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Everything posted by AnimeHeroX

  1. Hey everyone i was watching some old episodes of pokemon you know when it was at it's glory days you know the kanto league when all this gets started now personally pokemon was great series. but i would ended it after the johto league for while then brought it back with something new but of couse we all know thats not how the series went. pokemon popularity run out because they would never put the show on hold for a little while plus i think the series got to big for it's own good. i think they should end pokemon after this final version where ash is taking on the kanto league central brain gyms. what do you think about this. :rolleyes: Also what Anime series would you end when and why? :rolleyes:
  2. Well i always been a Pokemon fan and it's not like digimon are that powerful unless they have a human partner. with out that factor a digimon isn't that powerful and pokemon characters power come from the trainers determination and spirit. so a pokemon can't lose the fight. now if a digimon digivolve to like mega level you have to have a pokemon like mewtwo or lugia go into the fight that's the only way i see you could make these even close to a fair fight. Well that's my 2 cents
  3. I saw that on action encore and i just couldn't get into it, it's also kind of a little to long winded for my taste but all in all it alright anime but let's just say it's something i would waste money on OH WELL. still an alright anime to me.
  4. Well it suck's that E3 will be gone but with all the big companies pulling out of it their's no way to keep it going. but really that Expo was never really for the fans it was just a way for the gaming comapines to show off their new stuff and if E3 was so great how come it was so hard to get to. i guess i'm not going to miss it since i never got the chance to go but you don't always get what you want in life. so i won't be really upset to see E3 gone. :rolleyes: SO LONG E3 I NEVER KNEW THEE. :p
  5. [QUOTE]Fan serviceFan service From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Fanservice) Jump to: navigation, search Fan service (Japanese simply "saabisu", "service"), sometimes written as a single word, fanservice, is a vaguely defined term used in visual media ? particularly in anime fandom ? to refer to elements in a story that are unnecessary to a storyline, but designed to amuse or excite the audience. The term is sometimes derogatory when used in criticism of clumsy, pandering use of visual fashions, or if the stories lack substance, such that fashions are the only thing notable about a series. Many fanservice treatments can be creative and unique, and hence an audience unfamilar with the fandom of a story may not understand these treatments ("easter eggs") or their meaning. This term is, however, occasionally used in the video gaming community, notably by players of MMORPGs. The meaning remains mostly the same?content added for the sake of fans and not for any actual gaming value?and is almost always derogatory.[/QUOTE] Personally i thaught Fanservice was something only Girls in Anime did. i also didn't know that in Inuyasha their was fanservice. i thaught that was just an action anime? but whatever. i think Fanservice Rules and it keepS alot of Animes interesting you have admit that.
  6. I was watching a few of the animes i own over the weekend. and i always loved the fanservice they put in them to keep you interested even though if you get into the plot you don't need the fanservice but it helps anyway. But here the question i pose to all of you can their ever be to much fanservice :rolleyes: in an anime or not enough? ;) Personally i love as much fanservice you can squeeze into an anime. but really it's about balance. But what do you think about Fanservice? :cool:
  7. I don't think so at least you can get through a manga. a friend of mine from school is still tring to get through war and peace. and at least a manga doesn't take a lifetime to get throught. sure the story are as boring or exciting in some novels. but at least your never bored with a manga. the thrill goes away on a novel and after you finish it once most likely. you won't want to read it again. :animesigh
  8. He's a question to everyone here if you had the chance to go on the anime adventure of your dreams would you take it? cause sometimes i tell ya going through the same routine everyday is to boring and tiresome. sometime i wish i could just go on a great adventure. and let me put in some rules. time would keep going in the real world. but nobody know really pays you any attention so nobody not even your family would really care if your gone. would you stay or go and you also wouldn't be bored with the world you go to. plus you get to pick the age you'd be and stay that way.also you could meet all the anime folks you wanted. also would you like a big destiny to follow when you get their or would you just live a new Anime life? If i had the chance to go I know i would go. plus if any of the member did this as well would like to meet any of the other OtakuBoard members in this new world? i wouldn't mind meeting any of ya.
  9. "If you die, I'll kill you!" is it From Roronoa Zoro from (one piece)
  10. To me personally that would be a dream come true. i could team up with some of the greatest Anime hero's who ever existed. and help fight evil forces cause we all know where their's good theirs evil. plus if their was no evil force to fight i'd like to see if i could live a normal life with these characters. and see what they would do in a normal life. plus all the anime world's would be connected so i could travel to them all but inshort if the world were an anime i would always be on the look out for adventures and new friends. :D
  11. [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Betterman[/COLOR][/B] [/SIZE] - Who would ever thaught that an evil force could exist in the human body. and that it could be the key to the most powerful being in the universe but also has the power to destory all of existance. that anime also proved that when you die your soul is never really gone forever and never go to waste. espically if it's to save all of humanity.
  12. That's Cara dolce Kyoko From Maison Ikkoku. :cool: OK so i guess it's my turn can anyone guess who this is? :D [IMG]http://www.world-art.ru/animation/img/3000/2162/mini.jpg[/IMG]
  13. I dreamed i was Tenchi in Tenchi muyo and Ryoko kept trying to [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]KILL ME.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]it was weird but Kind of fun. :animeshy:
  14. [B][SIZE=4][U][COLOR=Red]Serial Experiments Lain[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE][/B] it makes you wonder if their really is a connection between the real world and the wired and what would happen if those 2 world ever crossed over. and could their be a GOD of the wired like theirs a GOD of the real world? That Anime really had me thinkin.
  15. I'm not sure they never really explained everything about how it worked in Fullmetal Alchemist. but i pretty sure you wouldn't get to choose the parts you lose. and what i mean by correctly i guess the way they were before they died.
  16. I saw that on MTV2 and didn't understand it one bit. :animestun why do all the characters in that show look like they been stretch out like a rubber band?
  17. This is the 1st law of Alchemy we all know what happens to Edward and Al The question I pose to all if you if someone you loved was dead would you make the same sacrifice as they did but this time you could it right and bring the person back correclty but you still lose your parts. would you? and let me also state this their is no Philosopher stone to bring you body back. would you still perform the Alchemy? do you also beleive that when you lost something in Alchemy something greater is gained? or have you just lost everything vaulable to you?
  18. Girls Bravo 2 season's of the series just wasn't enough i don't mean to greedy or ungreatful but i think that show had the ablity to become a cult classic. you know in the rank of tenchi muyo cause everyone know's about him.But to Girls Bravo will always be a Classic to me. but who knows Maybe by [U]THE GRACE OF GOD [/U] that series will make a comeback. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]SOMEDAY[/COLOR].[/SIZE]
  19. Did you ever feel like crying after the series ended?
  20. :( Do you feel that sometimes after you finish a great anime series you would just wish it would never end. or at the very least go on for a few more episodes. do feel a sense of lost after a series is over say like Outlaw Star, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Girls Bravo or Gundam Wing. How would you feel? and how would you deal? :animecry:
  21. My Manga is called Path is the tell of people tring to discover who their are and as the story goes into deeper detail their lives will become more clear. To who and or what they are.
  22. I agree i went to sam goody to find the girls bravo series and each DVD was 24.99 each :mad: so i'll probrarly have to wait for the box set to come out. The neon genesis box set will 109.00 when i saw but you also got this collectors tin that came with it but that really is to high. and here something really interesting i went to my local Fye store and look for more animes i liked and discovered something interesting they sold anime like girls bravo 29.99 and they sold the hentai anime for less then 9 bucks? :mad: does that make any sense why would they charge you so much for something you want and so little for something most would probraly be to ashamed to buy in public? They really need to lower the price of some anime or at the very least bring the box set out a little faster. :p
  23. Jimmy kudo or Conan edogawa...? and Rachel Moore from Case Closed they make a pretty good. the reason i think so is because Jimmy's got a huge ego. and i guess rightfully so he is one of best detectives i've ever seen but he is full of himself. :animeangr and it usually up to Rachel to bring him back down to earth and deflate his ego. :D I only the Cartoon newtork version and anyone who's watch the network know they never get all the episodes they always leave you hang'in just when it's getting good. :D But i wonder if jimmy ever got his body back?
  24. Chrono crusade - haven't finished it yet but so far it sad what's happening to rosette and chrono Outlaw star - what happen to jim and hanmiho [spoiler] when jim and crew kill her without jim ever knowing the enemy was her.[/spoiler] Pokemon the 1st movie [spoiler] when ash gets killed by mew and mewtwo psych blasts.[/spoiler] Neon genesis evangelion- [spoiler]Asuka Mom hanging herself.[/spoiler] NEVER figured out why she did that but maybe she was just nuts? Yugioh waking the dragons and Dawn of the duel -[spoiler]when you yugi turns his back on his monsters and the dark magican girl was crying in front of him also when Atem or the yami yugi finally said goodbye that was sad.[/spoiler] Vandread- When gaushco sacrified herself to help the group[spoiler] you think she dies for good but later in the series you find out she ailve and even uses the alien ship to fight back with her friends.[/spoiler]
  25. [SIZE=4][B]Ikkitousen[/B][/SIZE] about women who inherit anicent sprits. and fight the main girl Sonsaku Hakufu She possesses the spirit of the Koutou Champion, Sonsaku who passed away at the age 26. The Sonsaku who is destined to fight. Shuuyu Koukin is worried about Sonsaku so he watches over his childhood friend. But, because of him worrying, Sonsaku just gets excited about the battles. but i won't to give away to much she is very ditzy and can kick some real butt beautiful women fighting. hmmmm sounds like a winner to me. :D [IMG]http://okazu.blogspot.com/ikkitousen04.jpg[/IMG]
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