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Juno walks by the gate with out any one noticing and he finds him self just walking around Net Slum for a bit until he hears a girls voice behind him from the Chaos Gate "You Juno Yesakamray You and your team are underarrest!" juno turns around in suprise. "Its you.......Kamui's daughter Kimiko.....How did you find me?" Juno askes grasping his spear. "You forgot that we can trase your accsess anywhere, from your home computer to your buisness computer and i had a hunch that you would be here." she smiles a big grin of sadisfaction. "Thats trisen and no im quiting you should be getting my notice here in a bit." "Oh who cares and i dont care if youre quiting or not theres a huge bounty on youre head and im going to take it and if i have to do it by force then so be it...." "I hope to god you take me in by force becasue im not going in willingly." Kimiko grasps her spear of whatom and thrusts it at juno, juno dodges it straking back at her, forcing her to jump back a few ways. "And i hope you know im now the leader of the skull knights ever scence you gave up your spot and ive been tracking you for some time now." "well i hope to god you pairash along with the skull knights. and if youre not going to leave me and my friends alone then so be it." Kimiko jumps at juno juno blocks the hit "How bout we go some where else instead of here." asks kimiko "Fine by me if thats what i have to do to save my friends." Kimiko yells "passing over aqua field." Juno jumps as soon as he enters the area. Kimiko does the same giveing them some space in between them. "Why are you affter me and my friends it doesnt make scence!" Kimiko yells"It makes perfict scence!" Juno yells back "What that your blinded by Money and thats the only thing you ever cared about in the whole relationship when we were dating thats all that mattered and also revenge the only reason why i left you was just because of that you didnt love me at all you despised me and hated me...... so if thats what you want to do is kill me then try but dont think that i wount try to kill you back.. oh and one more thing dont try to use the spear of whatom's debuging menu its a fake... why its just a mear copy at that you just wanted it because your mom had it and same thing with that guy who deleted the first aura copy the guy with the dancing stars for eyes he was a true god the real albrio the real god of the spear of whatom you dont deserve a single thing in life becuase you never appriciated it." Kimiko snears "You ass!!!!" she yells "You'll die for that little speach of your's just now." "Fine i azzept my fate." says juno calm. Kimiko attacks with the spear and juno dodges it.. she unleases a merage of attacks but juno dodges them all with out a scratch. juno jumps back and attacks kimiko with a head on attack to her gut. shes hit. "see i told you" says juno. he logs off the area that he was at and logs back into Net Slum. while kimiko is still knelling on the ground where her and her opponet were just at. a tear falls down her face and hits the ground she has a blank stare. ................................................................................................... Affter her little battle with Juno wich ended quite quickly she finally quite the world and her job all together she had left her charecter and everything behind and moved to a different contry.... Juno never seen her again. OOC: if your wondering what the spear of whatom and the guy with dancing eyes and also kamui there all part of the .hack//Al buster series wich i read alot over hte summer so yeah if you still dont know what im talking about go out to the local book store and ask for that book title ^_^
Juno looked at dark strangly and wandered something. "OK can any one tell me who the hell he is." pointing towards dark. "why are you asking?" said kya. Juno whispers towards kya, "when i was still caption of the skull knights i remember his face, i had to bring him in and the rest of you but i cant know that im wanted too, during that fight were it was just you and the others in that secert location i was shocked to hear my name, by the admin and wandered why but i could have killed you and your teammembers on the spot but i figured i hate fallowing the damn rules and wanted out anyways but it was to hard i had to give up everything and now that im wanted and stuff its better to stay with you guys i feel like im wanted and have a perpase here, i tryed so hard to fit in and everyone shuned me down but you you looked at me and i knew i was wanted here in the group, so i disobayed my orders and everything untill i was cought with you, dont think that im plaming you and your friends but its me thats really the assole here i should have told you before i was even with you in the battle. I should have told everyone. Im sorry....." a tear drop runs down his face and he grasps hard on to his spear. "please dont tell any one what i have told you PLEASE i the lord of the skull knights beg of you not to speek a word." OOC:hey sorry but i havent been on in a while and stuff yeah but i thought that if you didnt know his intensions in the first plaace then i would be a boring charecter so i only told kya what my intensions where. so yeah i hope ya understand.
[COLOR=Navy]undefined[/COLOR] [SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE] Kya laughed. " Well, lets go. We're meeting Nomura at Dun Loreiag. From there, we will be going to a safe field so we can talk in private." " Right," Clipper nodded, slinging her Long Arm weapon over her shoulders. " Another adventure." "Hey well im going to leave and come back as a new charicter." Said juno. "Uh may i ask why?" said Kya. "because im the leader of the skull knights, if im walking around in this uniform then im most defanatly will be cought by the other system admin's." "Good point." Said clipper. "Well if you see a new charicter hangin about its me ok." "got it!" said Kya. And the Lord of the knights is no more. he dissappers with a flash of yellow light. And he logs in to the world as a different charicter. He has black hair with red bang's/ highlights. and is carrying around a staff. He has on a redish shirt also to match redish pants. He walks out of the cahos gate and walks towards the Grunty Nursery He awaits everyones arrivel. "looks like im the only one that is here....At the moment." OOC:hey sorry for the sloppy spelling well i hope ya know its early in the morning so yeah hopefully when i wake up alittle i can spell a little better ^_^ lol well yeah.
" How the...." Juno started. Kya turned to him, and sheathed her katana, her wings still glowing. " I told you.... our blood.... it has DNA. DNA is like a piece of code, an algorithm. It just hit me.... and I thought I'd try it. It works. Our blood fights the virus." " But... that doesn't make sense," Clipper said. " I don't know how it works exactly, but it does." Juno looks down at his sword "then if thats the answer then ......" he lifts his blade over his arm and cuts his arm alittle but enough to get a good amount of blood on his sword. He runs up to the other monster and slashes it a few times and jumps back down. The monster screams and dissappers in acode barririor like the other one had done as well. "Now what do we do about him." clipper pointed at the monerator that had traped them there.
" Looks like I'll have to go things left-handed now." "better than nothing at all i gess" juno jumps backwords missing a swing form the monster and blocking. "man wheres ur firends at juno" said kya "i dont want to die" "u just told me that were traped remeber" "O yeah hehe sorry i forgot" "Wacth ur back " juno screams and runs behind her and blocks a huge attack that pushes him aginst her. juno jumps up and attacks swinging his sword. OOC: sorry that its short i have to get off now thanks for understanding :D ;) :(
"Not saying trouble is a bad thing. Thanks to Nomaru I get to fight an undefeatable monster. Just like our dads and Kite but instead of a data draining legendary hacker we got stuck with a Skull Knight, joy." "Thanks alot even though the skull knights will be here in a little bit for back up" "and if i were u id wacth what u say before the leader of the skull knights" I to wished that the kinghts would hurry up here but the hacker probably blocked the system form them. He thought to him self. The three of them are traped with very little supplies and very high monsters. Juno jumped and dodged the attack from the monster before him. He ran towards the monster..... and slashed at the monster but it too did very little damage. "I wish i wasnt stock with out a debug menu" But also that too must of been blocked by the hacker or was his weapon just not fited for it. "HEY CLIPPER, KEYA DOES YOUR WEAPONS HAVE DEBUG MENU'S OR IS THAT IN A DIFFERNT DEPARTMENT OF THE CCC." He said trying to dodge the attacks and healing him self.
At that instant, an array of very high-level monsters appeared. Kya's eyes narrowed. " Be careful! If you die, it will be the end of you and your character!" she said warning before launching herself into battle. Juno said brirskly " umm what the hells going on..." kya said fast " just kill the damn things and dont get hurt if u do you'll die and ill tell the rest of the story when were done here" juno watches them as they both fight to protect themselves. he grips his sword tight and yells "die u basturds" and runs in swining his blade at the high leveled mosters. one with a huge sword slams it down upon juno and juno jumps out of the way he runs up the blade and slashes the monster in the face and he jumps down from atop of the monster and a hughe slash mark is indented in the monsters face and it desapers and the monster turns to juno "JUNO RUN" yells kya "OH shit" said juno juno starts running towards the monster gribs his sword and cuts the monsters knees the monster falls. juno had run past the monster and was now behind it.... "is this the none killable monsters that i heard about" said juno
OH Man i havent read that part and i knew ur mom was dead but i didnt know hlba died thanks for the info.
OOC: LOL :D :p :rolleyes: :nono: im a guy lol juno looked at kya and said " yeah the key of the twighlight is drawing closer" Kya and clipper look at him with a strang complexion on thier faces "Helba u said, she is one of the ones that helped kite and blackrose to find the twighlight" said juno kya said "how do u know this?" "system loggs, y u ask" "because it seems like u were here in the world when this all happened" "helba also helped a guy named tsukasa get out of comatose in the real world" "She helped the comatose victoms" Kya yelled. "yeah if shes in the game at all then i can probably e-mail her" "how is that posible" "umm by posting something on the post boards related to our situation in the world that we have now, and maybe she will reply in a day or so...." "u seem unsertain that this will be likely to happen" "it hasnt for years"
OOC: OOC means out of carehecter sorry i sux at spelling for the day so yeah im sorry for that last post and every thing so yeah thinks for telling me though!! :animesmil other wise i would still be doing it but i thought that u cant take another persons spot like telng or like oh ur hit and down for the count some thing like that but yeah umm but if anyone can post me a list of whos with who so i can greet that other person and not be rude or anything but yea i hope im not being a little childish at this but im more use to the IMing rpgs instead of posting it but yeah i think i can kinda get used to it..... ok now wit the story.... " I'm Juno, leader of the Skull Knights." The player performed a short bow. Kya raised an eyebrow. " The Skulls Knights?" "yes were here to serve and pertect the citizens who play in the world i heard there were more comatose victioms i hope thier all right." Kya looked down "yeah i hope so too." CLipper looked up and agred on the situation at hand. caspin looks over at kya "hey arnt we going some where....isnt that why were here in the first place." OOC: yeah sorry its short the comps about to freeze sory.
Sorry had no idea lol thanx for telling me that bit of info
where is everyone at this week????????????/
Anime If someone made a anime based on Halo...
girmaster replied to Deathsye's topic in Otaku Central
its not copywriting or illegal if he gets a copywriten form from the creator of halo or he wants to add on to the series and he sees this as an oprutunity for him to do that and what if he does ur not here to judge that are u? :animeangr -
Anime If someone made a anime based on Halo...
girmaster replied to Deathsye's topic in Otaku Central
Umm my brothers wanting to make another book of the other lost spartins and its pretty good so yeah i hope he finish's it and publishs it. but if u guys want to read it for ur slefs then yeah be my gest ill post it on here if u wnat me to :D -
thinks for filling me in on what has been going on and i have decided to meet up with kya in the story so yeah and i have a feeling no ones going to be on for a while:) :D