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Everything posted by Cheeky7

  1. Full metal alchemist is an awesome anime series with good plot and characters. :catgirl: I've only seen episode 1 and 50 in [[COLOR=Sienna]Removed[/COLOR]]. This series is great but depressing. First you see Edward's arm been[spoiler] bitten by wolf (?) but then his arm was made out of steel !?[/spoiler] :animestun It has dark twisted plots and the sounds scared me. :animedepr But while I was frightened, I pretty much enjoyed watching because of that! Full metal alchemist episode 1 and 50 is shown in [[COLOR=Sienna]Link Removed[/COLOR]] Once you have got into the [[COLOR=Sienna]removed[/COLOR]], typed full metal alchemist and clicked the search button, try finding a thumbnail image that shows 20 min something second on the below each one of them. It usually means that it's an episode instead of music video. [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][B]Cheeky7[/B], links to copyrighted materials is not allowed on Otakuboards. We do not offer any trading post services at OtakuBoards.com. Furthermore, posting links to illegal ROMs, full episodes of movies or any other such material is unacceptable. I also added spoiler tags to your post, please do not assume that everyone is familiar with a paticuliar anime. Always use spoiler tags. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  2. Cheeky7


    :animedepr I don't know... how to comfort you pixie_rich. Having a serious disease (not as much as AIDs) that weakens your immune system is horrible. A slightest cold can be harmful to you can't it? It must've been shocking and depressing for you to find out that you've got HIV. you may be struggling to cope with this but one thing I can tell you is, not all HIV patients will die but possibilities. HIV is not deadly as AIDs but there is a risk that can turn into AIDS. But worrying about this won't solve a thing. Like most of the OB member post said, you're not gonna die tomorrow. Make the most of it while living. We all need to live today like as if it is our last day because who knows what could happen? This isn't easy and you may be emotionally trying to cope with it but think to yourself, is it really worth thinking about how much you're going to suffer from HIV ? Will it do any good? Feeling like the end of the world will only make the situation worse. Instead of feeling sad and wish you've never got them, think about what you could do NOW that you've diagnosed with this disease. There is no complete cure for HIV/Aids yet but think about what you could do to make yourself stronger living with HIV. Life is too short to be feeling this way forever. I don't know if you were born with HIV,spreading from blood or the result of sex, but we can't turn back time no matter what. My friend's friend told me that there was this guy who have lost both of his leg from accident (or was it a disease? Can't remember) but he encouraged himself to be happy and doing his best no matter what. He is currently teaching now with a big smile!:animesmil There are people who appreciate their life and never waste what they're given. It is unfortunate for you to be diagnosed with HIV but I hope my advice can help you in some way. Wishing you all the best
  3. Sadness, hyper, happiness, love, depression and anger. Depression is the strongest emotion for me.
  4. [quote name='duoikari']If your new to yaoi, you can be a sheep and watch/read gravitation or you can be an indivual and go for something like No money or If dogs could also walk or Viewfinder.^_____________^[/quote] The country where I live ( New Zealand) hardly sell comics in stores :animesigh Do you know any sites where I could read yaoi manga scanlations/downloads? If so, please tell me! :D
  5. There is nothing wrong with having pre-martial sex. It's other people's choice to whether they want to have sex or not. If people are having sex before marriage, or choose to stay as virgin until marriage, it's their choice. But it's wrong for people having sex at the age nearly as young as 12 years old. (What is the world coming to?) Pre-martial sex is fine as long as you're sharing with someone special. But people shouldn't lose their virginity if they're gonna regret after having sex. I am chinese and some chinese people lose respect to people (particularlly girls) who already had sex. Especially if a girl loses her virginity before marriage, she will be considered as unvaluable. (Virginity ripped) Ofcourse these are old chinese customs but some chinese society still carry these thoughts. My opinion, it is other people's choice to have sex before/after marriage unless you carry out religious beliefs. Choose the right decision for yourself.
  6. I just found out the meaning of "yaoi" today. :D My opinion on yaoi? Well, I've never read/seen before so it would be nice to check it out :)
  7. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1]Example: My best friend is a track distance runner. //snip// Example: Stoner friend. //snip// Example: My friend Matt. His brother is an active member in the Crips. //snip//[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Wow! :wow: You're a cool guy! :cool: You must hang out with all sorts of people huh? It must be awesome getting along with different variety of friends! :catgirl: [quote name='angelbyday][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Tahoma]I'm going to go ahead and say sorry in case this response hurts your feelings! But really why do you care what they think of you or your hobbies? Get over it, it's life people will always judge you by how you act, look, and who you hang out with. If you don't like the way the talk about you because of the simple fact that you have a " loser" hobbie, stay the HE** away from them.[/FONT][/COLOR'] :rolleyes:[/quote] I appreciate your honest opinions. :catgirl: Yeah, the only thing matter is what we love. Let's face it every where you go there will always be someone who judge you in some ways, but so what? As long as I like them nothing matters! :) [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]Cheeky7, I merged your two posts together. Please do NOT double post. If you wish to add more, use the EDIT button. If you want to reply to more than one person, you can always copy and paste their text into [QUOTE] tags of your current post to avoid double posting. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE] [/COLOR][/INDENT]
  8. Don't worry you're not the only one who had crush on manga characters. I used to have this obsession or crush over Hayama from Kodocha but likely got over it. When you have a crush on a manga character,you couldn't get him and other cool characters out of your head. We all know that manga characters are not real. You'll sometime laugh at yourself too. It's this unexplainable feelings and you start to wonder if you're really going insane. I think that some of us are more slightly obsessed than others. Been this way isn't healthy (But I kept on reading it ).Finding someone who can relate to Kyo is fine.One thing though, never compare real people with anime characters.They maybe be charming but they only lives in the fantasy world. Face reality that they don't exist. If you still can't get over it,then it is best for you to stay away from manga for awhile.Why don't you go out with your friends and watch movies, read english books,do exercises, do other things that you love for those spare time? It helped me when I go out movies with my friends and watching TV. It helped me realise and wonder to myself " Now how did I start having crush on anime characters?" I naturally got over it day by day. I still admire manga characters but I'm no longer having crush or been obess about it now.Nothing should be concernedI'm sure you'll get over it slightly and without making yourself to. It's only the time matter.
  9. [QUOTE=Dark Neko-Chan][COLOR=DarkRed] Well, that's dumb! Of course it's not! It's way awesomer than any American cartoon! Almost all American cartoons have srappy animation and are all competely idiotic! They all could be classified as "comedy", but anime has so amny different sides to it! They have the heavy stuff like Fullmetal Alchemist, they have the confusing, complex stuff like Ghost In The Shell, they have the cute, adorable stuff like Hamtaro, and they have the... uh... odd stuff like BoBoBo-BoBo-BoBo! [/color][/quote] When I was little I used love watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast, little mermaid,lion king,pochahontas etc.The classics were great but in nowadays nearly 100% of Disney are all computer animated and you start to get sick of it. American cartoon and Japanese may be different but it's unique to its own.Each has their own different tastes to it. But you don't get addicted as much as Anime though.
  10. [quote name='Charles']Anime and manga are for dorks. But, so what? I play video games, which are just as strongly associated with dorkiness. My point is that almost everyone has a dorky interest or hobby. Look at the myspace fad and how mainstream that is. Isn't that the epitome of dorkiness? Don't be ashamed of your nerdy interest or make excuses about how "deep" anime is. Just be comfortable enough with yourself and what you like to accept, and even laugh at what other people think about it. Be cool enough to make fun of yourself and people won't bother you. However, if you become heated and try to explain the complexity of anime to naysayers, prepare to get teased. And rightfully so.[/quote] You're right! :catgirl: Every one has their own different types of hobbies and there is nothing wrong with liking anime.We should accept and be comfortable with ourselves.I'm glad to be brought into this anime world and so is every anime fans! Thanks for sharing opinion :) [CENTER] -------------------------------------[/CENTER] [QUOTE=Tragic World]That's sad that so many people make fun of something that most of them do not know about. While there are some mangas and animes that are meaningless or disgusting, many of them are very interesting and thought-provoking. Some even hold strong ethical and moral messages that teach you more than any run-of-the-mill movie or book would. There is some really great stuff out there! While I would not belittle anyone's opinion, I think that anime and manga are [B]awesome[/B], and I totally agree with what you said. To those people who say such things and don't even try to verify their opinions by actually reading some manga or watching some anime, I have nothing to say but why not try it out? You'd be surprised by what you'll find.[/QUOTE] I've checked your writing pages and they looked wicked! :excited: You're a great writer and you could do something about those talents in the future.Don't waste them! There is always a future for someone who is prepared. About what you've posted,it's true that some manga are nonsense with full of disgusting things but there is heaps of countless genres from all different age level such as comedy,horror,science fiction,fantasy,action,ghosts,drama,romance even porn etc (You name it.) that you could choose from. But sometimes when I finished reading a manga volume, I'll look outside the window and realises what a dull reality life I'm living. Sure most main characters in manga are all quite related to us in some parts but there is always some fascinating events that has changed their lives. Do you sometimes admire them? I was attracted to some male characters in manga but not in a bishounen (pretty boy) way you know? Something about those characters are so :animeblus Ok, off topics here :animeswea [INDENT][SIZE=1] [COLOR=Indigo][B]Cheeky7[/B] please do not double post. If you wish to add something just use the edit button located in the lower right hand corner of your post. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  11. I loved FLCL!! It was confusing and most of the things were sorta left unexplained but you've got to figure it out yoursef. A part of me wished they'd make sequel but it probably will ruin the original so it's better to stay this way. I want to download FLCL episodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Want to buy DVD series but left with empty wallets :crying:
  12. [QUOTE=Ikeor]I got to say somethin to this. Lets put it this way, is enough manga and anima for everyone to find something they like let it be cooking, sports, horror, action, whatever. :animesigh The problem I have with manga is when I read around other people. So many kids think that it is just porn in comic book format. In truth there is manga like that. But the teachers... Whenever I bring out a book like yuyu hakusho it is always flipped through and checked by them to make sure there is nothing in it. Honestly there are people out there that are giving manga and anima lovers a bad name,[/QUOTE] Yeah, I totally agree. When ever I read manga around my class mates they'll react like "eeeeeerw! A girl has flashed her undies!" and this and that... Well ya know what? Alot of American movies have lot's of things like violence and sex and all that so it shouldn't matter.Besides not all manga is about porns. Thanks for replying Ikeor :animesmil
  13. Hi I'm a big fan of Anime and sometimes people upset me when they think that anime is bunch of cheaply made cartoons that only nerds and losers are into them! The truth is they know nothing about the deep side of anime. It is not all like pokemon, sailormoon and yu gi oh at all! I'm not forcing others to be interested in anime but I just wish that they could understand the art form and complex side of anime.Some people don't know how amazing and beautiful anime is. It certainly taught me life lessons watching through anime and mangas. That's my opinion. What do you think? :animecry: /
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