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Everything posted by Starfire0567

  1. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Alright, so I watched it, and I love it. I'm sure there'll be those who gun it down, but I seriously think that the Wachowski Brothers got their acts together after trashing The Matrix II and III. I think that the movie provides a fair amount of action, but more importantly, food for thought. While I didn't appreciate how [spoiler]America was in a civil war, it was still good. The knife-time was another great spin on the bullet-time created by The Matrix I -- very innovative, I think.[/spoiler] Anyway, I thought the plot was solid, the acting was good, and while a few effects were slightly cheezy, I'd certainly buy it on DVD.[/size][/QUOTE] I saw it too. I thought it was amazing! I have to agree about buying it on DVD! My grandfather & I saw it. He thought it was really bashing the Bush...But I guess that's what made me love it more. [COLOR=White]I was -really- hoping for VxE to go through..It's a shame it didn't![/COLOR]
  2. A list of songs that I'm obssesed with- Rock wit it Lean wit it-Dem Franchize Boys (blame my friend's myspace page) Heaven-Ayumi Hamasaki BEEP-PussyCatDolls w/ Will.I.AM Scars-Papa Roach Unwritten-Natasha Beddingfeild Tempture-Sean Paul FLOOD-Lunica Arma Nightmare-Halifax I normally NEVER listen to R&B or hiphop but Sean Paul And D.F.B are kinda of an exception.
  3. My weakest emotion is sadness for sure! I -always- make it seem like I don't care...And sometimes I really don't.
  4. ashwolf-I saw Volume11.....I almost bought it! (But since I'd hadn't read Vol.2 at the time so I didn't)
  5. [QUOTE=LoadedPistol][COLOR=YellowGreen]1. I love Ramen!!!! 2. Of course I know what ramen is...And yes, you do sound like Naruto. 3. I've always hated the 3 min. wait, so I cheat. I put hot water on the ramen, then pop it in the microwave for a minute, and voila! Perfect ramen! ^_^[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well I do like Naruto so it's all good!
  6. I made some questions! 1)Do you like Ramen? 2)Do you know what Ramen is? (I sound like Naruto LOL) 3)If you DO like Ramen & know what it is,do you HATE the three minute wait for the water to boil?
  7. I have seen the Japanese eps with subtitles. Does anyone know where I can get the box DVD set? [CENTER] -----------------------[/CENTER] [quote name='Dark Neko-Chan][COLOR=DarkRed']I wish the series did go on longer... I think there are only eight volumes of the manga [/COLOR][/quote] Actually the manga seris is up to volume 11! I saw it at Barnes And Nobles. [SIZE=1][INDENT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Please do not double post [B]Starfire0567[/B], if you wish to add something just use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post. Also it is not necessary to include the entire quote when responding to someone. You can simply remove the part that you are not referring to by removing the text between the two [quote] tags. A good rule is that if the quote is longer than your post, you need to make it smaller. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/COLOR][/INDENT][/SIZE]
  8. The stupidest thing I have ever done was just today. I'm walking with my friend & this guy who I pratically LOVE is with his friends right? So like a smart person -sarcasm- I start running past him! I have no idea what made me start running......XP
  9. I posted this on 4kids & decided to post it here! Chp1 Princess Sakura Matsuri looked at a statue. Her father had promised her a birthday gift & for reasons beyond her understanding decided to get her a statue. Now Sakura wasn't hard to shop for when it came to birthday presents. But surely her father wasn't that unsure of what to get her. She knew that she had alot of books but there was still a few that she was dying to read. "So SakuraMatsuri-hime what do you think of this one?" Her father asked. The statue was old but rather interesting. She studied it closer then looked towards her father. "I like it." Sakura looked at the statue. Her father grinned then paid the owner of the musem. The statue was teleported directly to her room. "Well my dearest cherry blossom,we shall go home,"her father said smiling. She smiled back & her father teleported them home. Sakura went straight to her room. The statue stood at the foot of her bed. She picked up a piece of paper that laid at the statue's feet. The paper looked acient. Her hands shook as she read the paper. Free me! My name is Sasuke Uchina. Please free me.
  10. [QUOTE]1.) If I could be one animal for a day, I'd have to say a housecat. Why? Because they're so elegant, graceful, and everyone will give me exactly what I want when I want it. Well...all of the cats I've met have had big egos, so it shouldn't be that surprising. 2.) Yep, I can cook simple things pretty decently. I absolutely love anything that entails baking as well,as I'm a rabid carb addict, and I find the act itself to be very comforting. Also, I learned how to make a decent omlette recently. I'm very proud. 3.) I can name a couple right now, but it will cement me into the epitome of geekdom forever. I'd love to have a walk on role in Star Trek TNG, because I'm that bad. For something more realistic, I'd choose House because the show is funny. Now, I finally have a couple of questions! 1) What type of books do you like to read? 2) What kind of career do you want to have? 3) Do you have any pets?[/QUOTE] 1) What type of books do you like to read? Manga,novels Also Fantasy,Horror and just about anything (nothing Xrated) 2) What kind of career do you want to have? Writer,Journalist or News Reporter 3) Do you have any pets?Yeah a pug named Baha
  11. My strongest emotion would be indifference.....Everyone thinks that I don't care.
  12. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#cc33cc][font=lucida calligraphy] There weren't any random questions for me to answer. Name: Meg/ Chibi Horsewoman/ Mimimi/Mamama (my daughter can't say mommy yet) Age: 24 Despriction: 5'5 give or take. Not exactly slim and athletic. Medium length medium brown hair that is in serious need of a trim and green/hazel eyes. (For a better idea see the pretty picture- I'm not the one eatting paper) [IMG]http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f272/Chibi_horsewoman/Make%20me%20over/Abby/Yumwoodfiber.jpg[/IMG] Favorite Color: Purple Location: Western NY Personality: A bit immature at times, but I'm working on that. I have a good sense of humor and I'm very straight forward sometimes to the point of being rude. Don't get me angry because I won't hesitate to tell you off. I'm really sarcastic at times I'm loyal to my friends and I have a tendancy to speak with a southern accent even though I'm a native New Yorker Hobbies: Horseback riding (well it was) Reading writing, drawing (when inspired) Playing w/ my daughter (she'd be the one in the pic eating paper) Slight History: I'm adopted, I'm divorced. I hate my ex with a passion, I used to live in Killeen Texas and will never do so again. Likes: Honest people, talking to people, anyone who can debate with me, arguing (which is coincidentally like debating), people who can take a joke. Winx Club (desperately seeking the original episodes) anime and reading Dislikes: Rude people, my ex, scary movies, clueless people and the main characters of cartoons Other: I'm really weird and random at times. I have ADD and one of my friends actually told his brother that I like to talk about my underwear! Oh and I'm addicted to CNN Mornings and Desperate Housewives. Three questions for someone else to answer: 1.) If you could be one animal for a day either real or mythological what would you be and why? 2.) Can you cook? 3.) Which live action TV show would you like to Cameo on?[/color][/font][/QUOTE[FONT=Century Gothic]][COLOR=Indigo]Name: Samantha Age:13 Despriction: medium black hair,extremely dark brown eyes,tan skin, about 5'1 Favorite Color:Purple Location: New York Personality: Sarcastic at times,very quiet but don't start with me....I'll make you regret it,I can stay calm on the outside even when I really want to beat the crap out someone & I could less if someone doesn't like me & I don't care what anyone thinks Hobbies:Reading & writing stories & poetry,watching anime & reading manga Slight History: My parents are seperated & finally getting a divorce. I hate my dad's girlfriend,I've changed my religion (my mum wasn't exactly thrilled about it) Likes: Ramen,the colors purple & black,any & just about all anime, Winx Club, writing Dislikes:My dad's girlfriend,my cousin keith,my nickname Sammie (only Meg & a few others can call me Sammie),jerks,closeminded people Other:I'm goth with alittle artsy,I tend to use "kun" or "chan" and sometimes mix languages Time to answer Meg-chan's questions! 1.) If you could be one animal for a day either real or mythological what would you be and why? Mythological because I love the whole lengend thing! 2.) Can you cook? Yep! :catgirl: And I don't burn down my apartment! 3.) Which live action TV show would you like to Cameo on? RealWorld KeyWest[/COLOR][/FONT]
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