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Everything posted by xwoodlandelf

  1. I think it looks GREAT! ~*~ Cho-lin
  2. That is really good, u have a talent! ~*~ Cho-lin
  3. I know alot of people that like this anime/manga but i have never read or seen it. I think i better go now and start to invesitgate and see how goo it really is! * runs off* ~*~Cho-lin
  4. Those are really good pictures, i havent seen the smaller flowers b4 though, but they are still beautiful.
  5. Both anime and Manga are great, but in manga this are different then they are in the anime sometimes, i would say the anime is better than most of the manga. But dont get me wrong both are awesomely great!
  6. If I could be any anime character i would be Yuna from Final Fantsay. Because she is really pretty, cool, and 1 of the best anime chicks ever... and she has an awesome outfit!
  7. Well, i dont really think there was 1 certain anime that started me, i like dbz whan i was smaller, but living here u cant just find 1 that strated it, i have grown up with it so its always been there. But i didnt really get interested in drawing anime, and reading manga all day. But it was something that every1 in my family does, my parents say its because we are sticking to out culture, but what ever. Even if were not my culture i would still be interested in it.
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