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Everything posted by Deathsye
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tsudo followed up with his own sword attack he sliced and diced an ended with a big spin that slashed downard and slashed across the chest of the Antro. It shrieked but still stood. "Strong thing aren't you?" said Tsudo. He followed up with another beam attack. The Antro smacked it away and summoned its own blade. He attacked faster then Tsudo could block and slashed him acrosse the chest as Tsudo did to it. They started going at it. Finally Tsudo got fed up and put his hand in its face and blew its head away. "Did that do it?" he asked.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tsudo smirked as Ruby sat down but he regained his concetration on the Scoto. He ran toward the eye with a different etheral sword that when Tsudo swung it. It seemed to drag feathers behind it. He then cut the thing in half making it spew out a kind of oil looking substance. "Hmm... Was that it?" asked Tsudo. Sudden a crash could be heard at the other end as a non contorted humanoid walked towards them. It had one hole in its head that looked like a eye hole and a long brown coat like Meister's. "Is this another Esper? Who is it?" Meister's eyes widened a bit. "Get out of there that is a Antro! Those are above your level right now!!!" Tsudo looked at it as it walked toward them. He looked at Ruby. "YOu think we can take it?" he asked still holding his blade.[/COLOR]
OCC- Oh just so you know it isn't really a palace imagine the center of a mall with a giant tree growing out the middle. There are still tables and things set up all over the place. -------------------------- Tsudo had gotten in closer with the Scoto and instead of the flaming kicks Ruby was dishing out he had a etheral blade that was long and black and when he swung it it seemed to hum. The Scoto was surprisingly fast and dodged rather well. "Stand still..." said Tsudo calmly. The Scoto unleashed a attack simular to Tsudo's beam attack eariler. Tsudo was force back to the wall going through several table as he rocketed back. He just walked back and fire his beam again. But suddenly a table that wasn't damaged seemed to pick its self up and hurled towards the Scoto. "Interesting...What else can I pick up?" he asked himself. He picked up another table and a few chairs and threw them at the eye. It put up a shield but was unable to block the last chair. It fell but floated back up and started fire at him again.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Meister looked at Ruby and shook his head. He was amazed at how oddly Tsudo and her got along. "Ok, We are going to let you two go. But if you get into trouble and are getting overwhemed we will come and get you out." said Chunky. Tsudo nodded and ran towards the edge of the balcony. He looked at the cylinder and broke it in his hand. He started to feel the effects instantainiously. He held out his hand and fired a yellow looking blast at the Scoto. It rose a shield and the monsters started to move. "Ruby you take the big one... You seem to need a tough challange[/COLOR]..."
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Deathsye replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Adoma looked at the thugs that surrounded the Leaf Ninja,himself and his student. "Listen, people I don't want to hurt any of you but if you threaten my student I will be forced to use everything in my Jutsu Arsenal to stop you." said Adoma intensely. Yoshi kackled, "Oh don't worry they won't even get a blow in and nether will we! HO HO HO!!!" Yoshi did several hand signs. Nothing seemed to happen until the crowd started to run away in fear. When everyone was looking at Yoshi he look like he was dancing around. But what the group saw as dancing the people saw as a Real Oni. "Run Run to your homes until the scary demon leaves HO HO HO HO!!" -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tsudo shook his head. "Not now." he said. Chunky and Meister told them to move out and they did follow them to a large structure with broken glass doors. They went inside and continued to the center of the complex. As they got there they saw two monsters. A small eyeball like one and a twisted form of a humanoid. "THe little one is a Scoto... The big one is a Gyne." said Meister. "When you fight these you have to becareful because they as well as we can skills. Most have a preferance but some don't so dont be surprised when you get hit by a skill that isn't usually used by that type of monster." Tsudo nodded seeming to understand.[/COLOR]
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Deathsye replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Yoshi sensed the feelings around him. "Such ignorance." said Yoshi. --------------------- Adoma had let the woman bandit go and arrived in the Oni Village with Itsuki close behind him. He saw that there was appearent hate for him and his student. "Stay close..." he said. As he was looking around he bumped into a young woman. He helped her up. He then saw there was a head protect with the Hidden Leaf Symbol on her head. He froze. "This isn't going to be pretty..." he thought. "Um... Sorry miss. I didn't mean to run into you." said Adoma nervously. Yoshi stared have him for a second. "Ah, I see you are one of the one I heard in the trees correct?"[/COLOR] -
"Hm? Why would... Um... The Socity of Light? Want me? I am not that good. They should look in the Obiesk Dorm." said Adamu. Adamu had heard vague stories about the people Ceres were talking of. He had heard that they build their own dorms at one time and tried to convert everyone. Adamu shrugged, "And you say you have a connection with your cards? Like what kind?"
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I have been told there are a lot of monsters on the surface... When we go up you can take out your anger on them..." said Tsudo. After they met with Meister and headed to the Terminal that looked like part of an old Subway Station. In front of the gate was two men one in a white suit and one that looked like Meister but a bit shorter and his goggles were different. "This is Chunky. He and I will be going with you on your first outing on the surface." said Meister. Chunky smiled and said, "Glad to meet you Rookies." Tsudo nodded. "We will be going to what we call The Palace. It is a good ways away so we should get going." said Meister as the man in the white suit unlocked the gate. They were walking until they cam upon the surface. It was desilant except for a few buildings. Also, there was a strange dust storm. Tsudo shielded his eyes and put on his goggles. "This is the surface?" he asked.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tsudo was drinking in the Bar when Ruby came in looking for Sahama. Tsudo walked up to her. "What's up? You look like you are looking for someone." said Tsudo not know what had occured earlier. "A guy named Sahama bumped into me eariler and I am looking for some payback." she said. Tsudo shook his head, "He isn't in here... But I don't think it would be wise to get into fights around here... We are really trusted yet, don't want them to think we are unrulely... but, maybe we should go to the surface now..." he suggested.[/COLOR]
[FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Now that you all are here I should explain that there are many of the exact same Arsenal we usually smash it on the ground. The reason we don't want you to drop it down here is because down here that is just dust and energy... It'd be a waste of skills." said Meister. "When you think you are ready to go on to the surface come to the Vision's HQ chamber. Right across from Mac's Shop." Meister walked off. "They have potiential." Tsudo nodded and walked out of the current chamber and was passed by another individual. He looked like he had a large cloth over his right eye and a long sleeveless brown coat and was soon followed by a robotic figure. "I see we have some new Rookies." said the man. "I am Know and this is Guard." Gesturing to the robot. Guard regarded Tsudo vaguely,"... ... Organic... Tsudomashi..." "Hey how does he know my name?" asked Tsudo. "He is a robot he has excellent hearing." said Know proudly. "He even knows how to use his own arsenal. Tsudo eh? Good luck when you go to the Surface... Be careful not to die. he he." he said again as he walked off. "Hmm..." grunted Tsudo heading towards the Bar.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Meister shooked his head, "He is named Sahama... He hates everyone." said Meister. "But, now that you are here maybe we can get you two an Arsenal that way you can go on the surface with at least a bit of protection." said Meister. "Arsenal?" asked Tsudo simply. "It is what we use to carret certain skills to the surface. We used to get random skill when we went to the surface. But since it has become more intense we had needed the use of Arsenals just to survive." said Meister. "If you will both come with me I will get you your own Arsenals." Tsudo and Ruby followed him to a chamber that had a white clad man in a long armed chair. He seemed to be pulling out two glowing orange cyniders. "I am... Uresil?... Yes! Here ... Skills..." he said handing both of them a cylinder. "So this contains... powerful techneques? Interesting." said Tsudo.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh your back!" said Mikan. "Tsudo and Meister went up to the Main Chamber near Mac's Shop. It is up the stairs and in the corridor across the Bar." she told Ruby. Tsudo had been listening to Meister explain everything that went on in the underground. "I am what they call an Esper. I can use Paranormal skills on the Surface. Espers are the only ones allowed on ther surface because of the countless monsters." explained Meister. "I belief that you and the rest of the ones we found have Esper material but we don't know for sure." As Ruby was coming up another guy in a long yellow coat bumped shoulders and went into the Bar. "You better watch it." said the man as he walked away.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Nice to meet you..." said Tsudo. He had red goggles above his eyes and a long grey jump suit. He had been clothed when he was in the Cryo Pod. "I don't know what my name means... But it has to mean something." he said. Moments later a guy with green goggles, a brown coat, blue pants and a overing over his head came into the Med Center of the Underground City. "Hello My name is Meister. I am the current leader of the Visions." Tsudo aknowledged him. "I can guess what is inside your heads... You can't remember much or nothing at all... Most that we find have the vision of The Ruins in there heads. A large tower." Tsudo nodded, "Yeah... But there was a bright flash at the end... I could almost hear a voice..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tsudo looked at the young lady that had just awoken. The red headed nurse walked over to the young lady. "I am sorry if she is ... Uncivilized at times she was recently awoken as well." said the Nurse. "I am Mikan." she said with a smile. "She remembered a bit about some medical experiance. She is really helpful with me being the only other Nurse." Tsudo moved some broken down wires that came from the cieling. "It is nice to know I am not the only one confused about what is going on..." said Tsudo.[/COLOR] ------------ OCC- This place is really run down,dark and dank. And it is underground.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Where am I?" aske Tsudo to himself having a dream. "What is this place?" He was standing in front of a huge Tower that seemed to reach to the sky and beyond. He stepped forward and the ground crumbled around him but he was still on a small piece of rock. He started to looked around and a bright flash blinded him. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was in a run down area with several platforms that had other people on them laying down. A red haired woman in a Nurse's outfit caught him awake. "You awake! You have been out for days." said the woman. Tsudo was confuse and he couldn't remember anything, "Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything?" The woman's smile dissappeared, "You were found on the surface... Your memories were erased." Tsudo was still confused and was surprisingly calm about it. "Do you remember your name?" she asked. "I do remember a phrase... Tsudomashi... I guess I go by that..." "Ok, Tsudo sit here while I get Meister." Tsudo nodded and waited.[/COLOR]
Accepted Kaos ^^ -------------------------------------------------- I am going to sign up for all three cause That is what I do. Name- Real:Thomas Roberno Code Name:Deathsye Gender:Male Age:29 Likes:His crew,the ladies of Zion Dislikes:The Machines Personality:Very laid back and kind. But doesn't spare if in a fight Appearance:Wears a loose business suit inside the Matrix with sometimes confuses agents into believing he is infact a Agent himself/ Out side he wears a tank top and jeans Weapons- Duel .454 Casull Bio- Thomas worked in a Insurance Agency and was first contacted by the old captain of the Isis hovership. In the time after wards he started wondering if his liberation was a mistake... Then his Captain died inside the Matrix by the hands of Agent Ocelot. He has sense taken over the ship and its Captain's Duties. ---------------------------- Name- Agent Ocelot Age- 39 Gender- Male Agent Rank- Head Agent Personality Quirks- Has an affenaty for Human Westerns. Appearance-Bleached blonde coomed hair dark sunglasses and a grey/black suit. Weapon-Two black Revolvers Bio- Was created as a Upgraded Agent in the Mega City. It is unknown why his hair and personality is so different from other Agents. He likes Human Westerns for some reason. He also has different Armements then most. He is supposedly corrupted by something but none know what. ------------------------ Name- Raven Appearent Age- 30 Appearent Gender-Female Type: Ghost Personality- Mostly emotionless Appearence. Wears a white dress and everyone and a while puts on round blue sunglasses when the 'sunlight' is harsh. Usually has a Raven on her shoulder. Black in her Ghost Form Bio- Raven, as her name suggests, is in control of most of the birds. She is mostly located in the most elegant part of Mega City. She was exiled when a new program was wrote to govern all birds but she hasn't been able to be delete. This is because she is one of the most Ancient and strongest Programs which makes her deadly.
Accepted ^^ Have fun.
..... Reboot .... Systems check... The 8th Matrix is online... Neo had taken the path of the others. Instead of saving his love Trinity he decided to save Zion. The Matrix still exists. It is now in its 8th and most sophisticated form. The Agent are now smarter and the programs have more control. As the Architect stated, there were to be several male and female humans left to rebuild Zion as it has seven times before. It has been again several hundred years and the Matrix is again flurishing. Humans blissfully walking around in their virtral prison.... And like the other Matrixes there is the search for The One. One who will 'liberate' the humans from this prison once and for all. The prophecy has been told by the Oricle as it has been told for nearly a millienium. She hopes someday it will come to an end. And she forsees that maybe... This time... It will. ----------------------- This is based off an Alternate Path that Neo could have took so basiclly it is the matrix with completely different characters. And it isn't decided how is going to be The One or many The Ones (The Many ^^) But I will open try to open a underground thread soon that way Rpers can ask questions there. And guys still use the basic RP rules please. -------------------------- There are three different Sign ups (One for Red Pills, Agents and Exiles) Red Pill Sign up- Name- Real: Code Name: Gender: Age: Likes: Dislikes: Personality: Appearance: Weapons- Bio- (Inside and outside the matrix) --------------------------------------------- Agent Sign Up- Name- Agent _______________ Age- Appearent Gender- Appearent Agent Rank- (Head Agent, Suborednent or Rouge) Personality Quirks- If any Appearance- Weapon- Bio- Since Created -------------------------------- Exile Sign Up- Name- (Title of Program) Appearent Age- Appearent Gender- Type: (Ghost or Vamp) Personality- Appearence Bio- Since Creation. I hope to have a lot of members ^^
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Deathsye replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
All three Adomas were attacking the wolf at the same time and it was apperently fixing to take it out. "Too easy... These bandits are nothing compared to my skill..." said Tai Adoma. The blue one didn't say anything but let loose a grunt. "Tai! Don't start getting cocky." said the normal Adoma. Suddenly all three of the kicked the wolf at the exact same time in the head and sent it fly into the path that lead to the Oni Village. Adoma jump and became one again and slammed a foot on the wolf's chest and it crushed a rib and the wolf was crying in agony. He jumped once more and pounded the wolf with a full force stomp with both of his feet. It swirmed a bit then died. He appeared in front of Sakurano and had a grimace that was appearent through his mask. "I am not too keen on killing women but if you don't turn back now I will be forced to kill you..." said Adoma. --------------- Yoshi kackled quietly as his ear twiched more. "Teach... I don't know how many there are... but they have more then one..." said Yoshi. It confused his teammates how he could hear so good. "This mask has no eye slits... I am pretty much blind... I use this mask to train my sense of hearing... Which means when I take this off... I will be much more efficent..." -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]3:00 rolled around and Adamu knocked on Ceres's dormroom door. "Hey Ceres! I'm here! Can I come in?" asked Adamu. Ceres came to the door and let Adamu in. "Hi, Come on in." she said. "So what's up Ceres? What did you want to talk to me about?" asked Adamu ploping down on a chair.[/COLOR]
"There are duels all over the place.. Way too many to pay attention to all of them..." said Adamu lokking aound at all off them. "I am glad I haven't been challanged again... I don't think I would have the strength to..."
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Deathsye replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Adoma stood and just sidesteped the attack orf the werewolf. "No.. I don't think so..." said Adoma kicking the wolf away. "I am not like any ninja you have ever... EVER faced. And the day I let you hurt a student of mine is the day when Hell freezes over..." he continued calmly. The Werewof kept attacking and Adoma kept dodging and kicking him away. "Too slow... Way too slow..." said Adoma. "I have had enough of this playing around. Time to die..." He started to do the symbol of the Shadow Clone Jutsu. But suddenly his pattern diverted and he was doing a strange pattern. "Spirit Clone Jutsu!!!" said Adoma as he split into tow other figures. One was clad in red and one in blue. "Let me introduce them... He is Tai Adoma" pointing at the Red one, "ANd that one is Nin Adoma..." pointing at the blue one. "And I am just a normal version of myself... Now you will see what happens when you mess with my students." TALl three began to attack and move in the same pattern.