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Everything posted by BlasphemyX

  1. Name: Oculum Set (Bragi) Mythology: Bragi is the Norse god of poetry. Bragi is known to have runes carved into his tongue. He was known for his wisdom and fluency of speech and skill with words. Gender: Male Appearance: Oculum stands at about 5,9. He has long, brown hair that looks as if it hasn't been washed in awhile, and a long unkempt beard. He has tattoos of runes scattered across his body. He usually wears loose fitting clothes, sandals, and carries a backpack. But he is not a strange to something more formal. Personality: Oculum could be viewed as a hippie. He is very relaxed and easy going. He usually prowls around the streets singing songs. He always greets new and interesting people. He is also a very patient person, never wanting to rush into something without first looking at the pros and cons. His voice is also very quiet and soft.
  2. Name: Steven Gorudan Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 25 Physical Description: About 5'9, thin, about 138 lbs, short and spiky blond hair, green eyes, a bit pale too. Personality: Steven is a computer hacker. Even though hacking has become very hard since it's the future, he is a well accomplished hacker. Very timid at times, and is known to cower when a confrontation develops. When hacking, can be short tempered due to not wanting to be bothered. Occupation: Refugee. Worked at a computer hardware store, and when he had time, repaired computers. Backstory & Abilities: Steven never moved out of his parent's house but did move to the basement. Graduated from high school and went to a community college for some years. Can only speak English and only a few words of Japanese and Chinese. Can hack into high mainframe computers.
  3. Once a few more people sign-up (atleast 2 more) I will start this.
  4. Ginkaze, your class needs to be something like a rouge, hexblade, warrior, fighter, paladin, whatever you please. If you need any help for a class just go to the Dungeons and Dragons website. They have many different classes to pick from.
  5. [COLOR=Green][B]?My God this game seems so real! It?s as if this is reality, a world of fantasy and technology. Marko come over here and look at this chest. It looks dangerous. Marko? Marko? Dude, this is not funny. Maybe if we were in a town or something, yes it would be, but here it?s not!? Footsteps are heard. A man in a long white cloak appears. ?Umm?have you seen a character on here by the name of MysticMarko, or just Marko?? The figure stood in the hollow hallway of the dungeon. The figure began to speak. ?In this game reality exists no more. What your character feel, you feel. Your friend Marko was a hacker on here and a nuisance. He has logged out, permanently.? The boy then ran towards the man and sliced at him but, his sword had passed right through him. The figure then spoke again. ?Log out player, MysticDonnie.? Donnie was suddenly logged out, he took of the virtual gear and wiped the cold sweat from his face. He turned and looked at Marko. Marko had a cut right across his face and was in a state of shock.[/B][/COLOR] The world of virtual gaming has gone to a new level with the game Beyond Reality. The game was released and became the all time best selling game. Soon after the game had started the creator of Beyond Reality had died. The cause of his death was never released but, many speculated that the game became too real at one point and cause him to have a heart attack. These rumors were dismissed as ?more experienced players trying to scare newer ones.? But, after the creators death a character was seen around the game with the character name ?BRC?. [COLOR=Red]This RP will take place in the world of Beyond Reality. You must find out who is deleting the players characters. This game is like a MMORPG but in virtual reality. Be warned, if you commit to many bad deeds in quick succession or just too many in general, you might be deleted yourself. I will try to incorporate leveling up and things of that sort into the game. Here is how you level up; Lv. 1/ Kill one monster level up to Lv. 2, lv. 2/ Kill two monsters level up to Lv. 3; and so on and so forth. At first no one can above Lv. 10 when starting out. Choose your classes and starting items wisely, and make sure your character can handle them. I don?t want a Lv. 2 character with say something like a Ultima weapon, you know? Keep in mind this is a mix of sci-fi and fantasy, so be creative. Classes can just about anything that you might find in D&D.[/COLOR] Player name: Character name: Age: Level: Weapon: Armor: Class: Magic (if any): Description: Money: Items: My character: Player name: Joseph (Joe) Character name: Amarth Age: 16 Level: 5 Weapon: Spear Armor: None Class: Sorcerer Magic (if any): Lightning Description: Amarth has fiery red hair, and blue eyes. He wears a red tunic with silver stitching, black boots, and black gloves. He is very skilled in lightning magic. Money: 500g Items: One light heal potion and revive.
  6. [B][COLOR=DarkGreen]?My God this game seems so real! It?s as if this is reality, a world of fantasy and technology. Marko come over here and look at this chest. It looks dangerous. Marko? Marko? Dude, this is not funny. Maybe if we were in a town or something, yes it would be, but here it?s not!? Footsteps are heard. A man in a long white cloak appears. ?Umm?have you seen a character on here by the name of MysticMarko, or just Marko?? The figure stood in the hollow hallway of the dungeon. The figure began to speak. ?In this game reality exists no more. What your character feel, you feel. Your friend Marko was a hacker on here and a nuisance. He has logged out, permanently.? The boy then ran towards the man and sliced at him but, his sword had passed right through him. The figure then spoke again. ?Log out player, MysticDonnie.? Donnie was suddenly logged out, he took of the virtual gear and wiped the cold sweat from his face. He turned and looked at Marko. Marko had a cut right across his face and was in a state of shock.[/COLOR] [/B] The world of virtual gaming has gone to a new level with the game Beyond Reality. The game was released and became the all time best selling game. Soon after the game had started the creator of Beyond Reality had died. The cause of his death was never released but, many speculated that the game became too real at one point and cause him to have a heart attack. These rumors were dismissed as ?more experienced players trying to scare newer ones.? But, after the creators death a character was seen around the game with the character name ?BRC?. [COLOR=DarkRed]This RP will take place in the world of Beyond Reality. You must find out who is deleting the players characters. This game is like a MMORPG but in virtual reality. Be warned, if you commit to many bad deeds in quick succession or just too many in general, you might be deleted yourself. I will try to incorporate leveling up and things of that sort into the game. Here is how you level up; Lv. 1/ Kill one monster level up to Lv. 2, lv. 2/ Kill two monsters level up to Lv. 3; and so on and so forth. At first no one can above Lv. 10 when starting out. Choose your classes and starting items wisely, and make sure your character can handle them. I don?t want a Lv. 2 character with say something like a Ultima weapon, you know? Keep in mind this is a mix of sci-fi and fantasy, so be creative. Classes can just about anything that you might find in D&D.[/COLOR] Player name: Character name: Age: Level: Weapon: Armor: Class: Magic (if any): Description: Money: Items: My character: Player name: Joseph (Joe) Character name: Amarth Age: 16 Level: 5 Weapon: Spear Armor: None Class: Sorcerer Magic (if any): Lightning Description: Amarth has fiery red hair, and blue eyes. He wears a red tunic with silver stitching, black boots, and black gloves. He is very skilled in lightning magic. Money: 500g Items: One light heal potion and revive.
  7. Flux walked in on the conversation and looked at Daemon in confusion. "So I suppose the rumors are true. A angel is in the demons country. How fitting. You know Daemon the truth you seek is not a one for the faint of heart. The good inside of you will not be able to bear the pain. The words that will be spoken will either make you anew or destroy you and make you want to die and die and die until nothing remains of you not even a spirit." Flux ordered over a few guards. "Just incase you wanna pull some fast moves, but I highly doubt you could get past Joseph, Deathliger, my guards, and I."
  8. "Well damn Deathliger if you are this strong then let me kick it up a notch.." Flux took out if katana and threw it into the air. "Raining Harmonics! Now dodge all of these while fighting me." Flux and Deathliger battled it out while she dodged every single of the of the attacks from the katana falling from the sky. "Amazing, truly amazing. I can't believe that you can dodge that WHILE fighting me. You out rank some of my main demons." Flux brought his katana back down and caught it by the blade and put it away. "Oww Flux didn't that hurt?" Deathliger questioned. "Oh not really Im used to it. But, let me tell you this. A little bit more training and you will be ready. Now lets go get the swelling on my eye to go down HAHA." Flux and Deathliger walked to the castle and as they did Flux wondered how strong she could really be. For her strength was truly amazing.
  9. Name: Jesper Iwers Age: 21 Gender: Male Place of Origin: Born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden Known History: Grew up in a stable home with parents until the age of 18 when he went to college to be a theologist. He graduated with his masters degree. In college he meet a women named Selma, that he married once out of college. He worked for the same college that he went to as a theology professor at 20. Personality: Jesper is a man who likes things to be easy going. He is a smoker and likes to drink sometimes. He enjoys conversations to allow you to use your brain but also enjoys light conversations but as long as they don't become stupid. He is a man who hardly ever gets depressed and always tries to look at the brighter side of things, even if some situations don't seem to have one. Appearance: Silver hair, blue eyes, about 6'1, has a slinder build to him. Usually wears blue jeans and solid color shirts, and a pair of black and white converse. Animal Genes: Timber wolf (Gray wolf) Hybrid Abilities: Keen sense of smelling and hearing, and faster running.
  10. "I think it is time for us to leave but before I do..." Flux took out his katana and screamed, "Black chord death!" The wounds on Daemon's knees glew a blood red. "Remember Daemon, you have been marked. Soon you will know what I mean. Now, Joseph, Deathliger, come with me it is time to go home." Flux made a mark on the ground, with his blood, similar to a pentagram and whispered some words. Joseph and Deathliger disappeared first. "Remember, you have been marked......" And then Flux also disappeard and so did the blood that he used to make the symbol.
  11. Flux hit the ground and lifted his head. He was laughing once he brought his head up. "Good choice Deathliger, very good. You truly see that these [I]angels[/I] are no good. They are jealous of humans and demons. I don't know why, but they are. The angels no not of what is good and what is evil. Now Deathliger we must wait for Joseph before we can do anything else. He is my right hand man and I wanna see what he thinks of this. I think he will happy that you joined us." Flux looked at Daemon. "Why don't you go home. I think you have caused enough trouble here."
  12. Flux looked around and grinned "Well isn't this a bummer. Pinned to a wall. Damn light magic. Well I will just give it sometime before those wounds start to effect you. In the mean time, do you have a smoke? I need one while I wait. I would get my own but you, pinned to a wall." [I]"Damn it Joseph where the hell are you?"[/I] Flux thought.
  13. Flux ached from his pressure points. "Damn, I didn't see that one coming." Flux quickly recoiled and swung his katana. He sliced the side of Daemon's cheek. "It seems I'am the first to draw blood." Flux quickly swung his katana and yelled, "Screeching power chord!" His katana's fretboard glowed in two places and a stream of darkness shot out and hit Daemon in the knee twice. His knee bled as though it was sliced and a black mark covered both the wounds. "How do you like that boy?! I got more where that came from!" Flux yelled.
  14. "Well then I guess that should be the only part of your body that should be left then......your eye." Flux revealed his katana. "Well come on, show me what you got, or lack there of. I know there has to be some sort of side effect to spliting into two beings. Like maybe half power? Or something of that sort I asume." Flux jump forward towards Daemon. "SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!!!"
  15. "Well well it seems that Im not welcome here. Fine I shall leave, Karin if you need me I will be on Earth. And if any of you wanna pursue me, do so, but bring the girl. So she can watch and see who she truly needs to side with." Flux left heading back down to Earth to find Joseph. "All is order now. Now we must wait." Flux said to Joseph with a smirk on his face.
  16. Happy Mother's Day Next: vhnenea hslal ubnr Hint: Metalcore band (not a good hint but it works)
  17. "This does not concern you. Im just talking. Im not trying to pursue anyone into evil plans. I have no evil plans. Just good intentions.......very good intentions." said Flux in a calm voice, with a menacing look.
  18. Flux walked towards Trent and put his hand on his shoulder "You know I believe that you are trying to take this girl away from me. And that just won't fly with me. Telling her that we are 'evil' and lies of that sort, well that just pisses me off. I think this child needs to come with me, and this can go the easy way or the hard way. You pick." Flux stood their awaiting Trents next move.
  19. Flux wandered the darkened city of New York. He came across and metal band playing in a bar. He walked in to see members of his old band playing. Flux walked around the back of the stage and took out his katana. He cut the power from the guitarist that was playing, he didn't know. "Try this out for size kiddies" He began to play his katana as though it was a guitar. He closed his eyes and played a solo that sounded like it came straight from the fire pits of Hell. The blade started to get hotter and hotter. The fret markings on the katana glowed a bright red. And then he stop with a hate filled scream "Oh yeah, looks like I still got it." His old band stopped playing and looked at the kid who replaced Flux when he died. "That was not him.....that sounded like something Flux would play" said Craig the averaged sized guitarist. Flux smiled and left the show. He couldn't remember a time that he had smiled after he died. "Well time to get to work" Flux shot up into air, and as he did the building that the concert was going on in exploded. A whisper was heard in that general area. "Die you scum."
  20. Flux landed in front of Joseph. "It took me long enough to find you, but I have being hearing rumors of a half-demon half-angel. I think things could be very promising if we found this person. I think this could be our ace up the seleve. Dawn your weapons and prepare yourself. And next time I gotta look so long for you, I will slice you in half." Flux walked away with his sword in hand. The thoughts of having this person in his power were running through his mind. A smirk came over his face and he drifted away into the darkness.
  21. Name: Tony Age: 25 Nationality: American Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, slinder, red long sleeve button up shirt with black tie, black pants (kinda loose), 6'4, black converse. Proffession: Theologist Reason for coming on expedition: Vacation, and wanted to see new things and learn new things. Personality: Laid back, easily annoyed with stupid and iggnorance. Is very friendly. Loves thought provoking and intellegent conversations.
  22. Name: Flux (Leader of the Demons) Age:20 When and How you died: Shot in the temple while playing a gig for his band in 3326 Appearance: Black hair, blood red eyes, black and red cloak with a bleeding eye on the back. Height: 6'2 Race: Demon Short Bio: Lived in Philadelphia and toured the world. As a teenager he killed animals and hurt people very badly. As he reached 19 he stopped killing animals but he still hurt people whenever he drank. When his band got signed they made one album and were halfway through a tour until he was shot. He hated religions but believe in a God but never worshipped him. Weapon: A 14 inch katana. The blade looks like the neck of a guitar. (Has frets and fret marks on it.) Magic: Black magic.
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