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[url=http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=ZDpRXEWHxFCDuSk-FI-AAEBC-3407&u=bb18ea6f1129][center]FREE-WHEELING VISIONARY[/center][/url] A fun test, and I think it was right in some regards, and wrong in others.
[quote name='BKstyles']For the sake of convenience it would probably be a good idea to put it in standard format. The sign up threads are typicaly used to refer back for information once the actual RP thread gets started, so it would be easier if it were on the same page as everyone elses.[/quote] I have several back ups in case that page goes down for whatever reason, so that should not be a problem BK. ^^
BK, I was wondering if I could have my sign up application in the form of a website page, as featured in the Inn thread. If it is not, I can easily change it to standard format, but it wouldn't look as nice.
[CENTER][B][U]CHARACTER APPLICATION[/U][/B] [URL=http://dcs.ffproject.net/alex/alex.htm]SITE LINK[/URL][/CENTER] [RIGHT][color=white] [b]Name[/b]: Alexander Daimonas [Alexander is a Greek name for ?guardian, defender of mankind', whereas Daimonas is the Greek work for 'demon'. Thus, Alexander is the ?guardian of demons.] [b]Nickname[/b]: Alex [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Weapon[/b]: 'Skoll' class of blades, and two custom made pistols called Thanatos and Moira. [Thanatos and Moira are, you guessed it, Greek for 'Fate' and Death'. Pretty fitting considering what they're primary purposes are.] [b]Years as a Sinister Nation member[/b]: Nine Years [b]Specialty[/b]: Assassinations // Protection Don't let the above selection fool you, however - Alex in no way enters or leaves the crime scene quietly, nor does he put others interest before his life. He goes in with a bang most of the time, and you'd best bet on your mother's grave that he leaves with an explosion here or there. And even if he is good at saving other people's butts, don't exactly expect him to save yours. Chances are, if it will keep his hands from getting any dirtier than they already are, he won't tackle you to save you from that storm of bullets coming your way. [b]Personality[/b]: If you ever wanted to meet a cocky, self righteous mercenary, no need to look more further than in Alex. Selfish is too small a word to describe the way he grabs every morsel for himself, licks at the last drop of beer, and hordes all of the prostitutes and whores to himself. And anyone who fought him in a bar brawl would tell you that he uses his cockiness to his advantage, using every dirty name he can call people to bring down their guard - and that isn't even considering his ability to fight dirty. He's infamous for the way he knee guts his targets, and his head butts have been known to knock thugs out for days. He can, and he will, break every rule in the book to get the job done. [b]Background[/b]: Alex doesn't exactly remember his past before his thirteenth birthday, but to be truthfully honest, he doesn't give a **** for it. He could care less if his family was as low as dirty or higher than God. Anybody who was willing to leave a kid on the streets isn't worth remembering in his book. He does remember, however, what it was like before he met the 'great' Nicholas Fargo. He remembered the cold nights near the dumpsters. He remembered how everyday was a constant fight for survival. He could never forget how he was reduced to nothing but an animal, scraping for food. And he hated Nicholas for saving him from it. He loved that life. He loved how he had to actually fight harder than the rest for whatever it was he needed to survive. He lusted for that feeling of superiority over the other homeless brats whenever he got what they wanted. He could never forget the day when he first met Nicholas. He was on the streets, and a strange man was walking towards him. Not in the way that he was actively seeking for him - rather he was just heading Alex's direction. Regardless, the moment the man passed by Alex, he slipped his hand into the man's coat pocket and stole some money. He was caught almost immediately by a perceptive policeman, and he would of had spent God knows how long in the pound if the man hadn't decided to take Alex in for himself. The man secretly promised Alex a good life, a life where he would be above the common scum. Alex believed him. He eventually saw it as a lie. Instead of being the highest of the weak and incompetent, he became the lowest of the mighty. He was no longer in charge of his life. Fargo was his ruler and master now. And unlike the others, who mourned Fargo's death, Alex couldn't be happier. Now, although he is officially a part of the Sinister Nations, the rest barely see him. He is a Lone Wolf, and proud of it. He'll help the Nation from time to time, if it suits his agenda (and because they are, whether Alex would admit it or not, the closest thing to a family he'll ever have).[/color][/RIGHT]
Okay guys, I would like everybody to start posting again. I know school started, but one post once every 2 days is not so much to ask, now is it? I really do not want this to die after such a great run, and I don't think anyone else does either. So, let's get this ball rolling!
[b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] The blade sliced threw the air as it penetrated the skull of the Archadian soldier, and its wielder almost immediately pulled the blade out of the bone. The lifeless body toppled over, onto the black beach. Alex heard the sound of gunfire too close for comfort, and relying on instinct, he ducked behind some ruined walls. The rest of his group did the same, and they breathed heavily as they waited for the gunfire to die away. When it did, they went out fast, more of a mass than an organized squad. They turned a corner, hoping that the entrance to the Underground would be near. Instead, they found a group of Archadians with their guns pointed right at him. They would have been killed if a building hadn?t collapses onto the Archadian soldiers. ?This is so screwed up?? No one disagreed with her.
[b][center]The Dark Blood Project Hel's Lair[/b][/center] This is where all out of character discussion will be held. This is pretty much our ask/answer/elaborate thread. I will also post all of the Characters and their respected demosn here as well, in due time.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/dbp_prologue.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [color=white]It was raining?it was always raining in Nifelhelm. Not that they really cared. It was only the spirits of those who died evolved into the form of water. They had nothing to worry about the rain of the dead. They were the tribe of Vanaheim, and a message was given to them from the Volsung Temple. RETRIVE THE POD AT POINT 36.89 N. And so, the leader of the Vanaheim, Valgrad, gathered his warriors and went north. The leader of the opposing the tribe, the Asgard, did the same and headed south. Two rival tribes, to battle over the same, mysterious relic. [center]* * * * *[/center] ?It is time, Leader?, Sarin said. Valgrad turned to his Protector (for that is what those who guarded their tribe?s Leaders with their lives were called), and nodded. Behind the adjacent rock was the Valgrad?s greatest sniper, Crimson, lowered his binoculars, turning to face Valgrad. ?Leader, there are pill boxes at coordinates 3.49, 7.86 and 12.47. As soon as we enter their eye of sight, we will be in a storm.? ?Understood Crimson.? Valgrad turned his second in command, Lathian. ?Lathian, what are your recommendations?? ?Surround them with our superior members. They will be overwhelmed, the limited mobility and over reliance of their pill boxes shall be their down fall.? ?Agreed. Send the signal.? Lathian saluted. ?Yes leader!? ?Charge.? [/color]
Anyways, I have chosen a few people for the slots. [b]Lazarus[/b], you?re in since I love how Lathein is a mixture of a cold man along with a person who is full of life; a realistic interpretation of how someone would turn out in such a setting. And then there is [b]Sin?s[/b] character, Sarin. Even though I gave him the idea for his personality trait, I?m positive he?ll roleplay it to the best of his already awesome abilities. Good luck to ya man. ;) Next is [b]BKstyles[/b], whose Shinzou I fell in love with right away with the fact that he lives life on the edge, in a literal sense, thanks to his disease. If the fact that he has to be a cannibal to keep his humanity (as does everyone else), the Light gave him an illness that gives him the thought that every minute could be his last. An amazing character trait if there ever was one! And then there is my fellow FF fanatic and fan fic author, [b]Auron?s Ghost[/b]. He has never roleplayed before, but I?d be damned if he?s not an awesome writer, so it won?t be such a stretch for him. Friendship aside, I believed he portrayed the change of emotions best in his character, so that was a definite win for me. And then there is [b]Kitty[/b], who applied for the Enigma as Za Itro. No words needed for this miss; she?s an awesome roleplayer, which our experiences in Citius Altius Fortius will show you, and I know she can express multiple emotions easily and professionally. After much debate, I would also like to add that Omega's and The Anomynous Usual's characters have been accepted. Welcome aboard! And so, the sign ups are now closed. I will post the Underground and the actual RP in a few days.
Nice posts so far fellas, but so far, no one would get in. Why? Simple - your personalties. Despite your new found emotions, your characters still seem to be cold, relentless, and have complete control of your emotions. I higly suggest you make amends to this if you want to get in. Also, something I should clarify - before the Light, there was no emotional attachement to others. They were most loyal to the tribe leader, and that was only because out of nececessity.
[center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/darkbloodproject_logo.png[/IMG][/center] [center][I]"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."[/I] -Martin Luther King Jr.[/center] [i] I remember a time when the word complication was no longer a part of my dictionary. That was when life in Nifelhelm was simple. The Volsung Temple gave us just one command ? destroy the opposing six tribes and climb the tower of Bifrost to Valhalla...to paradise. And from that moment on, that was all the driving nature we needed to survive. We didn?t need any feelings of love or compassion, nor did we feel hatred or anger or lust or any other of the sins. We were simply there. Devoid of all emotions, our minds set on one single task ? defeat the enemy and obey the laws of the divine Volsung Temple. Life was short. It was rare for anyone to live a day over twenty four. But we didn?t care. Our minds were set on obeying the tasks the Volsung had given us. We weren?t even human then. We were more like drones with flesh than actual containers of a soul. Of course, that was before the light came. It came on a day we weren?t expecting it ? a day in a fierce fight with our rivals, the Asgard clan. A giant rock from the heavens crashed right between our two forces. Before we could even think ? that?s not to say we could even think to begin with ? it cracked open, almost like a seed, and light erupted from it. It went through us like hungry rats ripping apart a morsel. I didn?t know how long we were asleep. But when I woke up, we were different. We were demons. But more importantly, we were human.[/i] [b][center]WELCOME[/center][/b] Welcome to Nifelhelm, a ruined city that spans a quarter of some continent in some realm we don?t even know exists. Holding the wealth of the slums of New York City, Nifelhelm is primarily run by two forces ? the eight tribes, and the Volsung Temple. Despite its small size, the Temple calls all the shots for the warring Tribes, and they obey the puny Temple without question. At last, that is what happened until the Light came. Now, all of the populous of Nifelhelm actually acts like humans, instead of the drones they were like before. They actually have feelings, ambitions, fears, hopes and dreams. Now, they want a reason to descend the Bifrost Tower, besides just because the Volsung Temple said to. But, that is a story for another time. Now, you need to be filled in on what little information there is on Nifelhelm. [b][center]What is Nifelhelm?[/b][/center] ? Nifelhelm is a giant, ruined city that spans thousand of miles. ? It is inhabited by the Tribes. The most powerful Tribes are the Great Tribes, of which there are eight, and have anywhere from a few hundred to nearly under a thousand. In total there are thousands of tribes, but most of them have just under a few dozen members, and are totally ignored as a result. ? Outside Nifelhelm is the Lost Plains: deserts that extend into nothingness, and entering the Plains ultimately results in death, for the possibility of finding your way back are close to none. ? It is always raining silver rain. This is the rain of the dead ? the spirits of those who have died and evolved into water. [b][center]The Laws of Nifelhelm as enforced by the Volsung Temple[/b][/center] ? Destroy all of the Great Tribes and climb Bifrost to reach Valhalla. ? When a tribe leader is murdered, the tribe is absorbed into the killer?s tribe. Assassinations are the only exception. ? Everyone must wear an ID ring. ? Trespassing onto the Volsung Temple is prohibited. ? All battles with the Great Tribes must first be arranged with the Volsung Temple. This does not mean that the opposing side will be informed of such an attack. ? If it so pleases them, the Volsung Temple may send a Judge to overseer any battles between the Great Tribes. ? Only tribe leaders of the Great Tribes are allowed within the Central Chamber within the Volsung Temple. [b][center]THE TRIBES (IN ORDER OF STRENGTH)[/b][/center] MIDGARD ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/Vergil_2.jpg]Breca[/url] ? Demon Form:[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/LeaderDemons/141.jpg]Lif[/url] HELHEIM ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/1262.png]Heinrich[/url] ? Demon Form:[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/LeaderDemons/helheimdemon.png]Geirrodd[/url] SVARTALFHEIM ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/art-001.jpg]Triel[/url] ? Demon Form:[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/LeaderDemons/Joaranarc.png]Joaranarc[/url] NIDAVELLIR ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/ss-002.jpg]Andarvi[/url] ? Demon Form:[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/LeaderDemons/Dolorcis.png]Dolorcis[/url] JOTUNHEIM ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/Margulis_Xenosaga.jpg]Hymir[/url] ? Demon Form:[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/LeaderDemons/Azuravul.png]Azuravu[/url]l ASGARD ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/52.jpg]Bron[/url] ? Demon Form:[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/tribeleaders/LeaderDemons/149.jpg]Baldur[/url] VANAHHEIM ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/valgrad.png]Valgrad[/url] ? Demon Form:[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/hoth.png]Hoth[/url] [b][center] In this RP, you will take the role of eight members of the Vanaheim Tribe. More on that later, however.[/center][/b] [center][b]DEMONS[/b][/center] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/hoth.png][strike][b]Hoth[/b][/strike][/url] An agile demon that specializes in ice elemental attacks. ? Very fast; can execute combos with relative ease; immune to ice spells and any other closely related elementals. ? Cannot take a lot of hits. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/beowulf.gif][b]Beowulf[/b][/url] A large monster that has assorted parts from other animals. It specializes in holy related spells, despite its grim appearance. ? Deals a colossal amount of damage, and takes just as much hits. ? Its spells are not exactly something to boast about; it is extremely slow. It is the giant that can crush a house but couldn?t hit a fly for its life. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/cerberusboss.gif][b]Garm[/b][/url] A ferocious three headed wolf that rips its enemies to shreds. With its specialization in ice magic, it is an excellent balance between speed, power and magic. ? Moves very fast, and with its three heads, it will rip enemies apart in a short order. ? Does not truly excel at any one thing. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/doppleganger.gif][b]Loki[/b][/url] The trickster, Loki can create illusions of itself, as well as slip into shadows. Its magic of choice is chaos. ? With its illusionary abilities, it can easily confuse enemies. ? It won?t take much to take Loki down. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/vergil3.jpg][b][strike]Tyr[/strike][/b][/url] A master of melee combat, Tyr will render its foes to gory fragments of their former shelves with relative ease. ? A master of melee weaponry. Can also move inhumanly fast. ? Lacking severely in the magic department ? as in, not existent. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/agnirudradt.gif][b]Narvili[/b][/url] Following close behind in Tyr in the combat department, Narvili also has some spells in the schools of fire and ice. ? Deals a great deal of damage in a not large amount of time. ? Doesn?t have the speed of Tyr, and its magic fields are close to non-existant. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/beowulfdt.gif][b][strike]Thor[/strike][/b][/url] Using a mixture of electricity and melee combat, Thor will cause colossal damage to its foes. ? An excellent mix of spells and melee combat. ? Not the fastest demon one could lay bets on, nor can it take the most damage. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/rebelliondt.gif][b]Magini[/b][/url] With fire at its disposal, Magini will send its enemies to a premature visit to Hel?s domain. ? Can move fast and deals colossal damage with its fire spells. ? If overwhelmed, Magini will fall soon enough. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/char_dds2roald3.jpg][b]Buri[/b][/url] With its gargantuan hand, Buri releases storms upon its enemies head. It is also quite the expert in melee combat. ? Has little equal when it comes to mixing lightning with its fists. ? It has moderate speed, so it will be overwhelmed if it is not careful. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/art-005.jpg][b]Loho[/b][/url] With its two head and colossal body, Loho will tear its foes apart limb from limb. ? Has no equal in hand to hand combat. Will also take a huge amount of damage before finally falling to its enemies. ? Its speed is very poor. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/art-008.jpg][b]Sol[/b][/url] With the ability to fly, Sol can send his bolts of lightning over his foes with incredible ease. ? Can fly, as well as a master of lightning magic. ? It is very poor physically. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/art-010.jpg][b]Jord[/b][/url] With its long arms, Jord can easily do hit and run tactics on its foes. It is also very proficient in earth spells. ? Its long arms can prove useful in combat. Its expertise in earth magic doesn?t hurt it either. ? It is average in the actual amount of physical damage in conflicts, forcing it to have to use multiple attacks to deal a useful amount of damage. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/art-014.jpg][b]Njord[/b][/url] The master of assassins, Njord can move at inhuman speeds, and with its dagger hidden within its toe, it will quickly silence those in its path. ? Amazingly fast, and is the best when it comes to executing combo attacks. ? Its wind spells, although sufficient for itself, will not prove useful to its party. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/art-013.jpg][b][strike]Loure[/strike][/b][/url] If its twin hand blades and its expertise of ice magic weren?t capable of inflicting fear into its targets, the capability to dash across any flat surface for a brief period of time surely will. ? It is an excellent close combat fighter. ? It does not truly excel at anything ? if it hopes to win, it must utilize all of its moderate talents perfectly. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/demons/fallen.gif][b][strike]Forsetti[/strike][/b][/url] A fellow assassin along with Njord, Forsetti can float through the air, using its double sided sword to hack enemies to pieces. It can also cast holy magic. ? Is moderately fast, and is very proficient with its double blades. ? Is lightly armored. Thus, it cannot take a great deal of damage. [center][b]WEAPONS ~CHARACTERS ARE ALLOWED TO SHARE WEAPONS~ [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/12pl5fttanbull2a.jpg]Freya [/url]? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/mani.png]Mani[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/urd.png]Urd[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/jotnar.jpg]Jotnar[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/90293.jpg]Aegir [/url]? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/rebellion_white.gif]Skoll[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/asegeir.jpg]Asegeir[/url] ?[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/freyr.png] Freyr[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/beowulf_white.gif]Delling[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/agnirudrarender.gif]Aurvandil[/url] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/weapons/fimbulwinter.png]Fimbulwinter[/url][/center][/B] [center][B]The Ranks of Vanaheim[/B] Commander [Taken by Doublehex] Second in command, Tactical Advisor [Taken by Lazarus] Commander?s Bodyguard [Taken by Sin] Vanaheim?s best sniper Best Information Retriver (AKA Spy) [Taken by BKstyles] Demolitions Expert [Taken by Auron's Ghost] Assassin The Enigma ? The person who emerged from the ruins of the comet and was taken in by the Vanaheim. For some reason, when this person sings, they can revert demons to their human forms, if they have not already been consumed by their inner demon. The Volsung Temple seems to be very interested in this person for some reason.The Enigma does not remember their past ? just that someone (or something) sent them. They also do not use any of the weapons ? just an automatic pistol.[/center] [b][center]CHARACTER SHEET Name: Gender: Age: Demon Form: Weapon: Rank: Physical description: (A link to a picture will do) Personality: Combat Tactics: Skills: Phobias and Weaknesses: Pet Peeves:[/b][/center] [b][center] Name: Vidgar Gender: Male Age: 23 Rank: Leader of the Vanaheim Demon Form: Hoth Weapon: Fimbulwinter Loyalty and Alignment: As would be expected, Vidgar is loyal only to his tribe, the Vanguards. He does not feel the need to betray his fellow Vanguards, if for no better reason than the fact that it would bring benefit to him. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/DarkBlood/valgrad.png]Physical Appearance[/url] Personality: Vidgar?s personality alternates regularly; he is often times cold and malicious, but he also frequently shows compassions to those of his tribe. The responsibility of being Tribe leader is straining on his nerves, however, and he is beginning to doubt if he is the best person for the job. Combat Tactics: Vidgar?s strategies of war are a mix between barbaric and strategic. He charges into battle without a second thought, but once caught in a conflict, he uses a variety of strategies that often takes advantage of his opponent?s weaknesses. He tends to get emotional to his comrades in battle, however. Skills: Beyond his combat and leadership abilities, Vidgar finds that he has little use beyond. However, on one mission he finds a cello and begins to play it in his spare time, much to the delight to some of his comrades. Phobias and Weaknesses: Vidgar is afraid of failure: what it is does not matter; he has to succeed at everything that he does, no matter the cost. This can tend to make him somewhat unlikable, however. Pet Peeves: As leader of the Tribe, Vidgar expects everyone to follow him, and when his soldiers begin to question the mission, he tends to get aggravated.[/b][/center]
Considering I have been active for a few months, I'd have to say no.
[QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1] So, please, guys, let's not turn this into another 'Evolution versus Creation' thread. [/size][/QUOTE] As much as I hope that will not occur, I have a stron feeling that no matter what we do to avoid the issue, it [I]will[/I] happen. Man has just proven himself over and over again that, for some strange reason or another, he just loves to make his point known. He dosen't care what trouble he gets himself with, but his voice must be heard, and if it eventually ends up in a heated debate that slowly but surely crumbles into a barel full of insults and curses, he quite frankly won't give a damn. Especially when religion comes into play. I think ChibiHorseWoman and I has just lit one of the largest flame fields in forum history. :nervous:
I belive in Christanity. I was born Christian, so it is likely that has had significant influence on my decision, but I still belive it to be the right choice. Now, some of you can chose to say that since I was raised Christian, I was 'brainwashed' Christian. Now, that is very likely, but dosen't that rule apply to all other religions/religous beliefs, atheism included? I mean, if atheist parents raise their kids in their belief of atheism, that will surely affect the said child's decision to be atheist (note, I am speaking in general here. I am not saying everyone who is raised Christian, Atheist, or whatever turns out that way). Now, I chose to remain Christian because it is the one that makes the most sense to me. I honestly cannot belief atheism because it just sounds so foolish to me. I cannot honestly belive that people suggest that the world came out of no where, a la the Big Bang theory. I mean, where did the star that started the chain reaction come from? It just didn't came from no where - it [I]had[/I] to come from somewhere! Nothign just pops out from thin air.
[b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] [url=http://zeta.bluelaguna.net/ff8music//08%20-%20The%20Landing.mp3][u]It[/u][/url] was a beautiful night. The moon was shining over the Morrian waters, and the waves created by the hundreds of transport engines formed a tranquil melody in Alex?s ears. He leaned up against the bars, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to be at peace, for at least just a few moments. Then, the allure of peace died away to the demands of war. Ferin sensed an unnatural sensation all of a sudden. He opened his eyes to see the island of Morrie was nearing the advancing army. Realizing it was time to be prepared, he snuck into the transport. The transport was rocked, side to side, as artillery blasts thundered across the water. The transports swerved to avoid the assault, but few were no so lucky as both students and marines were sent into a fiery oblivion. Alex could hear the sound of gunfire firing upon the transports. A few explosions accompanied the chorus of war. An artillery blast fell short and thundered right in front of J-2 group?s transport. Relentlessly, it sped onward. Sensing obstacles in front of it, the transport?s AI initiated what was nicknamed the shovers ? literally large shovels that protruded from the front of the transport that pushed away any obstacle in the transports? path. The man-made walls were obliterated. The transport, and several others, landed onto the sandy beaches. Marines and students charged outward into a welcoming greeting of bullets and artillery fire. Initiate the mission.
Before we started the much awaited for mission, I decided to post a quick recap on the mission objectives: E-6 [*]Take command of artilley position at coordinates N 32.9 (where exactley this is is up to you). [*]Assist group J-2 in taking Central Square. J-2 [*]Disable the power supply for the city. This will render the most powerful defensive weapons useless. [*]With the assist of E-6 group, take command of Central Square. O-9 [*]Hold the Eastarn Bridge at all cost with assistance from the Marines. This is one of the main eveacuation / reinforcement points, so it will be a vital objective for this mission.
[b][center][ENTER Carrot][/b][/center] ?That?s fucking stupid!? ?Calm down Carrot?, Sakura said calmly. ?I am sure Headmaster Enteri had perfectly good reasons for giving us this assignment?? ?How can you be so calm? How are the four of us supposed to hold a bridge alone? Three girls even!? Rinoa was surprised at the red head?s comment. ?You mean to say that just because we?re girls, we can?t hold the bridge? You?re one too, ya know?? ?Besides,? Sakura added, ?we will have the support of some of the Marines as well. We?re not totally on our own!? Carrot blushed slightly. ?No! That?s not the point. I mean, its men like that we women hate! No decency whatsoever.? Havok rolled his eyes as he leaned onto Rinoa. ?Is she going through her period?? ?Unfortunately not?? she said in disappointment. ?Did you say something Ryuzaki?? ?Oh no, not at all.?
[center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/cob_two.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=white][i]Ten years later?[/i] Gendo Asakama sipped on sake as he listened to his advisor, Odo Kaisae. ?We are in need of another kakori, Gendo. With no Emperor, and the order of the Shogun dissipated, we got more rising enemies than I would like.? The clan lord nodded as he listened to the tune of the geisha playing a shamisen. ?I take it you have a suggestion, my old friend?? Odo grinned. ?Yes. There is a man who comes to train in a poor training ground every day. His abilities dishonor those around him everyday.? He raised his finger, indicating an important point. ?I tell you the truth, on my honor, you will be surprised when you first lay eyes on this man. Your eyes will be as large as a woman?s nipples.? ?Oh thank you Odo?, Gendo smirked. ?Now I have to see him.? Odo just smirked. ?When you see him, you will want more than just to observe, my Clan Lord.? [center]* * * * *[/center] ?Men! Men! Perform a men you slobbering dogs! Men!? The drill instructor?s command to perform a head strike echoed across the training ground. Gendo and Odo just walked past the training soldiers until they reached a small hill overlooking the grounds. They guided themselves to under a tree where the oncoming storm would not ?Where is this man??, Gendo asked? Odo pointed to a man clad in a argent kimono, reading to strike a dummy with his blade. ?Him? That is the one?? Odo nodded. ?But he is only sixteen, eighteen at the most! Is this a bad attempt at a joke, Odo?? The advisor grinned. ?Watch.? At that instant, the boy sliced the dummy in two. Gendo?s eyes went as wide as a woman?s nipples. Odo just chuckled. ?You look surprised, my lord.? Gendo turned to face him. ?That child?he must become one of our kakori. What is his name?? ?Toshiro Murasama.? [center]* * * * *[/center] ?Would I be correct in saying you are Toshiro Murasama?? The young boy was in the garden of Gendo Asakama, leader of one of the three clans that strived for power following the fall of the Emperor and the near annihilation of the Shogun. Toshiro nodded. ?I will be straight to the point, Toshiro-san. You have told my associates that you wish to use your skills as a tool for the people. I wish to borrow that tool for the same reason. I need those who will be willing to kill for the new era.? ?And will that era be?? ?An era full of equality for all of the four classes.? ?The other clans seem to be saying the exact same thing.? Gendo nodded in agreement. ?That is true. They all say that they want the same thing, that they all want freedom and justice for all the classes. However, have the acts they have committed just justifiable to their commitment? The Kaisa Clan acts more like a Syndicate than an actual competitor for leadership, and the Xasair kills both civilians and our militia in their attacks.? ?And yet, you have committed a little of both.? Gendo raised his eyebrow. ?You would trust the word of an alcohol clouded mind in the taverns?? Toshiro chuckled. ?My master always told me that sometimes the shadow holds more of the truth than the sun.? The Clan Master grinned. ?Your master must of have been very wise to have said such a thing, for it is all true.? He sighed. ?Yes, I have bribed to advance the conflict in my favor, and yes, sometimes my soldiers got out of hand in the street battles with the Kaisa and Xasair. But what makes you think the other Clans are any better? They are both opposite extremes on the scale, while mine acts in the middle, as a medium.? ?Then maybe I shouldn?t join any of the Clans at all.? ?And then maybe you will find that you might as well throw your katana into the sea. Joining none of the Clans will mean you will not make a difference in the conflict.? Toshiro sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, the Clan Master was correct. Join one Clan, or don?t make a difference at all. ?What is your decision, Toshiro-san?? ?I will join as your kakori.? ?Then come, and let us feed the fish, and talk of our plans for you and the future of the people.? Toshiro followed without hesitation.[/color] [quote][center][b]Glossary kakori[/b] An assassin in service of someone in a high political status. This can range from a shogun to a clan lord. [b]MEN![/b] A term used in Kendou and Kenjutsu to indicate a strike to head, but in this setting, it will be used by all fighting styles. [b]Shamisen[/b] - A three stringed instrument that originated in Japan, but is rumored to have its base in China.[/quote][/center]
A good start for the first chapter. I did notice that you put two people talking in one of the earliar and later paragraphs however, and I did think the list was semi-unnenecasary (even though Rowling did the exact same thing). I would of just done the list thing in narrative form.
[center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/cob_one.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=white]In the forgotten realm of Makara, Master Takae Hasamaru drank his sake as he bathed in the moonlight. He was a wandering swordsman, serving no lord or shogun in any country. He did not believe in handing his blade over to any man who gave his own defined form of justice. He was a master of the Jin-Matae Shruu style. It made its wielder a demon of battle, a nay unstoppable force of strength and will, a combination of lightning speed, brute strength, coordination and a stout mind. And so, it was decided long ago that those who followed the style must not use their blade for greed, but for the good of the people. He sipped some of his sake, his pointing finger and thumb acting as the lone support for the ochoko. He did not rush the drink down his throat, as would the common drunk. Rather, he took it in slow, allowing his lips to enjoy the fine drink. Hasamaru rose up, sipping the last of his sake. He slipped the ochoko into his kimono, and walked off. His senses told him that there was a great disturbance on the road tonight. Hasamaru found the result of his tardiness: a trail of bloody corpses. It was very evident to the keen swordsman that this was the work of bandits. It did not have the cunning cuts of the ninja, nor were there the decapitating capabilities of the samurai. Additionally, there was no evidence of the noble minded slices from militia men. Bandits were the last, and most obvious, conclusion. With a sigh, he brushed an autumn leaf off of his shoulder. ?They are afflicted, the times and lives of man.? He sped off into the distance, determined to find the few survivors of the raid who were being pursued by the raiders. This is what those of the Jin-Matae Shruu style lived for; to save lives. Even if they were all taken by the time he arrived, he would avenge their deaths. He found the captives pinned against a wall of oak trees. There was not enough room for the few survivors to squirm through. They were the rats trapped by the cat. Without making a sound, he sprinted into the group of enemies. The untrained bandits didn?t last any longer than a few moments as the Jin-Matate Shruu ripped them to pieces, leaving only shards of flesh as their memorial. The lone bandit in front of him, the only one left unscathed if only because he was out of reach, asked him who he was. Hasamaru told him that there was little point in introducing himself to the dead. The foolish bandit charged at the master swordsman. He was consquentley ripped to pieces in a few swift and elegant strokes. Not even his mother would of have had been able to recognize his corpse. He approached the lone survivor of the raid: an argent haired boy. [center]* * * * *[/center] The young boy?s name was Shinji. Since he was the son of a farmer, he did not have the honor of a last name, but he had a good life for a good many years. They would toil in the rice fields for the Shogun lord Kasae Sakagura in the day, and then he would enjoy food and his father and mother?s company in the night. It was by no means an extravagant life style, but it was one he enjoyed none the less. It was simple, pleasant, and it was good. That life ended when his whole family fell to a disease called leprosy. Shinji did not know of the disease until then, and it would be a lie if he did not say that he was enraged that something he had never harmed would be so cruel as to harm him. Thus was the naive and pure nature of a child. Sakagura sold him to slave traders soon after. After all, he could not take the boy in as his own ? children were very expensive to look after, and that?s not to include the dishonor he would have bestowed on his person for taking in a peasant?s child! And the Gods know that it would be far too time consuming to find a new family for the child. It was for the best, the Shogun had concluded. Once he was sold to the slave traders, a teenage girl names Shizuka took him in. They were both slaves, and they could very easily be separated at any moment. But her embrace felt like that of his mother?s, and he was satisfied. On that night, they were traveling to a new camp, since this one was going to be abandoned. It was too weakly structured and small for the current slaves. Too many were dieing from suffocation! And that would not do at all, the slave masters concluded. So, they bought a new slave home, and hired some guards to take the slaves to the new place. When the bandits attacked, the few guards were overwhelmed. Almost instantly, the slave troupe was being slaughtered left and right. Taking his hand, Shizuka took him away from the main road, to the forest, in hope that they could somehow survive the massacre. Perhaps if they survived, they could find a new life somewhere? Maybe they could wander to one of the nearby cities! Surely, a woman of Shizuka?s ingenuity would have been able to find some work easily enough. Alas, fate had chosen to be cruel that night. The bandits killed Shizuka. As those were slaughtered around her, Shinji raised a wayward sword. He wanted to protect Shizuka! She was like a mother to him. She deserved to live! Before he charged towards the approaching bandits, and eventually to his deaths, Shizuka pulled him away shielding his eyes from the bloodshed. ?Don?t look Shinji!?, she had warned him. He heard someone?s last cries as a dagger went through her throat, and Shizuka, in response, fell to the ground. He could not see this massacre! He couldn?t. ?Shinji! Shinji, listen to me. You are just a child. You have not been able to choose your life.? The boy could feel tear drops on his face. ?You must find a way to survive?to find a meaning in this world, unlike those who have died here tonight.? Suddenly, the weight of Shizuka?s body was relived of him. He watched, in horror, as the girl who only wanted to protect him was killed ruthlessly. Her last words were: ?Live.? The murdering bandit approached Shinji, raising his katana, ready to slice the innocent child in two. That was when the wandering swordsman saved his life. [center]* * * * *[/center] Hasamaru wiped the blood off of his blade. Unless you were caught in a large conflict, it was a disgrace to those whose lives you had just taken to allow their blood to stain your sword. ?I suppose it was fate that led me in this direction tonight.? The boy was unmoved. ?I have avenged their deaths. None of the bandits still breath on this night.? He raised his index finger. ?I have a word of advice for you ? do not be vengeful towards these men. It will not bring back your loved ones.? With a sigh, Hasamaru turned away, heading towards the road. ?It no longer surprises me, the smell of blood. It is as common as White Plums. What a horrible time the Heavens chose to bring me into the world. It is enough that I bury them, I suppose.? The next day, Hasamaru found himself on the semi-paved path to a shrine of Nervana. He planned to pray for the spirits of the lives the bandits had stolen the previous night. As he walked, he thought of how that even though his blade was guided by the teachings of the Jin-Matae Shruu, he could not sometimes even save a single life. On the small plain that preceded the abandoned shrine, he found something he was not expecting: a gathering of graves. In the center of them all was the silver haired boy from the night before. He approached the child. ?You made graves for both the bandits and your loved ones?? He came to this conduction because there were far too many graves for it to just be for the trope the child was traveling with. ?They weren?t my family. I was a slave, like them. In the end, there were just bodies..? Hasamaru nodded in agreement. He then saw that there was a recently placed stone in front of the child. ?What is this?? ?Shizuka-san. We knew each other for only a short time, and yet, she died to protect me. I wanted the best grave of all for her, but the best I could find for her was this grave. I don?t even have flowers for her.? Hasamaru smiled as he pulled out his tokkuri and spilled some of his sake on the woman?s grave stone. ?It is a shame for Shizuka-san to have entered Nirvana without tasting sake. This is my tribute to her.? ?Thank you?, the boy said weakly ?Child, your fingers are stained with the effort of this ordeal. Your spirit will never forget the effort of carrying their bodies on your shoulders. But now, a greater ordeal is ahead of you. You must carry their lives for as long as you live, for they died to protect you. You must be of strong heart, mind and will to move on in your life. Your arms must be strong so that you can live on, and protect others, so that their deaths would have meaning.? ?Protect??? ?What is your name boy?? ?Shinji.? ?Shinji? That is far too delicate a name for a swordsman! From now on, your name is Murasama. Toshiro Murasama.? ?Toshiro?Murasama?? ?My boy, I am going to teach you my forte, so that you may protect others in this world, and so that your Shizuka-san?s death will have meaning!? And so, that was the birth of Toshiro Murasama.[/color] [QUOTE][CENTER][b]Glossary[/b] [b]ochoko[/b] - A small cylinder cup in which sake (fine alcholic bevrage that is common in Asian cultures) can be served in. [b]tokkuri[/b] - A jug in which sake is held in. [b]Pronunctiations[/b] [b]MURASAMA[/b] - MU-RAH-SAMA[/center][/QUOTE]
I think I have to go with RPGs, because I love a good stroy, and I am sure we all know that the best video game stories will always be found in RPGs.
This game is confusing! ....Damnit I just lost, didn't I? =\
Art The Desktop Screenshots/Wallpapers Thread [image heavy]
Doublehex replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in Creative Works
I present the newest wallpaper phenomenon to grace my desktop...[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/wallpaper.jpg][u]Hello Kitty 40,000[/u][/url]! -
[quote name='Delta][COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Hot dang! If you're done watching GITS:SAC, why not go all the way and watch the first movie and [i]Innocence[/i]? Mild mind**** goodness from the entities who brought you the Puppet Master, Individual Eleven, and *really* obvious Catcher in the Rye references.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] When did I say I saw the series? I said I saw the movies! On another note, would I be interested in Escaflowne? I heard some good things about it, but from what I understand, it is somewhat of a girl-oriented series, so I want your guys opinions on it.
[spoiler]I have just finished episode 19, and it was probably one of the more heart-shattering episodes, I have seen in anime thus far, with it only being exceded by a certain character's funeral in Full Metal Alchemist. They way they revealed Ayashma's feelings for Ayato throughout the battle, and the way she was slowly killed by the person she loved was just amazingly done. I could of sworn a tear fell down my eye at the end. This episode turned the anime from an NGE copier (albeit a unique one), to a anime that is in it's own league. Now, instead of forcing myself to watch each episode I will do so without a second thought.[/spoiler]