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Everything posted by Deathsye
"My names Tsudo... Tsudomashi." he said the Key Armblades on his arm still activated, "Do you know where a girl named Dawn went.. I have been looking all over for her." He looked towards the towns center where most of the Chaos was happening, "Please if you know tell me I got to end this... I brought it here..." he said gripping his hands tight as a bunch of small and large heartless started to creep toward them. "Damn it why won't they quit coming!" he said. Sythe heard the girls words, "... Acceptable..." he said turning around, "But Keeeeyhole isss .... Not found by sunriiise.... You... shall suffer the fate that will befall the town." he said walking off. Meanwhile on the Omega Halo a strange occurance had happened. A strange door had opened and Sera and her small team of OSDT soldiers were sent to check it out. A large portal had opened and seemed to be stable. As they got there Sera saw small red spot turning coming from it. Before anything else could happen a small group of heartless came through. Her team looked at them strangely. "What is that Sera?!" one asked. "I don't know but don't shoot." she said throught the comm. One heartless jumped upon one of the soldiers and reached into his chest the man screaming as he felt it peirce him. "Holy Shit!" one yelled kicking the Heartless off and shooting it several times making it dispurse. Too late did this happen as the man lay there dead. "Ok take these bastards down!" yelled Sera as she opened fire with her team. As most of the heartless were destroyed the others retreated back into the portal. "Oh no you don't!" yelled Sera running at the portal as thier Spartan Commander Paul came over the comm. "Sera stop!" "I am not letting these freaks go!" she yelled before leaping thought the portal. As she landed on the other side she felt like the breath was knocked out of her. She looked around at the burning Elysium and went, "What the hell...?" she said looking around. The heartless that were there was regrouped with the Heartless on the others side. "I'm going to take you little bastards down." she drawing her assault rifle and firing.
Sythe simply turned and raise a hand to the center of the town, "... Psycho....SPEAR!" he said the dark read aura turning into a dark energy javilin. The monument that was there crumbled and fell. "Destroy.... Till... Keeeeeeey hole is found..." it commanded as it started to spread its Heartless outward into the town. [OOC- sorry for the short post but i have Tests coming up and am studying for those]
Tsudo punched and slashed the armblades through each heartless not letting a one get away, "Get out of my way!" he yelled at them as they kept coming and coming. Sooner or later he ran into a boy looking around, "Hey... Do you know where Dawn is?" he asked breathing heavily. "She went running towards this direction." he said as another heartless started to leap from behind. "Clense....or... Taaaaaaaint?" said Sythe holding a red katana with a keytooth pattern on it. He too seemed to be a key wielder. His one eye looked deep into the girls soul it seemed it showed nothing but blackness. "Saaaay.... Or you shaaaaall Die..." he said the blade raised ready to strike.
Tsudo couldn't think for a good few minutes. The words, Keyhole, were spoken and each time a pounding happened in his head. He held his head till the bangles on his arms started to glow. From the sides grew Keyteeth. He looked at them both thoughts entered his head, "This... Is what i was brought here for..." he said in his mind. Looking out the Door Tsudo knew what he had to do, "I have to defend this town... Im the one that brought this here and i am going to be the one that takes it out!" he yelled charging out and going to where he heard fighting. In his way were many of Sythe's heartless but they wouldn't stand between him and what he said he would do. Meanwhile Sythe was searching for the Keyhole after the boy who had challenged him was surely taken care of, "Find...Keyhole!..." he yelled looking over to the girl fighting with a man with the same Dark aura as his own, "Key...weilder.... Destroy!" he yelled surrounding himself in a dark red Aura.
Tsudo looked at the coming storm it some what feeling him with the feeling he had in his visions, "... Something... Isn't right..." he said staring out the window, "Did... Anyone else come with me? Any other people? or any strangers entered town?" he asked not looking at Dawn but consentrated on the storm. "I... don't feel well..." he said his head starting to hurt. The Being that was in the square looked up at the sky, "S...oooon.... Bre...thren... Coooooooome!" he yelled out people staring at him like he was a lunitic. As the storm drew over the town Tsudomashi's head started to pound, "Ahhh!" he said leaning against the wall, "Something isn't right!" he yelled, "D-dawn!..." he said looking at the girl that was with him, "Its....going...to... happen!" he yelled. Just as he said that blue and red lightning started to hit the town everywhere doing no apperent damage but frrom the struck places came more creatures like The Being known as Sythe, "Find... Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeey hole!!!!" roared Sythe his brothers running all over the town people spreading in the panic.
Tsudo looked at the girl and said, "My names Tsudomashi, or Tsudo for short. " he said shaking his head of cobwebs but still the images in his head burned, "This town... Tell me about it." he asked strangely, "I don't remember anything before i came onto the island." he said looking at her. "But this place... Seems too familar to me." he said looking out side. "... I think i have seen it in my visions... On fire... burning in the Darkness of night..." he said holding his head it starting to hurt as the storm started to roll in quicker. Meanwhile a being with its head wraped and had only one eye hole in the wrapping wondered the streets, "K...keeey....hooole...." said the being walking strait in to the public square. The suddenly froze and looked at the storm that was rolling in.
[Mature Themes may be present] Tsudo tossed and turned during his sleep after the people of Elysium found him. He dreamed of worlds burning and worlds filled with darkness and despair, "No..." he said still in his sleep like state. He jumped up looking around not remembering much other then his name and the images burned into his head, "Wh-what was that..." he said to himself looking around. After a bit of the disorientation wore off he got up and went to the window. To his surprise it was a town. "What am i doing here?" Tsudo thought to himself. He looked down at the people and at the port nearby, "This is..." he said before hearing someone come in. ---- "There are too many of them pull back pull back!" yelled a man over a radio. The voice came from a overturned jeep in a strange swamp. "Is there anyone there respond... Hello can anyone here me?!" yelled a female voice over the radio. This voice came from a outpost a long way away from the jeep from a woman named Sera. She was in contact with a group of marines that were sent out on a recon mission of the area. The message she got was hostile and unhuman." "Your Termination is willed by the gods....and We are there instrument..." said a deep alien voice from the radio. "Damn it Covenant here?!" she said her head resting on her hand. F The Detachment sent out was a larger recon team then most but from what Sera and the others heard over the radio the needed more men. "Send a distress call or something We need reenforcements" said Sera. The comms officer looked at her then at a tall fully armors soldier in olive green, "Sir?" "Send it. " said thier commander. "Right. May Day May Day. Calling all ships in the vecenity we need back up. Please sent all available assests!"
Ok! Everyone from here back is accepted. Congrats. I should have the RP up tonight or tomorrow depending on which i have time.
[quote name='Zero Sephiroth']Are signups still open? If so, can we really be characters from anything within reason?[/QUOTE] Within Reason yeah haha.
ALRIGHT! Knuckles Girl and Jimi are in. We are almost good to go now just need to get people to finish up thier Sign ups sha?
Ok Dark your in and Flo after your done i willl see if you are in. But lets try to get some elysium characters in.
[quote name='monipo1928']Name:Skye Age:16 World of Origin:Naruto Alignment:Grey Race:Human Apperance:[IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u271/emoxninja04/Sakura%20Haruno/Sakura_Haruno.jpg[/IMG] Key Weapon: Key Blade- Devils Wish. This is a 5 foot long sword stained crimson. There is writing on one side of the blade.Its specailized to fit Skye's personality and her fighting style. Drive Form: N/A Bio:.:edit:. Theme Music:Behind these hazel eyes Entrance THeme:Chrono Crusade opening Battle Theme:Wedding Peach opening Victory Theme:Off To The Rodeo Loss Theme:Gomenasai[/QUOTE] After the Bio you and Angels are good to go. Now we need a bit more people come on i worked hard on this one!
[quote name='monipo1928']Name:Skye Age:16 World of Origin:Naruto Alignment:Grey Race:Human Apperance:.:edit:. Key Weapon:.:edit:. Drive Form: N/A Bio:.:edit:. Theme Music:Behind these hazel eyes Entrance THeme:Chrono Crusade opening Battle Theme:Wedding Peach opening Victory Theme:Off To The Rodeo Loss Theme:Gomenasai[/QUOTE] Ok but remember to get this done or i won't be able to accept it [QUOTE]Name: Azure Dawn Age: 23 World of Origin: Final Fantasy VII Alignment: Grey Race: Human (Genetically alterd) Appearance: Azure. He's 5'9 and is around 160 lbs. He dresses dark and acts just as dark. He has black eyes with black pupils and yellow irises. He wears and eye patch over his right eye. He lost the eye in a fight years ago. The wings on his back were born of the experiments he endured as a child, though he can't fly with them. Key Weapon: Key Spear- Long Arm Aurora. This is a six foot crimson red staff with a key etched blade stained black. The end of the spear has a silver chain that hangs from it. There is an odd gold text that Azure can't quite deciper on the side of it. The aurora can bend light and distort images allowing Azure to create illussions to disorient his enemies. Drive form: N/A Bio: Azure was born in the slums of Midgar. To who and when exactly he's not to sure. He lived in one of many labs owned by the Shinra organization. He was one of a handful of canidates for a new genetics project. It was suppose to breed a new race of human capable of synchronizing with and channeling mako. Azure lived a life of sterilization and quiet tolerance. He spent everyday convinced that someday his real family would come back and take him away and until then he would just bear through til they came. In the end the experiment was unsuccessful. The complete termination of all research subjects was orderd. When faced with what Azure knew to be his eminent death, he tapped into a powerful energy born of his years of torture and lashed out against his keepers with all the strength of force of nature. He was barely a teenager and managed to strike down a dozen armed men with his bare hands. He ran from that place and went back to try and rediscover a life in Midgar he had never had. Sadly, it was not what he had hoped it would be. With no place to go, being the monster that he was in both, form and power, and Shinra agents crawling all over the city looking for him he turned his back on the city and left it without so much as a backward glance. During his life he learned that the only thing that guarntees life in this world is power. And if one wants to live they must fight for that privledge ever day. If you want something, become strong enough to take it from someone to weak to hold on to it. This is how he has learned to survive. Theme Music: Entrance Theme: Paper cut- Linkin Park Battle Theme: To be loved- Papa Roach Victory Theme: Only the strongest will survive- Breaking Benjamin Lose Theme: Bleed- Cold Yesterday 09:50 PM[/QUOTE] Ok Accepted. Be ready to rp after a few more sign ups after my own. And remember we need Elysium so the RP can have some leeway. Name: Tsudomashi [Tsudo for short] Age: Unknown World of Origin: First came to Elysium Alignment: Grey [leaning to light] Race: Human Apperance: [URL="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i65/Deathsye2/Axle.png?t=1196721293"]Tsudo[/URL] Key Weapon: Key Gauntlets- Blades attached to his forearms effectively making them both a key and weapon Drive Form: [None as of yet] Bio: Tsudomashi plummeted from the sky over a vast ocean and splashed down so hard it didn't seem like he would have made it. However... He did. He was up to a sandy shore. When he woke he was weak for a while he lay there. Visions... glimpses of worlds on fire and darkness spreading to each. "What does this mean... What does any of it mean?! " yelled Tsudo but no one heard him his head hurt and he felt weak. He collapsed onto the sand. He was later found by several people from a nearby town called Elysium Theme Music: (Thought it would be a cool add on XD Have your characters own theme.) Entrance THeme: Out of the Silent Planet-Iron Maiden Battle Theme: Passion's Killing Floor- HIM Victory Theme: Power of the Dragonflame- Rhapsody Loss Theme: In the End ---------- Name: Sera Age: 23 World of Origin: The Ark- Halo Alignment: Light Race: Human [OSDT] Apperance:[URL="http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/075/d/a/Waiting_To_Strike_by_ninjaisonfire.jpg"]Armor w/ helmet[/URL] [URL="http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/051/6/2/Spartan_female_by_Edli.jpg"] Under helmet[/URL] [Disreguard armor] Key Weapon: Plasma Key and a Normal Assault rifle Plasma Key: A unusual design of the Plasma Sword. It glows like every other kind and its sting is the same. Capable of burning, cutting through cable and light luminescence. Drive Form: None Bio: A corporal in the UNSC fighting the Convenant on her world. She is commanded by the Spartan Paul. Thought their current location is unknown to most she and her commander have heard stories from the events after the Fall of Reach. This ring world was called an Halo. A fortress world, Their enemies reveared it as holy but they knew it was a weapon. For the past month they have not given ground until the Parasite attacked. Theme Music: (Thought it would be a cool add on XD Have your characters own theme.) Entrance THeme: Blow Me Away[Instrumental] by Breaking Benjiman Battle Theme: Halo 3 Theme Victory Theme: Dawn of Victory by Rhapsody Loss Theme: Taps ------ Name: Sythe Age: Unknown World of Origin: Phantom Dust Alignment: Dark Race: Unknown [Possibly Nothing] Apperance: [URL="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i65/Deathsye2/Anthro.jpg"]Sythe[/URL] Key Weapon: Key-Tana- A somewhat simple weapon that is very sharp and very fast its down fall is its weilder. Drive Form:[None Revieled] Bio: The world he came from is a barren god forsaken world that is inhabited mostly by monsters. He himself being one of these. Built from the Dust that covered the world. He has no past and no memory other then his Purpose... Find and Taint the Keyholes. Theme Music: (Thought it would be a cool add on XD Have your characters own theme.) Entrance THeme: Bohemian Rhapsody Queen Battle Theme: Invasion Victory Theme: The Sickness Disturbed Loss Theme:
[I have returned hahahaha] [CENTER][IMG]http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i65/Deathsye2/KH.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [Warning: May Have MATURE themes. Kiddies be forewarned --------- "What is this....." said a voice in darkness, "What am i? Who.... What do i mean by that.... Who am i?" asked the same voice over and over. "I am nothing... N-no... I ame something.. I am... Tsudo...Tsudomashi..." Tsudomashi plummeted from the sky over a vast ocean and splashed down so hard it didn't seem like he would have made it. However... He did. He was up to a sandy shore. When he woke he was weak for a while he lay there. Visions... glimpses of worlds on fire and darkness spreading to each. "What does this mean... What does any of it mean?! " yelled Tsudo but no one heard him his head hurt and he felt weak. He collapsed onto the sand. Little did he know his Visions were a glimpse into what could happen. Countless worlds were loomed over by a omunous shadow. No one seen it coming. No one thought some could effect on such a scale. One last vision came into his mind as he faded a image of a large shining door... A Door that would lead to Salvation... or Eternal Darkness. A few hours later a group of people from a town on the other side of the island found Tsudo and brought him to their town, Elysium. ----------------- OK kids this RP is going to be a bit different then many other KH rps,this has NOTHING to do with Sora or any of the other main characters, YOU make your own main character be it hero for villan but heres the catch... You can be a character from any Anime[exept DBZ ], Game or even other diseny movie. And IF you follow some guidlines you may have an OC from those worlds. PS also Elysium is the starting town for any one that doesn't want to use the worlds. 1. If you make a OC it MUST be canon to that world no Naruto with a machine gun cause that wouldn't make much sense. 2. If you make an OC you weapon MUST be fair no ALMIGHTY SWORD THAT KILLS ALL BEFORE IT that is no fun. 3. The character cannot magicly know whats going on he or she wouldn't know what a heartless is until someone said what it was Drive Forms, KeyChain Abilities and Weapon(s). What kingdom hearts story would be complete without Drive forms! If you have any doubt about your drive form ideas submit your drive ideas to me Via PM. I want you to have fun with'em so be creative. [You begin with ONE don't go all uber at the begining of the RP or it wont be any fun] As for KeyChain Abilities, these are the strong points and advantages given to you by your KeyChain. For example, my character's Crescendo Keyblade has power over Wind, Air and Sound, his Sforzando Keyblade has power over percussion, and force, and his Tempora Keyblade has power over flow and vibration. Your Key weapon(s) can be any weapon you want them to be (Within Kingdom Hearts Tech limit.) so not everybody needs a Keyblade. You could have a Keystaff, Keybow, or Keyspear, as long as it still retains a Key-like look. (Like the teeth of a key.) Alignment: Light: These are you normal good guys. Heros and such. They can be Humans and a bunch of other races, if you want even Nobodys and someone with out a heart they had one once right? Grey: these are the real X Factors. The group that doesn't really have a side as of yet but could go ether way based on any of the influences in the RP. Could be light for thier cause of good ness. Or Dark because of Lust for power. Dark: We all know the bad guys. Evil to the core but some are redeemable. Mostly heartless and just mean people Worlds: Each world will have a KeyHole and each one can be ether Closed or tainted. Both states of key hole are linked to thier side Closed to the Good and tainted to the bad If you discover a world you must state the World name and the locations Ex World of Naruto Discovered: Leaf Village And if a Key Hole is close it is Naruto World Keyhole: Closed or Tainted. ============== Here is the sign up. Name: Age: World of Origin: Alignment: Race: Apperance: Key Weapon: Drive Form: Optional Bio Theme Music: (Thought it would be a cool add on XD Have your characters own theme.) Entrance THeme: Battle Theme: Victory Theme: Loss Theme:
"Kyuubi... feh.." said Adoma after looking at the cut on his arm. "Looks like i should step it up a notch..." He said starting to hand signs with the Tiger seal on the end. "Fire Release: Pheinox Flower Jutsu!" He blew out fireballs at the boy and the other girl. The girl used a jutsu to blow out the fire that held Kunai inside. "Heh... You might have Kyuubi but your still a little girl." The girl dodged and the boy rushed with his weapon. Adoma locked with him in a power struggle. "What is your power kid?" he said pushing him back. Then they both jumped back staring each other down. "You don't know who your messing with..." said Rei. "Just another punk that thinks he can kill me cause of what he is..." said Adoma. He did several handsigns and apperently nothing happened. After a few seconds he was engulfed in flame and looked as if he was burning. But instead of being in pain Shittake stood there not burning at all. "Neat huh kid?" "All that is is Genjutsu..." he said running at Adoma and slicing his torso. The sword hit nothing but flame and went through. "Poor kid... This is one of the benefits of being a Missing Nin you can make things out side of the Villages knowledge..."
Adoma fell the tree he was sleeping in shake and he woke with a start. As he looked down the saw that three Akatsuki were attacking a girl. He, being of a noble nature, jumped down and cracked his neck looking back at the girl. "Hey you ok?" he said showing his head band that hand no symbol. Before she could answer he turned back to the two girls and the boy. "You have some nerve picking on a girl like this... I will teach you punks a lesson you wont soon forget. I don't care if your Akatsuki or not... I have taken down Anbu and Nin Hunters more powerful then any of your lackeys..." He drew his Katana and the shuriken he had on his back. The shuriken was large but was easily wielded with one hand. "Lets do this!" he said throwing the shuriken and running behind it to strike if it didn't hit. He swiped at the guy first him dodging barely and punching at Adoma he dodging as well. "Faster then that kid..."
Name- Adoma Shittake Clan- Unknown Bloodline trait-None Age- 18 Alias- Ninja of the Plains Side- Nami Rank- /Missing Nin Personality- He likes kids and most ninja except for Hunter Nin Appearance-5'11" Blue eyes, brown hair and tanned skin. Has round glasses overhis eyes and wears a black sleeveless shirt with a flower on the back along with black pants and ninja slippers. His head band has no symbol on it. Weapons- Katana and Giant Shuriken Powers- He dabs in all elements. Jutsu's- Transformation: Elemental - He acquires element forms by touching the element he wishes to transform into. After he becomes adept at one element he has no reason to touch it anymore. Item Transformation Bio-Are they well known for they're background?Or is they're background a mystery to everyone including them? If they're background is known please type at least 1-2 paragraphs if it isnt then type at least 1-3 sentences.
It is an age of unrest. War is seemingly looming over the horizon. Humans have split in to diffrent provinces. The largest provinces the Shinme and Kameguri are the closest to War. The 3 smaller provinces Kiwa, Genki , and Yomoichi are caught in the middle. For with in them are major strategic point that could give Shinme or Kameguri the advantage over the other. The one deciding factor on these side are the Oni of the Provinces. They are disputed over who should get the land. Some say Lord Shinme has the wisdom and will to rule, Others say Kameguri has the Strength and Ambition to govern. Now there are even conflicts between the Oni themselves. They have chosen sides. The smaller provinces aren't prepared to defend against these forces only few Oni belive that War doesn't have to happen. However unknown to these people the War has started already. The first arrows have been fired. ------------------------------ OK! How is that eh? ^ ^ Ok this is set in a Alternate Timeline. THis is set some time befor the show and as such you can be an ansecestor or relitive but NOT a character from the show. Feel free to use you OCs. ------------------------------ Besure to follow the site rules. You may have more then one character Ok RP signups: Name: Age: (Oviously if your an Oni your going to be older then humans or something) Race/Nationality: Human or Oni / Kameguri, Shinme, Kiwa, Genki Likes: Dislikes: Appearance: Description or Pic will do Weapons: (Up to 3) Abilities: Make sure it fits your Character and Race. Bio: --------- Ok make sure to finish. Name: Hyobusa the Sword Hunter aka Hyobusa the Lone Wolf Age: 50 Race/Nationality: Oni(Wolf)/Genki Likes: Being alone, talking to his swords Dislikes:Loud people , The war Appearance: [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/122/1/a/_Samurai__by_dadoundy.jpg[/IMG] Weapons:Maru(Katana) and Ice Fang(Diakatana) Abilities: Speed and ablities to see in the dark Bio: Wolf Demon's usually stick with thier packs their entire lifes. But some are abandoned at birth if the mother isin't wiling to take care of it. Hyobusa is one of these Wolf Demons. He was abandoned by his mother and left to death but a Human and his young wife found and raised Hyobusa as thier own. As he got older he withdrew from life outside his home. He felt that he was lonely for a reason. His profession is a Sword Hunter. They search for lost weapons and other items. But since the war he hasn't had a chance to hunt for the Sister Sword of Maru. He was on a quest east but now it is blocked off to foreigners
Ichi had a small note book in his hand and was sketching out the Digimon on each page. Yaamon was looking at him and peeked at what he was drawing. It was Yaamon. Yaamon: Is that me? Ichi: Kind of... I am supposed to be working on my Manga right now... Before my comp exploded i had it done and finished and finally ready for the interview... I had to show the Shonen people that i had a good idea before they let me work on the comic. Yaamon: Bummer eh? Ichi: Big bummer... Oh well i guess i am better off with this. I am getting better ideas then i have ever got. *he finished the drawing* There done. What you think? Yaamon: Not perfect but not bad what about my rookie , champ and utimate forms? Ichi: I can draw them from memory as well as the others . Megadramon as well... Every story need thier villans.
Ichi looked skeptical of the kids motives about him joining them. Yaamon , Impmons , in training forml, looked a bit less excepting then the others. Yaamon: Hey this guy tries to do us in and we just forgive him like that. Thats kind of bull crap to me. Ichi: He has a point guys... Even if he does put it in such a crude way. This guy has been on the other side for a long time how are we supposed to know as soon as we reach another one of these "Dark Lords" he won't turn on us and try to snuff us out again. You can't expect everyone to be so trusting. Trust is something you gotta earn and you haven't earned it yet. Yaamon: Yeah what he said! *he said hopping up and down* Ichi picked him up and looked at him. Ichi: Is it just me or are you more jacked up then you usually are. Yaamon: You bet! Ichi: smaller you are the bigger you talk huh? Yaamon: What was that?! Ichi: You do...
[quote name='dragoonreaper']Name: Shiru Age 19 Race: Halo-Spartan Rank: Master Srg. Apperence: Solid maroon red Personality: perfers to act alone. Bio: He was in is Quarters before they jumped. After they jumped out of the slipspace Rift their was an imediate call to stations. He reported to Hanger 5 Pelican Delta. Name: Imat Race: coveneint- Elite Rank: Privit Age:uknown Personality: He is tiltering towards the mark of shame. He is loyal to his beleif but starts to agree with the humans. He is absent minded. Bio: Currently held in an onboard prison cells Sorry but im a little lght headed today.Hope this will do.[/QUOTE] just need a bit more background
Ceribumon looked at the group. Ceribrumon: You idiots i am holding him here for you to attack! *He was straining to contain the flying digimon* Ichi: You heard hiim attack! While he has him held! *he yelled poining at Mega Dramon* i The champions trained thier attack on Megadramon. When his cannons got sucked into the portals he had no way to attack. Megadramon: Damn you! Ceribrumon: No Damn you...
Icedevimon felt the power flow through him and he looked at the other then at Ichi. Ichi: Come on guys lets not let this go to waste! Come on! IceDevimon: Right! I should be able to do it agian! *he glowed and digivolved agian in to Ceribrumon* Lets teach this bitch he is messing with the wrong guys... Ichi: Alright Ceribrumon! Teach him! Ceribrumon: Emerald Blaze! *he fired green flame at Megadramon it hit but didn't do much but make him flinch* Megadramon: Dark Side Attack! *he fired missles out of his metal claws* Ceribrumon: *dodges barely* Come on guys I need help here! PORTALS OF DARKNESS! Go to the darkest place in the digital world! *black portals opened up and tried to suck megadramon in* NOW!
Ichi stood back and watched as he couldn't do anything to help Ice Devimon. He looked at his digivice and at IceDevimon. Ichi: Come on buddy. Stomp this bastard into the ground! Show him the power you have! IceDevimon: What does it look like i am trying to do!? TUNDRA FREEZE! *he shot freezzing lasers out of his eyes and hit gigadramons arm but it only froze for a second before he broke out and attacked back* Gigadramon hit Icedevimon with his tail sending him carening back to the wall and putting a dent where he slammed into it. Icedevimon: *gets up slowly* I-i won't got down like that... No... NEVER! *His wings glowed darkly* EVIL WING! Gigadramon shruged it off. Rylonamon : Stop attacking alone we can do this together! Icedevimon: No i know i can do this! Ichi: Stop acting like that! If you wont listen to them listen to m- Gigadramon: Giga Destroyer!! *he shot at the three champions and blew them back agian* Ichi: IceDevimon!! *he ran over *come on buddy.... We can't give up now... Icedevimon: H-he's too strong... Ichi: Its stupid shit talk like that that makes you feel like nothing show these people that your something! Come on get up and fight with all your might. I belive you can do it! Icedevimon: *Looks down* Ichi: Come on no doubts! BELEIVE YOU CAN DO IT! Show all these people that they are wrong! Icedevimon: *looks determined* Thanks... Thats all i needed! *he glowed darkly as he sprinted at Gigadramon* Ichi: *digivice glows bright* Come on! Icedevimon: Icedevimon digivolve to.... His shape changed to a quadripedle form and as the energy left a dark hound digimon stood in his place. Cerberumon: Cerberumon... Not half bad eh? Ichi: Looking good! *smiles* Now lets take it down! Gigadramon: Giga Destroyer! Cerberumon: Emerald Blaze! *he shot green flames out of all three heads*