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Everything posted by Pyroschik

  1. Can somebody plz tell me how 2 add music 2 my myotaku? Ive been tryin 2 figure it out, but i cant. Thx.
  2. Aww darn! :animecry: But at least fighting him will be pretty easy. :catgirl: So u get 2 fight him on a gummi/space thingy? I thought u only went in the gummi ship 2 transport from world to world. I still haven't done Hades cup. I thought I did, but now that u mentioned Sephiroth, ima go try that battle. I hope it's not way 2 hard! Thx 4 lettin me kno Swedish Chef. ;)
  3. Oh ok. That's good advice. Ima use it 2 beat Sephiroth. Thx 4 lettin me kno about Sora and Roxas. Oh yea, and how many times do u have 2 fight Xemnas or Zeanort, or sumthin like that? I'm not sure about his name, but it starts with and X.I heard u fight him 6 times. That's a lotta work!
  4. Oh ok. I'm already at the world that never was, and i've met Roxas 1ce. Good, so they get 2 meet again!! I hope they make a truce 2 visit each other, and become good friends. I'm glad u don't wanna spoil it 4 me, b/c then i wudn't b surpirsed. :D
  5. I think KH2 was pretty easy! I haven't finished the game, but i'm very close. I was wondering, do Sora and Roxas ever meet again, or fight each other?
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