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Everything posted by Starfire0567
[QUOTE]As for the grilled food, grilled is by far a better alternative to frying and should be done wherever possible. By on the stove, do you mean in a pan or something ? [/QUOTE] Yep in a pan. [QUOTE]I agree. But to add to that, try to stay away from too much red meat. Instead of a regular hamburger, try lean turkey burgers made by yourself. And yes, grilling is the best way to go, but its okay to stick it in the oven. Also, carbs ARE good, but, too much bad carbs such as sugars is a nightmare. Simple sugars in cereals, pop tarts, fruit snacks are evil. Fruits are excellent in moderation, but too much can also be bad. If you crave a fruit snack or something with lots of sugar, freeze some grapes. Frozen grapes forces you to eat it slowly so you can enjoy the sugar. And for the last tip, try not to eat past 6 o' clock. Your metabolism slows down during the day and if you eat 3-4 hours before you sleep those calories you take in are wasted energy. Again, these are just good habits to try out, if they don't work try doing something on your own.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I'll try your suggestions out!
[quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Watch your calorie intake. Try to keep your daily intake under 1500. AVOID POPTARTS. At 200 calories a tart, they add up fast. Eat fruits and meats. Avois dairy products, as they tend to be high in fat. Avoid low-grade meats, like hamburger, as they too tend to be high-fat. If its a good-quality hamburger (not fast-food; grilled), have at it. Carbs aren't bad. Eat them and sugars in the morning. Eat protein at night. Carbs and sugars give you energy, which can be negative late at night. Hope I helped and good luck![/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] Thanks :animesmil but I have a question. You said to avoid dairy products...Should I drink soy milk instead? Whenever my mom makes hamburgers,she makes them on the stove rather then on a grill seeing as how we live in an apartment. Does that make it "fast food" or in a way grilled? :animestun
[QUOTE]Touche. Affirmative action isn't all bad. That was all I had, so now I totally quit. Mind if I ask a question? Why are nazis still around? After the Holocaust, why would anyone take the name of such an infamous organization?[/QUOTE] Believe I have been asking that very same question as well. My grandfather told me it's because the nazis that are still around truly believe that the Jews brought the defeat in WWI. [QUOTE]Personally, I think he couldn't let go of the concept of the perfect german empire.[/QUOTE] So do I. [QUOTE]The reason for the holocaust? Got me. Maybe he was looking for a scapegoat to rally the german people and make them angry, rather than feeling sorry for themselves over the loss of World War I.[/QUOTE] I think they brought the loss of WWI on themselves. There wasn't really a need for it and it just caused alot of death and poverty.
[quote name='Jubei Yagyou']Running is a good thing to try. This past week I went running a good 3 miles every other day and I lost 4 pounds (that's a whole lot for me). It's also a really good way to blow off some steam, especially if you're running while listening to some music or just running in nature. Walking is good too.[/quote] I'm going to start walking more because I swear when I run I look like Zoey (ichigu) from MMP when she's running and that annoys me to no end. Thanks for the advice ^-^
This might be getting off topic...so yea... I'm 14 yrs old and 5'0 tall and wiegh about 121 lbs. I have excess fat around my stomach and I'm guessing my upper thighs? When I was in the second grade I was pretty thin because I had a certain babysitter who didn't let me eat whatever. But then she ended moving and being in the third grade I still needed a babysitter. So we got a new babysitter and this one pretty much let me eat whatever (and when you get that kind of freedom in third grade you're BOUND to go overboard) and I went overboard and started getting heavy but I didn't really care. Then towards the end of fifth grade the babysitter couldn't babysit for me any more so I got my own key and started going straight home after school. But I've pretty much kept the weight on since with time to time of getting a bit slimmer then something ended happening and I'd eat more then I normally could or should. About a few months I was at home with my dog Baha and I just got up and started making a ton of food. Two packets of ramen, two hotdogs and two bagels. I ate the noodles dry then ate the bagels without anything on them and ate half of one of the hot dogs. I then drank a huge cup of diet pepsi. For some reason there will be a time when I'm at home and just go on a binge and eat abunch of carbs. With my friends,they go on candy binges but with me it's the carbs (ie bagels, rolls, pasta, cinnamon rolls, pop tarts) I won't say that I haven't gone on a candy binge or two because I have. My mom keeps telling me that we're going to go to Curves. I'm pretty sure it doesn't help that I have major rage issues that come and go like as often as Bush makes a stupid remark.Most times I can hide my rage by appearing calm on the outside (there has been times when I've gone off the handle) And often when I get like that and feel like I can't do anything about it I eat. I've tried to stop I really have but it seems I can't. Anyone got any ideas?
[QUOTE]I'm never going to live that one down am I? For Christ sake it was just a sarcastic comment and was meant in jest. You people take some things too seriously. I finally finished this one and if I may say so myself I believe I was very cordial.[/QUOTE] I for one found it to be hilarious! And considering how some people *coughJohncough* were singling others out and being uncivil,I'd say you were being rather coridal towards the poor nationalist.
Before I begin my rant...I know John's post is dirrected at CHW. But she's a good friend of mine so I'm coming to her defense. [QUOTE]No, I'm not going to finish this through PM, because it still adheres to the topic of BEA's views. I'm not singling you out either. I told everyone who was being hateful to cool it, and most of them did. You openly said that you wouldn't, so you threw yourself into this.[/QUOTE] No this no longer adheres to the topic of BEA's views. And yes you are singling her out because you haven't said a word about what I've said to BEA. [QUOTE]I don't have a problem with you saying exactly what you believe about a person; I have a problem with you expressing those beliefs with a harshness that that person didn't warrant with anything they said. And I don't have a personal problem with you, nor do I know where that idea came from.[/QUOTE] Well apparently you [I]do[/I] have a problem with CHW because you've singled her out. And I wonder where the idea came here....-sarcasm- [QUOTE]And you know as well as I that you're not being mature or self-controlled in the least. You ignored most everything he said, blew whatever he didn't say out of proportion to criminalize him, and insulted him outright.[/QUOTE] I know what I'm talking about when I say that yes she is being selfcontrolled.
[QUOTE=John]Starfire, you misunderstood my post lol. It's really due to grammatical error on my part, but read it again: I didn't mean CHW and everyone else refused to be as civil as BEA, I meant that CHW refused to be as civil as BEA and everyone else. Make sense now? XP[/QUOTE] Alright...But I know CHW personally and believe me she was being civil as BEA. Once you get to know her she's a very nice person. :catgirl:
[QUOTE=Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Now, BlueEyedAngel, it sounds kind of like you respect the rights of members of other races, but generally care for your own. I can't hold it against you. For fun, I think i'll side with you. You do seem to be overwhelmed and then some by the posts. The only person otherwise siding with you is John. Now that I see where you're coming from, let's give this a shot. Affirmative action=bull****. If all races are truly equal, than why put all of them in front of one. If white people truly aren't the majority, then why act as though they are? Its discrimination against white people. Someone, please argue pro-affirmative action. Please, argue that discriminating is good.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Discriminating isn't good. If I may...Where do you live? I doubt you live in New York if you have that kind of attitude and if you do then I'm assuming you live in the suburbs? Or that if you do even live in the same country and in New York that you recently moved? I myself do not think discriminating is right.Do you honestly think that any open minded educated person is going to agree with you? This should prove to be interesting... [QUOTE]1. I do not live a "sheltered life". The high school I go to is about 48% White, 23% Asian, 15% Latino, and 14% Black. I have constant contact with other races on a regular basis. [/QUOTE] Well then if you do not live a sheltered life then why do you act as though you do? That's my question. [QUOTE]2. I have not been "brainwashed". I have been educated. Up until very recently, about a year ago, I myself was a strong believer in multi-culturalism. But then I did some research on the race issues, studied them carefully, and made my own conclusions. The book March of the Titans a History of the White Race was a significant eye-opener for me. [/QUOTE] Apparently you have been reading total trash. Have you ever been to Barnes and Nobles where they have books that aren't made of total trash? (Eventhough some of their books are questionable) [QUOTE]3. I do not agree with everything that Lynx and Lamb believe.[/QUOTE] How may I ask do you agree with [B]anything[/B] they believe? [QUOTE]4. My parents did not teach me what I believe. Both my parents and all of my siblings are strong believers of the "race is only skin deep" theory.[/QUOTE] This is why I'm glad my mother taught me how to be understanding and respectful of other people...If she hadn't then this particural response would be rather long. [QUOTE]5. I'm not a white "supremicist". I've made it perfectly clear that I regaurd all races as equal. However, I, as any normal person would, have a special devotion to people of my own tribe/race/ethnic group. [/QUOTE] And the hypocrisy just keeps on coming. I guess I'm not normal then. I don't have this "special devotion" to my ethnic groups. I don't see my ethnic groups as under all the others nor do I veiw them as higher. [QUOTE]"What whites in America are being asked to do is therefore utterly unnatural. They are being asked to devote themselves to the interests of other races and to ignore the interests of their own. This is like asking a man to forsake his own children and love the children of his neighbors, since to do otherwise would be 'racist' "([url]http://www.stormfront.org/whitenat/racism.htm[/url]). [/QUOTE] There is nothing unique about a white person's skin. The only reason we're all not white is because of our genes. Some of our ancestors probably lived near the equator which caused them to tan and reproduce darker pigments in the offspring. [QUOTE]Jesus said to "love your enimies". Let's take for example, the Muslims. After September 11, the London metro bombing, the riots in France, and the controversy over the Danish cartoon, I think it's time to realize that the Muslims are our enimies. We are to love the Muslims because Jesus said "love your enimies"; he did not say "denie who your enimies are". [/QUOTE] Okay but look at it this way. If you were a (And I quote) "good Christian" then yes you would love your enemies and [B]forgive[/B] them. Isn't that what the Bible's about? Forgiving and letting one be judged before Him without passing judgement first? [QUOTE]I do not blame immigrants for our problems. I blame the white Anglo-Saxon liberal politicians who promote open door immigration policies.[/QUOTE] The racist politicians who believe all the bull they spew off and are conservative? I not only refuse to believe that,I also highly doubt that they promote open door immigration policies for happyier ties between the USA and other countries. [indent][color=red][font=trebuchet ms]Starfire0567, double posting is against the rules of the Boards. I've merged your consecutive posts so bring them in line with the rules, but don't do it again. Also, personal attacks on other members (such as the one I deleted about a page ago, of yours) are even more against the rules. More instances of that will get you banned from the Boards. --Raiyuu[/font][/color][/indent]
[QUOTE=Boo][size=1]Losing your head and casting unfounded hate and hyperbole in someone's direction is, in my book, not the same as verbally ripping someone apart. 'They' are/were verbally ripping him apart, as they are with large numbers against his lonely self, in this discussion. Is it anyone's style of music, than? o_O;[/size][/QUOTE] I believe that in a way casting unfounded hate and hyperbole in someone's direction and verbally ripping someone apart is kinda the same. I suppose it really depends on who it is. Hey,it's neo-nazi people's style of music. *thankfully she never listened to Prussian Blue*
Boo,Yes I do know what hypocrisy is...My family is full of it. Well that's good for you that you think that. Freedom of thought,my friend. Where [B]don't[/B] you see the hypocrisy? And I quote- [QUOTE]yet you still refuse to handle yourself with the same civility as BEA as well as most everyone else who's posed arguments to him. And if you're not going to rescind your tantrum, then at least give a better reason than "He won't apologize so neither will I! D:" and defending yourself by saying that even though he's not necessarily a racist now, he will be later. You don't have near the authority to make such a statement, and even if you did it's still not an excuse to flame him now. Everyone else has displayed that it's entirely possible to hold this debate without losing your head and casting unfounded hate and hyperbole in BEA's direction.[/QUOTE] He said everyone has been attacking BEA. He then went on to say that everyone else (to Chibi) has displayed that it's entirely possible to hold this debate without losing your head and casting unfounded hate and hyperbole in BEA's direction. Do I need to remind you that he said that right after saying we weren't being civil. [B]Definition[/B] Hypocrisy-1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion 2 : an act or instance of hypocrisy
[QUOTE=John]Cut the bull****. You're the oldest person in this thread (to my knowledge), and yet you still refuse to handle yourself with the same civility as BEA as well as most everyone else who's posed arguments to him. And if you're not going to rescind your tantrum, then at least give a better reason than "He won't apologize so neither will I! D:" and defending yourself by saying that even though he's not necessarily a racist now, he will be later. You don't have near the authority to make such a statement, and even if you did it's still not an excuse to flame him [i]now[/i]. Everyone else has displayed that it's entirely possible to hold this debate without losing your head and casting unfounded hate and hyperbole in BEA's direction.[/QUOTE] If I may...You do realize that your post has nothing but hypocrisy in it right? First you say ChibiHorseWoman and everyone else here (I'm assuming myself included) refuse to hanlde ourselves with the same civility as BEA. And she wasn't trying to saying he was going to become a racist. She said that it [B]may[/B] lead to racism. You then go on to say that "Everyone else has displayed that it's entirely possible to hold this debate without losing your head and casting unfounded hate and hyperbole in BEA's direction." Well did the rest of us display civility or not? Because it seems to me that you yourself do not even realize what you wrote. Why do I get the feeling that you did not read what you wrote before you posted?
The sixth grade for me wasn't too long ago actually. About three years ago. I hated the sixth grade! I had very short curly hair and wore stretch pants because I hated jeans (and now I love 'em) I had NO friends in the sixth grade and was constantly picked on. Crude..Life was rotten.
Writing The prince finds his princess (Fruits basket) [PG-L]
Starfire0567 replied to Starfire0567's topic in Creative Works
For those who don't know what the characters look like...I'm also including their zodiac sign and what they're known as in school (well those that still GO to school) [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1Boar.jpg]Kagura Sohma the Boar[/URL] [URL=http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f103/shumingma/fruits%20basket/fbgroup7.jpg]Tohru Honda[/URL] [URL=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b50/hana666/fruits%20basket/Kyo.jpg]Kyo Sohma the Cat[/URL] [URL=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b50/hana666/fruits%20basket/Haru2.jpg]HatsuHaru Sohma the Ox[/URL] [URL=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b50/hana666/fruits%20basket/Hatori.jpg]Hatori Sohma the Dragon also the Doctor of the Sohma Household[/URL] [URL=http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e367/Fullmetal227/Fruits%20Basket/rin.jpg]Rin Sohma[/URL] [URL=http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e367/Fullmetal227/Fruits%20Basket/uotani.jpg]Arisa Uotani "Uo-chan"[/URL] [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1monkey.jpg]Ritsu Sohma the Monkey[/URL] [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1Tiger.jpg]Kisa Sohma the Tiger[/URL] [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1Snake.jpg]Ayame Sohma,Yuki's brother the Snake[/URL] [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1Sheep.jpg]Hiro Sohma the Ram[/URL] [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1Rat.jpg]Yuki Sohma known as the Prince of his school the Rat[/URL] [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1Rabbit.jpg]Momiji Sohma the Rabbit[/URL] [URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c110/YunaStar13/Fruits%20basket/1Dog.jpg]Shigure Sohma known as the perv and as the Dog (am I the only who finds this funny?)[/URL] I shall post the rest of the pictures at a later time. Chapter two Skye sat on the makeshift and looked up at Shigure who had stood up. "Well I shall leave you two lovers alone."Shigure said with his ususal tone. Skye started to blushed and tried to hide it. Yuki noticied the blush and he felt his face fluster. [I]Does she like me? No...She wouldn't. I overheard her telling Uotani that she thought I was overly pompous and needed a knock in the head to deflate my ego...[/I] He felt his temper flare up at the thought of the comment. Skye looked to Yuki who leaned against the doorway. She got up and walked over to him. "I don't know how I got here or even why but I'm glad that you're here."Skye said softly concentrating on the bridge of his nose. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him very softly and quickly on the lips. At first Yuki wasn't even sure if it had really happened. Before he knew it, Skye had hugged him and he had transformed. "Oh my...Where's Yuyu-kun?!"Skye frantically looked around. Seeing the small rat on the floor, she picked him up and looked at him. "Well hello there...I hugged Yuyu-kun and all of a sudden he disappeared and you show up in his place? Rather odd...But you are the cutest little thing!"Skye said petting Yuki's head gently. Skye heard footsteps and then frantically put the small rat in the pocket of the dress. Shigure appeared at the door way. "Do you know where Yuki-kun? I could have sworen I heard a poof sound.."Shigure trailed off concerned with his head tilted to the side. "Sohma-san left saying something about a dojo!"Skye lied through her teeth. Shigure shrugged and left. "I must get going! Thank you for all your help!" Skye said as she walked out of the door. She then ran full speed back to her apartment. Getting to her apartment she slammed the door closed. She took the small rat out of her pocket. "Sorry about that..I was afraid Shigure would figure my secret out if he saw Yuyu-kun gone and you in his place."Skye said with a sigh. Yuki looked up at her. [I]I'm surprised I haven't transformed back yet...[/I] He tilted his head as if he was confused. "You see I'm not really from Earth....I'm from Tamaran and I'm the only living heir to the throne of Tamaran. My real name is Princess StarSkye. And ever since I've meet Yuki Sohma, I've loved him since he first spoke me. The first time he ever spoke to me was at the begining of this school year. I was new girl...Everyone knew everyone else and here I was the newbie. I got lost and came across Yuki-kun coming out of a classroom. He asked me if I was lost and I replied yes. He walked me to my class and just disappeared. We hadn't spoke since...Until today." Skye said setting the small rat on the kitchen counter and sat on a stool with her elbows on the counter. "I don't know why but I felt extremely bold and almost courageous. That's why I kissed him so quickly."Skye explained to Yuki still not realizing that the rat and Yuki were the same being. "I feel so guilty about my remark about Yuki-kun being overly pompous and needing a knock in the head to deflate his ego...I don't even know why I said that to Uo-chan...I guess I felt like he was something I wanted but no matter what I did I'd never be able to get..."Skye trailed off. "Oh look at me! Talking to a rat about my thoughts and feelings! Geez I really have gone off the deep end!"Skye said standing up. "Well I'm going to change..You can leave if you must or stay if you like."Skye called back to Yuki as she headed towards her room to change. Yuki thought about it for a moment then hopped off the counter. Suddenly he transformed back into a human. Skye came back out. "Have you-"Skye trailed off seeing the nude now human Yuki standing in front of her. Her eyes widened and she turned around.[I]Oh my dear Kami...Why is Yuki-kun is my kitchen not too mention totally naked?!?![/I] "Well this is akward..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [URL=http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i198/sammisaysBITEME/Anime%20Girls/animegirl_and_dragon.jpg]Her looks[/URL] [URL=http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i198/sammisaysBITEME/Anime%20Girls/6aebefd4.jpg]Her outfit[/URL] -
This is a Fruits Basket fanfiction with a slight InuYasha crossover. Tohru is absent for most of the story because she doesn't fit into the intended story line. I hope you enjoy this fanfiction! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1 ?DARK MAGIC BLAST!? Yuki?s head shot up as he heard the words. ?What the-? he was cut off as guy was sent flying through the paper door and on their meal. ?WHAT THE HELL?!?? Kyo yelped. A girl stood where the paper door once was. She had a long staff and was currently pointing it at the guy who had sat up on the table. Yuki took a second look at the girl. She was about five feet tall and had extremely pale skin. In fact she looked awful familiar to him. She had short reddish orange hair and a pair of black cat ears on her head. Yuki, for a second, thought she was Honda Skye except with reddish orange hair. He took a second glance and almost thought she was going to recognize him. The male on the table glared up at the girl. ?You bi-?The girl took him off by taking a very fast stride and whamming him in the face with her staff. ?What was that?? She asked coldly. Yuki, at that moment, could have sworn she was Honda Skye. The girl looked up at Yuki and for a moment he saw recognition flicker across her face. She took a step back then ran off. Shigure turned to the table only to find that the male had disappeared as well. ?That girl looked familiar..? Yuki trailed off. ?She did?? Kyo asked. He had certainly never seen a girl with cat ears before. ?Didn?t she remind you of Honda?san or are you blind?? Yuki asked. Kyo was about to remark back when Shigure cut in. ?You two lovers may want to check this out.? Shigure said. The two were about to reply but then saw what Shigure was pointing out. ?Oh?.My?.God.? Yuki could not believe his eyes. On the ground was Honda-san. ?H-honda-san??? Yuki stuttered out. Kyo looked at Honda unaware of who exactly she was. She still wore the same outfit as the other girl. In fact for a moment he thought she was the same girl but noticed the hair was not too much longer but the hair was black. ?That?s that freaky girl who hangs around Uotani and Hanajima? She?s the smart one of their crew.? Kyo said out loud. Yuki wanted nothing more then to turn around and punch Kyo in the face. Instead he calmed himself down and turned his attention back to Honda. ?Shigure, help me get Honda-san into the house.? The gray haired teen said. Shigure nodded and reached for her arms. Yuki lifted her gingerly around her waist making sure not to trigger a transformation. They got her into the house and laid her down on a makeshift bed. He sat near the makeshift bed, watching for signs that Honda would wake up. Ten minutes later, a very groggy Honda Skye sat up rubbing her head. ?Did I win?? The groggy Honda asked. Yuki didn?t know what to say. In fact he wasn?t even sure if she had won. The guy had disappeared. ?Uh.. Don?t worry about that now, Honda-san. Just rest.? Yuki said and gently tried to push her back into laying down. She barely put up a fight and fell back asleep. The next morning Yuki woke up to a frightened shout. [I]Damn it Shigure?. Do you have to be such a perv?[/I] Yuki sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He got up and headed towards the living room where Honda had been asleep. When he got there, he saw a very freaked out Honda standing across from a very calm Shigure. Yuki walked over to the two. ?Good morning Honda-san.? Yuki said calmly. Honda turned to him. Skye?s POV Oh my?.Why is Sohma-san here?! Where am I?? I didn?t know what exactly to say. ?Uh?Um? Good morning, Sohma-san.? I replied unsure of myself. I looked down and saw I was still wearing the same dress from yesterday. [I]Oh damn! Looks like I?ll have to feign ignorance to get outta this one![/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [url=http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e200/sara_bunny/Anime%20Girls/kitty_look.jpg]Her hair and ears and staff[/url] [url=http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i198/sammisaysBITEME/Anime%20Girls/1128715287_cpinkshoes.jpg]Her outfit[/url] [size=1][color=darkblue]Please make sure you accurately rate your threads using this forum's thread rating system. You can check the rules sticky thread to get a better idea of how to rate your threads. -Shy[/size][/color]
Well my name is Samantha... In Japanese it translate to Sakura which means cherry blossom. It also means something about about being hardheaded which I am.
[QUOTE=BlueEyedAngel]Red 6: 1. I am mainly refering to the bussing that took place during the 1950's. 2. "People of all skin colours are all of the same kin, as they are all humans." By that logic, I could say "people of every family are relatives". It's true to a degree, but if inclusion/exclusion can apply on a family level, it can apply on a racial/ethnic/tribal level. 3. The "master race" was 30% of the world population in 1900 and in 2000 it was 15%. Today whites are only having 7% of the world's babies. We're hardly "spreading". I'm simply doing my part to ensure a future for my people. 4. Not much to argue about there. 5. It is much easier for say, German and Irish immigrants to blend in to a predominantly Anglo-Saxon society than it is for say, Mexicans. For Irish and Germans, once they assimilate into the culture and learn the language, that's about it. For Mexicans, it is more complicated because they LOOK different. 6. Every human being is of equal value, every religion is not equally valid. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh onto the Father but by Him. 7. If that's how you define racism, than I am, by all means, a racist. Nothing to argue about there. John: " And if you want to take pride in something, let it be nationality, not race. Race isn't a good measure of anything." I define a nation as a people sharing a comman tribal origin/ethnic background, not as a geographic location on the map. FYI, in many parts of African people identify themselved with their tribe, more than they do with their country. Two people living in the same country, if they are of different tribal origins, will identify eachother as foreigners. Redemption: I do not consider whites superior and other races subordinate in the sense that you might think. In general, Asians have more intellectual ability; blacks more athletic ability, and whites are about in the middle. I do not desire to see whites rule over blacks or visa versa. I wish to see whites rule over whites; blacks over blacks, Asians over Asians. We all have the right to our soveriegnty and independence. Enough for now. TTYL.[/QUOTE] *glares* Where did you learn history? Off the back of the cereal box? To be totally honest...My mother is a white Puerto Rican/Itilian but you wouldn't know it if you looked at her. Heck...You'd think I was adopted if you saw my mother and I were walking down the street together. Would you like to know why? It's because my mother sees the good in all people and dated a brown skinned Puerto Rican. And the fact that she is PuertoRican/Itilian proves my grandmother dated out of her race. I really don't see why you act like everyone has to date within their race. And why should there be a leader over each race? Everyone's got their own mind and shouldn't need a leader! I believe that you,sir, have lived a sheltered life and should trying dating out of your race....You'll be surprised to find that no matter the race that at the end of the day [B]we are all the same.[/B] We all have feelings and thoughts. So get off your goddamn throne and get out into New York City. But I don't think you'd last a day with your attitude in New York City. And about Christianity being the "Master religion"....Paganism and Judiasim predates it. I for believe that the Goddess and God created us. Yes that's right I'm Wiccan. *shockshock* Well that's the end of my rant....I hope to see you on Jerry Springer very soon. I have the feeling I'll be seeing you on there soon. Ps-If you don't agree with me and believe me to be an uneducated "spic" then freel free to go to my profile to find my IM handles and IM me. Go ahead..I dare you.
Well this is my first username for Otukaboards. I think my username tells people that I'm laid back or shy...But I love my username. It was the first username I ever made for my first forum! I can't see myself changing it.
Racism is an ugly horrible thing. But I don't believe it'll die. As for the question "Do you have a racism story?" Yes I do. You see my mother is a white puerto rican itlain urkianan woman & my father is a brown-skinned puerto rican. So my own skin is pale tan. And mostly everyone assumes that I'm adopted because my mom is much lighter then me. In elemantry school, I was pretty much tormented because of my color & I didn't fit in with the cacusian kids or the african-american kids. Also I have trouble fitting in with the hispanic kids because I don't speak much spanish. And for some reason people think I'm slow or something and I can tell they think I'm slow because the way they speak to me. And I'm not slow! I'll post more. I'm tired and I'm going to bed Good night all
I would like to control the darkness. I mean think about it. Darkness always happens! If I could control it that'd be AWESOME!
[quote name='blooming']can i be erica?[/quote] Sure! I hope we get another person!
What do you think your signature says about you?
Starfire0567 replied to shadowpimp's topic in General Discussion
My signature shows (I guess) that I don't care about feeling pain. Also it shows that I just want to me. But I might change it a bit....Not sure XP -
This is a recruiting RP. Once I get a few people,I will make the RPG thread. The characters [COLOR=Indigo]Name-Luna Age-16 Height-4'9 Weight-99 3/4lb Looks-Long black hair,extremely pale skin with brilliant green eyes Outfit-A purple peasant style short sleeved shirt and a short black peasant style short skirt that falls to her knees & black flipflops Personality-Very quiet. She doesn't like to talk very much. She is friendly with people she trusts. She also doesn't trust too many people. Bio-Her father was sorcer who believed his daughter had great power so he always pushed her to work harder. After a few years,she revolted against him & was banished from her home. Her mother is in a vegitive state and has been since Luna was little. She's the youngest of the group. She reads alot & Race-Magicalbeing Power-Wind sorcess Weapons-A fan that gives her the ablity to have better control over the wind[/COLOR] Name-Mimi Age-19 in human years but 20 in Elf years Height-5'4 Weight-110lb Looks-Meduim length dark brown hair,pale tan skin with light brown eyes Outfit-A dark blue shirt that says "Random and I love it!",light blue jeans & gray converses Personality-Loud & outgoing. She talks alot but knows when to get serious. She is super friendly with everyone she meets & is a very likeable person. Bio-She has a twin brother. Although she is the oldest of her friends,she listens to Luna the most. Race-Elf Power-None Weapons-A small dagger [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name-Erica Age-17 Height-5'7 Weight-108lb Looks-Long ash blonde hair,light blue eyes and fair skin Outfit-A pink shirt that says "You break it you buy it" and dark blue jeans with white and pink sneakers Personality-Very friendly. She gets along with everyone. Her father died when she was born but she doesn't let it bother her. She's the second oldest. She loves to have fun. Bio-She studies languages with Luna & speal several different languages. She has two older brothers Race-Faerie Power-her faerie magic Weapons-Her scepter [/COLOR] If a character is in color then it means she's taken. Does anyone have any idea of this RP could start off??
I saw InsideMan. Has anyone seen it? What do you think of Nicholas Cage?? I thought he was good in this movie. The ending was kind of surprising.