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Everything posted by AnimeHeroX
Manga What happens when i try to draw manga...improved
AnimeHeroX replied to mangamaniack21's topic in Otaku Central
Well when i designed my own manga i create something from my imagination, from my Heart and Soul something that i know would grip anyone that reads it. most people i show my work to love it. but think it a tad to serious but that's always been my strong suit and when you improve your drawing skills it's always a good thing but you really have to draw for the fun of it and because it something you want to do. not for money or fame or any of that fleeting stuff after all fame and money do wear off but what you draw or create will be in you heart and mind forever. :animeshy: -
I like Sosuke Sagara and Kaname Chidori from Full metal Panic they make such an odd couple. they almost go perfectly together. :animestun Since i should go into a little more detail their cool couple because sosuke it way to overprotective and chidori really doesn't want him to be that way but i guess that's why she likes him. :animestun
Definently a collector i still hand games from the NES and i don't plan on getting rid of any of them.
Manga Neon Genesis Evangelion Angelic Days
AnimeHeroX replied to AnimeHeroX's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Doublehex']I'll probably dl it off of uTorrent to see if it is any good at all, just to play it safe.[/quote] Well it's always Great to try new things thanks for considering it. :D -
Manga Neon Genesis Evangelion Angelic Days
AnimeHeroX replied to AnimeHeroX's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Doublehex]I was [I]thinking[/I'] of buying it when I went to Barnes & Nobles to get my summer reading books, but remembering all the bad rep it got on evafics.org, I decided against it.[/quote] Well you can't believe everything you read. so i guess you wouldn't at least consider giving the book a try? excuse me if i sound pushy i don't mean to be. :D -
Wow i finished reading this book like 4 times already it is awesome. if anyone remember the last episode of neon genesis evangelion [spoiler] where the character's go to an alternet version of the show where the second impact never happened the characters are all at peace and live pretty normal lives. [/spoiler]Well this book starts where the series ended. And i gotta tell this book is awesome makes me wish the whole original series was like it not that the original version bad.but always love comdey mixed with a little romance but not alot of romance. but for any neon genesis fans out their you have to check out Neon genesis Evangelion Angelic days this book get a 10 out of 10 :D and who know's if enough people love the book the might push the releash date up even faster. :D
[QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520]Wasn't trying to make you look stupid, just pointing something out :( ... and in the process answering your question. :p Anyway, even if it wasn't done by Tezuka, it's definately inspired by him. It looks like the classic Tezuka style, especially that smaller version of the Proffessor... I still haven't seen an episode of this, but I should soon... *[i]goes off to desperately search for the first time[/i]* ([SIZE=1][I]there... normal emoticons for Ikillion.[/I] 8)[/SIZE]) -r2[/color][/QUOTE] Inspiration that's the word i was looking for im my previous post. that work does look inspired from Mr Tezuka work. That why i thaught he worked on the show but now that i know's he's Gone May he Rest in Peace.
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
AnimeHeroX replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Any Fan of Kids WB here if so their are does anyone feel betrayed by them. You for the fact that they got rid of anime and cartoon's on the weekday and if you could would you bring them back? Afterall Kids wb was the first place in the US where alot of great anime's started Like. Pokemon and Yugioh started. and their's Spider Riders plus Viewtiful Joe even though his cartoon sucks it's nothing like his 1st game. so viewtiful joe i could really do without. What your opinion on this matter? Do you feel Betrayed? -
Well Geez I didn't know that because of the new version of astro boy. that was on kids wb and metropolis. so i thaught he was still alive. :rolleyes: don't you just hate people that try make you look stupid when you simply just didn't know something. :animeangr
Awsome i'd like to see what happens when you take american cartoon and give it an anime upgrade. but like really Werid but cool idea's never some to the US but still i think it's a cool idea. byside it can't be any worst then the way Cartoon Network was making the show before i mean that season of the powerpuff girls was pretty awful. :animesigh Hmmm i wonder if they got Osamu Tezuka from astro boy to help make that show? [IMG]http://ppgcom.gooside.com/ppgz/buttercup-z.jpg[/IMG] Wow Buttercup's Pretty Hot. :animeblus
I like that game it's like WarioWare but really educational. this may sound cliche but who ever thaught learning could be that much fun. although their are some part's i don't like the really hard math that's got to be the Hardest subject in history. but it's a fun game if i had to give it a rating it would be a 7 out of 10 :D
I know thw WII isn't out in the US yet but i had to make a post of the Super Smash brothers Brawl game. it will truly be awesome even with the addition of 3 new character and a revamped one namily samus. or should i say Zero suit samus. i saw a trailer and this is strickly an opinion. i think the Super Smash brothers Brawl will out sell even super mario galaxy. And with the console wars being so High with the 600$ PS3 and the 500$ x-box 360 and microsoft already annouced their will be no price drop on the 360 by the holiday's i think nintendo got this console war all wraped up with the 249$ WII. i just hope their won't be a shortage of Wii's come the holidays. Here a link below about the game and it's characters. [url]http://www.smashbros.com/en/characters/index.html[/url] Never Give Up.
What's the deal with eureka's rival or clone anemina? if that's how you spell her name i have no idea. i wonder why i she just bleedig in an episode i saw? :(
I know thw WII isn't out in the US yet but i had to make a post of the Super Smash brothers Brawl game. it will truly be awesome even with the addition of 3 new character and a revamped one namily samus. or should i say Zero suit samus. i saw a trailer and this is strickly an opinion. i think the Super Smash brothers Brawl will out sell even super mario galaxy. And with the console wars being so High with the 600$ PS3 and the 500$ x-box 360 and microsoft already annouced their will be no price drop on the 360 by the holiday's :mad: i think nintendo got this console war all wraped up with the 249$ WII. i just hope their won't be a shortage of Wii's come the holidays. :( Here a link below about the game and it's characters. [URL]http://www.smashbros.com/en/characters/index.html[/URL]
[QUOTE=Red]If you're 'from' the 16-bit era you may fondly recall the rather hilarious asking price of both the Saturn & the PSX. Over here it was £600 - more than the PS3 will be. The price [i]is[/i] pretty much justified by the components inside the machine, Sony just made a boo-boo by going in the complete opposite direction to Nintendo & Microsoft. You might note Nintendo gave up trying to shove as much power into a machine as possible after the N64; MS never bothered doing it in the first place. Both have asked IBM (and other companies) to adapt existing technology for use in their machines, a very cost effective measure. Blu-ray isn't even selling in volume yet, with Cell only being sold to enterprise and datacenters; so how can you possibly expect the console to even approach the prices offered by Ninty and Microsoft? The price will come down once the early adopters snap up enough units, until then Sony are probably trying to limit their losses, as it seems unlikely they'll break even on the PS3 initially.[/QUOTE] I didn't know that see i don't live in england did you really pay 600 pounds for a saturn or platstation? and really sony could never justify the price for this thing. and as far as the sega genesis and snes era go's in the US they only got a high as 300 plus in some rare cases you got a free game with the console how come companies don't that anymore? it not like it would cost them to much.
Man i had just found one of the best manga i ever saw. but 1st let me take you back in time do you remember the last episode of neon genesis. well this manga is based from the stories point of view where shiji and askua are childhood friends and the second impact never happened. i just have the 1st book so far but i already love evangelion an this version is an awesome series just like the original but now that i've seen this new manga it makes me wish the 1st verson was a little funnier to not that the way it done was bad but you have to admit sometimes the original evangelion was depressing at times. but i love this new manga if love to see all your favorite evangelion characters in this romantic,drama,comedy. then by all means go ahead and check out evangelion Angelic days i'd give this book a 10 out of 10
Girls Bravo- Yukinari and miharu well those 2 are together it's always a thrill to see what would happen next. personally i would rather see yukinari end up with Kirie. Pokemon- Ash and Misty i suppose the relationship between these 2 is kind of werid i guess they both like each other as friends but misty offten shows concern for ash in tight situations and vica versa for ash. Gundam Wing-Hiro Yuu and relina mani wil lnever forget hiro 1st words to her[SIZE=4][B] i'll kill you[/B][/SIZE]. man that was just classic. :rolleyes: Neon Genesis Evangelion- Shiji and Asuka love hate relationship with these 2 asuka must really love shiji as much hell as she put him through but i guess she just really inscure. and shinji is kind of spineless so i guess that why she like him?... i wish shiji had ended up with rei ayanami.
so what's getbackers about i was interested in the manga and was wondering could you give a little bit of a description. thanks
I love that show to my favorite thing they do is Props.
It bad enough that the wb cancelled their weekday cartoon lineup :mad:. I wonder how else they'll screw things up. :mad:
[B]Magical Shopping Arcade abenobashi [/B] the story of 2 friends arumi and sashi or satoshi in the japaniese version as the travel from different versions of the shopping arcade. like a space, prehistory,detective noir, and hollywood stlye truly a great anime if you in comedy. mix with a little bit of drama. :animesmil [IMG]http://www.rentanime.com/images/rentanime/dmss-004.jpg[/IMG]
I saw that heavenly sword movie and even though the system at that sale price will probraly tank. Heavenly sword looks awesome it would be great if they brought out a special PS2 version you know just for the people. that can't afford a PS3.
How come they never have Big anime Expo's on the east coast their always in california or i could pretty much say the west coast? i woul dreally like to go to an anime comvention do you have to pay to get into one if i can ever get to one? this is just something i'd like to know. :D
[QUOTE=Leon Fury]well animehero, you have to take in what's going to power the machine. - the [almighty] cell processor - the graphics processor - the physics engine - the bluetooth connections - etc. what makes me think though is why dont they give people only one console? [60GB] peace. Leon. Now: The Irony Of Dying On your Birthday Artist: Senses Fail Album: Let It Enfold You[/QUOTE] Yeah it's has all of those extra but do you still think that justifies a 600 dollar price tag. i mean think about when you were little would you ever think you'd pay that much for a gaming system? personally i'm from the SNES and Sega genesis decade so the highest i would ever go is $300 for any game system brand new. At least half the price of a PS3 and also think about this if the games aren't cheap either.so then alot of those features will go to waste. :rolleyes: Take the X-BOX 360 i bet most of the people that bought the console off the bat couldn't buy a game for it right then and their they had to wait. and most of those launch titles weren't any good. especailly for the price of 60.00 bucks each now imagine how much PS3 games will cost off the bat sure you can buy the console for 600 dollars but could you afford alot of games for it then to. :blackeye: and trust me ive seen kids and parents wanting to punch themselves in the eye after seeing how much they spent. Their was one thing that wasn't stated in the spec's manuel i found does anyone know if the Playstation 3 will be backwards compatible with old PS one and PS2 games?? cause what i also read and maybe a rumor from sony is that thing may not use CD rom games anymore and you might have to download andpay for the games like in x-box live service but i'm not sure that's it's a rumor. :animestun: [color=red][b]Please do not double post. -Charles[/b][/color]
Manga What happens when i try to draw manga...improved
AnimeHeroX replied to mangamaniack21's topic in Otaku Central
Well currently working on a manga of my own with alot of unique people in it and the storyline's pretty deep. with the life of the going deeper into the own path it will show a deeper understanding of a person role in their life pretty much like most manga it will show a deeper part of the characters.