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Everything posted by Deathsye

  1. "However Gosa this isn't your Test..." said Snickerfox, "Your real test will come later Gosa. It is the one I am waiting to do until you get totally well again. All you have to do is collect one key. After that I will deem you able to train... Until then go about your way when your ready meet me in the woods next to the water fall. I will be waiting." Snicker walked out and told Yue to follow him. They walked to a small clearing where there was a water fall that collected in to a deep pool. He turned to her. "Yue... I know that you are of the Uchiha clan and had witnessed your Sharingun..." he said. "I was impressed that you mastered it so well. Who was your father? Sasuke?" Yue didn't know how to answer, "It is ok if you don't want to say. God knows me and him never really met eye to eye..." he thought for a second and snickered. "In fact no one has never met my true eyes... But how good are you with out it? That is what I want to know."
  2. "Well thank you..." said Snickerfox, "And it is a wonderful night... If only you could see in through my eyes.... I see the entire village as if it were day... The entire village covered in a purplish light." he said. Oki looked over, "Well time for me to go Snicker...hehe" she said poofing into smoke. Snicker poured himself another cup of Sake and gulped it down in one go, "Well that was sudden... Gets on to me for leaving her and she just goes poof." he said with a laugh. "But Tsubasa.... I know that isn't what you wanted to ask... What did you really want?" he asked bluntly. "And why did you agree to come with me on this little get together between us? Most women just scoff or laugh at me... Then agian I do flirt alot." Siniku paused, "I seem to be talking too much haha... Sake must finally be getting to me..."
  3. Siniku was sitting on the roof of the hospital looking at the moon. To many this time would be dark and creepy. But because of his vision he saw the village plain as day. He sighed to himself and took a bottle of sake he had on his waist. He also had two cups with him. Tsubasa had said she was going to drink sake with him tonight. After a few minutes Tsubasa jumped on the roof and sat next to Snickerfox. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Lovely night isn't it Tsubasa?"[/COLOR] asked Snickerfox pouring a cup and giving it to Tsubasa. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"I am sorry if you think less of me now for leaving Gosa for a bit... I had to get Yue out and Gosa said he could hold him off... Something told me he could..."[/COLOR] Tsubasa sipped at the Sake and sighed a bit, [COLOR=Magenta]"This is good..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Yes it is... It is called Moon Sake... Best drank while in the light of the moon."[/COLOR] he said with a bit of a laugh. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Haha. Seems we have company as well..." [/COLOR] Oki, the three tailed fox from earlier had sat next to the other side of Snicker, [COLOR=SandyBrown]"You have a knack for leaving me behind Siniku..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]"He does..."[/COLOR] said Tsubasa. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"What now you both are going to team up on me?" [/COLOR] asked Snicker. Both Oki and Tsubasa laughed.
  4. Snicker just laughed, "Tsubasa... There is no need for her to be here..." he said. "Thoght she does take a load off my eyes..." Oki looked back, "This is no time for flirting..." Snicker sighed and looked at Kusu, "Now is your chance... You ether turn and run and have a slight chance of living... Or you stay here and die... Up to you..." Kusu thought for a moment and then growled, "Fine.. I'll be back you stupid fox guy... Your the first one I plan on killing!" he said throwing a smoke bomb and getting away. Siniku said nothing as Gosa and Yue came in he just looked at them both, "What are you two doing here... This was a thing for us to handle students like you would have gotten killed." "But..." said Gosa getting cut off by Oki, "He is right... From what I see your chakra was almost gone..."
  5. The Fox just snickered and opened its eyes a bit, "Kusu... Your chakra is getting low... I don't think your going to be able to last much longer..." she said mockingly. Snicker laughed, "You see Oki here has a knack for being able to see Chakra even if it is invisible to humans... If she says it is so then it is." Kusu scoffed at Oki and said, "Yeah right Fox Obsessive... What nonsense..." he said squeezing Gosa's neck making him yell in pain. "I warned you ... " said Snickerfox as he threw the sickle and it stuck into the shoulder of Kusu. At this sudden pain Kusu dropped Gosa. Siniku slowly began pulling on the the chain making the sickle dig deeper into the flesh. "You see..." said Siniku. "When you mess with a Fox you get bit..." Oki chuckled, "I didn't even have to do anything..." Kusu broke free of the Sickle but then was knocked down by a blur. It was Oki the Three Tailed fox. It in its crouched position didn't do justuse to its size. It stood at waste height on Siniku. "Tch tch tch... I don't think so..."
  6. "Yue... You follow Tsubasa... I will go back..." said Snickerfox with a low groan. "I just respected my students wishes... Now it seems that I have to fix the problem myself." he said turning and pulling out his sickle and chain. "No one hurts my students..." he said with a growl. He lept and jumped from roof top to roof top. When he arrived he saw Gosa was in trouble. "Hold on kid!" he yelled jumping and flinging the sickle end at the attacker. "Tch tch tch...." went Snicker as Kusu flipped out of the way and landed on his feet. "What you finally worked up the courage and came back?" taunted Kusu. Snickerfox just looked at him as his yellow eyes dialated to lines like a fox's would, "You should be the one that is afraid Kusu... " he said swinging around his sickle and swinging it so it would catch Kusu's shoulder. Kusu barely blocked as Snicker swung again. "This isn't all I can do..." he said retracting the chain and grabbing a scroll that was on his waist, bit his thumb so that it would bleed and did several hand signs, "Summoning Style! Kitsune!" he said slaming the scroll on the ground and smoke shot up. When the smoke cleared a three tailed fox appeared and snickered, "[COLOR=SandyBrown]Oh, Siniku... What have you gotton your self into now?" [/COLOR] said the fox in a female voice. "Well... This one looks tough... I was hoping to call you when I started these two's training..." The fox looked at Kusu and back at Siniku, [COLOR=SandyBrown]"That it? This should be fun..." [/COLOR] she said with a giggle.
  7. "Oh? She is forgetful though isn't she Gosa?" said Snickerfox with a laugh, "I guess you were too preoccupied with being the daylights out of the other Genin that you didn't hear me..." He jumped down and walked towards Yue. The genin moved out of his way as he moved through. Some of them recognized him as Mister Snickerfox as thier younger School days. He would pay visits periodicly. "Well, Ms. Uchiha, I requested if you would like to be trained by me you could come with me to room 203 but that went out the window so I am here to request that if you wish to be trained by me, Siniku Yoshimitsu, that you follow me to my training ground. I assure you dispite my appearance I am quite skilled. But the choice... is yours."
  8. "Good to see a Genin actually thinking for once..." said Snicker. "That is good just keep it up..." he said. "You know that you and her are going to be facing a huge disadvantage when the Chunin exams come up... that is if you pass my test as well. Most Jounin like having the max number of Genin which is three but you only have one team mate to depend on... But that also means... That both of you will be alot more powerful then any one of the three team squads." Snicker looked at Gosa still watching and biting his thumb. He snickered and looked back at Yue. "Don't worry... You will get action soon... It is still just morning..."
  9. "No no... Your staying with me kid." said Snicker. "You have fought enough and besides...." he paused to snicker slightly and looked at him with his yellow eyes that showed in the dark of his mask, "You'll need all your strength if your going to be training with me... Ninjutsu and Taijutsu eh?... You'll need your bloodline limit if you want to keep up with me." He snickered again and started walking outside to his observing spot for the fighting. The looked to see if Yue was done fighting yet. He looked and saw that she was still going at it with the other Genin. "It is pretty interesting Gosa.... Why don't you come up and watch Yue fight with me... Maybe get a bit of a feel for Ms. Uchiha's skill so you might find a way to complement your skill with hers." he said snickering.
  10. Snicker walked in still laughing a bit. All of the Genin looked at him like he was a alien or something. He just snickered at some of thier reactions and looked to Gosa. He walked over and patted his shoulder. "Hey kid why do you look so worried eh?" he asked with a upbeat tone. "Don't worry about it we will get along just fine. But before we go we have to see if Yue will accept my invitation ok? Hey, i promise it will be worth the wait... " He looked Gosa up and down and tried to get a feel for his Chakra. He took him out in the hall and started talking. "So Gosa... Which style do you prefere Ninjutsu,Genjustsu or Taijutsu?"
  11. Hiro sighed and looked at Flare. He shook his head in disappointment as he grabbed two Pokeballs from his hip and threw them. As they hit the ground a Tyranitar and Quilava. Then he reajusted his glasses and the vest that had a faded red 'R' on the back. "Team Incarnate?" he said with a scoff. "What a rip off... Organizations like you just live off of the Original's glory... Knight use bite and Cinder you use Fire Wheel! Show that Incarnte twerp who was the best!" Both Knight and Cinder attacked in sync like they did so many times before. After the attacks they retreated back to Hiro.
  12. "Treat her right Keasora if she agrees to join your sqaud..." said Sinkiu he said still watching the battle with waning interest. That is until he saw Yue. He recognized the Sharingun immediatly. He snickered slowly and kept his eye one her. "Seems this year is full of surprised isn't it?" he asked himself. "Yue Uchiha... Part of the resurrected Uchiha clan... What luck. "Hey Yue... If you are interested you can come with me to room 203..." Snicker turned and walked inside. He had taken all he wanted this year. He had taken two that interested him enough to teach. He kept snickering at all the Genin that looked excited to be picked by there Jounin instructors. He had just arrived at the door of room 203 as he heard Gosa's comment. This actually made him laugh very loudly. He had finally found a Genin that thought the same as him. This pleased him very much. "Finally found one I can relate with..."
  13. Snickerfox listened to both Tsubasa and Toki about the girl Yuki. He snickered a bit and looked at Tsubasa. He reajusted his mask that had shifted ever so slightly. He didn't want it to fall off. "Tsubasa... You know as well as I that EVERYONE has something to hide..." he said this time not snickering, "I hide my face... And much of my past because it is simply not important." He looked back to the battle. Some of the frozen Genin were finally starting to thaw. His yellow eye darted around. He knew there were a limit of three Genin to every Jounin that wanted a full squad to train but he also knew that some would want a crack at training one. "I will wait till later..." he said. "You say she isn't your cup of tea when it comes to training... If no one else will pick her I will. The girl deserves the chance."
  14. It has been a hundred years since the Hero of Time had slayed the mighty King of Evil, Ganondorf and all of his minons. For this time it has been peaceful and the decendants of the Hero have not had to pick up the Sword. But a dark cloud looms over the people of Hyrule. A new evil has emerged and is searching for the Hero her or himself: A demonic looking woman viewed the open fields of Hyrule as she thought "..I heard the hero of time defeated Ganon.....He must be removed before he can stop me from ruling Hyrule...maybe this will get his attention." as a group of Skulltula's appeared and started attacking the farms. A girl woke with a start when her brother rushed out the door to attack whatever was attacking the Farmers in the Hyrule Fields. "Brother are you leaving?" she asked. He nodded and kept running and got on his horse and sped off. Lina as well got up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Things were usually lazy in the summer. Something didn't feel right to her. Tara saw the Hero of time coming as she summoned a skulltula to attack Link as she disappeared herself. Lina followed her brother out to where he was fighting the skulltulas. She saw him winning for a while but suddenly it began to go bad. Link was geting beat bad. "Come on Link you can do it..." said Lina watching from a hidden spot. Tara suddenly reappeared from behind Link as she did a stab at Link's exposed back.Link turned and was struck non fatally in the abdomin. Lina nearly yelled out but stayed silent. Tara smirked as she said "I will keep the hero of Time as a war trophy. My children, you may eat as much as you want as a reward." as she disappeared again. The skulltulas then went mad as they started eating any living thing in sight. Lina saw one of the skulltula look at her and start running at her. She got up and ran as fast as she could back home. Finally, she got away and locked herself in thier house and sat on the floor in front of the door and started to sob softly. "Why..." she said to herself. But, The skulltula saw Lina's house and started ramming the door. Lina jumped away from the door and backed up to the wall. From the wall above two things fell from the mount behind her. Her brothers old shield and sword he used before his new ones were forged. She shakely picked them up and put on the shield and drew the sword. She shook from pure fear. The skulltula broke down the door as it ran at Lina in hunger. Lina just thrusted her sword at the Skulltula but, the blow did nothing to the Skulltula's hard surface as it snickered and charged at Lina. Lina blocked the attack but was forced back to the wall. She began to slash wildly at the Skulltula. "Just go away and leave me alone..." The skulltula blocked with its shell as it rammed at Lina.Lina held the sword out in front of her. "Go away..." she said shaking. The Skulltula snickered at its prey as it charged again.Lina pushed it off of her shield. "..." she whimpered. Lina without hesistaion and out of fear plunged the sword into the Skulltuna killing it. "..." she sat down and sobbed. - Tara reappeared in an hidden underground cave. He tied Link up with web as she hit him in the face gently and said "Wake up." Link looked side to side then at Tara. "Where have you taken me?!" he yelled. Tara smirked and replied "You are in my liar, of course. You are my war trophy" as she stuck Link to the wall and said "So when the skulltulas rule over Hyrule, they will know that their hero of time can't save them" Link struggled in his binds. "I won't let you win..." Tara sat on Link's lap as he said "Oh? And how will you stop me? With no weapons, no magic, not even a way to move your hands." Link stopped struggling. "If I can't save them..." Tara lifted Link as she brought him next to the throne and tied him to the wall. She replied "You seem brave now, but you will be mine, Hero of Time" as she continued sitting on his lap. Link struggled. Tara then asked Link "Hero, do you know of anyone else who could oppose me?" "No..." said Link. Tara replied "are you sure? Not anyone?" as she played wiht Link's hair "No... I am sure..." said Link. Tara smiled as she got off Link and said "I see....tell me Hero fo time, did you kill Ganondorf?" "Your thinking of an ansestor..." said Link. Tara replied "Oh? If you say so" as she sat on her throne. "Hero,are you hungry?" "No..." said Link as his stomach growled. Tara replied "Oh? Really? Then you wouldn't mind if I didn't feed you for a few days?" "I don't care... You won't get any pleasure from me bending to you..." said Link. Tara replied "Hero of Time, you are quite cute when you are trying to act brave." [CENTER]****[/CENTER] Lina still shooken up opened the door to the house. "Are they anymore out there?" The area was silent as the skulltulas left the area. The farms were destroyed as only the chickens seemed to survive. "What is going on? Is there anyone alive?" asked Lina to herself. "And brother is... I can't help..." She scanned for any Skulltulas and ran to her brothers abdution spot. Only thing was a hat. She picked it up and slowly put it on. "I will save you brother..." An Octo was happily walking down the trail, when he noticed that the farms were pillaged. He quickly rushed to see what happened and saw Lina, with a sword in hand. He snorted angirly at her. Lina looked and say a Octo. "Why is one of those out here?" she wimpered. "Um... Hello? Are you lost?" she asked shakily. The Octo looked back and forth at the dead farmers. Then at Lina's bloody blade and charged at her in rage. Lina ran. "First that Skulltula and now this? I was only trying to be nice..." she said running. Octo shot a giant boulder at Lina as he charged at her. Lina dodged and kept running. "Why are these bad things happening to me today?!" she said running and sniffing. Octo shot several more boulders at Lina. Lina was caught by one of the rock and fell with a yell of pain. "Leave me alone..." she said starting to sob. Octo's fury seem to disappear from Lina's tears as he stopped and turned back to a purpleish color. It then slowly approached Lina. "First brother is taken and I was attacked by a Skulltula now a Octo is trying to hurt me.... Why?!" she said sobbing more. Octo approached Lina as he lifted her onto his back and started walking back ot the farms. Lina was surprised when the Octo was being nice. "Why are you..." she asked wiping some tears away. The Octo looked happy as he dropped Lina off at her home. Then walked off, looknig for the destroyer of the town. Lina stood up afterard then with a smile she waved. "Thank you!" [CENTER]****[/CENTER] Days passed as Tara remained in her liar. She smiled at Link and asked "Hero, you need food to survive. Is there anything you desire? I could get it for you." "Shut up... I don't need anything from you..." said Link weakly. Tara replied "Hero, you look pale. If you keep this up, you will die. Are you giving up on your homeland?" "... I will escape..." Tara asked "Hm? How do you plan on doing that?" "I will find a way..." said Link Tara snapped as a Skulltula brought meat in its hands. Tara held it in her hand and said to Link "Here, eat." "No..." Tara put the meat to Link's face as she said "Eat, I command it!" Link spat it out. "You can go to hell!" Tara snapped her fingers as two skulltula appeared and forced Link's mouth open. She then proceeded to put the food in Link's mouth and forced him to shallow. Link swallowed and choked some. "Damn you... WHy do you keep me like this?!" Tara replied "I keep you bound up becuase you are my prisoner, obviously" "If I am such a threat why don't you kill me?" She replied "Becuase, I like you" "What?!" said Link surprised. "Nothing!" said Tara as she quickly left the room. A golden skulltula went to Link and replied "My sincerest apologies, our mistressis stress with her work. Do tell me if you desire anything. Our mistress wishes for your health. " "Interesting..." The golden skulltula then replied "Is there anything you desire?" "Where am I?" The skulltula thought and siad "I don't see how that piece of data would help you escape. You are serveral hundred feet below Hyrule. This is the catacombs of the skulltula. It is very difficult to find your way out and vica versa." "Tell me more about... Tara." The skulltula thought again and replied "Our mistress's life has been a confusing one. Before her reign, was her mother's. Ah, a very benevolent queen she was indeed. But her children were massacered by you land-dwellers. So few of us were left that our caves were defenseless and a demon managed to enter the queen's chamber, we would do nothing to help our queen. But instead, he made a deal with the queen. He promised strength to all of her skulltula in return for her next heir in line to look nothing like other Skulltula. The queen reluctently agreed and the skulltula were able to drive the landdwellers back. But on that day when Mistress Tara was born, she looked nothing like the other skulltula and was shunned for that reason. She was still a skulltula for her ability to spin webs and vonom, but looked nothing like us. Always alone, Tara grew up by herself and when the queen died, Tara came to power and declared that everyone would attack the landdweelers that forced her to look like a demon. Many skulltula attacked the surface and our mistress lead us. But we were overpowered by Hyrule's forces as she saw many of us die, she became somewhat of a pacifist.....but now, even I, her most faithful servent, don't know her plans" "Hm... Kind of like Gramdpa's story when he was a young boy... Everyone shunned him just becasue he didn't have a Fairy Partner..." said Link. The skulltula replied "Indeed, there is nothing worse then being shunned. I hope you understand if the mistress seems quite childish." as the skulltula walked away fro mthe throne and asked "Is there anything I could get you?" "No..." The skulltula bowed and replied "Then I must be off. I have many things to do. Do feel free to call me if you need anything" as he left. "Ok..." There was a loud knock at the door a man in a black shread looking robe was at the door with a younger girl with near lifeless eyes. Kane, the golden skulltula that talked to Link, opened the door and asked "weclome, please state your business." "Oh Hello I am just here to ask the Queen some questions... I am just seeking to help. Please tell her, I am here... Just tell her she has a visitor." said the man. "Isn't this fun Anju?" She only nodded slightly. Kane looked suspiciously at the person and replied "Oh? Is she expecting you?" "Oh No. I am showing up as a surprise... But tell her I have something that might interest her." Kane said suspiciously "Fine....but I warn you, if you harm her...." as he let the two in. There, Tara was stilling at her throne and Kane said "Mistress, you have visitors "Ah. My Majesty..." said the man bowing. "I am here to help you in your goals of conquest...This is my...daughter Anju. Say hi Anju." Anju looked up and mutter the words, "Hi..." quietly. Tara replied "Hm? How would you do that?" "Of course of course how would someone like me help you? Oh, by giving you an addition to your army..." he said snapping his fingers and summoning a small shadow monster with a pumpkin head and a axe stuck in it. "This is my gift..." he said holding out a pumpkin charm. Tara asked suspiciously "Oh? And what is the price for this, creature?" The man just smiled and put his hands on Anju's shoulders again. "I will be going somewhere my daugther can't... And all I want is for you to watch over her whileI am gone..." he handed Anju the charm. "Now give this to Tara..." Anju nodded and ran over then offered the charm. Tara replied "That is all? No catch?" as she took the charm "Thats right. There is no catch... Just watch my daugther..." he said turning around. "Be good Anju..." Anju nodded. Tara turned to Link and asked "Hero of time, have you seen this before?" as she showed the charm to Link. LInk i head, "No. and your thinking about some one else... Maybe Grandpa..." Anju was standing next to Tara closely. She seemed to like Tara. Tara smiled at Anju and asked "Anju, I hope you don't mind staying with me for a while. Have you seen him before?" as she pointed to Link. Anju shook her head looking at Link. "I don't mind.... Father told me... " said Anju. Tara replied "Hero, this is Anju." Link only nodded. Anju looked at Link then at Tara. Tara hugged anju and said "Lets get you a room, ok?" "Room? For me?"asked Anju surpised. "Father never allowed me my wn room before..." Tara smiled and replied "Your father isn't here right now." as she clapped and Kane appeared. Tara told Kane "Help Anju pick out the room she likes, please." as Kane bowed and said to Anju "Please, follow me" Anju had a bit of light return to her eys. "Any room is fine... " Kane replied "I hope this is to your fancy then" as he showed Anju a decent sized room with a bed, drawers, and even a rug. The only problem was that it was dusty. Kane replied "I apologize for the dust, if you choose this room, then it will be cleaned as soon as possible. We haven't had guests in many years" Anju marveled at the room even though it was dusty. "It is beautiful...This is will be fine... " Kane bowed and replied "Then please, you are welcome to explore the caves if you wish. Just don't get lost" as he exitted the room. "So...nice..." said Anju. Meanwhile, Tara was sitting on Link's lap again as she asked "Hero, don't you agree that that girl was cute?" Link didn't struggle much this time. "She.. was." Tara then asked "Hero, if I were to have a daughter, do you tihnk she would be that cute?" "W-what?!" asked Link surprised. He shook his head,"Why do youwant m to answer that?" Tara replied with a smile "Becuase, hero, I'm curious. Do you think so?" "Um... I guess... Your a pretty... girl." said Link nervously. Tara smiled more happily then before and replied "Really? Thank you, Hero!" as he hummed away happily. "You know my name is Link not Hero." said Link. Tara replied "But you are the hero of time, correct?" "No but I am desended from him..." Tara held Link's chin as he said "Oh? If you are descended from him, hero, then you are much more handsome then the previous one." Link turned a rosy color,"What are you geting at?" Tara replied "its a secret for now, hero" as she said "How I must leave you. I have much to do" as she left. Link was confused. "What is with her..." [CENTER]****[/CENTER] Meanwhile at the Gerudo Canyon, Garion,the Gerudo Prince, was driving nails into the new bridge they were building across the canyon. He along with some bridge builders were working. A group of 10 skulltula appeared suddenly behind a golden skulltula. The golden skulltula bowed and asked "Excuse me, do you know where we can find the village of the Geudos?" "Tell me... What does a group of Spiders want there... Being one I must know..." said Garion still hammering. Kane replied "We are simply looking for someone, and seek his assistance. How the directions, good sir?" "You know a Gerudo Male is only born a hudread years apart? he he... They call me a Prince... And if you looking for.... Him... Then you should know he is long gone..." said Garion. Kane replied "Really now....shame...you will do, boy, what is your name?" "My name is Garion..." he said. "And I thought everyone knew that Ganondorf was gone..." Kane replied "Apologys, I have been underground for some time. Tell me, could you come with me? I have a request for you." "Hmm... The girls back at the compound won't like that...... They don't like me going out with out an escort... But what ever since you asked nicely... Just hold on I will be back." he ran to a tent and got his gear. He came back in his Roc's cape and wooden staff. "Sorry... I don't go anywhere un prepared... " Kane bowed and replied "That bridge, does it need completion? "It will be done in a few days...but I don't need it if I have the Rocs Cape...Your kind can help if you want..." said Garion. Kane replied "Should take an hour, worry not" as he instructed the skulltula to fix the bridge" Kane then glidded to the other side and said "Please, come along" Garion followed. "Where are you taking me?" Kane replied "Underground" as he wented a cave close by and there was a cave of tunnels "Please follow me, and don't get lost" as he continued on. "Not likely..>" said Garion following perfectly. Random skulltula prepared the attack Garion, but were stopped by Kane as they finally made it into the main room. There was a table and two chairs in one of the side rooms . Kane sat in one seat and replied "Come, sit, we have much to discuss" Garion sat down. "Why do you want to speak with me?" Kane replied "Simple, I've heard of the men of Geudo were very powerful. I believe that the people of Geudo would make an excellent ally for my mistress. So, I ask for a alliance. After all, both of us are forced to live in places, we would rather not live in." "Um... I am not sure. My people aren't unhappy nor are we happy... And I would do better if I knew who I was allying with... I want to meet her face to face..." said Garion. Kane bowed and replied "As you wish, but would you like to refesh yourself with food and water? You must be hungry." "No I am fine...I just want to meet your mistress..." said Garion. Kane replied "Then follow me" as he lead Garion to Tara, who was playing with Lnik's hair. Kane coughed and replied "Misstress, you have a visitor" as Tara went back to her throne seat and asked "Hm? Your name?" "I am Garion... Prince of the Gerudo. You asked for an alliance and I wanted to see you face to face." said Garion kneeling. "Pardon if that was..." He looked at link, only slightly recognizing him. "Rude..." Tara smiled and replied "OH? Kane must have done this without telling me. None the less, I believe an alliance would be an excellent idea. Tell me, if we conquor Hyrule, what terriorty would you want?" "Mistress... I am not Ganondorf... I don't want to Conquer. But I don't want to throw away this oppertunity..." said Garion. "I will help with what ever I can..." Tara asked with surprised "Hm? Then what do you want when we conquor Hyrule? Rupees? Power? Weapons?" "Nothing much... Maybe just trade." said Garion. "We don't need much..." Tara replied "Then we will trade for the resources your country would need. And the Geudos would be free to inhabit any land. Your people would be free. What do you say? Allies?" Garion walked up to Tara and shook her hand. He then turned and kissed it. "Yes..." said Garion. "We will give support from the shadows... Attacking caravans and such..." Tara smiled and replied "What a gentleman. If you wish, you may stay here for as long as you wish. Simply ask Kane to take you back to the surface." as she went back to Link's lap and said "Now, if you will excuse me..." as she smiled at Link. No. I will need nothing. I just hope i did the right things..." said Garion. Kane appeared and replied "Then to the surface we go" as he lead Garion to the surface. Anju passed Garion while she was exploring. "I feel him.." Link didn't struggle, "What was that about?" Tara replied "It is notihng of your concern, Hero." as she layed on Link's chest and said "Simply business." "Oh." said Link. "You know... You can un tie me now... I promise I won't run." Tara smiled and replied "I know and even if you did, you would get lost in the catacoms. But, you seem more comfy tied up, Hero" "Actually the binds are starting to hurt..." said Link starting to think about some thing else, his sister Lina. Tara then asked, seriously "Hero, would you be mine?" Link was still in thought about Lina a bit when he heard the question. "What?! Why do you ask that?" Tara replied "becuase....hero....Ilike you...a lot. So please, be mine?" "I... don't know.." said Link looking away. "You see... I do have someone on my mind right now... My sister... Lina... I am not sure if she is ok or not..." he said looking at her. Tara replied "If I may sure she was ok, would you say yes?" "Please... I would do anything to make her safe..." said Link. "And you aren't a bad woman... So.. I guess..." Tara replied "Skulltula, find his sister" as some skulltulas appeared and nodded. Tara then cut Lnik's bounds with her hand and said "My many thanks, hero." Link rubbed his wrists. "You promise that you won't do anything to hurt her?" Tara replied "Unless you attacks my children first." as she hugged Link. "Only reason... she would attack if she was attacked... Your Skulltulas might have attacked her that day..." said Link. Tara massaged Link's shoulders as she replied "Relax, hero. I will keep an eye on my skulltula just in case." "Thank you Tara.." said Link relaxing a bit. Tara replied "Of course, hero~ you will be sleeping with me, correct?" "WHAT?! Don't you think your going a bit fast? I hardly know you!" said Link surprised. Tara replied "We've know each other for a few days now, hero. Are you shy?" "No.. I just don't know you... And you don't know me..." said Link. "I figured you would want to know more about me if you really liked me..." Tara replied "Can't be get to know each other in the bedroom? We could talk about much." "Um... Sure..." said Link nervously Tara smiled happily and replied "I have much to do now, hero. I'll see you in bed tonight~" as she flew off in joy. Kane appeared behind Link and said "You seem to make her quite happy, my lord." "Well... When she captured me... I thought she was evil... But I sense that she is good..." said Link. Kane smiled and replied "If only everyone else could see that in our mistress. She only fights for our sake." "Yeah..." said Link. Kane then said "Lord, shall I show you to Misstress's room?" - "Um... not sure why your calling me your lord but... Ok..." said Link. Kane replied "Its fitting to call the future king, our lord" as he lead Link to Tara's room. "King?" Kane replied "King. The ruler of an area with a queen." "Ok..." Kane led Link to a dark large room as he lit a candle. The room still seemed dark, but there was a very large bed in Tar's room, surprising since she slept alone. The sides had many candleholders and the room seemed misty. "Wow... If it was brighter this would be a great room..." said Link. Kane replied "Then make yourself at home, I will call the misstress" as he left. "Ok..." said Link sitting on the bed. "So soft..." [CENTER]****[/CENTER] Meanwhile, Anju passed a very happy Tara and looked at her. "What is wrong?" Tara flew down as she hugged Anju and replied "Nothing is wrong, Anju! I'm smiling becuase I'm happy~" Anju was surprised by the hug. She had never gotten a hug from her 'father'. "H-happy? M- I mean Father... He has never been truely happy...... Nether have I ... " She started to enjoy the warmth of the hug. Tara replied "Then maybe you should leave your father, and travel until you find what makes you truely happy! Or you could stay with me, if you wish." Anju surprisingly looked up. "I would... love to stay with you... but... 'Father'... he... Would get angry at me..." said Anju looking back down. Tara wondered and asked "Why would he be mad if you want to stay?" "He...just will... I am his..." said Anju. Tara asked "Hm? His?" "His daughter..." said Anju correcting herself. Tara replied "He should be happy if you want to stay here. Fathers should want to have their children happy......Though I never had a father..." Anju wished He was really her father and cared for her like one. But in truth she was more of a slave. "...um... Can I ask you something?" Tara asked "Yes? What is it?" "Um... If father doesn't return... Will you.... be my.... Mother?" asked Anju quietly Tara smiled and replied "I will gladly be your mother, if our hero of time becomes your father." Anju smiled for the first time and hugged Tara more. "Thank you, Mother..." Tara smiled and replied "Anytime, my daughter" as Tara flew away. Anju stood happy and actually smiling as she wondered around the lair. Tara flew to her chambers and knocked on the door. She then asked 'Hero, are you inside?" Link replied, "Yeah! But it is your room so you don't have to knock..." Tara entered and smiled. She asked "Is it to your liking?" "It is a very nice room... It is kind of dark though." he said Tara smiled and replied "Spiders are sensitive to the light, I can't help it if I am the same." as she sat on the bed, she said "Come hero, do lay down, feel free to undress." "W-what?" asked Link nervously and turning red. Tara replied "Hm? Do landdwellers usually sleep with their clothes on?" "Um usually just in our underwear or what... I don't cause I shared a room with Lina..." said Link. Tara replied "Whatever makes you comfy, hero~ If you wish, I will stay the same" as she layed on the bed and said "Hero, lie down, we have much to do, much to talk about." Link took off his shirt and boots but left his pants on and laid back. "So um... What do you want to talk about?" Tara answered "Tell me a bit about yourself, hero." "There isn't much to tell... I grew up with my sister and Dad left and we never knew where. We just helped with the farming or anything else that needed done..." said Link. "My life was uneventful." Tara replied with a smile "A shame, if only everyone know about your blood" "If everyone knew they wouldn't leave us alone... Me and my sister. We were Twins you know..." said Link. Tara replied "Then tell me, how did you learn to use a sword like that?" "Kind of in the blood... Grandpa taught me some but Lina didn't learn much... She was good at medicine making though..." said Link. Tara snuggled next to Link and asked "Them why would she be looking for you?" "... We are brother and sister... She might just be trying to help me... You did... well... capture me and gave me a good wound..." said Link. "She might think your hurting me..." Tara asked "Did that wound heal yet?" as she was touching his side. "It is better..." said Link. "Still hurt a bit..." Tara said "awhh." as she licked the wound and said "I'm sorry if I hurt you too much, hero" "But... Now I have a question... Why do you like me? You have changed since you captured me..." said Link wincing bit from the wound being touched. Tara replied "Simple. hero. You could have submitted to me at anytime. But you were strong-willed....or maybe stuborn. You didn't yield and you kept on having hope, when all seemed lost for you. Thats what attracted me to you" "Oh... No one has stood up to you before?" asked Link. Tara replied "Do you forget? I am the princess of the skulltula, my orders are absolute.Any who oppose me, Kane deals with." "... Ok... " said Link. He didn't know what else to ask. Tara yawned as she put the part of the blanket over her and saod "Hero, I wish to sleep. Goodnight" as hshe snuggled next to Link and fell asleep on his chest. Link watched as Tara fell asleep. He suddenly smiled then started to fall asleep as well. Kane took a small peek inside the door and queitly closed the door as he smiled to himself and tohught "It's good to see the mistress happy" --------- ^ ^ I hoped you enjoyed the story so far. And if you have any questions after reading please feel free to ask about charcters and such but that is excluding what is going to happen.
  15. No problem TA. And accepted. Monipo ^^; if you want to get accepted you got to finish the sign up.
  16. "Sorry about that Tsubasa..." said Snicker reajusting his mask, " I was very inconsiderate. Why don't you join me for some Sake later?" He let out a small snicker. "Meanwhile... I have a kid to look at..." He jumped and landed behind Gosa. Gosa turn and was a bit startled about the sudden appearance of the tall masked Jounin. Siniku turned and chuckled as he saw the startled look. "Why don't you head back to the class rooms... I will be by later to take you and train you. Congrats you have sparked my interest Gosa." he said jumping again and landing back where he was. "They joy of being me... Glad to see you have selected your Genin Tsubasa. Prehaps this one can pass your test. hehehe. And I hope Gosa can pass mine..."
  17. Snikerfox watched Gosa with some interest. He was at the point where he was not snickering at the thought of training one of these three. He saw as they faught each one exibited great skill, yet it was raw... Undefined. "Prehaps this willl be a good year after all..." he said to himself still watching Gosa. Snicker could see that Gosa's chakra was getting low and just sighed. He knew training this one would be difficult at the least. He watched the other two with the same idea. But which was worthy enough to be his student? "It takes more then just raw power and strength to study under me..." he said to mostly himself. Shinaru looked like he was a bit high of himself at the least. Toru seemed more of a thinker. Goru was more of a mystery to him. "I think I have found my boy..." he said with snicker.
  18. (OCC- I guess we better speed up the RP ...) "Well see you later Tsunada." said Snicker as he sped away to the Academy. He had to get ready for the Genin he would be assigned. He had his own way of testing to see if the Genin were capable of being his pupils. This would be revealed later. As soon as he entered the academy, a bell rang calling all Genin and Jounin to the courtyard of the academy. Siniku stood behind several of the other Jounin and look out over the flock of Genin that were coming in. He snickered queitly as he saw several Genin looking nervously around. He looked at some that looked like they would be very fun to train and some that were just up tight. After a few minutes the Hokage stood among them. "I see we have many Genin this year." said the Hokage to Siniku."How many you think will make it?" "Sir, I think more then half will fail... Then again I maybe wrong." he said with a snicker. "I certainly hope so." The Hokage looked towards the crowd, "Hello my young students. I imagine that this is a special day for all of you. These are going to be some of the most important days in your lifes as Shinobi. But all of you should know... Half of you will not make it." A quite pulse of whispering went through the crowd. "How ever you will have the best Jounin instructors in all the land. Good Luck and those of you that do not make it... Maybe next year will be better" he said walking back into the academy. As he returned inside a Jounin spoke to the crowd, "Ok all of you will now be assigned your instructers. If you would, go to a degsignated area and Jounin will observe your current skill and will select only ONE to teach."
  19. Siniku just snickered and kept looking out over the village. He saw a familiar face walking down the path to the Academy. A big grin appeared across his mouth inside the mask. He jumped onto the gates then to the ground. "Well Hello my lovely Tsubasa." said Snicker with a small laugh. "How is the day treating you so far... By the look of things very well." Siniku has only one weakness, cute women. He often flirted with the lady Jounins. Much to thier dismay most times. Some just laughed and tolerated the laughing masked man.
  20. Sunrise in the Hidden Leaf Village, A slow time but peace ful time. Esspecially for a certain ninja named Siniku Yoshimitsu. He has been looking forward to this day for weeks. He had not had Genin pupils in the longest time. He just sat on top of the academy and watched the sun rise. "This is going to be a beautiful day..." he said to himself with a small snicker, muffled by his Kitsune mask. "I wonder if the other Jounin are as excited as I am?" He started to see the early risers stumble out of thier homes, some sleeply some energetic. A slight smile grew on his hidden mouth. "I would be amazed if some of those energetic ones were Genin..." he said with a louder laugh.
  21. Wow. That was a big rush of sign ups haha. Ok everyone is accepted. ^^ I will have the RP up sometime this week. And if you have any plot ideas or anything to ask then send me a PM.
  22. With the years coming and going in the Leaf Village, so to do the Genin and other Ninja in the village as well. Students that pasted the last Chunin exam have become full fledge Ninja. This means that there is a new stream of Genin. Some will make it some will not. The name is Siniku, Siniku Yoshimitsu or as the kids and cuties call me Mr. Snickerfox. That is for my tendency to chuckle at random. Hehe. Oh sorry. Some of the genin this year look good... And some look like that Knuckle head Naruto... I don't see how he became a Jounin. Anyway, I am said to have new students along with several other of the Jounin. I hope I get some that have some talent. Then again the less talented ones are the funnest to train. They aren't conceded. So I am going to keep all of this years events in this Journal. They might be good they maybe bad but could go ether way. In fact I should give this journal a proper name... Hmm... Here is a good one: [CENTER][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The Ninja Cronicles[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] Good Luck to myself, and all the other Jounin. ------------------------------------------- Ok this is oviously set sometime after the show. So anything could happen. ANd I didn't make anything happen much in the Intro because... what fun is a Rp if you know what is going to happen? Rules!: 1) You can be Show Characters or someone desended from them. But orginals are highly valued. 2) No God Modding! You can't always dodge everything. 3) No Powerplaying unless someone says you can. I know under certain circumstances if a RPer is unable to post cause of a Absence or have someething going on then it is nessessary. But please keep it to a minimum. 4) This is the most important rule.... Have fun. ^^ OH and no Sanin.... There are only 3. -------------- Sign Up: Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Village of Origin: Appearance: Likes: Dislikes: Personality Quirks: Special Jutsu: (No blood line trait UNLESS you arefrom that blood line/ Made up ones are acceptable but nothing over board/ And also list your Unique Jutsu here) Special Weapon: (Arm Blades to Giant Swords) Bio: (At least a paragraph ladies and gentlemen) ------------- Here is my character: Name: Siniku Yoshimitsu Age: 25 Gender:Male Rank: Jounin Village of Origin: Leaf Village Appearance: Wears a Anbu Kitsune Mask with the Leaf Symbol on his face. Hair is mid length,orange and eyes through the mask are Yellow, however his true eye color is a raven color. He wears a sleeveless shirt that is purple as is his pants. Likes: The Ladies, his students,Sake, sleeping, and peeking when he can. Dislikes: People that are rude to women, Kids with attitude, and hangovers Personality Quirks: He likes to snicker. And has a tendency to flirt with the lady Jounin, often turns into a fox for hugs Special Jutsu: Eye Shine: Lets him see in the dead of night. Kitsune Transformation: Transforms him in to a cute cuddly fox. Summoning Style: Kitsune: Summons a fox Special Weapon: Sickle and Chain Bio: Sniku Yoshimitsu is possibly one of the strangest Ninja ever to grace the Leaf Village. He always has his Kitsune mask on so no one really knows what he looks like. Dispite his aura of mysteriousness people have grown to like Snickerfox, as the young students call him because of his tendency to snicker at random times, but he has also become fond of the ladies of the Leaf Village. Much to thier dismay sometimes. He is currently awaiting his new students.
  23. Accepted. ^ ^ [COLOR=DarkGreen] [SIZE=1]Please avoid using one-word posts, Deathsye. Instead, you should wait for the sign-ups to be closed to accept people in. Doing it after every sign-up is both redundant and spammy. - Sandy[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. Name- Hiro Masa Age- 23 Personality- Strait to business, not likely to take mercy on an opponent Appearance- Blonde spiked hair and sunglass, has an orange eye color. And wears a black T Shirt and vest w/ a fade red R on the back. Also has black pants and boots. When they started training- 17 Are they a gym leader- No Pokemon(nicknames included if they have one,levels also included)- Tyranitar- Knight Lvl: 40 Cyndiquil- Cinder Lvl: 10 Scyther- Muramasa- lvl: 20 What they want to be(coordinator,pokemon master)- Master Bio/Writing sample- When Hiro was first getting in to pokemon training he was like everyone else thinking that battling was for fun and for making friends. But at 18 he got tangled with Team Rocket. For years he had been working for them and being one of thier strongest Mercs. But since thier disbanding Hiro has been homeless and nearly pennyless. He just got wind of some work. Maybe this will get him and his Pokemon out of the cold.
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