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Everything posted by ashwolf

  1. I presume you are talking about the anime, right? 0_o Not the manga? Because if you already have volume 8...tell me where to sign up! I can't get a copy from Barnes and Noble til June! *too impatient to wait*
  2. Samurai Deeper Kyo- The voice acting in English, and not to mention the dialogue, was SO horrible that it made my ears bleed. Every time Kyo says some crap about hearing the wind...man it's just really lame every time he delivers a final blow to the enemy. *shakes head*
  3. I was curious...has anyone here read this manhwa (sp?)? I really, really liked it. I'm a very big fan of Norse Mythology and the art of this series is really nice. And the manga was funny...especially the exchanges between the thief Lidia and the cleric Iris. ^^ I have a question regarding this series that has been eating away at me for months. Currently there are 10 volumes in the series that have been released in the US. Are there ever going to be any more? I looked it up on Tokyopop but I cannot find any news about it. If anyone has any idea about the status of the seires and could inform me as to what is going on I would really appreciate it.
  4. Lady Katana: My sentiments were of a similar nature on about every statement you made. Especially about the ending...I was shocked it ended the way that it did. Maybe I expect too much? Avenged666fold: Unfortunatley yeah, the Elder is ALWAYS like that, especially in the anime. It's not nearly as bad in the manga.
  5. I liked the character Duffau from Chrono Crusade and not because he's the leader (Duke) or the Pursuers. His character design and attitude in both the manga and anime made him a pretty cool guy. He's pretty level-headed and strong. Strong and silent and not about to take crap from anyone. A lot cooler than Aion anyway and Aion was supposed to be the "bad arse". I'm not sure if you can count Gene Starwind (Outlaw Star) as a "bad arse" can you? It's funny how he tries to act cool, but is really kind of a...perverted loser.
  6. If you liked Final Fantasy might I suggest the following PSone and PStwo RPGs. 1. Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2): This is a solid RPG.The graphics are good, the storyline is decent, the music is awesome, characters are memorable. The game's setting is primarily Europe during the First World War. It's about a young man named Yuri Hyuga who has this unique ability to use Fusion, an ability that allows someone to change into different demonic spirits that he has overcome, and a young German woman name Karin who set out to fight against a certain organization that would seek to destory the world. The storyline is somewhat dark (not nearly as dark as the first game though) and its filled with some pretty twisted looking monsters. Along the way you will move across Europe and recruit a few other characters along the way. It's an awesome game and well worth looking into. The original Shadow Hearts is pretty good too if you can get past the weaker graphics. I do not recommend Shadow Hearts: From the New World though. The storyline of that one was crap. Here's a link. Check it out. [url]http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/rpg/shadowhearts2/review.html[/url] 2. The Legend of Legaia (PSone): This was one of the first PS RPGs I played. The graphics aren't very good, but I personally enjoyed playing this game. It's been a really long time since I've played this one so I cannot give you a very good description.All I can say is that the storyline is pretty cookie-cutter but I really liked it anyway. Here is the link... [url]http://www.gamespot.com/ps/rpg/legendoflegaia/review.html[/url] I don't think this one is very popular with people though...I guess it just doesn't carry the glitz and glam like the FF series. 3. The Legend of Dragoon(PSone): The dialogue in this game was...pretty bad but if you can get past that I think this one was pretty fun. I liked the battle system...it's a bit more challenging than a simple point and click of the FF series. You actually have to be good at timing when you press the buttons. The storyline was...pretty basic and okay...not as good as FFX in my opinion though. Again here's a link. [url]http://www.gamespot.com/ps/rpg/legendofdragoon/review.html[/url] Ahck! I forgot to mention... 4. Suidoken 3(PS2). This was one of my favorite RPGs. I'm not sure why. I suppose it's because of all the characters...there are so many of them that it's nearly impossible to not like at least one. (or maybe it is? *shrugs) The Trinity System that allows you to replay the story through the eyes of a different character was very interesting and I enjoyed upgrading weapons as well. I hated the battle system though. The group combos were annoying! >
  7. Twice a week. Since I'm in college I can't be online as much as I would like, but that's quite all right because by the time I make another visit I have enough posts to read and keep me entertained for a good 20-30 minutes.
  8. Nearly seven or eight years ago after I had seen DBZ I was enchanted by the way Japanese drew their cartoons. Shortly after I developed my own fantasy type mini manga series. It was about a world called "Terah" (the name is overly used, I knew this but I couldn't think of a proper name at the time) and in it there existed all these different races who were dominated by a magical race of cat-like humanoids called the Seyuna.(don't confuse them for those cute little people with cat ears though) All the other races were convinced that all Seyuna were bad because on a whole they were. The Seyuna treated all other races like filthy toilet paper and they were ruled by a very cruel and cunning leader named Emperor Suna'Khar. To make a long story short, one of the Seyuna ends up turning against his people in hopes of saving them from complete destruction. Of course along the way the protagonist, Kahu, deals with a lot of racial descrimination. Ultimately he befriends a human (of course!), a Pyran(kinda like dragon man?) and an Azurian (silvery skinned water elves?). Anyway, I had drawn out all the character designs, maps, races, vehicles etc. but somewhere along the way I suppose my inability as an artist was what ultimately led to my quitting the pursuit of creating my own manga despite the fact that my friends said I wasn't too shabby. Blah blah...there's a lot more to it than that but I don't want to bore anyone more than I already have.
  9. I suggest Full Metal Panic! It's not exactly a romance series but it does have some in it. It's full of laughs, action, drama. I really enjoyed it. I've included the link to ADV here so you can read more about it. If it sounds like something you are into awesome.And if not I hope someone else finds the right one for you. You might want to try being more specific about what you are looking for. It would be helpful if you listed what animes you have previously viewed and like so one gets a sense of what they ought to suggest. [URL=http://]www.full-metal-panic.com/intelligence/intelligence.php[/URL]
  10. I'm curious. Is anyone here familiar with Jet Force Gemeni? My brother and I used to play it together a lot before we became addicted to Perfect Dark. I barely recall what the game was about other than a brother, a sister and their dog (and some robot named Lloyd) traveling from planet to planet blasting these giant ant aliens. I only know that the two of us really enjoyed playing it together. My little sister liked playing Crusin' USA. The only fun I got out of that game wasn't racing but driving on the wrong side of the rode and hearing the people go "aaaah!" every time my car collided with another...but then along came Burnout...lol.
  11. Hoo boy. I remember playing Bubble Bobbles with my little sister when I was a brat on the NES. I was very fond of Duck Hunt and pretty good at it too. Yes, I know it's wrong to enjoy shooting helpeless little ducks for seemingly no reason other than to score points but...ugh now I feel bad. >
  12. Dark Neko-chan: Agreed. I feel that way with just about anything I read. Like Battle Royale. I loved that book! I've never read the manga or seen the movie but the book was awesome and I wish there was more to it. I really wanted to know what happened to Shuya and Noriko...*ahem* My apologies, I digress. The anime is, in my opinion, not as good as the manga, but it is enjoyable nevertheless. You will also notice (if you ever manage to see the anime) that there are some significant differences between the manga and the anime. I cannot say what they are because again...spoilers are evil. I paid a little over 50 bucks for the boxed set at Best Buy (slim boxed set. No special features). So in all reality I've paid more for the mangas than I have for the anime. 0.o Starfire: I purchased my boxed set from Best Buy. I got the slim set because it's cheaper. It has less discs (more episodes on each disc) but it has no special features. And erm...there are currently only 7 Chrono Crusade mangas that have been released in the US. I've read on many websites that there are only to be 8 volumes total in the series.The last volume is not supposed to be released until August this year I believe. Rei:Unfortunately I got the slim boxed set manga. The DVDs contain more episodes on each disc but are devoid of extras. So...no Azamaria's classes for me. But I did manage to see her classes for Volume 1 and 2. I agree. They are helpful. I only wish they had been included on the DVDs I bought! lol. Everyone: I'm sorry if I keep repeating things. I do not mean to sound like a broken record. I just recovered from a really nasty case of the stomach flu and for some bizarre reason my head feels like it's ready to float away from my body. 0.0
  13. After I watched the entire anime I kind of felt cheated. It felt like there were a lot of holes in the plot. Don't get me wrong, I do not dislike the anime but did anyone get the feeling that the series should have gone on a little bit longer than it had? When I read the manga some things did fall into place for me, but still I thought a little more should have been explained about Aion and Joshua as well as the apostles. I understood the gist of it but still...I feel like more explanation would have made things better. I don't want to say too much because it would spoil things for people who haven't seen it all yet.
  14. I just got the 7th Volume of the manga myself last week. I liked it, but the series seems too short for me. *pumps fists* Go Duffau! Also liked the bit with Satella better even if it was basically the same as it was in the anime. I'm glad they didn't touch that. The manga was a lot better at explaining things in my opinion. Erm but I thought the 8th volume of Chrono Crusade wasn't hitting the states until August? Maybe I read wrong. It would be awesome if it was released earlier than I thought! It's going to be very interesting as to how they bring the series to an end. It seems like there's still a lot that Chrono and Rosette need to do. Man. It's a shame the series isn't a bit longer so the author has time to flesh the story out some more.
  15. Okay. Let me try this again! I wasn't thinking during my first post and well I'm afraid that if I don't post something half-way decent the Mods might hate me. >
  16. I can quote just about every single line in [B]Aladdin[/B] and [B]Finding Nemo[/B] and I do it frequently! It scares/amuses my friends. I can't help it. I've seen both movies so many times that they've grown on me! The most memorable Disney characters (protagonists) for me are [B]Genie[/B] and [B]Dori[/B]. Oddly enough my favorite villian was [B]Maleficent[/B] (can't spell right now >
  17. ashwolf


    I do not like Myspace mainly because of all of the unwanted adware my little sister downloads onto the computer every time she logs on to it. I have tried it out to see what all the hype is about and to me it really is no different than xanga or livejournal (other than a few added features. Big whoop.). Personally I prefer to call my friends or leave them a text message rather than using Myspace. It was kind of annoying how so many people were trying to add me who didn't share any of my interests at all. Most of them were just trying to up their number of buddies. >
  18. Ever since the Gamecube came out with the Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition that contains all the original Zelda games (minus the ones on the GB of course) I have not touched my N'64 much. I play it from time to time when I feel like playing Perfect Dark, Mario 64 or Star Fox, but other than that it remains on my shelf and collects dust.
  19. Arm of Kannon. (I think that's what it was called). I gave it to my friend for her birthday. That manga is pretty twisted. I could hardly get past the pictures and read the text. lol! No wonder they keep that thing wrapped up! 0.o
  20. My brother got the first volume for his birthday. I picked it up and read it out of curiousity and came to this conclusion: "It's too short." If someone who has never played the game picked up the manga and tried to read it they wouldn't understand what is going on. While I understand that the manga was created for fans who cannot get enough of the series I have a firm belief that a good manga is one that can stand alone without the aid of the anime or the game. Maybe there's more explaining in later volumes but a good manga is able to hook readers at least by the second or third page.
  21. [QUOTE=KuroKajiBlader]Who likes Chrono Crusade? You know the first 6 volumes are in stores but in order to get 7 and 8 you have to order it but it will take longer than a week because THERE IS NONE IN THE WAREHOUSE!!!! Chrono is Kawaii!!! Usually when I like something I get my friends to like it too. . . .Sometimes. So, . . . . This is a random subject I had nothing to do and I'm bored! Uh, i think i had too much sugar this morning. And i stayed up late too!:babble: :laugh: :drunk: :alcohol: . . . . . . . .Whoops! Too much sake. HAahaha. . . .:animesigh . . . .I'm okay now.:animestun I think. . .[/QUOTE] *raises hand enthusiatically* Oooh! Oooh! I do! Chrono Crusade is one of my favorite mangas/animes! Let's be friends! *is a scary fan* Anyway I have the entire anime and 6 of the 8 mangas. I know that 7 was supposed to be released already in the US but I have not had any luck finding it so far. I might have to order it online. >
  22. [B]Full Metal Panic![/B] had me hooked by the second page Vol. 1 (manga). When I was still working at Borders I remember vividly using up all of my lunchbreaks just to sit there and read all of the mangas the very day they came out. lol And when I found out there was an anime for it too I bought it without even seeing it. I don't regret it either. The anime closely follows the manga which is nice and both are very good (and hillarious). Souske's and Kaname's exchanges cracked me up. Another one that snagged me was [B]Chrono Crusade[/B]. I was attracted mainly to the artwork. Both the anime and the manga are beautifully drawn. While I'm not as partial to the anime as I am the manga the series is good for being as short as it is.
  23. Hello. This is my first post. ^^; *is nervous* I regret ever having seen DBZ. It was my first anime, but since the Frieza saga it really took a plunge into the toilet. I might be saying this because Funmination changed the voices of the characters...and nobody had a worse voice change than Vejita! >
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