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Everything posted by Doublehex

  1. I fixed the link, so now there shouldn't be [I]any[/I] troubles whatsoever. And while we are on the topic of the site, you will notice that there is a page called 'character analysis'. This where I will post in depth guides to the characters of the RP, which will tell us in great detail in what makes your person tick. I think not only I, but [I]everyone[/I] would appreciate it if you sent me one so we can better understand your character better. Also Kitty, its [I]spam[/I]. :-P
  2. There will be a dance after the exam. BTW, I am fifty percent done with a website for the RP, becasue of the insistence (aka spamming) of Kitty. You can see it [url=http://www.geocities.com/citiusaf]here[/url].
  3. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] The cat-shaped clock in the infirmary reads 10:01 AM - - - - - ?We?ll be back soon?, Rinoa assured Alex, tapping her heels as she and Havok left the infirmary to make sure Carrot didn?t cause the next Contra War. Alex just sighed. Now he was all alone with the nurse. He ignored the fact that Lazarus was still there. He didn?t exactly expect Lazarus to start or hold any sort of conversation. Alex?s theory, however, was proved wrong when Lazarus snickered softly. ?Man, its hard to believe, isn?t it?? Alex just ignored him. It was probably gonna devolve into a raunchy comment at his inconvenience. ?I can?t believe that good for nothing bastard is dead! Finally! Ha, he deserved what he got; I?m telling you that right now!? Lazarus breathed in, containing his excitement. ?Heh, sorry about that. I guess I should thank you Alex.? ?Whys that?? Alex mumbled, not really caring. ?Because Mox was a son of a bitch in every sense of the word. The things he made me do?gawd, I can?t even think about it.? ?Whatever.? ?Yeah, I guess you?re right. I wouldn?t be surprised, considering the way I treated you like an ass?? ?You got that right?? ?You remind me of when I was a kid, though.? He paused. ?When I first came, I mean.? ?What??
  4. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] Right before the heartless? foot would have had crushed him, Ferin found himself on a tower. ?The hell?? Suddenly, he was back in Twilight Town, standing right next to Kairi. ?The hell!? she screamed as she fell to the ground. ?How did you-? I mean, you were there?and now you?re here, and?? Ferin didn?t let her finish her poorly formulated sentence, however. He just sprinted off to join in the fight. The monster howled as its massive fists smashed into the ground, forcing Nanaki and Vivi to stay back. They couldn?t even get close to it, unless they wanted to be smashed into oblivion. But then along came Ferin, totally throwing away the threat of danger, leaping into battle! Using a pile of rubble as a giant trampoline, Ferin leaped atop of the beast. The monster slammed its shield at Ferin, sending him flying into a wall. Ferin however, managed to land on his feet and ricocheted right back at the monster, keyblades first. The colossus was too slow to counter, and Ferin?s attack sent the monster flying, on top of Kairi if it weren?t for Nanaki. ?For a fool, he has at least some idea on what to do,? Nanaki half-complimented the keyblade master as he dropped Kairi off before joining his comrades. Vivi showered the monster with a collection of frost missiles, the red beast clawed and assaulted the beast, and Ferin continued to dig his two keyblades into the monster?s back. Soon enough, the warriors were assured that victory was theirs. That is, until the heartless shook them off, and slammed its shield into the ground, sending a large shockwave Ferin?s way, who had his foot trapped under some rubble.
  5. Fine, I guess I might as well post... First Period - Support Magic Second - Weapon Training [Instructor Cavalier] Third - Study Period -=Lunch=- Fourth - Lightning Magi [Instructor Aki] Another note! Chapter One will start Friday or Saturday, so after Rinoa's fight lets wrap up all of the loose ends.
  6. [quote]Second, i guess it's safe to assume that most of us are taking the same type of classes aside from our respective majors and minors, so if i make any other posts involving the classes i'll prolly stick one or two of yas in there with me, heh. Also, DH. You have a certain criteria on how the groups are being chosen yet? Or are we not meant to know yet :cool:[/quote] The groups have already been choosen, and no you will not learn who is who until in a few days (or at least after the Trials), but I will say this: some of you will hate me, some of you will leap for joy, and the rest of you will send me death mail. [quote] [Edit: BTW, nice evangelion style post DH ;P.[/QUOTE] Thanks, I learned that style from my work on my Evangelion fan fic...which I still have to get back to, BTW...
  7. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][b][center][-Alex-][/url][/b][/center] ?You really should be sleeping, Mister Glesen,? Mallon scolded as she helped Alex sit up. ?You nearly got your spine fractured. You should not even be awake.? Alex just moaned in response. Sighing, Mallon attempted to have him lay flat on the bed, but Alex just grunted softly in rebellion. ?Fine, fine, be that way!? ?Having trouble with a patient nurse?? Carrot asked as she walked in. ?Ah, perfect timing Miss Burnheart! I need to attend a faculty meeting to inform the higher ups what happened. Can you watch the students here?? ?What [i]did[/i] happen?? Mallon sighed. ?I guess I can tell you, since Headmaster Enteri will probably inform the school anyways. It was Instructor Mox ? he tried to kill them.? Carrot was shocked. ?An instructor tried to kill a student?? ?Not student. Students ? three others are here, resting.? She backed away to show the resting forms of Lazarus, Ayame, and Kyosuke. ?Kyosuke, eh? Got in too much trouble for his own good I see.? ?Miss Burnheart!? ?Sorry ma?am.? Mallon sighed. ?Just watch after them please?and make sure Alex doesn?t do anything drastic. He?s been restless for the past hour.? ?Understood ma?am.? With that, the elder nurse left and Carrot was left alone. Alex moaned as he tried to reach for a glass of water. Carrot rushed to him, lightly pushing him onto the bed. ?Here?, she assured him as she handed him the drink. ?T-thanks,? he whispered. Carrot raised an eyebrow. She could of sworn she had seen him somewhere before. Then it hit her ? he was here yesterday, when she came for a definition of a term! ?You were here yesterday, weren?t you?? ?Y-yeah?? The cup was drained. ?Hey, you want some more? You look kinda thirsty.? ?Y-yeah, sure, I guess?? ?You guess? What is it, wise guy? Its either one or the other!? ?Uh, sure, let me have another.? Glad that the boy finally chose on an answer, she filled it at a nearby sink and handed him the glass. Alex quickly drained it. ?So, what the hell happened?? ?What?? ?Don?t play dumb with me! You guys look like you just came from a war! I know Mox tried to kill you, four eyes and miss hyperactivity, so what I want to know is why. So spill the beans!? Despite the harsh tense the redhead had with him, Alex didn?t feel threatened by her. He actually felt comforted. ?Me and Ayame went sneaking into Mox?s chamber to spy on his class session with Lazarus, because Lazarus said earlier that Mox was in on the Trials. So, we went in, and when Mox found us, he tried to kill us. Kyosuke was struck cold, and Ayame was knocked out. I held Mox off while Lazarus summoned Aggaememmnon. Long story short, I got my ass kicked, Lazarus summoned the demon, Mox got chewed in half.? Carrot giggled. ?Wow, I never expected a big, dramatic story like that from a pipsqueak like you. I guess you deserve to know my name at least.? She extended her hand. ?Carrot Burnheart.? ?A-Alex Glesen.? ?Well, nice to meet you?I guess.? ?You guess? Which is it? Is it nice to meet me or isn?t it?? Carrot giggled a little, realized she got caught in her own. ?[i]Fine[/i]. It?s nice to meet you.? ?Good enough?, Alex sighed.
  8. [QUOTE=Sandy]Actually, I was thinking we all would be preparing to the Final Exam by taking [B]special[/B] lessons, like the one Carrot and Rinoa had about combining support- and fire magic. I mean, all the characters have already gone through all basic studies in the past years (they know how to fight, cast spells and all that stuff), and now they should just [B]rehearse and train[/B] for their last ordeal before becoming a Risk Breaker. Anyone agree with me? Oh, and I'm thinking that Carrot's next lesson would be training with a weapon (in her case, the mace) that's been enhanced by a [I]magi[/I] crystal. That's another example of what I mean with special classes.[/QUOTE] I agree, but won't they rehearse the specific subjects in the specific courses? ;) BTW, the first chapter is gonna start in a few days, where we will start with the Trial. The trail is unique for each person, where each person is test on their strengths and weaknesses. The Final Exam is where we will be split three groups of four, and will determine wherether we will be Risk Breakers or not. And boy do I have a few surprises in mind! ;)
  9. Make it up as we go along. The prologue won't be going on for much longer, so it would be a waste. Unless you are [I]really[/I] bored...:-P
  10. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][b][center][-Alex-][/url][/b][/center] Blackness. A great cage that goes on and on and on?it does not end, it does not begin. It is simply there, a creation of your mind. Isn?t that right, Alex Glesen? Where am I? Here. Where is here? There. This doesn?t make any sense! Nothing makes sense. Some things just make more sense than others. It is a matter of perception. I don?t want to be here. Get me out of this place! Get me out! Out! Out! I hate it, I hate it, I hate! Damnit, I want to see! I wanna be! I wanna do things! Let me live! Live! Live! Live! Kyosuke?Sakura?Rinoa?Ayame?I want to see them! I need to see them! Let me out! Let me out! A line echoes across. Do you know who you are? A line slips downward. What? Across. There are many Alex Glesens in the world. There is the Alex Glesen in Sakura Cylen?s mind, there is the Alex Glesen in Kyosuke Ories? mind, there is the Alex Glesen in Instructor Aki?s mind, there is the Alex Glesen in Rinoa Ryuzaki?s mind, there is the Alex Glesen in Ayame?s mind, and there is the Alex Glesen in Carrot Burnheart?s mind. Down. Who? Across. You hide from the pain. Vertical. A car burning in the streets. Down. Let it stop! I don?t want to see this! Across. You want to spin a constant thread of happiness, but that simply cannot be. Down Make it stop! Mama! Mom, make it stop! Please Mom?please? Across Pain and happiness rest side by side. The perfect life is one of both joy and gloom. People will feel darkness in their hearts, but they will see light as well, if they will accept it. Down I don?t want to live! I don?t want to be here! I just want to be! Vertical ?I?ll be a good boy! I will be a good boy! Papa, don?t let them take me! Let me stay! I?ll be the bestest boy there ever was! Please Papa! Papa!!? Down My father?he left me? Across You must accept the pain. Let the separated threads unite. [center]*[/center] Nurse Mallon looked over at Alex Glesen. ?Oh, he?s awake now.?
  11. For number of classes, I was thinking seven, with each being an hour each, with a half hour between fourth and fifth for lunch. As for how classes develop through the years, well, base it off the real school system. Example - Freshamn year your math is Alegbra I. Sophmore year its Geometry, etc.
  12. OOC: One of the links is a song that I thought was fitting for the fight. I will be doing this more often, so you know. I hosted it on my own, so when you click on it, just do Open, so that it will stream it for you. [b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=741603#post741603][-Alex-][/b][/center][/url] Mox drew his [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/misc/1133443654_fullres.jpg][b]sword[/b][/url], a massive weapon inscribed with runes of a darker nature, but it did not exactly glow of evil incarnate. Its master however was not so lucky, although Alex had little doubt that the insane instructor did not feel a bad consiounce about his nature. ?So, the young fool dares to actually fight? I have seen your skills in Cavalier?s sparing sessions, Mister Glesen, and you are more on par with a pup than an actual risk breaker!? ?Shut up! Shut up!? ?I?m afraid whimpering will not do you any good tonight. But trully, you should be thanking me.? ?What?? ?You see, my dieing now, you will be saved a humiliating defeat against the Lion Spirit! After all, your whole life would have had been just a waste. Twelve years of constant practice, of studying the tomes of the Academy, of bleeding sweat and tears! All of it was a waste; even if you never came tonight, your sorrow would of have had consumed you. You would of died a coward, but tonight, you die a warrior in battle!? ?A warrior? Coward?? ?Yes,? Mox assured him. ?No Alex!? Ayame pleaded. ?Don?t listen to him!? ?Quiet!? Mox commanded. He raised his pentagram-scarred hand towards her, and a black wave overwhelmed her. Daiya was thrown off of his summoner, and Ayame slammed into a wall. Her body didn?t move ? if she was alive or dead Alex couldn?t tell. ?Ayame!? Alex cried out. ?Don?t you see? Its hopeless! Your sorrow will consume you. Let it be your courage that does it for you! Draw your sword, would be risk breaker.? ?You son of a bitch!? Mox chuckled. ?Well, at least we agree on something.? With that, he [url=http://www.datafilehost.com/download.php?file=33ad4310][u]charged[/url][/u], a series of angry shadow spirits wrapping themselves around the crimson blade. Alex summoned what remained of his courage, and charged at the elder instructor, and their blades clashed in a dance of chaos and lightning. Mox flipped back, sending a series of shadow bolts Alex?s way. The student made a mad dash for cover behind some pillars, being nearly hit by the missiles. He was not safe yet, however, as some great force grabbed a hold of him. He was dangling in the air, staring at an upside down Mox. Or perhaps it was because Alex was the one that was upside down. ?I told you it was hopeless.? With that, Alex was sent smashing into the ceiling. He was just as quickly thrown to a wall, and to the floor. This repeated several times over, with each consecutive hit Alex was brought closer to death. He had no way to counter it! He could not move! It was hopeless. Odd enough, there was a time when Mox stopped hurling him in every direction. Half dead, Alex landed on his feet, although it was not by his intervention. Mox licked his lips, and charged. ?I just need to?move?? Alex moaned as he fell to his feet. [i][center]Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers. Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning! Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla! Where the brave may live forever![/i][/center] Alex had no idea where the poem came from, nor the image of great wooden hall that complimented it in his mind. All he knew was that at one time he was all flesh, the next he was as fast as lightning in the literal sense. His flesh and bone became sparks and electricity, and he smashed through the charging Mox. The dark instructor was sent hurling towards the wall, but he landed on his feet and leaped towards him. Their blades clashed. ?I understand it now perfectly.? By now, Alex was flesh and bone again. He had no idea what had happened. ?What?? ?You won?t live to find out!? Mox swiped his blade at Alex, but he dodged the attack. He swung his blade upward, and Mox was sent flying into the air. Alex leaped after him, and slashed at him repeatedly until he tackled the pale instructor and sent them both into the ground. Alex rose from the small crater, thinking was Mox dead for good. He thought wrong, and was blasted by a series of shadow missiles. Alex attempted to rise, but he felt the sharp end of Mox?s sword scrapping his neck. ?Its over,? Mox decided. ??Not exactly, you mother fucking son of a whore!? Mox turned to see a bloody Lazarus standing behind him, with a certain minor prince of the pit towering over him. Lazarus crossed his arm in a proud manner. ?Bon appetite, Agamemmnon? The crimson demon snarled as it extended its hand. Mox was instantly trapped within a cage of barb wire that slowly snarled itself under its skin, like a needle. Screaming in pain, his pitiful life ended when the demon devoured him whole, leaving a pile of blood beside Alex. ?You can go now,? he assured the demon. ?A pity, it ended so quickly.? With that, a crimson vortex appeared behind the demon, and it left the mortal plane to return to its hell. Lazarus ran to Alex, obviously concerned. ?Alex! Alex!? He supported his weary head under his arm. ?I-I-won?did I? Did I win?? Lazarus nodded. ?You sure did, you son of a bitch.? Alex chuckled. ?T-that?s nice, I guess?? With that, the darkness consumed him. All he remembered was Ayame?s cry for help.
  13. [quote name='Sandy']Not at all. This is your game so you're free to do anything you want. ;D[/quote] Thanks, but I try to follow the golden rule in everything I do.
  14. [QUOTE=Sandy]Another thing that confuses me are the Instructors and other staff of the school, so I'm collecting a list of them here. [U][B]Academy Faculty (in the order of appearance):[/B][/U] Instructor [B]Aki[/B] teaches the use of Magi(?) Instructor [B]Merele Shandala[/B] teaches the combination of Elemental and Support magic Professor [B]Mox[/B] teaches Black Magic Instructor [B]Cavalier[/B] teaches weapon training Nurse [B]Mallon[/B] runs the infirmary Instructor [B]Uzume[/B] teaches Summoning Magic Headmaster [B]Enteri[/B] runs the Academy Instructor [B]Andrews[/B] teaches Blue Magic Instructor [B]Atsu[/B] teaches Fire Magic Instructor [B]Phoenix[/B] teaches Support Magic If I missed anybody, do tell. It would be good if we updated this list as new names came, so that we don't all use different sets of Instructors.[/QUOTE] Good idea Sandy. Mind if I post this on the front page?
  15. My most important figure in my life are my dad and my grandmother. Now, if you knew me in RL, you would never have expected that we would get along. I mean, we fight on everything, on the supidest things really, and we do not technically get along, with him having an anger time bomb the size of an inch, but the morals he has set into my life are so imporant that I am more than willing to tolerate all of the fights we have. Because of him, I am not some other constantly swearing girl stalking or degrading man. Instead, I am one of high moral values, who respect everyone as much as possible, who tries not to swear as much as the guy next to me (although I do so frequentley, its not f** f***ing hell sh*it, or anythign even close to that!). My grandmother, well she has been such a support in my life, always saying nice things to me when I am down in the dumps, and was the first one that discovered my skill for writing.
  16. Personally, I think its a good thing. I think the [I]real[/I] reason that they are blocking the social sites is because most kids are wasting their time goofing around in the school's computer labs instead of doing their work! Now, I love the internet as much as the next guy, but you don't socialize in class when doing a test, do you? No, you work on the test. I think the same philosphy should apply to the computer labs. I won't tell you how many times some of my computer lab neighbors would go on mySpace or whatever community site out there instead of doing research.
  17. I just thought that I'd do some expiermentation with the neo gothic style, as featured in Sin City. I'm not advanced enough to create works like KW, Kitty and White, but I wanted to make something unique, not a mass of images from the net. Thus, what you see before you.
  18. [center][img]http://www.animepavilion.com/images/GRAPHICNVL/1596970316.jpg[/img][/center] A very interesting manga that I picked up while at Logan Airport. It deals with a 'family' of psychic warriors, Shuuichi, Sumire, and Katsumi Asakawa. Having escaped from the ECS' ward branch some time ago, the three just want some peace. That fragile peace is broken when agents from LEED, a rival organization of the ECS that also deals with the EPS, or those gifted with psychic powers, tries to kidnap them. Shuuichi promptly kills them, and the 3 go on the run. I didn't really expcect much from this- after all, we've all seen this scenario before, right? - but not only are the main characters interesting, but there are plots around every turn. It is very dark, and Sumire is presented as a realistic anti - hero, considering the hstory he and his family has. The best part is, Volume 2 is going to be releashed in the next few months (it says Summer 2006 in the preview), and from advance reviews that I have read, the quality dosen't go down a notch at all. A good piick for my first manga, I must. So, ZERO: The Beginning of the Coffin, from Infinity Studios. I highly advise you pick it up at the nearest Borders ASAP. ;-)
  19. Rifles made me do it! [url]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/2374/obwurmuz5.jpg[/url] Next image starts in white. (And yes the white is their - you just have to highlight it to see it)
  20. [quote]OOC: Woohoo! Red XIII joined the fight! [url=http://www.seizurerobots.com/][u]Seizure Robot has declared to enter butt kicking mode![/u][/url][/quote] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] ?Quickly!? came the cry from a girl in one of the alley ways. The dueling trio turned to see a girl waving at them. Normally, all of them veteran warriors, with the possible exception of Ferin, would show her no heed. However, the fact, which that Ferin concluded could only be possible because he was in the Twilight Zone, time for some bizarre reason had frozen, made Ferin reconsider his decision. And since the girl was also holding a keyblade, Ferin concluded to follow the girl?s advice. He dashed over to her, with the beast and Vivi in hot pursuit. ?Why the hell am I on a TV show? I do not want to be manipulated for TV viewer?s entertainment! Where the hell is Rod Serling?? Kiari gave him a confused look. ?What are you talking about? Who is Rod Serling??? ?Wait ? you mean this isn?t a TV show that deals in the paranormal and the downright weird and confusing?? ?Uh?no.? Ferin sighed. ?Well, there goes that theory.? The red beast decided to intervene in the conversation, deciding that there wasn?t enough time in whatever spell the young lady had just casted for idle chit chat. ?Enough of this! Explain yourself, young lady. As well as you two.? ?Name?s Kairi.? ?Ferin.? ?V-Vivi.? ?They call me Red XIII, but I prefer if you call me Nanaki.? ?Okay then Red,? Ferin decided. ?I said my name was Nanaki.? ?But you just said ?they? call you Red!? ??They? does not necessarily mean you!? Ferin rolled his eyes. ?Whatever.? The small group was interrupted when the time spell wore off, and the beast roared. ?Okay, what the hell is that thing??, Ferin demanded from the red-haired girl. ?It?s called a Heartless. They steal people?s hearts.? ?Okay, this is definitely the Twilight Zone.? Ferin shrugged. ?Ah well, lets just kick its ass! Charge fellow valiant warriors!? Raising the Sleeping Lion high into the air as would a general in an ancient army, Ferin charged against the creature. ??Why does he have two keyblades?? Kairi asked when she realized the One Winged Angel in Ferin?s left arm. ?This is a keyblade??, Vivi asked, realizing the similarity between his weapon and Ferin?s. ?It matters little!? Nanaki (or Red XIII) decided. ?He needs out help!? With that, Nanaki leaped into battle, and Vivi and Kairi decided to help the two weird fellows.
  21. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] The shield-monster roared as a series of fireballs exited its mouth. In a mad attempt to stay alive, Vivi leaped for dear life, escaping a fiery death by mere inches. Crawling to his feet, he saw the monster tower over him. With its shield raised, Vivi accepted his fate as a squashed black mage. Alas for Vivi?s future as a pancake, Ferin crashed into the beast, toppling it over. ?Move it jackass!?, he scolded, although to Vivi or the monster he never made clear. With Ferin on its gut, the monster swiped at him. In an attempt to look like he was doing something useful, Vivi pointed his keyblade at Ferin, hoping that something would happen. And indeed something happaned ? Ferin became transparent! Although it would appear his future sex life was over, at least he wasn?t cut in half. ?Cool?, Ferin noted as the monster?s claws went through him. Suddenly, Ferin?s transparency dispersed, leaving him with a physical body again. ?Not cool!?, he yelped as he was pushed into the dirt by the large monster. As it stood up, it roared arrogantly. As punishment, Vivi sent a fire ball its way, sending it flying. ?Nice one!? Ferin gave the black mage a thumb up as he grabbed the Sleeping Lion. Vivi giggled rather feminine like. ?Don?t do that ever again,? Ferin scolded. Vivi quickly agreed. Their quick moment of peace was dispersed when the monster snorted, bricks falling off its shoulders. ?This thing just does not want to die!?
  22. I was actually thinking about that...for at least the Prologue. It should not be needed in the next couple of chapters.
  23. Well, maybe the problem could be solved if you created a template that all posters in the forum would have to follow (like a character sheet for an rp...except it would be more of a real life sheet). That could solve the problem, although I could care less either way! :)
  24. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] The monster slammed its shield the ground, creating a shockwave of brick and dirt that quickly made its way towards Ferin. If the impact alone wouldn?t kill him, surely him being sent into his background at hundreds of miles per second would. Praying to whatever deity was watching the battle that it would work, Ferin sent both of his keyblades into the ground. Suddenly, another wave as produced from where Ferin stood, one that countered and eliminated the one that threatened Ferin. His moment of peace didn?t last long, however. The monster was practically on top of him, its wolf-head shield opening wide, obviously preparing to assault him. The monster swung, and sent Ferin into a pile of rubble. Ferin got to his feet, wiping the dirt off of his black cloak. ?It?s brand new!? he complained, as he noted that some of his sleeve was slightly torn. He didn?t have time for a comeback, though, as he suddenly felt that a giant hand grip his head. The monster pounded his body into the ground several times before throwing his almost limp body into a wall. The wall crumbled around him, not atop of him, and Ferin rose to his feet, coughing up blood as he did so. ?Damn?? The beast roared, and charged, preparing to use his large shield as a battering ram. That suddenly gave Ferin an idea. Letting the One Winged Angel dissipate, he held onto the Sleeping Lion tightly with his gripped hands. When the beast was about to crumble him, Ferin leaped over him, smashing it over the head. The beast was sent hurling into the ground. ?Payback feels so sweat??, he smiled.
  25. I will appreciate it if everyone who is currentley still in the day would get their characters to be ASAP so that we can ALL start on the new day.
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