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[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][b][center][-Alex-][/url][/b][/center] ?Please come in, Alex, Ayame.? The two would be spies were surprised by Lazarus' keen senses. '[i]How the hell did we know we were here...?[/i]' Alex questioned himself. He slowly turned to Ayame - even though he couldn't see her, he felt her assuring presence as something patted his shoulder lightly. Alex tapped lightly on the magi crystal, and his soon quickly became visible. Ayame did the same, and they approached. Lazarus was apparentley as ourtraged as he was relived to see the two, which became apparant when he grabbed Alex by his neck collar. "Hey!" Ayame protested. "What the hell are you doing here?" ?To find out what Mox knows!? ?Clever, but have you even thought of the consequences if you got caught.? ?N-no?? Ayame answered truthfully. ?The dungeons haven?t been used in a few years?? he suggested. ?No way!? Alex couldn?t believe that any instructor, even one that focused on the black magics, would be so fanatical as to torture children. ?Yes. All the more reason for you to put that sword of yours in his gut.? ?A-are you out of you?re mind? Killing an instructor? That?s insane!? ?So is summoning a minor price of the Pit, but that isn?t stopping him.? Lazarus lowered Alex to his feet. ?What do you want?? ?We convince Aggamemmnon that killing Mox is more fun than the whole Academy,? he snickered. ?I don?t like this?? Ayame whined. ?Unless you?d rather fight a rampaging demon, you?d better do as I say.? They agreed.
[center][b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/center][/b][/url] Exhausted, Alex fell onto his bed. He had been wandering the school grounds for the past couple of hours, ignoring the pain in his legs. After his encounter with Lazarus, Alex felt he was just gonna die. He felt weak, like a wimp. He was so sure that his entire life at the Academy had been for naught, that for all of his best efforts, he still was a weak idiot who couldn?t do anything right. But then came Ayame came running along. Before their spar, the hyperactive girl just annoyed him. But now, after she tugged him along to get some ice cream, and told him that he wasn?t weak, just a little bit shy, that in the inside he really was brave, Alex knew that he had a good friend for the whole year, and he never even knew it. He wanted respect, to be loved, and he was searching for it for so long that he didn?t even recognize it when he found it. Ayame did care for him, although not in the way most people his age would think. It was more of a brother-sister relationship than anything. After pondering on these thoughts for a few moments, Alex realized that he had spent the whole day with Ayame, talking at his favorite spot. He didn?t do any investigating on the Trial. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. He remembered Lazarus saying something about Mox being not only an evil bastard, but someone who was over arrogant, and more importantly, he knew what the truth behind the Trial. Rushing into his cabinet, Alex searched franticly for the support magis he needed. Finding them at last, he smiled at its unique value: shadow stealth. Even though you?re true image shimmers if you move too much, it one was to stand still, it would be like searching for a light blue coral in the sea. Using this, he was going to see what Mox and the Academy had in mind. [center]*[/center] Sneaking quietly through the halls, Alex finally made it to Ayame?s apartment. He would get in more trouble than he could ever imagine if one of the Instructors caught him, but he wanted to include the hyperactive girl in his plan. Ayame had told him where she stayed; so that he could see her if anything was up. And boy was something up. He knocked lightly on the door. Ayame answered it, and Alex was not surprised one bit to see her in pink bunny PJs. ?Alex!? she half yawned. ?What are you doing here? When I said you could come anytime, I didn?t mean at eleven at night!? Alex showed her the two white crystals. ?What would you say if I knew of a way to get Mox to tell us what?s in store for the Trials?? Ayame said she was very interested indeed.
[center][b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/center][/b][/url] "Does anyone else have any further insights on what any of us may be facing?" Lazarus asked without looking up. He appeared to be searching for something in the tome in front of him. Suddenly, everyone turned to face Alex, who suddenly became extremely nervous when four people started to stare at him as if he was a murderer. ?Well, uh, um, I ?? he stuttered. ?Get on with it!? Lazarus demanded. ?I think we?re facing the Lion Spirits because the headmaster has been talking a lot about honor lately, and the spirits value death before dishonor.? The black mage raised his eyebrow. ?That is your only data?? ?No, well, uh?? Rinoa, pissed of how Lazarus was treating the already nervous Alex, decided to butt in. ?McCloud, you?re not helping him!? "Yeah!", Ayame agreed. "Be nice." Lazarus just rolled his eyes. ?Whatever.? ?The lion spirit?s ancestral moon is three months from now, as well?so, put the pieces together, and I think its very obvious.? Ayame, always supportive of Alex, nodded, but Lazarus wasn't so sure. ?Maybe for you,? Lazarus mused, ?but Mox still suggested an individual test for each person.? ?Well, I always admired the lions?? ?What do you mean??, Kyosuke raised his eyebrows. "They're the cutest thing!" Ayame declared. No one expected anyone to say something so foolish. ?Well, uh, what I meant was that the lions are king of the jungle, y?know. I guess, I kinda wanted that respect. To be noticed.? ?Maybe you shouldn?t be such a coward all the time,? Lazarus declared. Alex stared downwards, embarrassed. With the exception of Rinoa, who was staring at Alex with a worried look on her face, everyone else glared at Lazarus. ?Its true, you have to admit. He?s so reluctant to do anything that involves getting his hands dirty! Too much of a book worm I guess.? ?Maybe he wouldn?t be so shy,? Sakura suggested, ?if people like you weren?t such an ass towards him.? "You guys don't even give him a chance," Ayame frowned. Lazarus just chuckled. ?Whatever, I got to get going and do some more research on Mox. I?ll see you all later if I have anything.? With that, Lazarus left the library. ?He?s right?why even bother? I?ll probably fail the Trial anyways.? Sakura shot him a shocked glance. ?Alex! Don?t let that jerk get to you. He?s just a bully with a good haircut ? he probably won?t get past the Trails with all that arrogance he has. You know what they say ? death awaits the overconfident.? Alex just sighed. ?Whatever. I?m out of here ? I?ll see you guys later?maybe.? With that, he grabbed his bag and left. Rinoa pouted, angry at herself for being at mad him earlier. ?Now I feel bad.? "Its all Lazarus' fault..." Ayame decided. "He's always mean to Alex." Sakura turned to Kyosuke. ?Now I know why you hate that guy, Kyosuke. He?s a real jerk!? He nodded. ?It will be doomsday if those two are on the same team in the Exam?even more so if one of them are the leader.? ?What makes you think that Alex will even get to the Trial with that attitude?? Rinoa said concerned. ?He doesn?t show it, but I feel a real fire inside of him. He?s really determined to win. He never gives up, no matter how hopeless the situation. He?s a lion who just feel into a deep sleep. He just needs to wake up.? ?How do you propose to do that?? Sakura asked. ?I have a few ideas?? the intellectual grinned. "Well, [I]I[/I] am going to try to cheer Alex up! I'll catch you guys later!" She waved them goodbye and sprinted off in Alex's direction.
[center][b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/center][/b][/url] Alex rubbed his eyes as he trailed his fingers around the series of books. He had been studying for an hour and a half, on the history of the Academy?s choices for the Trial. Before one was to take the exam, which was essentially every Risk Breaker?s first mission if they made it out of their alive and with a satisfactory score, they were put through what was called a Trial. Over the Academy?s three hundred year history, it ranged from navigating one of the many small elemental-based caverns, defeat a elemental lord at the end, and return, to solving a puzzle under a period of time. The Academy?s choice for the Trial was often random and unpredictable, in an attempt to put students with Alex?s mindset off guard. As of late, less of the weaker elemental caverns have been eliminated from the list, thanks to their being no elemental lords to fight at the end. Alex was certain that they were getting desperate for what the next Trial would be. He just needed to find whatever poorly placed clues were there. Suddenly, he found what he was looking for ? ?History on the Beast Spirits?. ?Bingo?, he grinned. Book in hand, he returned to his table where his other half dozen books laid scattered. Cracking his knuckles, Alex flipped through the semi-large book until he found what he was looking for. [i][center]The [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/misc/Kimahri_Ronso_artwork.jpg][b]Lion spirits[/b][/url] are a proud, ancestral race. Residing on the spectral plane they name the ProudLands, the Lion spirits will rarely head any summoner?s call, except ? [/i][/center] He was interrupted when he saw a flat hand slam onto the tome. He looked up to see Rinoa, glaring down on him. ?Oh, uh?hi?? he said nervously, remembering all too well what he said to her yesterday. ?What are you reading now? Ways to make a girl more pissed?? she said in a pitiful comeback. ?Uh...no?not really. It?s just a hunch I have on the Trials?? Rinoa?s eyebrow lit up, her face obviously full of interest. Deciding that her future as a Risk Breaker was more important than her history with the boy, she took a seat beside him. ?Uh?? he said nervously. He was not exactly used to a girl ? or anyone ? for that matter, with the exception of Ayame, moving this close to him. ?Well, what is it?? ?Oh!? he gasped. ?Uh, I think they?re gonna make us fight Lion Spirits.? ?An interesting hypothesis,? came a calm and intelligent voice. Alex turned to see a raven haired boy with glasses approaching him. ?Alex Glesen, correct?? Alex nodded. The boy extended his hand. ?Kyosuke Orias.? Alex shook it, if not somewhat shakily. ?I might as well introduce myself while I?m here?? came a sigh from a black haired woman behind Kyosuke. ?Sakura Clyne,? she waved. Kyosuke coughed. ?Now, back on the matter at hand ? why do you think we?re facing the Lion Spirits.? ?Well, y?know [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/misc/richard.jpg][b]Headmaster Enteri[/url][/b] has been talking a lot of honor in those boring speeches, right?? ?I find them fascinating myself, but I see your point.? That brought a giggle from the girls. ?And the Lion Spirits are high on honor, and their ancestral moon, which is, I think, the, uh, only time they can be summoned, is the month of the Trials and the exam. And the elemental caves are not an option, with their Lords being pretty much exterminated.? Kyosuke pushed his glasses back. ?I applaud on your research gathering skills, Alex. Makes me wonder how you fail so many tests.? The comment made Alex sigh depressingly. Sakura elbowed Kyosuke?s ribs in a somewhat aggressive manner. ?Ah, sorry. Anyways, the only things at fault on your theory is that even during the Ancestral Moon, they will answer the call only under the most, erm, [i]important[/i] of circumstances, and two, I doubt any of the last years can easily take on one of them by themselves. Defeating a Lion Spirit should be an exam all on its own.? ?Yeah?but won?t they put them some runes around wherever we?ll fight it to weaken it.? ?Perhaps, but I still have my doubts.? ?Well,? Rinao began, ?do you have any better ideas?? ?Afraid not.? ?Then this guy is the best source we?ve got!? she said supportingly ? obviously forgetting about their encounter yesterday ? as she patted him hard on the back. Alex moaned a little. ?I suppose,? Kyosuke agreed reluctantly. ?Well, I have to go. It was nice meeting you Alex, and Rinoa.? With that, he turned only to see a certain someone he would have preferred not to see. Lazarus McCloud.
I planned to keep the Prologue up for at least a week...the everyone has to do the Trial, THEN there is the exam. That should ample time for you to return, right? EDIT: *sniff* Okay, I just had to comment on Kitty's post concernign her and Alex. It made me feel so good inside, especially after the way Laz made Alex felt in the library. You guys have got to agree with me on this! EDIT2: I decided to take it upon myself to clear some things up with how the posts are arranged. Posts 1 ? 11, 14 : Start late at night on Day 0, End in mid morning on day 1. Posts 15, 12-13 : Deals with events in the infirmiary. Ends with Alex going to library Posts 16 ? 21 , 25 : Starts in early afternoon and ends in mid afternoon. Posts 23: Leads to post 22 Post 22: Ends in mid afternoon. Post 24, 29, and 26: same time at post 22. Post 23: Picks up from posts 12-13, ends with Post 26. Mid afternoon. Post 32 and 27: Starts in mid afternoon, ends in late afternoon. Post 28, 30, 33 and 34: Takes place late at night (from 11 to midnight)
[QUOTE=Abel][SIZE=1]Hey guys, I managed to snag a computer for a bit, so I got on as fast as I could. In reference to my character, any interaction with him is a-o-k from any character, and feel free to control him as you see fit, so long as his personality is taken into account. I'll be posting once today, and hopefully when we get into a hotel, there'll be a computer, in which case I'll try and post as often as possible. Thank you mucho, Doublehex, for keeping my character in the RPG even with me being gone for this time. I really appreciate it. ^.^[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Hey, I'm just being nice. :) Don't take too long now on that vacation of yours (it is a vacation, right?), or else we may go kick some serious butt in the exams without you. ;-)
Permission granted. He's going to be gone for a bit, so as long as you don't god mod him [I]too[/I] much I'm sure it will be all right.
[center][b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11][-Alex-][/url][/center][/b] "Today will be an informal session. It will just be sparring in pairs. Pair up! I want pairs of close range against distance. Go!" And with that, the class scrambled as they attempted to find sparring partners. In a matter of moments, nearly every one found a partner and the sounds of scrapping metal and gunshots could be heard across the sparring field. Two people were left alone; Alex and Ayame. Alex was sitting down in a depressing manner, with his legs brought up to his face with him holding his longsword between them, while Ayame was just rocking her body back and forth in a hyperactive manner, humming some tune. She faced Alex, and with a sigh, approached him and kicked him lightly. ?All right, up with you lazy bum.? ?W-what?? ?Goof, we are the only ones left.? ?Oh?yeah, I guess?? Ayame put on a big grin. ?Hey, cheer up from this morning okay? You were probably just having a bad day, right?? ?Y-yeah, I failed another of Instructor Aki?s tests.? ?Aww, that sucks. Well, put the past behind you, and lets get to it before Instructor Cavalier yells at us.? ?Mister Glesen! Miss Ayame! Will you [i]please[/i] join the class in the spar?? ?Too late,? the cheerful girl giggled. ?Well, come one!? ?All right,? he said quietly. [center]*[/center] Sparks flew as hammer and blade connected with each other in a consecutive manner. Alex glared down at Ayame as the two sparred. ?Come on Alex! I know you can do better than this.? ?At least you didn?t knock me out this time?? ?So you do remember! I was afraid you forgot about that day after I hit you on the head.? ?Sure, I have to remember. I need to pay you back?right?? ?Was that [i]sarcasm[/i], Alex?? ??Maybe?, the boy grinned. Chuckling, girl swung her hammer, and Alex rolled out of the way, preparing to have his blade touch her neck in an overwhelming victor. Ayame?s attempt to smash the warhammer into his ribs, however forced Alex to leap and land in a defensive position. The position of the battle had changed, in Ayame?s favor. Ayame slammed the warhammer into the ground, sending out a wave of dirt and mud towards Alex, preparing to send him flying towards the wall. Alex?s longsword extended its reach, signaling it was about to use some of its magi?s charge in an attack. He slipped the weapon the ground, and another wave of earth, fueled by an electric charge, charged. The two waves exploded into a shower of flying grass and soil. The enchanted field repaired itself almost instantly, but the two didn?t notice. They were already charging towards each other. Alex attempted to cut Ayame down, but she sidestepped and smashed the warhammer into his gut. The enchantment of the fields reduced all damage by any weapon or spell so that nothing but a few bruises and broken bones would result. Shocked by the turn of events, and by the pain in his gut, Alex didn?t have enough time to react as the butt end of the warhammer spun into his groin. A twirling finishing move sent Alex flying backwards. Ayame didn?t notice she overdid it until she noticed that Alex couldn?t even get up. Concerned, she rushed over to see him. ?Hey, Alex! You okay?? ?Gah?I had better?? He spat some blood. ?Can you get up?? Alex attempted to, but just fell face first into the grass. ?Here, let me help you out. You need to go to the infirmary.? She gave him some support as they rose, and she turned to face Instructor Cavalier. He was already walking towards them, to inspect Alex?s wounds. ?Instructor, Alex needs to go to the infirmary. I think I overdid it a bit?? ?Agreed. Go now, Miss Ayame. Oh, and Alex?? ?S-Sir?? he nervously gasped for air. ?Excellent idea countering that shock wave. A bit draining on your magi, but it would have no doubt saved your life were you in any real danger. Dismissed for the day.? The two students nodded, and they walked off, slowly but surely, towards the infirmary.
[quote name='ArgentEagle']I don't mean any offense, but I don't really have anything to comment about that Doublehex. I just wanted to say that if anybody wanted to be friends with my person okay, if not, then I would like it if you didn't like make him... a enemy or something.[/quote] I am confused, what exactley do you have anything about? The article, or my recquest for disccusion on my character's relationship with the other characters?
Not much of a change for me, since I do that anyways! ;) I'm thinking of doing the same thing, but with music to help the tone of my posts. Personally, I'd rather we didn't meet a OWA. I would like it if we could have them just observe before moving on.
[b][center][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=741603#post741603][-Alex-][/url][/b][/center] The paper was forcefully squished into Alex?s pocket as he walked through the grassy fields around the school. No matter what happens, Alex could assure himself when he was atop the green hills that made the island so beautiful, he could calm himself down with whatever crap was going on in his life. He kept his head low as he used his two legs as uneven support to ascend the green hill. When he was nearly there, he looked up to see his favorite resting spot?a tree staring upwards into the sky from the hill rolling across the plain. Smiling faintly, sat beneath the shade of the tree, unhooking his cumbersome black shirt, allowing to it to fall to his feet. When he felt the wind across his face, he felt good. [center][i]A boy, now a man? A woman staring affectionately at her child? A baby suckling on his mother?s breast? A tree overlooking them, protecting them. God is in his heaven, and all is right with the World.[/center][/i] Alex was half asleep for over a half hour before he heard the familiar hum of a certain Rinoa Ryuzaki. The blue haired girl bent over to look at him. Alex just rolled over. ?Hey Alex.? ?Hey.? ?Nice day, huh?? ?Sure.? Rinoa sat down on the opposite end of the tree. ?Nice day, huh?? ?Its allright, I guess.? ?Oh come on, Instructor Aki?s test wasn?t [i]that[/i] hard.? ?I got an F?again?? ?Oh!? Rinoa gasped. She didn?t socialize much with Alex, if only because he always separated himself from pretty much everyone, but she knew that he was very self conscious of his achievements. ?Sorry about that. Well, you tried hard at least. Maybe you should get some tutoring?? ?I got twice a week?? he groaned. ?Well, uh, maybe you should get one of the students help you out? Aki is always boring half the class goes to sleep on him!? ?It wouldn?t matter. I?d bomb the tests anyways.? Rinoa sighed depressingly. ?Alex, you have to be more optimistic that that. If you look at life so gloomy like, how can you expect to have any fun?? ?We?re teenage mercenaries. What do you expect? One mission you?ll kill people for no reason, and then sure enough, further down the road, you?ll kill those same exact people you started to care for. It?s hopeless.? ?Alex ?? ?Just go away?? Rinoa frowned. ?Fine! Be that way, jackass.? She collected her things, and left Alex to his thoughts. ?No one cares for me, so why bother living? Just fight - its all they want us to do anyways...?
I'm just going to say, if anyone would like to discuss any relationship possibilities (friendly or bad) with my character, send me a PM or add me to your AIM or MSN and we'll talk. EDIT: Also, what should we do for Abel's character? He's gone until the sixth of August, and by then I would think thatwe will be nearly done with the Prologue (unless we do only like one post a day...then we'll be here for a month >
[i][center]The world has changed ? the age of industry has merged with the revolution of magic, where incantations are contained within the magi crystals. Now, the common man can cast the simplest of spells, while those greater in knowledge can perform miracles. In the world, there are academies that teach the populous of the powers of the magi crystals. The mercenaries of the academies, who were raised and taught within their halls ever since a tender age, are known as the risk breakers. The word risk is not even mentioned in their dictionaries ? the power of magic overwhelms nearly all possibilities of failure. When a faction hired a risk breaker, they are nearly guaranteed success. That is, before the dawn of the new political age, where nations rule alongside corporations, and both are manipulated by sorcerers. A new age is dawning, and twelve risk breakers will be a part of history, for they will write it. However, there was a time when these twelve risk breakers were just students preparing for the exam that will determine wherever they will be icons of their time or useless castaways. And that time is now. Risk breakers, tell us your tale![/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/CiAlFo_prologue.jpg[/IMG] [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=741603#post741603][-Alex-][/url][/b][/center] ?Shit!? Alex covered his mouth the moment the curse left his lips. Nervously, he turned behind him to see if he had awaken any of his room mates, who were fast asleep over either desk or on their beds. Fortunately for Alex?s survival, they continued to snore peacefully. Sighing, Alex got back to studying his text book. The complexity that was the relation between the magi user and the magi itself never rooted itself too well in Alex?s head. Even after going for tutoring twice a week with Instructor Aki, as well as practicing in the training grounds every other day, he never could wrap his mind around the subject. Yawning lazily, Alex arched his head to the clock that hung on the wall. It was two in the morning. Within thirteen hours, Alex was convinced that he was going to fail another test, and with that a pat on the back from the Instructor, saying, ?You tried your best. That?s all that really matters.? ?But my best isn?t good enough??Alex murmured under his breath as he trailed his finger below the line of text so that he could stay awake. ?Nothing I do is ever good enough??
And with KeybladeWielder's acceptance, I can easily say that this sign up is now closed. Discuss the RP in the Underground thread until the actual RP is created (which will be in a couple of days at the most).
[QUOTE=Shy][size=1]I'm toying with an idea, and I needed some feedback... How do you feel about putting an upward limit on the size of RP posts, to encourage activity? What would this magic number be? Do you think it would help posting, or hurt creativity in the end? -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] I think it will hurt it because sometimes the best posts are the smaller ones. Sometimes I just want to write a quick two minute scene, and I think that putting enough detail in that 2 minute scene to make it five minutes worth will eventually hurt it in the end.
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] The Sleeping Lion and the One Winged Angel spiraled through the air, the metal relics stained violet with the ooze of the silver creatures. The monsters scowled at him whenever he neared, but were certainly not afraid to attack him when in groups. But when one of the monsters was alone, it would away in fright. The silver monsters excelled in group combat, it would seem, but alone they were like ants against Ferin?s keyblades. The dance of death that Ferin performed was both barbaric and unique at the same time, with the teen hacking away at the monsters in an attempt to frighten the surrounding creatures. Ferin was not exactly used to the weight of the weapons, and he would occasionally stumble, and he would have to be quick to improvise as the creatures assaulted him. The oddity of a cat, meanwhile would just observe the battle from any mailbox, lamppost and rooftop it could find. Occasionally, it would snap its fingers and the brilliant light that would result would consume the monsters, or sometimes heal Ferin. But most of the time the cat was just being what it was best at ? an observer. At the moment, the pair was caught in an open square, the Sleeping Lion plunging into the back of a retreating monster, pinning it to the cement. Ferin released the weapon, and the creature dissipated into a black cloud. The cat crawled onto Ferin?s head. ?We have that way, this way, and every other which way that one could go! It is time we headed for the plaza, mister red hair.? ?This names Ferin, cat!? Ferin was irritated that even though this mysterious cat knew his name, he referred to call him ?red? or ?mister red hair?, or anything else along those lines. ?Now now Red, we all have a name we call somebody. You think you are Ferin, and I think you are Red. It?s all fair. Now, to the plaza!? Sighing in defeat, Ferin decided to follow the cat?s advice and head towards the plaza. On the way there, they encountered none of the creatures. It was as if they all vanished the moment they decided to head for the plaza. Ferin was inclined to ask the cat, who was on the way there resting peacefully atop Ferin?s head, its opinion. In the end Ferin decided against it ? its answer would probably just confuse him more. When they arrived, they heard the ecstatic cry of ?Help!? bounce off of the cement walls. Without hesitating, Ferin dashed off, and the cat just held on for dear life. They found a horde of the creatures surrounding a little guy in what looked like a wizard?s hat. Deciding to start the battle with a smash, Ferin practicly tackled the enemies while they were preoccupied. The tactic worked, and those that didn?t go flying and dissipated on impact were chopped down by the keyblades. ?You allright, man?? Ferin said between heavy heaves of breaths. ?I-I guess so.? The little guy acted like he had never seen Ferin before, but the teen recalled the shy character in his memories. ?Hey, Vivi! Where?s Seifer? And Fuu and Rai?? ?Uh..uh..how do you know us?? Ferin was shocked by Vivi?s naïve attitude. ?Vivi, don?t ya remember me? Oh?yeah?I forgot?no one remembers me?? Vivi just looked at the mysterious figure, confused by what he was saying. Suddenly, one of the walls came crashing down and a hulking [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/071.jpg][b]beast[/b][/url] wielding a shield that Ferin could of sworn was alive revealed itself. ?Hey Vivi-who-dosen?t-remember-me, can you fight?? ?Huh?? ?Good! Let?s roll!? Vivi was just so confused. [b]OOC: OK, White, lets try to make this guy as tough as he looks, hmmm? Like how a mini boss battle would be played.[/b]
I believe I need to remind people how magic is done in this game. Magic is exploited through crystals called magi. There really isn't any hand motions or incantations. Rather, you just exploit the power hidden withing the crystals. Just thought that I'd clear things up. :)
We're almost near the end of the recruitment road, fellas. Ten people have been accepted, with only two more spots remaining. Lets see where the road takes us, hmmm? [B][U]List of the current students[/U][/B] Doublehex....Alex Glesen Kitty............Ayame Abel.............Havok Vermilion BYstyles........Kyosuke Orias White...........Stephen Jonuvar Lazarus....... Lazarus McCloud Sandy.........Carrot Burnheart Acheron......Aaron Covais Sakura..........Sakura Clyne [b]ArgentEagle[/b]...James Weldon Rayler [b]Sin[/b].........Blaize Harbinger EDIT: Make that eleven accepted and one more spot remaining. Who will it be?
-I said [I]most likely[/I]. I never said you can't keep ties. I thought that if these kids barely ever see their parents, it would add to the tragedy of the teenage mercenary. -The Prologue is going to be a fair amount of pages, so hopefully you should have all that time you need to explore school life. -Yes, everyone by the time of the Trial should be 18, or close to it (all those who aren't change your age ASAP!).
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/CiAlFo_underground.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]So, the Underground thread has been posted at last! Finally, a chance for me to explain a little bit about just what the heck is going to happen in this little epic of ours! Well, first, we are going to start off with a prologue, ?Three months to purgatory?. Pretty much, it is three months before the final exam, and the whole last year class is in a nervous wreck preparing for it. Because, come on, let?s face it, who wouldn?t be? You were separated from your parents round six or seven, most likely to never to see them again, and were pretty much told, in one way or another, every day that if you did not pass the exam THIS ONE TIME you will never be the warrior you were trained the past twelve years to be. So, this prologue is just us getting our characters to know the other characters. I would prefer it if everyone interacts with mostly everyone, or at the least half! After the prologue, we?ll enter Chapter One, which is pretty much the trials and the final exam. In the trial, you will have to face off against something. If you win, you will be allowed into the final exam. If you lose, you?ll get to try again as many times as you want with a one hour intervention for your character. That is, if you write it that your character loses. Oh, and also, if you don?t write for like a month, I?m writing you out. ;) So, talk amongst yourselves who you want to be your friends, people you could care less about, and who's gut you hate more than anything! Enjoy. [/B][/CENTER] :animesmil [quote] [U][B]Academy Faculty (in the order of appearance):[/B][/U] Instructor [B]Aki[/B] teaches the use of Magi Instructor [B]Merele Shandala[/B] teaches the combination of Elemental and Support magic Professor [B]Mox[/B] teaches Black Magic Instructor [B]Cavalier[/B] teaches weapon training Nurse [B]Mallon[/B] runs the infirmary Instructor [B]Uzume[/B] , [b]Gillium[/b] and [b]Gantz[/b]teaches Summoning Magic Headmaster [B]Enteri[/B] runs the Academy Instructor [B]Andrews[/B] teaches Blue Magic Instructor [B]Atsu[/B] teaches Fire Magic Instructor [B]Phoenix[/B] teaches Support Magic[/quote] [QUOTE][URL=http://geocities.com/CITIUSAF/][b][u]Site[/b][/u][/url][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][b][URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=54539]The Original Adventure Sqaure Thread[/b][/url][/QUOTE]
Between Sin's character, Blaize Harbringer, and Sandy's character, Carrot Burnheart, I am caught between a rock and a hard place. Here I have two very well thought of characters, both who can have excellent character development and interaction. Blaize, the son of an ambitious father who believes that hes the cause of everyone's troubles! Oh, I wander how some of our more depressed (or happy) characters would try to talk to him about it. Then there's Carrot, the product of artifical insemination, who belives that her body is nothing more than empty flesh! In the end, I had to decide on Sandy's character, Carrot Burnheat for several reasons. One, I personally just like the way her character's turmoil is directly linked with her quote unquote 'unnatural birth'. Secondly, we are in dire need of more female characters, although that need played a minor role in my decision. Sin, you made an excellent character. If you mold his personality around another of the character templates, then you'd be in for sure (unless we get to out twelth acceptee by then...) [B][U]List of the current students[/U][/B] Doublehex....Alex Glesen Kitty............Ayame Abel.............Havok Vermilion BYstyles........Kyosuke Orias White...........Stephen Jonuvar Lazarus....... Lazarus McCloud Sandy.........Carrot Burnheart We've got room for five more, so keep it coming folks! [QUOTE]I would like to add that Acheron's character Aaron has been accepted. So, only four more spots remain. Also, the UNDERGROUND thread has been created (dispite the type :-P)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Yes, another acceptenee (sp?). Sakura's Asuka Clyne. Three more spots remain people.[/QUOTE]
I would go for animecon, because I am more of an anime fan than a comic fan (I don't even [I]read[/I] comics!) And by the way, Blase, [quote]And if I were there, I'd end up molesting you, because Robin is a sexy beast. : D[/quote] you scared the crap out of me with that comment.
Here's my recquest guys: I would like to have a signature that fits my character, Alex's personality and background. All that I recuqest is that it has Alex on it, with his name somewhere and the quote 'Am I nothing but an empty shell?', or something along those lines. [url=http://www.kh2.co.uk/assets/kh2/artwork/roxas.png]Source Image[/url] [url=http://otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=741603&postcount=11]His character sheet[/url]. As for the avatar, same thing, but without all of the words. Thanks.
[b]Name[/b]: Alex Glesen [b]Age[/b]: 17, but his birthday is a month off [b]Student Template[/b]: The pained loner [b]Weapon[/b]: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/tidus.jpg]Longsword[/url] [b]School of magic[/b]: Elemental Magic [i]-If necessary, which elemental - Lightning[/i] [b]Minored school of magic[/b] ? Support magic [b]Abilities/Spells[/b] [list][*]Bolt - Charging up any of his lightning magi in his [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/magi_bracelet.jpg]bracelet[/url], Alex sends a bolt of electricity towards the enemy. [*] Initiate - Alex's longsword is the X-105, the latest model in the Vigilante line of swords. Thus, it has a unique ability of extending its length and attack power at the cost of the charge of magi currentley placed inside the blade. The amount the sword takes, as well as how long it lasts, depends on the magi. The less the charge of the magi, the shorter the time frame the sword can stay in this form. [/list] [b]Personality[/b] ? Alex was separated from his family at a young age, and as a result, has developed a fear of social interaction, or in a more technical sense, an [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant_personality_disorder][u]avoidant personality disorder[/u][/url]. He fears what people will judge him as a weak minded idiot who can?t do anything right. As much as he wants to be loved, he does not want to being hated for the chance of being loved. As a result, he is very shy, and will rarely speak his mind. He is, however, a violent person as well, his psyche acting like a tight bottle for his rage. Once or twice he got so angry with a fellow student that he proceeded to choking them. [b]Background[/b] - Alex was born into a family with no unusual heritage of the sort you would expect, since he is a student of the famed Argo Arx Arcanum Academy. His mother was a stay at home mom, and his father was a simple engineer. Their family wasn?t involved in any great wars (or if they were, it was not a big involvement?just another casualty statistic on a piece of paper), nor did they discover a new form of magic or technology or intelligent life (not that intelligent life has been discovered by now). They were just your simple average family living in everyday life. But even tragedies can come to good, average, folk. Alex?s mother died in a car crash when he was young, and when the Seekers came to suggest the Argo Arx Arcanum to Alex?s father, he practically gave Alex away. Ever since, Alex has been a loner, being shy and silent to pretty much everyone, not wanting to be hurt again. And yet, there is that longing deep inside of him that longs for someone to say ?I love you?. [b]Physical appearance[/b] ? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/alex_photo.jpg[/IMG] [url= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/alex_nouni.jpg]Alex without his uniform[/url] [b]OOC[/b] Changed physical and attire appearance to that of Edward Elric of Full Metal Alchemist fame.
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/CiAlFo_recruit.jpg[/IMG] The world has changed. There was time when magic was a taboo, a fabrication of fantasy; a way for heretics to dabble into the hells and writers to spin grand stories of a more adventurous age. But times have changed, and with it, the setting of the great play. Magic is now as common as gears of an automobile. Contained within crystals called the magi, magic can be used as something as simple as lighting a stove to inflicting a plague on an unsuspecting populous. The common man and woman have forgotten the warnings of the past. Now there is only the future. And in this future, countries are ruled by corporations, who in turn are commanded by their financers. And those who supply these corporations with their economic fuel are constantly black mailed by individuals who lust for power. This new setting, this new world, is a paradox to itself. Everyone and no one are ruled by everybody and nobody. Despite the easy access of magic, this source is still an enigma. So much power, so much potential lies in the magi. Thus, select academies have been formed to teach the secrets of the crystals. The academies have individuals known as the Seekers, and these men and women have been trained to seek out the youngest of children that have a natural affiliation with magic. With them being no older than six, these young boys and girls are separated from their parents, by order of the government, to become the greatest in soldiers and academics. There are nine such academies, the greatest among them being the Argo Arx Arcanum Academy. Situated between the east and western continent, on the island of Gabi, the Argo Arx Arcanum is owned by no country or corporation. It runs completely off of itself, and is loyal to no side, its students acting as mercenaries for their educator. This story is of twelve students from this academy, and they will be headed into a fantastic adventure that none of them had ever expected. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/politics_banner.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Geography[/b][/u] [b]The Eastern Continent[/b] ? Made up of mostly grasslands and plains, the Eastern Continent holds only two of the Corporations. A great deal of the countries strive for agricultural excellence, instead of political superiority. Notable items: * Valgrad - the home of the most powerful Corporation, MENRA. Located in the center of the continent, surrounded by a black swamp. Connected to the rest of the continent by the revolutionary Highway. Each and every town and city is connected to Valgrad. * Ruhig ? A fishing port north of Valgrad. * The Highway ? The largest interstate highway in the world, The Highway connects the entire Eastern continent. * Pheat ? A port city/fortress on the western side of the continent. It is home to the giant Makon Gun, a massive artillery cannon that can shoot up to a hundred yards away and decimate any large battleship with relative ease. [b]The Western Continent[/b] ? Desserts and mountains as well as dense forests dot the landscape of the Western Continent. Home to the vast majority of the Corporations, the Western Continent is more spiritual in nature. Many secrets and ancient treasures rest within this architectural wilderness. Notable Items: * Maravilliso Playa ? A popular, albeit expensive, beach resort off of the eastern coast. * Balimb ? A city that rests within the center of the continent. *The Tomb of the Lost Kings ? An ancient tomb full of monsters, spirits, but most important of all, treasure and a library that is said to hold the answers of all questions. Too bad it?s also said to have a team of minotaurs that slaughter anyone that enters. *New Well City ? The largest metropolis in the world, NW City is home to the vast majority of the Corporations. *Verkun City ? The capitol of the country of Archadia. *D-District Cell ? A desert district prison owned by Archadia that is infamous for its ruthlessness and political prisoners. * The Golden Rod Casino ? A famous that is infamous for its constant gambling-caused fights and gang skirmishes, but applauded for its other wise safe and enjoyable amusement park. [b][u]Nations[/b][/u] [b]The Eastern Continent[/b] Aruvasan? A country that has held the largest amount of land for ages, if only because it is a country of snow, where it is ?common? for the temperature to drop below 10° in the afternoon. It is ruled by their Fuhrer, Dmitry Agastov. Sarle ? A country known for its politicians and fighters of the peace. It is ruled by their president, Amane Sele. Imbecali ? A country known for its philosophers, artistic revolutionaries and proud armies in history?s past. It is led by their monarch, Liege Giuseppe Garibaldi. He is backed by a small parliament. Both the Liege and the parliament hold equal power. Dalim ? A small country south of Aruvasan that is also it?s rival. They are infamous for their sniper?s precision. A parliament that is reelected every other year runs this country. Tastavore ? A small country that was annexed by Imbecali some years ago. Dozens of minor rebel groups that usually number no less than ten or so members are crusading against Imbecali with poor results. Tastavore is a forest nation, famous for its finely crafted wooden furniture. [b]The Western Continent[/b] Archadia ? A country currently ruled by a dictator in name only, Alvose Stavan is extremely popular with the populous, and is famous for his actions of peace no matter the cost, on both the diplomatic table and on the field of war. He also refuses to participate in any ?dark activities? with the Corporations. Madaral?sol ? A small country located on the red plains, they are very spiritual in nature, believing in a river of spirits that powers the world. It would be more accurate to say that Madarl?sol is a large group of organized tribes than a single government. Amaracana ? One of the superpowers of the world, Amaracana is on friendly terms with most of the other nations. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/magicschools.jpg[/IMG] Magic is divided into five categories ? elemental, support magic, blue magic, summoning magic and black magic. Even though anyone can use the magi crystals ? the source of magic in the world ? only those educated on the crystals can truly unlock their full potential. For example, any housewife can use a water-elemental magi to sprinkle her flowers, but only an experienced caster can start a small flood. [b]Elemental Magic[/b] ? The main form of offensive magic, as well as magic that are often used in the house, the elements branch off into fire, ice, lighting, water, air, and earth. When someone specializes in Elemental Magic, they also usually specialize in a certain element. Elemental magic-wise, jacks of all trades don?t survive very long on the battle field. [b]Support Magic[/b] ? Any magic that is used to heal, cure, or other wise help someone in need without necessary using force. Doctors and medics usually specialize in this class of magic. [b]Blue Magic[/b] ? There are some magic spells that no human can ever learn on their own without outside aid. Those specializing in Blue Magic are nicknamed imposters ? they use magic to steal magic, and thus, learn magic that no human could otherwise learn. It is a dangerous magic school to follow, since most of these spells require the user get struck by that specified magic in order to attempt to steal it. Thus, as a precaution, most Blue Magic users minor in support magic. [b]Summoning Magic[/b] ? The most mysterious of the magics, the summoners deal into the spirits of the world, and summon them for aid through objects who sync with the ?spiritual realm?. The weakest ones are man made, while the greater summoning objects are usually ancient relics carved with runes that no one else can decipher. Summoners are useful on both the battlefield and at home, since the summoned spirits lend word of advice if they trust the summoner. [b]Black Magic[/b] ? Of all the classes of magic, Black Magic is the most dreaded. Delving into curses and hexes, all Black Magic casters must be registered and take specialized test in order to retrieve a license. Black Magic casters are the only type of casters that require such strict standards. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/students_banner.jpg[/IMG] From the list below, you must mix and match ONE weapon type with ONE student template. Once a student and the chosen weapon have been accepted, no one else can use that student template or weapon. I will allow only two ?new? characters. (Note: The student templates are not gender specific. I just choose a gender to describe, but which one you want your character to be is entirely up to you.) [b]The Weapons[/b] [b][u] [center][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/waffe1.jpg][strike]Katana[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/javelin.jpg]Javelin [/url]? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/_41003632_gambling_chips_getty203b.jpg][strike]Enchanted gambling cards[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/90088.jpg]Martial artist[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/strf_Sitar_.jpg][strike]Summoning Instrument[/strike][/url] (limited to only carriable instruments, ex, flute) ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/5457.jpg][strike]Shotgun[/strike] (will also specialize in sniping)[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/chakrams.jpg][strike]Chakrams[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/fn_hp_sasfs.jpg]Handguns x2[/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/Gunblade-Hyperion.jpg][strike]Gunblade[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/tidus.jpg][strike]Longsword[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/Warhammer.jpg][strike]Warhammer[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/rapier.jpg][strike]Rapier[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/34812.jpg][strike]Twin Short Swords[/strike][/url] ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/nunchaku_l.gif]Nunchaku [/url](twin or alone is up to you) ? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/.jpg][strike]Mace[/strike][/url] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/lance.jpg][strike]Lance[/strike][/url] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/broadsword.jpg]Broadsword[/url] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/throwing_knives.jpg]Throwing Knives[/url][/center] [/b][/u] [b]The Students[/b] [b][strike]The cheerful naïve[/strike][/b] ? The cheerful naïve is always up for a fun time, always doing everything with a smile. Alas, she is somewhat naïve of the surroundings around her, saying things that you would not expect someone would say, but that is just her way. [b][strike]The fiery red head[/strike][/b] ? The fiery red head sports a temper like no other! When she gets on her bad side, be sure to avoid her at all costs. She is an aggressive person as well, but deep inside that hot exterior there rests a longing for companionship. Since she was born using [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_insemination][u]artificial insemnination[/u][/url], she thinks both high and low of herself. [b][strike]The noble bully[/strike][/b] ? The noble bully is an odd one ? he picks on everyone, and no one really likes his except his gang of other bullies. Yet, not even his friends understand him, since deep down he has a dream of becoming a hero like he would read in child?s fairy tales. [b][strike]The aspiring adventurer[/strike][/b] ? Always getting into trouble, the aspiring adventurer wants nothing more than to get out of the academy and go on a grand adventure where he will be remembered for ages! He has a tendency to try to do the good things, but he is somewhat of a prankster as well, and is childish only to those he wants to think is childish. [b][strike]The sarcastic[/strike][/b] ? Always cracking a joke, and constantly leaping before thinking, the sarcastic makes as many friends as he does enemies, with his tongue often getting him into trouble. [b][strike]The loner[/strike][/b] ? The loner wants to be alone for the rest of his life. He suffered a great tragedy before he came, and he never wants to be hurt again. So, he has chosen not to become friends with anyone. After all, even the greatest of friends will die, so why accept the pain? He is an excellent fighter, and despite his cold attitude, is a cunning leader, although he makes mistakes under pressure. [b][strike]The foolish courageous[/strike][/b] ? The foolish courageous has a heart of gold, the courage of the thousand man, the ability within himself to do great, remarkable things?but he lacks the motivation to do anything with his life. He is wasted energy, wasting his free time, not preparing nor caring for his future. [b]The young ambition[/b] ? The young ambition has the desire to do great and wondrous things, but the dream often overrides her common sense and she tends to leap before she starts thinking about any possible bad consequences. [b]The depressed worker[/b] ? The depressed is a hard worker. He constantly studies, constantly practices his talents, and is constantly praised by his fellow students and teachers constantly for his good work ethic. Alas, the depressed worker is never satisfied with anything that he accomplishes. Everything he succeeds at does not meet his high standards. [b]The over hyper man[/b] ? The over hyper man is exactly as his name says he is ? he moves way too much for his own good. If he isn?t talking at the speed of sound, he?s using thin air as a punching bag. He?s nice enough, but for those who don?t understand him (or isn?t used to him?), he gets on their nerves very quickly. [b][strike]The playboy[/strike][/b] ? Always after the ladies, the playboy is just often jeered just as much as he is wooed by the opposite sex. Sporting the ?perfect body?, even those that hate him usually look at his arse at least once a week. Even though he drops girls like flies, deep down inside, he really, truthfully, would love to get married to a woman who understands him. [strike][b]The pained loner[/b][/strike] ? Always being hurt by one series of events after another, the pained loner wants to keep to himself, so that he won?t risk being pained any longer. He will, however, accept friendship eagerly, which contrasts him from the loner, who will shove off friendship of any kind. [b][strike]The intellegent prodigy[/strike][/b] - A strategic genius whose strongest weapons are his knowledge and skills for analysis. His mindset however often causes him to be arrogant as well as confident. He can be bossy and condecending at times, but never harbors any real ill will towards those he trusts and likes. Though his physical appearence is appealing to the opposite sex, his personality dosen't reflect that of a pretty boy or a "chick magnet". His main focuses are always on learning new things and seeing new places. Freespots ? [0] remaining! [b][u][center]CONCERNING THE UNIVERSITY[/b][/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/lastscan.jpg]The uniforms[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/schoolsymbol.gif]The logo[/url] The curriculum -From age six to nine: standard education. -From age nine to twelve: basics to magic and weaponry. -From age twelve to thirteen: students begin advanced weapon training and at the end of the year select a weapon type to specialize in. -From age thirteen to thirteen and a half: students start advanced knowledge of magics. They also choose a magic school to major in as well as to minor in. From age thirteen and a half to sixteen: advanced knowledge of current events, politics and history as well as given access to the training grounds without the need of instructor supervision. -From age sixteen to eighteen: The last of what the academy can teach the students is taught, and they are prepared for their first mission, which is also their final exam, at the end of the year.[/center] [b][u][center]CHARACTER SHEET[/b][/u] Name - Age (seventeen to eighteen) - Student Template - Weapon - School of magic - -If necessary, which elemental? Minored school of magic - Abilities/Spells - Give your character up to two abilities or spells that he or she already knows. They will learn more at indicated periods. Personality - Physical appearance (picture wanted) - What does he/she look like without the uniform (use picture). Only the attire will be ?observed?. Background / character snippet(optional)[/center]