what lies ahead of you?? The Professor?s quarry broke Matt out of his thoughts. ?Do you know where you are going? As pokemon trainers, your paths are as limited as where your pokemon and your feet can take you. It?s a difficult path, what lies ahead of you. Being a trainer is not easy. You?ll starve, you will get thirsty, you will have yours ups and downs. You do not have to go. You can take your pokemon and return to the life you remember; the life with no risks. It has no strings attached. But if you take this new path I have presented to you, you just might have the chance to grab that light you just couldn?t find before. I won?t say anything else. The supplies ? if you choose to be a pokemon trainer ? can be found at the door. Each of them has a name tag of yours clipped to it. Those tags register you as a pokemon trainer, and will grant you entry to the gyms as well as reduced treatment at hospitals and centers.? With that, the Professor got up and left. They were all alone. For a few moments, no one got up. But those moments felt like hours. So many choices, so many possibilities. What choice was the right one? Was being a trainer really as much as the ads made it seem to be? Was this the same adventure as the massacre of the War so many years ago? The war that killed Matt?s parents? Was this the right path? What if this was the wrong path, a forbidden path? Would fate punish them for choosing it? Would die destitute, with only their beloved pokemon remembered them? And even then, the pokemon will eventually die someday, and they would be forgotten forever. Matt was the first to get up. [center]* * * [b][url=http://apollo.bluelaguna.net/xenosaga-3-iii-ost-soundtrack//217%20maybe%20tomorrow%20~%20ending%20medley.mp3][-See you later?-][/url][/b][/center] [center][size=1]^ Yes people, this is a link for a song
  23. Compellign storyline? Awesome villains? You are [I]not[/I] serious! It has some of the most cliched storylines of all time. You pretty much knew what was going on with the story around every turn. Each of the plt twists were something a three year old could write down. And its length was inexcusable (10 hours for an RPG?). The only thing that saved the game was its amazing gameplay.
  24. Patience Tekkaman, patience. We've got to wait for Andrew to post. If he dosent post by tomorrow (I'll say morning), then I'll just god mod for him. :devil:
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