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Everything posted by Deathsye

  1. "You are in no postion to offer or demand anything..." said Xenos. "As of right now your ship... is being targeted by my Crusier. If you ever wish to leave this planet then I suggest you give up that hammer and any other things you have.... Cause as powerful as you claim to be... you are nothing with out any of your powers... Or your augmentated weapons... You could hardly use your fists if you had too... "
  2. "Embodiment of Dishonor... Avatar of Evil.... You are not worthy of our ways or our rules...." said Xenos raising one hand and lowering it. Suddenly a beam wrapped around Xaner and lifted him up. A Brute Chieftain with his Gravity Hammer decloaked behind Xaner. "Thank you, Umbra... Your assistance in this is greatly appreiated..." said Xenos. The Cheiftain grunted. "You see... Humans... Never have back up plans... And you will find that getting out of this... is quite impossible..."
  3. "Ha! Your one to talk..." said Xenos running again at Xaner. He locked blades with Him. "You... no your entire race are nothig but useless scum... You sescrate everything you own. For that reason The Prophets them selfs declared a war upon you.... It is more of an Extermination then a war... In the end all you attempt..." said Xenos pushing Xaner back. "Is for nothing..."
  4. Xenos suddenly had an Idea. "Hmph... Like a human with the Intelligence of Brute can beat a Elite.... That is laughable... If you are wondering... Brutes are those large hairy apes that are on our ship... he he... Your much uglier though... and that is very very sad..." He rushed at Xaner and began attacking.
  5. Xenos rolled but was caught by a saber still. "RAHHHH!" he yelled. He cursed some in his language. He held both of his blades all though his arm was slumping because of the wound. He then roared and showed his teeth. He rushed again. "You believe that is it? I believe it has just begun..." he said panting a bit. "Honor Guards ar the toughest of Elites... We can take little burns like that..." He started attacking again.
  6. OCC- Fine. ---------------------- Xenos blocked Xazer's attacks and then something occured to him as he backed away. "Hmmm...." said Xenos "Your reaction speed is impressive... but how impressive is it..." He rose one of his Plasmas and threw it at Xazer while running with his other and lunging at Xaner. The lunge was a strong elite attack seeing that he had to jump while sprinting strait at a enemy. He remembered that a Spartain fell to this attack long ago. "Let see if you can survive..." He became ready to stab as Xazer blocked the flying sword.
  7. "Impressive... But lets sell how you do..." said Xenos spliting the Plasma swords in to two different ones. "How you do against two... RAAAAHHHH!" He rush and attacked with both. As Xazer blocked another cut came..
  8. Xenos rose from his position and spun his blade. "Very quick..." he said. He rushed and faked a over head attack and went for the side instead.
  9. OCC- Jeez sorry for not posting... I will try to be more active here Cap'n Takuya!!! And Lt. Darren!!! ------------------------------------------ Adamu and Impmon appeared a little late but no so late as to not take a scetch of the battle. After he was finished he notice Impmon had started runing in. "Wait Impmon!" yell Adamu. Impmon ignored the words Adam spoke and kept running at the battle. "Bada Boom!" he yelled firing a little ball of fire at Andramon. "Let's go big guy!" Adam put down his notebook and ran after Impmon. Andramon saw the little purple Digimon attacking him and fired a attack at him. Adam grabbed Impmon and rolled out of the way. "Damn You little..." said Adam. Impmon was pushing him off. "WHat are youdoing?!" "He would have blasted you you little idiot. I wasn't going to let my annoying little buddy get blasted!"
  10. "Not bad... For a human... Not many can hold their metal against a Elite...Let alone an Honor Guard... This will be interesting..." he said ducking and beginning to do a sweep.
  11. "Of course..." said Xenos powerig up his double plasma sword. "DO not expect me to be a easy opponent." He held the swor in front of him and closed his eyes. "This victory will be mine..." He rushed at Xazer.
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Xenos nodded. "Very well..." he said deactivating his blade. "And no use of your 'force' powers... I know that powers smell... " he said starting loosen up. "And unlike you humans... I have my honor. I will respect your condistions... Now lets see how well you fare without your Force." Xenos then turned to the Elites behind him and nodded. They picked up Blood Scale and got a bead on the other body guard. "And to make sure you don't try to break the deal... I will keep your Guards... Break the deal... You and your ilk... Will pay most dearly... I will see your there... And I hate tardiness..." The Phantom that had been hovering over the landing site picked up Xenos and transported him to the specified location. He sat a waited[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. Sera saw what was going down in front of her. She remembered that her weapons were in her room. "Hikaru, I will be right back... Trust me." said Sera sprinting towards her room. She gathered her equiptment and put on her white helmet. She cocked her rifle and put her greanades on her waist. She skidded back into the scene fully armored. "If you were looking for a fight then you found one..." ------------------------------------- Xenos slammed Blood Scales head into the ground with his hoof. He broke out his Double Plasma Sword and heald it to his neck and looked at where Xenar was. "IF YOU WANT YOUR BODYGUARD ALIVE...." he said touching his blade on Bloodscales cheek, scorching it. "AHHHHHH!" he screamed from the burn. "I suggest you hand over what ever you are carrying of value! If even this will not move you... Prehaps I should order the Fleet orbiting to blast your ship... Ether way you lose..."
  14. OCC- Sorry for not posting the last few days - -; had some family issues. --------------------------- Tsudo was surprised by the kiss. "What was that for?" he wondered. Deathsye slightly jealous walked off to the bar. As usual Tsudo was close behind and started drinking quite heavily. He wasn't buzzed till after the 13th drink. "This stuff is so weak..." said Tsudo. "Not like...." *Flash Back* Tsudo was in a kind of good looking darkly lit bar in a city like area. A guy in poofy hair sat next to him. "So how are you Tsudo?" he asked. Tsudo put down his drink and smiled, "I am fine Edgar. Thanks. It is good to know I have at least one friend in this city..." Edgar laughed,"I thought you were after some girl..." "Yeah... But with my rep she wouldn't even want to talk to me... Hard to believe a names meaning can do so much harm to a guy... Tsudomashi..." He swigged a hard liqour. *end of flashback* "Hmm.... Wierd..." said Tsudo coming back to the real time. "It is like it happened only yesterday... And too bad we can't find a recipe for... Whiskey I think it was... This beer isn't cutting it..."
  15. [CENTER][SIZE=2]Fight 2 Mario VS Mewtwo Fight Post#1[/SIZE][/CENTER][COLOR=Purple]"Hmph... I have to face a human?" said Mewtwo floating above the ground slightly while staring at the Red Hatted man stood before him. "This will be easier then I thought... Come on. Let's see if you are worth the trouble!!" Mewtwo rushed at Mario and let looses a couple of psychic punches. Maro dodged and jumped on top of Mewtwo's head. Mewtwo turned and began to attack again. "Not bad but you are still going down..." said Mewtwo. After a bit of brawling and not seeming to get anywhere he began to charge up an energy in his left hand. He was somewhat impressed that a Human could keep up with him. "Shadow Ball!!!" he yelled firing a ball of darkness at Mario that bounced it off of a cape Mario had. Mewtwo already blown back from the force of the attack. He rose a shield that blew him into the water of Great Bay. A few seconds later he rose from the water. "You have impressive powers... but you will never defeat me... Your only human..."[/COLOR]
  16. Deathsye was a bit more Concerned by Sky's situation then he had thought and Tsudo was more confused. "What is going on all of a sudden?" he asked. "We leave and she is injured again." "It was her vision..." said Deathsye. "Look's like if this continues I might have to make more water for you Sky."
  17. Xenos was raged by the comment. "RAAAAHHH!!!!" he exclaimed leaping swiftly and aiming at Bloodscale with a lunge. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" ----------------------------- Sera sighed. "Don't worry Pyro is mostly harmless unless he is ordered to be harmful..." she said. "And Miss Hikaru. We don't want to get any innocence to get hurt because of us. If you and everyone else wishes us to leave then say so..."
  18. "Sky, your bleeding!" yelled Deathsye putting pressure on the wound that appeared. "What did you remember that caused a phyical manifestation of..." he asked trailing off. "Hm... This is getting more obscure every moment it seems..." ---------------------------- "Ruby, I am not sure if this is yours or not we have to have it analized before we know for sure." said Meister holding the Memory Box. "Whatever... it was way too easy to get..." said Tsudo dissappointed.
  19. [CENTER][IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/Bklynstyles/mewtwo.png[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Mewtwo[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Purple]"How I dispise humans."[/COLOR] said Mewtwo on top of a building in Saffron City. [COLOR=Purple]"They are so selfish... They use Pokemon as slaves for thier battles and amusements. They even use us as... Pets... Disgusting." [/COLOR] he said again looking away in distain. He flew from building to building soon landing on top of the Silph Co. building. Mewtwo sat there for quite a while until he noticed a small Pichu roaming the streets alone. He looked sadly at the small yellow mouse and flew down and landed in front of it. [COLOR=Orange]"Pichu!" [/COLOR] he exclaimed. He was both surprised and frightained of the large creature that had landed before him. Mewtwo showed a rarely seen but warm smile,[COLOR=Purple] "Don't worry I won't hurt you. Are you lost?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]"Pi... Pichu..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"You poor thing..."[/COLOR] said Mewtwo sadly. He picked him up and put him on his shoulders. [COLOR=Purple]"You won't be alone anymore."[/COLOR] Then Mewtwo flew off and for awhile he forgot his grudging personality. He and his new friend were having fun. They flew around, landed in the park in the city and chewed on the fruits that grew on a tree within. He looked around for a moment and saw a piece of paper on the ground. His psychic powers told him it was planted delibratly but not known from where. He saw that it was a note and read that thier was some kind of tournement. [COLOR=Purple]"These things are ment for Humans..."[/COLOR] said Mewtwo throwing away the paper. Then in an instant a blast came from the sky,seemingly out of no where, and blew apart a nearby building. A bit of rubble flew at him and the Pichu. He rose a shield to block it. [COLOR=Purple]"It maybe a thing ment for humans... But this threatens them and Pokemon alike... I can not allow this to happen..." [/COLOR] he said knowing that he must leave soon. Pichu pulled at his leg. [COLOR=Orange]"Pi! PICHU PI!
  20. Xenos and his elites gave chase. Xenos fired his Carbine at Bloodscale and Xilriz and this was along with the plasma bolts and needles from the other elites as well. "You can not escape!" yelled Xenos. "No matter how fast you run you will not escape the Blade of the Prophets!!!!" He and his elite began to sprint. ----------------------- Sera sat down on the bed in the quarters that Hikaru had shown her earlier. For the first time in days she yawned. "I don't know what is going on... Where is the convenant... We should have come out where they did... " she said to herself. "And now we might have gotten these people caught up in a war they never knew about... Frustrating..."
  21. Xenos and several specops stalked Xilriz. "There was be a reason for them to be so cautious about this planet..." said Xenos. He sniffed the air. He knew it was time to strike. "Now!" he yelled the elites decloaked around Xilriz. "Ready to die?"
  22. "But the Captain put me encharge anything you do will be considered my fault." said Sera now a bit calmer. "Sorry for my mistake however...It has been a tiresome day..." She was massaging the rim of her nose from a headache. "First Harvest was attacked... Now we are on a alien planet fighting with ourselves... Not a proud day for the UNSC.... ---------------------------- Xenos scanned a area over the ridge of a jagged hill and saw one of Xazer's bodyguards go into a Structure that he hadn't seen before. "Just one of his guards... The structure looks important..." he said to himself. Finally a Phantom landed next to the landing zone for the pods. "You two stay and defend that Phantom. The rest come with me. Then when we reach the structure half defend the parameter and Me and who ever is left will take the structure. No one else must take it." The plan proceded and Xenos and 3 other black armored elites cloaked themselves. They tracked one of the guards to a places that seemed important. "Good human you have lead us to something most valuable..." said Xenos and his elites decloaking. "Now if you want to keep your life I suggest you surrender... if not... We will .... Kill you..." said Xenos darkly.
  23. Fine. Since I have to be all proper about it. Accepted.
  24. Yoshi was soon flipping trought the streets. And jump over a street seeing Mizuki he then landed behind her. "Wonderful night eh? Such a lovely moon..." he said with out his usual kackle. Mizuki turned around and Yoshi flipped over. "He he! Over here..." he said laughing. "Soooo fun messing with you Jounins.... Esspecially the newer ones..."
  25. Sera looked at Blood Dawn. "The hell you are. I am still your Commanding officer soldier. Now I am commanding you to return to the spire NOW!." Sera hadn't seen such disobediance in a Spartan before. She was very angry with the situation. "As long as I am above you in rank you listen to me. And if not me The Captain. He had strict orders NOT to start problems here... If you do what your say your going to do I will hold you for Unit Insurrection." --------------------------------------- Xenos tracked movement on the surface. "Hmph... If this planet is important to this ... human then it must be of some importance to us. I will take some of your spec ops with me Half Jaw... You are in control of the ship until I arrive back...." Sometime later black pods that held individual Elites dug in the ground. They burst open and one of the Elites were Xenos himself. "I will be damned if he beats me again..." said Xenos holding his Carbine and his doublebladed plasma sword at his side. He looked around. "Such a dangerous climate... be careful. You are Half Jaws elites. I don't want to be responsible for... His sorrow."
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