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Everything posted by kuroinuyoukai

  1. Where my mother lives there is a channel called Encore and on Sundays it plays different anime series. I caught an episode of Saiyuki Reload? this Sunday. Forgive me if I mispelled the name of the show as this was the first time I have ever seen or heard of it. It looked pretty interesting. Without spoilers- can anyone tell me perhaps what this show's storyline is and if it is something that would be worth watching? Thanks in advance.
  2. I usually just wear cheap sneakers form WalMart or somewhere. I have no time or money to shop fopr $100.00 sneakers.
  3. I am 31 and most people think I am 23-24 in person. now online they have said that i act like a teenager. What that means I don't really know... Does that mean i act immature? :animeswea
  4. My first exposure was basically my babysitter liked to watch porn at her house in front of me. I had no idea what it was but I learned quickly that it was bad to watch when my mom jerked me out of that woman's care. I wasn't told anything about sex. I learned what i know from informing myself as soon as i got old enough to use an encyclopedia and read a health book.
  5. I am a baptist. i believe all the beliefs except one. I think that just because you believe in Jesus does not give you the right to do whatever and still go to heaven. Although if that's how it really is then there's not much I can do about it.
  6. I am scared of being stalked and murdered. unfortunately right now- i have a stalker who just can't seem to get the point that I havte her guts. I also have this fear that I will always be alone and never find love.
  7. I know that my first name(Amanda) means "lovable" and it's Latin. My last name(Davis) means "son of David" and I think it's Hebrew but who knows...
  8. [COLOR=Purple]What year did you graduate from High School? Well well I am an old schooler. I graduated on May 27, 1993. What "clique" did you belong to? Well I was a wallflower. So I guess the "mute" clique. I mainly had only one friend and she spent our high school years spreading rumors behind my back. :animeswea Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch? Yeah I remember all the cruelness from my so called "friends " who just wanted to copy my homework and no I don't talk to them. I am not good enough for them. What state/province/country did you graduate from? I graduated from a Mississippi school. No offense to anyone from MS but that seemed like the poorest state ever. I couldn't even take my books home because all classes had to share them.. Do you remember your high school enemy? Like I said- my true enemy was actually my best friend and yes she won't let me forget her. Sorry if i sound bitter but high school was the pits.[/COLOR]
  9. I will click if I am asked by a friend or I know the person. If I don't know what it is, I don't. I am so tired of people biting me or stealing my soul.
  10. Well if it is my first time watching it- I prefer the dubbed versions. If I have watched it before- I don't really mind the subtitles. But is really hard to read and watch the action too.At least for me anyway.
  11. I heard this on the news yesterday. I was really into the Ramsey case and always thought that the mother did it out of jealousy for her daughter. I had forgotten much of the case until they showed the story recently on Lifetime. How odd that this guy was found a few days after they aired the movie.. This guy may be lying-but why he would lie about killing a little girl much less having sex with a child- I don't know.. :animesigh
  12. maybe you should just talk to him and tell him that you are worried. Sounds to me like he doesn't need any more trouble with his parents..
  13. Um well the walls are off white with tan carpet. My bed is sitting on one wall covered in stuffed animals. I have tons of books and elephants on a large bookcase and posters and pictures of Inuyasha all over my walls.
  14. I have a myOtaku account under the same name. I started on Otaku and just migrated over here. I used to stay on Otaku all the time. I haven't posted in a while on my page although I have submitted art.
  15. Well at the moment I am listening to goth and industrial. I would say Psyclon Nine, Blut Engel and Fields of the Nephilim...
  16. [QUOTE=Tical Blue]well, I'd definitely like to meet kuroinuyoukai since she's a close frined of mine, though she isn't really on OB anymore. I'd like to meet Dragon Warior so that I can worship the ground he stands on. Also, I guess I'd like to meet Ziggy Cignus just cuz he's cool. :catgirl:[/QUOTE] Well I would like to meet you too, Tical, because I tend to see you as a little brother and worry too much.. Anyway I want to meet Retribution because he seems like a nice guy and I always liked his artwork. :catgirl:
  17. I love [I]Family Guy[/I]. Some of the jokes you wouldn't get unless you are a child of the 80's...I love everything from the 80's and when Peter sings the songs I crack up. I fear that it will finally suck towards the end like [I]The Simpsons [/I] do.
  18. I have been overweight since I hit puberty. I started out as chubby and became quite obese. I can eat carrots all day and still gain weight. I have been told by doctors that it is a medical problem that needs meds to be controlled. The only time I really lost any significant weight was when I was in the hospital and was only allowed to eat strict foods and when i am at college(Can't eat when you're broke) :animesigh
  19. Hmmm last year I was nervous thinking how great college would be. I also had to quit my job thanks to a certain idiot that still won't stop foloowing me. I was confident and happy that my life was going forward. Now I am miserable and scared that I will lose my cool and fail another semester due to stress.
  20. I would say my mom but frankly I have friends that I care more about. Not to be awful because i know that she gave me life but all she does now is make me miserable. I don't really know who the most important person is in my life. I guess it's me at the moment as I burned all my bridges over the last couple of years. I have a few internet friends who i think are really special to me in ways but I guess that doesn't count either.
  21. I just copied my original post from when I was a member before. Hope that's ok. My opinion still stands. Ok well- I am into older guys and i am one of the ones that like Sesshomaru. I think's he's a beautiful creature.I think Edward Elric is cute(no, I am not a pedophile and I think Inuyasha and Koga are cute too. Bankotsu(from Inuyasha) and the dark haired thunder brother from Inuyasha("what was his name!?!") was kinda cute too.
  22. I have a Facebook and a mySpace. I joined both to keep in touch with friends who no longer wished to chat on OtakuBoards. I don't really get on there much except when i get notified of a new message. I really don't see what the big deal is at all.
  23. "Life sucks and then you die." I don't know who said it but when something goes wrong that's what I say to myself..I guess I rely on it too much sometimes as an excuse for not getting off my butt and improving my life. :animeswea
  24. I usually read signatures if the writing is a different color or large. Or if there is an image that catches my eye.
  25. [quote name='Animesword']I wish i had never seen BoBoBoBo-Bo-Bo-Bo. :animeangr (I don't think I spelled it right......)[/quote] I had already posted earlier with my old account but I agree with this one totally. This anime is very annoying to me.
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