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About ashwolf

  • Birthday 01/12/1985

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Why are you reading this? >>;Erm not much to say. I'm insane and I love wolves. ^^;
  • Occupation
    College Student/Retail Slave

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  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Times New Roman]Well, I cannot say that I'm surprised. SquareEnix is milking the FF franchise like mad. Still, it will be a refreshing turn from all the FFVII stuff that is soon to be released. I'm still waiting to see what FFXII is like though. I've played the demo and I'm intrigued. The battle system has changed and I'm not sure as to whether or not I like it or if I'll like it in future games such as XIII, but nobody will know until they play it. The graphics look impressive as always, precisely what one would expect from the FF series, but is it just me or do the soldiers in this [URL=http://media.ps2.gamespy.com/media/826/826843/img_3583500.html]picture[/URL] look a LOT similar to the soldiers of Bevelle (sp?) in FFX?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. Wow! You two are brilliant. I?d give you hugs but then you might think me eccentric. =) Thank you very much for your time and efforts. Would it be appropriate to use the ava from Jigglyness and the banner from Chikara? =) I really have a hard time deciding. I like what Jigglyness did to the background of her work and yet my eyes are also attracted to the cuteness and the simplicity of Chikara?s (not to mention those spiffy bold letters!). ^^; The lack of matching banner and avatar would indeed suitably reflect my character. I?ll make certain to respectfully place credits in my signature, however if it is not appropriate I won?t protest to making a decision. I?d have to flip a coin then though. ^^; Again, I thank you both very much. =)
  3. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy]^Tical up there can think of much more intelligent sounding compliments to say about others than yours truly. ^_^ The Tales of Symphonia banner is also a plus in my book. Er that is a TOS summon I see, right? ^^; [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. While I would love to claim my theme song to be something as cool and fun to listen to as some of the other songs posted here I cannot lie. My theme...dun dun dun dun! The theme from the Twilight Zone. Reasoning behind this...I'm weird....really weird. =)
  5. The proportions of the body are a tad bit off but honestly that's not half bad! I'm not so good with getting proportions right myself. =P I like the way you drew the head of your dragon. Very fearsome looking. The frills above the eyebrows...nice touch. Ever considered tyring your hand at adding some scale detail in the future? Just a little suggestion I thought I'd throw out there. =) Might I also suggest that in the future you try sketching as opposed to drawing hard lines? It makes it A LOT easier to go in and make the necessary changes (if you want to). And maybe one of those giant pinky erasers...er or whatever. Those are nice too. *ahem* Other than that,keep practicing and you'll get better in no time. *thumbs up*
  6. What kinds of memory cards are you guys getting or does it not matter what memory card you purchase? I'm only asking this mostly out of curiousity. We have Sony memory cards and a couple Madkatz (sp?). My Madkatz lasted longer than my Sony cards...but maybe I was just lucky and took really good care of it.
  7. I would greatly appreciate it if someone would be so kind as to create for me a banner containing the characters Chrono and Rosette from the anime Chrono Crusade. I'm not picky because I understand the time and effort it takes to make banners so I do not mind what size it is or what the color, however I would like some text with my username, ashwolf on it. Beg your pardon, I neglected to add a please. Please? I humbly appologize if this request is not specific enough. If I need to fix it in any way please let me know and I'll edit it asap. Ah and I probably should add some links so I'm not leaving anybody completely in the dark. Use of either picture or both(if ya want) is fine or if you discover something better that you wish to do I'm completely open to it. [url]http://manga.3yen.com/wp-content/images/chrnocrusade01.jpg[/url] [url]http://shounen.ru/img/chrono7.jpg[/url] Thank you all very much for your time.
  8. ashwolf


    I have to say that some of the *ahem* responses on this thread are immature and very disrespectful. I wish you, Pixie, the best of luck.
  9. I plan on taking summer sessions in college. I'm registered for one art course and one computer art course. Both beginning classes. I didn't want to load myself down with core classes...I would hate to take an English or Math fast-track course. :animeshy: I also, hopefully, will get a summer job with EB games. I got a call for an interview. Hope that goes well. *crosses fingers* Other than that I don't have any plans...I used to have so much more fun when I was younger. *sigh*
  10. I really don't care what language people want to sing it in...as long as it all translates to the same thing what does it matter? *shrugs* If people really want to be picky then why don't we all just sing it in Latin? Isn't that supposed to be the univeral language?...my father keeps telling me that anyway.
  11. *points over to username* The wolf has always been my favorite animal. I admire their beauty, grace and intelligence as hunters. They're social animals that work in packs or families in order to surrvive. Kind of like people, hm? [IMG]http://www.everythingwolf.com/gallery/galleryimages/thumbs/wolf29.jpg[/IMG] Edit: Sorry. That last pic I posted was waaay too big. >
  12. [QUOTE]It's nearly impossible for anyone to give real feedback on this with so little to go off of.[/QUOTE] Read your post in the thread below, Masa and I have to say I am in agreement with these two. There isn't enough to go off of here in order to properly review it. I think you should write MORE before you ask for help so it will get people interested, eh? Also, I agree with the whole thing not being in Japan. Too many mangas take place in Japan and have Japanese names...I have nothing against the culture but the manga community needs more variety. Why not try making up your own world or something? *shrugs*
  13. Ah yeah...I nearly forgot Vagrant Story... :animeswea I rented it a few times. Very fun, but I never got all the way through it. I can't find it anymore. I'd ask where one can find old games for reasonable prices but I know that more than likely everyone here will tell me to turn to e-bay or some online vendor. =P
  14. I was wondering the same thing the other day. :animeswea Personally I don't think there's a need to re-make FF7. I like it the way it is. Call me old school if you want. =P I'd rather see sequels with new stories...currently anxiously awaiting Dirge of Cerberus. Has anyone seen this? Check it out. [url]http://www.gamespot.com/features/6130799/index.html[/url]
  15. 1.I nearly failed high school because of my junior and sophmore years. I let my depression consume me. 2. Forgot to call in at work a second time and inform my boss that I had pnuemonia. When I came back they were nice enough to inform me that I had "quit". Meh...I know there's a lot more, but this is what jumps to mind at the moment.
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