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Everything posted by Doublehex
The Roleplay has begun, and with it, the following profiles have been accepted: *Lariel *Riakath *Ananda *Allanon *Cael *Azeck *Valaina *Tayla Everyone else must complete their profiles before they will be admitted. Kitty was an exception because she went into large detail in her other categories. Also, Adas, I know you were competing with Kitty for her spot as one of the apprentices, but you said taht you'd just chance your relation as a friend of Malphris, so I decided to just go with Kitty. I look forward to your post. :)
[center][img]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6920/sotnabannereu7.jpg[/img][/center] [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55146][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/Summoners/signups.png[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55131][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/Summoners/underground.png[/IMG][/URL] [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/Summoners/summoners_chapterone.png[/IMG][/center] [center][i]Nestled atop of the hills of the Eladri forest south of the city of Elartim lays the keep of Torikarn. Holding the finest tomes of knowledge known on the face of Areth, it is separated from the troubles that face the rest of the realm. It is secure, regimented, and it is home. For the apprentices of the wise summoner Ogarn, they knew no other safer place of solitude than here. Among the three students, Malphris was Ogarn?s pride and joy. The other students, although often jealous of Ogarn?s prodigy, embraced the young man in their own way. Today was seventh day of Galeris, the seventh month of the year. Today was going to be a day none of them would forget?[/i] [b]OBJECTIVES: -All of Ogarn?s non-students must somehow get to Torikarn, and get involved, in one way or another, with the storyline. -Ogarn?s students must complete any task that their master gives to them. The chapter begins?[/b][/center] The orange sun dipped behind the hills overlooking the forest, its pink and black shadows spreading far and wide throughout Aladune, as Malphris struggled with lumber for his Master?s fire. The young man ?if nineteen could be considered ?young? in the literal sense- did knew few things of the sage, and understood even fewer of his philosophies. He could not possibly understand how doing physical labor could strengthen a Summoner?s connection with their aeon. Wasn?t the link between Summoner and aeon a mental one, a test of will, and not of muscles? The thoughts burnt away as some drops of sweat burnt the young Summoner?s eyes. Deciding that the sooner he focus completely on the task, and stop thinking so much, the sooner he would get done. Of course, by doing so, he tripped on a small log, landing backwards, sending the logs he was carrying onto his face. He cursed his stupidity, and pushed the logs off of him, wiping dust and dirt off of his face. He was gathering the logs when he heard the familiar footsteps of a certain white-robbed master. He quickly turned his face to see [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/Summoners/char_ogarn.jpg][u]Ogarn [/u][/url]rubbing his knuckles. ?Nineteen years Malphris, and still you are too overly confident.? The master Summoner chuckled softly. ?Malphris, the time is coming when you will leave this place.? [i]?Why is he talking like this??[/i], Malphris asked himself. [i]?This wasn?t normal. Whenever Ogarn would talk about me leaving, he would look like I had committed a minor crime But here?he?s happy.? [/i] ?Malphris, we will be leaving today.? ?We?? ?Azeck and Valaina. We?ll be leaving tonight, but without a sound.? ?Master, what are you ?? ?Don?t speak! Just listen, for once. I need you to gather food for a journey for three days.? He searched through his robe, and brought out a bag of coins. He tossed it to Malphris. ?Go now. Seek me out when you?re done, at my chambers. I?ll be waiting.? And with that, Ogarn left Malphris alone in the fields, with a perplexed look on his face. OOC: All right, all of Ogarn?s apprentices (Kitty and Auron?s Ghost) must have Ogarn give them a task that would somehow relate to the journey. Everyone else, follow the objectives, Good luck!
I would like to ask that everyone talks about the relationship between their aeon and their chracter. Of course, this applies to Summoner's only. If you need an example, look at mine.
Awesome characters everyone. If I had qualms with any fo yoru characters, I told you so in AIM, so no need to say it again here. Anyhow, I'll be accepting two more characters, and then we'll start the RP. Notice I said [I]start[/I], and not close. Pretty much, people can join the RP as long as it is running! So, keep up the good work ladies and gents.
I have to agree that I want to see [spoiler]Isshin[/spoiler] do some butt kicking, although I am dieing to see Urahara's bankai. More than that though, I want to see the look on Ichigo's face when he finds out what his dad [I]really[/I] is.
How did you come up with your internet/screen name ?
Doublehex replied to corpseman's topic in General Discussion
My name dates back to when I was a battle.net fanatic thirteen year olf playing Warcraft III. I was trying to think of a username that fit a fanatsy setting, and after all the draculas, demons, fire_gods, and sorceror_of_impending_doom come out as used, I came up with Doublehex, probably the most unique one of the bunch. Even teh password (which I won't say here, for obvious reasons :-P ) has a 'fantasy' theme to it. And for some strange reason, the name just stuck. So, for four years (gawd, has it really been that long?), I have been doublehex on the online world. -
[center][img]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6920/sotnabannereu7.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b].:The Gods of Areth:.[/b] ? [url=http://images.mmorpg.com/features/845/images/845_2.jpg]Adune; God of Truth and Honor[/url] ? [url=http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/9057/elfqueena2aab3hn5.jpg]Analalrae; Goddess of Life[/url] ? [url=http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1745/ss06632a123cqp9.jpg]Bordebane; King of Thieves[/url] ? [url=http://images.mmorpg.com/features/843/images/843_2.jpg]Brimn Marleis; Duke of the Under-Wood[/url] ? [url=http://eq.ogaming.com/gallery/albums/album08/d_erollisi_marr.gif]Etarlia ; Goddess of Love[/url] ? [url=http://images.mmorpg.com/features/843/images/843_3.jpg]Galagrith; God of Plagues and Death[/url] ? [url=http://eq.ogaming.com/gallery/albums/album08/d_fenninro.gif]Karlisk?Ro; Prime God of Fire[/url] ? [url=http://images.mmorpg.com/features/843/images/843_4.jpg]Karloc; God of Hate[/url] ? [url=http://arimyth.planetdiablo.gamespy.com/img/SORCERER.jpg]Mordim; God of Storms[/url] ? [url=http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/358/toredorfthepatient97a912es3.jpg]Marlethar?Rallos; God of Healing[/url] ? [url=http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/351/umbrah95b89dth8.jpg]Maric?Tharr; God of Fear[/url] ? [url=http://images.mmorpg.com/features/843/images/843_5.jpg]Maroz?Zar; God of War[/url] ? [url=http://images.mmorpg.com/features/845/images/845_4.jpg]Mathrisk?Ro; Prince of Karlisk?Ro[/url] ? [url=http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/3039/watermagicew8cdd18nh4.jpg]Parexies; God of Water[/url] ? [url=http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/3962/rosechild8f6bd2hf3.jpg]Selina; Child-God of Peace[/url] ? [url=http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3954/elvespainting90cda4ov9.jpg]The Ahrthe; Council of the Earth[/url] ? The Nameless ? [url= http://www.eqnewbie.com/Dieties/The_Tribunal.jpg]The Triburnal; Gods of Justice[/url] ? [url=http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/615/9416393bdc7fh2.jpg]Vrolisk; Dragon Goddess[/url][/center] [b]The Summoner and the Unknown[/b] For centuries, scholars and sages had disputed over the link between the summoners and their weapons. Some have said that they are living entities that influence the summoner's behavior; others have suggested that the weapon is a connection between the aeon and the Monolith. A few have concluded that is a creation of a summoner's psyche, personal and physical traits, and relationship with their aeon. They are all true. The creation of one's weapon is the first test for a summoner - if they cannot summon a weapon by the age of nine, then the child will never be able to become a summoner. It is an extension of their will and dreams, whatever they may be. It is also their link to their aeon - a way for the aeons to speak with their master when they are still residing in Monolith as they await their master's command.[/center] [center][b]SIGN UP SHEET[/b] Name Age Appearance [Give us a picture of your character, or tell us what it looks like.] Race [Choose one of the thirteen races from the list] Alignment [What moral alignment is your character? Click [url=http://gamebanshee.com/neverwinternights/alignments.php]here[/url] for a guideline of what I am looking for. Profession [Summoner or other; if other, please tell us what it is. Take note this is a fantasy setting.] -Unknwon [Applies to summoner?s only. Give us a picture of your weapon, as well as special traits it has that differs it from the standard weapons.] -Aeon [Give us a picture of your aeon, and tell us its characteristics as well as how it relates to your character.] Weapon [Applies to non-Summoners only.] Deity [Which deity, if any, does your character worship? Explantion as to why is optional.] Background[/center]
Thing is, I felt that it was because of the large amount of bachground information that no one joined Orior Palam Deus (well not large, but there was a good amount...). So, I thought I'd try just putting in a little blit of backstory, like the standard RPs, and see what happened. Thing is, after I created it, I looked at it and said 'Jeez, this is not me at all! Just because of one failed RP I should not have to revert to a lesser form!' So, I deleted it, and am adding more background info before I recreate it again. EDIT: The new thread has been uploaded [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=749382#post749382]here[/URL]. It contains a HUGE amout of information, so a word of caution. --- After you read the whole thing, you will notice that I say that only three sumoners are training under Master Ogarn. This is not saying only three sumoners are in this RP - just that three sumoners can be his apprentices. Also, if you want to be some of the apprentice's friends/contacts/allies, whatever, you need to explain [I]why[/I] you'r character is in that position. Happy RPing! @Sandy: A good character, sandy, except that Orcs are not the 'raiders' that we think of them. They are much more hoorable, human, and real. So, the chance of them tarveling thousands of miles from their kingdom just to mindlessly raid ane elevn villiage is rare. --- I would like to clarify on the 'technological state' of Areth. It is true that it is High Fantasy (Lord of the Rings; Wheels of Time; Forgotten Realms), but it is also a very modern setting in the fact that it has gone through an Industrial Revolution. Along with bows and arrows we have rifles and gunpowder; factories mass produce a hige amount of things; horses ride along with extremley primitive automobiles; gryphons fly through the sky as well as zepplins and airplanes (albeit primitive ones. Think WWI stage). It is a mixture between our dreams, and our past a hundred and fifty years ago. Examples to look for are World of Warcraft, Warhammer, and [url=http://www.terra-arcanum.com/sierra/][u]Arcanum[/u][/url] (although it should be noted that Areth is not as advanced as Arcanum). It is inbetween High Fantasy and Industrial Revolutionized Earth. --- I also wish to clarify another thing - you do [I]not[/I] have to be a summoner if you do not wish to. It would seem I did not make that clear enough, so I apologize to everyone. Even though the title 'summoners' is in the title does not necessarily mean everyone has to be one. You are free to be any profession you would deem appropiate in this setting.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6920/sotnabannereu7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]UNDERGROUND[/B][/CENTER] This is the [b]O[/b]ut [b]O[/b]f [b]C[/b]haracter thread for the RP [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=749382]Summoners of the New Age[/URL]. I will eventually put backstory as we venture through the adventure.
What's in your car, purse or wallet
Doublehex replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I don't have a car, so I will just list whats in my wallet: -15 dollars -Driver's permit ...And that's it! *dances off stage* -
EXcept that first thread was total crap, devoid of detail, inspiration, backstory, and any hope for a future. Not to mention its not even fourty lines long!
Why the heck are you here? You didn't even apply for the RP! ...I just fuled the fire, now didn't I?
I did, and I found two pages worth of 'Elementa' RPs. The word elemental is not exactley the most creative and direct title in the world...
[QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma] The other Elements RPGs carried the same idea, but don't link to this one at all story-wise. So no worries there. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] There were other elemental threads? Now I want to see them! Beter post some links white, so that you can settle my curiousity...
[center][quote]The Divine Halls acts not only as the source of the history of the Soul Slayers, but is also the Underground for the RP.[/quote] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/opd_history.jpg[/IMG] The beginning of the Soul Slayers was long lost in the page of history. There always was an elite caste of mortal warriors who resided in the spiritual realm and protected their brothers from those that cannot be seen. Prior to four thousand years ago, the knowledge of the Soul Slayers was passed down through the tongue. This created chaos due to the fact that the most basic of principles of each individual Soul Slayer could be vary immensely from the other. Thus, a master Soul Slayer, Hasaam Sakuro, formed the Soul Slayer Academy. The Academy is divided into three schools ? the use of blades called Soul Edges, hand to hand combat, and magic-like arts called Theos-Thymos. The strength of each Soul Slayer in each category depends on the Soul Slayer?s personal tastes, but all have some talent in the Soul Edges. The Soul Edge is not only the symbol of the Soul Slayers, but also the source of their prowess. Alternating between the single-edge broad sword, or the katana, the Soul Edge are the symbol of one?s abilities as a Soul Slayer. Wherether it would be in using the Soul Slayer to unleash magic energy, a medium between light and the realm to move at supersonic speeds, or as a link between the magic and the user, the Soul Edge is the center of a soul slayer?s strength. The Soul Edge has three stages of development, all three of which once achieved; the Soul Slayer can alternate at will. The first stage is the most basic, the Didasco. It is always either a single-edged broadsword, or a katana. The size can sometimes differ, however, if the Soul Slayer is unable to control their spiritual energy. The second stage is the Dynatos, while the third is the Diarko. The Dynatos will always be a direct evolution of the sword, while the Diarko is more cases than not some sort of colossal weapon. Wherether it is a direct weapon, or something else entirely, is based off of each individual owner. In history, of all the millions of Soul Slayers, only a few thousand had reached Diarko. Organization wise, the Soul Slayers are split into thirteen Legions, each led by a Commander and Vice-Commander. To become a Commander, one must master both the Dynatos form of their Soul Edge, as well as the Diarko. Vice-Commanders require a Dynatos, as well as an extensive trial set by the Commander. [u]The First Legion / The Master Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Hasaam Sokuro Legion Vice-Commander ? Sadaam Souvare [u]The Second Legion / The Assassin Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Saladra Hasemthorn Legion Vice-Commander ? Uzru Flaggrise [u]The Third Legion [/u] Legion Commander ? Jacque Petamtrove Legion Vice-Commander ? Andrew Vizier [u]The Fourth Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Azaru Geisen Legion Vice-Commander ? Kador Vizen [u]The Fifth Legion ? The Elite Soldier Legion[/u] Legion Commander ?Gavelin Soryuu Legion Vice-Commander ? Amarin Renji [u]The Sixth Legion ? The Masters of Theos-Thymos Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Aladar Antonidas Legion Vice-Commander ? Gracie Talley [u]The Seventh Legion ? The Healing Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Henry Dunant Legion Vice-Commander - Savore Davison [u]The Eighth Legion ? The Illusionary Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Abram Sizusku Legion Vice-Commander ? Fredon Gardu [u]The Ninth Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Toji Hakamaru Legion Vice-Commander ? Rebecca Langley [u]The Tenth Legion ? The Colossal Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Ganon Evadar Legion Vice-Commander ? Arthas Mallierne [u]The Eleventh Legion ? The Technological Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Asamov Rommel Legion Vice-Commander - Sylvana [u]The Twelfth Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Achimaru Jun Legion Vice-Commander ? Karu [u]The Thirteenth Legion ? The Warrior Legion[/u] Legion Commander ? Abarakai Kitou Legion Vice-Commander ? Shinji Asaktou [/center]
[CENTER][color=white][b]Name:[/b] Matthew Camien [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/ps2_chaos_screen049.jpg][color=#ffffff]Matthew[/color][/url] [b]Element[/b] Fire [b]Starting Ability[/b] Matt is able to create a small flame in the palm of his hand. Its not enough to form any sort of fear in any foe, nor will it be able to warm anyone up. It is merely just something for Matt to stare at. [b]Why?[/b] For as long as Matt could remember, he was fadcinated by fire. He remembered when he was little, he would stare at the fireplace for hours, no matter the situation. In rain or shine, summer or winter, he would watch any sort of fire for ages. That ended three years ago when his whole family died in a fire at their house. Ever since then, he has despised that thing which he loved for so long. Its a mystery as to why the Fire Elemetal chose Matt - perhaps there's something else hidden deep in him that it sees.[/color] [/CENTER]
Guys, I am having trouble fitting Alex in. Perhaps one of you, could, erm, 'squeeze' him in somehow?
Leben Setihlst found itself caught right in the center of the oncoming wave of energy. True, Sieg slashed at the wave, hoping to create his own to overpower it, but in doing so, the perverted sense of gravity sent the blade flying. However, the Unknown certainly was not willing to stand back as the man was torn to pieces. In an instant, the wave of energy dispersed, as well as the perverted gravity. The man, arms crossed, only raised his eyebrow. Sieg, breathing heavily, lifted the blade. ?Thanks?, he whispered softly, knowing that it was the living weapon?s intervention that he was not shattered into a million gory fragments right now. He slashed, allowing his numb hand to get some feeling. ?No more tricks. Let?s just fight.? The man said nothing. Sieg just stood there, watching, and waiting.
The wave of kinetic energy that ripped apart both pews and cathedral reared even closer. If it hit him, Sieg had doubts if his body would survive intact. Not having enough time to move, Sieg brought out Leben Setihlst, and blocking the wave of energy with it. In truth, however, he was not truly blocking it ? rather, the Unknown was just unleashing its own form of energy, chaotic energy, in equal strength to the one the enigma was unleashing. With a downward slash, Sieg split the wave into two. The two energy waves crashed into opposite walls. The enigma slashed again from his pulpit, and more energy would come at him. Sieg jumped out of the way every single time. Sieg, getting tired of playing the game of running away, sped up and leaped onto the remnants of the cathedral wall. Staying flat along the coarse surface, Sieg sprinted across to where the enigma was, and jumped downwards. And that was when the blades met.
As Sieg slammed into the invisible barrier that the enigma had created, as was sent flying into the pews, just a single phrase went through his dead. ?Damn, he?s a tough bastard!? Sieg jumped to his feet, preparing for another onslaught. Instead, the individual just stood there as spiritual and transparent mirrors surrounded him, as well as covering the whole hall. The man?s hands glowed, and instantly, the mirrors began to glow as well. Suddenly, balls of energies began to ricochet off of the mirrors, going off in every direction. A few dozen would head for Sieg, and using Leben Setihlst as a base ball bat, would send the energy missiles away from him. He wasn?t being as careful as he should have had been, however, for he felt a great pain in his back. Suddenly, one of the energy balls pinned him in the leg. ?Damn?he?s a [i]really[/i] tough bastard??
For a moment, Sieg Schicksal stared at the mysterious figure. He was certain that this man (although calling him a man, with his inhumanly pale skin was being generous) was atop the cathedral moments ago. So why the hell was he here, as dry as a hot summer?s day? More importantly, why was a sword sheathed to his side? Sieg realized all too quickly that this man was the one who was calling him: for months he had been hearing a voice in his dreams, a voice that constantly urged him to meet him. Even if Sieg wanted to resist the lust to encounter the enigma, he wouldn?t be able to anyways. It was a desire greater than anything else, to meet, and to face, this opponent. He drew Leben Setihlst. The Unknown seemed to send out some sort of pulse, or more accurately, energy that only Sieg could detect, at the mere presence of the man and his blade. That?s when Sieg realized that the blade the man held was also an Unknown. Suddenly, the sheath dissipated in thousands of electrons. The character swung the blade downwards, creating a vacuum in the cathedral that sent Sieg rocketing towards the wall. The weakest of fighters would have had been killed in the crash. But Sieg was far from weak ? he had trained for years with Leben Setihlst. There was no chance in hell that he would be killed by such a simple maneuver. As he went flying, he plunged the massive blade into the ground, using it as an anchor to keep him steady from the wave of power. Using that same wave that meant to kill him, Sieg swung around the blade, going faster and faster, until he finally plunged the Unknown free, and went flying towards the foe, his speed greater than the wave the enigma had created. ?Let?s have some fun, huh?? Sieg smirked as he grew closer. The man did not move an inch.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/opd_banner.jpg[/IMG] [I]In old stories that grandfathers would tell their grandchildren as they sat in a warm chair by a comforting fireplace, it was said that there was another world out there, a world of mysteries to uncover, and spirits that wandered its endless plains. In those stories, there were tales of ghosts that helped the people. They were called the Yoi. And the there were spirits who became corrupted; they were the Oni. The ones who returned the Yoi and the Oni to the Good Realm or the Evil Realm were the Soul Slayers. Soul Slayers were humans trained to be warriors to battle the Oni, while given the ability to send the Yoi to where they need to be. However, now, they are only legends. Now, they are just shrugged off as fairy tales to scare little children. It would not be the first time that mankind was ignorant to the truth.[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/opd_races.png[/IMG] [b]The Gifted[/b] Among humankind, there are those who are termed by what the Soul Slayers term as ?The Gifted?. These rare individuals (usually one in every forty), not only have the ability to see Yoi, Onis and cloaked Soul Slayers, but they are gifted with special abilities, all of which are as varied as the Dynatos and Diarko form of a Soul Edge. These can range from super-powered gauntlets to forming weapons out of spiritual energy. +1 to Onis = to Gifted -1 to Soul Slayers -2 to Thirios [b]The Soul Slayers[/b] The ancient order of Oni hunters that could very well date back to the beginning of civilization, the Soul Slayers can be more related to a sub race of Humanity, than a separate order of their own. They reside within the Majestic Halls of the Spirit Realm, split into Thirteen Courts, each with hundreds of sub-districts. In the central courts is where the Council of the Sixty-Six and the Captains of the Thirteen reside and conduct their meetings. When Soul Slayers enter the mortal plane, they cast a spell on themselves to cloak them from normal human eye. Only Gifted can see them. +3 to Onis +1 to Gifted = to Soul Slayers -3 to Thirios [b]The Thirios[/b] Sometimes to referred to as half-Onis, the Thirios are beings that are somehow born part spirit, and part man, or were Soul Slayers that merged with the Oni within all beings. They are immensely powerful, and just as feared. There are tales of them constantly fighting that dark evil within them, and they can be identified by a unique mask they wear. Their weapons vary, but most use a Soul Edge, regardless of them being a Soul Slayer in the past before or not. +1 to Onis +2 to Gifted +1 to Soul Slayers = to Thirios [b][Sign Ups] Name Age Race [Choose between Gifted, Soul Slayer, or Thirios] Appearance [A picture will suffice. If, however, you want to go out for traditional description, that is all right as well.] War Garb [What attire do you wear when in battle? This is optional for Gifted and Thirios, but is a recquirment for Soul Slayers.] Soul Edge?s Name [Applies to Soul Slayers and Thirios only] -[i]Dyantos Stage [Explain, or show a picture, of the Soul Edge?s evolution] -Diarkos Stage [Same rules apply for the Diarkos Stage][/i] Spirit Power [What unique power does your Gifted have? This applies only those playing as the Gifted] Personality Battle Strategies Background MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND IN THE [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=749036#post749036][COLOR=RED]UNDERGROUND[/COLOR][/URL] THREAD[/b] [/CENTER] [color=white][center][b]Name[/b] Matthew Camien [b]Age[/b] 16 [b]Race[/b] Soul Slayer [b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/matthew.jpg][color=#ffffff] [u]Matthew[/u][/color][/url] [b]War Garb[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/wargarb.jpg][color=#ffffff][u]Clicky[/u][/color][/url] [b]Soul Edge?s Name[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/treyakatana.jpg][color=#ffffff][u]Zerstorer[/u][/color][/url] [Destroyer] -[b]Dyantos Stage[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/zangetsu.jpg][color=#ffffff][u]Gemetzel[/u][/color][/url] [Massacre] An odd weapon indeed, with no guard or hilt to speak of, the Gemetzel can be more easily described as an elegant cleaver than an actual sword. Its destructive power, on the other hand, is anything but elegant, with it easily being capable of ripping beings apart. The cloth at the end can be used to swing the weapon around. -[b]Diarkos Stage[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/OPD/skoll.jpg][color=#ffffff][u]Racher[/u][/color][/url] [Avenger] A massive change from the cleaver that was Gemetzel, Racher is much more in similarity to a broadsword. Beyond its amazing expertise at slicing and cutting up opponents, Racher, among other things, is capable of sending of waves of blue chaotic energy. [b]Personality[/b] In a word, Matt is arrogant. He is cocky, confident of his abilities in pretty much anything and everything. He is somewhat naïve as well: it?s practically impossible for him to tell if someone has a crush on him or something of the sort. [b]Battle Strategies[/b] Matthew?s battle strategies are, to be kind, chaotic thanks to him never receiving any true training at the Soul Slayer Academy. He never even reached the Realm where the Soul Slayers reside! He was given his powers accidentally when, upon seeing a black garbed individual, an Oni exploded near him, and he was somehow given the strength of half a Soul Slayer, katana included. Due to his unfamiliarity with his powers, Matt will not think about any battle strategies before any conflict. He?ll just charge in, and adjust as he goes along. Needless to say, this gets in more trouble than he needs to be. [b]Background[/b] [COMING SOON] [/center][/color]
[SIZE=3][FONT=WHITE][CENTER][b]The Wanderer[/b] [b]Name[/b] Sieg Schicksal[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][b]Age[/b] 24 [b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/ps2_chaos_screen049.jpg][color=#ffffff]Sieg[/color][/url] [b]The Weapon[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/zangetsu.jpg][color=#ffffff]Leben Steihlst[/color][/url] In the world of realities, there are tales of mythical and fantastic weapons. These weapons, which date back to the days of Gods, of when Odin would cast his eye into the Mymir Well for unspeakable knowledge, of when Zeus would indulge himself into the lives of mortal women, are called the Unknowns. The Unknowns hold powers that a normal mortal is not able to comprehend. The Leben Steihlst was created by ancient Germans who still belived in the coming of the Ragnarok when their fellow Vikings were being turned to Christianity. They prayed to Tyr, the God of War, for a weapon to speak to them, to preserve their tradition. The diety answered them with the blade. Sieg is a distant descendant of the Jarl who commanded this blade. Surely, these two blades, Rahplexion, and Leben Steihlst, were destined to meet in combat. [b]Fighting Style[/b] Sieg's style of fighting could be stated as, to be blunt, chaotic. He always goes in, blade first, into any ecounter that would recquire it. Sending off chaos energy towards his opponent at random times isn't that much of a rarity, either. That's not to say, however, that Sieg does not calculate as the battle goes on. His brain is quick to think on his foe's battle tactics. However, he is not good at mirco-managing, and when he is thinking on how to better fight the opponent, his strikes become more sluggish, slow and predictable. [/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE] OOC:: Sorry for being so late Hyper, but Bleach, general life, and writing got in the way of things.
[center][color=white]The 99 Nights was Alex?s favorite bars of his favorite bars. The fact that the list went into the thousands didn?t make a difference. If you needed to find Alex, you would just need to go to The 99 Nights, and chances are, you?d find him either half drunk with a pile of beer bottles behind him, or him naked in some bed with a whore. Tonight, things weren?t much different. He was lying across a coach, shirtless under his trademark crimson coat, holding an empty bottle in hand. His feet were crossed over the arm rest in a lazy manner. He had been like this for a few hours, at the least. The 99 Nights had been especially brawl-like tonight, for whatever reason ? at least six times Alex had to adjust his body just ever so slightly to avoid a flying drunk. He noted to himself that he was in for a good night. And indeed he was, when he felt a very seductive feeling across his leg. He lifted his eye slightly to see Eva pulling the long hairs of some whore off of him. ?Damn, Eva always was the selfish bitch, but why on such a good tonight? Well, she never was in such a good mood since that old fucker died?? ?You need somethin???[/center][/color]