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About Anime_Kami

  • Birthday 08/06/1990

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  1. Anime is different from any other catoon. The story, the drawings, etc... In Ameican cartoons, I notice that the kids are always the main character, and that they make the parents look stupid or dumb. Anime is not just for kids, it's for teen, and adults, even though most people think it is for kids just because it is 'animated'. That bothers me.
  2. I have a lot of friends who argue that Tohru should either be paired up with Yuki or Kyo. Both of them have equal chances with Tohru. I think Tohru should go with Yuki because there are so many more 'moments' with those two, in the anime and in the manga. And plus, Yuki is so much sweeter than Kyo. What do you guys think? [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=Seagreen][B]Anime_Kami[/B] I am moving your thread to the existing Fruits Basket thread for the following reason: To avoid confusion we ask that you do not create another thread. Please go ahead and post in the current one no matter how old it is. Before you post any thread, please check the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Seagreen][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if there is already a thread on that topic. It is also a good idea to perform a forum search on that subject to make sure another thread does not already exist. Please take a moment to review this sticky on [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269] [COLOR=Seagreen][B]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/B][/COLOR][/URL] . If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  3. This might seem wrong right now, but Sesshomaru and Rin. Sesshomaru never ages and once Rin gets older, they could have a relationship. I know I'm crazy, but thats a good couple.
  4. I like Spirited Away, but I personally think that Howl's Moving Castle is better. Some parts I don't like, but overall, it's a great movie. [COLOR=SeaGreen][INDENT][SIZE=1][B]Anime_Kami[/B], please put more effort into your posts, simply listing which ones you like without explaining a bit as to why you like them is spam. ~Aaryanna[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
  5. Also, I would like to date Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. He is just so cute! Not to mention powerful. I perfer his blond or black hairstly rather than the other ones.
  6. I like guys that have long silvery hair, but mostly long hair who are queit, but powerful (as you can see from my signature). Examples: Yue and Sesshomaru. Ijust don't get how they make the guys look so good?!!?
  7. I would have to say Riku from DNAngel. She is kind of the rebel and she isn't "girly" like Risa. And she is athletic.
  8. DNAngel, the ending confused me. The series left people to imagine what would happen, but I'm not good at that, so I didn't get it.
  9. I like anime because, compared to any other cartoons, the artwork seems pretty realistic. And, also the artwork is very pretty, with all the sparkles, and bubbles and all that stuff. I love to draw, so one of the greatest things I like about anime is their eyes. It's so unique.
  10. If i could be an anime character, I would be Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. She is so lucky to live with the Sohmas, and she is also very happy all the time. All the guys from the Sohma house like her!
  11. [QUOTE=sesshyWife][COLOR=DarkRed]I have so many fantasy dreams about going out with Sesshomaru. That i claime myself as his wife and we have 132 kids together. He is way too cute for his own good and so smart and devilish that is so apealing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I did have a love before sesshomaru though it was Kurama from Yu Yu Hakashou (hope i spelled it right). He was the tottal package. Cute, funny, smart, loyal, compasionate, lovely, the rose thing is too beautiful, and he has red hair that the true color of love and he had a nice body espically as Youko. Kurama is just mmh. But the one thing he didn't have was Sesshomaru's evilness and deep mysterious voice. If he did he would have been the perfection of a life time. more like a god.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]check my site out it's all around my baby sesshy[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]www.gothicpriestess.piczo.com [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you. Before I actually watched the show, I always wondered, who is that weird guy witha fluffy thing over his head?. But now, he reminds me of Yue from Cardcaptors, and Yue is the only reason I watch Carcaptors. :animeblus
  12. Some anime guys, for example, Naraku, from Inuyasha, is evil, but still kind of cute. The villians are always the cute guys in any ainmes! Can anyone name others?
  13. [quote name='Lady Katana][color=darkblue][size=1]The most obvious thing that could go here would be [b]Fruits Basket.[/b] They left the series entirely too open-ended for the people who don't read the manga (which is all of three people, I know). But it certainly would be great to see them make a second season to put in all of the other important things they didn't get to in the first.[/color'][/size][/quote] I totally agree with that. Also, DNAngel should have a sequel. The whole series left too many questions. :animestun
  14. I would go on a date with eaither Yue or Dark Mousy! They are bothe pretty and powerful!!!
  15. The whole Mew mew cast exept for Renee... They are so happy all the time...It's kinda annoying. I like Renee, she's cool, calm and collected, but powerful. Mark is just like a clone of Tuxedo Mask!!!!
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