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Sonic Dead Kid

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About Sonic Dead Kid

  • Birthday 03/26/1991

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    Im mellow most of the time and i like hanging out with friends
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  1. in my opion i think its disgusting...Its just me...I do not agree to minors like us to be dating people 4 years older then us. Think about it...Just recently i had this probelm with a friend of mine. She had a bf that was 19 and she was only 15.They dated for like a month then the guy has kept talking to her about sex.always saying "baby i love you so much i wont ever leave you" Then the day before valentines day they had sex the day after he dumped her..She tells me over and over about her mistake i promiss you its not a joke god as my witness. Im always hearing stories about the dating issue thingy then when the people that expericned it i hear so much how they regret it. Dont make a choice what alot others make. Its just my statement it may not mean nothing but its just to let you know. If you would go on and date him if something bad will happen then i dont know what to say. But i promiss you after 3-5 years looking back on it.You'll regret it... If i were you...i wouldnt do it Edit: and another thing. I know adult over 21 date like 4 years apart...buts thats diffrent its perfectly legal for them and its thier choice..Heck my parents are 6 years aprat and they make a perfect couple.They have their bad times but only once in awhile...But anywayz. The age diffrence of him almost being 18 and you still a minor...thats illegal...he would sorta be considered as a pedifle...
  2. probally the anime i miss would be "Duel" even though i didnt see every episode it still was great^^ I remember always being in suspence when i would watch always yelling at the t.v whenever a comercial had came on i was like." ERR I HATE YOU!" xP but yea it was a great anime..the last episode i saw was they had to attack a secret wepon and the next episode was to determin to see if they had completed the mission..but after that episode i never saw it again ;-; :animecry:
  3. The Quote i live by is "If your not rememberd,Then you never existed" It makes me think of making someone of myself. To be memorized by the people around.
  4. heh I got one ^^ "You did what! *whack on the head* How dare you look at my panties your pervert!"
  5. Like the thread says, Whats your favorite song line from any song? All you gotta do is pick any song from your choice and pick one line that you like or apeals to you be sure to put the songs name and band or artist Here is mine ^^ Tiger Army-Under Saturns Shadow- And I'm trying trying. Trying to find a way! Out of the blackness of this tunnel at the end of the light!
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