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Everything posted by Deathsye
Ichi looked around following Kredion. He was pretty pissed at the kids attitude. Not telling them information they needed to know before hand. Ichi: Impmon...sometimes I know why you hate humans cause sometimes i am annoyed by them too. Impmon: A human agrees that humans are scum? Brillant. *he said sarcasticly* Ichi: *grabs impmons head and lifts him up* Don't talk to me like that it pisses me off. Impmon: Lemme go you meat sack! I hate getting picked up like that i can't fight back! *he grumbled and squirmed* Ichi: *Chuckles and looks him in the eye* Thats why i did it, you little purple midget. Impmon: Don't call me a- Ichi: *pats him on the head* Don't take it seriously i was just kidding. Impmon: *mumbles* I hate you... Ichi: What was that? Impmon: Nothing! *he caught up with the group* ((a little humor to lighten things up))
Ichi: Hold on he will come back on his own free will in a few minutes... Believe me on that one. *He put his hands behind his head* I just wish i had my sketch pad... I would love to sketch down everything i see in that other world... *sighs and looks over* Mean while as Impmon was a few blocks away he thought Impmon: Why would he tell me that... He doesn't know me but knows exactly how it feels... *the turned to return to the group* This kind ofguy isn't like the others... Maybe he deserves someone like him. Ichi smirked as Impmon showed back up. Ichi: Well I thought you would show up. *laughs* Impmon: *gets back to his tough attitude* Hey don't get uppity! I came back to do you a favor. Don't think i will listen to these other losers. Ichi: I didn't ask you too... *he walked over* And dont think i am here to own you. *he looked to Kredion* Ok ready to go when you are.
[quote name='monipo1928']Name-Sky NightTerror Race-Sith Age-16 Gender-Female Rank-Sith master Personality-Cold hearted and emotionless. Kills withoout second thought. Known to be somewhat hesitant when it came to fighing beside her sister sometimes in the past(shes had to in a couple wars). Hates her sister and all jedi. Appearance-[IMG]http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j284/chadni98/anime%20girls/th_68.jpg[/IMG] Bio-Sky was once a jedi. But the more she fought the sith the more she liked them. 5 years after she had become a jedi she left to become a sith. When the jedi found out she had become a sith they were furiouse with her. They had trained Sky personally for 2 years. But it was 6 years ago she became a sith. She was a sith master after 1 year of training with sith masters. As of now she became cold hearted and emotionless. She is a cold heart, cold bloode killler. She's killed over 1000 people already by herself.Now uses a doubled-bladed red lightsaber[/QUOTE] Accepted. And start posting anytime
HI! of course there is always a spot open. New characters are always needed in stories
Ichi did notice the defeat of Blackwargrowlmon but had something much more important to take care of. Impmon: *Forces Ichi off of him* Get off of me! Ichi: *picks him up by the bandana* Hey listen you ungrateful purple midget. You should be glad I am a good guy any other guy would have left you to take the blow... Impmon: I dont need your help... I never needed anyones. No one ever treated me with respect when i was a Yaamon... Why should i respect anyone now as Impmon. Ichi set him down with a thud. Ichi: You honestly think your the only one with that probelm... Feeling like your nothing and no one wants to be your friend... Your wrong. I was like that once but i found several things that was great about myself. After I saw value in myself others saw value in me. The same goes with you. You are stubborn that is just a crude form of something that can become much more great... The willing ness not to back down when someone is in trouble. Impmon was sitting on the ground and stood. Ichi: *Extends his hand* What you say... Partners? Impmon: I... *he looked tempted* What ever... *he left* Ichi: *sighs* He'll come around... I was given the same speech and had the same reaction
OOC: And you kind of missed Impmons Personality o.o... he would be more ticked off then surprised. -------------------- Ichi looked wide eyed at the huge monster before him. He was shocked that something like this exsisted. Ichi: This looks like something i would write in my Manga... *he looked over and saw Impmon hurt from before* Hey yo! *he ran over* Already in bad shape huh? Impmon looked up and was feeled with anger. Impmon: *smacks his hand away* Don't touch me you meat sack! Ichi: Listen here bub! This thing says your my partner! *shows digivice* If that is the case then i am here to help you. Impmon: *looks insulted* What ...Someone took pity on me and sent me a meatbag to help me get strong... I DON"T NEED IT! BlackWarGrowlmon: Radiation Blade! *he fired blades at Impmon and Ichi* Ichi: Holy hell! *he grabbed impmon and jumped out of the way in time* Damn... Impmon was stunned. Impmon: he saved me... *he thought*
Ichi sat back in his chair looking rather calm. He was surprised at the creatures he saw but not afraid Ichi: Hey you said i have a partner then where is he? Or She? How am i supposed to find it? *he was mashing the buttons on the digivice until he found a picture of something* hey... WHat is this little Imp thing... He showed it to Avion. Avion: Its that little trouble maker Impmon... Your his partner apperently he is gong to be thrilled. *Said mildly sarcastic* Ichi laughed. Ichi: Well... Looks like someone is more close to me then i thought... Where is he at? At that time Impmon was in a tree recuperating. He was starting to doze off until he felt a kind of bump. Impmon: What now.... *he looked down* A black Guilmon... Thats not good. *It rammed the tree* WHA?! Whats up pal i haven't done anything to you now get! BlackGuilmon: *Looks up* Black Pyro Sphere! *blasts at him with a blast* Impmon: *jumps barely dodging* Hey get out of here with that!
Ichi took the elevator down and went to a different floor. The small device said the dots or what ever were in the apartment. Ichi: They have to be somewhere on the different floors.. What the hell is going on anyway. He walked up to a door and knocked on it. This was turning out to be a strange night first the computer exploding on him and now this little device he found among its remains. And the reaction it had when it got closer to the dots on the screen. Ichi: Hey, who evers in there open up... *the little device beeped* Why are you beeping now huh? I swear if this kid has anything to do with my computer blowing up i am going to throw him out the window. He had ran into a kid named Kredion on the elevator several times and when he got in from work most of the time. Ichi: *He knocked* Come on kid.
(posted the human Chara in the Inn) Impmon limped back to where he first arrived in the Human World. He still had a look that could kill. Impmon: I don't need anyone... I have been alone all my life and i have been fine... After how i have been treated... All because i am a Virus Type... *he slammed his fist on the ground* I am tired of everyday being discriminated against! Everyday feeling weak and no one gives a damn! *He started to sound sorrowful* I never had anyone... Meanwhile on the other side of the city a 17 year old boy was typing on his computer and looked like he was very into it. He was Ichi Himura. He had been writing the story for his manga for years perfecting it. He was finally on the last page. Ichi: There... Finally its done. *he got up with a yawn and headed to the kitchen* Something to eat for a job well done. *he said smileing lightly at a box on his table that was take out* All i have to do now is print it all and then take it to Shonen... *he chowed down on his food and after he was done returned to his computer* Ok... now... Print. [I]Critical Error[/I] What?! NO! *he ke;pt clicking the print button* NO NO NO NO! A year writing this! After a while his screen blinked white and started to surge with electricity after which his tower followed soon his comp turned a bright red and he ducked down before it exploded in his face. After a minute he rose and looked at the wreckage of what was his computer. Ichi: *looked sorrowful* No... All that work... Everything i have worked so hard for... *he punched the floor of his apartment/after that he looked to see what the full damage was* Totally wreaked... *he then saw something strange in the rubble of his Computer Moniter he saw a small black,maroon and purple device/he picked it up* What is this... *its screen flashed slightly* Two dots... What are they?
Name: Ichi Himura Age:17 Gender:Male Appearence: [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs6/300W/i/2005/038/7/a/Too_Cool_for_School__by_nimbusthedragon.jpg[/IMG] Personality/Biography: "Ichi's such a loser..." Is what he usually hears at school. Ichi has been shunned since he was 10. He has had a horrible childhood. His father going away and his best friends abandoning him. The only people he talks to is his family and what friends he has left. In many ways his drawings are his friends. He uses drawings to get his emotions out and is partially what is keeping him sane. Because of all of these events happening to him he is very shy and quiet. He is usually alone and is usually the last to do anything. Only in recent years has he opened up a tiny bit. However he sees people as mean and cruel creatures. One of his timeless quotes were, "I have no problem with a person, it is people I hate..." These sayings are one of the reasons he is a outcast. When he turned the age of 17 he started acting a lot more active. He had made a few friends and is finally getting over his condition. He found a different outlet for his feelings in writing as well as drawing. He has wrote several papers which got very high scores. And to this day he has been the happiest he could be dispite him still being quiet and shy. Recently he had been drawing a manga for Shonen Jump. He has also been writing the first chapter.
Icedevimon was enraged he didn't get a chance to vent his anger on the Digimon that stole his Data. He stomped around the park trying to dedigivolve but something was keeping him from doing it. Icedevimon: I had enought of these human pets interefereing with me! *he looked at his claw* I won't be so nice next time... I will destroy who ever gets in my way. He stomped around until a mist fell on the park. He recognized it. IceDevimon: Good...something is emerging... As soon as it does i will delete it and absorb it's data. He felt that it was a Champion Level and ran towards the Digimon. When he arrive there was a Garurumon standing in the mist. It wasn't dark like the others nor was it hostilely coming towards IceDevimon. IceDevimon: FINALLY A FIGHT WITH NO HUMANS IN THE WAY! *he attacked the Garurumon* Avalanche Claw! *he shot ice cicles at the Garurumon who dodged and was looking at Ice with surprise* Garurumon: Why are you attacking?! I haven't done anything! 456756 IceDevimon: I don't care with every one of you i destroy i become stronger! Avalanche Claw! *he fired more icicles* Garurumon: *He dodged* Howling Blaster! *he hit Icedevimon* Icedevimon: Right no mercy! Tundra Freeze!
Impmon heard the sound of battle and hurried towards it. When he arrived he saw that both the DarkRenamon and Rraikmon were digivolving. He smirked and deciding to do so as well. He walked into the scene as he glowed darkly. Impmon: I was hoping one of these idiots would show up.... *he digivolved into IceDevimon* IceDevimon: ...That way i can smear them all across the street and absorb thier data to become stronger. No one will stop me from doing this. Rylonamon: This isn't your fight it is mine... Icedevimon: You think i am asking you?! Hahaha. Ice Claw! *he clawed at the Dark Kyubimon* DarkKyubimon: *it dodged and fought back* Fox Tail Dark Inferno! *It fired several fireballs at IceDevimon* The fireballs hit and Icedevimon was struck and after a few seconds he dispursed the flame with a spread of his wings. He looked angry at the attack and began to attack back. IceDevimon: Tundra Freeze! *he fired freezing beams from his eyes and hit DarkKyubimon freezing it* I told you... *he spread his wings and began to do one last attack* Evil Wing...
Impmon walked through the park he had degsignated as his home in the real world dispite him Digivolving for the first time he couldn't help but feel sick. He punched a tree and looked at the sky. Impmon: So... I digivolved but i still needed help on a equal level Digimon... Humilated again! *He growled* What makes them so powerful... It can't be those meat sacks... They are just there to tell us what to do... But when i absorbed that Digimons data... I felt... Stronger. He looked at his hand and then looked around with a slight smirk on his face. Impmon: If more of these hostile guys show up... I will just absorb thier data that way I can get stronger. And then i will show those human lovers... But in the mean time... *he looked out on the street and saw a pizza guy walking around the corner* Perfect... As the man approched Impmon hoped out of the bushes. Impmon: Bada Boom! *he threw a little ball of flame at the man making him run and drop the pizza* Well well... At least humans do something right... *Takes the whole box and jumps into the bushes carrying it above his head* While he was chowing down on the pizza he saw a shadow moving in the dark. He shruged it off as a squrill or something of the sort. Impmon: Isn't like its a Digimon fixing to attack me or something. It better not... Cause unlike the others i won't any mercy. Not a smidge.... *he ate a whole piece whole*
Impmon ran and when he was well far away. After he was sure he was isolated from anything he slammed his fist on the ground. Impmon: Damn it... Other digimon are always stronger then me! I have been alive longer then that human lover! And I can't even Digivolve. Who do i have to delete to get some respect?! Impmon wandered into the park he appeared in and stumbled across a couple. He smirked knowing if he scared the crap out of some humans it would make him feel much better. He jumped out and yelled. Impmon: Bada Boom! *he threw the tiny fireball at the couples feet as they ran and several more till they were for sure out of the park* At the least i can keep these humans out of my sight... *he rubbed his nose* He looked around and climbed a tree and thought. Impmon: I dont need anyone to help me get strong like those pathetic losers... I'll show them all what I can do.
(IceGreymon right? >
Impmon had come into an area that he heard a loud commotion from. He saw a Koramon and a boy fighting a IceAgumon. Impmon: *laughs uncontroablely* You gotta be kidding me! Hahahah! A pip squek like you taking on a Rookie. That is nearly too amusing to be serious. He hopped up to a lamp post and sat down watching. His words were not unnoticed. Kredoin looked up and saw him and pointed is digivice towards him. Impmon: Hey what you doing pointing that think at me eh?! Kredion: Impmon, another rookie level?! Is he going to attack us too. Impmon: Ah put a sock in it meat bag. I wouldn't waist my energy on a human and his little fluff ball. The IceAgumon looked up and sneered. IceAgumon: Acting tough for a virus ridden runt... Impmon looked at the digimon and stood on the light poles top Impmon: Oh you want to go Lizard boy then lets do this. BADA BOOM! *He threw a small fireball at IceAgumon who canceled it out with his frostbite blast* Your lucky fur ball your not on my hit list now stand back and let me cook this pup! (sorry for Powerplaying )
A couple was in the park having a nice night time walk. They were minding their own business when a glow came in front of them and after that a small purple creature about knee height appeared with its eyes closed. Man: What is that?! *the man walked towards the small imp like creature* Woman: Becareful hunny. *in a worried tone* As the man started to touch the creature its eyes opened and it jumped back. ???: Hey! *it growled* Get those meat hooks off of me you...you... *the creature yelled in frustration* Bada Boom! *the creature threw a small fire ball at the couple* The couple turned around running and trying to get away. ???: Bada Boom! *The creature threw more as they pulled away and got out of site* YEAH THATS RIGHT YOU MEATBAGS! RUN! *he said as he looked around becoming more worried then frustrated* Where am I?... The creature walked around the park that he was in. To keep him self from worrying he played tricks on couples. ???: Well at least Impmon isn't bored. *He laughed loudly* The creature was named Impmon. He was a Virus type Digimon but didn't seem to want anything more then to have fun.
Relk blocked the Saber blows and was knicked several times. The selkath jedi jumped back and lifted boxes to toss at the Dark Jedi James, with a swirl of his red lightsaber he cut the boxes in half. "Ha!! Is that all this little fishy has to offer?" he taunted at Relk. Relk slightly angered at the fish comment thrust out his hand, "Let me show you... The power of the full Force!" Amazingly he shot lightning out of his fin at James. He was taken aback, "Thats a Dark side power!" "Fool.." said Relk in his fishy language, "There is only one force no light no dark... It is only miscreants like you who impose your power on the weak and helpless now you face someone who has seen both sides of the Force prepare to die Sith..." Sera at the same time this was going on got the call on her , "The Covenant has already taken over 2 planet?! Damn it to hell!" She punched the wall making a slight dent. "Ok this Sith or what ever has to go down now we don't need both problems on us understand?" she said starting to walk out the door. "We have 5 hours to prepare and get our asses going if we are ever going to stop the Covenant." She ran out to the street and sprinted towards where the fight was going on. "Samuel follow me. We have a job to do before we go. Bring a Warthog." ------------------------ A single covenant Phantom flew to the surface of Dantooine. It was filled with 3 elites and several Grunts. Xenos when he landed looked around. He was amazed at what he saw. He had just bombarded other planets with out knowing what he was doing.Back on Naboo he had noticed the vast plains that he had almost destroyed because of the assault. As he looked ahead a couple of beings in brown robe approached him. They felt like the one he had saw before except the power he felt was soothing. "I am Xenos Commander of the Fleet Spear of Destiny. We wish to talk to who ever is in charge of this planet."
Name: Impmon Appearence: [IMG]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Impmon11.jpg[/IMG] Personality: He is really cocky and real quick to want to fight. Doesn't like to be underestimated. Occasional breakdowns. Digital Evolutions: Champion- [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/IceDevimon.gif]IceDevimon[/URL] Ultimate-[URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Cerberumon.gif]Cerberumon[/URL] Mega-[URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e5/Beelzebumon.jpg]Beelzemon[/URL] Attacks:Badaboom,Infernal Funnel, Fiendish attack Biography: Impmon was of course born in the nesting area for the Digimon but has always been a loner. Because of his status as a Virus Type Digimon and is presumed evil he was never accepted by others. This lead to him being cocky and readly fight anything to prove himself even going so far as to badaboom a Ultimate who simple smaked him away. He is just a wanderer now.
A Selkath in the robe of the Jedi stood up and powered up his light saber, it was Cyan with a silver glow coming off of it. In his fishy language he spoke,[translation] Sith it is wise that you leave here with your life..." he looked over to the new arrival. "Before our guest misunderstands and kills you..." , the selkath let out a low fishy growl. "Our clones are more then capable to take down a lone sith like you..." "What? CLone? I am sorry but i don't thing you know whats going o-" said Sera being cut off. "What the Selkath says is true... Leave." said Magnus. ---------------------------------- Xenos smirked as Nar' Shardda's Goverment buiding laid in ruins. They had laid seige to the planet for just 5 hours. More of his fleet arrived to make sure the Planet kept inline and make sure no Republic nor Sith forces try to take the planet. He was coinfident from the encounter before. "How feeble this planet was..." the crimson elite spat, "At least the UNSC gave us a fight... " he turned to the Star Map he had downloaded to his capital ship. One planet in peticular caught his eye, "Dantooine... Said that there is a ... Je-di Academy... A Jedi? What is this?" he pondered. He walked along the halls of his ship deciding whether to invade this place or see if they wish to join the covenant. "Though these other creatures besides humans seem just as feeble... They deserve to have that choice." he was starting to think like the rational Elite most knew. Since coming to this Galaxy he had to put on a tough persona to make sure that the Troops were able to do their jobs well. He walked onto the bridge and looked at the star map, "Set our slip space course to this Planet Dantooine... We will take a different approch this time..."
Name- Relk Baros (Prefered Baros) Race-Selkath Age-34 Gender-Male Rank- Jedi Personality- Quiet and doesn't talk much. Mostly cause he can't speak Republic Basic well. Appearance-[IMG]http://www.coveworld.net/kotor-d20/images/selkath.jpg[/IMG] that guy but with a jedi robe Bio- As most Jedi Baros was taken at a young age to be trained by the Order. As he grew he had a ability to control both Light and Dark powers without having to swing to the Dark Side saying that, "There is only one force no sides... Just the force.." This idealology isn't shared with most of the Jedi but some under stand what he is talking about. He is currently a Jedi Knight.
Sera held the side of her helmet, "There is somethng going down... I can hear faint noises coming from somewhere." Her Spartan augmentations picked up the faint sound of battle. Along with that she heard a some what Familiar sound. "Plasma Sword..." she said taking off her assault rifle in hand and motioning for several marines to follow. "Samuel you stay with the Pelican. Make sure that Ship remains safe." After a swift run she burst through the dlaoor of the Cantina nearly taking them off the hinges. "Hold it rigtht... THere?" She saw that it wasn't a plasma sword. "What the hell..." Magnus came over the woman clones communicator, "Jena, Report what is going on there?" ---------------- Xenos and his forces over took the Sith ship. They arrived to Narshadda and the Cruisers had followed. "These humans and robots put forth a mighty resistance did they not Commander?" asked the Golden Elite. "Indeed much more then the others we have slain... But they are still merely human with a insupieror intellect the fool left his ship with a greater force and left his most important asset... These..." Xenos activated the star maps. "Look at this... This entire galaxy... Is ours for the picking... If we conquer all of these planets... think of it... Our forces would be so massive that the Human swine that plague the covenant will be wiped out for ever..."
"The name is Magnus Degsination: 223." said Magnus as his people searched the ship. They filled out and stood be hind the Clone Commander. "Sir the ship is clear." said a Clone trooper. "Good, now we can talk civilly... You are in the Republic Capital Planet of Couresant(Sp?) Your in a safe system." Sera took a breath of relief , "Ok lower your weapons..." she said, "We are Marines of the UNSC, The United Nations Space Command. We have tracked a group of alien ships to this part of the Galaxy but we are unsure where we came out at." Magnus noticed Samuel's uneasiness, "Excuse me are you alright? You seem a bit uneasy. Your blood pressure is up." "Hmm? What is it Sam?" asked Sera.
"Expect a human to double cross!" yelled Xenos. "Team one enact the plan , Team two come with me once again and lets cut through what ever is on this ship." he commanded over thier comms. The Golden Elite commanded his group, "Do as our Commander says! Disable those engines." , he looked as the assassins decloaked, "Fools..." he said powering his Plasma Sword, "You all will die!" Two other elites followed with thier plasma swords and started fighting with the assassins. The Gold Elite was a Zealot. One of the most fierce warriors of the Covenant. He cut through the metal blades that the assassins had. "No human can best an Elite!" Mean while Xenos and the Brute Warrior followed by several hunters and spec ops were fighting through the ship. The Hunters were in front taking fire and it bouncing off thier blast shields, the small grunts were close behind them firing Needlers. A few in green armor set up Plasma Turrets at the door of the bridge. "Spec Ops activate your Activate your Active Camoflage The Great Journey depends on your success. The black armored elites seemed to dissappear and go forward cloaked and firing only when they got close
The last Elite off of the Boarding Phantoms was Xenos himself. He lead a team of Elites with black armor. "Spec Ops come with me. Team 1 head to the engine room and disable the engine team 2 take the Hunters and sweep through if any resistance is met then deal with them swiftly...Enact this plan if things go bad... I am heading to the bridge." he said said holding his Carbine. He marched threw the corridors looking at the battle placements some what impressed with the Robots he saw, "Interesting... No Human could build these kind of weapons..." The leader of team 1, the Golden Elite and Xenos's second in command was slightly less impressed, "I doubt these things could survive the bite of our blades" The leader of the 2nd team a Brute followed Xenos to the bridge. Xenos was surprised when he got to the bridge that a human was in fact the Captain of the ship. "Feh... Got my hopes up to see a non human..."