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Everything posted by AnimeHeroX

  1. Who turn is it next i'd like to take a shot at guessing.
  2. [SIZE=4]600[/SIZE]Dollars what the @#$! IS SONY THINKING. i've been a sony fan since the playstion or PS one which ever you want to call it and this is how they thank the fans of sony by bring out a system most normal people can't afford. i got my hand on the ps3's spec's and really you not paying for much more. i mean blue ray if you already have a dvd player why rebuy al the same movies again. in fact their a rumor not every movie will not even be blue ray compatible. plus the ps3 controller will no longer have a rumble feature. instead it will have a tilt feature that only work's with a few of it's games. so far the only redeeming thing most people talk about is the fact that it's part computer a [B]600 Dollar computer???[/B] but as sony said you not paying for price your paying for potential. :animeangr What a Crock no offence to anyone planing to buy one but i'll stick with my ps2 their are still alot great games for that and the price won't kill ya so pretty much all i have to say to all the people who are certain on buying a PS3 GOOD LUCK :wave: :confuse2: ...... Gee I wonder how much they'll sell a PS4 for :worried:
  3. AnimeHeroX

    Spider-man 3

    I saw that clip on attack of the show as well man i can't wait to see spidey in the black suit. or the vennom costume. which ever you want to call it. the only problem i have the spiderman movies.is why do they have to play so heavy on the relationship between mary jane and peter. to me that's always been the most boring part about spiderman period. :animesigh
  4. Gotta go with [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4]monster rancher [/SIZE][/FONT] that's was truly an awesome series and the thing is moo or muu however you want to say it. could always come back but you have to pick a new hero to lead. because by now Genki would probraly be an adult. [IMG]http://http://www.antoniogenna.net/doppiaggio/anim/monsterrancher.jpg[/IMG]
  5. I was think of posting a pic here but do i have to figure out who's in the previous post to take a turn. or what?
  6. it's nice to know their are so many loyal anime fan out their. it really doesn't matter where an anime is made. i mean as long as a anime is great it really doesn't matter where it comes from. i mean their are a lot of great anime compaines in the USA like funimation, tokyopop, 4kids... although if you make a really violent cartoon i wouldn't suggest going to them because they completely they ruined one-piece. :animecry: but companies like ban-dai are alright. those are partly american companies and they make great anime's anyway thanks for the posts keep'em coming. :D
  7. Never give up no matter how bad thing's are learn that from Naruto. true friends are hard to come by curtesy of Pokemon and Yugioh. trust in your friend's. hmmm well if final fantasy 7 and 9 are consider animes i learn that lesson from those .Also have faith in yourself well that i learned from all of them. They also thaught me that [B][SIZE=4]nothing's impossible.[/B][/SIZE] :D
  8. [quote name='jijran']:animesmil good for you. It shouldn't matter what other people say about an anime only being made in japan. if you want to make anime go right ahead. Anime is universal. :cool: its cool to do what you want and dont care what others think of you.[/quote] Truly a great mind. thanks for the reply anime should be for everyone who loves it and really doesn't matter what anyone say's hope you succeed in you endeavors as well. and i hope to hear from more people like you
  9. Hi everyone im trying to get into the anime cartoon and manga business and was wonder just because a anime is made my an american that study the art form do you think that make's any less of an anime :( then if it was made over in japan? :( casue i remember this jerk :mad: who was on g4 and say if it'a not made over in japan it's not an anime :mad: . i know their has to be people who has to have opinion about this. :D I mean how many of us haven't wanted to see your ideas come to anime life or to be made into a great manga :D . like naruto :animesmil , one piece :animestun , or :animeblus girls bravo... these are cult classic to me. but what's your take on this issue? :smirk:
  10. Naruto because most people think they can't count on me and and think they can rely on someone who think's they have more experience. most people think i have an attitude. and is kind of a troublemaker and it always seem's like im in the shadow of someone else just like naruto. i know he feels the same way about sasuka uchiha. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v693/nightraven19872004/naruto%20chara/sasuke.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.cyberconnect2.jp/naruto/entrance.jpg[/IMG]
  11. Tenchi Muyo- and i'd be Tenchi all those Beautiful Girls. :2women: Yugioh- yugi he leads a pretty exciting life don't you think. Vandread- hibiki same reason as the first one. :2women: Chrono Crusade- Chrono cause he had super devil powers and uses them for good. :animesmil Takato- digimon season 3 he's a pretty good leader. :animesmil and Spike from cowboy bebop he's cool :cool:
  12. does anyone know if they ever finished the 80's version of fist of the north star? because i was just wondering. i like the hyper violence in the new version but all the good charcters are gone like lin, bart, rei, and shin. plus their way to much talking and not enough fighting in this version. but the fact that you will see the brains pop out of their head is still pretty cool. in the old version you would just see the black shadows of the head expolding. but in my humble opinion any fan of the show should pick it up but in my case i think stick with the 80's version. but don't get me wrong i still like the new version. just not enough to buy a whole dvd box set. :D
  13. i would mind going out on a date with rei ayanami from neon genesis evangelion :animeshy: . she pretty cute and definetly alot nicer then Asuka :animeblus but i wouldn't mind going out with her either although she would most likely be mean to me and everyone she meets. :animedepr
  14. if that was the episode when that insane scientist transmutates his daughter yes that was sad i wish that put in a scene. where they put that guy to death what he did to his own daughter was just evil and wrong. :animecry:
  15. Wow this truly was an awsome anime and manga. it is definetly in the placement of tenchi muyo and please teacher. the plot to the story is pretty interesting. about a boy who gain's a phobia about women and breaks out in hives everytime he see one. or if one talk's to him it is defenetly a great anime to get into. i would recommend this anime to everyone. if you love comedy with a little bit of hentai check out girls bravo and anime dvd's or the manga you'll defenetly enjoy them. :D tried the otaku boards search engine girl's bravo never came up. :animesigh
  16. I watch anime anytime i ge tthe chance and pretty much any time it's on i wish i had the anime network then i could watch anime 24/7 that would truly be awesome. :D
  17. Well on my side of the country it's only been on action encore once. and this is my 1st time seeing it. :rolleyes:
  18. Well Vandread comes to an end next week and i can say im going to be sorry to see it go. :animecry: i really wish it was a longer series.
  19. [U][B]Man that had to e the worst pokemon movie ever[/B]. [/U] they got rid of all the good voice actors :animeangr . and put in a bunch of crappy one's :animeangr i mean i think the only original voice was pikachu :animesigh . i hope they don't do that to the cartoon series or pokemon would be finished :animecry: . i mean this one made pokemon the third movie worth buying. i hope they don't make a pile of crap like that ever again. :mad: but please tell me what you all think.[INDENT][COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1] [B]AnimeHeroX1[/B] I am moving your thread to the existing Pokemon thread for the following reason: To avoid confusion we ask that you do not create another thread. With at least fifteen different Pokemon titles, the number of threads would be very confusing so lets stick to just one. So please go ahead and post in the current one no matter how old it is. Before you post any thread, please check the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Sienna][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if there is already a thread on that topic. It is also a good idea to perform a forum search on that subject to make sure another thread does not already exist. Please take a moment to review this sticky on [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269] [COLOR=Sienna][B]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/B][/COLOR][/URL] . If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  20. Hi everyone have to get your opinion's on this one i always hated inside jokes in cartoon. you know like when it seems the character's talking to the animator or the audience. like in fooly cooly after takouif that's how you say his name was [spoiler]hit by hadoko vespa bike.[/spoiler] then it when to a cutscene where their in a bus talking about the last scene . it kind of takes the thrill out of the cartoon you know if you really get into it. or for another example at the end of pokemon the movie 2000 when [spoiler]sloking talks to team rocket say alot of people out their say what you did and their all watching right now.[/spoiler] that was extreme poorly timed especially after what happened with the [spoiler]3 leagendary bird pokemon.[/spoiler] and here another anime that does that to much BObobobo-bo-bo??? if that how you say his name. i don't watch his show but i saw one episode and after the inside jokes i didn't like so i really don't watch that one anymore. but please tell me what do you think of this topic.
  21. Well i liked Tifa and her and cloud and were both childhood friends so it only logical.that those 2 should hook up but i guess that's really up to the people that make final fantasy.
  22. Gotta go with the 1st pokemon advanced theme song and ending i wanna be a hero was an awesome song. :D also the yu-gi-oh theme song it's the same on all parts of the series both begining and ending credits. naruto start and ending pretty cool it has alot of action in it. oh yeah and the one piece start and end credit that's an awesome start and finish.
  23. I saw that anime it was really out their??? i just couldn't get the just of it but to me that one would be under the name of anime's like fooly cooly.
  24. My strongesy emotion is Courage never heistent on doing something to help someone important to me althought sometimes it get me into trouble. i do what i do for the right reasons. i learned from from some of the greatest hero's partically. :animesmil Ash from pokemon no matter what he never gives up. and genki because he a true leader and some you'd want to team up with :cool:but like most people i'll bet you get most of your courage from the person your tring to help ;) personally i think Courage is the most powerful emotion. :D
  25. Hi they did finish the final episode of monster rancher it was on fox family 3 years ago at around about 8am so you had to get up early to watch it. i would have recoreded it but i didn't own a vcr at the time :mad: but here's the ended [B][COLOR=Red][SIZE=4]Warning Spoiler Alert!!![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] the spoiler ending if you really want to know they [spoiler]combine the power of the monster that worked with genki because it was later found out that they were the sprit of the pheonix. and they combine their sprit with the pheonix to revive it. the pheonix and muu do battle and both destroy each other and the blast send's genki back to his world. where he wonders if it was all a dream but he notices that the boots he had on are still their :animesmil meaning he really did it all later he run into a dump where he crys :animecry: over missing his friends but his friends sprits appear telling him not to cry it doesn't suit him. and they say we may meet again.:D so after that message from his friends genki runs home and jumps with his fists in the air and the series comes to an end.:animecry:[/spoiler] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]AnimeHeroX[/B], just stating that you are listing a spoiler is not enough. You need to use spoiler tags, like the one's I added to your post. They are very easy to use, just take a look here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199] Spoiler Tags [/URL] If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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