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About Bloody-Chi

  • Birthday 07/07/1989

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    Visual Kei

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  1. Bloody-Chi


    i cannt tell wish is the favorite song of mine... but i think the black album or S'nM are the best cd's
  2. i'd do anything for my friends to have it as good as posible even if i had to take my own life for them to live on, sence my friends is all i can have to balance me in skit world and i hope they would do the same thing for me..heh...well not risk they'r own life(cous dat's my part :p )... i would allso do the best for them even thoe it risks our friendship without my friends i'd be a halow shell wit no one to shear my time with , good or bad :D
  3. [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=System]id rather buy it to GC then wavin so readiculesly wit the nunchakus (they could've done better dan that) but den ill hafta buy a new GC kontrol sence mine's broken^^ and i realy wanna know wat instrument's gonna be in...if its the ocarina again(if there gonna be one at all -_-;;(i hope)) or some other kick *** instru :D The sword stile dat i've seen is like in soul calliber, and dat's kinda cool too^^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. My stile is like visual kei so im a huuuge fan of Muccu 'n Diru.. and resently i found a new band Merry(kinda late :animeswea ) and my gf is like, in love with gara (the singer) for some reasone i dont understand...but any wey..(i hate him...dont ask why-.-;;
  5. Well this has some depressing replies... but the music i like is kinda depressing too^^ If there's some music you don't like then don't post it here...then like do a own thread for music to write down all the music ya don't like..or something like that^^ my current favorite music's: Muccu-greatest sound there is, Dir en Grey-dont like all but :animesmil , KorN-ive seen them live, Berzerker-ya like screaming noice then this is for ya'n some more :animeswea but im open for new music so pliz shear wit mi :p plix don't say antin bad 'bout da music...or i'll kill ya :D
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