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Everything posted by Deathsye
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu however knew exactly what had happened his highened senses were trained on Seran and Deran. "DROU!!!" screamed Inumori. The mist cleared and his eyes trained on Deran. "You have no idea what you have done..." he said in a near insane voice. Small bits of electriciy started to run across his body and soon across the ground around him. He just let the power build up. Then he exploded in lightning and rocketed towards Deran."Where did he take him!?!" He struck his left cheek squarely. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu just jumped back and brought out his Tanto, "Not bad... but... You won't defeat me even if you are Juonin...." He opened up his other pouch. He quickly did several signs and a blue mist appeared around Inu. "I hid this for a long time... But, now is its debue.... Sleep Mist Jutsu!" Seran felt a bit drowsy. Then Inu took advantage of the moment and started attacking with his knife.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"This is going bad..." said the Blue Hanzo. "Drou... Give up... He is too strong for you..." Drou hesitated but gave up anyway. The Juonin annouced the winner and then the next match. "Next match is between Seran and Inumori!" Hanzo was now very worried, "Inu..." Inu looked at Hanzo, "I know what to do..." He jumped on the arena floor and cracked his neck and knuckles. "Come on I don't have all day..." he said in a confident way.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Red's logo came up on the other mobile suits screen and his voice mask keep him from being Idenified, "I am known by many... But I will not Idenify myself to you... Not some whelp... If you value your life you will turn back... But incase you want something to call me by... SOL..." He fired another shot.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Drou looked at Inumori who shook his head and to Hanzo (The Clone) who did the same. "No... I have the best Sensei and team in all of the country why would I injure myself joining you?" said Drou not wavering. "I remember those two..." said Blue. ", They came here looking for recuits... How did they get into the forest of death?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Drou was heading toward the wall until more vines came from the ground and caught him. He landed softly on the ground. "No." He slamed his palm on the ground and a thick vine hit Deran hard.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]The alert show on Red's moniters inside his Buster Dagger. Several more mobilesuits were coming and it showed two were Gundams. But, with Dustin and Jefferson occupied at the moment he had to take action on his own. He grabbed his beam rifle and started to take aim at the two gundams. Then he started opening fire at them both. "Take this..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Drou was pinned down on the ground and could barely move. However, he looked and he noticed his palm was facing down to the floor, "I am not done yet..." he said. The ground around Deran started to crack and vines shot out of the floor wrapping around him. This let Drou able to get up again. "Plant Wielder Jutsu..." The vines started to constrict as he was closing his hand. Inu was watching in surprise, "I am amazed he could get that out..."[/COLOR]
Drou started off with a basic 5 hit Taijutsu combo and jumped back. "How'd you like that?" he said.
[COLOR=DarkRed] [FONT=Georgia] As the enemy mobile suits were occupied Red and his Buster Dagger got close enough to the ship to fire most of his weapons and still hit."Alright..." said Red syncing his remaining missiles. The screen inside the cockpit was trained on the engines of the Judge Hammer. "I have tone... Firing missiles now. Steer clear." he said in a quiet tone. Several missle fired out of the Buster Dagger and streaked towards the enemy's engines. Trying to evade the Judge Hammer was doing a tatical escape but, the missile still hit the engines and the ship was a drift. "Hey, lets take out the last of these suits and see if we can get a tow from the others." said Red over the radio.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]The radio inside Red's cockpit had the usual chatter before a battle. Red's cockpit was filled with blaring rock music from Earth's past (our music). "Red how can you listen to that ****?" asked one of the other pilots. Red laughed and replied, "The same way you drink your crap in the Bar back home." Both laughed which was usual for them. But, a few kilometers ahead was their target. A USD warship called the Judge Hammer that they were planning on taking over. It was hovering over the horizon of the Earth over the continent of Europe. As he saw the ship he started thinking, This is a little to vulnerable. I am hoping this wasn't a set up. "Ok, I am going to try to cripple the ship. Dustin. Jefferson. Try to keep any MobileSuits off of me while I am attacking. Ok,Guys ready?" said Red.[/COLOR]
OCC- Val, please pm me next time ok? I will put up the first match. -------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] Inu waited for the first match ups from the matchs. The Juonin that was incharge of making the matches walk forward. "You all will follow me." All followed to the Arena. "Ok it is said here that the first fight is between... Drou and Deria." Drou stepped forward. No one has ever seen or paid attention to Drou's fighting so he is on of the only unknowns in this tournement.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"I am more then ready." said Inu. As Inumori stood up he felt Blue's hand on his shoulder. "Don't hold back.... When you hold back the power rush will hurt you more then you hurt the enemy... Good Luck, Inumori." Inu looked back and smiled, "Don't worry about it Hanzo... I know what I have to do." Inu broke the moment with a sudden jerk. "Let's get this started..."[/COLOR]
[quote name='mushrumluver']I have edited my sign up. I hope the changes I have done is fine with everyone.[/quote] Yeah It is ok Mush.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"Yeah, It is going to be a very exciting. This is the farthest I have ever got. And I have to say my new power is going to make it a lot easier. But, I think we should be careful... I don't trust any of these people... Esspecially Ayame." Inu sat backward and started twirling a Kunai around his index finger."[/COLOR] ------------------- [COLOR=Purple]"His senses are better then I had thought..." said Onimasa sitting meditating, watching everything that is going on. Hanzo still being pinned down by the Ninja Sentinals struggled more, "I am going to kill you were you sit!!! I swear it!" Onimasa laughed and laughed. "You can't get away from my Ninja Sentinals." Hanzo finally got one hand free and quickly did the Spirit Clone Jutsu. Only the blue version appeared and quickly disappeared. Onimasa sent several Sentinals after him but due to the Blue's speed couldn't catch him. "Good job, Hanzo... You actually overpowered my sentinals... But, your Clone won't help your students. It is the rules in a Chunin Exam that Juonin can't interfer... Your clone will just be there for mental support more then anything. But at least you will get an Idea of what has happened.[/COLOR] ------------------ [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]The Blue Hanzo Clone landed inside the tower. And Inu was very happy to see him. "Hanzo! Wait... Your just a Spirit Clone... Where is..." The clone just looked down and shook his head slowly. And Inu understood. "Ok, at least we got one Hanzo." Blue sat next to Fuji and waited for the tournement.[/COLOR]
Ok That is a good rule...BUT Bleached should have PMed me the problem instead of posted on a sign up. Plus Sazabi already pmed me about it so... No conversion parts. Sorry Mush and Lucian.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu got up and walked over to Ayame and sat down next to her "So... Your going to wait?" asked Inumori to Aya quietly. "Interesting things have happened since... then, I had an idea of who you were... Aya, My hearing has doubled in sensativity I heard everything you said... as did my other senses. I am guessing Goru, who ever he is, is under Onimasa as well. This is just a warning... If you make a move here right now I will kill you... Without hesitation." he said with a bit of a smile. "Wait till the Tourney. Then, Onimasa will get his show." He then got up and went to where Fuji was, "Nervious?" he asked.[/COLOR]
Ok. Sign ups are fine but I want to add some Guideline/Rules- Godmoding- -You may make the first move, but only describe what you do. EXAMPLE: Rather than : "Buster Gundam struck out with his beamsaber, leaving a huge gast in a Zaku's sode", you would say, "Buster charged forth with his sword at the Zaku." -Let your opponent react to each of your attacks/actions. What you might mean as a finishing or fatal move could be dodged, blocked, or ineffective. This doesn't make your character invincable, however; you still must adhere to a realistic assesment of your abilities. (In less words Don't make any other character do something to fit your character.) Gundam Design- I don't mind you making your own variations of Real Mobile Suits but ALL mobile suits have Weaknesses. For Example, My Suit , Buster Gundam(I plan on changing but it is a good Example), Is incredably slow being a Support Gundam. And stuff like that You can't have a perfect gundam it is impossilbe. And make the designs believe able. Like fast gundams would have less armor. But, Custom Designs are exceptable just make um believeable. Ok?
Good sign up. Do you think I should just start the RP now?
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"Really? Weird." said Inu. Suddenly his head started to bleed a little bit. "Damn... Still hasn't healed yet." His head protecter started to turn a purple color. Inu took it off. After he did he took out some bandages and wrapped the bleeding spot. Then put his head protecter back on. "Hit my head when I fell off of a tree... Amazeing how a simple mistake can nearly kill you."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]"Pretty good." said Onimasa's clone. "You acctually stuck it inside me. Ha ha ha!" Asaar stood confused. "You are welcome to join with me... But... From now on you are under me as is Goru." The clone started to disperse. "Don't fail me." said the clone as he dissappeared.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu looked at the blue hair girl and smirked, "I am fine. Sorry to hear about your team. Guess they weren't up to the challange." His yellow eyes trained on the Ayame. "Have I met you before? Strange... You remind me of someone."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu smiled, "Of course it doesn't effect anything. You have been a great friend." he said sitting back. "And this... stuff that has been happening has only strengthened the bond. I will do anything to protect you and Drou... That is actually what set me off back there... You are actually the first friend I have had outside of Hanzo and my past teams. So don't feel down. I will be there for you. Even to the end."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]It has been 100 years since the war between USD(United Space Directorate) and the Confederate Planets had started. Thousands have died and thousands more will if the war isn't stopped. But, both sides haven't lost ground and both show no signs of backing down. They use Mobile Suits for their war. Mobile Suits are combat mechs that are the pinnacle of military technology. The smoldering and broken skeletons of many of these litter space. Most with their Pilots still inside. The war is now at it's climax The USD have taken Mars and Venus Colony but, the Confederate Planets still have the upper hand. But, unknown to them both a group of pilots calling themselves the (going to be sued) The Sons of Liberty have made themselves known. The main armies do not see them as a threat but unknown to them SOL are ready to strike. The radio inside Red's cockpit had the usual chatter before a battle. Red's cockpit was filled with blaring rock music from Earth's past (our music). "Red how can you listen to that ****?" asked one of the other pilots. Red laughed and replied, "The same way you drink your crap in the Bar back home." Both laughed which was usual for them. But, a few kilometers ahead was their target. A USD warship called the Judge Hammer that they were planning on taking over. It was hovering over the horizon of the Earth over the continent of Europe. "Ok, Guys ready?" said Red. The other two suits yelled, "Yes, sir!" Red switched off his radio and they all rocketed in for the attack. The ship seemed vulnerable... Too vulnerable. Suddenly several other mobile suits started to attack Red and his team. "Take evasive maneuver!" The battle raged on and several enemy mobile suits were taken out by the SOL team, Red Star. Suddenly the warship fired its main cannon that was believe to be in operational. "Holy Hell!!!" yelled Red as one of his comrades were blown to bits. "No..." The other pilot was enraged and soon was struck down by a different mobile suit. Red knowing he had no chance made a break for it. The ships main cannon fired again catching Red's Mobile Suit on one side. Red tried to keep his Suit under control but he started to plummet into the atmosphere and his suit started to break up."It was a set up... It had to be.. Come on hold together..." Luckly it held together long enough to fall into a forested area in France. Where Red's fate is soon to be discovered. -------------------------------- Whew! Longest Intro I have wrote so far. *Laughs* This Idea just sprung to mind and I wanted to make this work so... This is oviously not your normal gundam RP (It is but you know what I am talking about.) You may use other Gundam characters but this isn't gundam wing or anything like that so your characters wont auto maticly know each other. (Sorry I tend to ramble sometimes) --------------------------------------- Here is the Sign up- Name- Age- Gender- Rank- Nationality/Army- [United Space Directorate, Sons of Liberty, and The Confederate Planets] Personality- Appearance- Bio- Gundam: (if you want you can have a mobile armor but meh. Who knows) ----------------------------- Here is mine- Name- Red Chus Age- 28 Gender- Male Rank- Sargent Nationality/Army- Sons of Liberty (Probable Change) Personality- Happy and nice and sometimes annoying outside of battle but in battle cold,calculating and very not nice. Appearance-He usually wears a Mechanic's jumpsuit and wears a backwards baseball cap and can been seen in hangers carrying around a huge wrench. Bio- Gundam:GAT/A-01E2 Buster Dagger(designing a new model called Chaos Gundam) Weapons- Special Equipment: laminated armor (improved type of heat-resistant ablative gel DPX-30) Armament: 350 mm gun launcher x1, 94 mm high-energy beam rifle x1, 3-barrel 220 mm missile pod x2, ES01 beam saber x2 Armament docked modes: 94 mm hyper-impulse sniper rifle, 350 mm anti-armor shotgun [/COLOR]
"Fool. I don't have to conslut you on who I recuit. You are still beneath me and that mean I am still your master. And YOU STILL BOW DOWN TO ME! And you have gotten... Attached to your appretice...and you say he is powerful...Then lets see how strong your... Appretice really is." said Onimasa. A dark circle appeared between Aya and Asaar. A figure that looked like Onimasa appeared out of it. "So. You are Goru's apprentice. He says you are pretty strong... Let's see what you can do against me. I am Onimasa, Goru's master, and your Grand Master. Let me see your skill." said the fake Onimasa. ----------------------------------- Inu sat and rested for awhile after his ordeal he has been at half strength though he didn't want his team to know. "So... I am one of the last of the Clan of the Wolf... Why me?" Inu sat up. "Maybe it is not my place to ask."