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Everything posted by Deathsye
Sera shook her head. "Fine Blood Dawn you go run back to the Spire and quit while the REAL spartans are down here trying to patch things up." she said turning and approaching Akira. "Ma'am We have some medics in my unit if you wish to use them." Sera bowed and walked into the temple looking for Hikaru. She later ran into her and her younger brother. "Oh, Hi who is this?" Hikaru introduce him as her padawan and brother. Sera smiled and reached down for her rations bringing out a Chocolate Bar. "Here you go." ---------------------------- "Sir, We have detected the Ship that had evaded us earlier." said Zealot at the controls. The Brute that had been at the station before had disobeyed a direct order from Xenos and attempted to attack him. But, Xenos put a plasma blade through him for his incompatance and for disobeying him. "Hmm... Mustafar... Why is this planet of use?" Kizan pondered then replied, "It is where a long time ago the Confederacy of Planets used to use as a strong hold it is a volcanic planet." "Hmmm.... Maybe we should engage...."
OCC- Sorry Sandy - -; Sera sprinted and tackled Hikaru to the ground. She pinned her down with her cold armored hands.Hikaru couldn't move. She then twisted the still activated lightsaber out of her hand. "There is no use in struggling against a Spartan. We are much stronger then normal humans." said Sera. Sera looked at Akira, "Your little girl here isn't making you any friends." she said picking up Hikaru as she herself stood up. "Listen Blood Dawn said your people fired first. Not good when I have 30 nervous Marines on a Alien Planet... And if we were hostile our Fleet would have fired by now..."
"Did you think it may have been a accedental shot? Geez." said Sera. Sera turned around and walked towards Hikaru with her index finger and thumb rubbing the ridge of her nose. "Miss, I am sorry about what happened. But if what he said is true and your people fired first then I am not responsible. How bad was your master hurt?" she asked. ------------------------------------ Xenos and his Super Cruiser the Truth and Reconsiliation had left the orbit of the Planet of Naboo with Kizan and Sky on board. He had left several other crusiers in orbit to defend. "The Queen of that planet said there are more planets that would be a strong resistance..." said Xenos sitting on his Command Deck looking at his downloaded Star Maps he stole from Naboo. "... If I attempt to crush the strongest worlds now... It would be disasterous... But... I will take the weaker ones first... This one... Taris seems like a weak world. We will attack this Planet and then take out more worlds upon the Outter Rim as you call it... Then when we conquer them... We will sweep through the Core... he he... " he said with a coinfident growl.
Sera was enraged when she came into the palace behind the marines. "Who gave you an order to Attack Marines?!" she yelled angry. "Stand down or I will have you all incarcerated!" The normal marines stood down as Sera ran to the room where Hikaru and Blood Dawn were. She ran passed her and slammed Blood Dawn to the ground and pinned his head to the floor. "You stupid jackass who gave you premission to fire?!?!" She said letting him up twisting his arm. "Get back to the Pelican... NOW!"
OCC- I don't want your sith to be weak nor to powerful. Just do what you think is fair. And please don't drop out. --------------------- "Sir the ship is out of our range." said a Brute at the Sensor Array. Xenos scowled. "Such disrespect... Just landing on MY crusier...." He turned back to see Half Jaw and The Zealot awwaiting him. "You have done well... Half Jaw. You fought with honor." said Xenos walking past. Half Jaw growled respectivly, "Thank you Commander..." ----------------------------------------------------------- "It is nice of you to give me quarters her Miss but I would drather go back to the Spire." said Sera. "And my name is NOT outsider... It is Sera. How am I supposed toknow what planet this is... We were just amazed that this is a Ci... " She was cut off by a radio transmission. "Spartan 1134 Status report?" asked the Female AI Keta. "Situation is under control and the Marines are safe for the moment." "Good..." Sera looked at the shorter woman that stood a good deal below her height. "Miss. I am sorry if we appeared Hostile but we just want to make sure that a area isn't over run with Covenant." Sera said setting her white MJOLNIR helmet and proping up her rifle against the wall. Along with these she sat a pistol and 3 plasma grenades on the table.
Deathsye smiled and held her. "Hey it is going to be ok. I am sure if it is some how connected we will figure out a way to help." he said kindly. "You should drink more of my water.. It will stop the poison... I'll be right beside you if you need me." -------------------------- "Your keeping me from the memories that we lost...." said Tsudo powering up a large Blaster. He fired and detroyed the things right side nearly blowing it in half. He walked over when it fell and crushed its head. A small green glowing disk fell out. "A memory box..."
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Deathsye replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Yoshi had returned twhat he called home but what others might call a shack made of old timbers and nails. He was laying in the his hammock looking at blackness. He sat up and took off his shade and mask. His reflective eyes shine with what little light there was. He now saw the whole room as if it was daylight. "Namu..." he uddered. " i shouldn't be resting... I should be out... Doing things... Sleeping is so boring anyways..." He got up and went out side. He entered the woods and just ran about and flipped though the trees. "HO HO HO!!! ------------------------ Adoma was sleeping in a tree in the Fire Country. He had made it his unoffical home considering the Hidden Leafs were the only onesnot wanting to kill him. "That is good... Finally a place that i can train my apprenentices in peace..." -
OCC-Yeah that has been bothering me. Your sith are too powerful. "Did he just fire upon us?" asked Xenos darkly. "Send Phantoms and Banshees.... Take him down... They will be backed up by one battle crusier... Don't stop until he is dead... That is a order. GO!" Hundreds of fighters filed out of the hangers of the ships along with bigger ships. "We overwhelm... we conqure... None will survive... For I am the Blade of the Prophets...." The fighters and phantoms attacked Xazer's ship. Along with this the Crusier was firing its main cannon. "I would expect this from a human.." OCC again- And there is a underground thread that has discriptions of each race.
"We don't mean your planet harm infact it is the opposite. We were tracking a Convenant Battle Fleet that attacked one of the UNSC's planets. We want to assure that they don't take any planets. They are the ones that you need to worry about not us." said Sera shouldering her rifle and taking off her white helmet. "Ma'am. We just want to know where we are... This is beyond any of our star charts." ----------------------------------------- Xenos spat at the ground. "If I took him one on one he would have fallen... And again... I see the tricks that these Sith have to pull to win... He is lucky that I have no intention of moving as of right yet..." he said. A small grunt sqealed in joy for some reason. "HE HE HE!!! We scared the demon away!"
Ok I thought since there was some confusion on the Halo Races and such that I would explain here in more detail on what Races and such. So here is the Skinny on the races . [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=3]The Humans[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARTAN-II_Project]Spartans [/URL] (Here is a link that will tell you what you need to know about Spartans.) Marines- Sometimes whering MJOLNIR armor of thier own though not as durable as the Spartans. THey where the normal soldier attire. Camoflage and such. The have a assortment of weapons. From pistols to rocket launchers. Even some have covenant weaponry they have from Fallen enemies. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Th[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]e Convenant[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] The Elites [IMG]http://www.halomovienews.com/halofaq/images/elite.jpg[/IMG] The Elites come in various forms and ranks and are approximately 8 to 9 feet tall. Elites combine both brute strength and excellent battle-field tactics making them one of the most feared Covenant foes The Grunts [IMG]http://www.halomovienews.com/halofaq/images/grunt.jpg[/IMG] Approximately 5 feet tall and the weakest of the Covenant forces, they are little more than meat shields. They travel in packs and use a variety of weapons. They are hapless fodder in the wake of Master Chief, but a careless Marine could easily become a victim. The Jackels [IMG]http://www.halomovienews.com/halofaq/images/jackal.jpg[/IMG] Approximately 6 feet tall and a more formidable opponent than the Grunts with superior senses of sight and hearing. They serve as assasins and scouts to the Covenant army and are equipped with a plasma pistol and an energy shield which makes them much harder to kill. The Hunters- [IMG]http://www.halomovienews.com/halofaq/images/hunter.jpg[/IMG] Hunters are 12 foot tall behemoths. In their combat state their crouching position results in a height of about 8 feet. They carry a very powerful fuel-rod gun that is integrated into their armor system. They also carry a impenetetrable shield that they also use as a melee weapon in close range. The Brutes- [IMG]http://www.halomovienews.com/halofaq/images/brute.jpg[/IMG] The Brutes are about as tall as the Elites but are much larger and recklessly violent. They prize sheer force over tactics and when injured can drop their weapons and go into a primitive rage, destroying everything in their path. ---------------------- Here is some of the Faction differences- The Galactic Republic- Ruled by a Senete. The Republic is a collection of worlds that desire peace and doesn't like getting in wars. The Covenant- Currently in a war with the UNSC. The are on a Holy war it seems to get rid of the Humans and everything they stand for. They believe the Spartans are demons and believe with every human they kill they are closer to their Great Journey. The UNSC- Humans that have been in war with the Covenant for years. The UNSC is the United Nations Space Command. They are military based thought most worlds they protect are in habited by civilans and would do anything to defend them. They contain the Spartan supersoldier
"You are not welcome her human..." said Xenos. "You have exactly 5 minutes to leave or you will be forced to leave... Trust me... The Convenant is made up of much more then you have seen... If you continue to inped The Great Journey then you will be killed..." Xenos had his own double bladed Plasma Sword at his side. He was much stronger then he appeared. Not to mention he had conciderable back up. A Yellow Armored elite was behind him as well as Half-Jaw. The Yellow armored Zelot switched on his blade as did Xenos.
Half Jaw gave a respective smirk as a loud clanking was heard. "It seems our Hunters have arrived... " he said as a green blast nearly hit Xazer. Several heavly armed and armored creatures with blast shields and Fuel Rod Guns sprinted at him firing. While he was distracted Half Jaw jumped and seemingly in mid air lunged at Xazer.
Half Jaw caught his footing before he was blown away. "A tough human.... But you are still only that..." he said rushing himself. He swiped at the Sith with his blade finally knicking him a bit. "hmph....Feeble..."
Tsudo jump over the balcony and attacked the Gyne head on and it fought back with its own blade. It was of mist. they started tearing upthe ground around them with beams after the sword attacks. "This this is strong..."
"And it is starting to irritate me!" yelled Tsudo cuting a Scoto in half. He went inside and looked over the courtyard of the palace. He saw several monsters and one bigger one. "The big one is the leader... Hmm... Maybe..."
Xenos sniffed out the new presence. "This is not one I wanted on the ship... Half Jaw!" yelled Xenos. The white elite approched. "Welcome our new guest bring Hunters and several Spec Ops..." Half Jaw nodded. He walked away and later he and several cloakeElites surounded the Sith. They all switched on their own single bladed plasma swords. "If you wish to keep your life then stand down..." ------------------------- Sera lowered her rifle and walked over to the young wo. "Miss I am Lieutenant Major Sera. Designation1134. We are part of the UNSC . The United Navel Space Command. We have track a Convenant Fleet to this area. but we were seperated when we fell out of Slip Space. We need any infor mation you have about this." said Sera.
ACCEPTED!!!! XD XD XDXD ... *cought* congrats.
That'd be great ^ ^. Thanks.
Fine... T T But we realllly do need more Jedi... or at least some normal Star Wars people in here.
Ok I just like to keep things balanced.
"You underestimate my Elites... Stand down..." said Xenos The Elites stood down and the on in the White Armor walked behind Xenos. "We only do what is nessesary for The Great Journey... Nothing else matters." he said standing up. "And I am the commander of this entire fleet. Why would i become a lowly... Apprentice... I am amung the highest in my Caste... I am a Honor Guard... Only way I would ever be come a student of yours is if you beat me... In one on one combat... None of your powers... None of your tricks... just Blade and fist..."
"Fine... We will go to the surface." said Tsudo walking ahead. He and Ruby reached the surface where he had to put on his new set of goggles. He looked around and saw the Palace in the distance. "I think we should head that way... It seems to be the most active lately..." he said walking towards it.
Sera approched the guards slowly with her weapon lowered. "We aren't here to hurt anyone we just need to know where we are... Please." she said taking off her helmet. "I am a human." The Guards lowerd their weapons. -------------------------- Xenos rose. "Hmph... your another one? A sith? It seems this Force is dark indeed." he said walking over to Kizan. "You smell different though... less fury..."
Accepted the Spartan but we have enough sith.
Deathsye but his hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Ok Just tell me everything that happened. I will try to help as best as I can." he said warmly. ----------------------- "Outside help...." said Tsudo omunisly.