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About Taltos

  • Birthday 07/07/1988

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  • Biography
    I'm a geek, professionally speaking. Sort of. If you read my articles on theotaku, I'll love you forever. -^_^-
  • Occupation
    Professional High School Genius

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  1. Afternoon, kids. I was talking to my coworker today, and she mentioned a book. It promotes the theory that there is a set number of plots out in the 'verse, and that's it, no more. She thinks the author's Italian, and his name may start with P. She also thinks it may have been published in the early 1900's. My ever-helpful coworker also thinks that the book may operate off a religious standpoint. Obviously we're lacking some crucial information. Does this ring a bell to anyone? I really wanna read this. XD Any help is appreciated.
  2. First of all, I love you, John. And second of all, it's important to remember that the dinosaurs in JP were genetically wrong. Everything about them was unnatural, and they eventually died from disease [in Lost World]. The novel featured extensive talk about how evolution was spinning in its proverbial grave. Not that it's dead. But spinning nonetheless. Key word: research. Subtext: waste of forum.
  3. Taltos


    Fate is a very tricky concept. You can theorize that everyone's fate is to die, and you'd be right. Because what is a person's life, anyway? A series of events that may or may not be noticed by more or less people than the [i]next[/i] series of events. The point is, it's an exercise in futility to obsess over it, because then your fate will have been wasted. :D
  4. I found the soundtrack at a music store on clearance. I've never seen the show, but the soundtrack's pretty hot.
  5. Basically, anything from Thievery Corporation. Their stuff is the soundtrack to life. :catgirl:
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