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Everything posted by Doublehex

  1. [quote name='Aceburner']Oh, right. I should probably try not to spoil it for you. Try to get to Alabasta as soon as you can, though. Most epic arc in the entire series.[/QUOTE] Very well then. I'll leave Hellboy for later then. Off to One Piece!
  2. Well, I am only up to Volume 11 (or is it 12?) Its when they first meet the whale, so I don't understand Luffy 101%.
  3. The first chapter has been posted. Enjoy. [CENTER][URL="http://dcs.ffproject.net/epic/chapters/openingact.htm"][U]Opening Act[/U][/URL][/CENTER]
  4. My caffeine intake is non existent due to coffee tasting like crud. :whoops:
  5. Well, Oprah, Bigs Bunny, Calvin and Hobbes, are beyond my skill of imagination, I'm afraid. And besides, both Riku and Luffy are serious characters. They aren't comedic in nature (except for Luffy, to an extent).
  6. I really wasn't expecting real life actors! :p But, here is what I have thus far, to give you an idea of what I am doing. I'm trying to balance it out - I need more comic characters and TV shows. EMPIRE OF WINDURST Yuber: One of the acclaimed ?Three Celestial Generals?, Yuber Vuxiong has won the emperor many battles in the previous war. However, he has seemed distant as of late. Neji Yai: A member of the royal family. He is blind. He is involved a great deal in politics, and is very TDR in the way he does things. Neji supports Ling from afar. Ling Yao: Cursed to become one of the Wraiths, Greed, Ling has left his homeland in search of a cure. REPUBLIC OF BASTOK Queen Selena: The queen of Bastok, she was recently placed into the position by the Parliament to help rally the people. Bastok has recently gotten out of a bloody war with San d'Oria, at the cost of many lives. Xemnas: One of the Senators, Xemnas is aligned with the Cursed ? those who have been afflicted with magical diseases. The Cursed are treated like second class citizens, and it is Xemnas? goal to not only push forward the hope for a cure, but also to in the meantime, treat the Cursed properly. Kratos: A warrior gone mad thanks to the death of his family, he in turn seeks to bring as many deaths upon others as possible. KINGDOM OF SAN d?ORIA Gramis Solidor: The King of San d?Oria. Nicholas Fury: The spymaster to the King. Sephiroth : A senator who steered San d?Oria into the war with Bastok in order to prevent a plague from desecrating both countries. He and his mother, Lady Jenova, have effectively ruled the country for a good many years, although it was in the name of the ?good? of the Kingdom. He lost his left arm in a hunting accident. Cloud Strife: Fiercely loyal to Sephiroth. Sephiroth sacrificed his left arm to save Cloud?s life all those many years ago. Cloud is the blade, and Sephiroth is the arm. Orihime Solidor [Orihime Inoue]: A member of the royal family ? she was one of the middle children, being fourteenth in line for the throne. Knowing the impossibility of actually being Queen, she has involved herself in politics. Giho Dulorne [Ichigo Kurosaki]: A close friend of Orihime, he is her personal bodyguard, as well as secret lover. He is one of the Cursed, able to communicate with the departed and use them in battle. THE MERCS CORP. The Mercanary Corps. are split into two divisions ? one is the fighting division, while the other is the info seeking division. Dutch: He is the head of the Corps. He rarely heads into battle, but he is a stout leader. He?s no weakling, however ? he can pack one hell of a punch. Alexander Kreuz (Soma Cruz) ? The newest member of the Corps. At the ripe age of 19, he is a well trained, albeit inexperienced, warrior. The Nameless One: He is rescued by them on one of their contracts. He is now an aged veteran of their many campaigns. Riku: An orphaned child, he fought his way into the ranks of the Corps. Monkey D. Luffy: Their newest recruit, Monkey ate the illegal Devil Fruit, gaining amazing elastic powers. The Corps have sheltered him, in exchange for his prowess in battle. Abarai (Yao) [Abarai Renji Athena ? A mind reader, she is one of the most ?persuasive? information gatherers the Corps. have at their disposal. Katherine Pride [Kitty Pride] ? A Cursed, she has the ability to go through walls, desks...pretty much anything. She was to be lynched, but the Corps. saved her. THE GREAT BELOW Kreia; The Lady of Betrayal Count Doom; The Man of Perfection: A scientific genius, proficient warrior, dabbler of the arcane, ruler of the small kingdom of Latveria - there are few things that Victor Von Doom is not. He was slightly scarred in a fight, and ever being the perfectionist, he crafted an iron mask to hide his entire face. He hopes to manipulate his fellow members so that Latveria will come out as the most powerful nation. But most of all, he seeks the destruction of Nick Fury, the man who has proven that he was wrong in so many ways ? mostly in the fact that he is not a great man, for he is run entirely by jealousy and greed. He only mimics the way great men act, but he himself is not a great man. Kefka Palazzo; The Lunacy ? The first recorded volunteer to go under magical experiments. He was able to wield magic without the use of incantations, but his mind became warped. He now seeks to just destroy. Everything. UNALIGNED Albedo Piazzola; The Sigil of Power - Head of a terrorist organization, he seeks to revive his ?brother?, the Red Dragon. He was once part of The Great Below.
  7. What happened to the days when crossovers were taking seriously? I can tell you guys right now that 99% of your suggestions will not even be considered. Believe it or not, I am hoping for a serious tone with my story. Its not some satire or comedy - its a serious action/adventure with its share of politics and social rot in its world. So, no Oprah, campy Batman, or anything else of those goofy things, This is serious stuff!
  8. [quote name='Aceburner']Have you ever read Calvin and Hobbes?:p[/QUOTE] Best comic ever! But that's more of a satire than what I am looking for.
  9. I think I should of posted that this is going to be a serious piece of fiction. So, none of those silly Saturday morning cartoons.
  10. Considering that it was for a student newspaper, I have a feeling he isn't paid at all.
  11. [quote name='chibi-master']You're right, and once again, I am VERY sorry:animeswea. Although I probably missed something in the article, because I'm confused. The guy that wrote that wrote the article wrote that 700(or over, I forgot.) people were sent to the hospital, but in the wikipedia thing that Aceburner brought up, it said 600-something. Does the article author not have his facts straight again, or am I just missing something that'll probably turn out to be obvious?:confused:[/QUOTE] None of that is obvious. Heck, for all we know, the wikipedia entry might be wrong, so what we think is "obvious" may very well turn out to not be so right on after all. But really, what's there to be confused about? The guy wrote a poorly researched mess and posted it on the internet. 'Nuff said.
  12. [quote name='chibi-master']Umm...I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.:confused: If so and I offended you in some way, I'm terribly sorry. I just don't think that this guy should be mouthing off about a topic that he obviously hasn't researched.[/QUOTE] Yeah, he's being sarcastic, but I have serious doubts on him being defended. But what you wrote was exactly what the guy was yapping about. It kinda made you seem to be kind of foolish. Remember these words Benjamin Franklin said to John Adams: "A wise diplomat observes much and speak little." You can't do much wrong if you follow those words.
  13. I have been planning for some time to start a story to show that crossover fictions can work. After all, western comicbooks have shown time and again that characters from both superhero and non-superhero works can compliment each other. So, I decided I was going to write a story that would feature an unbelievably large cast from a large spectrum of genres and title...and I was going to make it work. Now why am I telling you guys this? Because I want to know which characters you want to see in such a story. I am not going to tell you the premise of it, nor of the type of setting. I just want, plain and simply, you guys to tell me which characters you want to see in a mass crossover story.
  14. All we know is that the two titles are going to be geared for the two main manga groups - shonen and shoujo (did I spell that right?). Everything else is up for speculation.
  15. [quote name='Memphis'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Hm. I don't really know what to say. Magneto's look, if that's what he's going to look like, blew me away. Looks like Dante. (Devil May Cry)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I hope you don't mean that in a good way. That looks nothing like how Magneto should look. He's supposed to be an old man - that Magneto looks like a teen! And he is far too pretty. I can only pray they update him for the final copy. And Beast is just terrible.
  16. As reported by [URL="http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=139064"]Newsarama[/URL]: [QUOTE]Today at the New York Anime Festival, Marvel and Del Rey announced a joint project which will see their most popular properties produced as Original English Language manga: X-Men and Wolverine - the manga. The deal, which will see two volumes of each produced in a traditional manga digest size, began when Marvel and Del Rey were in negotiations to publish the Iron Man movie adaptation, and grew to the final product. The black and white digests will be printed left-to-right, in a Western style format, and publication will begin in spring of 2009. Creators named for the titles are: X-Men - Written by Raina Telgemeier and Dave Roman with art by the Indonesian artist, Anzu. Wolverine - Antony Johnston was named as writer, with the artist to be named later. Del Rey?s Dallas Middaugh stressed that the titles will be looking to reach out to manga readers ? clearly a different readership than the traditional X-Men fan, as such, the styles of the two series will be shojo (aimed at girls) and shonen (aimed at boys), respectively. That is: X-Men will be a shojo style manga, where the Xavier School is still a mutant academy, but it's a all-boys school ? with Kitty Pryde, the heroine of the story is the only girl in the school. Kitty is torn between the popular Hellfire Club, led by Pyro, and the school misfits who she eventually bands together as the X-Men.[/QUOTE] The original announcement, showing Wolverine, Magneto, and Jean Grey: [url]http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=139197[/url] Some more designs, showing another interpretation of Wolverine, as well as Beast, Kitty, Iceman, and Nightcrawler: [url]http://blog.newsarama.com/2008/04/22/another-look-at-the-manga-style-wolverine-x-men/#more-7927[/url] Now, I am not too sure I am liking what I am seeing. Some of the design is nice - especially Kitty. But, then we have Wolverine. I am aware he is being adapted into a manga format, but he looks too bishie to me. Wolverine needs muscles twice that size, and he needs to be [I]hairy[/I]. Notice how I emphasized the word. But for all I know, this might actually turn out to be good. Or, it could blow up in Marvel's face.
  17. Oh great - it arrives right when I am especially tight with my money. Oh curse you, dreaded car insurance! I want to beat the original before I get FES anyways.
  18. It is interesting what 6 months and 15 episodes can do to change one's mind. I am enjoying this anime a great deal now, whereas before I really didn't care for it. Its weird - maybe it was me watching Battlestar Galactica, but I am really, [I]really[/I] liking what Sunrise is doing with this show. Sure, at first it seemed like a modern reimagining of Gundam Wing, but it quickly follows its own path. I am somewhat dissed at how we will have to wait until the fall for Season 2 to begin, and I am much more preferable to have had it just continue immediately. But maybe the long span will give us time to ponder whatever cliffhanger episode 25 has in store?
  19. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I'm sorry, what were you talking about again? :p Seriously, I agree. I want the time I wasted reading it back! Heh.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree on you agreeing with me. I should of been doing some work on my book's outline, not reading a bigoted article that had no conception of research.
  20. It is a funny thing when you are interested in a title because its name is so interesting that it just grabs your attention, especially when it is in a language you can barely comprehend.
  21. At the end of the day, it is best to simply say that the article is just, simply put, utter foolishness, and we would all do ourselves a great service to put it out of our minds and memories as quickly as it entered them.
  22. [quote name='sakurasuka'][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="1"] Though if I were to make a game, I really would enjoy an RPG based almost entirely on building your character and inter-character relationships. There wouldn't be 'levels', but rather points in different levels of expertise depending on what you wanted to be good at. Plus I'd like unique skills or races/classes. Maybe there wouldn't even be classes, but just degrees of experience in a certain area. Maybe you could excel in more than one 'Job' or 'Class'. I dunno. I just think that killing things to level up and find/buy armor has become stale. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] What you are looking for is "Fallout". There are no experience levels in that game - only stats. You just invest points in what you want to be good at. There aren't any classes, and since it takes place on Earth, the only race available to you is Human. But, it has most of what you are looking for, and from what I have heard, it is a great story. It's almost always listed on Top whatever Western RPGs list, so it has to be good.
  23. [quote name='Meggido'] Ok I'll stop before someone says that I'm reading too much into things. lol, well I am a lit student :P[/QUOTE] You are reading too much into things. :) It had to be said. But yes, it just seems that ever since World War II, America seems to be getting stupider with every generation. Compare the fluid language of our Founding Fathers to what we hear today. You'll see what I mean.
  24. As I have written in my blog: [QUOTE]I have been forwarded to what could only be described as an "interesting" opinion editorial, in which the author's opinions on anime can summed up in these few words: 'Anime is stupid. Thus, it is making kids stupid. We are doomed.' Now, when I read the title, "Japanese anime destroying American society", I was already a little distraught. Anime is a subject that is of importance to the article, and thus, the title itself. It goes without saying that it should be capitalized. When Mr. Glucklich did not do so, I only assumed he just did not have enough care to proofread his own article. Already he was off to a bad start. The University of Oregon junior goes on to say things that are described as being truly foolish, ignorant, and shows he did not even do his research on the subject matter. He grouped shows like "Pokemon" and "Yu-Gi-Oh!" in the same group. True, they share similarities, but they are not of the same genre. He says that Pokemon was the cause of widespread seizures. The thing is, that case happened almost ten years ago, to only 100 children, in Japan. The way he had written it, it was very recent, was widespread, and the cases occurred in America. If I am not mistaken, that is on a very similar level as propaganda - over exaggerating the facts to meet your goals. The article goes on to show how anime is a worthless medium, but the only anime titles listed are the big, mainstream ones. He dosen't state those that have an actual storyline, or even better, those with a storyline that has some relevance in today's day. "Gundam 00" comes to mind. The story has a very post-9/11 feel to it, and you can relate to most of the political conflicts that are occurring in the world. In the end, the article just reeked of foolishness and short sightedness. I am sure Mr. Glucklich is a very intelligent individual, who knows a good deal of foreign cultures or other matters of interest. But in this regard, he has acted very foolish.[/QUOTE]
  25. I've been in need of a fantasy fix, and I am somewhat fascinated by "Eberron", so I wnt and picked up [URL="http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=products/eberronnovel/176430000"]"The City of Towers"[/URL]. I'm only 40 pages in, but right now its a pretty decent read. I've heard the second book in the trilogy is miles above this one, so even if I don't like it too much, I'll pick up the next book.
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