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Everything posted by Deathsye

  1. Snicker clapped and chuckled slightly. "Good Yue. Most Genin don't get it the first time not even your dad got that so fast." he said , "Now it is time for something a bit more challenging yes? How about a little game of hide and seek huh?" Yue gave him a strange look and just nodded, "It is simple all you have to do is catch me and one of my friends... Let me introduce you." He said making a couple of handsigns and hitting he ground. A puff of smoke went around Snicker and Yue. As the smoke clear a large fox standing almost up to Siniku's waist was standing. It had cream colored fur that was nearly dream like and its eyes were close its three tails swishing in the air. "Yue I want you to meet Oki. She as been my partner on many occasions. She is my most loyal and dear friend." Oki then snickered and said, "Oh ? I am a dear friend? Then why don't you summon me more often? It isn't nice to keep a lady fox like me cooped up in that other world..." "And thought she is a fox she is still pretty much a woman..." he said jokingly as they both laughed. Meanwhile Adoma notice the female ninja's return. This alarmed him he didn't want to be runn out of town just yet. He just acted as normal as he could considering that he was a Rouge Ninja. A wiff of him off his guard would bring Hunter Nin. He didn't want to die just yet. And he didn't want to fight the nice people here. "Come on... Just a little longer"
  2. Ok that is it All elite Four members have been accepted. From this point on only Trainers and Rockets will be accepted.
  3. Accepted. I see your using the blank headband. Name: Mika Himura Age: 18 Gender: Female Rank: High Rianked Chunin Village of Origin: Village hidden in the Leaves Appearance: Mika Likes: Sweets, Snickerfox, Annoying snicker, Teasing Snicker's students Dislikes: Loud annoying people Personality Quirks: Laughs alot. Gets along with most of the ninja except the ones that act all depressed. Special Jutsu: Night Eye: Sees in the dark. Wind Scythe: Shoots a blade of wind out of her sword Transformation Justu: Ookami(wolf) Special Weapon: Ninja Sword (Strait Katana) Bio: Former Student of Snickerfox, Mika trained under him for 4 years until she became a Chunin and Snicker said to find her own training. She took this advice to heart and started training on her own. She did however grasp inspiration from Snicker learning how he saw at night and his Transformation Jutsu, Her Night eye how ever is less effective. She has recently been seen around town.
  4. "About myself? Oh... Hmm... My real name is Yoshimitsu Siniku but everyone gave me the name snickerfox. haha. I have lived in this village for years. Met your father a couple of times... We sometimes don't see eye to eye... He just seems way too serious all the time if you ask me... But for sure he was a lucky son of a gun... Marrying Sakura. " he said with a whistle. "Haha. Sorry. I am kind of a woman chaser. And that is all really I have to say about myself." he finished saying as he stood up. "Ok Yue lets see how good you are... First what I want you to do is try the Walk on Water Jutsu." said Siniku walking out to the center of the small pond not sinking but indeed treading on top. "I just want to see how well you can moderate your chakra."
  5. Snicker escorted Yue to a small area in the forest that had a little clearing and had a water fall falling into a small pool. This was where he trained his students. Also this was where he let his students relax. He turned and sat down and told Yue to sit in front of him. As she did he started talking, " You should know you are the first student I have taken in two to three years..." he said looking at her. "Really?" she asked. "Yes... I have been waiting for my old student to return but she hasn't yet." said Snicker taking out a small bar of chocolate. "Want half of it? All we are doing right now is getting ot know each other. Your father is Sasuke right? If so I can guess where you got your looks... from your mom haha." he joked giving over the peice of chocolate. "So you probably know alot about me... Tell me about yourself." ------------------------- Adoma watched as the woman followed Yue and Snickerfox. He was lucky he could tell that the woman was skilled in tracking things. He took a sigh of releif when she left. A Leaf Jounin turned and asked, "Hey are you alright?" Adoma jumped, "Yeah I am fine." "Hmmm... I don't recognize you are you new?" asked the Jounin suspiously with his eyes closed up in suspition. "Oh yes sir. I just became a Jounin." he lied. "I am just a bit nervous." The jounin laughed and put a arm around him, "Don't worry about it. It is pretty easy believe it." "Hehe... Yeah sure..." said Adoma as a bead of sweat droped. (OOC: You can tell who the Jounin was haha.)
  6. Siniku searched the crowd with his eyes scanning each Genin. Each one looked like a canadate in his eyes.But none truely stuck out to him until he saw a Genin with the same feel as Sasuke Uchiha came into the complex. He looked and saw Yue come in with Gosa. He snickered a small bit and stared directly at Yue. "Tsubasa... I think I found my girl..." said Snicker. "Miss Yue Uchiha from what her file says. One of the top in the class... If her father was Sasuke then it would be ovious why... Sorry if you wanted her Tsubasa... Ill make it up tonight" He said motioning to Yue to follow. Adoma Shittake was in the back and was waiting to see which Genin would get picked. He was hoping that his cover wouldn't be blown before the genin were picked. Siniku stared as he passed Adoma, his eyes dialated. "I don't know him..."
  7. Ok as it stands now it is: Elite Four: Dchan: Myself Karzar : Crazy Kev Chiyuki Asamoto: XxXLolitaGothXxX Rocket: Hiro: Myself Only one Elite Four spot left! After that only Team Rocket and Trainers will be accepted. So don't cry if you want to be an elite four and the last spot is taken.
  8. Accepted. ^ ^ Feel free to use you r character now^ ^ Wondered when Yuki would come in.
  9. "If you asked me... less then half will pass this part of the test... And then from that half will pass our tests... Then it is smooth sailing again." said Snicker. "I am not looking for one in peticular however." He scaned over the Genin to be and snickered, "I just want a interesting one... " The ninja had left the academy for a bit because he felt there was a battle somewhere. He arrived to see two ninja fighting it out. But there was another in a tree. Then he saw a face that was apperently famous. He jumped down to the man and asked , "Your Gaara right?" he asked. "No you have me confused with the Kazekage... Gaara is my father." said Gaaza. "I am Gaaza" "Oh I see... You may want to hurry up if you don't want to be late... The students are finishing thier tests..." said the ninja jumping up, "Oh and the Name is a Adoma Shittake... I will be seeing you." said Adoma. Sniker thought back to the moment he saw Adoma, "Tsubasa... have you ever seen that ninja before?" he said walking to the stage.
  10. [QUOTE]* Only FOUR people may sign up as Elite Four no champion, if you want to be an Elite Four you need a themed team.[/QUOTE] ~ T If you are going to be an elite four then you have to have a Themed team. My Elite Four D Chan has all psychic besides the Egg. Which will most likely be psychic. If you want to be a Elite Four you have to change your team.
  11. Hmm... Prowl I have never heard of the Trojan so I am not sure If I can Accept it. If you would send me some Info over PM then I might consider it.
  12. Accepted... Altough it looks like some are already useing the characters. T ~
  13. Siniku recovered fast and looked at Tsubasa and snickered a small bit, "Oh? Sure maybe after the day is out... hehe... First time a lovely lady Jounin asked me on a date." he said with a lower chuckle. He was just poking fun at Tsubasa. "And I will even bring my special sake along." He just watched the students struggling with the exam. He knew it inside and out. The ones that were truely prepared would pass and those who weren't don't that was the way it was supposed to be. He didn't have a eye on a peticular Genin. He really didn't care much for training. His last student was trained over 2 years ago. She had not returned from her Solo Training that he had sent her on. "Tsubasa... Should I take a student this year?" asked Snicker. "My last one has still not returned." The unknown ninja walked past Tsubasa and Snicker. Snicker stared at him and felt something strange. He couldn't put his finger on it. He had a leaf headband and didn't have a hostile feeling Snicker just didn't recognize him. "What do you think Tsubasa? Should I give it a shot?"
  14. [QUOTE]Welcome Trainers to the Pokemon League! You have been invited to participate in the yearly tournement provided by the Elite Four. Of course if you have the badges. When you come to the Indigo Plateau you will be faced with multiple challenges. You will face trainers you have never faced before. That is your challenge. Also remember that you will need with you when yo come all 7 Badges from Kanto. Only when you have these are you allowed into the Tournement. And the Trainer that reaches the finally round will be eligable for the Elite Four Challenge where you and your Pokemon battle against the best in the Kanto Region! Remember train well and keep your pokemon healthy. Good Luck! General Manager, Wilson Gills [/QUOTE] Six months have past since this Letter was sent to all the reaches of the Kanto Region. Many Trainers have failed to make it this year. But many more have made it. With the Tournyement so close many have had second thoughts. And many have the iron will to make it through. But Unknowns to all even the Elite Four themselves, a dark shadow looms over the battle grounds. Shadows with the marking of the Organization that had broken up so long ago. The organization that said to so many, Prepare for Trouble... "And Make that Double..." said a figure in a green vest with a faded red letter 'R' on the back of his vest. "This time... We will come back strong. And then once again... We will be the most feared Organization in the world!" ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Up to 3 may be had. Sign Up: Name: Age: Gender: Side: (Trainer, Team Rocket,or Elite Four*) Likes: Dislikes: Personality Quirks: Appearance: Pokemon Team**: (Pokemon name, Nickname(if any)Gender and Level(Power)) Biography: * Only FOUR people may sign up as Elite Four no champion, if you want to be an Elite Four you need a themed team. ** NO LEGENDARYS AT ALL! And must use REAL pokemon no made ups ones. You may use a pokemon from the new Pearl and Diamond Games if you wish ---- Examples and my Sign Ups: Name: Hiro Masa Age: 23 Gender: Male Side:Team Rocket Likes: His pokemon, Team Rocket, His team mate Dislikes: Twerps Personality Quirks: Very loyal to the Rockets Appearance:Appearance- Blonde spiked hair and sunglass, has an orange eye color. And wears a black T Shirt and vest w/ a fade red R on the back. Also has black pants and boots. Pokemon Team: Tyranitar (Knight) Male Level: 45 Quilava (Cinder) Female Level: 16 Scyther(Muramasa) Male Level: 25 Biography:When Hiro was first getting in to pokemon training he was like everyone else thinking that battling was for fun and for making friends. But at 18 he got tangled with Team Rocket. For years he had been working for them and being one of thier strongest Mercs. But since thier disbanding Hiro has been homeless and nearly pennyless. He just got the modivation to start Rocket Back up... He just needs the perfect stage to do it. ------------ Name: D Chan Age: 21 Gender: Male Side:Elite Four Likes: Ladies, Drinks, and his pokemon Dislikes: Disprespectful kids, People who are mean to the ladies Personality Quirks: Flirts with women... A lot. Appearance: 5'8" Wears a normal T Shirt(blue),Jeans, and white sneakers. Blonde Hair and blue eyed. Pokemon Team: Espeon(Sonny) Female Level: 56 Gardevoir(Bell) Female Level: 51 Slowking(Mr. King) Male Level: 49 Alakazam(Spoony) Male Level: 51 Claydol(Stoney) Male:Level: 35 Egg Gender: Unknown : Level: Egg Biography:A young man living in Cerulean City. D-Chan owns a small hot springs spa. Because of the Pokemon League tournment he had to close down for a while. He is the second teir on he Elite Four Challenge.
  15. Siniku was watching sun still rising until he saw that Soma was running to the academy. He snickered as he knew what Soma wanted. For some reason he was always the one to ask for information even thought he knew other would know much much more. "Soma, What brings you here to the academy?" asked Snickerfox. "Is it possible you want to get something out of me? I am sorry but I don't have much other then some information about the up coming Genin. If you want some information on that then come on up..." Meanwhile the Ninja from earlier appeared in the academy and was watching the Genin come in. He watched through the window of the Genin Exams and watched most of them struggle and some of them just fly through it. "Looks like I have a good chance this time...." said the Ninja. "I just hope my cover isn't blown before I get a chance to meet some of them.
  16. Sunrise in the Hidden Leaf Village, A slow time but peace ful time. Esspecially for a certain ninja named Siniku Yoshimitsu. He has been looking forward to this day for weeks. He had not had Genin pupils in the longest time. He just sat on top of the academy and watched the sun rise. "This is going to be a beautiful day..." he said to himself with a small snicker, muffled by his Kitsune mask. "I wonder if the other Jounin are as excited as I am?" He started to see the early risers stumble out of thier homes, some sleeply some energetic. A slight smile grew on his hidden mouth. "I would be amazed if some of those energetic ones were Genin..." he said with a louder laugh. ---------------- [COLOR=Navy]Meanwhile across Town in the forest was a Ninja with no symbol on his headband. He was gathering mushrooms because his Sleep Powder was running short. He started hearing the excited ness of the Genin as they woke up. This was a great day for him as well. He was going to finally find a student that he needed severly. With one touch on his head band it poofed into a Leaf Village Headband. "Time to see if anyone is willing to follow me..." he said to himself. "I really need some students before I start to lose hope in my goal." Then he just walked into the village and no one gave him a second look. He was a 'leaf' ninja after all. Or at least what his head band made him.[/COLOR]
  17. Ok everyone is Accepted... T ~ But next time something like the Last rp happens the party will be asked to just leave... I don't want to ruin everyones fun again.
  18. With the years coming and going in the Leaf Village, so to do the Genin and other Ninja in the village as well. Students that pasted the last Chunin exam have become full fledge Ninja. This means that there is a new stream of Genin. Some will make it some will not. The name is Siniku, Siniku Yoshimitsu or as the kids and cuties call me Mr. Snickerfox. That is for my tendency to chuckle at random. Hehe. Oh sorry. Some of the genin this year look good... And some look like that Knuckle head Naruto... I don't see how he became a Jounin. Anyway, I am said to have new students along with several other of the Jounin. I hope I get some that have some talent. Then again the less talented ones are the funnest to train. They aren't conceded. So I am going to keep all of this years events in this Journal. They might be good they maybe bad but could go ether way. In fact I should give this journal a proper name... Hmm... Here is a good one: The Ninja Cronicles Good Luck to myself, and all the other Jounin. ------------------------------------------- Ok this is oviously set sometime after the show. So anything could happen. ANd I didn't make anything happen much in the Intro because... what fun is a Rp if you know what is going to happen? Rules!: 1) You can be Show Characters or someone desended from them. But orginals are highly valued. 2) No God Modding! You can't always dodge everything. 3) No Powerplaying unless someone says you can. I know under certain circumstances if a RPer is unable to post cause of a Absence or have someething going on then it is nessessary. But please keep it to a minimum. 4) This is the most important rule.... Have fun. ^^ 5) If you are a sertain class Genin and such you must make your power equal to your rank. If I feel that one is over its power....It will NOT be accepted... OH and no Sanin.... There are only 3. -------------- Sign Up: Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Village of Origin: Appearance: Likes: Dislikes: Personality Quirks: Special Jutsu: (No blood line trait UNLESS you arefrom that blood line/ Made up ones are acceptable but nothing over board/ And also list your Unique Jutsu here) Special Weapon: (Arm Blades to Giant Swords) Bio: (At least a paragraph ladies and gentlemen) ------------- Here is my character: Name: Siniku Yoshimitsu Age: 25 Gender:Male Rank: Jounin Village of Origin: Leaf Village Appearance: Wears a Anbu Kitsune Mask with the Leaf Symbol on his face. Hair is mid length,orange and eyes through the mask are Yellow, however his true eye color is a raven color. He wears a sleeveless shirt that is purple as is his pants. Likes: The Ladies, his students,Sake, sleeping, and peeking when he can. Dislikes: People that are rude to women, Kids with attitude, and hangovers Personality Quirks: He likes to snicker. And has a tendency to flirt with the lady Jounin, often turns into a fox for hugs Special Jutsu: Eye Shine: Lets him see in the dead of night. Kitsune Transformation: Transforms him in to a cute cuddly fox. Summoning Style: Kitsune: Summons a fox Special Weapon: Sickle and Chain Bio: Sniku Yoshimitsu is possibly one of the strangest Ninja ever to grace the Leaf Village. He always has his Kitsune mask on so no one really knows what he looks like. Dispite his aura of mysteriousness people have grown to like Snickerfox, as the young students call him because of his tendency to snicker at random times, but he has also become fond of the ladies of the Leaf Village. Much to thier dismay sometimes. He is currently awaiting his new students. ------------------ Name: Adoma Shittake Age: 25 Gender: Male Rank: Missing Nin Village of Origin: Village Hidden in the Grass Appearance:5'11" Blue eyes, brown hair and tanned skin. Has round glasses overhis eyes and wears a black sleeveless shirt with a flower on the back along with black pants and ninja slippers. His head band has no symbol on it. Likes: Kids, his purpose, Ramen, most ninja Dislikes: People who pick on the kids, Anbu Hunters Personality Quirks: Sleeps alot, laughs some, never gets close to Ninja Special Jutsu: Transformation: Elemental Sleep Powder Hurricane: Spreads sleep powder over the area. Item Transformation Special Weapon: Katana and Suriken Bio: Adoma entered the Grass academy when he was 12 and during his time and on after he learn how to be a ninja but never reached the rank of Genin because people kept telling him he was never going to make it . He got fed up at the age of 15 and suddenly left the academy. He wanted to go create his own Ninja academy and to show that even the smallest Ninja can be great. But now he is repeatedly hunted by Hunter Nin. None have been able to kill him yet and he spares most of his attackers. That is his Ninja Way.
  19. No problem. I plan on re launching soon anyway.
  20. OOC: OK THIS IS GETTING REDICULOUS! Ok from this point on this RP is CLOSED I will ask Sandy to do so. I have had enought of hte overpowered Genin and the God Modding. not all have done this. but here is some examples of who have been, The summoning: If not even a Jounin can summon a fox higher then three tails then a Genin oviously can't. And seeing as Snicker is the only one that knows how to summon them the RP how does someone that he doesnt even know know how? ANd the bear and it being that big how?! So in light of this the RP is coming to a close now.
  21. Snicker stood and looked at the both for a minue until Oki jumped down beside him. Oki whispered in to his ear and he then began to talk, [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Congrats kids you are Genin... It takes alot of Skill to be under me still... From what I seen both of you have great poteintal... but Something is holding you two back... Oki has just told me that you two have at this point VERY low Chakra levels. This due to your summoning... So from this point on... Nether one of you can summon your Bear or Fox.... Not until your chakra grows enough."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"What!? Thats not fair!" [/COLOR] yelled Gosa, [COLOR=DarkRed]"You are summoning all the time!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Kid that is because when I summon my chakra level is still hight enoug h so I can continue to fight. This is what happened with Kusu... You summoned your bear an that left you with very low chakra... That is my command."[/COLOR] Yue nodded, [COLOR=DarkRed]"And Yue.. Try to go a few rounds before you got Sharingun. Sasuke was a great Ninja before he knew any of the advanced forms of it. I doubt he would intentd one of his Clan to use that all the time."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Hehe... You might want to listen to him..." [/COLOR] said Mika in a tree, [COLOR=Indigo]"He might go even harder on you then he did me." [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Ah Kids say hello to one of my former students Mika... She is the best pupil I have had."[/COLOR] said Siniku.
  22. Siniku snickered and ran to the direction of the hot springs. As Gosa was catching up snicker got a brilliant idea. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Lets see if you can follow me through here!"[/COLOR] he said jumping down and running in the Ladies part of the hot springs. The ladies screamed a bit but then stopped thinking the Fox would just hang around for a bit then leave. [COLOR=DarkOrange][I]"hahahaha! Lovely!"[/I][/COLOR] he thought. He just sat on a rock and watched Gosa approch. Oki looked back and saw a fox much like her self, [COLOR=Tan]"Not bad Yue.. But it doesn't matter how many tails a fox has... It is that Fox's experiance..." [/COLOR] she said spliting into 3. [COLOR=Tan]"Now lets see which one you choose to follow." [/COLOR] she said as all three went in different directions. [COLOR=Tan]"haha!"[/COLOR] Another girl walked into the Ramen Shop with a bit of a strange outfit she sat next to Tsubasa and order some ramen. She had it set inset in front of her and ate it happiely. She seemed to enjoy the ramen alot, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Geez, I missed this place..." [/COLOR] she said with a sigh and looked over and immediatly noticed Tsubasa, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Tsubasa? It is you! hehe. How have you been? Its me Mika. You remember me?"[/COLOR] (OOC: I sign up as mika she is in the Sign Up Thread ^ ^ )
  23. Name: Mika Himura Age: 18 Gender: Female Rank: High Rianked Chunin Village of Origin: Village hidden in the Leaves Appearance: [URL=http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w162/Xfallen-purple-angelX/Kunoichi/kunoichi6.jpg]Mika[/URL] Likes: Sweets, Snickerfox, Annoying snicker, Teasing Snicker's students Dislikes: Loud annoying people Personality Quirks: Laughs alot. Gets along with most of the ninja except the ones that act all depressed. Special Jutsu: Night Eye: Sees in the dark. Wind Scythe: Shoots a blade of wind out of her sword Transformation Justu: Ookami(wolf) Special Weapon: Ninja Sword (Strait Katana) Bio: Former Student of Snickerfox, Mika trained under him for 4 years until she became a Chunin and Snicker said to find her own training. She took this advice to heart and started training on her own. She did however grasp inspiration from Snicker learning how he saw at night and his Transformation Jutsu, Her Night eye how ever is less effective. She has recently been seen around town.
  24. Snickerfox sighed as he felt Gosa grow near. He turned as soon as he landed on the ground behind him. Siniku glared at him, [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Had to use Ninjutsu didn't you Gosa?!" [/COLOR] he said angerly, [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Is that really all you do?! You don't know the Art of stealth at all."[/COLOR] He sighed and massaged his timples. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"But since whats done is done I guess we can start that training..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Summoning Justu! Kitsune!"[/COLOR] yelled Siniku as Oki appeared again. [COLOR=SandyBrown]"What do you need now Siniku?" [/COLOR] she asked yawning. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Time for these two to gain some training.[/COLOR]" he replied. [COLOR=SandyBrown]"Oh? This so soon? Ok." [/COLOR] She said standing on all fours. [COLOR=Indigo]"Why did you summon the Fox again?" [/COLOR] asked Gosa. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Oki, is here for your test..."[/COLOR] said Snicker, [COLOR=DarkOrange]"What you will have to do is Catch her but seeing that there are two of you you need another fox so..."[/COLOR] he paused as he did serveral hand signs then smoke appeared around him, [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Transformation!"[/COLOR] When the smoke clear a normal red fox stood looking at Yue and Gosa. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Where did Snicker-Sensai go?" [/COLOR] asked Yue. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Come now Yue and Gosa you don't know your Sensai? I am ashamed..." [/COLOR] said the fox. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Your test is to catch one of us before the end of the day... Oki is the hardest to catch but the easiest to see. I am the hardest to see and is slower... Now we both will start running in the count of three and then you will have to try and catch us..." [/COLOR] Both Oki and Snicker ran in different directions and started taking to the trees.
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