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Everything posted by Deathsye

  1. "Sky!" yelled Deathsye shaking her. "Wake up. Don't zone out again!" He sat her down. "Now what do your remember before your little trance... Any visions sounds or anything?" he asked. Tsudo as waiting outside with Ruby. "So what do you think is up Ruby?" asked Tsudo. "SOunds really wierd..."
  2. Adamu drew a card. "Ok... I think I will lay 2 cards face down. And I will attack your Samurai Sasuke! And now my Ameba is up to 4500!" he said with a big breath.
  3. Tsudo nodded. "YEah... But in mine... When I looked at my hands they were stoney... They had cracks all in them. Poofy Hair... He was whispering something... Barely audioble... Then the Flash..." said Tsudo.
  4. Deathsye put his arm around Sky friendly like. "You know what?" he said drunkly. "Your a alright kid..." "And you thought I was loopy when drunk..." said Tsudo witha smile. "Those two are close to passing out..." He looked at Ruby. "You maynot like me asking but... Why have you been acting wierd lately? I will share my story if you share yours."
  5. Deathsye rubbed his cheek. "he he... Don't worry about that..." he said a bit red. "Jeez, Hadn't been kissed in a while..." "Alright... I won't get drunk on the surface. But to tell the truth I have to find something out for myself... Who was the poofy haired guy in my dream... and what was he saying..."
  6. Xenos's four manibles quivered. "Tell me... Do you know what I am... I doubt you do... I am an Elite... I am one of the Higher Caste of the Covenant... We are a group of different Alien races with a common belief... The Great Journy, The small ape like creatures are Grunts, the large hulks are Hunters... And the bigger Apes are Brutes... And the reason why I am telling you of our race is because the way I see it... Your power would add greatly to our efforts to advance the Great Journey... " He tapped his strangely shaped hand with looked like it had two index fingers and two thumbs. He also tapped his hoof makng a clanging on the floor. "And in return... We will... Support your efforts as well... The Fleet... The Banshee's (Fighters), Phantoms(dropships) and much more at your disposale... " Xenos stook out his hand. "Deal...?"
  7. Deathsye followed Sky out of the bar. "I didn't say anything... Word must have gotten out by itself." he said. ----------- Tsudo put his arm around Ruby. "I tell you what... You are looking for these memory boxes right? " he asked drunkly. "I will help if I can be your partner for the search... What'd you say?" His demenor had changed drasticlly when he was drunk he acted normal and was quite happy.
  8. "Sir! Are you ok?!" yelled one grunt running up and helping him up with its ape like apendages. Xenos grabbed his throat. His manibles were flapping open and shut. But still a smirk came across his face. "Never has a Honor Guard been done like this... This power... The Force..." he said shrugging off the grunt. "We have been beaten... for now... " The squads broke off the attacks and headed back to the blockade. After the retreat several more ships came out of the Hangers of the Truth and Reconciliation. Another Transmission came to both ships. "You both have fought honorably... I am interested in your powers... Please if you wish come aboard the Banshees that are comeing will escort you to our hangers."
  9. Xenos smirked again. "You should have struck me down... Sith... he he... Such beliefs..." he said rolling and grabbing his blade again. "I asure you... you never faced my kind before... We are the Covenant! We are the Blade of the Prophets!!!" He rushed and attacked again. He locked with Sky. He and her face to face. "So many like you before..."
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]Xenos smirked with is maniables twicthing slightly. He let out a low growl. "You are the one I smelled... You are a strong comatant to be sure... But..." he said switching on his Double bladed Plasma Sword. "None have ever matched me... No even Hunters can survive my sting..." The rest of the squad backed away. They knew what Xenos wanted. "On guard Human..." As he said that he jumped and lunged at her.[/COLOR]
  11. Tsudo turned and actually had a smile on his face. "Ruby! I haven't seen you all day." he exclaimed . "Sorry about the not helping with the vases... " Tsudo got up and drunkly hugged her. "I won't do it again..." he siad with a hiccup. "Guess the drinks from yesterday were still in my system... he he..." Deathsye had just got though dusting off his coat. "He is pretty hammered... Didn't know he could get drunk from what I heard."
  12. OCC- This isn't set in a paticular time period so Yoda might be on Courasaunt or not even born yet. [COLOR=DarkRed]Xenos personally lead the assault team. He was accompanyed by several grunts and other Elites. "File throught this ship! Make sure they are completely incapasitated. Squad one attack the engine systems. Squad two and three come with me... We are going for the bridge..." he said holding his plasma rifle with his hand. He and his squad cut through the soldiers slowly but they made remarkable progress. "These beings hold no real challenge... Their shots are bouncing off of ours shields, Xeos." said One white Elite. "Silence... We have only begun..." said Xenos. He sniffed the air and sensed a strong combatant. "This one shall be fun to crack..."[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]There was now a full convenant blockade all over Naboo's orbit. At the head of the fleet was the Truth and Reconciliation, Xenos's Ship. "Sir We have detected a ship in our sensor range! It is a small ship. Should we persue?!" yelled the Zelot next to him. Xenos examined the signiture. "No... Hail them... I have a feeling..." said Xenos. On Sky NightTerror's ship screen the figure of Xenos appeared. "Unknown Ship Classification. You are entering Convenant Space. Give us your ID signiture or prepared to be boarded. You have exactly 4 minutes to comply... " he cut the transfer. "This should be interesting..."[/COLOR]
  14. Of course not ^ ^. Always need new sign ups. New characters spice up the story.
  15. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]As Sera and her team decended to the surface of the huge planet wide city of Courasaunt thoughts raced thought her mind. "What is this place... It isn't like any place I have seen... So strange... I can almost feel a sense of calm here..." she said to herself. They entered the Atmosphere of the planet and she and her team including a new Spartan named Blood Dawn loaded and checked their weapons. "Weapon's Check! Everyone good?!" she commanded. Everyone nodded. They felt the clank as the pelican touched the ground. They also heard the sound of estonishment as the Pelican landed. She didn't recognize instantly some of the language but there was a lauguage she recognized. "Is that English?!" she exclaimed. The ship opened and the marines filed out. They saw as they did many non humans mingling with humans alike. Some guards on the hovering street they were on approched. They had rifles raised. "Whoa. Hold on! We come in peace!" yelled Sera. Those were the first words ever said on a alien planet.[/COLOR]------------------------ [COLOR=DarkRed]Unlike the UNSC however... A Covenant ship hovered in the Ionsphere of Naboo. They have already taken Theebs the capital of the Naboosians. The Convenant armys marched thorught the streets of the city. In the palace a dark red Elite stood in front of the Queen. "You are fortunate human... You are more useful to me alive then dead..." he said. The Queen had defiance in her eyes. Xenos laughed. He walked over and lifted her chin. "Many have had that definent look before..." he said switching on his double edged plasma sword and waving it close to her face. "But they have alwas been broken by our power... YOu will be the same... TAKE HER AWAY!" Several grunts followed by Elites took her. "This is too easy..."[/COLOR]
  16. Deathsye followed with a smirk. "She likes him." he thought to himself. He followed her in to the bar where Tsudo was still sitting and drinking with his face showing a bit of redness. He was buzzed. "Oh... Hi, Sky... How is your arm doing? And sorry about earlier I didn't know that monster could do that... Your ok..." he said putting his hand on her shoulder.
  17. Deathsye laughed. "No of course I won't call you pretty." he said with a laugh. "And Tsudo is in the Bar... Why you asking? You have a thing for him or something? he he... I bet you do." ------------------------ Tsudo was drinking again. "What is with the women waking up... And why are they all crazy?" he asked himself.
  18. Tsudo sat drinking in the bar sighing after every drink. "What is going on... Everything is so hetic to day..." he said to himself. After his wound was healed he was able to go back onto the surface. But there was no missions. There was nothing that made him want to go on the surface. He had felt trap under the surface. ---- After a while Deathsye went to check on Sky. "How is the water helping?"
  19. Deathsye came to visit Sky. "Hey... Heard you've been poisoned..." he said worried. He examined the wounds and sighed. "It was a Peccato... Those things are one of the stronger ones... It was bad luck that yoiu were attacked by it on your first mission..." he continued. He grabbed a bottle and squeezed his hands. Like a slowly opening fauset a clear strangely bright substance came out of his hands. Sky looked strangely at him. "Like I did with Tsudo... but your condiston requires a larger amount of Healing Water... You won't be able to drink it all but take it in even intervals you should be fine... And I promise it wont taste wierd." he said finishing up and handing the bottle to her. " You should drink some now..."
  20. Tsudo sighed and walked after her. He caught up with her. "Listen do you were lucky... I was cut across the chest 2 times... On my first mission and on my second... YOu just got your arm hurt... But I never complained about it... If you can't get used to the little injuries... how are you going to fare later... If figured someone like your could handle a little stinging... Guess I was wrong..." said Tsudo in a kind of pissed tone.
  21. Deathsye was sitting next to Tsudo in the bar. Deathsye saw his wound. "That has to suck..." he said. Tsudo sucked down a shot, "You have no idea..." Deathsye and Tsudo watched Sky come in. She sat down and they talked for a while. Finally the story of how he got his wound came up. He told how he defeated the Vestio. "You know..." said Deathsye. "I have some thing that can heal that..." He held out his hand and a small pool of water appeared. "Drink... It will make it better..." he said. Tsudo drank it and his wound closed. "how?!" exclaimed JD. "Healing Water... It is a rare and powerful skill..."
  22. Deathsye held his chin abit. "Stay on the surface with monsters that want to kill me... Or go to the underground and be glomped by a load of Visions that thought I was dead... Hmm... But by the looks of it there are prettier girls down there... I guess that is a good enough reason..." said Deathsye ruffling Ruby hair with a snicker. "Plus if you get in another fight with a talller monster I am afraid your fist wouldn't reach its face... he he... Just kidding.. I just love teasing women..." ----------------------------- Tsudo cocked his head to the side. "Hey... Not reason to worry... They wont set you up against a super strong monster... The one I got attacked by was one of the strongest..." said Tsudo. "I just wish I could go on the surface... It is boring down here... "
  23. Deathsye laughed. "I live on the surface... I haven't been to the city in ages. I was just passing through the area..." he said. "Your pretty good... I mean skill wise... Didn't such kick could be held in such a small package... he he..." he continued with a snicker.
  24. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Deathsye approched. "Having a bit of trouble with the eye ball?" he asked humorously. "don't have anything that can hurt it... Guess I coiuld help in that department." He powered up a white plasma and shot it at the Calastro desentigrating it. "See wasn't that simple..." he looked at Ruby. "Prettier up close for sure... But From a distance thought you were taller... By the way... Names Deathsye." He put his hand out.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. Deathsye as kicking around the froze Calastro. It was making little squealling sounds that held a tone of vast anger. The Gyne wasn't much happier. "Damn she froze em good..." he said with a laugh. He saw her coming back and hid. "She's back to finish the job eh?" She approched the frozen monsters. The ice started to crack. "That isn't good... " he said jumping down quietly. "but... I want to see if this little one can handle it..."
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