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Everything posted by Deathsye

  1. A man was standing on the over pass above Ruby. His hair and coat blew in the wind and he watched them as they went away. "Damn... I thought I was going to have to step in for a little while..."said the man named Deathsye. "But the little one packs alot of punch for her size... I wonder if the others are like that one..." --- Tasubaki sighed, "Not again..."
  2. Tsudo was a bit confused my Sky's reaction. "What are you blushing for?" he asked quietly. ---------------------------------------------------------- The Gyne was hurt but wasn't out. It fired the samed thing Tasubake fired At the Calastro She was struck by it. It burned her arm. "Damn..." she said with appearent pain but no raise in voice tone. The Gyne and Calastro fired a combined attack at Tasubaki knowing that she was the strongest of the two. She hit the ground harshly. "Not again..." she said getting up holding her side. Then on final blast from the Calastro at Ruby.
  3. OCC- Yup... ------------- Tasubaki and Ruby arrived at the Highway. There were several abandoned rusted cars still on the road. Tasubaki looked around and saw a Gyne and Calastro together. Tasubaki sighed and stuck out her hand as a purple ball fired out and hit the Gyne. "Ready?" she asked plainly. The Calastro took aim and fired a few rapid blast shots and entered a wall going through it. "There is the ghost..."
  4. It was the next day and Tsudo started drinking early. There was a knock at Ruby's door. When she answered a blue haired woman was at the door. "Hello... I am Tasubaki... I am your partner today... Shall we go?" she said walking off with out a nother second wasted. She had a heavy stride and had a monotonish expression. They reached the termanl and headed to the surface. ---------------------------- OCC-Tasubaki is basiclly Emo...
  5. There was a knock at Ruby's door. It was Chunky. "Hey, Come out I need to talk to you!" said Chunky Ruby opened the door. "What do you want?" she asked. "Meister asked me to tell you that you were selected as Tasubaki's partner tomorrow as a scout to check out rumors of ghosts on the surface... It is probly just a Calastro... They are kind of like the Eyeball Tsudo faced but a bit stronger... You will be at the Abandoned Highway... Are you up to it?" asked Chunky.
  6. Tsudo went back to the bar after the session. He had recently been joined by a young woman named Sky. She seemed nice to him. "You just woke up right? From a cryo tube?" asked Tsudo. She nodded. "Right... I bet your going to be a Esper as well..." Meister walked in when Tsudo said this. "Speak of the devil..." Meister walked over to Tsudo and Sky. "Good to see your doing fine Tsudo... ANd I see you met the new arrival. I am Meister. I am the leader of the Visions... When you feel ready come to the main Hall... We will take you to the surface and see what you can do..." he said before walking off. "Be careful... The test is tough... I got this on my second mission..." said Tsudo pointing to his chest where is was ripped from before.
  7. Accepted. OK! Finally I think we have good amount of sign up I will try to get the RP up soon.
  8. Ok... I would accept it buuut... The wings thing in the Bio has got to go. and nearly everyone has he vision of the Ruins. But your wing thing can be a skill because I saw a skill close to that before. If you fix the things I mentions will except. Edit: Yeah that is fine. Sorry if it incovenanced you. Ok remember all new Signups start at the Clinic when they first wake up.
  9. Accepted but we need more Star wars Characters.
  10. Adamu smirked. "I have a surprise... Say hello to TORNADO WALL! Now even if you go throught my defense I will not take damage. Then in a Chain I activate Black Snake Syndrome! It takes 200 points from you each turn and gains 200 points of damage every turned so all I have to do is stay behind my wall and watch you slowly loose life points... And see that your turn is over I will draw a card..." Adamu smirked again. "I summon Giant Ameba! It gains 1000 points of damage every time it attacks... But wait there is more!! My Buster Launcher Card! I couldn't use this untill now because it only workes on monster 1000 attack and below... Now the Ameba is 2500 attack stronger... And I attack your Samurai Sasuke!!!! With ameba now at 3500 attack! Then I end my turn..."
  11. Adamuu life points went down to 3350. He drew his card. "You didn't think I didn't have a back up for my Ocean did you? I aways have a spare! I play A Legendary Ocean! And now I lay one Monster face down! Then just two other cards face down..."
  12. Tsudo smirked a bit as if he was actually having fun. He dismissed Excalibur and started giving alot of consentration on the key. It moved a bit. "He he..." he snickered.
  13. Adamu drew another card and smirked. "NOW I PLAY!!! A LEGENDARY FISHERMAN!!! (2150/2200 with ALO and YLS) And thanks to A Legendary Ocean I don't have to pay tribute! And thanks to A Legendary Ocean acting a Umi A Legendary Fisher Man gains an effect... It can't be affected by the opponents spells and Monsters... He he... Now I attack your Mirage Dragon!!! It is destroyed... And finally I lay a card face down and end my turn..."
  14. Name- Deathsye Appearent Age-20 Gender-Male Bio- He is one of the only Humans that haven't lost their memory on the surface. But he still has no memory of the time before the protagenist and Edgar Personality- Laid back and helpful. Apperance- Black long hair, long black trench coat, Black boots and pants. Has blue eyes. Favorite Skills- Skill Class- Faith Skill Type- Defense Skill Name- Guardian Angel Skill Class- Nature Skill Type- Attack Skill Name- Blazing Sword Skill Class- Faith Skill Type- Attack Skill Name- Judge of Anubis Skill Class- Faith Skill Type- Special Skill Name- Blessed Water (Heals)
  15. Tsudo watched the key go up and get stuck. "Dang... " he said. "I was just going to use Telekinesis on it but that wouldn't be fare would it?" He ran for the key but was stumbling around a bit from the drinks he had earlier.
  16. Tsudo got up with a bit of a stumble. "Guess I had my limit." he said walking with Ruby. "But at the least I can get some action in the training room." Ruby unlocked the room and Tsudo walked in. He waited for Ruby to come in as well. "So what... Free for all... All of us aginst each other... " said Tsudo with a hiccup. "But don't aim for my chest... I don't want to start bleeding again.."
  17. Adoma had watched the Genin and Jounin walk towards the tower while he left Itsuki back in a safe spot. He had been interested a bit in them. "... I wonder..." ------------------- Yoshi wasn't asleep he was still awake looking out the window. It to him with his mask off like daylight. "I need to put my mask back on... I haven't reached the level I supposed to..." he said picking up the mask and tying it back to its place. He sighed. "Namu..."
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tsudo had gone passed what he siad would. He was now sipping on his 19th hard drink. "..." He was just sitting looking into nothing. It looked like he was in deep thought but the occasional sigh would come out and break his silence. He was bored. He had nothing to do in the city except drink. Even this was getting boring. "If I don't find some thing to do I will lose my mind..."[/COLOR]
  19. Tsudo ended up back at the bar. He ordered harder drinks then he did last time. He was red in the face after 5 drinks but still was talking normally. "Damn... How the hell can you drink so much and not even have slurred speech?!" asked pH in a amazed voice. Tsudo downed another stiff drink. He hiccuped, "Don't ask me... Maybe I am just tolerent of alcohol..." he said as another drink was in front of him. He downed it quickly with a bit of a weeze. "I think I will just get one more then I am gone..." said Tsudo. He got one more drink but drank it slowly. "Who was the man in my dream..." he said quitly to hiself
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tsudo hiccuped again a bit. "There isn't anything else to do till you allow me on the surface again..." he said whipping out the last bottle and opening it. He sipped on it. Meister was vaguly annoyed, "You shouldn't drink too much..." "Ahh... I am fine... I can barely feel the effects." said Tsudo with another hiccup. "I am just now getting buzzed..."[/COLOR]
  21. Ok. Your in as soon as you finish your sign up Monipo. ----------------------------------- Name: Spartan 1134- Sara Race- Halo-Spartan Age- 23 Gender-Female Rank- Lieutenant Personality- Very serious in combat situations. But outside of combat he is layed back and calm. Appearance- [URL=http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/095/9/8/Spartan_female_by_halo_fans.jpg]Sara[/URL] Bio- Taken from her home at the age of 6 , Sara was replaced with a flash clone. She was one of the few subjects that survived the Spartan-II program. She was first posted on Reach as part of her training but she was transfer to the outterworld of Harvest a barren world with no vegetation but one of the key defense world. When the covenant attacked she and the rest of the Spire was teleported in to Republic Space. She is currently tracking info for the UNSC. -------------------------------- Name- Xenos Race- Elite Age- 45 (Human Equal to 30) Gender-Male Rank- Honor Guard Personality- [URL=nikon.bungie.org/misc/leyk/Callyfins_Elite.jpg]Xenos[/URL] Appearance- Wears a dark red version of the Spec-Ops Elites. His usual Honor Guard head dress was left behind in order to make him seem like a normal Major. Bio- One of the secret passingers on the Truth and Reconciliation. Xenos is the True Commander of the ship. He controls everything from the control room he barks orders and comes up with brillient ideas on how to defeat the enemy. Since he came to Republic Space he has kept his fleet in orbit above the world of Naboo.
  22. Adamu smirked. "You'll see... Oh you'll see..." said Adamu drawing a card. He suddenly had a smirk. "Now, I play A Legendary Ocean! It acts as Umi and raise any Aqua Monster's Attack and Defence up 300 points! It also brings all water monsters down one star level! Now that that is done! I play Deaepsea Warrior!!!(1600 / 1800 ) And thanks to Alegendary Ocan I don't have to pay a tribute! ANd he increases by 300 points (1900/2100) and then Yellow Luster Shield takes effect(Def:2400) Now I attack your Grandmaster Sasuke!!!"
  23. Yoshi was in his room more awake then before. "Hmm... I guess I could take the mask off for a bit..." he said taking off his shade revielling the top of black hair. He then untied the back of his mask and let it fall off. He opened his eyes and a small grey nearly silver shine came from his eyes. He coulds see most of the room even as dark as it was. "Not bad... My eyes are becoming better..." he said.
  24. Tsudo sat back and open up one of the untaken bottles and drank it slowly. "You aren't weak... And who ever he is doesn't know what the hell he is talking about... You actually saved me... If you hadn't arrived I would have been more hurt then I was... I thank you for that... Now get over what the guy told you... " he said with a dissappointed look. He guzzled down the rest of the bottle. "My 12th one today..." he said with a bit of a hiccup
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Courier New]Hmm.... Let's see... Hordes of mindless zombies that only goal is to suck out the yummy brains and marrow from your body... I would have to say a Mall.... It seems to work if you just lock the doors. O.o Yeah, if Dawn of the Dead taught me anythingis that Zombies don't have the capasity to break down glass doors... Or wooden doors... Or any doors... And there is food and amountless entertainment... Course food running out is a problem but heck you have that one guy that is kind of plump.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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