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Everything posted by Deathsye

  1. [COLOR=Purple]"Goru...Goru... Goru..." said Onimasa's voice in Goru's head. "You are jepordizing the plan..." He sent a mental pain to Goru. "I did not approve of this... You should have known better... Now... If you insist on going about this path." He sent more pain to Goru. "Then I will break your mind in to pieces" He let go. "Good, obiedeant minions are so hard to find..."[/COLOR]------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu and his team arrived at the Tower and turned in their scrolls and waited for the Rest of the genin to get in. He sat next to a couple of other Genin(Seran & Deria). "So... How did you do?" asked Inu.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu woke up. He still had some blood on his head protector making part of it a crimson color. And he still had tears in his eyes from his vision. He saw that Fuji had a Heaven's scroll and smiled a bit. "I am glad none of you came to harm. But..." Inu paused at what he knew he had to explain. "You two deserve to know what is going on... While I was out I was visited by my parents." he said with a bitter sweet smile. "They explained every thing. All that has happened... your loss... is... my fault. And this is why. Your sister or what ever is under the command of a Hidden sound ninja named Onimasa Taneke... My brother..." He continued with his story and explained that he was one of the last of the Clan of the Wolf and that the power of the Wolf Demon was inside him. "Fuji... Drou... I hope you can still trust me... It will get much harder from here on out. And you two will have to trust me."[/COLOR]
  3. Name: Red Chus Age: 24 Gender: Male Personality:Red is a Nice person. He sometimes is annoying to other pilots and sometimes he is serious as any pilot sould be. When it comes to piloting he is one of the most deadly kind of people cold,deadly,and a scary kind of Happiness. Apperance: He has red hair that is covered by a dark yellow backward baseball cap. He also wears a olive green jumpsuit and military grade boots. He is usually carrying around a huge wrench. Bio: Coming from a Normal upbringing Red Chus does what most people only dream of doing He pilots a mobile suit. But, he came about it a different way then most. His first battle was out of nessesaty. He was a mechanic on a ship on a Military Transport when it was attacked by a Fanatic Group. Most of the pilots aboard were shot down right after coming out of the Hanger on the ship. When certain doom was at hand on lone White Taurus mobile suit flew out of the hanger and its movements were so exact most shots missed by inches. This mobile suit was piloted by Red whose mechanic experiance with mobile suits made him a above average pilot. He quickly routed the enemy suits and drove back the attackers. When he landed back on the deck he was greeted with surprise and mass appresiation. He earned a medal and a Pilots flight status though till now he never had to use. Years after that battle he had designed his own mobile suit that was funded by the military for its design that was close to the Gundams that were flown in the past. He now flies for the military when they need extra pilot during a mission. Gundam of choice: [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/04/Gat-x103.jpg]GAT-x103 Buster[/URL] [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ef/GAT-X103AP.jpg]GAT-X103AP Verde Buster(In Development)[/URL] Weaopn of choice: These I got from Wikipedia so they are pretty accurate. Buster- Special Equipment: [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_Era_technology#Phase_Shift_Armor]Phase Shift Armor[/URL] Armament: 350 mm gun launcher x1, 94 mm high-energy beam rifle x1, 6-barrel 220 mm missile pod x2 Verde Buster- Special Equipment: Phase Shift armor Armament: 350mm gun-launcher x1, 94mm high-energy beam cannon x1, 220mm multipurpose missile 6-tube pod x2, M9009B composite bayonette-equipped beam rifle x2
  4. [COLOR=Purple]Onimasa's voice rang out in Aya's mind, "Yes. That will be enough for a while. You have done well."[/COLOR] ------------------- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Under Inu's head protector Inu started to bleed a bit. His power died down as the blood rolled down his face. He fell to one knee. "Not now... I have to..." he said as he calapsed on the ground with a thud. While he was pasted out the vision of pain and toture was replaced by darkness and two lights. "Where am I?" A feminane voice rang from one of the two lights, "Inumori..." He looked closer and the two light turned in to a man and woman about in their mid to late 30s. Inu asked "Who are you? You both seem so familiar." The woman and man smiled weakly, "Well, it would be difficult to remember you were just a baby but, we are..." Inu listened intently," your parents." Inu was shocked, "You two are... Mom...Dad... I thought you were..." "We are son." said Inu's father. Inu's eye s started to well up. "I never knew what you looked like..." said Inu sniffing. The figure of his mother walked over and held him close. "It is ok. But you need to know how we died..." Inu looked up, "How?" Inus's dad frowned and said, "It was your brother, Onimasa." Inu's expression was confused and sorrowful. "When you were 6 months old when he came and tried to take you. We tried to stop him but... we couldn't stop him and his accomplice... Your teacher, surigute father, Hanzo Hattori." Inu pushed his mother away. "Hanzo would never do anything to hurt me!" " I know it is hard but he did do what we say he did... But, in our last look We saw him taking you away... but, He was different... He was sorry for what he had done and he silently appologized andwe knew you would be safe." Inu stood sobbing uncontrollablely. "It isn't your fault... We knew the day would come Now you must know who you are... You are the last of the Clan of the Wolf besides your brother. But, you were born with the powers of the Wolf Demon. That is why your brother wanted you. You can give up on this. Not for anyone." Inu took in all of this and grew silent. "Son...We must leave now... but know youi will...but, we will always live here" His mother point at Inu's heart and dissappeared. And he stayed in the darkness until he woke up.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inumori ignored Fuji, he was in a state of rage. "I won't let you hurt anyone... I will fry you where you stand." He all of a sudden did several hand signals in a unknown pattern. "Behold the storm that you have conjured... ookami raikou no jutsu!(Wolf Lightning Jutsu)" All of the power welled up in one hand. "Are you ready? If not now would be a good time to run... Maybe you can try again... if I don't fry you first." He pointed his hand at Aya and a huge bolt of lightning arched out of it heading strait for Aya.[/color]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu grabbed his head and shook it violently, "Get... out of my head... I am not worthless... I am not... Hanzo...Drou... Fuji! Why? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He all of a sudden had another attack like he had at the academy earlier. Except this time it was vastly more violent. The electrical energy licked off of his body like flame some bolts roasting the ground beneath. "Wait until I get my hands on you..." said Inu somehow getting up disspite the pain he was in. He slowly walked towards Aya with his eyes glowing a bright yellow and every step he took a smoldering foot print lay the ground bare. "Come here I have something to show you..."[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu smirked a bit, "Good... I didn't want to have a the fun alone. I was wondering when you were going to make up your mind. Now lets take her down." said Inu unusually confident. He ran at Aya again and started the long battle with an upward slash of his Tanto.[/COLOR] --------------------------- [COLOR=Purple]"I remember it... I finally got premission to retreive Inumori... My little brother... But, my parents put up a struggle against me. It was no problem striking them both down was it Hanzo." said Onimasa as he was remanising about the night he tried to take Inu. "I finally found him... The Little Prodigy... Even as a baby he had an amazing amount of Chakra... But, someone had a change of heart didn't they. Hanzo, you stabbed me in the back and took him away. You should have never done that. Now more then just you and him are going to have to suffer." [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu drew his tanto, "Fine with me... But you should know... That those clones were just fractions of what I am." Inu charged Aya with a wicked rush with his knife out front ready to slash her flesh.[/COLOR] --------------------- [COLOR=Indigo]"It has begun..." said Onimasa and he felt the first clash. Hanzo struggled to get up but the shadow ninjas were too stong to over power. "I will kill you where you stand. Onimasa I swear!"[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"Fuji... You deserve to kill her... How could you get that... feeling when you actually over power her then land the final blow..." said Inu. Inu looked at Fuji knowing that wasn't a good reason. "If Hanzo was killed I would do anything to square his death. You deserve to break her." Inu's demeaner got darker. He shook his head. "That is still a horrible reason. But, there is no reason we can't hunt her down now." Inu jump off in the direction that Aya had traveled and waited to hear the faint sounds of Fuji and Drou to follow him.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu and the others follow Goru and Aya. When they arrived Inu saw Aya getting up looking wounded. "Shit. What happened?" said Inu when he landed. He was looking around making sure that Goru wasn't around anymore. He slowly approched Aya from behind, "Look's like you really pissed someone off... I was actually hoping to fight you... hmm... Maybe..." Inu took some powder out of his sack and blowed it in Aya's face. She felt drowsy and fell on one knee as the powder started to take effect. The other two jumped off and Inu stayed and talked to Aya for a bit, "You will not die. You will fall asleep... but unknown to my team this powder has another affect... It can heal your wounds easly when it is done coursing through your veins... Right now you are wondering why... I want to fight you... I want to see you go down by my teams hand... After all you have done... You diserve to die by Fuji's hand." Inu jumped away knowing what he did wasn't smart.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"Fuji!" said Inu surprised and alarmed. He dropped back and jumped into the hole that Fuji fell into. "Hold on buddy. What the..." Inu felt something different. "She is here isn't she... Damn it." Dispite what he felt he picked up Fuji and jumped out of the hole. "Don't worry... I won't let anything happen... Not again..." Inu rose with a growl that was near a howl. [/COLOR] -------------------------- [COLOR=Purple]Onimasa heard the howl, "Oh... He is so very close to unlocking his power... Maybe those two and maybe Aya can awaken him." Hanzo sneered, "Who many to you have in the forest..." "Enough... Now... Why won't you stay for awhile." 3 shadowy figures appeared behind Hanzo and pinned him down. "LET GO OF ME!!!" He yelled. "Hey... Just stand back and enjoy the show... And let's see if my little brother is truely of the Clan of the Wolf."[/COLOR] ------------------------ [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu did the hand symbols for his Spirt Clones, a red clone and a Blue clone appeared in front of him. Without him even saying anything the clones understood. They were to go on a suicide mission. "Ok guys... Go to it." The clones jumped off together towards Aya and the stone ninjas. The clone landed beside Aya and the Stones. Aya turned and looked, [COLOR=Red]"Your the one the blue clone said was the Pretender..."[/COLOR] said the Red Clone. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes... This is the Pretender...." [/COLOR] Red sneered, [COLOR=Red]" You are effecting our team... We are erritated." [/COLOR] Blue followed with, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes...We are..." [/COLOR] Both drew there Tanto's ready to fight.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"He he he. The one that got destroyed was the Red one and probly the weakest clone. The blue one hasn't been destroy yet. And The Shrooms are very common. Some....people use them to knock out their hyper kids." Inu tried to keep his words strait. He walk a few feet and looked behind a tree. "Here is a whole bunch of them this should be enough. He picked them carefully and started grind them with a Kunai.[/COLOR] -------------------- [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Meanwhile the Blue clone flawlesslly jumped throught the trees without a sound and so fast when he landed on a tree limb it made no sound. He only stoped for a minute when he saw several genin each with a Heaven scroll. "Heaven Scroll...." from the knowledge gained from the destroyed clone he knew that one was the genin that did it. "Must report..." he said very quietly. Then he jump of back to the Normal Inu.[/COLOR] ----------------------- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu finished grinding the powder and put it into a pouch that was on his side. "There we go that should be all we need." As he finished his blue clone landed in front of him, "Two groups of genin...west...both have a heaven scroll... beware...The red one destroyed by the Pretender..." Inu somewhat understood the vagueness of the blues explanation, "Ok there is a Jounin pretending to be a Genin and she is meeting with other genin that also have a heaven scroll and this Juonin is the one that destroyed the Taijutsu Clone?" The blue Inu nodded. "Ahh. Right good work." The clone nodded and exploded becoming one with Inu once more. "A Juonin...." he remembered what the clone saw... he could make out a musical note on the head protector, "Hidden Sound.... Why are they here..."[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"One of my clones were destroyed...So...easily? That is definantly not some one we need to be facing right now." Inu thought about how they are going to go about what to do. Then he remember a thing he used to get back at someone for making fun of him. "Mushrooms... There are mushrooms around here that have a effect that knocks the effected out for hours... We can use this by making a incinanary surekin(spelling) by coating one with this powder we can put an entire group of Ninja asleep... then we could easily take a scroll from them while they are asleep. Sound good?" He asked the group.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"Team...leader... Ok. All we need is a Heaven scroll but there are many here that have one..." Inu thought about it for a second. "but we should stick together... But with this..." Inu flashed the signs for the Spirit Clone Jutsu. Two more Inu appeared beside. "We can cover more ground... and if they are destroy they become part of me again I will gain the knowledge they have collected. Now you two..." The clone paid close attention. "Keep out of sight until you see a heaven scroll. And head in differant directions to cover more ground..." They nodded and sped off. "Okay, Lets go." said the Normal Inu.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------ [COLOR=Indigo]Onimasa sense a familar energy approching his hide out. The door open and Hanzo stepped in. "Onimasa... I know you are behind all of this..." Onimasa laughed," Hanzo... Hanzo...Hanzo Is that how you greet an old friend?" "You are no friend of mine... I know why you are here... it is more then just the Leaf Village isn't it..." "Sharp as always Hanzo... I have come to take posession of my brother..." Hanzo yelled, "You will not... I will kill you before I let that boy be your puppet." Onimasa smirked under his mask. "I would love to see you try..."[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Inu stared into the battleground known as the Forest of Death. He still had the foreboding feeling. A horrble feeling. A feeling... of fear,sorrow, and...Death. Every since his episode he has been atuned to the feelings around him. The excitedness, the nervousness, and still this feeling above all else. "Fuji... I have a bad feeling about this..." A Juonin came over to his group and gave them a scroll with the symbol of the Earth on it. "You must protect this. In order to pass this test you must also get a Heaven Scroll which the other Genin will have." Inu and his team understood. He looks at his team with his new vision, "It is likely that we will be split up at least once... So, if we ever do try your best to find a member of this team. Who knows maybe someone will be nice enough to help you out. I highly dought this..."[/COLOR] --------------------- [COLOR=Indigo]"Brave little Inumori... You know that some of what happened is because of you... yet you front like you have no idea what is going on..." said Onimasa with a laugh. "You and your little friends will see soon enough...."[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu's mind was raceing so much had happened in such a short amount of time. "Why does it feel like that I am the cause of this... Such forboding." Hanzo put his hand on Inumori's shoulder. "Don't blame yourself for all that has happened... " It hurt Hanzo to see Inu like this. "I can't tell him...." he thought to himself. "Hanzo... Would you teach me your Spirit Clone? I feel like I can handle it now... I have to be able to..." Hanzo was surprised by the determination in Inu's voice, "If you wish... first...." A good 30 mins later, "You learned quick... very quick." Inu's eyes had scanned every bit of the jutsu and learned it quickly. "Thank you Hanzo." said Inu. "We should be going to sign in to the exams now... Fuji... Drou... Let's go." Nothing like this will ever happen again... Inu promised himself.[/COLOR] ------------------------ [COLOR=Indigo]Once more cloaked, Onimasa decided to get a hideout closer to the Forest of Death. He walked up to a house that was nearest and knocked on the door. A young man answered the door. Before he could say anything Onimasa walked in and kicked over the young man. "Forgive me but..." Onimasa stuch his long Katana through the young man. Of course he died, "Well... I can't leave this mess here..." A dark rumble went through the house and the mans body burst into black flame not leaving any trace of him. Then there was a knock at the door. A older man heard the commotion. The door opened and he saw the young man sitting down across the room. "Hey. Are you alright?" "Yes. I just had a fall." The man then walked away.Then Onimasa changed back. "So easily fooled."[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo]Onimasa heard the brothers final disicison, "Well, Aya... You will have help in the forest of Death... And Remember.... Don't let me down... Maybe you will get want you have wanted..." he lifted her chin. She blushed a bit. [/COLOR] -------------------- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inumori woke up in the infirmary at the Academy. [COLOR=orange]"What...where am I..."[/COLOR] he sat up in a empty room his eyes still a light yellow. He hoped out of the bed and headed were he had had the sudden power surge. He suddenly was flooded with a flood of sad emotion and started to cry.[COLOR=orange] "What... What is wrong with..." [/COLOR] he looked over and saw Fuji over his mother. Inu came up behind Fuji and then sat beside him. He saw that his mother was dead. Inu was overcome with the sadness that he felt.[COLOR=orange] "Fuji... I... If I hadn't have had that attack.... Hanzo would have been here to stop this... I am so... sorry..."[/COLOR] The tears from his face was now streaming.[/COLOR] ----------------- [COLOR=Indigo]Onimasa felt his brothers sadness, "Oh... Looks like me coming here had bigger reprocussons then I had thought.... Part of his power has awakened... but... that will be what will make turning him so sweet...."[/COLOR]
  18. What I want isn't that pacific but here is what I want: On the Avitar I would like a closer zoom on Grims face and (if possible) My user name on it. The Banner is much of the same except the size and what I want. Again I would like my name on the banner and if possible the phrase. "For an Instant, shock...and Fear" on it. I will supply a attachment on the thread I hope some one will take this up. [URL=http://grim.snafu-comics.com/comics/060409.jpg][COLOR=DarkRed]Grim(see bottom Frame) [/COLOR][/URL]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo]"Make enemies? You have got me all wrong. I have seen yoiur... brother in action against Hanzo. But, If you are to trust me... I will show you my true self." said the figure as smoke went around him. When the smoke cleared a man in full ninja attire and his skin slate grey stood before them. "Excuse me for not introducing myself... I am Onimasa Taneke. And I have watched you two from my chambers away way from here. I am very impressed by you two.... So... I have come here to ask you to Join me... We intend to destroy this village.... There will be blood during the Chunin Exams. And we will need all the people we need. You will be rewarded... You can have the 'spoils' of the attack if you know what I mean. Give me an answer at anytime I can hear it." Onimasa left the brother he found to think about his offer then he jumped off towards two more of his subordanence. Aya who was walking near some bushes heard a low voice calling her to it. "Hello Aya. Are holding up on your end of our plan? I wouldn't want you to fall behind." said Onimasa with a big smile under his [/COLOR] Ninja mask. ---------------- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Inu was training and thinking of the days event when his body started to wrack with pain. "AHHH!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!" He fell to his knees and closed his eyes. The he grabed his head and jerked his head towards the sky and opened his eyes that were now yellow. Hanzo saw what was happening and ran over to him and tried to help him up but jerked away when lightning went through he body. Then Inu pasted out and woke up an hour later in the infirmary at the Academy. "What happened to me..."[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Purple]"I see...So... someone else is making a move on the Hidden Leaf Village... Maybe this can be used to my advantage..." said Onimasa in his meditation room. "I think it is time for me to go... on a little 'trip'. he he he..." Onimasa raised up and went over to his sword rack and chose a large Diakatana, "Ah... Maru... you want to taste blood so badly don't you..." He said like he was talking to his sword. He unsheathed the blackened steel blade and sheathed it bad. He then left quickly.[/COLOR]---------------------------- [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]In the forest of the Hidden leaf village Hanzo was training all three of his Chunin hard. As they were training he continued to speak about each ones weaknesses "Drou you exceed in Taijutsu but you lack in other style this will be your training. Fuji you have some skill in each style but you lack the focus... not just your mental focus... but your confidence in yourself. And Inu you need to improve alot in all areas if you wish to pass the Chunin exams this year. Now you all know what you need to concentrate on now lets get this started."[/COLOR]------------------------------- [COLOR=Purple]A man in a black cloak and his face unvisible walked into the Hidden Leaf Village quietly and nigh unnoticed. He walked into the surrounding woods and came upon a really dark part of the forest. When he walked out a former enemy of the Leaf Village called Zabuza aparenttly came out of the shadows of the forest as if out of thin air. He was walking around the forest and he heard a muscle creak and he threw a Surikun in the direction that he heard it from. "Come out.... I know you are there... You are the two that have been harassing the Leaf Ninja Hanzo? If you are then you will tell me your names Stone Ninjas"[/COLOR] ====================== OCC- I just wanted one Zabuza camio.
  21. Ahh... I don't care anymore even if you don't have any art or writing skill. That shouldn't hotd folks back. As long as you enjoy doing it. It will be a meaningful and joyous event. Who knows maybe something you don't thinks is good will be a master-peice to some one else. :raspberry :shifty:
  22. [COLOR=Olive]"No... It is too bad your poison can't work as fast as I can get it out of my system. He held his mouth as if he was going to spew. He pulled down his mask and spit out a lot of yellow liquid that was the sulfer from Seran's stones. He wiped his mouth and pulled up his mask. "Why is all of this happening now... and why is everyone after MY genin... Looks like my past and others are catching up with me..." Inu noticed Hanzo's return and asked, "Where did you go?" Hanzo replied, "Nothing just seeing if anything was strange around here." "Hanzo..." This time he remained quiet and Inu didn't press it as usual. Inu walked over to Fugi and Drou. "Have no Idea what is up... This is the first time I ever saw Hanzo this worried about anything. Now I am getting worried... But, We have a lot to do the Chunin Exams have been moved up since last year. So... Hanzo? Should we get going?" Inu was trying to hide the full worry and anger about the situation. Hanzo turned and said, "Maybe your right Inumori... Training would take all of your minds off of this event..."[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"So... you wish for me to 'stop playing around...fool..." all three flashed symbols in a order unknown to Seran. "Now you will know why I am called the Shadow Ninja... Shadow Avatar Jutsu!!!" All of their bodies went black as night. The Red one teleported behind Seran and as he was fixing to strike Seran swiped at him with his blade. "What the..." The blade went right through... not damaging him one bit. Then the red clone hit Seran with out going out of the Shadow mode. "See... This is what we are famous for... he he he... You can't hurt us but we can hurt you..." The normal Hanzo jumped and Axe kicked Seran to the ground where the Blue one was waiting, "...Die..." he said. He lifted his hand without doing signs as a dark flame appeared, "Dark Dragon Fire Jutsu. A blue specialty..." He put his hand in front of his mouth and blew the earth around Seran was scorched black glass and all three waited for the smoke to clear. "Do you think we went over board?" asked the Red Hanzo to the blue one that didn't answer. "I don't know why I ask you you never answer. Damn." "No. He asked to see our best in few or more words so he got what he asked." All three came back together to form one Hanzo.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OCC- don't worry about it. It was time for some action anyway. ---------------------------- "You seek to steal MY students... My Genin... You have never faced a Ninja like me before I assure you." said Hanzo. He slowly drew his Katana. He then flashed a few symbols with his other hand that looked like the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Seran smirked with a dissappointed look on his face like, 'Come on... You can do better then that' Then Hanzo added a few symbols and said, "Spirit Clone Jutsu..." His body split into two other halfs one a redder verison and one a blue version. The red one in louder voice said, "You really believe you can take on three Honzos? ha ha ha. You should give up." The blue one stood deafly silent not making a sound. "Don't mind him he is just disturbingly quiet." All prepared to fight except the blue one.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"We were seeing what may have happened." said Inu with a worried voice. Hanzo then spoke up, "It was a ninja... Not sure what village...but... " he paused and said to himself, "It can't be... How...No." Hanzo sighed. " It is so clean...barely a thing out off place... And that is on reason we know it was a ninja and normal attacker wouldn't waste time to make sure nothing was untouched..." Inu with a bit of anger in his voice, "A ninja should know better... to attack a defenceless woman.. Pisses me off." Hanzo went outside and looked around not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Except the feeling someone was watching. He looked around and noticed a slight movement. "Hmm... Hello there..." He quickly dissappeared and appeared behind the stalker. "So... have you seen anything interesting?" ask Hanzo making the guy jump. He tried to get away but Hanzo caught him, "Why have you been following us Stone Ninja?" asked Hanzo. The man finally stopped struggling and turned around. Hanzo waited for a Reply.[/COLOR]
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