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Everything posted by BondFanatic
Anyone here like them? If so, what's your favorite song? My favorites are Sister Disco and Eminence Front.
[I]Several years in the future. The world is not at peace. Many wars have been waged by many nations. World leaders are assasinated and replaced almost weekly. Their replacements are often corrupt, thus they are killed as well. The world as we know it today has ceased to exist. Many of the world's biggest cities are in states of constant anarchy. Various organizations roam the world as scavengers, pirates or simply murderers. Most of the world lives in a constant state of fear, knowing that their next breath will most likely be their last. But, there are several so-called "clean spots" around the globe. These "spots" are lightly populated due to the unsafe journey to them, but they offer a safe haven to anyone who successfully makes the trip. Their defenders are a mix of various soldiers. Former Green Berets, MI6 agents, Israeli Intelligence. Their affiliations no longer matter. They are of one group. The group has no name. The only words associated with it are "Identity Zero". The rumors say that it's the name of their leader. Or the name of their plan to take over the world. No one knows. Only the members of Identity Zero know the truth. They are an elite brotherhood, and their secrets are kept tight. Up until now, Identity Zero has kept the survivors safe. But now, someone has united the scavengers, the pirates and the murderers into one group. Slowly, this group of barbaric attackers spreads over the land like a plague. Their leader is rumored to be a former member of Identity Zero. The leader is simply known as "Game". He is rumored to have left Identity Zero for psychological reasons. The rumors say that a clean spot he was guarding was overrun, and the occupants murdered savagely before his eyes. The bloodshed caused him to go insane, thus causing him to leave the organization and turn against it. Now, Game's group is targeting the last few clean spots on Earth. Identity Zero knows he is coming, and they have since Game left the organization. But they do not know how large the threat is. They do not know when it is coming. But they are prepared to defend against it.[/I] [B]Okay. So, basically, you're a soldier of a loosely confederated group defending the last survivors of the wars. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Organization: (What real world intelligence/special forces unit was he/she from. Please list a real organization. If you need a list, please tell me.) Weapons: (Limit one small, one large) Equipment: (Three items that your character has with him at all times. Things that are small enough to carry in a backpack or on a belt. Specialties: (What your character excels at. Rate one specialty at level 3, the highest, one at level 2, and one at level 1, the lowest.) a. Combat - (Something that actively involves fighting, such as sharpshooter training, CQC, etc.) b. Non-Combat - (Something indirectly involved with combat, such as stealth, vehicle repair, etc.) c. Miscellaneous - (Something that has nothing to do with combat whatsoever, such as culinary skill, computer hacking, etc.) [/B] And here's mine. Name: Jason Portamus Age: 35 Gender: Male Appearance: Jet black hair, blue eyes, gray shirt, flak jacket, black pants, combat boots Bio: Was originally part of the Green Berets. Disappeared after a failed mission. Mission failure cause unknown, although signs point to beauraucratic bickering over planning. Went underground and reappeared several years after the establishment of Identity Zero. Joined Identity Zero and ascended the ranks in short time. Now head of two North American clean spots. Organization: Green Berets. Weapons: XM-25 Prototype Interchangeable Multi-Purpose Assault Rifle, Glock 18 Select-Fire Machine Pistol Equipment: Night Vision Goggles, Medical Kit, GPS Transmitter Specialties: a. Combat - Stealth (3) b. Non-Combat - Medical Treatment (2) c. Miscellaneous - Forgery (1)
Why did you bump a topic two years old?
The only way you'll find out is if you ask her out. Just go for it. If she says no, than don't worry about it. It sounds like you two are really good friends, and if she turns you down, I don't think it'll affect it.
[B]The $1,000,000 Phobia Challenge (Sucks, I know)[/B] Each contestant is given one week to complete a list of challenges. They cannot recieve help from anyone, and they've got ten challenges to do. Before the show, each tells the producers their phobias, and as it turns out, each of their challenges involves their phobias. For instance, acrophobia - the fear of heights: someone has to climb up a skyscraper with only a harness and rope and retrieve a flag or something. Then they need to hook themselves into a parachute and jump off the building. Whoever hasn't wussed out by the end of the week goes onto the Final Phobia round, where they are subjected to the ultimate challenge, which includes elements from all ten of their challenges. Winner gets $1,000,000. If everyone wusses out, then no one gets the money.
I'm not sure if a lot of you remember me,but yeah, I'm back. I've taken a break for MBing for a while, and now that it's summer, I've got the time. Can anyone fill me in as to what's happened in the past six months? I'd like to get reacquainted with the board that got me started on MBing. Any flame wars, major administration changes, etc.?
[size=1]Woo, I'm back![/size] I saw only the beginning of this movie. It was hilarious beyond belief. The part with [spoiler]the teacher saying all the things about the boy in the flashback in the beginning was funny.[/spoiler] Also [spoiler]the "The Chood" subway sign[/spoiler] was the greatest gag ever!
I've found that sitting outside and watching the rain fall is very calming. Because of that, I find rainy days enjoyable.
[i]Several hours later, on a jumbo jet, Janitov Guberovski sat in first class, sipping a glass of champagne. He had been able to stow his pistol in his pack with a fake police commission. So far, there had been no problems. He was just preparing to lie down and sleep when his pager vibrated. He pulled it out and read the message. "Change of plns. Leave plane. Pickup on way."[/i] [b]Stewardess[/b]: Sir, please put the pager away. [b]Janitov[/b]: Sorry. Can I please speak to the captain? [b]Stewardess[/b]: Sure. [i]As the stewardess walked away, Janitov reached into his pack and pulled a small black box from inside. He stuffed it under his seat and pressed a button. The box gave a small beep, and Janitov straightened up. He walked into the cockpit and, after closing the door, raised his gun. Pulling the trigger twice, he killed both captain and pilot, and walked out of the cockpit. As the plane began to dip, several people began to scream, and the stewardess ran down the aisle. She was stopped dead as Janitov fired his gun, putting a bullet clear through her head. He then turned and grabbed his backpack and strapped it to his back. He raised his gun again and shot the window. As the plane depressurized, the entire left side of first class was ripped from the plane. Janitov jumped towards the hole and flew out of the plane. After he was clear of the wings, he pulled a cord on his pack and a parachute flew out, slowing his fall. After he had been falling for a few seconds, Janitov pulled a small remote from his pocket and pressed the button. He watched the plane fall for a moment, and pressed the button again. Just before the plane hit the water, an explosion ripped through what was left of the first class cabin, sending a ripple of explosions along the side of the plane.[/i] [b]Janitov[/b]: They just had to put my seat near a fuel line, didn't they? [i]After the wreckage of the plane had floated below the water, Janitov pulled another cord on his chute, and a small light began blinking. He watched on the horizon as a small black shape began moving towards him.[/i]
OOC: Sorry, didn't notice the IC post. [i]Enter an unknown city, somewhere in Asia. The rain was falling hard and fast, and the streets were close to empty. The few people that were in the streets were walking fast and not paying attention to anything else. Because of this, no one noticed a man in a trenchcoat with a pack on his back walk out of a rundown shop. He was wearing gloves and a black mask. The man's hair was covered by a black cloth. With the rain falling in sheets, no one noticed him slip a silenced pistol into his trenchcoat. He walked several blocks up the street and popped the lock on a door. Inside, there was a small light at the top of a staircase. He walked up the stairs, stepping lightly as to not alert his target to his presence. As he neared the top of the stairs, the source of the light was revealed. A man was watching a small t.v., with a laptop computer to his side. The man snuck up behind his target and grabbed him around the throat and mouth. The man struggled, but fell limp as the silenced pistol was smashed against the side of his head. The man laid the body out on the floor and pulled a towel from his back. He laid it underneath the man's head, and raised his pistol. With a single pull of the trigger, a small hole appeared in the man's forehead. The man pulled a pair of tweezers from his pack and poked into the hole. He pulled the bullet out, and put it into his pocket. Next, he pulled out a digital camera and took a picture of the man's face and plugged the camera into the computer. He typed in a certain email address and sent the picture with a message - Job done. After he finished sending the email, he pulled the computer from the wall and stuffed it into his pack. He walked out of the building and threw his sack into the bed of a truck waiting across the street. He pulled a tarp off of the bed, uncovering a crate marked "HE". He threw the backpack onto the crate and walked away. When he was several blocks away, the man pulled a remote from his other pocket and extended the antenna. He pressed the single button on the remote, and waited. Moments later, a tower of orange flame lit up the night sky, and car alarms could be heard for blocks. The man flagged down a taxi and got in.[/i] [b]Taxi Driver[/b]: Aah, Mr. Guberovski. I take it everything went well? [b]Janitov[/b]: Yes. Take me to the airport. We're going to Cuba next.
Is that the original RX-78-2 Gundam? If it is, the shoulder armor is a little too high. If you use this image in other banners, take that into consideration. Otherwise: 9.9/10.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuluvr1 [/i] [B]Mine is when Meg was a waitress and she pretended Stuey was her baby, the crack addicted one I laughed for days on that episode, [/B][/QUOTE] That episode is hilarious! Stewie keeps asking his foster parents for pancakes. Their response is hilarious! Stewie: I want pancakes! Foster Mom: Pancakes must be street for crank or something!
Name: Janitov Guberovski Age: 24 Gender: M Description: Jet black hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular build. He usually wears a black trenchcoat. Weapons: Silenced Heckler & Koch MP-5N SMG, Dual Silenced 9mm Glock 17's, K-Bar Knife Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Outfitter
I've had a concussion before. My brother was spraying bug spray on the floor. I didn't know, and I was standing up. I slipped, my head hit the tile, and I was out cold for 6 hours. EDIT: Forgot to say. This was only a few days ago.
I'm deathly scared of heights and have been since I was 6. I was riding my bike and lost control. I fell down a very steep hill and broke my leg and both arms. I was incapacitated for weeks. :( :(
[i]As Julie and Richie are interrogating Bonafide (masks still on) there is a knock at the door. Garret draws his gun and pulls it open. Kenny finds a gun in his face and puts his hands up.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Who are you? [b]Kenny[/b]: Name's Kenny. I'm here to take your prisoner downtown. [b]Garret[/b]: Wait. You're a cop? Badge. Now. [i]Kenny holds out his badge, and Garret nods.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Bring him up here! [i]Bonafide is dragged up the stairs and drugged with more sedatives. Kenny puts him in the back of his car and comes back. All four Mirage take off their masks.[/i] [b]Kenny[/b]: Wow. You're Team Mirage? You're all cops? [b]Garret[/b]: Yeah. You need something? --Several hours later-- [i]As Magic chases after Earl, Garret drives by and notices them. He pulls up in his Jag, without his cop clothes. He follows behind them without showing himself and cuts a corner. He cuts in front of Magic and gives him a sedative injection. He slumps to the ground, and Garret leaves him. He runs after Earl and corners him.[/i] [b]Earl[/b]: Who are you? [b]Garret[/b]: Quite a few things, actually. 1. The owner of your car. 2. A street racing champ. 3. A cop. [b]Earl[/b]: I knew it! I'm gonna ******** rat you to Nate! [b]Garret[/b]: Damn it! Shut up! I didn't finish! 4. The last thing you'll ever see! [b]Earl[/b]: Fu-- [i]He is cut off as Garret raises the gun and fires a single round into his chest. Earl falls over, and Garret fires one more round, this time to the head. He grabs Earl's wallet and walks off.[/i]
I saw the movie recently. I enjoyed the movie. Overall, very good. Funny parts: [spoiler] 1. Jack got slapped around a lot. :laugh: 2. The part where Jack has the coin and he steps into the moonlight and turns into a skeleton. The line "That's interesting" made that part very funny[/spoiler] Plus, Keira Knightley is hot, and Orlando Bloom is cool. Perfect match. [spoiler]The part where Jack fell from the gallows and Will threw the sword under his feet to keep him from hanging was on par with the scene in LOTR where Legolas stabs a guy with an arrow and shoots another guy with the same arrow.[/spoiler] That scene was very good. [b][size=4]9.5/10[/size][/b]
[i]As the night passes on, Team Mirage begins to load equipment into two smaller trucks. They do not speak, and when they finish, they drive off. [/i] --1 Hour later-- [i]The semis pulled up to a small house, and all four Mirage members, wearing masks and black clothing got out. One of them punches out and window and lobs a flashbang grenade inside. The grenade explodes, and all four go inside. Several minutes and several gunshots later, they drag a man out and put him in the back of one of the trucks. They cover him up and drive off.[/i] --Minutes later-- [i]The trucks drive up to a house and leave the trucks out front. They pull the man from the truck and he falls to the ground. The man begins to stir, and one of the Mirage members sticks a syringe in his neck. He falls limp. They drag him into the house, and tie him to a chair. When the lights come on, the man is revealed as Bonafide![/i] OOC: Shinobi, hope you don't mind me doing this. It's not going to affect your posts at all. It's just a distraction for something Garret's going to do later. Bonafide's not going to die or anything.
[b]Garret[/b]: Good. Now, I've heard your car's in a bit of a slump. It's in bad shape, right? [b]Nate[/b]: Yeah. Why? [b]Garret[/b]: How about you pull it into the garage and we fix it up? [i]Nate goes to his car, but he is interrupted by the Mirage Semis arriving. Julie gets out of the first one and shakes her head.[/i] [b]Julie[/b]: Darn newbies. Some first-timer crashed his car at the track. We can't go. Who's this? [b]Garret[/b]: Julie, this is Nate. Nate this is Julie, and the two guys in the other truck are Eric and Richie. [b]Nate[/b]: Hey. [b]Julie[/b]: Nice car. An Escudo, right? From what it looks like, you need new tires. [b]Garret[/b]: I was about to bring his car back and fix it.
[i]As Garret rides in the truck, his radio beeps, and he picks it up.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: This is Lione. [b]Radio[/b]: Surveillance is ready. Nate is heading towards the store. We'll have the info on Zach within the next ten minutes. [i]Garret stops the truck and gets out. He goes to the back of the trailer and opens it up. He gets into his Jaguar and rolls it out the back. He signals to Julie, who moves into the driver's seat. He closes the truck back up and drives off in his car.[/i] --Back at Mirage Street Parts-- [i]Garret's Jaguar pulls up just as Nate arrives. He gets out and approaches Nate's car.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Nice to see you followed up. I'll have someone pull it around back. [i]He goes inside, and comes back out a few minutes later. A tow truck comes from behind the building and pulls Earl's car away. Garret grips his gun under his jacket and approaches Nate again.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Part one is done. Where's the money Earl owed me?
[i]As Garret pulls into Mirage Street Parts, he raises a small remote and clicks it. The back gate opens, and he drives in. He parks his Jaguar in the garage and walks over to a door. He slides a card through the lock, and the door opens. Inside is an elevator. He walks in and presses the bottom button. The elevator drops, and when it opens again, Garret is standing in a dimly lit room.[/i] [b]Voice[/b]: Officer Lione, any leads yet? [b]Garret[/b]: Yeah. He's going to boost some cars for a guy named Zach. I don't know which ones, when or where. He's going to stop by the shop later. I want surveillance around the store. Nothing suspicious. I don't want my cover blown. Also, I took these pictures before I approached them. I think this is Zach. Can you check it out? [i]Garret hands the officer a polaroid picture of Zach.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: I want anything you can get me. Family, criminal record, fingerprints. I want all the information I can get. I'm going to nail this guy. From what I've heard, he's gonna kill Nate if he doesn't deliver. I want them by the time Nate gets here. 6:00. [b]Officer[/b]: Got it. [i]Garret goes back up the elevator and walks into the shop. A crew of racers walks in and walks to the counter.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Hey, you need something? [i]The man hands him a list.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: This'll take me a while. Our next shipment on the Vortech parts comes in Friday. You getting ready for Race Wars, huh? [b]Man[/b]: Yeah. There's gonna be some tough competition there. [b]Garret[/b]: So where do you need these parts delivered? [b]Man[/b]: Morales Racing. You know the place? [b]Garret[/b]: Yeah. [b]Morales[/b]: Ok. Thanks man. I'll pay when we get the parts. [i]Morales leaves, and Garret turns to a clerk.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Hold down the fort. I'm taking the crew. [i]He walks to the back of the shop, where two guys and a girl are sitting.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Eric, go call Tom and tell him we're coming out. Richie, you're driving truck two. Julie, load the cars up. [b]All[/b]: Got it. [i]About a half hour later, two 18-wheelers with the Team Mirage logo painted on their sides pull from behind the shop and drive off.[/i] OOC: Best team in the area. We even got 18-wheelers to haul our cars. Cool, huh? And just wait until you see how Garret's going to take Zach down.
[i]Garret turns to see Earl and Nate driving off and smirks again.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: I got this. [i]He jumps back into his car and follows Earl. As they drive around the corner, a gunshot is heard, and one engine stops. The gang waits a minute, and Nate, Earl and Garret come from behind the building. Earl's right front tire is blown out, and Garret has his gun drawn. As all three cars stop, he gets out and points his gun at Earl.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Give me the ******* car, now! [i]Earl hands over the pink slip and runs off.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Problem solved. Now I heard you're boosting cars to save your skin. I can help. I'm not here to join your crew, because I've got my own crew, Team Mirage. We've been boosting and using the cars in races for a long time. We're the best of the best. This Jaguar is mine, but the stuff under the hood is from someone I beat. Check it out. [i]He pops the hood and everyone is amazed.[/i] [b]Nate[/b]: Woah! How much did you spend on this? [b]Garret[/b]: Around 75 grand. I've got a nitrogen cooling system installed also, because of what's in the back seat. [i]He pushes the front seat forward and lifts up a panel in the back reavealing 3 silver cylinders.[/i] [b]Nate[/b]: That's got to be at least 27 liters! [b]Garret[/b]: Yep. Three nine liter tanks. Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to stop by my garage later. We're at Mirage Street Parts, which is downtown. Bring Earl's car, and tell the clerk the manager sent you. I want that car delivered by 6:00 tonight, ok? And get the $50,000 from him, too, ok? [i]He gets back into his car and drives off.[/i]
[i]As Zack pulls away, a red Jaguar pulls up next to Nate. The window rolls down.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: You Nate? [b]Nate[/b]: Yeah. [b]Garret[/b]: I might be able to help you with your situation. I'm Garret Lione. [b]Unnamed Gang Member[/b]: Wait, you're Garret Lione? Nate, this guy's a champ! [b]Nate[/b]: Prove it. [i]He calls another unnamed gang member forward, and motions for him to get in his car. Garret gets out of his car and flashes two things: his car's pink slip and a wad of $50,000.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: We race for pink slips and 50 grand. Got it? [b]Racer[/b]: Yeah. [i]As they both move to the starting line, both racers start their engines, but Garret takes his foot off the accelerator. The other racer flies off, and Garret counts down.[/i] [b]Garret[/b]: Five...four...three...two...one. [i]He floors it, and races off. Within seconds, he has caught up to the other racer, and smiles at him. He mouths the words, "You lose." He presses the NOS button, and the car pulls ahead. Seconds later, he crosses the finish line.[/i] OOC: Anyone who wants to reply.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HoT LaVa 904 [/i] [B]Hey I wanna know what nickname did yall get in Be a Legend mode. I got poster I don't know why. [/B][/QUOTE] My created baller is Theo "Rain" Norton. I think he got the nickname because I always make long-range shots with him. Cool thing is, I have two outfits exclusive to Norton. I have his Street Champ outfit, (black with Street Crown on front) which you get for beating Be A Legend mode (The A.I. is so easy. I beat Be A Legend on Legendary in a day and a half.). He also has his NBA uniform, which you get if you beat NBA Challenge. You get to assign your baller to any NBA team you want. Norton is on the Spurs. As my starting lineup, I used '96 Michael Jordan, "Dr. J" Julius Earving and Theo Norton in NBA Challenge. I never lost
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]as it has zero close range weapons[/B][/QUOTE] That's incorrect. Model number: RX-77-2 Code name: Guncannon Unit type: prototype artillery mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces "Project V" Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: September UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso with Core Block System using FF-X7 Core Fighter Dimensions: overall height 18.1 meters; head height 17.5 meters Weight: empty 51.0 metric tons; max gross 70.0 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1380 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 22600 kg, 4 x 1650 kg Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.74 G; 180-degree turn time 2.0 seconds; maximum ground running speed 78 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6000 meters Fixed armaments: [b]2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head[/b]; 2 x 240 mm cannon, variable independent-fire/fire-linked, 20 round magazine each, mounted over shoulders Optional fixed armaments: 2 x spray missile launcher, mounted over shoulders in place of 240 mm cannons Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap As you can see, it has close-range and long-range armaments. The vulcans may not e powerful, but they still are close-range.