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Lady Knight

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Everything posted by Lady Knight

  1. [COLOR=Plum]just wanted to add,nutella is so deliceous!!![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Plum]i'll eat almost anything but some of my favourtie foods are: chocolate cake(prefarably chocolate) ice cream hamburgers and of course chocolate umm...some foods which i refuse to eat: fish escargo and olives[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Plum]i have so many songs i'm obessed with as my mood changes but one i never get sick of Sweet Mary by Equalizer here are the lyrics... [SIZE=1]it was the year of our father 1900 and 76 in J.A when i first met my mary quite contrary to what my mother did say she was a mountain girl come to spanish town i was only there for a while but when i think back on all the love we shared i just cant but help to smile we spent one whole long year together and at the end i had to go by my mary's side i wept and cried i'd never been layed so low she said "boy when you first met me you were as green as a mango tree ooo but now you are a man go back to your land but first listen carefully, cause you can smoke two pounds of cali herb by yourself then try to stand on your head no matter how high you get you'll never forget the wonders of mary's bed" now my mary's sweet smell was in my nose and vision it robbed me blind and as i crossed the sea it occured to me that i'd left myself behind she was my natural mystic sweet sugar plum i still ask why did i go they say your first love's your hardest love and i'd have to say that's so and its a day and another day and a way and another way had a family once but they're gone and it dont strike me as weird theres grey in my beard but the words still linger on and you can smoke two pounds of cali herb by yourself then try to stand on your head no matter how high you get you'll never forget the wonders of mary's bed now theres nothing for me left here 'cept some broken dreams dissapointments, i've had a few and there's this place i know where the mangos grow and theres just one thing left to do i'll go back to my mary's bed plant a kiss on her head and pretend that time just stood still and i can live out my life like it should have been and the rest will be what it will so i went back to the bar where we first met asked the bartender where could she be and as he poured me a beer he said last year she left this world peacefully and every man in the bar looked at me and they said old man dont you see that we were all touched by mary just like you now she lives on in our memories and we all can smoke two pounds of cali herb by ourselves then try to stand on our heads no matter how high we get we'll never forget the wonders of mary's bed and we can run 200 miles through a ganja feild until all we see is red and we can shout it out we're still thinking about the wonders of mary's bed and so we sing jump around sweet mary you know we all have to move along you never know what you've got in this cruel world until you realize its gone [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Plum]my theme song changes with my mood, some of the songs i love though are unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield, Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson, Bad Day by Daniel Powter but the song i truly love is Sweet Mary by Equalizer here are the words to Sweet Mary it was the year of our father 1900 and 76 in J.A when i first met my mary quite contrary to what my mother did say she was a mountain girl come to spanish town i was only there for a while but when i think back on all the love we shared i just cant but help to smile we spent one whole long year together and at the end i had to go by my mary's side i wept and cried i'd never been layed so low she said "boy when you first met me you were as green as a mango tree ooo but now you are a man go back to your land but first listen carefully, cause you can smoke two pounds of cali herb by yourself then try to stand on your head no matter how high you get you'll never forget the wonders of mary's bed" now my mary's sweet smell was in my nose and vision it robbed me blind and as i crossed the sea it occured to me that i'd left myself behind she was my natural mystic sweet sugar plum i still ask why did i go they say your first love's your hardest love and i'd have to say that's so and its a day and another day and a way and another way had a family once but they're gone and it dont strike me as weird theres grey in my beard but the words still linger on and you can smoke two pounds of cali herb by yourself then try to stand on your head no matter how high you get you'll never forget the wonders of mary's bed now theres nothing for me left here 'cept some broken dreams dissapointments, i've had a few and there's this place i know where the mangos grow and theres just one thing left to do i'll go back to my mary's bed plant a kiss on her head and pretend that time just stood still and i can live out my life like it should have been and the rest will be what it will so i went back to the bar where we first met asked the bartender where could she be and as he poured me a beer he said last year she left this world peacefully and every man in the bar looked at me and they said old man dont you see that we were all touched by mary just like you now she lives on in our memories and we all can smoke two pounds of cali herb by ourselves then try to stand on our heads no matter how high we get we'll never forget the wonders of mary's bed and we can run 200 miles through a ganja feild until all we see is red and we can shout it out we're still thinking about the wonders of mary's bed and so we sing jump around sweet mary you know we all have to move along you never know what you've got in this cruel world until you realize its gone [/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Plum]Painful experinces I could go on forever...so here are a few that stick out... 1. Tumbling down from the top of the staris and crashing into the wall at the bottom of them. When I was little I was at the top of the stairs, tripped fell down and crashed into the wall at the bottom...luckly I didn't have to get stitches but I had a nice purple/black bruise on my head. 2. As weird as this sounds whe I was around 5 or 6 I was walking in the library and I was leaning my head againest the book shelf for some werid reason. There was a sharp piece of metal and it cut my forehead. I had to get 3 stiches for that. 3. When I was 7 I was riding my scooter and there was stone sticking out of the sidewalk, I didn't see it and my scooter bumped into it. I went head first over my scooter and somehow cut my knee. For about two weeks afterwards every morning I woke up there would be blood stains on my pj pants cause it would leak through the bandage...disguisting I know. 4. After about one year of horseback riding, I was riding a horse, it stopped dead suddenly and I was thrown over its head. Put my elbow out to save my fall, broke my elbow. I had to get an operation to get it fixed and had two pins going criss-cross through it. The pins were taken out after about 3 weeks, and I wasn't drugged when they pulled them out...that hurt! 5. Horse refuses jump: I get a flying lesson and a very sore body. 6. Walking down a set of stairs my ankle twists, I land on a bone in my ankle. I chip a bone and twist/ bruise my ankle. Around 4-5 weeks in a cast. 7. Self Defense in gym class. The school hires a guy who teaches us girls self defense, such as how to get a man off you who is about to attack you etc. So different grips and stuff. I'm lying there on the ground and the 200+ pound instructor comes and leaps at you imitating a real attack. Scariest thing of my life and my body was sore for a week after wards. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Plum]horses definatly...i also like dogs, i like pigs too they're so cute! I love when the eat cause they snort! Sorry the stable I ride at has a pig and it just follows you every where along with the dogs and the goat. Cats are also nice animals[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Plum]Some of my favourite Disney movies have to be Peter Pan Sleeping Beauty Cinderella The Little Mermaid Beauty and the Beast Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Anastasia those are all the movies i really remember loving...just a quick fact for all you Finding Nemo lovers, the word 'nemo' in Laitn means 'no one' so the whole joke about the movie Finding Nemo is "Finding No One"...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Plum]I think we are all insane in way, even me. Each different person we meet will see a quality of ourselves as being 'insane. It all depends on the person's perspective. Sorry if someone else already said this I just skimmed the other messages.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Plum]mine is about living life...i guess it shows that even though i want to grumble about life...why? Isn't dancing in the rain more fun then waiting for the storm to pass? Actually dancing in the rain is a lot of fun and swimming... [/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Plum]Nicknames...alright for me...my orginal name by the way is Guinevere... Gwen: Short for Guinevere Gwennie: A childhood nickname which I'm not found of cause it was always said to me in a winny voice by other children Lily: Alright, I'm not sure why I got it but when I was young I was beside a boquet(sp?) of Lilies in the flower store and a friend of my mothers saw me next to them and said I resembled them...so I got the nickname Lily and now just my family calls me that. Just a note my hair was that really light blonde hair little kids have...but its darker now... I know the last one is odd...but...anyways odd nicknames always stick don't they?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Plum]1, What's your most embrassing memory? My most embrassing memory? I've got too many to count, I don't really get embrassed anymore cause my friends and I have done so many things to eachother...I know its evil but its fun and it always turns into a big joke! Probably the most embrassing would be wearing bright red boxer shorts on top of bright red pants, a bright red shirt that has instructions on how to use a fire extinguisher and a bright fire man's hat on the subway...now that was just a tad embrassing... 2, What's your favorite sport?horseback riding 3, Do you have good morals and do you uphold them?i try my best... 4, Are you reading this post cause your bored you because you care about what I have to say? a bit of both About moi... Name: Gwen, Guinevere, preferably Gwen Age:14 but will be 15 in October B-Day-October 31,1991 Description: I'm about 5'10 and 1/2, 136 pounds, quite thin but not twiggy, dirty blonde hair, hazelly, greeny eyes, longish hair(its past my shoulders)um...I think thats it...? Fav colour: Purple and blue Personality: hmmm...caffine and a lot of sugar makes me hyper, a bit moody sometimes but not often, usually level headed in drastic situtations*shudders remembering bad memories...*patient only with horses, people it depends who you are and what you're doing(i.e.dumping a bunch of glitter on my head...)/saying to me. What else...its hard to sum me up... Hobbies: horseback riding, swimming in the summer, travelling(is that a hobby?)...umm....and of course reading! Slight History: I've lived in many different places, I've travelled across North America and a bit of Europe(Italy and those places near there), I have been riding horses since I was 8 and I've owned a horse since I was 13. I can't really think of anything else... Likes: horses,riding,food(chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream*drools*), reading..and many other things Dislikes: snakes [/COLOR][/FONT]
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