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[quote name='Guardian Angel][COLOR=Magenta']Well I edited my post Doublehex. Tell me what you think of it and what I need to add and what not. I hope that it's good.[/COLOR][/quote] I don't know if I adressed it before, [B]Guardian Angel[/B], but you still seem to have a Mary Sue - a character that is not unique, and which anybody could be. Create for me a UNIQUE character. At the moment, your chararacter is still [B]denied[/B]. Oh, and [b]Crazy Kev[/b], concidering that I said you need some more detail (aka more sentences), and to address those spelling + grammar mistakes, I think it would be pretty clear that you should. ;) And as for [B]Wulf_Maximas[/B] and [B]Satori[/B], awesome characters. Very well developed, well written, etc. I have no reason why I shouldn't [B]approve[/B] your characters. :) Also, I forgot to mention that [I]Knuckles' Girl[/I] sent me an RP sample I have recquested of her, and it was quite good, something I was not expecting. So, she has now joined the group.
[B]Crazy Kev[/B], your sheet has many good things about it, and several bad things. First of, thank you, thank you, thank you, [i]thank you[/i] for actualy putting a good amount of effort into your character's personalities. Its good to have a sarcastic a group. Unfortunatley, you have more spelling and grammar mistakes than I would like, and you don't go into THAT much detail of your character. Just a few more sentences here and there, and fix those mistakes (and promise they won't pop up when you RP), and I'd say that you are good to go. Now if a certain cat lover here could follow your example, my life would be made alot easiar. :)
@ [B]Ginkaze[/B]: Unfortunatley, not. Yes, it is complete sentences, but you don't go into a great amount of detail about your character. Your character also does not sound that interesting as well, and even if you did go into detail, I would have doubts if your character would add to the quality of the cast. Thus, I shall repeat what I said to [B]GuardianAngel[/B]: [QUOTE]Although it mostly fits the recquirments of a good character sheet (minus some cons), it just seems boring. She dosen't really stand out - she's not unique. Try to think of ways on making your character an interesting character to roleplay, and an even more interesting character to read about.[/QUOTE] So give it another shot. Go into detail - like how White, Andrew, Vicky and I did - and try to make your character different in her own way.
@ [B]Guardian Angel[/B] Although it mostly fits the recquirments of a good character sheet (minus some cons), it just seems boring. She dosen't really stand out - she's not unique. Try to think of ways on making your character an interesting character to roleplay, and an even more interesting character to read about.
@ [B]Ginkaze[/B]: I see no positive changes to your character sheet. It is still very much like notes. And I will not ask for any samples until you change your sheet to actually be sentences with a subject and other necessities.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/8483/oakslabfj4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER]This is the Underground for the RP thread Pokemon: Legacies. This is where all roleplayers taking part in it can have out of character discusssions regarding the RP, as well as ask any questions before and during the RP.[/CENTER] [center][url=http://www.psypokes.com/rby/walkthrough/kanto.jpg][b][u]Kanto World Map[/b][/u][/url] [b][u][url=http://www.psypokes.com/lgfr/map.php]Kanto Pokemon Locations[/url][/b][/u] [b][u][url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/]Pokedex[/url][/b][/u] [b][u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kanto_Gym_Leaders#Pok.C3.A9mon_Red.2C_Blue.2FGreen.2C_Yellow.2C_FireRed_and_LeafGreen]Gym Leaders[/url][/b][/u][/center] [center][b]Current Groups / Pairs[/center][/b] [quote][center]Vicky + foxtu78 | White + Tekkaman | Knuckles Girl + Wullf_Maximas | Doublehex + Kitty[/center][/quote] [center][b]Current Pokemon[/center][/b] [quote][right][b]Matthew Camien[/b][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hikozaru][u][hikozaru][/u][/url] named Scimnio *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukkuru][u][mukkuru][/u][/url] named Ayave [/quote] [quote][right][b]Sigurd Silverblade[/b][/right] *An [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/eevee][u][eevee][/u][/url] [/quote] [quote][right][b]Sergei Lazarus[/b][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charmander][u][charmander][/u][/url] [/quote] [quote][right][b]Jonas Trevellion[/b][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swinub][u][swinub][/u][/url] [/quote] [quote][right][b]Ashin Songari[/b][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulpix][u][vulpix][/u][/url] [/quote] [quote][right][b]Azure Jackson[/b][/right] A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyndaquil][u][cyndaquil][/u][/url] [/quote] [quote][right][b]Andrew John Armstrong[/b] [Nicknames are AJ and Armstrong][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/zubat][u][zubat][/u][/url] [/quote] [quote][right][b]Ronyo[/b][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houndour][u][houndour][/u][/url] named Anubis [/quote] [quote][right][b]Miku[/b][/right] *A [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/420.shtml][u][cherinbo][/u][/url] named Sakura [/quote] [quote][right][b]Nathan "Nate" Armstrong[/b][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scyther][u][scyther][/u][/url] named Blur [/quote] [quote][right][b]Turbine[/b] is her only known name[/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murkrow][u][murkrow][/u][/url] named Fusha, but she refers to it mostly as 'Fu' [/quote] [quote][right][b]Aesera Alkalero[/b][/right] *An [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absol][u][absol][/u][/url] [/quote] [quote][right][b]Demetri Shayne[/b][/right] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larvitar][u][larvitar][/u][/url] *A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pidgey][u][pidgey][/u][/url] [/quote]
[b]foxtu78[/b] and [B]Andrew[/B], your characters are accepted. I will wait a few more days until I close the sign-ups and start the RP, but I'll have the Underground up within the hour.
@ [B]DracoGuardian[/B] and [B]Knuckles' Girl[/B]: I have already PMed you concerning your characters and what I need of you. @ [B]sakazaki[/B]: Your character sheet is a huge improvement over your last one, even though I didn't like the subtleness of Sigurd's negatives. I had to read it twice to see that he was a troublemaker. Regardles, it is [B]Approved[/B]!
@ foxtu: Awesome post, except surely Ashin has some negatives? She is human after all. @DracoGuardian: The physical description is good, but his personality is still not good enough quality for me to accpet you with a clear consionce.
[QUOTE=Ginkaze] This okay?[/QUOTE] Unfortunatley not. It all seems like notes, ratther than prganized and forumulated thoughts. Remember, your character sheets give me a sample of how you RP. If I see your character sheets are disorganized both grammaticly and in thoughts, I am quick to presume you RP as such. Give me COMPLETE sentences, with well THOUGHT-OUT topics.
[b]White[/b] and [b]Vicky[/b] no problems with your posts. [b]DracoGuardian[/b], it needs work, mostly with your grammer issues. Run on sentences are a big no-no, and your physical description isn't even a paragraph...it sounds more like notes than anything. And although I didn't say anything, it goes beyond saying that for balancing reasons that it needs to be first stage evolution Pokemon. Mid-level is simply too powerful for the beggining of a quest. Currentley, your application is [b][color=red]rejected[/b][/color].
[center] [b]Name[/b] Matthew Camien [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Physical Description[/b] [url=http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/6368/portrait3bymattyps4e985cgu1.jpg][color=red]Matthew[/color][/url] [b]Personality[/b] It has been a known fact that even though Pokemon trainers are just as human as anyone, the public picture is of hyperactive and happy people, always willing to throw a smile. Matthew is proof enough that those fantasies are nothing more than a fable. Ever since the death of his parents in the Gizdotsou War fourteen years ago, which was the very first, and as decreed by the treaty of Vermillion, the last war to use Pokemon as weapons, he has kept to himself. The only one that he has really been seen to be Human around is the famous Professor Oak, who he works with as a research assistant from time to time. [b]Pokemon[/b] A [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikozaru][color=red]Hikozaru[/color][/url] named Scimnio [/center]
[center][img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/4931/pokemonlegaciesbanneriq1.png[/img][/center] [i][center] What is a dream? The dictionary defines it as visionary creation of the imagination ? something that seems so real to you, a desire, a lust that only you believe in. People will put you down for it, they will say that it?s impossible or ridiculous. They would tell you to find something else to believe in. But it was your dream; your fantasy, your greatest desire. You wanted to grab that shimmering light, no matter how far away it was. My dream?and dozens of others, I?m sure, no thanks to the propaganda of the Elite Four, were to be Pokemon Masters (although they never specified what a Pokemon Master really was). It?s a dream that is wildly different for each person. Some may see it as capturing them all, while others say that just simply traveling the world with your Pokemon is enough. For me, for my dream, it is to vanquish the Elite Four. I want to travel the world, see places I would probably never see, and battle with the best of them. That is my dream.[/i] *** Professor Oak rubbed his chin as he listened to the proposal from Lance. He had known the man for quite some time ? it was impossible for the two to not know each other, considering the man on the monitor was the head of the self-declared greatest Pokemon trainers in the whole Kanto region, whereas he was considered the most brilliant Pokemon researcher. ?There is a severe lack in quality of trainers, Professor. They don?t have that love for Pokemon, that desire for greatness, that was so abundant in our youths. So many of them fight the Gym leaders, and most of them fail. Those that get to our doorsteps are so full of pride and arrogance, it is down right sickening. I?m tired of seeing the darker side of the Trainers. I yearn for the golden days.? ?And how exactly will me giving Pokemon away ? with your granted permission ? guarantee a return to those days?? ?Because you know good people, Professor. It?s a plain as that.? ?I suppose I could find a few individuals with the dream you have so ceremoniously dramatized on TV who have the moral attitude you may be looking for.? Lance smiled. ?I can hardly wait.? [b]Character Sheet[/b] [b]Name[/b] [b]Age[/b] Despite that the game and anime has characters being pre-teens, I would like 16 and up. [b]Physical Description[/b] Describe what your character looks like. A picture is allowed as well. [b]Personality[/b] Describe your character?s personality. [b]Pokemon[/b] Give us your first Pokemon. It must be at its first evolution stage. It should be obvious enough that Legendary Pokemon is a big no-no. You can use Pokemon from any of the games, even though the RP is taking place in the Kanto continent.[/center]
[QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]Whoa! That monkey is so [i]hideous[/i]! I'm glad I wasn't looking forward to the fire type because I would have been disappointed. The water and grass ones are awesome, though. Did anyone notice how the second Grass evolution looks a lot like Spike from Land Before Time? :whoops:[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Why am I the only one here who thinks the monkey looks cool? Maybe its beacuse Gorillas were my favorite animals when I was a kid...
If I am ever in the mood that says - if you talk to me, you're a dead man - then I probably just either play videogames or write. I don't go to any special place, or get butt naked like a few individuals here. I just write. Or game. Or both at the same time.
Take note that this is nothing more than a guess from someone who has listened to Ressurection a couple hundred times, but otherwise has no other base for this hypothesis. Anyways, it sounds asian to me.
I WOULD agree with you on a scanner darkly, if it was actually releashed in North Carolina. Thing is, it wasn't, which really sucks cuz I was really looking forward to it. I don't even understand why it was a limited release - it must of costed a large sum of money, and as far as I understand, limited releases will probably not bring any real profit to WB.
[URL=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/03/business/media/03animation.html?_r=1&oref=slogin][b]Thats what the NY Times are saying[/b][/URL], and frankly, I've got to agree with them. Over the year, there must of been at least a dozen CGI movies either releashed or announced, and its starting to get a tad boring. I remember when I was a kid, and Toy Story had just came out. I begged my parents to take us to see it for weeks, if only because it was different. Back then, CGI was cool. Now though, CGI is just another medium - its not this big dazzling thing it used to be back in the good ol' days. So, what are your opinions on the matter?
A good base, but lacks detail. Elaborate more. Could use a grammar check as well.
[spoiler]From what I remember, Ico just takes place after SotC. It is not neccesarily a 'sequel'.[/spoiler]
By the time Windbeard had gathered all of the materials Malphris ? of Ogarn, depending on whom you asked ? had requested, it was an hour past noun. Knowing that his Master was never one to be forgiving considering tardies, Malphris made haste towards his Master?s house, with three bags full of food on his back. He entered the house as he usually would ? as if he owned the place. He entered with his muddy boots on, plopped the bags onto the nearest table, and called his master?s name repeatedly. Ogarn answered back ? obviously irritated by his student?s lack of courtesy ? and Malphris followed the trail. He found Cael in the room. ?Cael?? Malphris asked, surprised to see the older student. The elder summoner grinned behind the robe that had protected him hours before from the autumn wind. ?Good to see you again, little Mal.? Malphris growled behind his teeth. ?Malphris sit down,? Ogarn asked in a calm manner, ?there are things we need to discuss.? [i]?Yeah, like why are you acting as if Torikarn is going to be invaded any moment now??[/i] Malphris did as he was told. The eldest Summoner folded his hands under his chin. ?Tell me Malphris, have you ever heard of the Entari?? ?Can?t say that I have, Master.? ?An order born long ago ? so long, that scholars have never recorded it ? that could speak with the Gods.? ?You mean like priests?? ?No. Not like priests ? literally speak with the Gods, truly as if they were right beside them.? He paused a moment, allowing the words to sink in. ?Malphris, have you ever heard anyone hear any sort of vision from any of the Gods for as long as you have lived.? ?No.? ?People are thinking the Gods are dead; that they have lost favor. But that is not the case. The reason no one can hear the Gods, is because the only ones who could speak with them, are dead.? ?The Entari, you mean?? Ogarn nodded. ?All but one. One being still living of the Entari order still lives, but has not been able to tap into their abilities. We must find them.? ?We?? Cael raised an eyebrow. ?How exactly does this involve all of us, master?? ?Because you are Summoners. Because we must. Because if we don?t, the world will fall into chaos. The Gods are the very beings that keep this world alive. Without the foundation, the castle crumbles.? By now, Malphris had his arms crossed in obvious disgust. ?So, when do we leave?? ?When Azeck and Valana return.?
I'll say it once and I will say it again: this is a marvelous piece of work. I love the method you would characterize each person (especially Zell in the third chapter). Your style of wording seems, in my opinion, on par of some novels taht I have read. And even though I SHOULD be saying some cons, I honestly cannot think of any at this present time. Maybe ebcause its 8 in the morning... Regardless, marvelous work! Give us the next three chaoters now for God's sake!
The Old Dragon?s Nest Inn was as busy as ever. Patrons taking a much needed break from hours, if not days, of studying ancient tomes were treating themselves to Windbeard's? ale and wine. Waitresses, which certainly were not suggestive in their attire (much unlike the thousands of other inns you could find in the realm), were dashing from one corner of the inn to the next, in hopes of pleasing the impatient crowd with some good food and company. That was when Malphris came in the door, pulling on some stubborn dust out of his brown hair. When he turned to see his favorite Summoner enter the door (the fact that Malprhis was still considered an apprentice by the majority of Torikarn didn?t deter him from calling Malphris by the formal title), he instantly got a waitress to handle a stubborn patron and went over to him. ?Malphris , me boy!? the burly dwarf exclaimed in the accent so typical of his kind, ?good to see you on dis fine day.? ?Its good to see you as well, Windbeard.? ?Now what can I be doing for you?? ?Well, I am needing some food.? The dwarf laughed. ?By the way old Ogarn is working ye, I?d not be surprised.? He walked over towards the kitchen. ?So how much you?d need?? ?For this much gold?, Malphris said as he tossed the gold pouch to him. The dwarf?s beard nearly fell off out of shock (which was a good friend it hadn?t, since dwarves treasure the beards a hundred times more than their beloved ale!). ?What is de meaning of this, boy?? ?Ogarn.? ?By Bordebane?s beard?this is enough for three days, four even! What is going on here?? ?Maybe you could tell me.? ?I wish I could?? ?Maybe you should just get me the food, as my master had requested of me.? ?I?can do that.?
I'd say that you have gone to another continent, although why I came up with that conclusion is beyond. I suppose its because you don't seem like the kid to me that would be stupid enoigh to do something that would get his bones broken. As for the grandparent theory, well, my gut just tells me no.