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Everything posted by Doublehex

  1. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/b] The Next Day, Briefing ---[/center] Alex stood in the auditorium, along with the three hundred and fourty six other Trial finalists. For the past hour, they had slowly been gathering in from the whole of the Academy, those who were the unluckiest to arrive first waiting anxiously for the whole of the school to move faster. Eventually, all who needed to come came, and the Headmaster himself made his appearance. ?So?, he began, ?it had come down to this. Three hundred and forty six students are all that is left. You are the greatest among your peers, but not all of you will return as Risk Breakers. Those of you that do will be forever known as the greatest soldiers of our time! Victory and defeat, honor and disgrace, respect and hatred, these all come hand in hand.? He coughed slightly before he continued. ?Your mission, your first true mission, is Morrie. Seventy-two hours ago, Archadia invaded it on accounts that they were housing a terrorist organization that kidnapped a soldier on their borders. In an unforeseeable act of savagery, Archadia?s pacifist leader, Javiar Galdue, threw away any suggestion of a treaty and went on a full out assault. Morrie has just recently called for our aid, and we will do so in an attempt to test you all one last time. The specifics of the said mission will be given onto you en route to the island? He saluted. ?Dismissed!? [center]The Clock Turns to Three ---[/center] ?Hey, that?s a nice coat Alex!? Ayame, as usual, was her perky self, even in the crammed car that was J-2?s route of transportation to the town of Gaul, where the Final Exam would begin. ?Where?d you get it?? ?I found it?, he shrugged. ?Really? You didn?t buy it for someone?? Stephen snickered lightly at Ayame?s comment. Alex blushed slightly. ?Awww, cheer up Alex!? ?I still can?t believe it?? James said, breaking the silence. ?I don?t understand why Archadia would attack that island city-state of Morrie. I mean, you know how peaceful their ruler, uh, Javiar Galdue I think is his name, is. He?s more of a pacifist than pacifists! Why would he resort to war?? Stephen nodded. ?You know, you?re right. It?s pretty weird. I mean, he may be a dictator in name, but he really is just a man for the people. So, why the hell does he go to war on so small an issue as some random terrorists kidnapping a lone soldier of his? Just because they were FROM Morrie, it doesn?t necessarily mean the man sent them.? ?Y?know, I never thought of it like that.? Ayame turned to Alex. ?What do you think, Alex? Why is Galdue doing all these crazy things?? ?I don?t care. We are just going there to kill, and if that is what the Academy wants us to do, then let?s just do it. I don?t really care for the background?I just care about the now.? [center]***[/center] Alex watched as the last of the [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/misc/sketch_061.jpg][u]Morrian marines[/url][/u] entered their transports. They were to clear the way for the Academy?s students at the beach fall?to take the main hits so that Alex and the others would clean up the mess. When the first of the [url=http://www.ffshrine.org/ff8/fmvshots-disc1/03-landing/00004.jpg][u]transports[/u][/url] left, Alex blew them a kiss farewell. ?See you guys in hell.? [center]*** The Next Day, Landing ---[/center] Alex starred into the console window of the transport, listening intently to the orders they were given by the Academy. The Risk Breakers would land onto the southern and eastern beaches of Morrie. J-2 group would be with the majority, and land at the Southern beach. From there, they would have to move through the alleyways of the city, and descend into the power supply of the city, and disable it. Although this would make the city?s defense system useless, the artillery cannons and energy guns that were placed throughout the city that the Archadians are using were of much higher concern. From there, they had to secure the Central Square of the city. After that, they would be given new orders. ?I?m going onto the deck?, Alex announced the group. With that, he opened the upper hatch and climbed into the sunny air. Morrie was in sight. [b]OOC[/b] Allright, we're almost at the mission! No one post of the actual landing yet...just the inbetween. Be patient, it will be worth it, trust me! :)
  2. Okay, we have been incredibley slow as of late. Its cool tho, since all RPs go through this, But this just to let you guys know that the much anticipated Final Exam is coming up soon...as in tomorrow this time if BK dosen't post soon. So, get ready for alot of posting soon. :)
  3. D1: Those in the infirmary?have they come in contact with the Neo Man Project 02? A1: Yes sir. D1: Very well. Initiate the rapid heal plug in. A1: Which instance, sir? D1: O-2 A1: Understood. Initiating rapid heal plug in instance O-2. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] It was nine, and Alex had once again found himself in his dorm. For some reason or another, half way towards the Infirmary, he decided to abandon the idea and just take a nap. He was pretty sure that Nurse Mallon would say that they were too sick or bad off or some other excuse for any visitors to come, so it really wasn?t worth the walk. Instead, he found himself staring at a [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/alex_nouni.jpg][u]red trench coat[/u][/url] on his bed. It was the last thing his father gave him, and it was nothing significant at all. Minus the odd symbol printed on the back, it didn?t appear to have any use beyond just another coat to wear. It still looked nice, however. It had a nice feel to it, and whenever he put it on, for whatever reason, he felt strong, like he could take on an army, and then some. Maybe because it was the only gift he ever remembered his dad ever giving him. For whatever reason, it felt good. Alex smiled. He would look good in it at the Final Exam. Who knows, maybe even all high and mighty herself would notice it. OOC: Okay, I finally got a post done! I know BK needs to post, so I am going to let him post. If he doesn?t by this time tomorrow, I?m going to move on without him. Oh, and if any of you complains about me using the FMA jacket, there is going to be trouble. :mad:
  4. I would like to announce that Square-Enix has officialy given the release date for FF XII in the US (honestley Sandy, with the way you've been acting in this thread, I am surprised you didn't sprad the news the moment after the announcement!), as Halloween. I guess they wanted to give the cosplayers an excuse to dress up as one of the Judges. :-\
  5. From what I understand, all we know of the FF 13 games is that they all have to do with the crystals, a la FF 1 -5. I, however, am confused on weherether or not the three FF 13 games will be connected in ways other than the franchise, and the 'theme' of the storylines.
  6. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] [center]An Hour after the announcement ---[/center] ?I?m bored?, Alex characteristically declared to the empty room. After tipping and tapping his fingers against the wooden frame of his bed, listening to the moving gears of the hands of his clock, and yawning for the past hour, it was quite evident that Alex had nothing to do. He was indeed bored, in every sense of the word. After Headmaster Enteri?s announcement on the Final Exam assignments, it would be frank to say that nothing interesting occurred. And because of it, Alex had nothing to do. He would be doing studying, but there were no longer any written tests to take. He would train, but the Training Ground was closed due to too many students hurt in their Trials. Once he thought of the wounded, an idea came to him. He hadn?t seen any of his comrades since his Trial. It seemed likely that they were probably wounded somehow. With that, Alex slipped on his shoes and headed for the door. OOC: Sorry for the small post, but inspiration left me.
  7. [b]I am a Leaf on the Wind, Watch me as I fly...[/b] I am a leaf on the wind, watch me as I fly, through dangers near and far, when dear friends are near, watch me as I fly. Watch me as I glide through beautiful chaos, with my wings bent and turned, but alas, I must persevere, watch me as I fly. As pain ensures all around me, As I see things from a different point of view, As I see the peace in nearly everything, With the possible exception of death incarnate, Watch me as I fly. The wind blows for me another course, and as a mere leaf I must be forced, to follow with no digress, and gladly I allow it to take me everywhere, and perhaps, nowhere. I am a leaf on the wind, and once again I must ask, will you watch me as I fly? [b]ROSEBUD[/b] The finger twirls under the moonlit sky, the flower of the rose caught between it, it?s scent overwhelming, it?s rush of feelings overpowering, the rosebuds being a beautiful thing under the moonlit sky. The flower blossoms under the moonlit sky, like that of a Prince bursting from it?s Goddess? womb, the pain she wields unbearable, but the reward unspeakable, like that of a rosebud under the moonlit sky. The Prince speaks his first words under the moonlit sky, his naïve eyes sparkling like an emerald diamond, his Goddess? heart pounding a heart full of love, the deity being so proud of her descendant, like that of a gardener proud of the rosebuds under the moonlit sky. The love of a Goddess is as infinite as the cosmos of heaven, with the Lord at his throne of invulnerable glass, his wise eyes studying the realm of his creations, swelling with pride of seeing the Goddesses doing their wonderful work, that is as beautiful as a rosebud under the moonlit sky. The King looks down from the stage under the moonlit sky, dressed in an robe of purple, with a crown of knowledge nestled over his brow, the delicate scepter of knowledge grasped within his hands, his eyes gazing upon his Goddess, who is within the crowd of other Gods and Goddesses, who looks as beautiful as a rosebud under the moonlit sky. The sky darkens, and mourners are torn apart at the grisly scene, their King full of tears in his heart, the sight of his Goddess dead in her coffin, her pale skin and smile full of happiness, her hair full of rosebuds under the moonlit sky. The King remembers his Goddess under the moonlit sky, he remembers the love of her, the way she would let him nestle on her lap, the way she would melt all his worries away, how she would give him hope and satisfaction, of how beautiful he looked, like a rosebud under the moonlit sky. [b]Through the Oaks -A tribute to fathers-[/b] [i]He took his son through the woods, the hardened hands holding gently the fragile skin. His chiseled skin stared downwards with pride at the benevolence of his child?s face. Ants marched by the duo, their armor penetrable by the massive giants. The father stared down at them. ?This is my son, who is of me. I speak for him? The child awes at the scenery. They continue their walk through the Oaks. The child waves his hand eagerly at the massive trees. The father looked upward at the wooden fortresses. ?Know that this is my son, who I speak for. He is my pride.? Once again, they continue their journey. Critters scatter by them. The father caresses his child?s back. The boy is bewildered by the creatures. ?Whom I speak for is my son, my child. Know that I protect him, for I love him.? The trees arch over the small pack. The ants stop their arch. The creatures stare in amazement. There are few things as wondrous, as the advent father. [/i] [b]I will be your tear...[/b] If there could be one thing I could be, I would be your tear, So I would be born from your eye, And die at your lips. If you?d give me the honor, I would listen to your words, And not allow them to slip by. Rather I would cherish them, As golden words from above. If I could make one promise, I would promise to cherish you, To be yours until our lives end, So that you would know, That there is a meaning to this world. [b]Long ago[/b] On a night long ago, I stared up to heaven for a revelation. There, I found a treasure grander than any other, A gift from them to me. I took it in hopes of decoding its riddle. Now, I realize that treasure, Is that love for you locked away in my heart. Enjoy. :)
  8. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] [center]A meeting, in song ---[/center] Alex wandered the empty halls of the dance room. A wide and circular domain, its roof was constructed of glass, allowing the light from the stars and the sun to beam onto the occupants. Pillars acted as the support for the room, as well as acting as another addition to a variety of decoration. The young soldier stared up into the night sky, quickly finding himself lost in its majesty. So many times, he would look up and wonder of the other worlds that were out there. Sometimes, he would pray that he would be taken to these new worlds, away from the pains of the Academy, to a place that was truly paradise. He never would get that wish. Alex sighed, and with his hand in his pockets, he prepared to leave. But something stopped him: a beautiful melody, grander than any other that he had heard before; a masterpiece amongst masterpieces. It was the [url=http://www.lvbeethoven.com/_Sons/_HymneEuropeen/Hymne%20Europeen.mid][u]Ode to Joy[/u][/url]. Allowing his ears to guide him towards the source, he found the pianist behind one of the pianos, his fingers pressing the keys with great precision. For a moment, Alex refused to speak, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the melody. But then the player spoke. ?The grandest piece, don?t you agree? Ode to Joy?the wonder of it just captivates me every time I play it. Always a grander experience than the last.? He paused for a moment. ?Don?t you agree, Alex-kun?? ?How do you know my name?? He didn?t mean it as an insult. The player just chuckled softly. ?There is not a soul here who does not know your name, Alex-kun. The killer of the Black Mage Mox; the first Last Years of the Academy to encounter System ID; the boy who nearly killed himself fighting his Lion Spirit to pass the trial. It would require a miracle for anyone to not know your name.? ?You have me at a disadvantage. I don?t know yours.? ?I suppose you are right, Alex-kun. They call me [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/kaworu-z04.jpg][u]Zane[/u][/url].? ?Well, I suppose I?ll see you later Zane.? ?Sooner than you would think, Alex-kun.? [center]*** The Next Day, Revelation ---[/center] Alex twiddled his thumbs as he waited in his dorm, alone. It appeared that his other two room mates did not pass their trial, and so, instead of giving it another try, both just left the school. Alex thought it was the most foolish thing that anyone could ever have done. Then again, Alex was somewhat jealous of them. Now, they wouldn?t be a tool of the academy. Despite this, his thoughts raced. In a few short moments, those who passed their Trial would be told who they would be assigned with in the Final Exam. The result could very well determine if they would become Risk Breakers or not. Suddenly, a message was heard over the intercom. It was that of Headmaster Enteri. He started off as he always would, congratulating those who passed their Trial, and wishing those good luck who hadn?t. This positive beginning ended quickly, and he soon got to the point of the matter. For what seemed like hours, the Headmaster rambled off names that Alex really did not give a damn for. Soon enough, he heard the assignments of three teams that was of great interest to him. [quote][b][center]Team E-6[/b] Aaron Covais Lazarus McCloud Kyosuke Orias Blaize Haribringer[/center][/quote] [quote][b][center]Team J-2[/b] Alex Glesen Stephen Jonuvar Ayame James Weldon Taylor[/center][/quote] [quote][center][b]Team O-9[/b] Rinoa Ryuzaki Sakura Clyne Carrot Burnheart Havok Vermillion[/center][/quote] And as they say, that was that. The teams were assigned, and nothing would change them. Let the games begin.
  9. [b]Chapter Five ? Some Time Alone[/b] The image of the Miyamoto twins stood before their employer, Fredicoh. The mad man tapped his chin repeatedly as he considered the news that his most favorite assassins have brought to his ears. ?Soooo, you are saying that they are Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley Sohryu?? Souske nodded. ?This is no doubt in our minds. They [i]have[/i] to be them. We can sense too much?? He let the words trail on, for he was lost for words on how to describe their assurance. ?Anxiety?, Kanomai finished for her brother. ?We can sense they are hiding something. And while we were at their apartment, we found traces of them searching for anything related to NERV, SEELE, and the Evangelions.? ?Interesting, yes, very interesting indeed.? Fredicoh puckered his lips as he thought about the evidence the assassins had brought him. They had never failed him once before. On all of the missions he had sent them on, wherever it would be assassinations, recon, interrogations or just downright random destruction, Souske and Konami had accomplished them all with overwhelming success. Even though they were dealing with the Second and Third Child, Fredicoh had no reason to believe that the twin assassins were mistaken. ?Okie dokie, its time to have some fun! I?ll go get the new guy. You two make sure Ikari and Sohryu don?t get squashed into a million pieces! Adios!? With that, the images of the twins disappeared, and Fredicoh exited the dark room in a dash. [center]* * * * *[/center] Three hours later, a small fleet of cruisers belonging to ARGENT hovered above the skies near the Massachusetts town. In a mere six hours, they would get to the job Fredicoh, and Lorenz, demanded of them. Destruction was what the two men had in mind. And in one of the cruisers, a black Evangelion slept. [center]* * * * *[/center] His name was Alexander Kurosawa, and his aim was perfect. It was said among his soldiers that he never missed a shot. Although the man was never one to brag ? he was a man of chivalry after all ? it was true that he was an expert marksman. He had been teaching himself the art of weaponry even since he was nine years old; training that certainly helped him to become the head of NERV. Kurosawa steadied his aim as the image-message of his best friend and second in command, Colonel Kalem, alerted him to SEELE?s intent. ?This is madness Alex! How in God?s name can Lorenz permit something like this?? ?It is quite simple. He has a dream, and he will do anything to accomplish it.? Kalem wasn?t convinced. ?At the cost of burning a town to the ground?? Kurosawa did not drop his shoulders even an inch as he perfected his aim. ?You have done the same, old friend.? ?Not for personal gain!? ?Calm yourself Marcus?, Alexander scolded lightly. ?Remember, you are their tool. Nothing more.? ?That will change soon when the public learns of this.? ?The public will never know. Remember, SEELE commands everything.? ?We were better off with the angels?? Alexander nodded in agreement with his friend. ?Indeed. The ones that risk our destruction the most are not the invaders?? He paused as he shot his rifle. A pigeon fell of its branch, oblivious that it was his target all along, not the dummies that lined up against the wall. ?But the defenders themselves.? [center]* * * * *[/center] ?This is [i]so[/i] aggravating.? It was seven at night, and a week had passed since the two Children had met Souske and Kanomai. Shinji was watching some meaningless television programs that he could really give a rat?s ass for, and Asuka was mumbling some German curses under her breath. By the shuffling of papers, Asuka?s groans, and her totally ignorance to what Shinji was up to, he concluded she was once again going through love letters. ? ?Will you be mine forever?? How over dramatic?.? She tossed a love letter behind her back. She picked up another from the apparently infinite pile. ? ?The one I love is you?, ?A phoenix on the rising sun?, ?You are the light of my soul?,? and the list went on. Asuka must of have had announced a few dozen or so horrendously thought out titles. ?Well this one takes the cake!? she announced to no one in particular. ? ?I am sex compressed in a can? ?. She sighed before ripping it to shreds. She turned to Shinji. ?Honestly, I thought Americans were more creative than [i]this[/i]!? He gave no response, as usual. When the Sohryu was dealing with anything that involved romance, Shinji knew full well that it was best to put up a restraining order. Suddenly, Asuka realized something. She was bored. ?I?m bored?, she announced. In a flash, Shinji turned to face her, his already pale skin as white as bone. He knows all too well what happens whenever the red head gets bored. It usually involves something that he regrets. ?Hey Shinji, have you ever written a love letter?? ?What?? ?You heard me?, she said proudly. ?No.? ?Wanna learn how?? ?Um?.? Shinji allowed the words to trail off in an attempt to piss Asuka enough that she would get off the subject. It didn?t. Cracking her knuckles, Asuka grabbed Shinji by the arm and rose him up. He was trapped. ?Okay, I, the great Asuka Langley Sohryu, am going to teach you how to write the love letter of all letters! But only because you are a spineless idiot who barely deserves my pity! Understood?? Shinji rolled his eyes and groaned. ?Yes?? She whipped him to the kitchen table, and pushed the pile of love letters off of it. In the same motion she grabbed a pile of paper and a half dozen or so pens and handed it to him. She slammed one paper onto the table and practically thrusted a pen into his hands. ?Now,? she said in a very dramatic tone, no doubt a result of her ?I am the queen of the world? complex, ?in your hands, you have the power to either make the said girl either fall over heels over you, or make her despise you for all of eternity!? Shinji?s nervous gulp could probably be heard all the way to the bottom floor of the apartment. ?Now, the first step is to fold it over.? Shinji rolled his eyes. This was insulting to his intelligence (not to say that Asuka thought he had any intelligence to begin with?)! Deciding that ignoring her command for any longer would most likely end in his immediate demise, Shinji folded the paper over. ?Now, you get to write the salutation.? They both stared at each other for a few moments, not saying anything at all. Finally, Asuka broke the silence. ?Now here, you?ve got to tell that red head, the most beautiful girl in the whole school with those nice blue eyes and those nice hips that you really do care about her, and aren?t just another horny kid who wants to get laid! All in anything less than five words, maybe six if you?re lucky. Got it?? Shinji raised his eyebrow. ?I?m supposed to write a love letter to you?? Asuka blushed. ?Wha-what?? ?You described yourself as the person I am supposed to write to.? She never realized that she had done just that. ?[i]Damn, it must be late! I wouldn?t make that mistake in a million years if it was the afternoon?[/i]? ?Well, it?s just a test, you know, so sure, you could, if you [i]really[/i] want to?? Shinji just groaned, signaling Asuka to move on with the subject, which she was all too happy to do. ?Well, you [i]do[/i] know what a salutation is, right?? ?Of course I do! It?s all those corny titles you keep on muttering off.? ?Well, what are you waiting for? Write something!? ?Yeah, I could write something off of the top of my head, but it would probably be something really corny, you know, with me being spineless and all.? The last comment got under Asuka?s skin real bad. ?[i]Since when did this kid learn to be a smart ass?[/i]?, she asked herself repeatedly in an attempt to keep herself from smashing his face into a million pieces. She clapped her hands together to revive her falling spirits. Even though Shinji was being cocky, Asuka knew full well that Shinji was no Casanova. And if there was one person that could make him one, it was going to be her. ?All right fine! We?ll skip the greeting. Now, if you want to wow a girl, you need to have the right paper. Simple bland white paper won?t do at all! Bring out your wallet, and spend an extra couple of dollars on the expensive kind. The one with hearts, bunnies and sparkles are usually good ideas to start. Rose scented gets you extra points.? Shinji nodded in agreement. ?[i]He?s actually interested in this romance crap? Not to say I don?t like romance, but...[/i]? ?Okay, whatever, back on track here! You?ve got the romantic greeting, the presentable paper, now we need to get the writing! You get major points if the pen is scented, and you have a date automatically if it?s written the old fashioned way.? Shinji raised his eyebrow. ?Old?fashioned way?? Asuka smirked what she called her sexy smirk. She neared her face closer to Shinji?s. ?Calligraphy.? Shinji?s eyes widened. ?Oh god?? Shinji knew how hard it was to write calligraphy. He attempted to write a series of letters in that style for art class a few days ago. It took him an hour just to get one letter finished! Granted, it was a letter that spread across half a poster, but that was not exactly the point of the matter. ?Aw come now Shinji, even a bone head like you has to know that we girls appreciate good work ethics!? ?Yeah, yeah, I know, but?oh, never mind.? Asuka just rolled her eyes before she continued with her lecture. ?Once you mastered the art of calligraphy ? which I doubt you?re going to accomplish anytime soon ? you get to move on to the really important part.? She paused for dramatic effect. ?The body. Now, whatever you do, don?t write a message! If you do, even if it is on the most expensive of papers, even if it has calligraphy, no girl will go for a boring message.? Shinji had realized that Asuka had just contradicted herself ? moments ago, she was saying that no sane girl would resist calligraphy. ?But Asuka ?? ?Shut up! I?m talking here! Jeez?? she allowed the words to trail off as she massaged her head in an attempt to relax her nerves. ?Now, be grateful that I am teaching you the [i]true[/i] secret to love letters! In fact, you should say thank you.? She grinned semi-evilly. ?Say ?thank you Asuka?.? Shinji rolled his eyes. No girl in his mind was even worth going through this much crap to go out with. Regardless, he came this far, he might as well finish Asuka?s perverted sense of torture. ?Thank you Asuka?? ?Now, to get a girl to go all gaga over you, you?ve got to write a poem. Even if you attempt to write a poem, chances are the girl will think that it?s cute and if you presented everything else good enough, you pretty much got a date. But, if you actually write a good poem, the girl will be on cloud nine.? Shinji rubbed his chin, a trait that he had unknowingly inherited from his father. ?Well,? Asuka said, breaking the silence, ?since I see that you?re so busy, I?ll go watch some TV! I?ll check up on your oh so romantic love letter writing later!? Before Shinji could even suggest a form of protest, Asuka?s seat was now vacant, her form sprawled across the couch and the television was dramatizing some stupid soap opera. Sometimes, during the commercials, Asuka would glance back at Shinji to see how he was doing. When Shinji was chewing on the middle of the pen, he was deep in thought. The end meant he was onto something, and if he nibbled on his finger nail he was about to write something down. Asuka could read him like a book. Eventually, her random glancing back at Shinji bored Asuka. She got up, deciding to take a shower. ?I?m taking a shower?, she announced. ?If you even think about peeking, you?re a dead man, understood.? Shinji nodded in recognition as he continued with his work. Once in the bathroom, Asuka began the ritual of getting ready for the shower. She would always start by unclipping her hairpins, swaying her hair from left to right to determine wherether or not she needed a hair cut. She concluded that she did. Then, someone started to knock on the doorknob. ?Asuka?? She did what was natural, and screamed. ?The hell! You?re wiggling the door knob! Stop trying to peek you pervert!? She ranted on how she was going to kill him if she saw him glancing at her naked body. Never mind the fact that she didn?t even take off her shirt yet. Shinji blushed from behind the door. ?I am not! I just wanted to tell you that I?m done?? ?Well, leave it somewhere! Jesus Shinji, don?t you know ladies want privacy in the bathroom?? ?Like you?re a lady?? ?What was that?? ?Nothing! Nothing!? Asuka undressed and got into the shower as quickly as she could, so that Shinji would not bother her again with another question or remark. She refused to leave the bathroom until she was completely dried and had clothes delivered to the doorstep. When she left the bathroom fully dressed with not a hint of moisture on her form, she found a letter on the table. ?To a Miss Sohryu Asuka Langley? Asuka rolled her eyes. ?He needs work on the title.? She could see a great deal of eraser marks around every other letter. Asuka could at least say that he attempted the fancy handwriting. Reluctantly, she opened up the letter. She took a deep breath, preparing for a disaster. [center][i]If there could be one thing I could be, I would be your tear, So I would be born from your eye, And die at your lips. If you?d give me the honor, I would listen to your words, And not allow them to slip by. Rather I would cherish them, As golden words from above. If I could make one promise, I would promise to cherish you, To be yours until our lives end, So that you would know, That there is a meaning to this world.[/center][/i] Asuka shivered. It wasn?t one of fear, or hate, or rage?.it was one of complete shock. ?[i]Shinji wrote this? Spineless Shinji? That baka Shinji? The one who couldn?t even ask a girl out to a school dance, wrote this? This letter, a letter that touched me more than all the others I got combined? The person I hate more than anything, for being better at the one thing I am good at, the one thing I am good for in this world, wrote ?this?[/i]?? Asuka never realized that several tears slipped down her cheek. Mustering up her courage, she slipped the letter into her pocket. This was one letter she was going to keep for a long time?even if it was from that idiot Shinji. At that exact moment, Shinji entered the room, his book bag hung over his shoulder. With a grunt, he plopped it down. ?What do you want?? Asuka said in a tone harsher than she felt towards the boy. ?Doing homework, what else?? He yawned before bring out some notebooks. ?Ice cream.? ?What?? ?I said I want ice cream.? ?Well, what do you expect me to do about it?? ?What else? We are going to get some ice cream!? ?What? But I?ve got homework?? ?Like I care, Shinji-kun! If I say I want ice cream, we are getting ice cream!? In her attempt to get Shinji out of the house, she never even realized that she called Shinji her friend. ?But Asuka?uh, I mean, you only have your PJs on?? ?So what? I have a sweater I can put on? And so do you! So get dressed! We?re going out!? ?What?? But before he could complete his sentence, which would of have been an stammering mess anyways, Asuka pushed Shinji into his room, shaking her fists violently. Shinji knew full well that if he didn?t comply, he would have a black eye soon enough. But he didn?t slow his pace. ?Out? We are going?out?? Behind a closed door, Shinji smiled. And even if she wouldn?t admit, so did Asuka. [center]* * * * *[/center] Shinji could spend his whole life with the red head German, and he was certain that he would never come to understand her. Even if there were thousands of essays written on her by the greatest of sages, Shinji would still be baffled by her persona. One moment, she was as commanding and overpowering as usual, instructing with her usual raging attitude how to construct a love letter. The next, she was actually being somewhat kind to him, with her suggestion (although demand would be a far better term) on getting some ice cream. Now, she was back to her old self, complaining irritably of how cold it was and why so many people had to be in line at the Ice Cream parlor. ?This is perfect! We just had to go the day it?s packed! Mein Gott!? ?Err, Asuka, it?s full of people every day.? Asuka turned to face Shinji and shot him a glare. ?Shut up, Third Child.? Shinji just rolled his eyes, and decided to wait out both the line and Asuka?s rambling. They reached the shop sooner than he expected. ?Ha!? Asuka declared triumphantly when they were the second to last person. ?I knew we would get there eventually!? ?Maybe because everyone else got sick of your complaints?? Shinji murmured under his breath. Asuka just shrugged it off. The window rolled away, and the person behind the counter asked what the two wanted. ?Just give me the double chocolate, with the cone.? The attendant nodded, and waited for Shinji?s response. Not knowing that it was actually his turn (he thought that Asuka, with her stomach that could easily be related to a warp hole, was thinking on a second order), Asuka had to elbow him in the stomach. ?Oh, sorry. Err, just get me peanut butter, with the cone as well.? With a nod from the cashier, the window closed. A few minutes later, the two ice creams came into sight. The two dropped the money onto the counter, and with their ice creams in hand, they started to walk the empty streets. As they walked the streets, to where was anyone?s guess, Shinji just remained quiet, silently licking his ice cream and in some random instances, watching Asuka eat hers. He didn?t really know what to talk about. If he asked how her ice cream was, he was certain she would say something about it being better than his. If he asked if she was cold, she would undoubtedly give him a stare and call him a pervert and claim he was thinking dirty thoughts. No matter what he would do, she would think of something painful to tell or call him. That is, until they saw the roses. It was an odd sight indeed. Now, Shinji was not saying he was used to America, but he was fairly certain that no flowers would be in bloom in the middle of November. But now, he stopped half way through a lick, to stare at a floral shop, where a row of red tipped yellow roses stood. ?Asuka?look.? Even though she gave off a slight pout, Shinji could tell that even she was intrigued by the sight, probably even more so than Shinji since she lived in America for a few years before moving to Germany. ?Who would of thought? Roses, in the heart of November. Instead of being frozen solid?here they are, lying there like they were full of life.? ?I guess?, she shrugged. Shinji walked past her, licking his ice cream. Asuka followed him until he stopped at the docks, on the edge of town. Granted, it wasn?t a long walk ? probably only an extra four or five minutes from the ice cream shop. By now, it was eight at night, and the bright stars could be seen in the night sky. Shinji sat atop the pier, letting his feet swing slightly. ?Did those roses remind you of something?? ?Like what?? Shinji licked his lips, and licked another layer of his ice cream off. ?When the school made us plant flowers in the destroyed districts. You know, that assignment that you pretty much, err, bitched about?? ?Get to the point, Third Child.? ?Well, the roses were yellow. The ones we planted, I mean.? ?I guess it?s weird?? Shinji chuckled a little bit. ?What?s do damn funny?? ?Something Kaji told me...that roses all have some special meaning. He told me that yellow roses meant friendship or something like that. It?s just kind of odd that the two of us always got yellow roses. Not red, white or pink?just yellow. Just yellow.? ?I don?t get you boys sometimes.? Shinji raised an eyebrow. ?Why do you give us a gift that?s going to wither and die?? Shinji shrugged. ?Kaji told me it was because sometimes the most beautiful of things are those that do die, because you appreciate them all the more.? Asuka didn?t say anything. Neither did Shinji. Minutes passed, and the two just remained quiet. They didn?t really know what to talk about. The previous conversation was too quiet. Suddenly, Shinji turned towards the sea, letting of an aura of nervousness and fear. ?You hear that?? ?What the hell are you talking about?? Her question was answered in time when a pod splashed into the sea. Countless more followed suit. From the wreckage Full Metals emerged, prepared for war. ?Why?? Shinji asked. Asuka did not answer. There was only the wind of war as his conclusion.
  10. My name is Matthew Anthony Federico. Matthew is Hebrew and means 'God's gift'. Anthony is Latin and/or Greek and stands for 'flower, priceless or flourishing'. Federico is Italian, but I'm clueless what it could mean. EDIT: Okay, after using Shinmaru's site, I got some more information for you. [b]MATTHEW [u]Gender: Masculine[/u] [i]Usage: English, Biblical[/i][/b] [quote]Pronounced: MATH-yoo English form of Ματθαιος (Matthaios), which was a Greek form of the Hebrew name מַתִּתְיָהוּ (Mattityahu) which meant "gift of YAHWEH". Saint Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the twelve apostles (a tax collector). He was supposedly the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament.[/quote] [b]ANTHONY [u]Gender: Masculine[/u] [i]Pronounced: AN-tho-nee, AN-to-nee[/i][/b] [quote]From the Roman family name Antonius, which is of unknown Etruscan origin. It is sometimes claimed to mean "flower" from Greek ανθος (anthos). Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius) was the Roman general who ruled the Roman empire jointly with Augustus for a short time. Their relationship turned sour however, and he and his mistress Cleopatra were attacked and forced to commit suicide. Shakespeare's tragedy 'Antony and Cleopatra' is based on them. Other famous bearers include the 3rd-century Saint Anthony the Abbot, a hermit from Egypt who founded monasticism, and the 13th-century Saint Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of Portugal.[/quote] [b]FEDERICO [u]Gender: Masculine[/u] [i]Usage: Spanish, Italian Pronounced: fay-day-REE-ko (Italian)[/i][/b] [quote]Spanish and Italian form of FREDERICK. Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini and Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca are famous bearers of this name.[/quote] So, according to my calculations,it would seem I am a gift of god that is a flower named Fredrick. Well, that is interesting.
  11. Okay, I finnaly posted. Let's try to keep the ball rolling this time!
  12. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] The heartless fell to the ground, and Ferin landed casually on a pair of rubble. The embers from his boots had finally died away, and some of the scarred stone still burnt with some fire. Moments before, he had managed to throw the colossal beast into air. Leaping to his feet, Alex kicked the monster multiple times before slamming it into the ground with a fiery blast. Of course, this had only mild effects on the monster?s capability to fight. If anything, the assault made it all the more willing to tear its attackers to pieces. Between Nanaki?s hit and run attacks, Vivi?s elemental spells, Ferin?s constant assaults and Kairi?s occasional burst of energy, it was obvious that the beast?s strength was being sapped, if but at a snail?s pace. Ferin?s once constant amount of stamina was, unfortunetley, running out. He panted heavily as sweat dripped down his face. He didn?t know how long he could last at the way this fight was going. Even with three other people, he wasn?t exactly sure this thing could be beat. Then, the calvary arrived. A wave of fire engulfed the monster, sending it crashing into one of the walls that had not yet been toppled over. Everyone turned to face the new ally ? a red headed teenager holding two disc like weapons. He leaped from a rooftop, landing on his feet practically in front of Ferin. Of course, the new fighter had his back turned on Ferin. Typical. The new combatant gave a thumb ups the other fighter?s way. ?Looks like you guys could use some help!? He turned into the direction the heartless would be, but instead found himself staring at Ferin. ?You! You?re from the Organization!? Ferin raised an eyebrow. ?The wha?? The red head jumped back. ?Don?t play dumb with me! It?s obvious! The nobodies, the heartless, that black cloak you?re wearing! You?re with the Organization! Well, get ready for ass kicking.? ?What the hell??
  13. -AKIRA -Blue Submarine -Cowboy Beebop -Elfen Lied -Full Metal Alchemist -Full Metal Panic! -Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu -Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid -Ghost in the Shell and Ghost in the Shell 2 -Gundam SEED* -Gundam Wing -Hellsing -Last Exile -Neon Genesis Evangelion -Outlaw Star -RahXephon -Wolf's Rain -Voices of a Distant Star I would like to know of any anime series you would reccomend to me now, based off of the shows I have listed above, all of which I have watched or are currentley being watched. I am more into the good characterization than comedy, although that is not to say that I do not have a funny bone (regardless of what RiflesAtRecess will tell you). Also, as a note, I do not mind nudity so much just as long as its a nude shot every other shot and actually has a REASON for being in the scene. EDIT: I forgot to put this down, * means I am currentley watching the said series.
  14. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] ?I?m?not?done?yet?? Alex noted confidently between pants of bloody breaths. Whenever he talked, a trail of blood and spit would trail from his mouth. Sweat dripped down his cheeks, and dark blood stained his clothes. Even though it felt like his spine was being ripped apart, Alex refused to slouch even an inch. He was not going to show any sign of weakness, not even in a mere test. He was going to prove to himself that he could succeed at something, even if it killed him! And at the way things were going, that seemed like a very likely possibility. ?Your resolve is admirable, Alex.? Marthrim bowed slightly. ?But is death worth the price? To lose your one spark of life?? Alex chuckled. ?I want to be?a somebody?I want to be a something?.right now, I am a nothing, a weak minded idiot who can?t do anything! I?have to do this?even if I die now! I have to win! There?s no other choice! I?ll probably die, but I have to win?I can?t fail again?? Marthrim drew one of his hand blades. ?Death before dishonor! One final charge, Risk Breaker. One last attempt at valor.? With that, the two charged right towards each other, and they swiped into their targets at the same time. For a few, sacred moments, time froze. Then, Marthrim coughed up some blood. ?You did well. Not even the Lionhearts predicted such ferocity from you?sephirothum. Keep your honor?but keep your lineage even closer.? With that, Marthrim, and the whole of the Proud Lands, vanished like dust into the wind. Alex once again found himself in the Academy. His wounds were healed ? they were just a fragment of his imagination. ?Well done, Alexander Glesen?, came a Seeker?s voice over the intercom. Alex muttered only one thing: sephirothum.
  15. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] [center]The Trial ---[/center] ?Are you ready, Alex?? the Seeker asked the young teenager as he stood before the open entranceway into the chamber. His left hand lied against the arch, shivering. As much as he wanted to go, to continue, to face the destiny that he had wished for as the past twelve years, he could not make his feet budge even an inch. He was too scared of the possibilities of failure?if he failed, Mox?s prophecy would have been true. His sorrow would consume him. The possibility of success seemed impossible. After all of his failures, how could he, a nothing, succeed? Why did his friends come to wish a nothing good luck? Why did Lazarus decide to watch him, even though one of the Seekers refused him? Why did Alex demand that the black mage be allowed to stay? Why not Ayame? Why? Why was he even here? He had no one to fight for, or even a future to fight for. His father abandoned him, his mother is dead. His friends will probably die a horrendous death on the battlefield someday. Why continue? Why even bother? Why was he still here? ?Go.? It was Lazarus, and the demand was all that Alex needed to continue. To be a slave?that was his purpose, it seemed. To follow commands without question; to complete one objective and to await another. That was his destiny. So be it. Alex stepped into the darkness. For a moment, there was nothing. It was as deep and as fearful as space. It was as if he could have had stayed their forever, and no one would find him. There would be no one to counsel him, to nurture him or even to mock him. Suddenly, two glowing figures appeared. One let off an aura of a crimson red, the other a navy blue. They looked just like him. They were his superego?and his id. The id had fiery red hair, and was bleeding all over. His clothes were reduced to rags, and his eyes were as red as blood. The fact that even his eyes cried blood made him all the more monstrous. The superego, on the other hand, had the appearance of Alex if he was a gentleman from Victorian times, with a polished coat, finely trimmed glasses, and a delicately trimmed goatee. ?Hello ego?, the superego said in a gracious manner. ?You?re late, you piece of shit!? Alex just stammered. ?The hell?where am I?? ?I is you?, the superego and the id stated at the same time. ?This is your psyche?, the superego explained. ?Yeah, here we mess with your mind.? ?Mess?my mind?? Alex didn?t understand any of it. He got no verbal response from either of them, only a snapping of their fingers. Suddenly, Alex stood in a hospital room, towering over the naked form of a woman Alex remembered all too well. Carrot Burnheart. ?What is this..?? ?You lust for her, do you not?? the superego verified. Alex only stammered. ?You wanna fuck her real bad, right?? ?No...no!? The superego just sighed. ?There is no point denying it, ego. You fantasized many times as you stared at the back of her red hair, of a perfect fantasy between the two of you. You truly want her. She is ripe for the plucking, as it were.? ?No?? The id grinned. ?Come on, fuck her! Touch her boobs; slip your fingers into her pussy! You know you want it.? ?NOOOOO!? ?Touch her. Take her. Unite her. She wants you. You want her. Take her. Take her. Take her.? Their demands continued for what seemed like hours, Alex?s eyes shaking incredibly as he screamed again and again. All that they said were true?but it had to be lies! It had to be! He wasn?t a pervert like this! He wasn?t some woman fucker who thought of them as just objects! He was different! He had to be! He was better than this! Yet, why did he masturbate almost every other night? Why did he dream of intercourse with a lustful smile? Who was he? ?Get the hell out of my mind!!? he demanded. They smiled. Then, in an instant, they vanished. But not before giving out a warning: ?We?ll be back.? Suddenly, he was on the open plains of the Proud Lands. He opened his eyes slowly, to make sure this was not another trick of his psyche. Seeing that it wasn?t ? the id and the superego were no where in sight, nor was the doppelganger of Carrot ? Alex slowly rose up, picking up his long sword. He looked around his surroundings. Minus dessert trees that dotted the surrounding, and the random hill and oasis, there was no one beside him. At least, that?s how it was for a moment. Then a lion spirit came to greet him. The wise creature entered Alex?s plain of vision in a proud manner, it not being in any hurry at all to start the conflict. They had all the time in the world. In its hand was a ceremonial spear, and besides a few ornaments, it was a naked blue beast. ?Greetings onto you, Alex Glesen.? Alex was hunched down, his breathing irregular. ?You did well in not allowing your lust for the red head to consume you. Let it be known now that the Lionhearts are pleased.? Alex slowly faced the lion spirit. ?Who?are you?? It pounded its chest in a proud manner. ?They call me Marthrim.? Alex nodded weakly. ?All right?Marthrim?what do we do now?? ?First, we get you some water. There is none cleaner in the Proud Lands, I assure you.? Marthrim turned to a nearby oasis, which Alex was certain was no more than a two minute walk away. Marthrim motioned Alex to follow, and he did so. When Alex finally drank some of the Oasis water, he felt like he was in heaven. Forgetting about the harsh heat, Alex wanted to stay in this Oasis forever. There was no pain here, no hate, no lust?just the water that seemed to complete his soul. ?It is interesting, how you humans think at times. You believe you want one thing, and yet in truth, you want another.? He turned towards Alex, tapping him lightly with the end of his spear. ?Risk Breaker, it is time to begin.? ?I?m no Risk Breaker yet.? ?Risk Breaker, it is time to begin. Grab your sword?? Understanding that Marthrim was a Lion Spirit of little patience, Alex did as he was told. ?Begin!? the Lion Spirit commanded, and Alex suddenly went flying a few feet back. Marthrim brought his spear to bear. It had begun. Marthrim charged towards Alex, expecting the teenager to not get his bearings quick enough to counter attack. Despite his wisdom, he thought wrong, and the two weapon masters? tools of battle came into contact with each other. ?Well done?, he congratulated. ?But do not slow when the enemy still breathes!? Marthrim pushed Alex back, and swiped at his feet. Alex barely dodged the attack, and before he knew it, he caught himself in a storm of spear swipes. The Lion Spirit?s attacks were too quick and many for Alex to go on the offensive. He was caught in a trap! Alex decided to take a chance. It was all or nothing ? it was his one chance to win, his only chance to win. He waited until Marthrim prepared to swipe downward at him, then Alex charged inward. Even as he felt the pain in his back, he did not let go of his blade. With grim satisfaction, he felt the spill of Marthrim?s black blood. The noble beast pulled away before making his counter attack, knocking Alex to the ground. Before he could get up, a spear was pointing at his stomach. ?I am sorry, Risk Breaker.? ?No?? ?You gave it your all?? ?No! It can?t be!? ?You fought like a true warrior?? ?I won?t fall! I won?t be a nothing! I won?t! I won?t! I?d rather die here than accept defeat! I won?t let my life be wasted!? Suddenly, Alex rose up, allowing the spear to go through his stomach. Blood flowed everywhere as Alex rose higher and higher, allowing his failing legs to get some support. Blood dripped everywhere ? his arms, his legs, his face?he had the look of a demon about him. Marthrim said nothing. Alex pulled the spear out of his gut, allowing more and more blood to be spilled. He felt an unspeakable pain in his gut, but he didn?t care. He didn?t care if he was going to die here. He didn? care if he never even got a chance to become a risk breaker. He could care less if he didn?t see any of his friends again. All he cared about was winning.
  16. Well, I'll only write people out if they don't post for like two weeks. And I don't think [I]anyone[/I] is even close to that.
  17. [b]Chapter Four ? The Shadow hides those that wait to strike[/b] With a groin, Shinji Ikari rolled off of the couch, mumbling something under his breath. He licked his lips in an odd sign of aggravation as he used his arms to rise himself up. Dressed only in boxer shorts and a white t-shirt, he rubbed his stomach lazily as he walked across the room to the kitchen. He yawned again before he looked at the digital clock that was situated in the stove. 5 : 35 PM Shinji shook his head like a wet dog in an attempt to get every last bitof sleep out of his eyes. It worked, and he yawned lazily, his arms stretching, in order to get those last portions of laziness out of his system, ?What are you doing baka?? a pajama wearing Asuka demanded from across the room, irritated that Ikari?s post-afternoon nap routine was interrupting her watching television, although it would be far more accurate to say she was merely just channel surfing. ?Yawning,? he said plainly. ?Ugh?uh, where are my clothes?? ?In the laundry basket, where else would it be? By the way,? she noted as she flipped over onto her back, ?you owe me money for the laundry!? ?I told you, I spent it at lunch! I didn?t have anything for three days!? ?Yeah, well, because of you I spent twenty bucks ? ten more than I shouldn?t have!? ?Well, where the hell am I supposed to get twenty dollars, when it takes me forever to steal three?? ?Hell if I know! You are the one that forged those fake exchange student IDs so that we can get this apartment for free, so I am sure you can think of something.? ?My gawd!?, he groaned, rolling his eyes, ?what did I get myself into?? ?You? What about me? I?m the one that has been teaching you English for the past month, not to mention that I have to deal with every other Yankee looking at my ass and boobs!? Shinji raised his eyebrow. ?Then maybe you should put on more clothes beyond t-shirt and shorts, hmm?? ?I would if we had more money!? ?And I would gladly give you some more money,? a slightly smiling Shinji noted with a hint of sarcasm, ?if all the restraunts and other places for jobs weren?t filled.? ?Oh, this is [i]just[/i] perfect.? Shinji heard her moan from across the room. [center]* * * * *[/center] Jessica Kalem was very surprised with what her husband had in store for her. A few days after coming home from his latest tour of duty, Jonathon treated her to a fancy, four star, and very expensive restaurant that had absolutely the best steak that one could ask for. Jessica, being a cook herself, tried throughout their lengthy stay to find out exactly how they managed to get that delicate piece of meat to just melt in her mouth. And much to her displeasure, she never did uncover the secret, nor would the manager reveal the mystery when asked. Afterwards, they returned to Jonathon?s father?s mansion, which also so happened to be theirs as well, and they watched a romantic movie that Jessica had been wanting to see for some time. As soon as the credits began to roll, Jonathon began to massage her back with such detail that the woman felt that she was in a spa. Of course, with her golden blonde hair, sea blue eyes, and skin that seemed to radiate beauty, Jonathon felt that he was in heaven. So, it was a welcomed example of equivalent exchange. ?So,? the blonde beauty eventually began, placing her tender hand on her lover?s hand, ?how does it feel to be back?? ?Unbelievable,? he said softly as he pecked her neck with kisses. ?If only because you?re father is the Lightning Hawk, right?? ?Hush, no need for talk like that. Just stay still for me?? The soldier?s love breathed in deeply. She turned her head upward towards the face of the man she loved. ?Its good to have you back John.? ?It?s good to [i]be[/i] back.? [center]* * * * *[/center] Shinji hummed softly Canon D-Dur quartet as he rested on his desk. It was study hall, and even though he had unfinished homework due next period for history class, he wasn?t awake enough to even take it out of his book bag, forget about actually doing some work. Asuka was up until midnight watching her sitcoms, and considering where the television was just a mere slab of thin concrete away from his head and bedroom, it was near impossible to actually get some sleep. In the end Shinji joined the German, despite her protest. She eventually got over it by the next punch line. Shinji even laughed a little. He never liked comedies that much ? he was more into drama and adventure stories. Right now though, Shinji could care less as to why he was up so late last night. Sleeping right now was impossible, with the school?s rule of no sleeping during breaks except lunch imposing over him like a vulture over a corpse. Shinji yawned again as he scanned the rest of the room in an attempt to get his body awake somehow. It bore some fruit for his labor: his right eye was now not as tired as his left, although both were both about to close the lid. Suddenly, his once exhausted eyes caught a site: he saw a face that he did not recognize. In the two weeks that he and Asuka were at the New England high school, the boy had nearly memorized into his head the face and names of every fellow student in all of his classes, if for no better reason than to pass the time between his almost infinite amount of chores, homework, finding info on just what the hell happened in the two years the two were floating in space, and Asuka?s occasional tantrums. And surprisingly enough, there was a great deal of it for the Third Child. Suddenly, the stranger turned his head towards Shinji?s exhausted face. Seeing that the teacher ? who at the moment was too busy grading some papers to give any heed to what the boy was up to ? he picked up his notebook paper and took a seat next to the tired Shinji. ?Okishimwae?? the boy said. Shinji perked up his head. ?You know Japanese?? He nodded. ?I come from Japan. My twin sister and I, we?re exchange students.? ?Ah, same here! Except my, err, room mate is not my sister, and I?m glad for that!? Shinji chuckled a little. ?Then again, we argue so much you?d think we were.? ?I see what you?re saying. Girls can be such a pain in the ass, y?know?? Shinji nodded in agreement. ?So, err, this sounds really odd, but, what?s name?? ?Shinji. Shinji Yamamoto.? ?No relation to that famous Samurai by any chance?? Shinji chuckled. ?Hell no.? ?Well, my name is Souske Miyamoto.? He cracked his knuckles, probably to get the numbness out of them from all of his note taking, and opened his notebook to the inside cover. A schedule was glued to it. He handed it to Shinji. ?Got any classes? Same as mine, I mean.? ?Uh?? he slurred as he strayed his finger down the line. ?Just fifth period?gym.? ?My god, I hate gym!? Shinji handed the notebook to his new acquaintance. ?Same here. I?d rather play the cello than do the mile.? ?You play the cello?? ?Yeah, I learned way back, well, I, mean I started way back, in like, what second, or third grade? I can?t remember which.? ?I?m kind of good with the guitar. Still on my way, though.? Shinji raised his eyebrows. ?You don?t look like the rocker type.? Souske laughed. ?It?s because I?m not!? And so, the two found themselves entwined in a conversation that neither could of gotten themselves out of, even if they wanted to, until the period bell rang. They said their goodbyes as they packed their things, and promised to talk again in gym class, just a few hours away. [center]* * * * *[/center] At two forty, Shinji was sitting on the front steps of the school, his gym clothes stuffed into his bag. He was sweating horribly. The coach must of thought it would ?fun? to have the class run the mile in just forty five minutes, and then play tackle football for the remainder of class. Needless to say, Shinji did not agree with the coach?s opinion on entertainment, if for no better reason than after that pig pile that consisted of half the class, he would be aching for a week, if not more. Shinji looked at his watch. Asuka was usually at the entrance by two thirty five. Ikari was by no means a worry wart, and was willing to let the great Asuka Langley Shoryu spend as much time as she wants walking to the entrance. Last time Shinji told her to move faster, he couldn?t fell his balls for a week. The door swung open. Hoping it was Asuka, Shinji turned. Instead of the red head, he found Souske, still clothed in his gym clothes. ??Sup,? he said in a sarcastic gesture. Seeing Shinji giving him a confused, he decided to sit next to him. ?So, what are you still doing here Shinji-kun?? ?Asuka,? he groaned. ?Ah, the boss maiden of your fine apartment home I see. Well, I?m waiting for my sis too. We said we were gonna meet here ten minutes ago, but she?s running late. Which is a miracle in itself! Y?see, my sister, she?s [i]never[/i] late. I?m starting to wonder if terrorists have made her their hostage or something.? Shinji smiled slightly. ?If she is anything like Asuka, it will be the other way around.? ?Damn straight!? came a familiar cry. The two startled teens turned their heads to see Asuka and Kanomai towering over them. ?I see you have meet Souske.? ?And?, Souske observed, ?I see you have met my sister.? Intrigued by the situation, Souske grinned. ?I just love how everything turns full circle.? ?Anyways,? Kanomai interrupted, ?we?re going to their place.? ?Says so?? Souske asked, not exactly expecting the turn of events. ?Says me,? she declared quite cheerfully. With that, Souske got up to stare at his twin sister. ?And I have to listen to you [i]why[/i]?? Kanomai smiled, quite proud of her response, which is the one response that no sane man in his right state of mind ever wants to hear from the current woman of the household: ?Because if you do, I?m not making dinner.? As soon as she said that, Souske agreed on the spot. [center]* * * * *[/center] The office of Keel Lorenz, the supreme master of SEELE, and coincidently, the world, was as dark as it had ever been. The symbol of SEELE, the six eyes of Lilith, shone at the ceiling. His gloved hands were folded below his chin in both a frightening and commanding manner. ?Come in,? he commanded and the mischievous form of Christopher-Ryan Fredicoh entered the darkness. ?The twins have found the second and third child.? ?An interesting development.? ?Want them to start splitting some heads? Somewhat? Not at all?? ?Not at all will do. We need Master Ikari and Miss Langley Shoryu. The Human Instrumentality Project may just come to fruition. We merely just need the Lance and everything that began with the invasion of the old NERV will fall into place.? ?Whatever ya say, boss-man.? ?And speaking of twins, where did you acquire them? Granted, our corporations trust does not involve investigation, but I cannot help but curious as to how you acquired such valuable assets.? ?Heh heh, why, they just came to me, they did!? Keel raised his eyebrows, intrigued. ?Out of the blue?? Fredicoh licked his lips. ?Out of the blue and into puddles of blood from my guards!? Keel rubbed his hands in satisfaction. ?A fitting assassin?s introduction if there ever was one.? He sighed as he turned his chair to face the representative of ADVENT. ?I take it that they are acting ?normal? in their current setting?? ?As friendly as Helen of Troy with her ass on fire!? ?Yes, I suppose so. Well, make sure that they do not make Ikari and Shoryu suspect their true intention. They need to act like actual High School students, although I am fairly certain they are aware of the situation.? ?Sure thing, boss man. Well, I must be off! So adios amigos!? With that, the holographic image of the madman vanished. ?It is all coming together.? [center]* * * * *[/center] ?Nothing like good old fashioned American Pizza, now is there Shinji?? a mischievously smiling Asuka asked the quiet teen. The Miyamoto twins were invited for dinner, and Asuka and Shinji had used every stray penny, dime and quarter in their apartment to help pay for the pizza. ?I still prefer good old noodles,? he solemnly noted as he grabbed another slice. ?You?ll never learn,? Asuka sighed before turning to face Kanomai. ?See what I?ve got to put up with?? ?He doesn?t seem that bad. He?s more behaved than Souske, at least.? ?Wha?? a startled Souske asked, half a slice of pizza in his mouth. The two girls just giggled. Shinji sighed as a counter measure. When the twins finally left, it was close to ten. Shinji and Asuka didn?t even start work on any of their homework. It would doubtlessly prove simple for Asuka: she was a college graduate, after all. Shinji, on the other hand, would like be up until two in the morning working on his assignments, with half of it being Shinji flipping through his Japanese-English dictionary to translate the letters. Asuka sighed miserably as Shinji started work on cleaning the table. ?Baka!? Shinji stared at her, confused as to why she was calling him her imposed nickname when he was just doing what he did everyday ever since he first moved in with Misato. ?What?? [i]?Oh god, I know I am going to regret this! But if I don?t, I know Kanomai will be bugging me about it tomorrow.?[/i] ?Don?t you have homework to do?? ?Yeah, but who?s going to do the dishes? You?? ?And why not?? ?Do I even need to say it?? ?That?s it, Third Child!? ?Aw crap.? With that, the German caught Shinji into a tackle, and when she had a strong enough hold on the squirming teen, practically threw him into his room, his book bag along with him. ?I?ll handle the dishes! You get those Algebra questions done!? Rubbing his head, which was the cushion for his book bag, Shinji wondered what he did to piss of Asuka this time. And why did she decide to the chores in his stead? Concluding that it was all thanks to Lady Luck, Shinji unpacked his school work and got to work. Asuka humming some tune as she worked on the dishes could be heard in the background. A few rooms over, the Miyamoto twins were conversing amongst themselves, regarding their new allies, and consequently, targets. ?Without a doubt they are Ikari and Shoryu.? Kanomai sighed. ?And yet, somehow, they are oblivious to our true intent. You would think that they would be more aware of SEELE?s hold on the world?? Souske chuckled softly. ?Floating in space for two years will do that to you.? ?I suppose,? his sister sighed. ?When do we kill them?? ?When father or Fredicoh tells us to.? ?And, for being our friends, it will be quick, and painless.? ?They couldn?t ask for better friends,? Souske noted.
  18. [center][i]At the end of the day, as night fell, a being lay dead. Abraxas Mox, too caught up in his web of darkness and evil intent to escape, was consumed by a demon prince. And because of his foolishness, four would be risk breakers almost faced Lady Death?s judgment. She decreed that they would live. And so, the twelve resumed their lives. Disagreements became rivalries, interest became love, and loneliness became depression. None of the Twelve?s lives will be the same. The day has come, at long last. The Trial?and the Exam. It is time to prove their worth. Risk Breakers, tell us your tale![/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/CiAlFo_one.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] [center]Three hours to the Trial ---[/center] Alex was dead. His spirits had sunk. His body has become a motionless entity. His breathing degraded into a state of unnatural movements. He would not even allow his eyes to blink. He simply was. He simply stood there, in his dorm room, staring at his Longsword has if it was the answer to life itself. ?So now, I am just a weapon. A tool of the Academy?to kill.? He breathed in. ?So be it.? With that, Alex sheathed his sword and made his way to the Room?some of his friends were waiting for him. They wanted to watch him fight the Lion Spirit. Alex didn?t want them, but he knew he couldn?t force them to leave. They would probably kill Alex if he suggested the option. He didn?t want them to see him become a tool. [quote][b]OOC[/b] OK guys, heres the deal. The Trials have begun! In it, each student will be given a personal test that will put their physical and mental strengths and weakness to the limit. Be creative in your trials! Unless you plan to watch Alex, or any other member's Trial, you do not have to wait for the others to finish. You may begin whenever you want to. Good luck![/quote]
  19. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] ?Now, we are even.? The phrase went through his head like a runaway train. Indeed, Blaize had a point. After all, both of their weapons were pointing straight at each other. Both were ready to pounce, to finish the task. After all the years of rivalry, Alex could finish it in one, swift stroke. But then, an idea crossed his mind. Alex withdrew his blade. ?Nah, I?d better not. It would be more fun this way?if you owe me one.? Alex smirked, and with that walked off, grabbing his book lightly as he left the park. ?You-you son of a bitch!? Blaize swore at Alex, shaking his fist angrily like a lunatic.
  20. Why are you so impatient? It is not a good idea to get a gf at all until the mid teens, or else the likelyhood of premartial sex, and thus STDs, increases dramsticly. So, what you call a curse is actually a blessing. Don't be so hard on yourself - I have never even gotten kissed by a girl, and I'm entering my Senior year! Not getting a girl by your age is not the end of the world.
  21. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] [center]Day 74 ? Confrontation ---[/center] It was late afternoon, and Alex was finally able to have some leisure time to himself. Finally, after three months of hard work and constant studying he was nearing the end of his days as a student, and would be given a chance to become a Risk Breaker. Someone will actually give him a chance to be recognized. For his whole life, Alex had prepared for that moment. But now, was a time to rest. In a little over a week the Trial, the perquisite to the Exam, will begin. If he worked too hard, he would probably drive himself insane. Alex rested himself against a stone bench, reading ?The Ego and the Id?. It was a fascinating essay, focusing on the aspects that made up the psyche of the human mind. The psychologist suggested that a sort of war is constantly going on in a person psyche, where the ego, the id, and the superego each strive in supremacy. In a healthy mind, the ego is always the superior, and mediates between the primitive desires of the id and the social demands of the superego. When an ego fails in this, a person goes insane?or at least that is what the author suggested. Alex was so caught up in the reading that he never heard the footsteps of a certain Blaize Harbringer walk up to him. Silent as a mouse (which was an amazingly rare feet for him, being a loudmouth and all), he sat next to Alex. Too absorbed in by his reading, he never detected Blaize?s movement until he mockingly poked Alex. Caught totally by surprise, Alex practically leaped off of his seat. ?Who the hell! ? Oh, it?s you? he groaned. Blaize was infamous in Alex?s list of people for being a rival at best, and at worst, one he hated with all his guts. ?Why hello there Mister big-shot?, Blaize grinned mockingly. ?What cha up to?? ?Things?, Alex vaguely answered. ?What type of things?? ?None of your business, so buzz off!? Blaize chuckled. ?Oh, I?m so scared.? He licked his lips. ?You think so high and mighty, now don?t ya? Killing an instructor and all.? ?Actually, it made me feel like shit?? ?Why don?t you go bother someone else?? Alex half demanded. ?Because you?re more fun.? Alex just rolled his eyes in a pitiful sign of rebellion. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Okay Sin, you're on. Now, lets create a rivalry between these two guys, k?[/COLOR]
  22. I've added the FAQ to the site. It can be found [url=http://geocities.com/CITIUSAF/faq.htm]here[/url]. On another note, I decided to extend the length of the Prologue to a few more posts, maybe three or four. Also, when/if you send me your character's analysis, do so in a .doc. Please and thank you. :)
  23. [QUOTE]I especially love the link-picture in the Characters page - although I don't understand why my character is the only one upside down... (:[/QUOTE] Because its fun to piss of the mods! :D On a more serious note, you'll notice that their is a bunch of opposites - left and right are facing away, top and down face towards the sky and the ground, etc. Thats why.
  24. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] [center]Day 18 - Alex is summoned ---[/center] The two weeks went by in a flash in Alex?s mind. For the couple of days after the announcement, the student body put two and two together and Alex instantly became both a celebrity and a first rate murderer all at the same time. For actually winning a fight against an instructor, he became more popular the biggest rock stars. However, since he killed the said instructor (although no one really cared for Mox), he was labeled as ?crazy lunatic subject number one? and to even glance at him was social suicide. Things had not changed one bit. In the time he had meet his group of friends he was invited to two birthday celebrations ? for Sakura and Rinoa?s love puppy Havok ? but he had to turn down both. He claimed it was not exactly safe for him to walk the halls after four, to which he did have a point. Even during school hours, Alex was glared at by his fellow students with looks that could kill. Alex could only imagine what would happen if a group of students confronted him when there were no instructors around. The real truth of the matter was that Alex just did not want to go period. There was too much on his mind, mainly the upcoming Trials. He had to be ready for it. He had to succeed, he would tell himself constantly as he practiced his technique. He had to rise from this small pit of self-hate that he found himself in. One day, something unexpected happened. It was lunch time, and as usual, the line was so long that you would think that you were attending a videogame convention. Alex, with a tray full of food in hand, was about to pay when he felt someone pull on him. He dropped his food to the ground, and Alex could not help but be disappointed. ?What the hell-!? Alex yelled. He stopped short when he saw he was separated from his meal not by a student, but a seeker. This could only mean trouble. ?Come. The headmaster is expecting you.? Alex nodded nervously. [center]***[/center] When Alex entered his headmaster?s quarters, he found the man staring out towards the sky. Without turning to face him, he requested Alex to sit down. Alex nodded nervously, and did as he was told. ?Good afternoon. I understand you were in the middle of lunch, so I had some sent up.? He nodded to an attendant, and a tray full of the food Alex was going to eat was given to him. Enteri nodded, and Alex began to meet, if not somewhat slow and careful as to not make a mess. ?I thought I could speak with you on what happened with Mox.? Alex swallowed down all that was in his mouth at the time. ?Sir, I told you everything.? ?Yes you did. I am not questioning your honest nature, Alex. I am merely going to explain what happened.? Alex didn?t understand any of it. ?There was a time when Mox was going to kill you.? ?Yeah?when he shot me with those shadow missiles?? ?No, you are mistaken. Before that, when you fell to your knees.? ?Okay?? Alex did not understand the point. ?What did you remember of that time frame in the fight?? ?I just remembered falling?and then I was behind him. He was grabbing his gut, like something smashed into it. Next thing I knew, I had thrown him up into the air. I jumped, grabbed him, and threw him down.? ?Elemental Evolution.? ?What?? Enteri coughed some weariness out of his throat. ?Elemental Evolution. It is when an elemental magi specialist merges with his elemental of choice. It is a somewhat rare occurrence, when something called System ID occurs in the magi user?s psychosis. When the id, the primal desires of a person, dominates the mind, System ID starts a chain reaction which results in the elemental evolution.? ?I don?t understand Headmaster. I thought every elemental mage went through the evolution.? ?Yes, that is true. But, it is usually sometime between their thirtieth and fiftieth year as a mage. You happened ahead of schedule.? ?What does that mean, headmaster?? ?It means, you are fortunate that it happened when it did, or else you may very well have died.? Enteri coughed. ?You are dismissed when you have finished your lunch. I am looking forward to your exam scores, Mister Glesen.? And with that, Alex continued with his lunch.
  25. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/b][/center] [center]11:20 AM ? The message is heard, and news is revealed ---[/center] As always, Headmaster Enteri?s voice was calm, in the same low, yet somehow uplifting tone that had spread his fame throughout the school. Also to the Headmaster?s credit, the message was quick and to the point. [i]?Get to the meeting or you?re in deep shit?[/i], Alex deciphered the message for himself. Using his arms as support, Alex attempted to lift himself up. Nurse Mallon, in her constant, if not irritating, care for the student, rushed to slow him down. She planned to have him transported to the assembly in a hostipal bed. ?Mister Glesen! You are not to get up! Your wounds have not completely?healed?? The head of the infirmary stared in amazement as Alex slowly unwrapped the bandages around his chest. When he had arrived less than twelve hours ago, if he had not been attended to immediately, Alex surely would have died. Now, there was no evidence of any scars, nevertheless a battle. She just starred at him, unable to say anything comprehendible. ?Can I go??, Alex said arrogantly, although that was not his intent. He just wanted to get to the assembly, and didn?t want to be held back by the Nurse. She nodded shakily, and with that Alex headed for a nearby closet where his clothes laid. Slipping on his white and black jackets and tanned jeans, Alex made his way towards the auditorium. Several of his comrades, Ayame in particular, suggested they go as a group, but shook his head lightly, ending it with a ?No thanks?. [center]***[/center] Military drums could almost be heard in Alex?s ears as he took his seat in the vast auditorium. Not in the literal sense, but in the place where banners of the Academy?s symbols, the four way cross, was displayed, it was not hard for Alex to image drums being played. Alex shrugged it off as him being too much the romantic. He eventually saw the form of a certain Carrot Burnheart take the seat next to him. Before Alex could ask her to leave ? he didn?t really feel the want to talk to anyone he knew, even though he felt no transgressions against the fiery redhead, Carrot scolded ?It?s not like I want to sit next to you or anything, blue eyes. It?s just that I can?t find a seat, so don?t try anything perverted, got it?? ?Whatever?, Alex grumbled. Carrot pouted somewhat, expecting a more pathetic answer, but her attention was diverted to the Headmaster as he began to speak. ?Good afternoon. I will get straight to the point of the matter. As I am sure most of you are already aware, there was an incident in the basement levels around midnight. It would appear that the black magi instructor, Arreleis Mox, attempted to summon a minor demon of the hells, Aggaememmnon. The reasons for this are vague, to say the least, but we are certain that Mox was going to use it to test some last years in the upcoming Trials, with proper precautions to weaken the demon we are certain. Alas, things got out of hand and the demon went on a small rampage. He eliminated the Instructor, and his student, Lazarus McCloud banished him to the hells. Meanwhile, students who were trespassing to retrieve some information on the Trials assaulted the demon to buy Mister McCloud time. That is the truth of the matter on the Mox Incident as some of you have decided to call it.? The headmaster coughed softly as he continued the speech. ?Now, I will move on to more interesting matters at hand, I?m sure. The incident with Mox has slowed down neither the trail nor the Final Exam. Both will take place in three months, as was planned. And yes, the Trial will be unique to each student, thanks to new runes we have imported from the Western Continent. And as keeping to tradition, the Exams will be set to all Trial graduates in groups of four. That is all for this meeting. All classes are dismissed for the day, but will resume tomorrow.? OOC: OK guys, the Prologue is now 99% over. You may now skip around the month to any amount you may please. There should be no more than FIVE posts that are in the Prologue, including my own. I shall initiate Chapter One.
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