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Everything posted by vat2anime

  1. [QUOTE] $body$ [/QUOTE] Okay, I'm trying to figure out how to make my image for the post transparent(opacity). Also by using this code, I hope to make it so that the post box is at constant size making the $body$ scroll. Now how would I do these two? EDIT:Okay forget what I said up above. What I want right now is to find a way to make a post look like this: [IMG]http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/1/11/626513/akfgwallpapeexample.JPG[/IMG] I'm sorry I had to go great lengths to explain, but I guess it'd be much easier that way. Now I need the html codes for this post style to happen. The actual image should be here. [url]http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/1/11/626513/akfgwallpaper72s1024x768.jpg[/url] It's a 700 X 525 pixels. If anybody can help me then i would be most appreciative.
  2. IS there a way that I can have my original background stay still while scrolling through my guestbook? OR is there a way that I can have my guestbook background have different wallpaper then the wallpaper I have on my page? EDIT: This might be asking for the impossible and I'm sorry for that...
  3. [quote name='Panda']You can PM or email me your myOtaku.com member name and I can delete the avatar for you.[/quote] Thanks, but I kinda like the fact that there's no pic on my page AND that I can still have my ava show up on guestbooks and comments. ;)
  4. Can somebody tell me how do I delete my profile avatar? AND i don't mean my forum avatar, I mean my website page myotaku. AND I also don't mean REPLACING IT, I mean DELETE IT so that I have no avatar.
  5. I've searched through the internet looking for a source code that can make your page fade when opening: One thing is I'm not sure where to put it. I've tried putting it in the introduction and that didn't work. I'm also trying to figure a way to making a loading screen when opening up my page. can anyone give me the source code and where to put it?
  6. [quote name='vegeta rocker']What on earth are you talking about? :therock:[/quote] Meaning who's page looks best out of all myotaku webpages.
  7. Okay, I downloaded the file (and yes I do have Macromedia flash 8 pro). How am I suppose to add songs to it?
  8. Thanks, I just figured out how to embed a flash on my site by looking at someone elses and clicking on the source code. Heres what I did: Insert this into your introduction or post. You can adjust the width and height if you want to. Escpecially the quality (Low, Medium, High). hope this helps for the people who want to insert a flash in their site. I have another question. How do you make a flash jukebox?
  9. Okay, I've searched this whole forum and I still can't find it. I have my flash hosted but I can't seem to embedd it on one of my posts. Can somebody help me? BTW, can you embedd png files?
  10. Okay, I see your point. Alright I've done most of the things to my site already. What are the advanced customization benefits are there? (don't worry about telling me how to do it. I just need the lists of benefits that's all.)
  11. [quote name='Hisao']ive already watched those two anime...anyway thx for your coop..you have a good taste i can say... :animesmil[/quote] Your Welcome! Wanna be friends? (don't worry, I'm not a psycho...XD) You can also try Ah my goddess! or Air TV. Air tv has the best musik.
  12. [quote name='Hisao']i have enough money to buy a lots of anime..so im asking a favor ur proffesional opinion for me to buy anime that have Drama,romance,and comedy genres in it..pleasee.. :animesmil[/quote] Pick up Onegai (please) Teacher or Ai Yori Aoshi. These two are my top two in the romance, comedy, drama category.
  13. Hey, I'm new at myotaku. How do you make the background image stay in place when you scroll down your posts? And How do you set the boxes so that it can be transparent to the background? How do I add cool stuff like multimedia(flash, music jukebox, videoclips) on the site?
  14. I'm Vietnamese, but most people think I look like a Puerto Rican.
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