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Everything posted by Doublehex

  1. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] The horde of the silver creatures charged behind Ferin as he raced down the alleyway. He had been fighting for close to a half hour in a glorious display of awesome combat, his twin keyblades twinkling under the afternoon sky as the ooze-blood splattered across Ferin. However, he had become too reckless, and his left arm was damaged severely. It was wounded enough that it would not be of any use in this battle: even the slightest forced movement sent a wave of pain through his body. Ferin gripped his bleeding arm nervously as he looked at his options. A dozen or so of the creatures were charging in after him, and Ferin could easily see that the alleyway was going to make a sharp left. What bothered him was that he didn?t know if it was going to a dead end. And if it did, Ferin was going to be no more. Suddenly, half a dozen of the creatures leaped in front of him. Ferin halted abruptly, turning to see his pursuers encircling him. On the rooftops, on the roadways, on the walls and the streets - there was no where left to run. It was time to fight?and to die. Ferin sighed. His adventure had ended before it had even begun. He didn?t even get to meet Riku?what these things even were. Letting his hand out, the Sleeping Lion materialized in his grasp. It didn?t matter. He didn?t even have a past anyways ? he didn?t even exist. The creatures leaped. Ferin accepted his fate. It was over for him. The gods of death had claimed another victim. That is, if a certain grin had not instantly materialized in front of Ferin. ?You need some help, yes?? ?Who the hell are you?? ?How rude! Ah well, all is forgiven!? And soon, a head materialized to compliment the grin ? that of a purplish cat. Soon, the rest of the cat?s body was formed, breaking all rules of science as it floated in mid air. ?I said I was never late, and look! I was right.?
  2. Fun fact #1: Hayahmo's name is based off of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4]Simo Häyhä[/url], a finnish sniper during World War II who was said to be the greatest long-range shooter in the world, and all modern day techniques are based off of his style. As you can guess, all of the One Winged Angels have a fun fact behind them that I will slowly reveal as we go through the story.
  3. Doublehex


    Well, I have (and currentley still am) participated in only one RP, and I did so with an OC, ebcause there are less restrictions. You can decide how the character acts, and there is more freedom in his/her backstory. Pretty much, original characters equals freedom.
  4. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] Ferin?s feet swayed in the air as he swung his keyblades, the Sleeping Lion and the One Winged Angel, lazily in the air. He was sitting on the ledge of the clock tower, the black cloak draped over his shoulder, as he stared down at Twilight Town. It was all so peaceful, how could that man even suggest he interrupt that peace just because they don?t remember him? It probably wasn?t even their fault in the first place! Or maybe they hated him so much that they wanted to forget?? Ferin dropped his keyblades onto the floor, and rubbed his eyes. He was so tired?too much crap going on all at once. There were too many questions that were spinning Ferin?s mind, and not enough answers to slow his mind down. Who was he? What is the true Ferin that this man referred to? Suddenly, Ferin heard something creep up on him. He turned to see a series of [url=http://www.kh2.co.uk/assets/kh2/artwork/kh2ucr23.jpg][b]silvery like creatures[/b][/url] wiggling behind him. Thin in stature, a sort of blood liquid was oozing from their sides, and a cross-like symbol was stamped onto their flat heads. Ferin leaped upward, not knowing where the sudden burst of speed came from, and grabbed his keyblades. Before he got a chance to react, the creatures leaped for him, wrapping their elastic bodies around him and pushed him off the tower. Ferin was certain it was over. There was no way he could survive such a big fall! He was a dead man, and who knows what these?things were going to do to his body. Probably eat it, flesh and bones and all, not even being courteous enough for an unmarked gravestone. However, fortune was smiling on Ferin on that day. He did not plummet to his death. Rather, a roof broke his fall, as well as the suicidal creatures that tried to kill him. As soon as he fell, the creatures detached themselves and ?floated? off through the wall. Ferin got to his feet as quickly as his aching body would allow it to, finding himself on top of a shattered kitchen table. A husband and a wife were on their butts, startled that a boy with silvery things attached to him had not only fell through their roof, but was alive to boot. ?What the hell!? Ferin turned to see an infuriated girl with staring at him furiously. Ferin however, did not have time to explain as what he could only presume were the girl?s mother and father scream as the creatures re-entered the house. The sped towards Ferin, wrapped themselves around his legs, and dragged him out of the room. They eventually let go of the confused teen, and he went flying into the dirt. When he got to his feet, he was surrounded by the things. ?What the hell did I do to get into this mess?? Shrugging the question off, Ferin raised his keyblades. ?Ah well! All right you fuckers, prepare to get your asses whooped!? As if that was their cue, the creatures sprang for Ferin from every direction possible. Ferin got into an offensive position and charged in, slashing as he went. He nearly cut one of the things in half, and the ooze sprang everywhere. Ferin was moving faster than he expected, however, and he tripped on his feet. He was on the ground, and the creatures were surrounding him. ?Damn?? he groaned. One of creatures wrapped their ?hands? around Ferin?s neck, and as they raised him up, proceeded to choking him. Others anchored themselves on whatever miscellaneous objects they could find, and wrapped themselves around Ferin?s legs and feet, and slowly ripped him apart. ?My?god?.NO! Not like this!? he cursed. Suddenly, a black flame surrounded him, and the monsters that were near him were burnt alive. Ferin fell to his feet, and the flame instantly dissipated. He stared at his hands like he was a god. There was only thing he could say at a time like this: ?I?m the human torch? Sweet!? Not all of the creatures, unfortunately, were not burnt. Some of them even survived, and all of them began to encircle Ferin. They charged in, and Ferin, grabbing his keyblades as fast he could, charged in right after then. The creatures cut him and sliced him, but he in turn butchered them and mutilated them in ways the monsters never would of thought even a keyblade master was capable of. When the creatures were all dead, Ferin?s vest was covered in their ooze. ?Aw man, this costed a half year?s worth of allowance! I?ll get them back for that?? As he began to head for one of the exits of the sandbox, the black cloak floated downwards, and quite convientley landed right beside his feet. Ferin inspected the cloak. ?Hmmm, this it will do?? Slipping it on as quickly as possible, Ferin headed for the town center. It was time to figure out just what the hell was going on.
  5. Holy crap, hes right! Hmmm, this could to some interesting theories. "No heart" and "another"...what could it mean? Perhaps Xehanort was a heartless to begin with, and the expierments just made Xemnas and a heartless duplicate. So that means the real Xehanort is still out there!
  6. Apology accepted. Now stop posting here - you're getting us off topic. ;)
  7. Hmmm, an interesting concept. I'll sit this one out, though - I'm too busy with two RPs, two summer books to read, and a novel to work on.
  8. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] Ferin stood on the clock tower, staring downward at the place that he had called home for the past seventeen years. Here was where he got his first taste of ice cream; here he made so many friends; here he got a kiss on the cheek from his first crush. But now, no one even knows him! No one knows his birthday, or what he likes to do for fun, or all the trouble he caused! No one knows what his favorite ice cream is, or what he wants to do for his life. His mom and dad don?t even exist, his home being a junk pile that was a demolished house thirty years ago. When he left that mansion, he came to a Twilight Town that never even knew he existed. He came to the true meaning to hell. It would have been so easy. Just one step, just a single motion towards the edge, and all of his misery would be over. All of his pain would cease to exist. His tears would stop. His crushed heart would stop beating. And no one would even care. Ferin spread his arms out, as if he was ready to dive into a pool. ?It will be quick?? he assured himself. ?Don?t think about it! Don?t even blink! Finish it! Don?t care about what someone might think! Just do it!? It almost happened. Ferin almost took his own life, a boy once full of energy of life, of such vigor and enthusiasm. Now, he was a shadow of a man, someone who couldn?t wait for his blood to be spilled. He didn?t want to live in a life where he never even existed. He didn?t want to be a nothing. He wanted to be a something?but as far as he was concerned, as long as he was alive that would never happen. But, then something unexpected happened. Ferin never thought a mist of black would materialize around him. He never would of have guessed that that same mist would break all laws of science and have a mass to its own and push him against the wall, saving the suicide?s life. And he never would of have guessed that the mist would take the form of a man in a black cloak. At first, Ferin was in fear. The man ? if he was even a man ? had the appearance of a god of death. Its very appearance made Ferin?s skin crawl. He wanted to say something to the enigma, but he could not say anything. But, that was all before the man talked. ?Hello.? That one phrase, that single word, brought so much relief to Ferin. It made him feel?good inside. It told him that this would be god of death was no demon; he was not out to harm Ferin. He wanted to help him. ?W-who are you?? Ferin stuttered, more out of the shock of finding a kind soul than any sort of fear. ?A traveler who wants to help.? ?Seems an awful lot for somebody to say. Ya gotta have a lot of backbone to say something like that, buddy.? ?I have been through much, but not as much you I?m afraid.? ?You?ve got that straight?? Ferin mumbled under his breath. A weapon materialized in the stranger?s hand, and he tossed it into Ferin?s lap. ?Take this. It will help.? ?What the hell is this??, Ferin asked as he raised the odd weapon. ?They call it ?[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/onewingedangel.jpg][b]One Winged Angel[/b][/url]?. It?s a keyblade, in case you have not figured it out by now.? ?A keyblade??? Suddenly, the Sleeping Lion materialized in Ferin?s open palm. ?Ah, I see you already have a weapon. Well, two certainly won?t hurt.? ?Who are you?? ?I am he that has been killed, and revived again, by the darkness. I am he wants to aids those who have my common enemy.? ?Who says I?m after the darkness, or whatever it is.? ?Because, I believe what they are after will tell you who you really are.? Ferin raised his stare from the new weapon, intrigued by the man?s proposition. ?Ah, I see that caught your interest. Good; it will seem that we have a common foe, am I right?? ?Yeah, sure?? The cloaked man folded his arms. ?Now, it is my reason to believe that the heart of certain worlds hold the knowledge of your true identity.? ?You mean I?m not Ferin?? ?You are Ferin, but not the one that you believe you are.? The man coughed before he continued. ?To unlock the knowledge of these worlds, you must unlock the gate to the hearts. Your keyblades, are the way to access that gate.? ?Hold it! I can tell there?s a price.? ?And your assumption would prove to be correct! Unlocking the gate of worlds will also the heartless to slowly consume the world, until it is nothing but darkness. And as a result, thousands of soldiers will be added to their horde.? ?I can?t do that?there?s no way I could do that?? ?You?re powers as a keyblade master are not strong enough to relock these gates ? only to unlock. However, there are two who have enough powers to lock the gates.? ?Who?? ?Sora and Riku, but their hearts would not even allow them to accompany you, forget about letting you risk the corruption of worlds after their own met such a dire fate.? ?What do I do then?? ?You must let the worlds be corrupted.? ?But, those people will be?? ?Corrupted? Yes, but good have they done to you? Nothing! They just sneered at you for being a stranger, when all you wanted was to have a home. It is equal exchange.? ?That?s not fair at all!? ?Its your choice, Ferin. I am giving you only choices, only paths to take. It is you who must choose which crossroad to follow.? ?I want to know who I am?? ?Then perhaps you should consult a wise man.? ?And who would that be?? ?In Radiant Garden, there are such few people. But, you do not have enough influence with their organization to arrange a meeting with them, and let?s not forget the fact that you do not even have transportation.? ?What do I do then?? ?Wait, and find the influence. Patience is a virtue.? ?Riku you mean?? The man raised his chin. ?You seem to know this Riku, yes?? ?I think I do?? ?Your chain of memories tells you so. Riku and his allies will come here soon enough.? The man clapped his hands. ?Now, I have one more gift for you before I leave.? ?And what?s that?? ?That.? The man pointed to the wall further down, where a black cloak was hung, nearly identical to the one the man was wearing. ?Sora and Riku will definitely associate with you if they see you in that.? Ferin wasn?t exactly convinced. ?Black cloak, huh?? ?Trust is the key to success. Now I must be off. Arrivederla!? And with that, a black portal consumed the man, and he was gone. ?Trust is the key to success, huh??
  9. Guys, I have been thinking, should I be roleplaying as both Ferin and Auron? Yes, it might be interesting to see another mentor-student role, but that is also somewhat of a cliche. So, unless someone else wants to take up Auron, or unless I decide to keep him, I might just roleplay as Ferin. But what do you guys think on the matter?
  10. Now, back on topic to the RP... Xemnas is back? Hmmm, kind of something I would of have expected, but maybe we can work around this to discover what Xehanort's memories were...
  11. [QUOTE]BTW, Deathseye and Split Keyblader, for everything that is holy and good use a spell and grammer checker![/QUOTE] We DID ask you, and you did not reformat your posts. You lost your chance, Split. Sorry bud, but I cannot honestley believe that you have a 90 in Spelling. The fact that your posts are barely readable kind of get rids of that note. If you really are as good as you say you are, then we should see it, not only in spelling, but in the format! And with KW's blessing... [quote name='The allmighty goddess that is Keyblade Wielder']Gurl89Hawaii (12:59:17 PM): would you like to tell him no?[/quote] I promptly say goodbye to you in this RP, good sir.
  12. FYI fellas, me and KW talked and she informed me she is not gonna restart teh RP, just continue from where we left off... [quote=AIM]Doublehex168 (12:10:40 PM): Ah, you're back Gurl89Hawaii (12:11:12 PM): Yes. I've read your PM> Gurl89Hawaii (12:11:17 PM): And Sakura's too. Gurl89Hawaii (12:11:23 PM): And I've already done something about it. Doublehex168 (12:12:12 PM): Just restart it! Gurl89Hawaii (12:12:22 PM): Oh lol Doublehex168 (12:12:25 PM): Same post, just say version 2.0 or soemthign with a note Gurl89Hawaii (12:12:44 PM): Lol I told ozzy that, but she said to just delete the bad posts. Gurl89Hawaii (12:12:51 PM): So.. it's already been done. Gurl89Hawaii (12:12:55 PM): NOw we can continue. Doublehex168 (12:12:59 PM): Okay, then lets continue! Doublehex168 (12:13:02 PM): No restart Gurl89Hawaii (12:13:15 PM): Okay..[/quote] Also, she informed me that I can still use both Ferin and Auron, since I proved that I am still capable of micromanaging them. [quote=AIM] Doublehex168 (12:17:54 PM): So, let em just verify this: I am allowed to use both Ferin AND Auron? Gurl89Hawaii (12:18:18 PM): yes. just as long as it's not too confusing. Doublehex168 (12:19:01 PM): Don't worry, I'm working on a novel, remember? If I can control hundreds, two will be like grade school![/quote] EDIT: KW has also informed me that Kitty is allowed to use both teh Cheshire Cat and Kairi. [quote=AIM] Doublehex168 (12:35:26 PM): So, which character is Kitty going to use? Gurl89Hawaii (12:35:35 PM): oh she's both. Doublehex168 (12:35:36 PM): The Cheshire Cat or Kairi? Because she was great at both! Gurl89Hawaii (12:35:38 PM): she's allowed. Gurl89Hawaii (12:35:40 PM): =3 Doublehex168 (12:35:46 PM): Oh, well, nevermidn then. [/QUOTE]
  13. I don't mean to sound rude, but with KW's permission, I think we should have Jokopoko delete ALL of Deathseye and Keyblade Splitter's posts because they are not only utter crap, but are totally messing up this otherwise finely crafted story that KW had formed for us.
  14. UH, Split Keyblader? Keyblade Wielder is a she. But onto who I'd like to meet... Dragon Warrior, because my RL friend says he is the divine god of comedy. Keyblade Wielder, because not onlt is she a girl that likes videogames, shes a girl that actually debates video game storylines with me! And she's Hawaiian(sp?) to boot! Kitty, because she's a good roleplayer, and thats reason enough. Acheron, because he complimented me on my writing skills, and I'd like to meet the guy who has such decorative posts.
  15. We all know that us humans have personalties that are usually total opposites, and this is usually related to humor. There are things that will make someone piss their pants with laughter, while the other person will scratch their head with a confused look on their head. So, give us some examples of such situations. *There was this one time I went to a Christian rock and roll weekend festival (and despite what you think, it rocked! Christ lovers CAN write good music), and one of their attractions was a comedian-pastor. He pretty mcuh retold the tale of the Good Samaritan multiple times, but with the Samaritan being everyone from a Black reverand to a gay guy. The black reverend impersonation got me into stitches! Now, when I tried to explain it to my friend, he just gave me a 'Wha?' expression. *[url]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b307/ra1yan/Flash%20Animations/1151543979.swf[/url] I tried showing this to some of my friends, but they just don't get it. I, on the other hand, can't get enough of it!
  16. For the sake of us better understanding the One Winged Angels, I'd thought I'd upload the logo and character sheets that I sent to KW when I first suggested the idea. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/owa_logo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [-The One Winged Angels-] (In order of rank) Hayahmo, The Long Shot Assassin The most sadistic of the four One Winged Angels, Hayahmo is quite possibly the best firearm expert in the known universe, with his ability to kill any foe as much as three hundred yards away in mere seconds, although it has been noted that he tends to make the deaths of his victims slow and painful, hitting them in the gut so that their stomach acid burns them from the inside. He enjoys his torture sessions like a child would enjoy Christmas. He is also the most tactical of the One Winged Angels, often forming their battle strategies. His symbol is the eye and his wings are green and demonic. Alphonse, The Infernal Angel Master of fire magic, Alphonse is a pyrofanatic, obsessed with making as many things burn as possible. With his scythe, he causes chaos wherever he goes. His skin is almost a light red in hue, and with his white hair and sky blue eyes he creates a face that seems to just radiate destruction and madness. He is a lover of the orchestra and classical and modern literature, as well as being semi crazed with the strategies of generals. He and Hayahmo often debate on how to deal with a certain conflict, mostly on friendly terms. When causing his fiery destruction, Alphonse waves his hands as if he is a conductor mastering a symphony. Garland, The Master Gambler The captain of the One Winged Angel?s battle ship, the Liberi Fatalis, Garland is a gambler at heart. Laid back and always the most sarcastic of the Four Winged Angels, Garland dresses for the occasion of being a classical villain, with his expensive Victorian-era styled coat. Scars are found across his face, and his red eyes cause a sort of overly friendliness on his otherwise gray expression. He could be considered the most human of the One Winged Angels, although even he enjoys his torture session and spilling of blood on the battlefield. His weapons of choice are enchanted gambling cards, each with their unique trait. Ranging from explosions to illusions to confuse his foe, he is a very versatile fighter. His symbol is the ace, and his wing is angelic with a bronze hue to it.
  17. As far as I know, there's no limit to the amount that we can post as long as it is good quality (four paragraphs I believe with at least three sentences each?). Now, what do you mean by [quote] Plus, can there be a boss that's conneced to your character? [/quote] BTW, Deathseye and Split Keyblader, for everything that is holy and good use a spell and grammer checker!
  18. One advice I can give is regarding the pros and cons of using a licensed setting against an unlicensed one. Now, not all of us are creative guineses. I mean, it is very difficult to create a brand spanking new setting, full of unique cultures and species and the such. Thus, alot of people prefer to set their roleplays off of animes, videogames, movies, or even books. This lets the creator skip a level of world building and jump straight into crafting the story. However, that means that all of the RPers have to follow the cannon of the said setting, and that can be restricting. There's also the fact that unless it is a wildly recognisable trademark, like Zelda, the chances of you getting alot of sign ups will be kind of slim. But, there are those among us who are very creative, who can create a brand new setting with some effort. For those of us out there, there are a world of possibilities. Our imaginations, and our roleplayer's, can go wild with our characters and plots. There IS no cannon - what we say IS the way the setting is ruled. However, as a result, not many people may be attracted to it because they may not know much about it. Thus, it will be up to the RP creators to FORM that attraction.
  19. Why does everyone but me seem to have trouble beating him? I thought he was failrly easy!
  20. You can download the manga off of [size=1][color=red]URL Removed[/color][/size] Its a scanlation, though, but the only translation available. [color=darkblue][size=1][b]For future reference, we don't allow to provision of URLs to scanslation sites on OB. ^_~ -Lady K[/color][/size][/b] EDIT: Sorry about that. I guess I forgot. :-/
  21. Sephiroth stood over a balcony, staring into the void that was the universe. He was at his homeworld, the Terra?s Void it was called. It was a planet that was a giant city, dark, silent and devoid of life. Only the heartless, the already damned, resided in such a barbarous territory. This was the place where the last of the One Winged Angels resided. There was a time when these great divine beings were the masters of all the worlds. But now, their kind had succumbed to darkness, both the servants and the master. They wouldn?t have it any other way. Sephiroth turned back to face the throne room. It was here that the six One Winged Angels would calculate battle strategies and formulate their next course of action regarding the politics of the universe. Rarely did the Angels intervene in such matters, but when it did, it would always be as neutrals, and neither side would achieve prize they were seeking. At one time, there were six thrones that hovered around an obsidian globe like the moons would hover around planets. Now, there were only four, with the others cracked and shattered. The third highest throne that orbited belonged to [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/hayahmo_photo.jpg][b]Hayahmo[/b][/url], the Long Shot Assassin. The greatest sniper in the known universe, not a single target has escaped his grasp. An eye patch was over his right eye, but it was purely ceremonial. The eye patch was over his left just as much as it was his right. Crimson and black armor decorated his person. ?Did you have a good time at the Garden, Sephiroth?? The silver manned warrior shrugged. ?Yes and no. Cloud is as stubborn as ever. He has rooted himself too much in the light. He does not rely on the darkness anymore. He doesn?t even show his heritage!? Another angel, the pyro fanatic [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/alphonse_photo.jpg][b]Alphonse[/b][/url], spat in disgust. ?We should have burned him when we had the chance! His screams would of have made a great symphony in my chorus of fire.? Sephiroth, not at very amused by the Infernal Angel?s comment, turned to face the fourth One Winged Angel. ?Be that as it may Alphonse, we have to move when the time is right.? The fifth angel, [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/garland_photo.jpg][b]Garland[/b][/url], twirled a playing card through his fingers. ?Agreed. I don?t think Lady Luck is not exactly on our side right now. Now thanks to Xemnas and his laughable Organization, there are more Heartless than we can shake a finger at.? Hayahmo sighed. ?What about the Keyblade masters? They may not exactly be easy to deal with.? ?Yes,? Sephiroth nodded. ?Sora is not one to be dealt with lightly. And if his Nobody is anything like his host, we have more enemies than we need.? ?Riku is not one to be ignored either!? Alphonse noted. ?He has mastered the darkness without being enslaved to it.? ?Kind of makes ya jealous,? Garland snickered. ?At least the other deserter is missing. We can?t have two traitors on our backs.? Garland turned towards Hayahmo. ?Don?t be so sure he won?t pop up again. Fate has a way to deal her cards in ways we won?t want her to.? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/ferin_titlebar.jpg[/IMG] ?Get the fuck away from me! Who the hell are you?!? The petrified teen swung his feeble weapon foolishly, the black voids that were the Heartless nearing closer and closer. Ferin swung the keyblade again. And once again it missed. He would swing his key blade in such a way countless times. With every swing, the Heartless would near closer and closer as they encircled him. Even more climbed the tower, reinforcing the horde that was prepared to devour this boy?s heart. Suddenly, something happened. One heartless decided enough was enough, and leaped. Its black claws were outreached, preparing to scar Ferin. But, it moved too fast, and it got in the way of the silver key blade. It shattered into vapors, and as if this course of action was an omen to their fate, the other heartless began to back away. Ferin?s breathing slowed. He smiled grimly. He could win. ?Heh, didn?t think I could hit ya, now did you? Well, playtime?s over fuckers!? With that, with the Sleeping Lion in hand. Ferin charged in, and swing the keyblade at every chance he had. That one kill brought more morale to the boy than if a hundred warriors came to his aid. No longer was his mind saying no. Now, it was saying yes. He was lost in the battle. If some human was aboard this tower with him, Ferin would be deaf to whatever they were saying. More and more he murmured under his breath ?Kill?, or ?Die?. He couldn?t stop thinking of the destruction of these black things. Vengeance was his only priority right now. His life became secondary as he entered his bloodlust. Suddenly a roar thundered the towers. The stained glass portfolio that acted as Ferin?s stage of battle was shaken violently. The heartless squealed before crawling away from the keyblade master. Slowly, the form of the roar revealed itself. A [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/SoF/heartless_demon.jpg][b]demon[/b][/url], its skins crimson like that of freshly spilled blood, its claws blue like ice. Horns twisted around its grim face. Its jaw was narrow, a large bone spiraling down from its chin. Its veins could be more similar to incomplete cobwebs. Its breath, which reeked of a thousand corpses, could be smelt a thousand miles away, if this realm between light and dark and nothing could even have miles. The demon roared. With its icy eyes, it told the keyblade wielder that the battle had begun. And with it, it had also mocked that Ferin?s life was over. It roared once more, allowing its malicious claws and storm producing wings to stretch. Suddenly, balls of energy appeared around Ferin?s arms and legs, spreading them apart. He hovered face to face with the demon. It licked its lips. Ferin chuckled. ?Hello beastie.? Using every ounce of strength in his body, Ferin shattered the ball of energy that held his right arm, and smashed his keyblade into the demon?s face. It was pushed back with tremendous force. Ferin still hovered in mid air. The demon grabbed Ferin, crushing its energy balls that contained Ferin, and prepared to do the same to the boy. Ferin had other ideas, however, and smashed through the demons tight grip and slammed the keyblade into the demons jaw. As the demon was rocketed to the ground, Ferin fell onto the tower. He shook his head before climbing to his feet. Suddenly, the tower was pushed over and Ferin was falling towards the void. At the last minute, he plunged the Sleeping Lion into the edge of the tower, but eventually it too gave way and Ferin was falling once again. Suddenly a giant ball of energy was speeding towards him. Thinking fast on his feet, Ferin threw the keyblade straight through the inferno. A giant clash of thunder and might could be seen beyond, and the chaos magic evaporated. Ferin crashed onto another tower, with his Keyblade landing close beside him. Ferin climbed to his feet quickly, knowing full well that the demon would be on his trail. His prediction proved true, the demon?s head revealed itself and swung violently, catching Ferin in its grips. He tried desperately to keep the jaw from crushing him, with his hands and feet acting as support, but the colossal might was too much. The demon swung upward, sending Ferin flying, planning to devour Ferin before he had time to react. Luckily for the boy, the demon miscalculated and Ferin landed right on its scalp. Seeing this as his chance to end the conflict, Ferin plunged the keyblade into the demons skull again and again. Blood flowed light a great fountain. ?DIE, DIE, DIE!? Ferin laughed menacingly, as if he was enjoying this game of death. The pain was too much for the heartless. Its strength had waned. It had spent countless millennia collecting hearts, but it was no match for any keyblade, nor its wielder. It eventually crashed into a tower, and Ferin would have died in the rubble. But, for some reason, he did not die that day. Instead he saw a great light. And then, he was in Twilight Town again. He was home.
  22. [URL=http://img132.imageshack.us/my.php?image=desktopwq6.jpg][IMG]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1327/desktopwq6.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I know present to you my desktop, whihc probably has the smallest amount of icons next to White's.
  23. Glad you were able to. Now, should we discuss the, erm, you one whose? ;) You know, the ones we talked about in AIM yesterday? Or perhaps we should not spoil their presence so quickly? I am just saying it may seem less, erm, cliche if we reveal them now, or soon after the RP begins, like how KH I revealed the Heartless almost off the bat, and the same with KH II and the Nobodies. EDIT: Now that Ferin has 'returned' to twilight town, I must note that no one shoudl recognize him. Doing so will be contradictory to the back story I hve in mind for him. Also, post number three and four are contradicting each other! One says the mysterious man at the port is the 'master' while the other says hes just a regular guy. Someone get rid of their post or edit it big time!
  24. I have three things I will like to address... [1] Perhaps we should not be limited to so few worlds! Maybe we should be allowed to go as our characters see fit. Personally, I don't know why my characters would be limited to the ones you posted, but that is just my personal opinion. [2]I think that it is too technical, with you having muuny in the rp. Personally, I believe we are here to roleplay a story, not a game. I believe muuny should used in a 'literal' sense, not in a technical sense. [3] Why are we not allowed to acquire new weapons? Surely, we won't stick with the same keyblade (I'm speaking in a general sense here) throughout our entire adventure!
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