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Everything posted by EternalParadise

  1. Dating ain't all that bad. But falling in love :animedepr i'm tooo wild and crazed for any guy to tie me down. and if i met a guy that did i know theres sumthing there but right now the guys i hang around with are idiots.
  2. its on a school day so you can't really do much there ^^;; i went out with my lovers :)
  3. Well thats a good thing to notice. haha. instead of looking at a girl when she talks to you. Look at her hands. =) lol Well i'm 16 so i'm not all that interested in engagments or nor do I look at guys that are.
  4. [[RIGHT]SIZE="3"][COLOR="Purple"]Second last year of high school. Um yeah. Exams this week. How wonderful is that. :animestun my friends are awesome no worries bout that. but this year, i'm losing myself in everyway. man i gotta get back on track. >_< [/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT]
  5. [SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Magenta"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]lol late night snacks are the bomb. i always find myself shoving fruits and cereal down my throat. at least its better than eating a pizza XD but occasionally i give into my ice cream cravings =) [/FONT]:animeswea[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE]
  6. it sso sad! I love heath he had sucha amazing stage presence and like omg i'm going to miss seeing him on my tv screen. i love his eyes and the way he talks omgg.. sucha shame to see an amazing actor and person that actually has talent in the entertainment industry. RIP.:animecry:
  7. [COLOR="Purple"][B]here lies EP. too bad she was too small to have her own coffin. for shame. or i'm dead. but it still doesn't mean i can haunt you. yea thats right be afraid. HEHE >=) [/B][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Actually, I don't really mind. Fillers are quite fun and amusing to watch, because its pointless and it a break from all the important stuff.. :animesmil Except for Naruto fillers..It's half an hour of watching Naruto doing stupid things. Geez talk about mindless.. :sleep: [/COLOR]
  9. Mew Mew Power (ew), Duel Masters, Yugioh, DBGT (sorry i love DB/DBZ but DBGT was just so lame). Just watching one episode of those shows made me want to rip my eyes out :animestun *goshers* This is one of my first times going on the boards *akwardly looks arounds* :sweat:
  10. [QUOTE=Avenged666fold]This thread is dedicated to your favorite badass character. Plase be specific and write in detailed and informative sentences. Mine is The demon council from berserk. They are my favorite beacause all of them are completely evil,and they pull the strings for armies of mighty demons. They even inflict fear into my favorite character in berserk ZOD.[/QUOTE] uhh..I dunno maybe Sesshomaru from InuYasha? He is pretty evil, but nice.. XD :animeswea
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