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Everything posted by Deathsye
S'ok ^ ^ I trust you can post well. I RPed with you before. And accepted.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][CENTER]HALO:[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]DESERT BRIGADE[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][/CENTER] Harvest, a world with a very decieving name. It is a planet of heat and sand. A planet wide desert with no vegitation or no native life. The planet is a very important foot hold for the UNSC however. One of the biggest UNSC bases are on this deselent planet, Omega Outpost. And also one of the most fortified Convenant Bases are on Harvest as well, A floating moving gigantic floating barge, The Peditant Path. The Convenant and the Humans are perpetually fighting on this planet in hopes one can finally defeat the other... As of right now it is a stalemate but word has it that a band of human reenforcements are coming:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Several Covenant grunts and elites littered the ground of a inner chamber of a Military base. Another wave of troops came in and looked around, "Where is the Demon?" A soldier in white armor walked out of the shadows, "Bout time you got here." He took out a pistol and popped off the 3 grunt surrounding the Yellow Elite. The Elite yelled and switched on his Plasma Blade. The Spartin chuckled and whipped out what seemed to be a handle he pressed a button and a large steel blade shot out of the handle. "Let's go big boy." The two charged at each other and locked their blades. "You look even uglier up close." he said. "Same to you Demon." The Elite force the White Armored spartin back and lunged at him. The Spartin whipped out a pistol and shot the Elite in the head. "Go to hell." The room around him melted and became a room with grids on all the surfaces. "Good, very good, Spartin 1138." said a Female voice from the intercom. "Please call me Deathsye. I don't like being called a number." "You shouldn't call yourself Deathsye but whatever. Hey, and congratulations you are now a Combat ready soldier." Deathsye yelled with relief, "Finally... These simulations were getting boring." "Come out and we will celebrate." "You alway want a reason to celebrate." "So..." "You have a point." "Plus you hardly have a chance to take your helmet off it will be good for you to get some fresh air." After the celebration Deathsye was approched by a High Ranked Officer, "So, Admiral, where would you be placing me on my first assignment?" The Admiral smirked, "Always to the point. In a few days you will be shipping off to Harvest one of the planets in the Beta Sector." "Also a planet-wide desert." "Don't worry about it. Your internal coolant should keep you cool. And you won't be going alone there will be several more Marines going with you." "Rookies?" "Yes, Of course you don't have room to talk." "I guess I have no choice I will take the Assignment." "Good. You will be taking the Judge Hammer to Harvest. Good Luck." A few days later Deathsye was shipped onto the Judge Hammer and proceded to Harvest. [/COLOR] --------------------------------- [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=3]The Humans[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARTAN-II_Project]Spartans [/URL] (Here is a link that will tell you what you need to know about Spartans.) Marines- Sometimes whering MJOLNIR armor of thier own though not as durable as the Spartans. THey where the normal soldier attire. Camoflage and such. The have a assortment of weapons. From pistols to rocket launchers. Even some have covenant weaponry they have from Fallen enemies. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Th[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]e Convenant[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] The Elites The Elites come in various forms and ranks and are approximately 8 to 9 feet tall. Elites combine both brute strength and excellent battle-field tactics making them one of the most feared Covenant foes The Grunts Approximately 5 feet tall and the weakest of the Covenant forces, they are little more than meat shields. They travel in packs and use a variety of weapons. They are hapless fodder in the wake of Master Chief, but a careless Marine could easily become a victim. The Jackels Approximately 6 feet tall and a more formidable opponent than the Grunts with superior senses of sight and hearing. They serve as assasins and scouts to the Covenant army and are equipped with a plasma pistol and an energy shield which makes them much harder to kill. The Hunters- Hunters are 12 foot tall behemoths. In their combat state their crouching position results in a height of about 8 feet. They carry a very powerful fuel-rod gun that is integrated into their armor system. They also carry a impenetetrable shield that they also use as a melee weapon in close range. The Brutes- The Brutes are about as tall as the Elites but are much larger and recklessly violent. They prize sheer force over tactics and when injured can drop their weapons and go into a primitive rage, destroying everything in their path. There so there will be no confusion on the races. ================ OK! the rules: 1. No powerplaying. I will allow it if it is nessisery but if the other person is perfectly able to post the I won't 2. No god modding! YOu are not a god. Your guy gets hit sometimes. 3. I don't want like a million spartans. Only a few spartans will be accepted at the most 6. 4. Be sure to have fun ok? ^ ^ ================ Sign Up: Name- Age- Gender- Race-Human(Marine or Spartin) Covenant(Grunts,Elites,Brutes,Jackels and if you want a Hunter(Can have two since they are always paired) Rank-(Sargent etc.) Appearance Weapons- (Favorite) Specialty- (Like demilitions, infiltration, etc.) Bio- (You are ether on or headed to Harvest in the end of the bio) -------------- Here is my character and also a example sign up. Name-Spartin 1138- Deathsye Age-25 Gender- Male Race- Spartan Rank- Lieutenant Appearance: [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/325/e/e/The_white_Chief_by_GnappyAssassin.png[/IMG] Weapons- Combat Knife, Pistol and Battle Rifle Specialty- Trained in all types of combat but is specificly trained in Infiltration. Bio- Fresh out of the Spartin Program Deathsy or Spartin 1138 is assigned to the Marine Outpost of Harvest, A desert planet. He has yet to see true combat outside of Reach. He has been sent as part of a detachment of Soldiers for re enforcement. He knows nothing of his companions. --------------- Name- Xenas Age- 39 Gender- Female Race- Elite Rank- Spec Ops Appearance- Black Elite Armor with gold lining, a grey skin tone and bluish eyes, very distinctive. Weapons- Plasma Sword and Carbine Specialty- Usuallly Barks orders from her command post on Harveest. But has good skill in most weapons. Bio- Commander of the Covenant Forces on Harvest. She is one of the few Elite females that can hold such a post. She inspires loyality through kindness and tolerance. She is one of the few that see the Humans as worthy opponents. Many thing her a fool and many think her a genius. But few question her when it comes to tactics. She currently has no known friends on The Peditent Path.
Name: Soran Dren Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Dark Elf Major Skills: Long Blade, Heavy Armor,Destruction,Conjuration, and Alteration Profession:Battle Mage Appearence: Hair is red and his eyes are a purplish color. he wheres a long blue cloak with a hood. Usually wears gloves. Soran's skin is a teal color, lighter then most dark elf's. Also, his Katana's sheath is a gold color as well as the hilt and his Fire Staff is maked ofthe Roots of trees near the Arcaine University. Soran's heigh is about 5'8" to 6' tall. Personality: Soran is is a reletivly good mood all the time, one of his habits is messing with his soul gems usually flipping the small ones in between his fingers. His opinons on Deadra worship is that in some cases as in Ansestor Worship it is fine but then there is the Evil Deadra. He is torn between most of the religous Worship Practices: Worships nothing. Is a Agnostic. Guilds: Fighter's Guild-Journyman Mage's Guild- Appretice Past: Orignally born in the Provance of Morrowind Soran moved to Cyridill with his mother at the time Dagoth Ur was senting the Blight Storms. Because of this He has been confused in the way of the Empire and the ways of his kind the Dunmer. He officially joined the Mage's guild after getting training with the Fighters Guild. He is currently on his way to Kvatch to help with the Deadra problem. Equipment: Steel Armor w/o the helm and a Steel Katana and a Staff of Fire. Tends to use the fire staff at long range and the Katana at short. The steel armor is used only in major combat. -------------------- Name: Adicus Chastus Age: 40 Gender: Male Race: Imperial Major Skills: Heavy Armor, Blade, Block, Armorer and Athletics Profession: Imperial Guard Appearence: [URL=http://www.tessource.net/files/images/Imperial%20Armor%20Replacement-4.jpg]Adicus w/ Armor[/URL] / He wears a blue nobles attire outside of the Legion but he is mostly in his armor seen above. He has blue eyes greying brown hair and tanned skin. His height is exactly 5'11" and body type is very well built mostly all muscle. He also has a scar running down his right cheek and up through his eye. Also his Legion's armor is made of mix of Steel and Ebony and has a mixture of qualities, Steel's weight and has a third of Ebony's strength. Because of this his armor appears black. His Nordic Claymore has a red leather hilt and a sheath that when is pulled out sharpens the blade. In turn the Claymore is never dull. Personality: Serious mood, Is extremely loyal to the Empire tothe point where the ends justify the means. He supports the Empire on all fronts. Worship Practices: Worships the Nine. Guilds: Imperial Legion- Templar Past: In his twenty years he has been in the legion there are few that question Adicus's loyalty. He was in the Imperial city when Urial Septim was assasinated. His heart was filled with grief. But he decided to keep fighting in the Emperor's Memory. He has been riding his white horse from the Imperial City to Kvatch where the Legion is holding off the Deadra. Equipment: Imperial Legion Armor, Nordic Claymore. Carries aroud the Claymore all the time ======= Edit: SOrry I am not good at decribing things well. ^ ^;
Accepted ^ ^ ----- Name: Magnus Antari Age: 35 Gender:Male Race: Human Class: Jedi(Grey) Appearance:[IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs6/300W/i/2005/092/5/1/Jedi_by_Muoteck.jpg[/IMG] Specialization: Comp skill, repair, and Med Training Weapon: Double Bladed Lightsaber (Silver) Heavy Mandolorian Blaster Dueling Vibroblade: Used in freindly sparing Likes: Challeging objectives, not using the force in challenging fights, Good People Dislikes: Cheating, Bad people that have no honor Quirks: Using Force to play little tricks Bio: Magnus grew up on the Dantooine Academy when it was rebuild He was trained as a Jedi and grew quickly throught the the rank of apprentice. But in his years as a padawan he learned the Jedi's weaknesses in the way of no Emotioin. So he left one day when he was 18. He had been traveling the universe and learning new skills on his own. He has gained friend in the galaxy and many many enemies ----------------------------------- Name: Sera Ordo Age: 23 Gender: Female Race:Mandalorian Class: Soldier Appearance:[IMG] http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs12/300W/i/2006/302/2/8/Mandalorian_Female_Revised_by_Kuk_Man.jpg[/IMG] Specialization: Demolitions, Pesuadion , Security, Med Skill Weapon: Sniper Rifle Sonic Blaster Flamethrower on wrist Likes: Guns, Mandorlorians, Honor Dislikes: Cowards and weakness Quirks: plays with the trigger on her gun and sometimes taps her helmet Bio: One of the few remaining of the Clan Ordo. Sera had roamed the galaxy looking for work where ever she could find it. Be it for The Exchange or for the Republic or Sith. Recently business has been bad. She would except any job at this moment.
[SIZE=2][FONT=Impact][COLOR=Tan][I]Star Wars: Bane of the Force It is a time of rebirth of the Republic. After the resent Jedi Civil War the Jedi have been slowly recovering over the last 100 years the water in the Room of a Thousand Fountains flows once more. It is seemingly an age of peace and serinity once again. But unknown to most Jedi there is still a evil force in the galaxy. The Sith still remain a constant threat. Reports has come in that Korriban a sith world has become active again, a new sith academy has been built. No one knows who exactly the one who has rebuild the academy but all know it is a sign of Darkness on the horizon. Many hope that the new Jedi Order will be up to the challenge. Only time will tell if this is true. No one is sure what will happen but one thing is certain. This will change the face of the Galaxy like never before.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]--------------------------- ^ ^ Ok... This is the 3rd rp I made up this year. I hope this will be a enjoyable experiance. Remember the basic RP rules as well as the Forum rules. ----------------------------- Sign Up: Name: Age: (Canon to Race) Gender: Race: Class: (Jedi*, Sith*, Soldier,Scout,Scoundrel) Appearance: Specialization: (demolitions,comp skill,security,repair,Medical,stealth etc) Weapon: (Up to 3) Likes: Dislikes: Quirks: Bio: * Ok. I had a problem with this in my last RP with Star Wars. Too many Jedi and Sith characters. We need a few of the other classes too not just them so note that if I think there are beginning to be too many Jedi or Sith then I will not accept.
Alright here we go again. ^ ^ ------------------ "Are the torches in order Onox? Veran?" said A tall woman with white hair and two staffs of Ice and Fire. The ones know as Onox and Veran stepped forward with one torch in their hands. "Now with the torch of Dread and the Torch of Hate light the final torch... The Torch of Dispare." said the woman again. They both lit the giant torch in the center. "Now...We summon you... Oh, Master of the Dark... Now we command you... Come forth from your dark,dank tomb... We command you! COME FORTH GREAT KING OF EVIL... COME FORTH GANONDORF!!!" The torch went out and a dark rumble filled the chamber and a dark glow came from the center and a even darker voice came from the center, "[COLOR=DarkOrange]Twinrova...Onox...Veran... All three of you are loyal servants... and your servace would do me greatly... but... there is a part of the ritual you didn't know about... In order to revive me... souls must be sacrificed...souls equal to the one ressureced... unfortunatly... in order to equal mine all three of you must be sacrificed... And I thank you for giving your lifes for me to live once more...." [/COLOR] Veran looked in horror as Onox's body dicentigrated and the black soul of his was sucked to the center. Then Veran's body did the same and her soul rocketed towards the center. Then Twinrova with a quivering voice asked, "Master... W-why me? I have always served you well... Please spare me..." Ganon's ghostly figure appeared in the center. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"But, Twinrova... You will still be serving me... by giving me your soul you will give me the ultimate servace... Giving me your life... and becoming part of Me. HA HA HA!!!"[/COLOR] Her body slowly disappeared before she could scream her body dispersed and her soul was absorped by Ganon. Then he emerged into Hyrule.[COLOR=DarkOrange] "I have returned..."[/COLOR] ------------------ Meh. just something I wanted to write. I thought it would be cool to see what would happen if Link didn't succeed in Oricale or Ages and Seasons. So that is what is above. Enjoy.
(OCC: Armageddon you have a double post ^ ^ Just thought I would point that out no biggy.)) Soran looked above and had a bit of dread come over him he had never seen a real dragon and they were said to be extinct in Morrowind. The awe struck him as a kind of fear not knowing of its intentions. He pointed his fire staff its end caught on fire but didn't throw a fire ball. Soran was quite able to control it expertly. "G-get back..." he said shakily. But he thought that since it hadn't attacked it might have just been curious about him. A young dark elf out inthe middle of the ash lands alone would be curious. But still it could be blighted. He had read that dragons are smart... Very smart. He didn't put down his staff. He didn't want to be caught off guard if this was a trick.
Hey hey! Accepted welcome to the RP ^ ^ But before you start posting I would like to see a picture or description of the character
"Are the torches in order Onox? Veran?" said A tall woman with white hair and two staffs of Ice and Fire. The ones know as Onox and Veran stepped forward with one torch in their hands. "Now with the torch of Dread and the Torch of Hate light the final torch... The Torch of Dispare." said the woman again. They both lit the giant torch in the center. "Now...We summon you... Oh, Master of the Dark... Now we command you... Come forth from your dark,dank tomb... We command you! COME FORTH GREAT KING OF EVIL... COME FORTH GANONDORF!!!" The torch went out and a dark rumble filled the chamber and a dark glow came from the center and a even darker voice came from the center, [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Twinrova...Onox...Veran... All three of you are loyal servants... and your servace would do me greatly... but... there is a part of the ritual you didn't know about... In order to revive me... souls must be sacrificed...souls equal to the one ressureced... unfortunatly... in order to equal mine all three of you must be sacrificed... And I thank you for giving your lifes for me to live once more...." [/COLOR] Veran looked in horror as Onox's body dicentigrated and the black soul of his was sucked to the center. Then Veran's body did the same and her soul rocketed towards the center. Then Twinrova with a quivering voice asked, "Master... W-why me? I have always served you well... Please spare me..." Ganon's ghostly figure appeared in the center. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"But, Twinrova... You will still be serving me... by giving me your soul you will give me the ultimate servace... Giving me your life... and becoming part of Me. HA HA HA!!!"[/COLOR] Her body slowly disappeared before she could scream her body dispersed and her soul was absorped by Ganon. Then he emerged into Hyrule. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"I have returned..."[/COLOR] ------------------ Meh. just something I wanted to write. I thought it would be cool to see what would happen if Link didn't succeed in Oricale or Ages and Seasons. So that is what is above. Enjoy.
(OCC: Sure ^ ^ ) Soran looked around. He couldn't see what was following him but he knew it wasan't human nor any other race. Orc or nords would make to much noise walking, High or Wood elfs would ask for directions or something since they stuck to the lower lands of Morrowind. Dark Elfs wouldn't care ether way. They would leave him alone. Humans would talk to him just for the pleasure of it or something. But this was quieter... He was nervous. He drew his katana and his fire staff. "All I need to do... is travel to this place and get the dues then I head up the road to the Tevanni wizard... He should be nice enough to give me Scrolls of Divine Intervention or something."
Soran stepped on to the ashy, crag ridden land known as the Ash Lands. There were some cliff racers circling but Soran knew they were not much threat. He only worried about Ogrims or the chance that a Deadra sliped out of a ruin or from Ghost Gate. Also there were dangers of Blight Storms. They weren't dangerous in them selves but blighted creatures had the tendincy to attack more often. "By the nine I hate it out here..." said Soran using his fire staff as a walking stick. He heard a slight stepping and looked behind him and saw nothing. He walked on causiously. [I] Nothing could go unseen without some kind of spell... I hope that isn't a Winged Twilight , Golden Saint or Deadra... [/I] thought Soran
"I can't believe they are sending me to the Ash Lands. That is crazy. I hate going out there." said Soran groaning. He had been out there before and nearly was killed by a Shalk Beetle. They were small but were big enough to bite and cause damage. He was attacked and after some time wandering collapsed. He was helped by a outlander with Ebony Armor. The Outlander carried him to Ald-ruun and let him cooperate at the Mages' Guild. The Outlander was later named Neverine. The man was a hero. Soran never forgot him. But never met him again after. "If I go out there and get hurt there will be no one to save me this time..." said Soran heading to the edge of Balmora. He looked back and made sure his katana was straped tight and staff was too. He traveled across the two bridges and headed to the Aserian Regiion , a forested area on the edge of the ash lands.
(Ok lets get this party started eh? I will be playing the Emporer and the Deadra Lord Dagoth ^ ^ Lets have fun.) [color=blue]"The dice have been cast... I look upon a once tranquil world. Once a world of peace and beauty. Now... many of my people have been slaughtered... Forests burned... Villages crushed and mighty fortresses now lay in rubble. I look upon my world with great sadness... How has it come to this... Forces are amassing... If somehing doesn't happen soon the Empire will fall... The Nine save us..."[/color] said the Emporer Urial Seimtim looking from his tower over his land he felt that a great evil was coming. Mean while in the Plane of Oblivion a dark lord of the Deadra was planing his empires down fall, [color=darkred]"Morrowind... Cyridil... all of the continants of this world will fall... It is our destiny to plunge this world into never ending chaos. It is our time to rule. Humans, Elves, Orcs and beasts... They will not stand in our way... We are of Oblivion. We wil consume all that is good in this world. Twist it... Contort it and break everything in our path... Our empire will rule! The Nine will not save you now!"[/color] Riders exit the Imperial City and spread across the land. They ride to each town nailing to posts and rallying in the streets to call the warriors of this world to arms. There are few left after the previous encounter with Oblivion. Mages, Knights,Theives,Witch Hunters all litsen but few answer the call. But, meanwhile something is stiring pulling others with dark hearts and evil intentions into the dark side. They are too amassing warriors. A war is coming... ------------------------------ In the Balmoran Mages Guild was a young Dark Elf named Soran. He was ready for his misson of looking for the Telvanni Mage to recruit he was also given another mission: Collect Guild Dues from one Marvak. He hadn't payed them and now was up to 2000 drakes due. He was sent to ether get the dues or bring him to justuce as the Stewart had commanded. "I hope he just gives the dues...."
*nods nods* Good good. ^ ^ Accepted. I will try to get the RP up sometime with in this week or the next. I havent for gotten yall.
No problem and if everyone changes thier Races to Canon ones we can get this RP on the road and ride it to the end. ^ ^
Accepted but you might want to change a few things. Like the Exterminate Skill. If it is a poison then it has to work its way throught the body and would be painful but not a instant kill.
Alright this thread is set up to give you information on the World that you will be RPing in. If the info in this thread is not enough please PM me. First off... The Races: [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_%28Elder_Scrolls%29]Imperial[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breton_%28Elder_Scrolls%29]Breton[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nord_%28Elder_Scrolls%29]Nords[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redguard]Redguard[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altmer]High Elves[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunmer]Dark Elves[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosmer]Wood Elves[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orc]Orcs[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khajiit]Khajiits[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argonian]Argonians[/URL] There are the Races. Just click on the Links and it will take you to the Wiki Articles that have the Information. And if you wish to have some information on Cyrodil, The world of the RP [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrodil]HERE [/URL] is a link
I actually noticed this too. But you could have just PMed me. Then I would have rectofied the mistake. I was planning to open a Underground Thread soon anyway. Still though thanks.
That is neat ^ ^. I didn't think about using a monster. Well Accepted. Hopefully we get some more members.
Ok make sure to finish. Name: Hyobusa the Sword Hunter aka Hyobusa the Lone Wolf Age: 200 Race/Nationality: Oni(Wolf)/Genki Likes: Being alone, talking to his swords Dislikes:Loud people , The war Appearance: [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/122/1/a/_Samurai__by_dadoundy.jpg[/IMG] Weapons:Maru(Katana) and Ice Fang(Diakatana) Abilities: Speed and ablities to see in the dark Bio: Wolf Demon's usually stick with thier packs their entire lifes. But some are abandoned at birth if the mother isin't wiling to take care of it. Hyobusa is one of these Wolf Demons. He was abandoned by his mother and left to death but a Human and his young wife found and raised Hyobusa as thier own. As he got older he withdrew from life outside his home. He felt that he was lonely for a reason. His profession is a Sword Hunter. They search for lost weapons and other items. But since the war he hasn't had a chance to hunt for the Sister Sword of Maru. He was on a quest east but now it is blocked off to foreigners
Ok Monipo accepted after you get done ^ ^. ---------------------- Name: Soran the Mage Age: 49(Young by Dark Elf Age) Gender: Male Race: Dark Elf Appearance:[IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs6/300W/i/2005/047/c/1/Broli___Samurai_Extreme_by_self_replica.jpg[/IMG] Likes: Magic, The Mage's Guild, the members of the guild. Dislikes: THe Night Mother, Necromancy, The Black Dawn, Daedra Class: Mage Weapons: Katana and Mages Staff of Fire Abilities or Specialization: Magic(Summoning , Enchanting , Attack Spells) Biography: Soran is a Journeyman of the Mage's Guild. He has been with the guild for many years and has many Mage's skills. He is one of the youngest summoners in the guild. He has only been able to summon Imps and scamps. But his magic potental is the greatest of the Journeymen.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The dice have been cast... I look upon a once tranquil world. Once a world of peace and beauty. Now... many of my people have been slaughtered... Forests burned... Villages crushed and mighty fortresses now lay in rubble. I look upon my world with great sadness... How has it come to this... Forces are amassing... If somehing doesn't happen soon the Empire will fall... The Nine save us...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Morrowind... Cyridil... all of the continants of this world will fall... It is our destiny to plunge this world into never ending chaos. It is our time to rule. Humans, Elves, Orcs and beasts... They will not stand in our way... We are of Oblivion. We wil consume all that is good in this world. Twist it... Contort it and break everything in our path... Our empire will rule! The Nine will not save you now![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Riders exit the Imperial City and spread across the land. They ride to each town nailing to posts and rallying in the streets to call the warriors of this world to arms. There are few left after the previous encounter with Oblivion. Mages, Knights,Theives,Witch Hunters all litsen but few answer the call. But, meanwhile something is stiring pulling others with dark hearts and evil intentions into the dark side. They are too amassing warriors. A war is coming...[/COLOR] ------------------ Well this is another RP I wanted to make for a while. I thought since the world was soooo big it would be a awesome place to base a RP off of. This is set around the time of Obivion but this time there is no one hero. Oh and remember the Rules kiddes! 1. No OVER powerplaying 2.No Godmodding. 3. And Have Fun --------------------- Sign Up for the Kiddies: Name: Age: (Depends on Race) Gender: Race Appearance: Likes: Dislikes: Class: (Mage , Warrior, etc etc) Abilities or Specialization: (Fire , Stealth, Warrior skill) Biography:
Ok First RP I have made in a long while and first tme I have showed up in a while hope I know how to still do this thing ^ ^ ---------------------------- It is an age of unrest. War is seemingly looming over the horizon. Humans have split in to diffrent provinces. The largest provinces the Shinme and Kameguri are the closest to War. The 3 smaller provinces Kiwa, Genki , and Yomoichi are caught in the middle. For with in them are major strategic point that could give Shinme or Kameguri the advantage over the other. The one deciding factor on these side are the Oni of the Provinces. They are disputed over who should get the land. Some say Lord Shinme has the wisdom and will to rule, Others say Kameguri has the Strength and Ambition to govern. Now there are even conflicts between the Oni themselves. They have chosen sides. The smaller provinces aren't prepared to defend against these forces only few Oni belive that War doesn't have to happen. However unknown to these people the War has started already. The first arrows have been fired. ------------------------------ OK! How is that eh? ^ ^ Ok this is set in a Alternate Timeline. THis is set some time befor the show and as such you can be an ansecestor or relitive but NOT a character from the show. Feel free to use you OCs. ------------------------------ Ok RP signups: Name: Age: (Oviously if your an Oni your going to be older then humans or something) Race/Nationality: Human or Oni / Kameguri, Shinme, Kiwa, Genki or Yomoichi Likes: Dislikes: Appearance: Description or Pic will do Weapons: (Up to 3) Abilities: Make sure it fits your Character and Race. Bio: --------- I sure hope you guys like this Idea ^ ^
"Good Xenos... But you will have to do better..." said Kizan. Xenos had been frustrated with his training and was nearly at the breaking point. He had given up a lot of pride when he asked Kizan to train him. But now he was getting talked down to and ordered around. He didn't like that. "I am doing what I can!" he yelled. Kizan examined Xenos's swords. "Why do you use those... So weak..." Xenos roared, "These are only used by the highest ranked of our kind you will not question our culture!"
Umbra picked up his hammer. And Xenos stared at the place Xazer once stood. Kizan walked up from behind him and stood beside him. "I told you... Your tactics are nothing against The Force... I admire your Honor based culture but time to time things and tactics have to change... I know you against our power but..." said Kizan getting cut off. "All I need are the support of my troops..." said Xenos. Kizan nodded, "But how are going to keep thier support.... If thier leader can't win on his own?" Xenos though on this for a while and even more when he was back at the ship. He had realized this was mostly unknown space... there could be more Force Wielders... He came to a desison.. "Kizan... I will ... Train under you...My..." he struggled with the word, "Master..."