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Everything posted by Deathsye

  1. Yoshi looked ahead and didn't even seem like he was paying attention where he is going. "The forest is alive.... " said Yoshi strangely. "The limbs are creaking..." His ear twiched. ----------------- Adoma had seen there was Hidden Leaf Ninjas in the area and was jumping throught the forest as quietly as he could. When a Jounin came to check the area he had to stay completly still. He saw it was a young woman. "Pretty thing..." he thought as she ran passed him as he was hiding. After she ran passed he started towards the Village of Oni again. "One of the only places where I haven't checked for a new student." ------------------ "Can't you hear it teach?" asked Yoshi.
  2. Well, I said before that I believe Halo would be a great anime but I didn't explain why. The storyline is the kind you would see in Animes like Ghost in a Shell and such. Esspecially when you mix the Game storyline with the Books storyline. [spoiler]I mean with Master Chief ,Spartan 117 John, being one of the last spartans, John's Squadmates being killed and his best friend, Linda (Also a spartan) almost being killed, it gives him more then enough reason to hate the Covenant.[/spoiler] It is the makings of a awesome plot. That is just how I feel.
  3. "Finally maybe a true test of my abilities." said Yoshi this time with out a kackle. "That was a waste of valuable time." ----------------- "Itsuki I will be heading out of the village soon much farther out. Now is the only time you have to turn back and continue here..." said Adoma walking away slowly. "If you wish to come alonge then I will be heading towards the village Oni... Follow when you are up to it." He then dissappeared. -------------- "I am sorry if I seem to have a poor attitude about that. But it seems like they were just... swandering my abilities....." said Yoshi. "I am much stronger then that... Ho... ... ... ... HO HO HO! But this will make up for it!!!
  4. Adamu saw that another Ra showed up he walked over to him. "Hey pretty good match eh?" he asked. "She has him beat no sweat." He really didn't know if she would win or not he just had a positive mind set about it. And he felt that if he cheered Ceres on enough she might win. OCC- Ok I know I said I didn't want Powerplaying but this is rediculis(Sp?). Guardian Angel if you want powerplay.
  5. KAOS!!! XD Accepted. Of course.
  6. [QUOTE]Oh come on Doublehex, you have to admit that Jack of Blades was a cool villain, and even Maze's turning on the Guild came as a shock at least to me. While I accept that the length of the game itself was not something to be joyful about, indeed I regularly master everything in the game and come out at under 15 hours, but the storyline is so typical of an anime it could be easily converted. On that note, even though they did a great job of it, I'd like to see Knights of the Old Republic turned into an anime as well, if only for the same reasons as Fable, along with the fact that it's Star Wars, and anything SW is automatically cool in my books, that and a fully animated HK-47 defies the awesomeness scale.[/QUOTE] Yeah I agree with Gavin. Fable was a great game with a great storyline. And Lost Chapters added on with Jack of Blades coming back in what seemed to be Hell. But, one thing would bother me. How would Alignment be shown? It was one of the things that made Fable great also. Could there be two heros? And the way I see it about KOTOR anime. It would most likely be in the style of Clone Wars off of Cartoon Network. And that is not a bad thing. I would love to see HK's personality with animation. But the same question as with Fable Anime. How would Alignment be shown? Only one Revan and only One Exile.
  7. Yoshi held one kunai in each hand and as he spread his hand several more appeared. "HO HO HO! Come you bandit scum! See what happens when you mess with Yoshimitsu!" said Yoshi with admost confidence. He kept kackling without even showing a hint of worry.
  8. Accepted. ^^ Have fun RPing.
  9. This is just something I have been wondering for sometime now. Some animes make good games but can games make good animes? For example, Could Halo be a good Anime series? I think so. But I am wondering which games you think would make awesome Animes? My top 3 are: 1. Halo 2.Pikmin 3.StarCraft [color=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]Why Halo, why Pikmin, why Starcraft? Why not Marathon, Lemmings, or Warcraft? Give us a little more to work with. Explain your answers, don't just create lists. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/color]
  10. Adoma started doing some symbols in s strange pattern. "Levitatioin Jutsu!!!" he said raising two figures and at the same time making the panda rise as well. "Not bad Itsuki... But you are nearly fully out of Chakra... If you wish to get stronger you have to learn to control it better... And Panda thing... Settle down I am not going to hurt him..." he said letting down the panda slowly. Adoma patted him on the back. "But you are quite strong... And I believe you could be a good student." ---------------------- "OOOH! You are way more expereanced then I am in these things then." said Yoshi. "I only just started being a genin and I have a good team... HO HO HO! How lucky am I to have such people as a team mate. Oh but some of you may not know who I am, I am Yoshimitsu Yojimbo!" he said with his usual kackle. "Don't worry you'll get used to my personality."
  11. [COLOR=Red]Adoma took all of the ones that followed out side of the Academy Gates and Turned around. "Guys, You have just passed the point of no return. But I will give you a choice. Turn back or Stay." All of the genin chickened out and turned back except the Chunin Itsuki "Good. I guess the kids thought it through... Now Itsuki I haven't seen your skill because of you being a Chunin. I want to see your ability... Come on... This is going to be a test on your basic techniques as a ninja."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]He motioned for Itsuki to attack.[/COLOR]
  12. Hey never too late for my RPs. Accepted ^ ^
  13. [COLOR=Indigo]A kackling could be heard from the halls outside the room where Ishtar,Ryu, and Shirei was in. "In a squad there must be three... And that third one...." said Yoshi bursting in. "Shall be me! HO HO HO HO HO!!!!" Yoshi saw Ryu and walked over to him. "Look's like the new guy is on the team. Lucky Lucky for you." he said again with a strange compliment.[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Red]Adoma had some luck finding more students that were willing to become Rouges in order to rechieve training from him. "Ok, kiddies! If you will follow me outside of the academy I will begin your training." He motioned for all of them to follow. But the one he was really looking forward to training was the one named Itsuki which actually seeked him out for training. "It is a good year... I hope no Jounin from this village screw it up...."[/COLOR]
  14. Accepted. Have fun posting ^^
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"HO HO HO!!! Little student can't hit me." said Yoshi flipping around as a male genin tried to hit him. He kept taunting and playing with the kid for a while. "Can't hit me! KI KI!!" "Stay still!!!" the Genin yelled. "HO HO! You would like that wouldn't you?!" After a while Yoshi got bored and started to attack. "NAMU!" he kept yelling with each hand strike. The genin dodged a lot of attacks then went on his own strikes. Finally Yoshi spun around in a circle and teleported above the genin and Axe Kicked the kid on top of the head. "AGAIN! Behold the magnificance of my victory!" he said sitting down claping with his feet. The jounin prosiding just grabed the ridge of his nose appearently had a headache.[/COLOR]-------------------------- [COLOR=DarkRed]"Well kid...." Said Adoma. "If you decide to follow my teachings meet me later today outside the gates. I got to do more scouting in this place." Adoma started walking deeper into the Academy.[/COLOR]
  16. Adamu was watching with much excitement. He hadn't seen Ceres in such good form. Not since the last time they dueled each other. She had him down to 100 until he pulled his signuture move. "Nice moves Ceres! Keep them coming!" he cheered.
  17. [COLOR=Purple]Yoshi had been kackling ever since he pasted the 2nd test. "HO HO HO HO HO!!! I can't believe people in this village are so easy to annoy!!! Of course... I am pretty annoying... Hm. What ever. " he said in a very up beat way. He desided to walk around the campus until the next test started. Several other cadets stirred clear of him. [I]They are ether scared... Or just don't like me... Sooner or later wheather they like it or not I will be their teammate... Then maybe their ignorance will cease[/I].[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Red]Adoma smirked and looked back at the Chunin beside him, "See Kid. That Juonin that walked by never sensed that I wasn't from this village... All because of a simple Item Transformation." He touched his headband again and cycled through the various Ninja Symbols. "And the offer from yesterday still stands... But, before you except you need to know that if you become a student of mine you will become a Rouge like me... We may have fights that will test your very will to live."[/COLOR] ----------------- [COLOR=Indigo]Yoshi walked up to the Jounin and kackled as he got ready. "HO HO HO HO HO!! A challege of skill? None surpass me!!! KI KI!!! NAMU!!!" he yelled as green lighting surrounded him and he sat down on the ground holding his Wakazashi infront strait up in the air. "Namu... Namu..." The Jounin was more annoyed then worried he tried to kick him in the head just to teach him a lesson. "NAMU NAMU NAMU!!!!" said Yoshi as he sprang up and scratched the Jounin's left cheek. "He he he.... Ignorance is the way to oblivion... HO HO HO HO!!! I love annoying Jounin!!!"[/COLOR] -------------- OCC- yoshi is random what can I say.
  19. Adoma saw the boy that he had met the day before. He followed him. "Nice to see you again kid." he said with a kind of cander his leaf symbol dissappearing. "So how are your tests going? From what I saw from the trees you did pretty well in the first test. But, I sense you want to talk to me about something." He looked at the young student and waited for an anwser.
  20. OCC-sorry but I am going to power play a bit. I have to get this thing flowing more. ------------ Ronyo drew a card. "Ok, I think I will just attack one of your face down cards this turn." said Ronyo commanding his Red eyes to attack. Adamu smirked and reveal his trap. "I use Enchanted Javilan!!! All of your monsters attack points bring my life points up by how ever much the monsters attack is!!! Bringing my life points up 2400 and putting me at 3500!" Ronyo put a card face down and end his turn. Adamu drew a card and smirked again. "Ceres... You said you would love to see my Masked Beast in action? Here you go! I play Curse of the Masked Beast!!! I sacrifice both of my monsters on the field to bring forth! Masked Beast!!!! (Attack:3100/Def:1800) And in a chain I activate my sword of deep seated! This brings him up 500 attack with now he is 3600!!! Now I attack your Dragon!" The Red Eyes was destroyed and Adamu stood there with a smirk as Ronyos 3850 lifepoints lowered to 3650. "Next turn your going down" Ronyo turned his disk off. "Hey what was that for? Your quiting? Fine I won't count this one. But next time you better go through to the end." He walked over and stood next to Ceres, "Ceres is a great duelist. I remember one time she nearly beat me in a practice duel." said Adamu smiling. ------------- OCC- Sorry Wulfy-san. -.-;
  21. Meister-Log Entry 1023- It has been 4 months since The Protagenist left... No one knows where he is... Now only a few Espers are left to explore the surface of this barren planet. We have no idea how we are to survive now. We have no one to search for food on the surface no way to know whether the Protagenist is coming back. I have to go this is getting too depressing... /Log End Log Entry 1027- It is unbelievable we have actually found a entire building filled with cryo-tanks just like the ones Edger and The Protagenist were in... with any luck we will find some great Espers. /Log End Log Entry 1036- Several of the people that were in the Cryo-tanks are potiental Espers. They have great poteintal. I am so exicted. All have no memory and hinst have no name. We here undergrond believe in picking our own names so... maybe in a few days the rest will wake up. We have hit the jackpot. ------------------------------- It is 12000 years in the future and a strange dust is covering the surface of the Earth. This dust takes away peoples memorys if they stay on the surface too long. So they are forced to live underground. But, the dust gives certin people that are called Espers special powers called skills. People use these skills to protect them selves against the countless monsters on the surface. They search for clues of who they are and where they came from. The only memory they have is of a huge tower and a spiraling staircase they call the RuinsOnly recently did they have success. But with the Protagenist gone... they are lost. -------------------- Name-(You may be one of the Game Characters EXCEPT The Protagenist, Edger, or Freia.) Appearent Age- Gender- Bio- (this shouldn't be a long bio since they have no memory or you were there before the protagenist) Personality- Apperance- Favorite Skills- (By favorite i mean the one you use most often this doesn't mean you can't use other skills besides these. here is a list of the skills there are-SKILLS Pluse there are over 300 skills to chose from includeing ones you make up. Yes you can make your own skill) Skill Class- Nature/Psyco/Ki/Faith/Optical Skill Type- Defensive, Attack,Erase,Enviromental Skill Name- ----------------- I will use my character as a example to others- Name- Tsudomashi Appearent Age- 25 Gender- Male Bio- In the time he was unfrozen he had many visions of a huge tower and glimses of the one called the Protagenist. Few know why he have had the vision of The Protagenist. But they are remarkibly simalar in many ways. When Tsudomashi or Tsudo for short when on his first mission to the surface he desimated a entire group of Scoto, a small eyeball looking monster, one of few roaming the surface. Meister was the most impressed saying that he had the most potiental out of all so far that had been found. Personality- Since he is the one with the most potiental he is sometimes arrogant and looks down on the others. But he is not with out some modisty he helps the weaker Espers with their mission on the surface. He is a man of many faces Apperence- He has Red goggles to guard his eyes from the dust. And has White hair and Yellow eyes. He usually wears a black jumpsuit and one black glove on his right hand. He is not muscle bound he is a slim looking guy. Aresenal Name- Testement Favorite Skills- Skill Name- Lingering Flame(used near death) Skill class- Nature(Green Aura) Skill type- Attack ---------------------------- Skill Name- Excaliber(Close-Range) Skill Class-Psycho Skill type-Attack ----------------------------- Skill name- Psycho Kinesis(picks up object and throws it at the enemy) Skill class- Psycho Skill type- Attack ---------------------------------- Skill Name- Final Psychotic Wave(a massive wave of energy/Usually a last ditch effort) Skill Class- Psycho Skill type- Attack
  22. [COLOR=Red]Adoma was still just meandering around the Academy waiting for the students to finish their tests. "It would just be easier to stay outside the gate and get the ones that fail. But this is too fun. I can believe I have gone unoticed for so long. Could people know but don't care? Or is it something else? Meh!" said Adoma shruging his shoulders. He took off his glasses and cleaned them. He walked by a male Genin(Shirei) and female Jounin(Ishtar). He just waved and walked past whistling.[/COLOR]
  23. Adoma was sitting in the forest watching the students in thier test. "Not bad... That one would be a great student.... And what the hell is that?" he said looking as yoshi came to the starting line. "HO HO HO HO!!!! I, Yoshimitsu Yojimbo will show the magifigant strangeness." said Yoshi bursting into the forest. He drew what looked like one suriken and ajusteded his hand to show several more. He flipped throug ht the trees with strange presision and finished near perfect. "HO HO HO HO HO HO!!! Behold the magnifisence of my victory!!!!" "Damn... He is a crazy little sond of a gun but he is good..."
  24. [COLOR=Indigo]"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!!" Hello, new foreign guy." said Yoshi with his usual kackle. He kept kackling until the presiding Jounin got onto him. "Yoshimitsu Yojimbo!!!Shut the hell up!" yelled the Jounin. "Sorry Teach.... Hey new guy there is a seat right here for ya!" said Yoshi scooting over to tthe empty seat beside him. "Come on I won't bite."[/COLOR] [CENTER]-----------[/CENTER] [COLOR=Red]"This is pretty boring..." said Adoma to himself. He stood up and touched his head protector which poffed and was replaced with one with the left symbol on it. Jumped up and over the wall of the academy and started looking around as he dropped down and started walking around the campuse. "I hope no one notices me... That would suck getting chased down by other ninja..."[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Red]A Ninja with a head band with no symbol was sleeping on a limb in a tree when suddenly he fell out. As he was falling he caught himself and landed on his feet. He yawned and sleeply rubbed his eyes. Looked around and saw several students run towards the Leaf Ninja Academy. "Ok... I guess today is the day I will try to get a student. I will probly get ran off before I get one..." said Adoma Shitaki with a sigh. Then he walked to the front gate and sat down and waited.[/COLOR] ------------------- [COLOR=Indigo]"Ho ho ho ho!" kackled a strangely dress Genin in the front row. He was wearing a wierd Kabuki mask and a shade. Everyone looked at him wierd, "What? I can't laugh? Geez... Getting where a uniqe ninja like me can't have any fun? Ho ho ho ho!!!" he said kackleing again. "Of course no one is as unique as Yoshimitsu!"[/COLOR]
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